Xiaomi Sustainability 2020
Xiaomi Sustainability 2020
Xiaomi Sustainability 2020
2020 Sustainability Report
About Xiaomi
At Xiaomi, our mission is to relentlessly build amazing
products with honest prices to let everyone in the world
enjoy a better life through innovative technology. We
are a global technology leader, headquartered in China,
offering smartphones, Internet of Things (IoT), smart TVs
and other consumer electronic products and services.
We have more than 23,000 employees around the world
including France, Finland, India, Mexico and Germany.
Introduction from our Chairman and CEO 3
Governance 5
Our products and our customers 8
The environment 16
Our people 21
Feedback 34
D ear investors and friends: This is our You can read more about our response to Covid-19 in
this report. You can also read about how sustainability
first Sustainability Report, and will
at Xiaomi is governed from top to bottom, how we treat
be the first of many. our employees and suppliers, how we interact with
our communities and our response to the global
From the moment we set up this company environmental challenges.
in 2010, Xiaomi is committed to improving
And it is on that issue, the environment, that I would now
the world we live in. In 2020, we joined the like to focus on.
United Nations Global Compact and
We are aware of our obligation to be more environmentally
committed to its ten stipulated principles friendly and keep our products and materials in use for
of corporate responsibility. as long as reasonably possible. So, we have been working
to design-out waste from and increase the longevity of
our products. This can be seen in our movement towards
From the start, our mission has been to relentlessly build
plastic-free packaging. Our Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro, for
amazing products with honest prices to let everyone in the
example, has 60% less plastic in its packaging than its
world enjoy a better life through innovative technology.
predecessor, and the Mi Band 4C comes in an in this vital area which we firmly believe will make a huge
We firmly believe that affordable technology award-winning all-paper carton. difference not only for Mi Fans but by making an important
improves lives and wellbeing, and a contribution to the low carbon economy.
By the end of 2021, we will be able to collect
connected world is better than an isolated Affordable and recycle our products in China, India and We are a young company, just 11 years old. We have a long
one. The pandemic that swept the globe in technology Europe. We are also changing the design journey ahead of us.
2020 proves this point very clearly. improves lives and of our products so they can be fixed more
wellbeing And that journey must be sustainable.
easily, rather than thrown away.
As schools and offices in every continent
Lei Jun
were closed and we retreated to our homes, And I would like to state clearly that as a company,
Lei Jun
affordable technology has kept us connected to our we are on a pathway to carbon neutrality and making
friends, our family, our colleagues, and kept our children a greater contribution to the circular economy through
connected to their teachers. innovation in the whole value chain. It is a journey we are
fully committed to. Chairman and CEO, Xiaomi
And our high-quality, honestly-priced smartphones and July, 2021
smart devices helped facilitate that. Last year we sold our At this point, it would be wrong not to mention a new
products in more than 90 countries. That is 90 countries in direction the company is taking. In March this year,
which our technology was used to keep people connected we announced the start of our new smart electric vehicle
while in isolation. business. We are investing $10 billion over the next decade
When deciding on our strategy, we take into account Environmental, Social and Governance model of risk which is overseen by the
the views of our stakeholders, the issues determined to (ESG) governance structure at all levels Audit Committee. The Internal Audit team
be material by our analysis and the wider international
of the company including our Board, conducts independent reviews of the
sustainable development frameworks, such as the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). management, and delivery teams. adequacy and effectiveness of the risk
From 2020, we have
management and internal control systems
From this, we determine that our sustainability strategy and become a proud The Board of Directors has agreed that the
contribution to sustainable development focuses on: member of the United annually and presents its findings and
Corporate Governance Committee (the
Nations Global Compact recommendations to the Audit Committee.
and commit to report
CGC), on behalf of the Board of Directors,
The material risks to Xiaomi over the last two
information according will oversee sustainability issues at Xiaomi,
to their ten sustainability years have been:
which is referred to internally as ESG. The CGC
principles on an annual
Governance The Community
basis. These cover
regularly discusses ESG with the board and 1. Competition, regulation
and ethics environment contribution
human rights, labor, the provides guidelines and recommendations to and technology innovation
Products and
customers environment and anti- the ESG working group. The ESG team and 2. Compliance
corruption. This report
Supply chain
provides information on
managers of each business unit across the 3. Supply chain
these areas. company constitute the ESG working group to 4. Product and service quality
coordinate resources for effective enforcement 5. Information security and privacy risk
of ESG policies. The ESG team works with
Community Products and Employees
contribution customers
relevant functional teams to implement the
Employees Group's ESG strategy and policies.
technology has made a difficult situation more bearable.
And, when the pandemic hit, we were able to use our Throughout 2020,
technology and skills to help our employees, our suppliers D ATA technology has
and our communities. We were quickly able to set up PANDEMIC IN EUROPE
made a difficult
infrared thermometers at the perimeter of our campus
to screen all employees for high temperatures. We were
50,000 Mask donation in Europe
situation more
Protective masks bearable
also able to put in place a range of measures to help our Pairs of disposable During the rise of Covid-19, Xiaomi coordinated the donation
donated in Europe
employees, from regular deep cleaning of all premises to gloves donated of more than 800,000 protective masks and clothing, and
by Xiaomi air purifiers to the following countries, Spain, Italy, France,
vouchers giving employees and their families access to
medical advice and care. Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland,
Romania and the UK.
