Secure Development Lifecycle (4th Copy)
Secure Development Lifecycle (4th Copy)
Secure Development Lifecycle (4th Copy)
Secure Development Lifecycle 1
Secure Development Lifecycle Overview 1
Secure Development Lifecycle Tracks 1
Developer Security Training 2
Design/Architecture Review 2
Threat Modeling 9
Security User Stories/Security Requirements 10
Automated Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) 12
Automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST) 13
Open Source Software Vulnerability Assessment 13
Penetration Testing/Assessment 13
This framework applies to all software products and services developed by GE customers, partners, and
developers. It also applies to related integration efforts involving commercial or open source software.
The customers, partners, and developers must have resources available to them in order to follow the SDL
prior to publishing an application or service for GE Digital.
The following tracks are integral to the SDL implementation and each is explained in greater detail in
focused sections further in this online artifact.
• Developer Security Training – Ongoing courses provided to developers to improve their understanding
of techniques for identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities. Training focuses on topics including
threat modeling, DAST testing, and coding techniques to prevent common defects such as SQL
• Design/Architecture Review – A collaborative effort between the partner or customer development or
engineering teams and their own product security group to assess and develop application or service
design patterns that mitigate risk to the platform and associated applications and services.
• Threat Modeling – A structured approach for analyzing the security of an application, with special
consideration for boundaries between logical system components which often communicate across
one or more networks.
• Security User Stories / Security Requirements – A description of functional and non-functional
attributes of a software product and its environment which must be in place to prevent security
vulnerabilities. Security user stories or requirements are written in the style of a functional user story
or requirement.
• Automated Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) - A process of testing an application or
software product in an operating state, implemented by a web application security scanner.
• Automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST) – A process of testing an application or software
product in a non-operating state, analyzing the source code for common security vulnerabilities.
• Penetration Testing – Hands-on security testing of a runtime system. This sort of testing uncovers
more complex security flaws that may not be caught by DAST or SAST tools.
Note: Traditional SDL for Agile does not require automated DAST or SAST, but the general industry trend
is towards automation, both to promote consistent usage and to improve efficiency. This is critical for
developing on GE Digital or Predix's Industrial Internet applications and services.
Related Concepts
Automated Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) on page 12
Automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST) on page 13
Design/Architecture Review
An application or service developed by a customer, partner, or developer must produce an architecture
and design that has taken into account security considerations to help improve the overall GE Digital
platform and products security posture so that everyone can benefit from it. The cost and effort of
retrofitting security after development is too high. An architecture and design review helps development
and engineering teams validate the security-related design features of their application or service before
starting the development phase. This allows the partner/customer to identify and fix potential
vulnerabilities before they can be exploited and before the fix requires a substantial re-engineering effort.
The architecture and design review process analyzes the architecture and design from a cybersecurity
perspective. Ideally, the design will commence with assistance from the partner/customer product
security teams or other experts at the concept phase. If design artifacts already exist, it should facilitate
this process nonetheless. Despite the comprehensive nature of the design documentation, the
development and engineering teams must be able to decompose the application and be able to identify
key items, including trust boundaries, data flow, entry points, and privileged code. The physical
deployment configuration of the application must also be known. Special attention must be given to the
design approaches adapted for those areas that most commonly exhibit vulnerabilities. The guidance
provided here will help the partner/customer develop and secure their products and services.
For further information on this subject, refer to tables below:
• General Design Principles for Secure Software Development
• Securing Web Applications
• Secure Session Management
• Transport Layer Protection
• Securing Passwords
• Mobile Application Security
Minimize the Principle of least privilege Minimizes the number of actors in In a traditional web portal
number of high- the system that are granted high application, the end user is only
consequence levels of privilege and the amount of allowed to read, post content, and
targets time any actor can hold onto its enter data into HTML forms, while
privileges. the webmaster has all the
Separation of privileges, Ensures that no single entity (human Developers should have access to
duties, and roles or software) should have all the the development and test code/
privileges required to modify, delete, systems; however, they should not
or destroy the system, components, have access to the production
and resources. system. If developers have access to
the production system, they could
make unauthorized edits that could
lead to a broken application or add
malicious code for their personal
gain. The code needs to go through
the appropriate approvals and
testing before production
deployment. On the other hand,
administrators should be able to
deploy the package into production,
but should not have the ability to edit
the code.
