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Shine On 6

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Shine On!

Tests Introduction
The Shine On! tests track students’ achievement It is up to you to decide which students take which
throughout the school year, testing their knowledge level of tests. Please see the section on scoring below
of the core syllabus through a variety of activities for further guidance about attainment levels. You
including listening and speaking. The tests follow the can also make a judgment about when a transition
Shine On! controlled reading and writing progression, may be desirable from one level to the other, based
ensuring students are always being assessed within on performance but also on the confidence and
their expected capacity and that the level of challenge engagement of individual students.
progresses appropriately through the year. The listening tests can be administered simultaneously,
as both versions of the test use the same recording, but
Contents of the Tests the activities that students are expected to complete
are tailored to two different levels of linguistic
Shine On! offers the following tests:
• Unit tests 1–8: There are eight unit tests which cover
The speaking tests are also differentiated, with clear
the core vocabulary and grammar from each unit
procedural notes for prompting students to speak, and
through graded exercises.
marking their spoken performance.
• Speaking tests: Every two units there is a one-to-
one speaking test which assesses students’ ability to
produce the core vocabulary and/or grammar from
Administering the Tests
the preceding two units. The tests can be administered at the end of each unit,
• End-of-year tests: Comprehensive tests which cover when students have completed the review page and
the full year’s syllabus. These are longer tests and practice pages. Tell your students that there will be a
reflect the knowledge and skills that the students test in the next lesson, and encourage them to revise
have acquired through the year. the unit material for homework, but remember to
emphasize learning goals, and encourage students to
• End-of-course tests: There is one end-of-course test
find a way of studying that is fun and works for them.
which evaluates the student’s knowledge and skills
In the lessons before the main test you can use songs,
at the end of Shine On!
flashcard games, and review activities to emphasize
Each unit test offers a maximum of 15 points. The end- the idea that review can be fun.
of-year tests are marked out of 10 points. The end-of-
Allow 40 minutes for the unit tests. If you have a
course tests (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) are
longer lesson, you may wish to start with a song or a
marked out of 20 points.
structured review activity before having students take
the test. It is important that the classroom atmosphere
Differentiated for Mixed Ability is relaxed and supportive.
The Shine On! tests are differentiated for mixed ability Make sure that students have all the necessary
classes, offering On-level (Yellow) and Below-level (Blue) materials to complete the test: pens, pencils, and
versions of each test. colored pencils or crayons.
Differentiated tests ensure that all students are Read through the tasks with the students and ensure
assessed in a way that should motivate and bring a that they understand what is required. Point out the
sense of achievement. The tests focus on accuracy and scoring and make sure that students understand how
an introduction to formal assessment, but students the points are allocated.
should be encouraged to see testing as a positive
element of learning, helping them to identify both
strengths and areas of their progress that may need
a bit more effort. The Below-level (Blue) tests allow
students who are nearly at the required level, but need
extra support, to take a test alongside their peers and
to map their personal progress. Differentiating in this
way allows all students to focus on their own learning,
making testing a positive, motivational tool.

