Annai Mira College of Engineering and Technology: Department of Eee Ee-8702-Power System Operation and Control
Annai Mira College of Engineering and Technology: Department of Eee Ee-8702-Power System Operation and Control
Annai Mira College of Engineering and Technology: Department of Eee Ee-8702-Power System Operation and Control
11. A. Discuss with a neat flow chart the procedure for finding the solution
For unit commitment problems using forward DP method.(15)
B. A plant has two generators supplying the plant by and neither is to be
Operated below 20MW or above 135MW. Incremental costs withPG1and
PG2in MW aredF1/dPG1=0.14PG1+21 Rs/MWhr dPG2=0.225PG2+16.5Rs/MWhr
For economic dispatch, find the plant when the demand equals (a)45MW (b) 125 MW
S(c) 250MW.
12. A. Analyse the coordination equation for economic dispatch including losses and
Give the steps for economic dispatch calculation, neglecting losses.
B. (i) The cost characteristics of three plants of a system are C1=0.05P 2+17.0P
2 2
1 321 2=0.06P +14.4P +200 Rs/hourC3=0.08P +9.0P +240 Rs/hour
Where P1,P2,P3 are in MW.The incremental transmission losses for the network with
respect to plants 1,2 and 3 are 0.05,0.10 and 0.15 MW per MW of generation. Examine the
optimal dispatch for a total load of 100MW and also its incremental cost of received power.
13. A. Discuss various functions of SCADA with neat diagram. Also list some of the
Common features of all SCADA systems.
B. Explain the security monitoring using state estimation with necessary diagrams.
14. A. (i)Explain the network topology determination method with the factors involved in it.
(ii)Explain the power system security and control with neat flow chart.
B. Explain the operating states of a power system in the security perspective with an
15. A. Explain various state transitions and control strategies using state transition
B. Write descriptive note on hierarchy of power system operation system and
Control in India.
16. A. Draw a state transition diagram of a power system showing different sets of
Operating states classified according to security level. Mark on the diagram and
explain the state transition that may occur due to system disturbances and also the
different control action that can be taken to improve the security level of the
B. Give λ iteration algorithm for solving economic scheduling problem without