Separation of domains Makes separation of roles and Database administrators should not
privileges easier to implement. have control over business logic and
the application administrator should
not have control over the database.
General Principles Key Practices Benefits Examples and Practices
Do not expose Keep program data, Reduces the likelihood that an On Unix or Linux systems, the chroot
vulnerable or high- executables, and attacker who gains access to jail feature of the standard operating
consequence configuration data program data will easily locate and system access controls can be
components separated gain access to program executables configured to create an isolated
or control/configuration data. execution area for software, thus
serving the same purpose as a Java
or Perl sandbox.
Segregate trusted entities Reduces the exposure of the Java and Perl’s sandboxing and .NET’s
from untrusted entities software’s high-consequence Code Access Security mechanism in
functions from its high-risk its Common Language Runtime (CLR)
functions, which can be susceptible assigns a level privilege to
to attacks. executables contained within it. This
privilege level should be the minimal
needed by the functions to perform
its normal expected operation. If any
anomalies occur, the sandbox/CLR
generates an exception and an
exception handler prevents the
executable from performing the
unexpected operation.
Minimize the number of Reduces the attack surface. Firewalls provide a single point of
entry and exit points contact (chokepoint) that allows the
administrator control of traffic
coming into or out of the network.
Like a firewall, strive for one entry
point into any software entity
(function, process, module
component) and ideally one exit
Assume environment data is Reduces the exposure of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
not trustworthy software to potentially malicious (Java EE) components run within
execution environment components contexts (for example, System
or attacker-intercepted and modified Context, Login Context, Session
environment data. Context, Naming and Directory
Context, etc.) that can be relied on to
provide trustworthy environment
data at runtime to Java programs.
Use only trusted interfaces This practice reduces the exposure Application-level programs should
to environment resources of the data passed between the call only other application-layer
software and its environment. programs, middleware, or explicit
APIs to system resources.
Applications should not use APIs
intended for human users rather
than software nor rely on a system-
level tool (versus an application-level
tool) to filter/modify the output.
General Principles Key Practices Benefits Examples and Practices
Deny attackers the Simplify the design This practice minimizes the number The software should limit the
means to of attacker-exploitable number of states, favor deterministic
compromise vulnerabilities and weaknesses in processes over non-deterministic
the system. processes, use single-tasking rather
than multitasking whenever
practical, use polling rather than
interrupts, etc.
Hold all actors accountable This practice ensures that all Enforce accountability with the
attacker actions are observed and combination of auditing and non-
recorded, contributing to the ability repudiation measures. Audit
to recognize and isolate/block the amounts to security-focused event
source of attack patterns. logging to record all security-relevant
actions performed by the actor while
interacting with the system. Audits
are after-the-fact and often can be
labor intensive; Security-Enhanced
Linux (SELinux) can be used to
enforce data access using security
labels. Non-repudiation measures,
most often a digital signature, bind
proof of the identity of the actor
responsible for modifying the data.
Timing, synchronization, and Modeling and documenting timing, Whenever possible, make all
sequencing should be synchronization, and sequencing individual transactions atomic, use
simplified to avoid issues. issues reduce the likelihood of race multiphase commits for data writes,
conditions, order dependencies, use hierarchical locking to prevent
synchronization problems, and simultaneous execution of processes,
deadlocks. and reduce time pressures on system
Make secure states easy to Reduces the likelihood that the Software should always begin and
enter and vulnerable states software will be allowed to end its execution in a secure state.
difficult to enter inadvertently enter a vulnerable
Design for controllability Makes it easier to detect attack To increase the software
paths, and disengage the software controllability, design the software to
from its interactions with attackers. have the ability to self-monitor and
Take caution when using this limit resource usage, provide
approach since it can open up a exception handling, error handling,
whole range of new attack vectors. anomaly handling, and provide
feedback that enables all
assumptions and models to be
validated before decisions are taken.