1 Introduction
Listening Scoring – End-of-Course Tests
18–20 points Excellent
In both levels of tests, listening activities use the same
recording, and can be administered at the same time. 14–17 points Very good
Make sure all students have read the instructions and 10–13 points Satisfactory
looked carefully at any artwork before listening. The 0–9 points Student needs extra help
instructions are not recorded. For students taking the Yellow tests who consistently
At the beginning of each activity, tell students to put achieve in the 0–7 points range, a transition to
their pens down, and just listen, focusing on what they Blue tests may be desirable. For students taking the
have to do. Play the recording through once. Blue tests who consistently achieve in the 14–15 points
Tell the students how many times they are going to range, a transition to Yellow tests may be desirable.
hear the recording. Depending on the group, you may However, in both cases, when considering a transition,
wish to play it two or three times, for all students to it is advisable to think about the student’s overall
complete the activity. Make sure students know what performance and attitude in class and consider
to expect, and let them know when you are playing it whether the change is the best option. Some students
for the last time. Give students a moment to check their may benefit from the confidence boost of higher
answers before moving on to the next activity. scores, and can be moved up later, when their
confidence is solid. Poorly performing students may
benefit from help with review and advice about
Speaking self-study techniques. Consider setting up a
The speaking tests are one-to-one activities that give study-buddy system, which pairs students of
students an opportunity to produce the language different ability to allow peer assistance.
they have learned within a supported framework,
and allow you to focus on individual students and Assessment
evaluate their speaking skills in a controlled activity.
The activities are graded to the students’ level and Assessment helps you:
capacity, and should allow students to showcase the • to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses.
language they have acquired. • to determine what the class have learned and what
As the tests are one-to-one, you may wish to carry needs more attention.
them out during a project lesson or when the other • to monitor and follow the progress of individuals.
students are completing review or practice activities.
• to monitor the effectiveness of your instruction.
Ensure that the classroom is quiet enough to allow
students to focus, but try to establish a relaxed • to give feedback to students, parents, and other
atmosphere, in which students can speak without the teachers.
pressure of a performance. The Shine On! tests focus on accuracy and the more
Each differentiated test is accompanied by procedural formal side of assessment, but there are plenty of
notes to help you guide students through the activities. opportunities within the course to work on fun,
fluency, and confidence-building. Integrating the tests
into this motivating and engaging framework should
Testing and Assessment provide students with a solid foundation for study and
self-evaluation as they continue to learn English in the
Scoring – Unit Tests
years ahead.
14–15 points Excellent
11–13 points Very good
8–10 points Satisfactory
0–7 points Student needs extra help
Scoring – Speaking Tests/End-of-Year Tests
9–10 points Excellent
7–8 points Very good
5–6 points Satisfactory
0–4 points Student needs extra help

2 Introduction
On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes
Unit 1 Answers Collections: comic books, 3 Look and complete.
key rings, pins, stickers, autographs,
Answers 1 better 2 best 3 worst
1 Listen and make a . models
4 worse
Answers 1 boy, 2 girl, 3 boy, 4 girl, 2 Answer the questions.
Unit 3–4
5 girl • Point to the relevant part of the picture
2 Look and write. and ask the question. Allow students
time to look and answer. Speaking
Answers 1 yours, 2 his, 3 mine, 4 hers
• Point to the boy and girl and ask, What
3 Circle and write the answers. are they doing? (They’re digging) 1 Look and say six kinds of
• Point to the girls and ask, What are they transportation. Complete the
Answers 1 Whose plain gloves are they? sentences.
doing? (They’re carrying)
They’re Jake’s. •
2 Whose shiny belt is it? It’s Ali’s.
• Point to the boy in the classroom and Give students time to find and say six
ask, What’s he doing? (He’s studying) forms of transportation.
3 Whose printed socks are they? They’re
Ali’s. • Point to the two boys drawing and ask, • Point to the picture of the tram and
What is the rule? (You mustn’t shout) say The tram is more crowded than …
• Point to the sign in the classroom and Encourage students to point to another
Unit 2 ask, What is the rule? (You must share) form of transportation and repeat and
complete the sentence.
1 Listen and number. • Award half a point for each correct
answer and half a point for grammatical • Point to the picture of the taxi and say
Answers 5, 2, 3, 1, 4 accuracy. The taxi is faster than …

