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Assalato Wasallaamo ‘Alaika Yaa Rasool Allah

‫  ا ہ و‬
Wa ‘Alaa Aalika Wa As Haabika Yaa Noor Allah
‫  ا ہ و‬

The Intercession
of the
Holy Prophet
Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki Makki
(Makkah Mukarramah)

Markaz Ismail Habib Masjid

126, Kambekar St, Mumbai 3.
The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Book Name: Hawlal Ehtifal bil Mawludun Nabvi Sharif

Compilation: Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi bin ‘Abbas Maliki Makki

Translation: The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Translator: Yasin Akhtar Misbahi (Urdu)

Translator: Hafiz Muhammed Salim Noorie (English)

Copyright Reserved
For further queries, please contact:

Ismail Habib Masjid, 126 Kambekar St, Mumbai-3
Tel: 0091 22 23434366

S.D.I Youth Education Centre.
33 Hibbert St, Bolton, BL1 8JG. U.K.
Tel: +44 7739918385


The Intercession of the Holy Prophet


About the Author…………………………………………………...4

Jashn e Milad un Nabi ………………………………………..11

Evidence Proving the Validity of Mehfil e Milad………………12

Ibn Taymiyyah’s Opinion on Milad……………………………..19

Meaning of Milad – in my Opinion……………………………...20

Standing during Milad…………………………………………….21

Islamic Reasons for Standing……………………………………..23

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Assalato Wasallaamo ‘Alaika Yaa Rasool Allah

‫  ا ہ و‬
Wa ‘Alaa Aalika Wa As Haabika Yaa Noor Allah
‫  ا ہ و‬

About the Author

The blessed city of Makkah Mukarramah, which houses the sacred
Ka’aba, has produced many great personalities who have illuminated
the hearts and minds of people through the generations with their
knowledge, wisdom and impeccable lifestyles. Evidence of this can be
found in the thousands of pages of books written by them and even
today the hearts of Muslims are filled with admiration, love and
respect for these shining lights.
One of the most famous and pious personalities of the Fourteenth
century Hijri is Hazrat Shaikh Syed ‘Alawi bin ‘Abbas Maliki ‘Alaihir
Rahmah who guided a whole generation of Muslims with his wisdom
filled words and teachings. Those who learnt from him spread out all
over the world and are passing on that great knowledge to others in
all corners of the world.
A great and respected Scholar of Makkah, Syed Muhammad
bin ‘Alawi Maliki is the son and rightful heir of this fountain of
knowledge and wisdom. The book in your hands is a translation of a
booklet written by this great personality and we would like to begin
by presenting a brief introduction of the author.
Family lineage: His family lineage is such that it reaches Rasool Allah
through 27 generations. Muhammad Hasan bin ‘Alawi bin ‘Abbas
bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz bin ‘Abbas bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz bin Muhammad bin
Qasim bin ‘Ali bin ‘Arabi bin Ibrahim bin ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul Raheem
bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz bin Haroon bin ‘Aloosh bin Mandil bin ‘Ali bin
‘Abdul Rahman bin ‘Isa bin Ahmed bin Muhammad bin ‘Isa bin Idris
bin ‘Abdullah Al Kamil bin Hasan Musanna bin Hazrat Hasan bin
Hazrat Ali married to Sayyedah Fatimah Zahra daughter of Rasool
Allah .

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Birth and Education: He was born in 1946 in the holy city of Makkah
in the famous al-Maliki al-Hasani Syed family of traditional Ulema.
He was fortunate to have as his father the most learned scholar of
Makkah. His father was his first and primary teacher, teaching him
privately at home and as well as at the Haram of Makkah, where he
memorized the Holy Qur’an at a young age.
Some of his famous teachers are as follows:
1) His learned father and his first teacher, Syed ‘Alawi bin Abbas al-Maliki
2) Shaikh Muhammad Yahya Aman al-Makki
3) Shaikh Syed Muhammad al-Arabi al-Tabbani
4) Shaikh Hasan Sa‘id al-Yamani
5) Shaikh Hasan bin Muhammad al-Mashshat
6) Shaikh Muhammad Nur Sayf
7) Shaikh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani
8) Syed Muhammad Amin Kutbi
9) Syed Ishaq bin Hashim ‘Aziz
10) Habib Hasan bin Muhammad Fad‘aq
11) Habib Abd-al-Qadir bin ‘Aydarus al-Bar
12) Shaikh Khalil Abd-al-Qadir Taybah
13) Shaikh Abd-Allah al-Lahji
He was educated by his eminent father from childhood and was
authorized to teach every book he studied with him. With his father’s
instruction, he also studied and mastered the various traditional
Islamic sciences of Aqidah, Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Usul, Mustalah,
Nahw etc at the feet of other great scholars of Makkah, as well as
Madinah, all of whom granted him full Ijazah (certification) to teach
these sciences to others. By the age of 15, the Syed was already
teaching the books of Hadith and Fiqh in the Haram of Makkah to
fellow students, by the orders of his teachers!
It has been the way of most great Scholars to travel in pursuit
of knowledge. Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki was no exception
to this rule. He traveled from a young age to seek knowledge from
those who possess it. He travelled extensively in North Africa, Egypt,
Syria, Turkey and the Indo-Pak sub-continent to learn from great
Scholars, meet the Friends of Allah, visit the Mosques and Shrines
and collect manuscripts and books. In each of these lands, he met the
great Scholars and Auliya and benefited immensely from them. They
The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