Donations to help people in China and beyond
We did not have to reduce our workforce in any location
40 Home-school help in Spain
Countries that
through the pandemic. Instead, we continued to recruit. When Spain went into lockdown, teachers had to conduct
received Xiaomi's
We encouraged employees to work from home to keep classes online. But not all students had the necessary
themselves and their families safe. Due to the geographical technology. So, Xiaomi Spain donated 1,000 smartphones to
the Spanish Ministry of Education, who distributed them to
footprint of our business, we were in a position to make
Smartphones donated
donations to help people across the world. Over the course students across Spain.
to students across ten
of 2020, we distributed 2.7 million masks, 50,000 pairs of regions of Spain
disposable gloves, 28,000 protective suits and various other
epidemic-related equipment to more than 40 countries
and territories.
X iaomi is determined to be a good parties, we have implemented robust protection measures in CODE OF CONDUCT
our bidding processes. We strictly control the authorization
corporate citizen and has zero tolerance Our Employee Code of Conduct details the values and
levels of our employees, clarify the division of responsibilities,
towards bribery, corruption, fraud and any and identify conflicts to prevent fraud at the source. behaviors of the corporation that all employees are
expected to read, understand, and comply with.
form of dishonest behavior. We protect All our suppliers and business partners are required to
whistleblowers and work to ensure that adhere to our Supplier Social Responsibility Code of The document went through a thorough revision in 2019.
It is also regularly updated in line with relevant changes in
Conduct and sign their commitment via the Supplier Social
all employees feel free to call out any
Responsibility Agreement. Our sustainability requirements, laws and regulations and covers all areas of corporate life at
wrongdoing and corrupt behavior. including anti-bribery and corruption and human rights, are Xiaomi, from our values as a company to our responsibilities
outlined in the agreements. In cases of non-compliance, towards the environment.
We have training programs in place to ensure that Countries covered by
parties must rectify the fault or we will terminate the Xiaomi's global As well as this, the Code signals behaviors required with
employees and suppliers are able to identify corrupt
business arrangement. reporting platform regard to the avoidance of conflicts of interest; prohibition
behavior when they see it and know how to report
it. We also have robust procedures in place to Xiaomi actively participates in anti-fraud related of insider trading; anti-corruption; anti-bribery; dealing
prevent employee fraud. organizations such as Chinese Industry with business partners and suppliers; unfair competition
Associations Trust and Integrity Enterprise and antitrust; compliance with international trade controls;
We are committed to the United Nations All employees feel Alliance and the Chinese Corporate Anti- and anti-money laundering. All of our employees are
Sustainable Development Goals, and our free to call out Fraud Alliance with whom we share best trained every year, and also undergo mandatory training in
anti-bribery and corruption policies correlate wrong-doing practice about how to safeguard users' data. information security and privacy.
to SDG 16.5.
All employees are explicitly told that if any of the policies are
Whistleblowing and raising complaints
Training of employees, suppliers, unclear it is their duty to seek guidance from a line manager,
We have robust whistleblowing management
and third parties Human Resources or the Legal team.
procedures in place including our Regulation on
We ensure that employees and suppliers are fully aware of our
Whistleblower Reward for whistleblowers who go on the HUMAN RIGHTS
anti-bribery and corruption policies. Everybody who works at
record. Our Regulation on Whistleblower Protection ensures
Xiaomi is obliged to abide by the Anti-Corruption Convention
the rights of all whistleblowers and guarantees anonymity to We accept and uphold the United Nations Declaration
for Employees, Conflict of Interest Management Regulation,
those that want it. of Human Rights and comply with all relevant laws and
and the Employee Integrity Behavior Guidelines. All of
regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
employees must sign up to our Employee Handbook which Xiaomi's official whistleblowing channels include email,
We require our suppliers to abide by relevant rules and
includes our requirements for business ethics. phone, and our international reporting platform. The
regulations and have integrated human rights compliance
platform, which is hosted by independent ethics and
We are constantly updating and revising our anti-fraud, into our supply chain assessment and audits. We also
compliance software provider LRN Global, covers over
anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices to ensure uphold the principles of human rights required by our
60 countries and 60 languages and is always open.
their effectiveness. membership of the UN Global Compact.
It accepts information from employees, customers,
To avoid corruption when dealing with suppliers and third investors and partners.
