A Role of Green Marketing and Its Effect On Consumer Purchase Behavior
A Role of Green Marketing and Its Effect On Consumer Purchase Behavior
A Role of Green Marketing and Its Effect On Consumer Purchase Behavior
green marketing pricing should be that creates good awareness and influences
affordable to a common customer. the target audiences for further purchases.
Talking in terms of green promotion would
GREEN PLACE: Place is generally
then be meeting this optimum level. The
referred to as the distribution channel or
optimum level needs to be taken forward
distribution network. Place can be any
not only in terms of the promotional
physical store as well as virtual stores. The
expenses but also the different ways in
process involved in transferring products
which promotion is being affected.
from the producer to the consumer is
known as physical distribution. Green Re-engineering green marketing “Green
place in that sense can be anything which Marketing is the marketing of products and
minimizes the customers and the services that are not only environment
manufacturer’s effort in acquiring and friendly but also preferably acceptable to
selling a product respectively. Many firms various stakeholders in the society.
now-a-days have started selling their Various dimensions on which green
products online. This really cuts down the marketing are based are a broad range of
customers cost to practically visit a market activities including product modification,
place, select a store and then purchase the production process, product packaging,
product. Firms have come up with their product transfer, and ethical product
own websites which displays the promotion.”
merchandise and the customers have to
place the order online and get the delivery LITERATURE REVIEW
of product within few days. The internet As defined by Tapan K. Panda “Green
can really be termed as a green place as it Marketing consists of all the activities that
offers an unmatchable comfort to the make the consumer to focus on the
customer and this also saves cost to the environment safety and take their
manufacturer in way of commissions or purchasing decision with regard to the
cuttings given to various middlemen. The natural environment safety and its
challenge in selling a product on a green management”.
place would be in terms of sensing the
features of a product and experiencing it. The National Marketing Institute estimates
The green place should be enough in that about 80 percent of consumers are
convincing the smart customer about the engaged by green marketing at some level,
product features. with about 17 percent of consumers highly
engaged. This consumer group, referred to
GREEN PROMOTION: Firms undertake as LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and
promotional activities so as to create Sustainability). These are those who like to
awareness about the product/services they pay a premium for green products. This
make. It always has been an expectation group (also more affluent and educated
from the top management of organizations than the general population) is interested in
to have an optimum promotional budget green products as they appeal to health