in turn were also very impressed by this young student from Makkah
and gave him special attention. Many already had great respect for
his learned father, so were honored to have the son as their student.
His Writings: Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki was a prolific
writer and has produced close to one hundred books. He has written
on a variety of religious, legal, social and historical topics and many
of his books are considered masterpieces on the subject and are
prescribed textbooks in Islamic institutes around the world.

We mention here some selected works on various subjects:

Aqidah: 1) Mafahim Yajib ‘an Tusahhah
2) Manhaj al-Salaf fi Fahm al-Nusus
3) Al-Tahzir min al-Takfir
4) Huwa Allah
5) Qul Hazihi Sabeeli
6) Sharh ‘Aqidat al-‘Awam
Tafsir: 1) Zubdat al-Itqan fi ‘Ulum al-Qur’an
2) Wa Huwa bi al-Ufuq al-‘A’la
3) Al-Qawa‘id al-Asasiyyah fi ‘Ulum al-Quran
4) Hawl Khasa’is al-Quran
Hadith: 1) Al-Manhal al-Latif fi Usul al-Hadith al-Sharif
2) Al-Qawa‘id al-Asasiyyah fi ‘Ilm Mustalah al-Hadith
3) Fadl al-Muwatta wa Inayat al-Ummah al-Islamiyyah bihi
4) Anwar al-Masalik fi al-Muqaranah bayn Riwayat al-Muwatta lil-
Imam Malik
Sirah: 1) Muhammad al-Insan al-Kamil
2) Tarikh al-Hawadith wa al-Ahwal al-Nabawiyyah
3) ‘Urf al-T ‘arif bi al-Mawlid al-Sharif
4) Al-Anwar al-Bahiyyah fi Isra wa M’iraj Khayr al-Bariyyah
5) Al-Zakha’ir al-Muhammadiyyah
6) Zikriyat wa Munasabat
7) Al-Bushra fi Manaqib al-Sayyidah Khadijah al-Kubra
Usul: 1) Al-Qawa‘id al-Asasiyyah fi Usul al-Fiqh
2) Sharh Manzumat al-Waraqat fi Usul al-Fiqh
3) Mafhum al-Tatawwur wa al-Tajdid fi al-Shari‘ah al-Islamiyyah
Fiqh: 1) Risalah al-Islamiyyah Kamaluha wa Khuluduha wa

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

2) Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk

3) Al-Ziyarah al-Nabawiyyah bayn al-Shar‘iyyah wa al-Bid‘iyyah
4) Shifa’ al-Fu’ad bi Ziyarat Khayr al-‘Ibad
5) Hawl al-Ihtifal bi Zikra al-Mawlid al-Nabawi al-Sharif
6) Al-Madh al-Nabawi bayn al-Ghuluww wa al-Ijhaf
Tasawwuf: 1) Shawariq al-Anwar min Ad‘iyat al-Sadah al-Akhyar
2) Abwab al-Faraj
3) Al-Mukhtar min Kalam al-Akhyar
4) Al-Husun al-Mani‘ah
5) Mukhtasar Shawariq al-Anwar
Miscellaneous: 1) Fi Rihab al-Bayt al-Haram (History of Makkah)
2) Al-Mustashriqun Bayn al-Insaf wa al-‘Asabiyyah(Study of
3) Nazrat al-Islam ila al-Riyadah (Sports in Islam)
4) Al-Qudwah al-Hasanah fi Manhaj al-Da‘wah ila Allah (Methods of
5) Ma La ‘Aynun Ra’at (Description of Paradise)
6) Nizam al-Usrah fi al-Islam (Islam and Family)
7) Al-Muslimun Bayn al-Waqi‘ wa al-Tajribah (Contemporary
Muslim world)
8) Kashf al-Ghumma (Virtues of helping fellow Muslims)
9) Al-Dawah al-Islahiyyah (Call for Reform)
10) Fi Sabil al-Huda wa al-Rashad (Collection of speeches)
11) Sharaf al-Ummah al-Islamiyyah (Superiority of the Muslim Ummah)
12) Usul al-Tarbiyah al-Nabawiyyah (Prophetic methods of
13) Nur al-Nibras fi Asanid al-Jadd al-Sayyid Abbas (Set of
Grandfather’s Ijazahs)
14) Al-‘Uqud al-Lu’luiyyah fi al-Asanid al-Alawiyyah
15) Al-Tali‘ al-Sa‘id al-Muntakhab min al-Musalsalat wa al-Asanid
(Set of Ijazahs)
16) Al-‘Iqd al-Farid al-Mukhtasar min al-Athbah wa al-Asanid .
This was a selected list of the works the learned Shaikh has authored
and published. There are many other publications that were not
mentioned and many works that are still to be published.
We also did not mention the numerous important classical works that
he has located, researched and published for the first time, with notes
The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