Our approach
We love to develop amazing products with honest
prices, and we are committed to keeping our technology PRODUCTS SUPPORTING OUR SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY
affordable. With our ethos of meeting 80% of the needs of
80% of the population, it's important to us that our prices 5%
are competitive. We aim to always develop high-quality
products without unnecessary costs. It's our pledge to
ensure that the net profit margin of the Xiaomi Hardware
Business, which includes smartphones, IoT products and The percentage limit
of Xiaomi's net profit
lifestyle products, is limited to a maximum of 5% a year.
margin. The rest
Any excess profit is returned to customers via promotions
will be returned
and benefits. We have a key focus on innovation and the
to our users
research and development we do throughout the business
helps to deliver on our customer promise. For that reason,
we were proud to be included on Clarivate Analytics'
prestigious Top 100 Global Innovators list in 2020. This is
the third time we've been included.
Xiaomi named in
Clarivate Analytics' Our Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro series Our Mi Band 5 is a worldwide Our air purifiers quickly remove
prestigious Top 100 of smartphones showcase the top-selling wearable device which contaminants in a room to improve
Global Innovators
plastic reduction in our products. can offer more than two weeks of indoor air quality, such as dust,
list in 2020 for the
And in addition, to protect the battery life between charges. PM 2.5, pollen, TVOCs, and
third year
health of users, they come with a It can monitor 11 different exercise pet dander. It also reduces or
free antibacterial case and screen and sports activities and has a eliminates second-hand
protector in the box. 24-hour heart rate monitoring tobacco smoke.
feature, and it's sold at an
affordable price point.
THE XIAOMI APPROACH company based in China has made it to the top five. By the XIAOMI APPROACH
end of 2020, we had accumulated more than 19,000 patents Technology strategy
TO INNOVATION Leading the way in technology
in total. innovation and researching
frontier technology.
The nature of our mission and customer promise means
We are continuing to increase our investment in R&D and
that product quality is at the core of our strategy and the
now have a network of 9 R&D centers and almost 200 labs.
development of innovative new products is central to our
While most of these are in China, we are setting up a global
success as a business.
network and now have labs in Finland, India, France and Technology culture
Technology talent
Creating excellent
We drive the innovation process within the company Japan. In 2020 we set up a special R&D team dedicated to Enhancing talent
engineering culture and Xiaomi management including
through our technology committee which we set up in making our products more environmentally friendly. the sense of fulfilment for Technology talent recruitment,
our engineers. Committee
2019. This ensures that we address the whole ecosystem training, and motivation.
Our labs cover testing in a wide range of technical fields
of technological innovation, thinking through
including RF (radio frequency), antenna, EMC
strategy, organization, talent, and culture and
(Electro Magnetic Compatibility), ESD (Electro- Technology cooperation
cooperation of our industry. Technology organization
Static discharge), SAR (Specific Absorption Establishing cooperation with
Leading special committees
the government, universities,
Product quality Rate), security and privacy, and acoustic, scientific research institutions
and technical teams
Smart manufacturing in each business.
is at the core of along with dozens of different professional and industry experts.
In 2019, we used the valuable experience
our strategy and technical fields.
gained over years of collaboration with
our manufacturing partners to develop a We also have multiple licensing and cross-
'smart' factory - one which is largely automated licensing agreements in place with some of the transportation brand Segway.
and operates with industrial robots. We have now D ATA
world's most well-known tech companies, including
We will continue to leverage our resources and advantages
developed a fully automated production line for our flagship Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Qualcomm, Netflix and Nokia.
to empower our ecosystem product companies and
smartphones using cutting-edge technologies. Our
We are keen to develop new ideas, wherever they come transform more manufacturing industries.
automation level reached 63% in 2020 with improvement
from. Therefore, it is our policy to invest in and incubate All of this makes us one of the most innovative global tech
expected in future years.
promising companies, particularly in the fields of mobile companies based in China, with the awards to prove it.
Research and development internet and IoT. As of December 31, 2020, we had invested
We ensure quality and innovation by investing in our people in more than 310 companies with an aggregate book
Percentage level of
and our intellectual property. value of RMB 48 billion ($7 billion), an increase of 60.1%
automation of smart
In 2020, we invested RMB 9.3 billion ($1.3 billion) in research manufacture in 2020
and development and submitted more than 8,000 patent During 2020, a number of our investee companies, namely
applications. We filed 516 of our applications under the Ninebot Limited, and Roborock, successfully listed on
Hague System of international design, making us the fifth- public stock exchanges, a further testament to the success
biggest user of the system that year. It's the first time a of our ecosystem strategy. Ninebot owns the personal
business over the next decade. Technology Review at the EmTech China 2020
Global Kexing Technology Summit.
This is an important next step for Xiaomi and Product quality
one that we believe will make us a company is at the core of
that manufactures products designed our strategy
specifically for the low carbon economy
of the future. Entering into this business will
allow us to continue to expand our smart AIoT
ecosystem and fulfill our mission of letting everyone in
the world enjoy a better life through
innovative technology.
and share our values of "sincerity and love"
with them. That's why we strive for excellent
customer service and fix problems as quickly Our customers
as possible. We want everybody to be able to drive us to
use our products, therefore we work hard to innovate
ensure that accessibility functions are easily
available, and advocate for the rest of the tech
community to do the same.