2 Read, circle, and complete.

• Point to the picture of the hot air balloon
and say, The hot air balloon is more
Answers 1 He’s studying. Unit 3 expensive than …
2 I’m shouting. 3 We’re sharing.
1 Listen and match. • Point to a girl riding a scooter and ask,
4 She’s driving. 5 He’s teaching. How does she come to school? (She comes
6 They’re digging. Answers 1 C, 2 E, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B to school by scooter.)
3 Look and number. Complete 2 Look, read, and circle. • Point to a boy walking to school and ask,
How does he come to school? (He comes to
with must or mustn’t. Answers 1 Ahmed usually comes to school on foot.)
Answers Top row: 1, 4 Bottom row: 3, 2 school by bike. • Point to two children riding their bikes
1 mustn’t 2 mustn’t 3 must 4 must 2 Today, he is walking to school. to school and ask, How do they come to
3 He has lunch at one o’clock every day. school? (They come to school by bike.)
4 Today he is eating sandwiches for • Award half a point for each correct
Unit 1–2 lunch. vocabulary item, and award half a point
Speaking 5 He studies English on Mondays and for each correct sentence completed and
Fridays. each correct question answered.
1 Look and say four collections. 6 He is reading a book in English class
today. Answers Forms of transportation: tram,
Answer the questions.
bus, van, truck, car, motorcycle, taxi,
• Give students time to find and say four 3 Look and complete. scooter, bike, train, aeroplane, helicopter,
collections. hot air balloon
Answers 1 The bus is cheaper than the
• Point to the picture of the bracelet and
ask, Whose bracelet is it? (It’s hers.) 2 Answer the questions.
2 The taxi is more expensive than the
• Point to the picture of the T-shirt and ask, bus.
• Point to the three pictures and ask the
Whose printed T-shirt is it? (It’s his.) questions. Allow students time to look
3 The tram is more crowded than the car.
• Point to the picture of the pins and ask, 4 The car is more comfortable than the
and answer.
Whose pins are they? (They’re hers.) tram. • Award half a point for each correct
• Point to the boy in the main image and answer and half a point for grammatical
Unit 4
ask, What’s he doing? (He’s fixing (the
model).) Answers 1 Which is the safest? (scooter)
• Point to the two girls in the main image 1 Listen and number. 2 Which is the most comfortable?
carrying a model and ask, What are they (motorcycle)
doing? (They’re carrying.) Answers 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 3 Which is the most dangerous? (Student’s
• Point to the girl in the main image at 2 Look and write sentences. own answer)
the back of the room and ask, What’s she 4 Which is the best? (Student’s own
doing? (She’s shouting.) Answers 1 C is the lowest. answer)
2 B is the most dangerous.
• Award half a point for each correct
3 B is the highest.
vocabulary item, and half a point for
4 A is the safest.
each correct answer.
5 A is the highest.
6 B is the lowest.