and commentary. All together, his contribution in this field has been
great. Many of his works have been translated into foreign languages.
Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki was also a keen
propagator of true Islamic guidance and spirituality and has travelled
all over Asia, Africa, Europe and America calling people to heed to
the Words of Allah and His final Prophet Muhammad . In
Southeast Asia especially, he personally established and runs more
than 70 Islamic schools to counter Christian missionary activities.
Large numbers of Christians and Buddhists have embraced Islam at
his blessed hands – many, only by looking at the Muhammadi Light
shining on his face. Wherever he went, the leaders, scholars and
masses of that country received him with jubilation. He has often
addressed crowds of hundred thousand people. He is dearly loved
and adored all over the Muslim world, not only because of his
Muhammadi Lineage but also because of his immense knowledge,
wisdom, humble manners and spiritual charisma. He was known to
be extremely generous with his knowledge, wealth and time.

Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki followed and advocated the

mainstream majority tradition of Islam, the way of Ahle Sunnah wa
al-Jama’at, the hallmark of which is tolerance and moderation,
knowledge and spirituality, and unity in diversity. He believed in
adherence to the four established Madhhabs, but without fanaticism.
He teaches respect for the great Ulema and Auliya of the past. He was
against the hasty condemnation of fellow Muslims as Kaafir and
Mushrik, something that has become the trademark of certain sects
today. He was very critical of so-called 20th century ‘reformers’ who
wish to simply wash away the Islam of the previous generations in
the name of ‘pure Islam?’ He believed that condemning all Ash‘aris,
or all Hanafis, Shafi‘i’s and, Malikis or all Sufis, as some sects are
doing nowadays, means condemning the whole Ummah of Islam for
the past thousand years. This can only be the attitude and approach
of an enemy of Islam, not a friend. Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi
Maliki strongly believed that the great Madhhabs following Sunni-
Sufi Islamic scholars of the past thousand years, are our connection to
the Qur’an and Sunnah, and not a barrier between them and us, as
some would like to believe. True understanding of the Quran and

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Sunnah is one that is based on the interpretation of the great scholars

of Islam, not the whims and fancies of modern day extremists who
don’t think twice before condemning the majority of the Muslims of
the world. Syed Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki believed that the
majority of this Ummah are good. It’s the fanatical minority groups
that must check their extremist ideologies.
The Shaikh was also a proponent of true Shari‘ah based Sufism, the
Sufism of the great Auliya and saints of this Ummah. He himself was
a spiritual master of the highest calibre, linked to most of the great
Spiritual Orders of Islam, through great Shaikhs of the Tariqah. He
believed that reciting Dhikr, alone and in congregation, is an integral
part of a Muslim’s spiritual well being. All his students are required
to pray Tahajjud and read morning and evening Awrad. Syed
Muhammad bin ‘Alawi Maliki believed that Muslims must use their
resources to uplift the state of their Ummah, spiritual, socially and
materially, and not waste their precious time in fighting over petty
issues. He believed Muslims should not condemn each other on
matters that have been differed upon by the Ulema; they must rather
join hands in combating that which is agreed upon to be evil and sin.

The respected Shaikhs book ‘Hawlal Ehtifal bil Mawludun Nabvi

Sharif’ has been translated into Urdu and English so that Muslims can
understand the true foundations of this blessed occasion and can save
themselves from being misguided by false propagandas and baseless
accusations. Alhamdulillah gatherings of Milad Shareef are organised
regularly in Makkah, Madinah, Ta’if, Jeddah, and all over the Arabian
Peninsula in which Muslims of all different countries participate and
gain blessings and benefits from. May Allah Ta’ala safeguard this act
of goodness until the Day of Judgement and may He grant all
Muslims true love of His Beloved . May He grant us the guidance
to keep the lamp of faith and belief illuminated and bless us with His
Mercy and Grace, Aameen.