By the end of 2020, we had 656 outlets for carry-in repair, 1,533
1,533 outlets for home service, 18 delivery repair centers Outlets for
and eight spare parts warehouses. home service
Customer service
Our customer service telephone hotline has a 97% approval D ATA
In 2020, in an effort to improve the response time of our
after-sales service, we launched two fast-response services rating, and our online service has a 91% approval rating. We've
and incorporated response time into the evaluation criteria won awards for our after-sales service throughout 2020,
including the Indonesia Contact Centre Association Certified
of our after-sales service teams. Our one-hour service
Platinum award in the Customer Experience category. Number of
allows a quick turn-around service in store, and a two-hour
design awards
response service where a specialist will contact the user to During the pandemic, we adapted to better serve our won in 2020
schedule an appointment. customers and help protect their health. Over the 2020
Approval rating Christmas season, we launched a door-to-door replacement
We are also able to provide a service where technicians
for Xiaomi's service in Europe and we provided a pick-up and replace
will disassemble and repair products in front of customers
customer service
to give them a more reassuring after-sales experience. service at no additional charge for our high-end devices.
telephone hotline
Number of design
It is our strategy to open more stores and repair We are committed to improving user-experience and
awards won over
points across the world and further improve our exceeding our customers' expectations by using excellent ten years
customer experience. design. Our customers expect the 'Mi look' that we have
developed over the last ten years, and this has been
recognized both through customer feedback and awards. In
2020, we won more than 90 awards for design, bringing our
total design awards to over 600.
Our customers
Mi MIX Alpha Reddot Design Award Mi Printer Series UI Design Reddot Design Award
Mi Sports Bluetooth mini A Design Awards (Silver) Mi Internet Smoke Stove UI Design IDEA (Finalist)
India Series, including earpiece, power bank, wrist band etc A Design Awards (Silver) Mi Vacuum Cleaner UI Design IDEA (Finalist)
accessibility as standard. products and services and ensure that our privacy policy in 14 areas including hardware security, embedded security,
is clearly communicated and transparent to our users. We and general system security. We have implemented this
ensure our employees are fully aware of their data and baseline standard in more than 100 ecosystem
security responsibilities around the corporation. To do products so far.
this, we run a compulsory training program on security
3. To share technology and experience in IoT
and privacy compliance. And our engineers are certified Everyone should
security and privacy protection and promote
by the International Association of Privacy Professionals have full access to
the healthy development of IoT security and
(IAPP). There are three main strands to our internet security technology
privacy ecology with ecosystem partners and
all enterprises.
1. To let users have the right to know and control data. The
Now we are working with European standard
newly released MACE micro (Mobile AI Computer Engine)
bodies for more products security compliance test.
leaves more and more data on the terminal, so that users
Xiaomi also encourages users to test our security and
can really control their own data.
report anything they find. We reward white hat hackers with
China Disabled Persons' Federation 2. To implement our 'Internet of Things product security bonuses if they discover security vulnerabilities.
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
The environment
W e are committed to reducing them to cut down on energy use and reduce
2 0 2 0 D ATA
the environmental impact of their environmental impact. HIGHLIGHTS
As a company that designs, markets and We are aware of the environmental impact
carbon dioxide
sells smart products, our offices, stores, of our products when they reach their
equivalent reduced
data centers and products are where end-of-life, therefore we are expanding
we have the most direct impact on the our trade-in service to Europe this year,
environment, and where we can make the giving customers the option to recycle
most significant positive changes. their old products without leaving TONS
packaging for our IoT product, such as Mi We are committed to the following
Band 4C is a good example of this, as is our United Nations Sustainable
decision to phase out including-chargers Development Goals: 188
with some of our smartphones.
Compost created
As we rely on third parties to manufacture by kitchen waste
The Science and Technology Park, which opened introduced electronic price tags in all of
in 2019, has been designed with green and our Chinese stores and eliminated
energy-saving principles in mind, to harness The Science and disposable tagging.
solar power to heat water and cut down on Techonolgy Park
waste. During 2020, this helped us save has been designed Water and waste
more than 1,400MWh of energy and reduced with energy saving In Beijing, our campus has been designed to
greenhouse gas emissions by approximately principles save water. The surfaces of sidewalks, squares
1,000 tons of CO2e, while our solar boiler heated and parking lots are made with permeable
materials that allow water to infiltrate and flow In Europe, with the exception of an assembly factory in THE XIAOMI SCIENCE
more than 3,600 tons of water and our kitchen waste
through to the underground reserves. Poland where we work with supplier to produce TVs,
created 188 tons of compost. PARK IN BEJING
we do not manufacture or sell our products by ourselves.