Design for secure failure Reduces the likelihood that a failure Implement watchdog timers to check
in the software will leave it for the “I’m alive” signals from
vulnerable to attack. processes and use exception
handling logic to correct actions
before a failure can occur.
Securing Web Applications—OWASP's Code Review Guide Recommendations
Authentication • Ensure all internal and external connections (user and entity) go through an appropriate
and adequate form of authentication.
• Ensure all pages enforce the requirements for authentication.
• Pass authentication credentials or sensitive information only using the HTTP POST
method; do not accept HTTP GET method.
• Ensure authentication credentials do not traverse the wire in clear text form.
Authorization • Ensure the application has clearly defined the user types and the rights of said users.
• Grant only those authorities necessary to perform a given role.
• Ensure the authorization mechanisms work properly, fail securely, and cannot be
• Do not expose privileged accounts and operations externally.
Cookie Management • Ensure that unauthorized activities cannot take place using cookie manipulation.
• Encrypt the entire cookie if it contains sensitive data.
• Ensure secure flag is set to prevent accidental transmission over the wire in a non-
secure manner. The secure flag dictates that the cookie should only be sent over secure
means, such as Secure Sockets Layer.
• Do not store private information on cookies. If required, only store what is necessary.
Logging/Auditing • Ensure the payload being logged is of a defined maximum length and the logging
mechanism enforces that length.
• Log both successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts.
• Log access to sensitive data files.
• Log privilege escalations made in the application.
• Do not log sensitive information.
Session Management
Attacker guessing the user’s session ID Session IDs should be created with the same standards as passwords. This
means that the session ID should be of considerable length and complexity.
There should not be any noticeable pattern in the session IDs that could be
used to predict the next ID to be issued.
Attacker stealing the user’s session ID Session IDs, like all sensitive data, should be transmitted by secure means
(such as HTTPS) and stored in a secure location (not publically readable).
Attacker setting a user’s session ID (session The application should check that all session IDs in use were originally
fixation) distributed by the application server.
TLS • Require TLS for all sensitive pages. Non-TLS requests to these pages
should be redirected to the TLS page.
• Configure your TLS provider to only support strong algorithms, for
example FIPS 140-2 compliant.
• Backend and other connections should also use TLS or other encryption
Cookies Set the secure flag on all sensitive cookies to prevent the browser from
sending any cookie with the secure flag enabled to any HTTP connections.
Certificates Ensure your certificate is valid, not expired, not revoked, and matches all
domains used by the site.
Securing Passwords
Password Minimum Length Enforce a minimum length requirement for passwords, as established by
policies or regulations. OWASP recommends at least eight characters, but
16 characters or the use of multi-word pass phrases provides a better
Password Reuse Prevent password reuse. Passwords should be at least one day old before
they can be changed.
Failed Login Disable the account after a certain number of failed login attempts.
Password Security Recommendations
Error Messages Display generic error messages when a user types in an incorrect user name
or password.
Insecure Data Storage Store only what is absolutely required. Never use public storage areas, for
example SD cards. Leverage secure containers and platform-provided file
encryption APIs and do not grant files world readable or world writeable
Weak Server-Side Controls Understand the additional risks mobile applications can introduce into
existing architectures. Use the wealth of knowledge already available, for
example, OWASP Web Top 10, Cloud Top 10, cheat sheets, and development
Insufficient Transport Layer Protection Ensure all sensitive data leaving the device is encrypted. This includes data
over carrier networks, Wi-Fi, and so on.
Client-Side Injection Sanitize or escape untrusted data before rendering or executing it. Use
prepared statements for database calls (concatenation is a bad practice)
and minimize the sensitive native capabilities tied to hybrid web
Poor Authorization and Authentication Contextual information can enhance the authentication process, but only as
a part of a multifactor authentication. Never use a device ID or subscriber ID
as a sole authenticator. Authenticate all API calls to paid resources.