Akhtar Al- A’azmi


The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Volumes of work have been written about gatherings of Milad un
Nabi . This topic is like a poem whose majesty and beauty
increases over time and whose splendour knows no bounds.
Currently, my thoughts and the thoughts of other Muslim intellects is
on many other subjects which is why I did not want to write on this
particular subject at this time. However, due to the fact that many
Muslims have been specifically asking for my opinion on this topic, I
feel it would be a disservice to remain quiet on the subject and
therefore have decided to write this booklet. May the Almighty Lord
guide all Muslims to understand and walk upon the path of truth and
reward, Aameen.
Before presenting evidence proving the validity of Milad Sharif and
participating in it, I feel it necessary to clarify a few points.
1) I am a firm believer that arranging gatherings of Milad to listen to
speeches on the life of the Prophet , recite Salat o Salam, listen to
poetry (Naats) praising Rasool Allah , to feed people on such
occasions and to instil love and peace into the hearts of the Ummah is
without doubt a valid and allowable deed.
2) We do not state that it is a Sunnah to fix a specific day on which
this has to be arranged. Rather, one who insists that it has to be done
on a particular day has innovated something new. The reason for this
is that it is essential for Muslims to remember and love Rasool Allah
at all times. It is a fact that one’s passion, enthusiasm and
awareness are heightened and increased during the month of the
birth of Rasool Allah because of its association with that blessed
3) These gatherings are a great opportunity and method of inviting
people towards Allah Ta’ala which should never be missed. Rather, it
is compulsory on Scholars and Muballigeen to remind the Ummah
about the character, manners, habits, actions, relationships and piety
of Rasool Allah in order to guide and direct them in how to live
their lives. People should be invited towards goodness and should be

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

guided in refraining from evil, innovations, trials and tribulations. It

is a great blessing of Allah Ta’ala that we partake in these gatherings
and invite Muslims towards goodness and away from evil.

O People! These gatherings are not merely ceremonial rituals but they
are organised for a specific reason which is the means to obtaining
goodness and blessings. The person who does not obtain any benefits
from these gatherings is devoid of the blessings of Milad Shareef.

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Evidence Proving the Validity of Mehfil e Milad

(1) Celebrating the birth of Rasool Allah is to express joy and
delight towards the personality of Rasool Allah and this act has even
helped infidels.
It is stated in Bukhari Shareef that the punishment of Abu Lahab is
decreased every Monday because when his slave-girl Thuwaiba gave
him the good news of the birth of Rasool Allah on a Monday he freed
her. In relation to this incident, Hafiz Shamshuddin Muhammad bin
Naasiruddin Mishqi states:
‘When the punishment of one whose punishment is never ending,
and whose condemnation is the basis of a whole Surah in the Qur’an,
is reduced because he expressed happiness on a Monday at the birth
of Rasool Allah , then what must be the status of one who spends
his whole life drowned in love of Rasool Allah and leaves this
world with faith?’

(2) Rasool Allah himself used to respect the day of his birth and
would thank the Almighty for the great blessing that he granted
himself and the whole universe because his arrival was a means of
great blessings and benefits for the entire universe. Respect for this
day was expressed in the form of Fasting which is explained in a
Hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Qatadah . He reports that when
Rasool Allah was asked about Fasting on Mondays, he replied, “I
was born on this day and began receiving revelations on this day.”
This is the basis and foundation of celebrating Milad, although the
method and form are different. However, the aim and intention is
exactly the same. Whether expressed through Fasting, feeding others,
organising gatherings to remember Rasool Allah , sending
blessings and salutations upon him, or hearing about his qualities and
virtues, the aim and intention of each method is exactly the same.

(3) To celebrate and express happiness towards the personality of

Rasool Allah is an order of the Holy Qur’an. Allah Ta’ala states,
“In the bounty of Allah Almighty and His Mercy let them rejoice;
that is better than the wealth they accumulate." (Surah Yunus verse

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

In this verse, Allah Ta’ala has ordered us to rejoice upon receiving

mercy and Rasool Allah is the greatest mercy. Allah Ta’ala
Himself states, “And We did not send you except as a mercy for the
entire world.” (Surah Anbiyaa verse 107).

(4) Rasool Allah would respect all the days on which religious
incidents occurred. Therefore, those days on which special incidents
took place are an opportunity to recognise and respect those days.
Those days are to be respected because of the specific incidents which
took place on those days and those days are special as a result of the
incident. Rasool Allah himself specified this rule as is stated in
the Hadith when Rasool Allah arrived in Madinah and observed
the Jews fasting on the day of A’ashura. When he enquired about the
reason for their fasting on that day he was told that the Jews fasted on
that day because that was the day on which Allah Ta’ala freed their
Prophet and destroyed his enemies. Therefore they fasted to express
gratitude for this blessing. Upon hearing this, Rasool Allah said,
“We are closer to Moosa than they are” and Rasool Allah
also Fasted on that day and instructed the people to Fast on that day
as well.