We also work hard to raise employees' awareness of saving We have implemented various measures to reduce waste Instead, our products are sold by third-party retailers,
water, energy and paper. and improve our levels of recycling. For example, we use online retailers, and through branded Xiaomi Stores
large trash cans in our campus to reduce the number of operated by our business partners in Europe. As a result,
As a technology company that sells products that connect to
liners needed. We use a specialist waste-sorting company our direct environmental impact in Europe comes from
the internet, we have specifically targeted data centers as an
to process the daily waste in our offices and turn kitchen our offices. We are working towards data collection for our
area in which we can make significant energy-use reductions.
waste into granules for recycling. We also use qualified European markets while ensuring that our footprint is kept
In our own data centers, we have taken measures that companies to process hazardous office waste such as to a minimum.
include, but are not limited to, the purchase of servers printer cartridges and batteries. We recycle our office
that demonstrate high power efficiency and energy- resources by donating computers that are no longer
saving capability, as well as a platinum-grade consumption suitable for our purpose to local charities and NGOs, or by
conversion rate. We have set up a power consumption sending them to specialist recyclers.
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
At Xiaomi, we take pride in good design, and know that great XIAOMI SCORES HIGHLY IN
design can be the solution to many problems. Therefore, we FRENCH REPAIRABILITY INDEX
have tasked our designers to work on smart ways to make INSERT
our products and packaging more environmentally friendly. In 2019, the French government passed a law stating
that all electrical and electronic equipment must
Packaging, design and natural resources
display how easy it is to repair, using a repairability
Xiaomi is committed to reducing the amount of packaging
index developed by the Ministry of Ecology. The
used by our products. Over the last three years, we have been
law came into force at the start of 2021. The law is
redesigning and modifying packaging across our range of
designed to promote the circular economy and to
products and have developed a style of box that only uses
fight waste by encouraging consumers to choose
one sheet of paper, cutting down packaging by up to 40%.
more repairable products, and manufacturers to
We have also redesigned the packaging used for our Need to glue improve the repairability of their products.Xiaomi
Don't need to glue
flagship Mi 11 smartphone, which was launched in China in now displays the repairability of smartphones and
December 2020. The new packaging is 20% lighter, has two TVs made for the French market. Each product has
fewer packaging components and no longer uses any form its own repairability index score (from 0 to 10). The
of plastic or film. The packaging volume has been reduced AWARD WINNING
phone products, which won a 2020 Red Dot Design Award, calculation of this index is based on five criteria:
by 45% with the associated cumulative weight reductions a prestigious international product design award run by availability of documentation, dismantling and
cutting overall distribution emissions. German company Red Dot GmbH. accessibility of parts, availability of spare parts, price
D ATA of spare parts and product-specific criteria.
The smartphone is being sold in China without a charging We are working to improve both the longevity and
block to cut down on waste and we plan to sell more repairability of our products. For example, our Redmi 9A The higher the score is, the more repairable the
smartphones without chargers. handset comes with a 5000mAh battery with a 1000 charge product is. The criterion for which we often have the
In 2020, we removed 60% of the plastic from our Mi 10T and 45% cycle which is double the smartphone's expected lifespan.
The Mi 11/11 Pro/11 Ultra come with super-tough Corning
highest score (9 or 10) is the one related to the price
of spare parts. Currently, Xiaomi has either green or
Mi 10T Pro series of handsets. By the end of 2021, we aim
Victus glass, with Gorilla glass corners making it 1.5 times dark green color options for its smartphones.
to achieve a higher percentage of plastic reduction in the
more resistant if dropped and two times more resistant
packaging of our new products in Europe. We are proud that
The percentage to scratches. With regards to reparability, our Mi 11
the new One Paper Box design was introduced in some non-
saving in packaging scored 8 out of 10 on the official French repairability index2.
volume of Mi 11 We intend to improve this score by increasing the
Chinese version vailability of spare parts. More info: https://www.indicereparabilite.fr/appareil/
Calcule de l'indice de reparabilite et presentation des
parameteres ayant permis de l'etablir
achieved by redesign
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
unable to comply with our audit standards, we
Product stewardship
are unable to work with them until they have
We make more than 40 types of energy-saving products.
End of life Our suppliers have rectified the issues identified.
Over and above that, we ensure that our products are fully
We encourage the recycling to sign our Supplier
compliant with all the environmental and safety regulations
of our products once they Code of Conduct
of the countries where they are sold. Our products are
have reached the end of life.
compliant with EU regulations including the CE, REACH,
Under our trade-in program,
RoHS and WEEE Directives.Before being released on the
all of our smartphones sold
market, all our smartphones are sent to accredited
in China can be returned
laboratories for RoHS and REACH testing to ensure to us for recycling or
compliance with the regulations of the countries where responsible disposal. As of
they are sold. All smartphones, during the R&D phase, go March 2021, this has been OUR ELECTRIC
through a series of testing for function and safety purposes rolled out to Germany, TOOTHBRUSH
such as SAR (specific absorption rate), a measure of radio France, Italy and the 3
See Supply Chain section
frequency energy absorption. Netherlands. add reference later]
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
Total Comprehensive Energy Consumption Main Office Areas in Mainland China Mi Homes in Mainland China PAC K AG I N G
48,608.45 MWh
Direct Energy
Consumption 1
2.22 0.16
MWh 0.061 MWh/m2 0.096 46.808.15 t
3,192.70 MWh tco2e/m2 t/m2
Indirect Energy
Consumption 1
45,415.75 MWh
Energy GHG Emissions Energy GHG Emissions
Total Packaging
Consumption Intensity Consumption Intensity
Materials for
Total GHG Emissions per Employee Intensity
Finished Products
31,347.06 tCO2e
Hazardous Waste
1. Total energy consumption is calculated according to the power and natural gas
Direct GHG 0.367 t consumption and the conversion factors set out in the National Standards of the
People's Republic of China the General Rules for Calculation of Comprehensive Energy
Emissions 2 Hazardous Waste Consumption, the national standard of the People's Republic of China. Direct energy
consumption arises from the consumption of natural gas during the Group's operation.
