Dairy Cattle Diseases
Dairy Cattle Diseases
Dairy Cattle Diseases
How to identify a sick animal
Causes of diarrhea
Few days Cl. pefringes - Bloody and smelly diarrhoea - not known
iii) Mycobacterium bovis – bovine
All three may cause infection in host species other than their own.
Mycobacterium bovis can cause progressive disease in most vertebrates including
Infection is through inhalation.
This will lead to formation of foci in the lung (cattle and man) and intestinal
tract in birds.
Caseous lesions will form in adjacent lymph nodes from the primary foci as a
result of lymphatic drainage.
These lesions will grow forming tumor-like masses called tubercle.
Tubercles will spread to other tissues and organs by lymphatogenous and
haematogenous spread.
Clinical Signs
- Intermittent hacking cough
- Enlarged superficial lymph nodes
- Weakness, anorexia, dyspnoea
- Emaciation
- Fever
Clostridium occurs naturally in the intestinal tract of animals. This bacteria is passed
onto the soil with faeces. It remains viable in the soil for many years. Once the soil is
disturbed, spores are activated and they become infective.
Black quarter is a disease that affects cattle or goats with the following
Clinical signs
Sudden onset
Few cattle found dead without showing signs, with the affected limb lifted
Acute lameness
Marked depression
Edematous and crepitation of affected limb
Slight swelling of affected muscle.
Black blood oozing out when cutting the affected muscle.
When the disease has been confirmed it can be treated a with high dose of penicillin
iii. Tetanus
- C. tetani is found in the intestinal tract of animals and the soil
- introduced into the tissues through wounds
- absorbed by the nerves
- to the central nervous system
Clinical signs
• Seen 2 weeks infection
• Localized stiffness of the masseter muscles, neck and the hindlimbs
• The head is extended
• The tail becomes stiff
• Sweating
• Temperature is increased
• Death due to respiratory failure
iv. Botulism
This is a disease characterized by rapid fatal paralysis caused by ingestion of the
toxin of Clostridium botulinum.
Sources of infection
- decomposing animal tissue and sometimes in plant tissue
- ingestion of Clostridium toxin together with plant/ animal tissue
- toxin in blood
- toxin absorbed by the nerves
- Toxin in the central nervous system
Clinical signs
• Muscle paralysis
• Disturbed vision
• Difficulty in chewing and swallowing
• Generalized progressive weakness
• Death is due to respiratory and/or cardiac paralysis
v. Mastitis
This is the inflammation of the udder. It is characterized by a swollen, red, hot and
painful udder. Mastitis can be clinical or sub clinical.
Cow normal
Udder normal
Milk normal
Painful Udder
Has temperature
Milk clotted
Causes of mastitis
1. Infection anywhere in the body
2. Chemical irritants (Antibiotics and teat dips)
3. Trauma / physical irritation – Malfunctioning machine
- Poor hand milking
4. Stress – Heat
Economic Importance
1. Poor quality milk is produced
2. Decrease shelf life of the milk
3. Adverse milk off flavours
Streptococcus. agalatia
Staphylococcus. aureus
Streptococcus non-agalatia
Coliform (E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas)
Control of Mastitis
1. Routine clinical Inspection
California mastitis test (CMT) tells if quarter is affected.
Udder quality – teat shapes and lesion
lab culture – antibiotic sensitivity test
2. Data Inspection, especially when buying new cattle
Mastitis chart
Herd clinical mastitis report
3. Farm Inspection
Milking procedures
Milking environment
Milking system
Management practices
1. Penicillin - for gram positives such as Strept agalactia, Strept non-agalactia
2. Cloxacillin – for Gram positive Staph aureus
3. Potentiated sulphur - for coliform mastitis
4. Supportive treatment such as NSAIDS and IV fluids
Ticks are obligatory blood sucking ectoparasites most types of terrestrial veterbrates.
Ticks transmit a large number and variety of infectious agents. Tick feeding activity
produces host reactions such s toxicosis (sweating sickness, tick paralysis), skin
wounds, anaemia and death.
Because of the above mentioned reasons, there is need to control ticks. This is done
mainly by dipping. This is done once a week or once every 2 weeks. Dipping is
divided into:
Pour on
Life cycle
i. Babesiosis
Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina
Clinical signs
B. bigemina
- Fever up to 42 degrees C
- Malaise, inappetence
- Haemoglobinuria (red urine)
- Amaemia
- Liver and kidneys are enlarged and dark
- Spleen is swollen and pulpy
- Subcutaneous and Intramuscular edema, yellow gelatinous fat, thin watery blood.
B. bovis
- Vascular congestion of organs
- Central Nervous System signs
- Inco-ordination
- Teeth grinding
- Coma
- Death
ii. Anaplasmosis
Anaplasma marginale – pathogenic
Anaplasma centrale – non-pathogenic
Anaplasma ovis – in sheep and goats
Clinical signs
- Anorexia, depression, reduced milk production
- Fever 41degrees Celsius
- Marked anaemia
- Weight loss
- Dehydration is noticeable
- Marked icterus
- Most affected animals succumb to hypoxia when moved or handled.
- Constipation then diarhoea or vice versa
- Aggressiveness
- Some animals will recover on their own; these will then be carriers of diseases for
- The severity of the disease varies considerably with age.