On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes

Unit 5 • Point to the picture and ask, Is there any Unit 7–8
sugar? (No, there isn’t.)
1 Listen and number. • Point to the picture and ask, Are there any
Answers 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 cookies? (No, there aren’t.)
1 Look and say six things.
2 Look, read, and write A or B.
• Award half a point for each correct Answer the questions.
vocabulary item, and half a point for
Answers 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B each correct answer.
• Give students time to find and say six
items of vocabulary including countries
3 Look and write sentences with Answers People: women, men, boy, girl, / nationalities, places in a school,
There are some or There aren’t babies adjectives to describe emotions.
any. Food / crockery: plates, knives, forks, • Point to the girl reading a book and ask,
pizzas, eggs, oil, cake, honey, nuts Was she relaxed? (Yes, she was.)
Answers 1 There aren’t any signposts.
2 There are some girls. 2 Look and say sentences. • Point to the girl in the hallway and ask,
3 There are some women. • Point to the four pictures and elicit a Was she nervous? (No, she wasn’t. She was
4 There aren’t any boys. sentence for each. confused.)
• Award half a point for each correct • Point to the boy next to the flags and
sentence and half a point for ask, Was he confident? (Yes, he was.)
Unit 6 grammatical accuracy. • Point to the boy in the classroom and
1 Listen and number. ask, Where was he yesterday? (He was in
Answers 1 There aren’t any eggs.
the classroom.)
2 There is some sugar.
3 2 3 There isn’t any flour.
• Point to the girl in the hallway and ask,
5 Where was she yesterday? (She was in the
4 There are some / four cups.
1 4 • Point to the girl in the music room and
Unit 7 ask, Where was she yesterday? (She was in
the music room.)
1 Listen and make a .
2 Look and complete with is / are • Award half a point for each correct
and the food item. Answers 1 gym, 2 music room, vocabulary item, and a point for each
3 classroom, 4 science lab, 5 cafeteria correct answer.
Answers 1 There are some chocolate
chips. 2 Look and complete. Answers Countries / Nationalities:
2 There is some honey. Canada, Canadian, France, French,
Answers 1 She was nervous. Morocco, Moroccan, India, Indian,
3 There are some eggs. 2 She was confident.
4 There is some oil. Poland, Polish, Peru, Peruvian
3 He was confused. Places in a school: classroom,
5 There is some sugar. 4 He was nervous. schoolyard, hallway, music room, gym
3 Look and answer the 3 Answer the question with Yes, Adjectives: confident, relaxed, nervous,
questions. I was. or No, I wasn’t. confused
Answers 1 No, there isn’t. 2 Yes, there are. Answers 1 No, I wasn’t. 2 No, I wasn’t. 2 Look and answer the
3 No, there aren’t. 4 Yes, there is. 3 Yes, I was. 4 No, I wasn’t. 5 Yes, I was. questions.
5 Yes, there are. 6 No, I wasn’t. • Point to the picture and ask the
Unit 5–6 Unit 8 • Award half a point for each correct
answer, and half a point for grammatical
Speaking 1 Listen and make a . accuracy.
1 Look and say six things. Then Answers 1 Egyptian, 2 French, Answers 1 Where were they yesterday?
answer the questions. 3 Indian, 4 Canadian (They were at the restaurant / cafe.)
2 Was the pizza delicious? (Yes, it was.)
• Give students time to find and say six 2 Look and write sentences. 3 Where were you yesterday? (Student’s
vocabulary items. Encourage students to
Answers 1 They were at the movie own answer.)
think about the people or food/crockery
theater last week. 4 Were you happy? (Student’s own
in the picture.
• Point to the picture and ask, Are there any 2 They weren’t at the museum yesterday.
teenagers? (No, there aren’t.) 3 They weren’t at the beach last month.
4 They were at the judo competition last
• Point to the picture and ask, Are there any
eggs? (Yes, there are.)
• Point to the picture and ask, Are there any 3 Look, read and complete with
spoons? (No, there aren’t.) was / wasn’t / were / weren’t.
• Point the picture and ask, Is there any Answers 1 was, 2 was, 3 weren’t, 4 were,
olive oil? (Yes, there is.)
5 was, 6 wasn’t, 7 were