624.29 tco2e per Employee Indirect energy consumption arises from the consumption of purchased electricity during t/RMB
Indirect GHG the Group's operation. million
0.019 kg
Emissions 2
2. Due to its operational features, the significant air emissions of the Group are GHG
emissions arising mainly from natural gas and electricity generated from fossil fuels.
30,722.77 tco2e According to Measures for Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (For Trial
Implementation) issued by the Ministry of Ecological and Environment of the People's Intensity of
Republic of China, the inventory of GHG includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride.
Total Water Consumption 3
The Group's GHG inventory includes carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. GHG Materials for
emissions data is presented in carbon dioxide equivalent and the calculation is based
Non-Hazardous Waste on the 2019 Baseline Emission Factors for Regional Power Grids in China" issued by the Finished Products
303,132.92 t Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China, and the 2006
4,661.07 t IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" (2019 Edition) issued by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). GHG emissions (Scope 1) arise mainly
from the consumption of direct energy" (natural gas) by the Group's operation. GHG
Reclaimed Non-Hazardous emissions (Scope 2) arise mainly from the consumption of indirect energy" (purchased or
acquired electricity) by the Group's operation, which include the electricity consumption
Water Running Waste per of main offices and self-operated Mi Homes in mainland China.
Consumption Water Employee 3.The Group's water resources come from the municipal water supply and the reclaimed
water supply. In 2020, the Group had no issues in sourcing water.
115,793.90 t Consumption 0.24 t
187,339.02 t
Our people
O ur people are central to our business Taiwan, 5% in other parts of Asia and are strictly compliant with the laws and
and, as we grow, and sell our products 1% in Europe. regulations of the countries and territories in
across the globe, we are committed to being which we work.
In Europe, we have offices in Spain, Italy,
a truly world-class employer.
93% France, Germany, the UK, Poland, Finland As a large company operating in many
We are a young company growing fast and the Netherlands, making it our largest countries, we believe that we should be held
- it is our mission to relentlessly build region after China and India by the number to a high international standard in all our
Percentage of our
amazing products with honest prices to of employees. As we continued to grow locations. We also want to be impactful in
employees based
let everyone in the world enjoy a better life in China globally, we have more than doubled the way we deliver our people strategy, with
through innovative technology. We have (+160%) the number of employees in Europe an eye to current and emerging worldwide
built on brand based on trust, respect, the over the past year and expect to increase trends. Therefore, we have ensured that
engagement we have with our fans and this number going forward. our approach to our people strategy is
the joy we bring them. Our brand values 1% In 2020, we recruited 7,885 permanent
aligned with the United Nations Sustainable
of sincerity and passion permeate Development Goals.
employees (2,210 were new graduates).
through our company and are upheld by
Percentage of our During 2021, we plan to hire a further 5,000
all Xiaomi employees. employees based engineers as well as recruiting people from
in Europe
Xiaomi has employees in over 20 countries other sectors.The majority 4 of our workforce
and territories in four continents. Just over are in technical operations roles, such as
20,000 are in China and up to 1,500 are 7,885 hardware and software engineers. The rest
employed in other countries. During 2020, Employees work in functional and sales departments.
94% of our employees were based in recruited in 2020 All of our employment practices and rules
mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and
73% of 2,400 graduate recruits, hired in 2019, were
in technical operations roles
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
As part of our commitment to training, the course. It aims to help new managers
As a company, our day-to-day work is to design and market
we have set up an in-house training improve their skills and become excellent
great products. That's why talent attraction, training and
development is such an important part of our strategy.
70% center, where we provide tailored leaders, through goal achievement, people
development in a campus management, and team building.
We rely on our people and their skills to make us what
environment. This is in addition
we are. In 2020, we overhauled our system for
to our local training provisions.
Percentage evaluating and promoting employees
In 2020, more than 12,000
Talent attraction increase in top level to ensure impartiality. We now run two
employees were trained there,
Despite the pandemic, we continued to recruit through the recruitment in 2020 promotions rounds a year, a general round
including the Annual Leadership
whole of 2020. We hired almost 8,000 people in 2020. We and one for outstanding employees.
Program, which covers 2,940
recruited at all levels. We took on more than 2,000 graduate The number of promotions available
managers, and the center delivered
recruits after receiving 160,000 applications. each year is calculated by Human
57,598 hours of learning.