(5) Gatherings of Milad were not arranged during the time of Rasool
Allah . They are therefore an innovation (Bid ‘at) but they are a
good innovation (Bid’at e Hasana) because its foundation and base is
found in Islamic Shariah. Only the method is different but the actual
act of celebration is also found in the time of Rasool Allah which
we will learn about in the upcoming pages Insha Allah.

(6) Gatherings of Milad are a means of sending blessings and

salutations (Salat o Salam). Both these acts are in accordance with the
Order of Allah Ta’ala – “Indeed Allah and His Angels send
blessings on the Prophet; O People who believe! Send blessings
and abundant salutations upon him.” (Surah Ahzab verse 56)
It is a direct Command to believers from Allah Ta’ala to recite
blessings and salutations. Milad gatherings are a method for us to act
upon this order and carry it out. It is impossible to list all the benefits
and advantages that there are in reciting blessings and salutations.

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

(7) Gatherings of Milad are the means for teaching and learning about
the blessed birth, miracles, life and excellent qualities and attributes
of Rasool Allah . Have we not been ordered to learn about the
Beloved Prophet and to obey, respect and follow him? Have we
not been ordered to believe in his miracles and testify to the
truthfulness of his message? Gatherings and books of Milad are a
means of fulfilling these orders.

(8) Learning about the exemplary character and impeccable attributes

of Rasool Allah is achieved and obtained through attending these
blessed gatherings. Poets used to bring and recite their verses to
Rasool Allah and this act was liked very much by Rasool Allah
who would shower them with gifts and supplications.
When Rasool Allah is pleased with those who praise him then
why would he not be pleased with those who speak about his
beautiful attributes and sing his praises? This is a means of not only
obtaining his pleasure and happiness but also of achieving closeness
to Rasool Allah .

(9) Learning about the exemplary manners, amazing miracles and

perfect character of Rasool Allah is the means by which love of
Rasool Allah is increased in a person. It is in the nature of man to
love one who is the most handsome, knowledgeable, learned and
possesses immaculate character. There is no one more handsome than
Rasool Allah and no person has better character and morals than
him. When the aim is to increase our love and respect and thereby
perfect our faith then the person who possesses all these qualities
should be our focal point.

(10) Respect of Rasool Allah is essential and legitimate.

Expressing joy at the blessed birth of Rasool Allah through
arranging gatherings of Milad, talking about his blessed life and
qualities and feeding the poor and needy on such occasions is a great
way to show respect and courtesy. These deeds also express our
gratefulness to Allah Ta’ala that He guided us to this truthful religion
and bestowed on us a great favour by sending His Beloved amongst

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

(11) In describing the excellence of Friday, Rasool Allah said that

on this day ‘Hazrat Adam was born.’ The day on which any Prophet
is born becomes a blessed day worthy of merit and respect. So what
about the day on which the leader of all Prophets, best of all mankind
is born?
The respect is not limited to that specific day only but that day should
be respected whenever it comes around just as the day of Friday is
respected each week and not just once. This is so that remembrance of
the blessed event that took place on that day is kept alive and for us
to constantly express thanks and gratefulness for the blessings we
received on that day. This is similar to respecting the place of birth of
a Prophet. On the night of Me’raj Hazrat Jibreel asked Rasool
Allah to perform Prayer (Salah) at a particular place. Upon
enquiring as to the virtues of that place Hazrat Jibreel replied that
it was the place where Hazrat ‘Isa was born.

(12) Scholars from all over the world consider Milad gatherings to be
commendable and they are commemorated worldwide. The
following Hadith of Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood testifies to the validity and
permissibility of Milad where he narrates that, “The thing which is
considered good by Muslims is considered good by Allah Ta’ala and
the thing which is considered bad by Muslims is considered bad by
Allah Ta’ala.”

(13) Gatherings of the remembrance of Rasool Allah where he is

praised and respected, where people are invited towards goodness
and charity is distributed are Sunnah as these kinds of gatherings
have been advocated by Rasool Allah and Muslims have been
instructed to attend such gatherings.

(14) Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’an, “And We relate to you all
the accounts of Noble Messengers, in order to steady your heart
with it;” (Surah Hud verse 120)
This verse makes it apparent that relating the incidents and stories of
the Noble Prophets ‘Alaihimus Salaam is a means of gaining peace and
contentment in the heart. There is no doubt that we need this more

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

than Rasool Allah because we grant peace and contentment to

our hearts by relating incidents from his blessed life.