On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes

End-of-year test Reading Answers 1 What’s the weather like today?
(Student’s own answer)
Speaking 1 Read and make a . 2 Can you play basketball? (Student’s own
Answers 1 B, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B answer)
1 Look and say the rules with 3 Do you like going to the cinema?
must or mustn’t. 2 Read and circle True or False. (Student’s own answer)
Answers 1 You mustn’t shout. Answers 1 False, 2 False, 3 True 4 What time do you have breakfast?
2 You must share. 4 False, 5 False, 6 True (Student’s own answer)
3 You mustn’t touch. 5 Where were you yesterday? (Student’s
4 You must whisper. Writing own answer)
5 You mustn’t run. 6 What’s your favorite animal? (Student’s
6 You mustn’t take photos.
1 Read and complete the text. own answer)
7 You must study. Write one word in each gap. 7 How often do you make your bed?
8 You mustn’t carry a computer. Answers 1 was, 2 huge, 3 chocolate (Student’s own answer)
8 What time is it? (3.30 / half past three)
• Award half a point for each chips, 4 expensive, 5 are, 6 is
9 What do you like doing on vacation?
grammatically correct answer.
2 Read the questions and write (Student’s own answer)
2 Look and say six things. answers for you. 10 What do you want for your birthday?
Answer the questions. Answers Student’s own answers (Student’s own answer)
• Give students time to find and say six Listening
items of vocabulary including countries
/ nationalities, places in a school, End-of-course test 1 Listen and number. Listen
adjectives Speaking again and color.
• Ask six questions about the picture. Point Answers 2 – pink, 3 – red, 5 – orange
to the girl on the bench and ask, Was she 1 Look and say four foods and 1 – purple, 4 – green
on the bench? (Yes, she was.) four kinds of transportation.
• Point to the boy in the science lab and Answer the questions. 2 Listen and circle A or B.
ask, Was he in the music room? (No, he • Give students time to find and say Answers 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A
wasn’t.) four food items, and four kinds of
• Point to the girl in the hallway and ask, transportation. Reading
Was she confused? (Yes, she was.) • Ask six questions related to the picture. 1 Read and match.
• Ask, Were you in the science lab yesterday? • What’s your favorite food? (Student’s own
(Student’s own answer.) answer) Answers 1 C, 2 D, 3 B, 4 A
• Ask, Were you in the schoolyard yesterday? • Ask, Do you like olives? (Student’s own 2 Look, read, and make a .
(Student’s own answer.) answer)
• Ask, Were you relaxed yesterday? • Point to the picture and ask, Is there any
Answers 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 A
(Student’s own answer.) cheese? (Yes, there is.) Writing
• Award half a point for each correct • Point to the picture and ask, Is there any
vocabulary item, and half a point for pasta? (No, there isn’t.) 1 Write the words in order to
each correct answer. • Point to the picture and ask, Is the boy make questions. Then answer
Answers Countries / Nationalities: playing with his bus and train? (Yes, he is.) the questions for you.
Egypt, Egyptian, France, French, • Point to the picture and ask, What’s the Answers 1 How old are you? (Student’s
Morocco, Moroccan, Peru, Peruvian, girl doing? (She’s eating a sandwich.) own answers)
China, Chinese • Point to the boy and ask, Has he got dark 2 Do you have any brothers? (Student’s
Places in a school: schoolyard, hair? (Yes, he has.) own answers)
classroom, hallway, science lab • Point to the girl and ask, Has she got curly 3 Where are you from? (Student’s own
Adjectives: steep, high, low, flat, hair? (No, she hasn’t.) answers)
confident, nervous, relaxed
Other: flag, bench
• Award half a point for each correct 4 Can you skateboard? (Student’s own
vocabulary item, and a full point for answers)
Listening each correct answer. 5 Do you like drama? (Student’s own
Answers Food: sandwiches, cheese,
1 Look, listen, and make a . chicken, salad, olives, eggs, water,
6 What’s your favorite food? (Student’s
own answers)
Answers 1 It’s his. 2 It’s hers. chocolate chips, cookies, sweets, cake,
7 What time do you get up? (Student’s
3 They’re hers. 4 They’re his. apples, oranges, bananas, pears
own answers)
Transportation: bus, truck, motorcycle,
2 Listen and circle A or B. taxi, train, van
8 What are you wearing? (Student’s own
Answers 1 B, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A, 6 A
2 Look and think about the 9 How often do you cook dinner?
topics. Answer the questions. (Student’s own answers)
10 Were you at school yesterday?
• Award half a point for each correct
(Student’s own answers)
answer and half a point for grammatical

On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes



1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3 4 5

2 Look and write.

1 2

The postcard is . The key rings are .

3 4

The pins are . The bracelet is .


3 Circle and write the answers. It’s They’re Jake’s Ali’s

1 Whose plain gloves is / are they?

2 Whose shiny belt is / are it?

3 Whose printed socks is / are they?

Jake Ali TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.

2 Read, circle, and complete.

share dig drive teach shout study

1 2
He’s / She’s . I’m / They’re .

3 4
We’re / He’s . She’s / We’re .

5 6
She’s / He’s . They’re / He’s .