Resources based on the
Across the whole of our business, from operations to Number of graduates
The training center offers a number company's growth.
innovation, and from R&D to marketing, talent development recruited in 2020
of prestigious programs for new
is central to our success and the competitiveness of the
starters and managers.
company. We are keen to attract top talent and hold this as
a key priority in the development of our new international
headquarters in Shenzhen.
12,000+ ● Our 'YOU' program (Young,
Outstanding, Unique) is a
Number of
six-month training scheme
All our employees have access to an extensive range of employees trained at
that provides all-round
training courses covering culture, science, technology, our in-house training
development for graduates.
management and general professional development. center in 2020
2,198 completed the program
in 2020.
Number of award
Our guiding principles
shares granted to
We treat all our employees equally participants of the
employee equity
We respect the dignity and personality of all our incentive scheme
disabled people with employment and provided jobs for liked the team atmosphere. These high scores are
subsidized insurance policies for employees and
185 disabled people in 2020. More than 40 visually impaired consistent with results from recent years.
their family members.
people are working as speech recognition assistants We provide The survey was carried out using a
for Mi AI Speakers. The project involves identifying and Employees are also entitled to free annual
employees with confidential online questionnaire so that
categorizing voice commands using headphones and
screen-reading software.
95% health checks and birthday benefits.
equity to allow them employees are encouraged to provide
In addition, it is our policy to provide our to share in our honest feedback. All employees of at least
We established a talent strategy group this year which is employees with equity in the company to growth six months standing were surveyed, and the
responsible for core and strategic positions in the Group, allow them to share in our growth. In 2020, the active participation rate was more than 85%.
Percentage of
as well as providing research to inform on best practice in employees who like
board granted a total of 137,947,024 restricted stock
talent and organizational development. the team atmosphere units (RSU) to participants of the employee equity incentive
at Xiaomi scheme covering 4,686 issues. This covers a wide range of
people who contribute to the Group and includes full- and
part-time employees, consultants, distributors and joint
4 2019 winner of the 'Enterprise Award for Caring for and Helping the Disabled' awarded by
the Beijing Social Security and Employment Service Center for the Disabled venture partners.
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
work in a safe environment and that, where the wearing of masks, disinfecting premises,
Xiaomi paid for books, laptops, smart blackboards
possible, they and their family members and implementing a daily system reporting on
and calligraphy teaching tools. It also funded video
were looked after. All employees were During the pandemic, employees' temperatures and symptoms. All
resources and courses for preschool, primary
given passes for medical treatment and all our employees employees' temperatures were taken before
and secondary students.
advice that they could share with family were given passes they could access company premises.
members. This included online registration for medical We also took great care to ensure the health
for appointments, online appointments treatment and safety of employees who were working
with doctors and an easier process for settling
abroad at the start of the pandemic. In one
health insurance claims.
such case, a group of nine young employees were
When it was safe to do so, employees returned to work stranded in India, and we made sure they were looked after
in a protected and positive environment where we took safely before they were repatriated.
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
Growing responsibly
Growing responsibly
products was severely affected as our suppliers were unable practice including human rights, pay and conditions,
As a company that is heavily reliant on our
to work. After the period of lockdown in China, members anti-discrimination, occupational health and
suppliers, we are in a position to influence
During the pandemic of our senior team visited manufacturing partners across safety, environmental protection and chemicals
them to improve their own operations.
we accelerated our China to discuss how production could safely start again. management, business ethics and whistleblower
And, over the last few years, we have
plans to expand In partnership with our suppliers and the government, we protection. Suppliers are expected to train
been increasing our focus on improving
online sales were able to help recruit new employees where needed and their employees to adhere to our Code and
the environmental impact of our supply
provide Covid testing, isolation services, and protective regularly conduct self-assessments to
chain and have audited our core suppliers and
equipment. Through these efforts, production was started demonstrate compliance.
provided them with recommendations to improve
again with close monitoring of the health and safety of
their performance. If an audited supplier falls short of our standards, we
employees to prevent the spread of the virus.
As well as having multiple suppliers, we also have multiple inform them and ask them to draw up a rectification
In Europe, during the pandemic, many stores closed, plan and remedy the problem within four months.
business streams. As a matter of practical necessity, the
affecting our route-to-market. We accelerated our plans They must provide us with monthly improvement
supply chains of different products are managed separately,
to improve and expand our online sales to ensure our reports until the situation has been rectified.
but always with reference to the sustainability performance
customers had easy and safe access to our products.
of our suppliers.
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
Growing responsibly
Growing responsibly
Conflict minerals are those which are at high risk of being CAS E ST U DY
related to armed conflicts or human rights abuses. They SHARING BEST PRACTICE WITH SUPPLIERS
include minerals such as gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum.