(15) It is not correct to say that anything that was not in existence
during the early days of Islam and which was not done by our pious
predecessors is a reprehensible innovation (Bid’at e Sayyi’a) which is
forbidden and must be opposed. Rather, it must be presented in the
court of Islamic Law and Islamic Law will decide whether the act is
compulsory (Waajib), forbidden (Haram), disliked (Makrooh),
commendable (Mandoob) or permissible (Mubah).
Scholars have differentiated innovations (Bid’ats) into five categories:
Waajib – Such as opposing deviation from the right path, and
learning knowledge of Arabic syntax and grammar (‘Ilm e Nahw).
Mandoob – Such as establishing Madrasahs, guest houses and calling
to Prayer (Adhaan) from minarets and performing any good deed
that was not done in the first century of Islam.
Makrooh – Such as embellishing a Mosque or the Holy Qur’an with
bright colours.
Mubah – Such as sifting flour and using cutlery or utensils when
eating and drinking.
Haram – Those things which are contradictory to Sunnah and have
no basis or foundation under Islamic Law.

(16) All innovations are not forbidden. If this was the case then it
would have been forbidden for Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat ‘Umar and
Hazrat Zaid to have the Qur’an compiled and put into the form
of a single book. It would also have been forbidden to gather
everyone together and perform Taraweeh Prayer with congregation
as Hazrat ‘Umar established and then said, “This is a good
In a similar manner, all educational compilations and publications
would also be forbidden and it would be compulsory upon us to fight
our enemies with bows and arrows even if they have guns, missiles,
tanks, planes, warships etc. Building minarets, calling the Adhaan
from them, establishing Madrasahs, guest houses, hospitals, building
jails and establishing social agencies etc would all be forbidden.

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

This is why our respected Scholars have stated that the term ‘every
innovation is misguidance’ refers to those things which are classed as
Bid’at e Sayyi’a (objectionable or false innovations). This point can be
understood and clarified by the fact that many great Companions and
Tabi’een carried out many such acts that were not present
during the time of Rasool Allah .
We ourselves have established many new acts which our pious
predecessors never did. For example, in the in last 10 days of
Ramadhan, to appoint an Imam to lead the people in Jama’at for
Tahajjud Prayers and to complete the whole Qur’an in this manner is
not something that was done by any of our pious predecessors. In a
similar manner, reciting Dua e Khatmul Qur’an, Imam giving a
Khutbah on the 27th of Ramadhan and a caller waking people up for
night Prayers (Tahajjud) are things that were not done by Rasool
Allah nor by any of our pious predecessors after him.
Therefore, does this make these deeds that we do reprehensible and

(17) Hazrat Imam Shaf’i states, “Every new thing that goes against the
Qur’an, Sunnah or consensus of the Ummah is misguidance. All new
things which contain goodness and do not go against Qur’an, Sunnah
or consensus of the Ummah are desirable.”
Imam ‘Azaluddin bin Abdus Salaam, Imam Noowi, Ibn Atheer and
many others are of the same opinion as we have mentioned above.

(18) Anything that is in accordance with Islamic Laws and does not
go against Shariah and does not invite towards any forbidden act is
considered a part of religion.
For bigoted people to simply say, “Our pious predecessors did not do
this” is no proof or evidence of its invalidity, rather it is the contrary.
Rasool Allah himself classed good innovations as Sunnah and
promised reward to one who follows it when he said, “The person
who introduces something good (Sunnatey Hasana) will be rewarded
the same as all those who act upon that deed without any reward
being taken away from those who acted upon it.”

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

(19) Gatherings of Milad are organised in order to rekindle

remembrance of Rasool Allah and in our opinion this is a
legitimate and lawful practice. You can see that most of the acts
performed during Hajj (Pilgrimage) are rekindling remembrances of
historically significant places and dates. Running between the hills of
Safa and Marwa, stoning the devil and sacrifice in Mina etc are all
incidents that occurred in history. Muslims emulate these acts and
rekindle the remembrance of these incidents and the people who
performed them.
Milad gatherings that have been described as legitimate in the
preceding pages refer to those Milad gatherings which are free from
any unlawful or un-Islamic activities.
Those gatherings which are based on unlawful foundations – men
and women freely mixing and sitting together, illegal activities or
performing any act or deed that had been disliked by Rasool Allah
are undoubtedly forbidden as they are based on prohibited acts.
However, this should not apply to gatherings that are free from
illegal activities as they are commendable and allowable.