- Calves undergo mild infections with little or no mortality
- In adult cattle, the disease is more severe and mortality is high
Control – dipping
Clinical signs
- Fever, anorexia, depression, reduced milk production
- Hyperaesthesia
- Lacrimation
- Convulsions
- High stepping gait
- Exaggerated blinking of eyes
- Chewing movements
Post mortem:
- Hydrothorax
- Hydropericardium
- Edema
- Congestion of lungs
- Enlarged spleen
- Petechia
- Ecchymoses on mucosal + serosal surfaces
Treatment + Control
- Tick Control
- Treatment – tetracyclines
3. Metabolic Diseases
These are diseases that are not caused by a pathogen but are a result of poor
management, or any other factors.
i. Milk Fever
This is also called parturient paresis or hypocalcaemia. This disease mostly occurs
at or soon after parturition. It is caused by the sudden fall in plasma calcium levels.
Predisposing factors
1. Breed- Jersey, Channel Islands, Swedish red and white are more prone to
2. Age- as age increases so does the disease incidence.
3. Parity-as parity increases so does milk production.
4. Diet-feeding high calcium diet 2weeks before parturition.
5. Management- increasing the body condition of the cattle before calving.
- treatment with tetracyclines before calving
Clinical signs
1. History- period, high producing cattle (20L and above)
2. weakness and depression, temperature is normal
3. Recumbence after some time
4. S-shaped neck (looking at its flank)
5. dilated pupils
6. muscle twitching
1. Push a stomach tube- gas will come out in primary bloat, nothing will come
out in secondary bloat. Tube will not go through in secondary bloat.
2. Withdraw animals from offending feed.
3. Oral administration of liquid paraffin, bloat guard or cooking oil
4. In cases of respiratory distress, use trocar and canula or pocket knife.
This is also called hardware disease or wire disease or traumatic gastritis. This is a
disease of cattle resulting from perforation of the reticulum by a wire or nail. Cattle
commonly have foreign objects in their stomachs because they do not discriminate
against hard material in feed and they do not completely chew their food before
swallowing. This disease is common in cattle that are fed greenchop, silage and hay
that is made from fields that contain old and rusty fence or when pastures are on
sites where buildings have recently been constructed or use of baling wire.
Metallic object is swallowed by cow
object in rumen
contraction of the rumen
perforation of rumen and stomach walls
This will lead to leakage of ingesta and bacteria causing contamination of the
peritoneal cavity. There will be adhesions in the peritoneal cavity.
Clinical signs
i. Sudden onset of ruminal atony
ii. A sharp fall in milk production
iii. Rapid and shallow respiration
iv. Arched back, reluctance to move with elbows abducted
v. Reduced faecal output
vi. Lying down, getting up, stepping over barriers
vii. Grunting sound
- Avoid the use of baling wire
- keep cattle away from sites of new construction.
- Administration of magnets orally preferably after 18-24hours of fasting.
a. Disturbances of Pregnancy
During this period, there are several disturbances that can occur leading to failure of
the pregnancy to reach full term. These disorders are:
I. Abortion – this is the expulsion of the fetus before time. Abortion can be
caused by diseases, starvation, any infection in the body or even stress.
II. Fetal maceration – this condition results when the fetus dies inside the
uterus, the cervix will open and bacteria will gain entry into the uterus. The
fetus will decompose and all the soft fetal tissues will be absorbed leaving
only the skeletal part in the uterus.
III. Fetal mummification – in this case, the fetus will die and the cervix will
remain closed. Absorption of fetal fluids will take place leaving a very hard
mass of fetal muscle and bones.
b. Parturition
This is the act of giving birth or calving. Successful parturition depends on the ability
of the uterine muscles to contract and the capacity of the cervix to dilate. The whole
process takes between 13hrs and 34hrs.
Protrusion and rupture of the water bag.
Most cows are recumbent till calf is born.
Stages of larbour
c. Dystocia
This is difficulty in calving. It is commonly seen in heifers that are calving for the first
time, can be hereditary or it can be caused by hormonal imbalances.
Failure of the cervix to dilate.
Torsion of the uterus
Insufficient contractions to expel the calf
Abnormal presentation of the fetus
Oversized Fetus – when the fetus is much mach bigger than the dam
Fetal monsters
When to intervene
Cow has been in the first stage of labour for more than 8 hrs.
Cow has been in the second stage of labour for more than 2 hrs and
there is very little progression.
The fetal membranes and or fetal tissues are observed hanging out for
more than 2hrs and delivery is incomplete.
Fetal membranes are not passed out in 8hrs to 12hrs after delivery.
What to do
Get a complete history.
Use lubricant before examining the birth canal.
Evaluate the size of the dilatation of the birth canal.
Assertain the vitality of the fetus.
i. Retained placenta
Failure of expulsion of the placenta up to 12hrs after calving. This is
common in cases of abortion, premature birth or in cases of
Manual removal of the placenta, preferably on the third day of
calving. Then give an antibiotic preferably trimethoprim sulphur.
Give hormones such as oxytocin, or prostaglandins
ii. Vaginal/ uterine prolapse
protrusion of the uterine mass through the vulva. This can be caused
by too many attempts to extract the fetus or hypoclcemia.
Thoroughly clean the protrusion using water.
Reduce the swelling by using either salt or sugar.
Lubricate the mass and push it in.
Stay sutures can be used to keep the uterus inside.
iii. Pyometra
This is the accumulation of pus in the uterus. In this case, the cow will
fail to show heat signs. This condition is caused by invasion of bacteria
into the uterus when there are:
Retained fetal membranes
Injuries in the calving canal
Calving happened in a dirty environment
Hormonal imbalances
Use chemical disinfectants when cleaning the uterus.
Antibiotics eg trimethoprim sulphur, tetracyclines
Hormonal therapy.