Xiaomi has promised not to purchase or use conflict minerals
During 2020, Xiaomi ran a workshop to share The topics covered are:
in its products that directly or indirectly fund armed groups
environmental best practice in 14 factories in
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and its ● Green supply chain management
Guangdong, China.
adjacent countries and requires its suppliers to abide by this
● Green design and green production
commitment. We take all necessary measures to trace the Employees at the factories completed seven training
origin of minerals used in products. We require our suppliers modules over six months and then underwent an on- ● Green sales and recycling
to investigate the origin of conflict minerals contained in site audit from Xiaomi.
● Identification and assessment of environmental risk
their products following the Organization for Economic
The training is designed to help our suppliers have a factors and chemical management training
Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence
better understanding of what they can do to meet our
Guidance: towards Conflict-free Mineral Supply Chains and ● Energy management of electronic industry
CSR standards and reduce the carbon intensity of
the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) audit guidelines (material flow)
their operations.
If suppliers refuse to supervise the source of minerals or
● Water resources management in electronic industry
cannot determine the conflict-free status of minerals, we may
consider suspending our cooperation with them. ● Greenhouse gas emission accounting and control
The Covid-19 pandemic meant 2020 was a year like no
Items donated
other. And, while it affected all areas of our business, it had by Xiaomi in
a major effect on our community engagement policy and partnership with
how we look after our communities at home and abroad. Wuhan University
to South Korea
During the pandemic, Xiaomi, our employees and the
Beijing Xiaomi Foundation, made donations in cash and
goods worth more than RMB 80 million ($11.6 million).
washing machines to hospitals based in Hubei Province, and tens of thousands of FFP3 face masks to the Italian
have made cash donations to various charity funds government, for the severely affected Veneto region. We 10,000
Donations received also sent supplies to France Spain, the UK and Poland. protective masks
and organizations.
($3.9 million) by
Working with the Beijing Xiaomi Foundation, we donated
non-invasive ventilators, protective clothing, and other
the Beijing Xiaomi When schools in Europe had to close and move to online
Foundation lessons, many vulnerable students did not have the
N95 standard masks
protective materials and electronic products to the Beijing devices to be able to take part. Xiaomi Spain donated 1,000
government and designated local hospitals. Some of our smartphones to the Spanish Ministry of Education to be 200,000
equipment was sent to the Wuhan Union West Hospital, distributed to children across the country. surgical masks
which played an essential role in Wuhan during the most
Across Asia, we donated supplies to South Korea, including
difficult period of the pandemic.
200,000 surgical masks, 100,000 N95 standard masks,
In November 2020, Beijing Xiaomi Foundation gave five 10,000 protective suits, and 10,000 protective masks, in
sets of dual infrared thermometers to Pishan Farm in Hetian partnership with Wuhan University.
District, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for the farm's
And, working with Shanghai Foresight Fund, we donated
epidemic prevention, a donation worth more than RMB 2.3
more than 100,000 surgical masks to Tokyo.
million ($333,000).
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
at risk of poverty and in great need. Within China, there are RMB
to help children of school age and supporting RMB
some sectors of society and some provinces that we take 2 million older children into university education, with
50 million
care to support, and the same is true in times of need in our
We pay attention a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering
European markets.
to the needs of and Math (STEM) subjects, which are so vital
In 2020, Xiaomi supported many poverty-stricken areas by Value of donation communities to our industry.
offering cash donations and employment opportunities. In from Beijing Xiaomi we are in Value of Xiaomi
In 2020, we set up the Xiaomi Education
May 2020, Beijing Xiaomi Foundation donated RMB 2 million Foundation to Hubei Education Fund
Poverty Alleviation Fund and provided it with RMB 50 million ($7.2
($290,000) to the Hubei Provincial Poverty Alleviation Fund, set up in 2020
Fund ($290,000) million) to help low-income students attend ten
supporting poverty alleviation projects across 454 villages ($7.2 million)
of the most prestigious universities in China. We helped
in Hubei with average donation amount of RMB 2,000 ($290)
low-income families in Wuhan access higher education by
per person.
providing students with RMB 5,000 ($723) annual grants
per person.
XIAOMI Sustainability
Xiaomi Sustainability Report
Report 2020
educate people how to use them.
Disaster relief
We strive for
It is imperative to us that we support
equality in access CAS E ST U DY
those suffering due to natural
to technology
events. We want to be able to provide
help in the immediate aftermath of Our Xiaomi colleagues in India are currently in the
floods or earthquakes, for example. process of donating 2,500 brand new smartphones
to children in communities most affected by the We have always believed in making
In early 2020, Yunnan suffered a severe drought - the
pandemic so they can access online lessons. technology accessible to every Indian”
worst it had experienced in almost ten years. We helped
Muralikrishnan B, COO of Xiaomi India
with a project to provide drinking water, donating RMB We are running this initiative in partnership with
250,000 ($36,100) to supply 18 village groups, helping a Teach For India, who are working to ensure children “We are very grateful to our retail partners
total of 2,491 people. get continuity of education as communities go in and who have come together with us to pledge
out of lockdown. 2,500 smartphones under this CSR initiative.
Children's education is a cause we will
The smartphones have been donated by Xiaomi and
continue to work towards”
our retail and distribution partners in the region.