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Ibn Taymiyyah’s Opinion on Milad

He states, “And similarly what some people innovate by analogy
with the Christians who celebrate the birth of Jesus , or out of love
for the Prophet and to exalt him, and Allah will reward them for
this love and effort, not on the fact that it is an innovation.”
He then states, “Some lawful acts and deeds contains goodness and
also contains innovations and therefore that act become wicked and
illegitimate because it goes against the teachings of the religion – just
like hypocrites and open transgressors. Towards the end of time the
majority of people will be affected by this. It is important to
understand and remember two points here:
1) Instil in yourselves and your colleagues the ability to differentiate
between apparent and hidden. Recognise goodness and evil and
dislike evil.
2) As much as possible, invite people towards Sunnah. If you see that
someone is embroiled in a sin and if you stop him then he will
become embroiled in an even bigger sin then do not stop him as he
will do something even worse if you stop him or he will forsake a
compulsory or desirable deed and will be worse off.
If there is goodness in an innovation then present something better to
the people because patients will not give up their medication until
they find something better. No one should give up any goodness
until they find something that is better and contains more goodness.”

He further goes on to say, “Some people celebrate and respect the

Milad and claim that it is an honoured occasion and honoured
season. There is great reward in this because of their good intentions
in honouring the Prophet . As I have stated before, there are some
deeds which are better for some people even though others may think
of them as evil or bad innovations.”

Further on in the same text Ibn Taymiyyah mentions a fatwa given by

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, whereby when the people told Imam
Ahmad about a prince who spent 1000 dinars on the decoration of a
Qur'an he said: "That is the best place for him to use gold" – even

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

though decorating the Qur’an in such a manner is undesirable

according to Imam Ahmed’s rulings.

Meaning of Milad – in my Opinion

“I am not of the opinion that gatherings have to be called Milad and
people have to be forced to only attend those gatherings. Rather, any
act or deed that invites people to good, guides them on the right path,
and shows them the way to achieve benefit in both worlds achieves
the same aim as gatherings of Milad.
If we congregate to listen to Na’ats of Rasool Allah , hear about
his struggle in the Path of Allah Ta’ala, learn about his qualities and
beauties then the gathering is a Milad gathering. Even if no mention
is made about incidents surrounding the birth of Rasool Allah ,
which some people consider a must and believe that without it a
Milad is not complete, even then the gathering is a Milad gathering
and the aim of the Milad is fulfilled. I do not believe that anyone
should have any objection on this point.”

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Standing during Milad

Some people have very false and misguided opinions and views on
speaking about the blessed birth of Rasool Allah and standing
(out of respect) when mentioning certain blessed incidents or reciting
salutations. Never mind Scholars, even uneducated masses can see
that there is no base or foundation for the false opinions and views of
this minority.
The false opinion and belief is they think that we stand when relating
certain incidents or reciting salutations because we believe that at that
time Rasool Allah himself attends the gathering with his blessed
body and soul. Some objectors further have the misconception that
fragrances and incense sticks that are lit are for Rasool Allah and
the water that is there is for Rasool Allah to drink.
These kinds of thoughts and objections are not created in the mind of
any right thinking Muslim who has even an ounce of common sense.
We seek refuge from Allah from such beliefs and thoughts because
such thoughts limit the majesty of Rasool Allah and shows
disrespect towards Rasool Allah , which no right minded Muslim
would even think about or believe. Only Allah Ta’ala knows what
will happen in the hereafter to those who slander and falsely accuse
people and then say that ‘this is what Muslims believe who gather for
The status and majesty of Rasool Allah is much more elevated
and superior than to say that Rasool Allah leaves his blessed
resting place at such a time and attends such a gathering. I say that
such a claim is a malicious slander which only a person, who for
some reason or other, has animosity and hatred in his heart.

Undoubtedly it is our belief that Rasool Allah is alive and has a

complete life in his blessed grave according to his status. It is also our
belief that his blessed soul is free to travel to all corners of Allah
Ta’ala’s Kingdom. It is also possible that he may attend gatherings of
goodness, knowledge and illumination. This is also the state of the
souls of those people who believe in Allah Ta’ala and His Beloved
and are sincere in their belief.