Improper Session Handling Do not use a device identifier as a session token. Make users reauthenticate
every so often and ensure that tokens can be revoked quickly in the event of
a stolen/lost device.
Security Decisions Using Distrusted Inputs Check caller’s permissions at input boundaries. Prompt the user for
additional authorization before allowing consummation of paid resources.
When permission checks cannot be performed, ensure additional steps are
required to launch sensitive actions.
Side Channel Data Leakage Understand what third-party libraries in your application are doing with the
user data. Never log credentials, PII, or other sensitive data to system logs.
Remove sensitive data before screenshots are taken. Before releasing apps,
debug them to observe files created, written to, or modified in any way. Test
your application across as many platform versions as possible.
Prevention tips: Do not store the key with the encrypted data; use what your
platform already provides. Do not develop in-house cryptography.
Sensitive Information Disclosure Do not store the private API keys in the client. Keep proprietary and
sensitive business logic on the server. Never hard code the password.
Threat Modeling
Threat modeling is a structured approach for analyzing the security of a product. Threat modeling
evaluates the various attack surfaces of the product and identifies the vulnerabilities in design, thereby
helping the software architect to mitigate the effects of the threat to the system.
2. Determine and rank threats
Threats are identified using a threat categorization methodology. A threat categorization such as
STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of
Privilege) can be used to define threat categories such as:
• Auditing and Logging
• Authentication
• Authorization
• Configuration Management
• Data Protection in Storage and Transit
• Data Validation
• Exception Management
3. Determine countermeasures and mitigation
A lack of protection against a threat might indicate a vulnerability whose risk exposure could be
mitigated by implementing a countermeasure. Such countermeasures can be identified using threat-
countermeasure mapping lists. Once threats are assigned a risk-rank, sorting them from the highest
to lowest risk is possible. Risk-ranking also simplifies prioritizing the mitigation effort and threat
response by applying the identified countermeasures.
Entities external of GE shall review security user stories within their development team and/or with their
SDL partner, make corrections as appropriate, and then enter these stories into the appropriate issue
tracking tool. Security stories are updated as functional requirements are added, changed, or removed.
Note that that there are two broad categories of security user stories:
1. Evil user story – Focused on how the hacker will exploit a vulnerability to compromise the security of a
system. This sort of story is told from the hacker’s point of view.
2. Nonfunctional security user story – Augments the functional definition of a product. This sort of story
provides security guidance.
The following sample set of security user stories was provided to an actual project team and was useful in
securing their product prior to public rollout. Some stories have been removed and others have been
modified so as not to reference the original project directly.
This set includes both nonfunctional security user stories and so-called evil user stories.
Scenario Evil Story Consequence Notes
2 Sample Project default As an unauthorized user / 1. All Sample Project Refer to:
password complies with hacker, I know that the accounts are deployed
Company XYZ password default Sample Project with default passwords
composition rules. Predix user password is that comply with the AccessManagement_Policy
"predix," enabling me to Company XYZ password
access an unattended composition rules.
customer Sample Project
instance that has been
customized by its owner
and where sensitive
information has been
Tinfoil Security:
Penetration Testing/Assessment
Even when you have followed all the above steps, there may still be a possibility of a defect or
vulnerability making it to the final gate prior to going into production. To that end, pen testing provides a
final validation that secure code is going into production. GED P&P Cybersecurity recommends that all
customers, partners, and developers undergo this level of testing prior to final release to production. At
the discretion of GED P&P Cybersecurity, it may require a final pen test be conducted by the GED P&P
Cybersecurity Red Team.
The pen test assessment method is defined by the main attack vectors and test scenarios to be carried
out based on the information provided by the requestors. The goal of the pen test is not to have
comprehensive coverage of code scanning or finding all security defects that the technology has, but
rather focus on areas where there may be higher business risks. For example, the scenarios may target to
identify security defects that may expose critical data, compromise credentials, or have potential
reputational impact on the business. A pen tester will use various scanning tools, as well as manual
testing, to identify security vulnerabilities that have a high business impact. The length of each pen test
varies based on the scope size of the technology and the resources assigned.