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

Imam Malik states, “I have been told that souls are free and can
travel wherever they want.”
Hazrat Salman Farsi states, “The souls of believers are in a state of
‘Barzakh’ (between death and resurrection) and are free to travel
where they wish.”
When we have learnt all of this then also know that standing during
Milad is neither Waajib nor is it Sunnah. It is also not proper to hold
such a belief. Standing during Milad is an act through which people
express their joy and delight. When events surrounding the birth of
Rasool Allah are mentioned during Milad, the listeners have the
thought in their hearts and minds that the whole universe is rejoicing
and in ecstasy upon receiving this blessed gift from Allah Ta’ala. In
order to express that joy and ecstasy themselves they stand.
This standing is something that is an addiction and habit; it is not a
religious requirement. This is not any form of worship nor is it a part
of Shariah or Sunnah. It is a custom and tradition that has been
passed on from generation to generation and which many Scholars
have stated to be commendable.
Shaikh Barzanji who wrote a book on Milad himself states, “Scholars
have stated that standing during Milad and when talking about the
blessed birth is commendable. There is good news and glad tidings
for the Muslim who goes to such lengths in order to show his love
and respect for Rasool Allah .”
In a poem he states a stanza in which he says, “Those with
knowledge, excellence and piety saw the needs of the people and
with their exquisite consideration introduced the habit of standing in
Milad... Those who are present in order to remember Rasool Allah
should know that he is close and present, no matter where and
when you remember him.”

It is important to realise that he said ‘those with knowledge,

excellence and piety’, he did not say ‘Rasool Allah ’ or ‘the Rightly
guided Caliphs’ but he says that the knowledgeable Scholars of the
Ummah introduced this habit. He goes on to state that those who
stand are standing in order to remember Rasool Allah and this is
how it should always be because that is the only way that we can

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

instil in our minds and hearts eternal remembrance and that will lead
us to always follow and obey his commands.
The love, passion, respect, esteem and adoration that is present for
the personality of Rasool Allah in the hearts of believers is what
causes people to stand when remembering him. They are able to
appreciate his majesty, status, and eminence and that appreciation is
what causes them to stand.
This is an act of habit as we have mentioned and therefore if a person
does not stand there should be no retribution against him nor is he a
sinner. However, if a person does not stand out of spite, animosity or
to insult the status of Rasool Allah then such a person
undoubtedly is a grave sinner.

Islamic Reasons for Standing

Reason 1: The reason for standing is to show respect for Rasool Allah
and this habit of standing is practised in all towns, cities and
countries. Scholars from east and west have declared it to be
commendable and permissible. The thing that is considered
commendable by Muslims is also commendable in the Sight of Allah
Ta’ala and the thing which is considered evil by Muslims is also evil
in the Sight of Allah Ta’ala.

Reason 2: There are many proofs and evidences which show that it is
permissible and Sunnah to stand for those who hold a high rank and
Hazrat Imam Noowi has written a whole book on this topic and
Allama Ibn Hajar Asqalani has supported the view of Imam Noowi in
his book and negated the view of Ibnul Haaj who disagreed with
Imam Noowi.

Reason 3: It is reported in an authentic Hadith upon which there is no

doubt that Rasool Allah addressed the Ansaar and said, “Stand
for this leader of yours.” This standing was in order to show respect
for Hazrat Sa’ad . This was not done because Hazrat Sa’ad was ill
otherwise he would have said ‘stand for the patient’ and neither

The Intercession of the Holy Prophet

would he have ordered all the Ansaar to stand. Rather, he would

have just asked a few of them to stand (in order to help Hazrat Sa’ad).

Reason 4: It was the habit of Rasool Allah to stand when

someone came to his home in order to display love, friendship and
respect, just as he stood when his blessed daughter Sayyedah Fatimah
would come to his home. When Sayyedah Fatimah
emulated her father and did the same when he came to her house he
allowed her to do that and did not forbid her. In a similar manner, he
ordered the Ansaar to stand for their chief which shows the validity
and permissibility of standing. Standing for a descendant of the Holy
Prophet or for a chief is done out of respect and therefore who is
more deserving of this respect than Rasool Allah ?

Reason 5: People say that this was all done when Rasool Allah
was physically present in this world. However, he himself is not
present in Milad gatherings that are conducted nowadays.
The answer to this is that the person who talks about the blessed birth
of Rasool Allah and is singing his praises does so with the
mindset and firm belief in his mind and heart that Rasool Allah is
present. The talk centres on the fact that Rasool Allah came from
the world of light and spirituality into this physical world at that time
and the person talking about the blessed birth believes Rasool Allah
to be close to him.
This belief and closeness of Rasool Allah is in a spiritual sense as
Rasool Allah is adorned and decorated with the most sublime
and elevated characteristics by Allah Ta’ala. It is stated in a Hadith e
Qudsi that Allah Ta’ala states, “Whoever remembers Me, I am beside
In another narration it states, “I am with him who remembers Me.”
Rasool Allah has been bestowed with the best attributes and
qualities by Allah Ta’ala and therefore in acting upon and following
the rules laid down by Allah Ta’ala Rasool Allah is spiritually
present with his soul with all those who remember him, regardless of
where they may be. Undoubtedly, this firm belief in the mind and
heart of a person talking about Rasool Allah is a means for
increasing love for him and respect for him.


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