3 Look and number. Complete with must or mustn’t.

1 You eat in the library.

2 You carry a lot of books.
3 You share books.
4 You whisper.

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say four collections. Answer the questions.


2 Answer the questions.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and match.

1 2 3 4 5


2 Look, read, and circle.

1 Ahmed usually comes / is coming 4 Today, he eats / is eating

to school by bike. sandwiches for lunch.
2 Today he walks / is walking to 5 He studies / is studying English on
school. Mondays and Fridays.
3 He has / is having lunch at one 6 He reads / is reading a book in
o’clock every day. English class today.
3 Look and complete.
comfortable cheap crowded expensive

1 The bus is than the taxi.

2 The taxi is than the bus.

3 The tram is than the car.

4 The car is than the tram.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.

2 Look and write sentences.

1 (low) C is the .
2 (dangerous)
3 (high)

4 (safe)
A 5 (high)
6 (low)

3 Look and complete. better best worse worst

Anna 5:25 9/10
Seb 3:50 8/10
Sara 8:10 5/10

1 Anna’s time is than Sara’s time.

2 Seb’s time is the .
3 Sara’s score is the .
4 Seb’s score is than Anna’s score.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say six kinds of transportation. Complete the sentences.


2 Answer the questions.


TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.

2 Look, read, and write A or B.


1 There are two boys. 4 There are some flags.

2 There’s a fountain. 5 There are two benches.
3 There aren’t any babies. 6 There are some teenagers.

3 Look and write sentences with There
are some or There aren’t any.

1 (signposts)
2 (girls)
3 (women)
4 (boys)

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.

2 Look and complete with is / are and the food item.

sugar oil eggs chocolate chips honey

1 There 2 There
some . some .
3 There 4 There
some . some .
5 There
some .

3 Look and answer the questions. Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

1 Is there any vanilla?

2 Are there any bowls?
3 Are there any nuts?
4 Is there any flour?
5 Are there any eggs?

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say six things. Then answer the questions.


2 Look and say sentences.

1 2 3 4

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3
gym cafeteria schoolyard
music classroom
hallway room
4 assembly 5
science lab gym

2 Look and complete with She was or He was.

relaxed confused confident nervous
Yesterday …
2 3 4

1 3
3 Answer the question with Yes, I was. and No, I wasn’t.

Were you in the gym at eleven o’clock yesterday?

1 2

3 4

5 6

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a .

1 Egyptian 2 Polish 3 Indian 4 Moroccan

Chinese French Peruvian Canadian


2 Look and write sentences.

1 ( movie theater / last week)

They were .

2 ( museum / yesterday)
They .

3 ( beach / last month)

They .

4 ( judo competition / last year)

They .


3 Look, read, and complete with was / wasn’t / were / weren’t.

Last week, I 1 at the beach with my family.

There 2 a sandcastle competition. The
sandcastles 3 small – they 4 huge!
The rollercoaster 5 fantastic! I 6
scared. And the ice creams 7 delicious!
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say six things. Answer the questions.

Yesterday …

2 Look and answer the questions.

Yesterday …

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Look and say the rules with must or mustn’t.


2 Look and say six things. Answer the questions.

Yesterday …

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Look, listen, and make a .

1 It’s his.
It’s hers.
2 It’s his.
It’s hers.
3 They’re his.
They’re hers.
4 They’re his.
They’re hers.


2 Listen and circle A or B.


1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and make a .


1 The children are driving cars. 2 The children aren’t breaking the tree
house, they’re fixing it.


3 The girl isn’t shouting, she’s 4 The man is digging in the garden.
2 Read and circle True or False.

Tom usually rides a scooter to school. But today

he’s riding a bike. Tom thinks a bike is more
exciting than a scooter, and it’s faster!
Tom’s mom drives a car to work every day. But
she rides a motorcycle on the weekend. Mom
says a motorcycle is more dangerous than a car,
but she thinks her motorcycle is better!
Tom’s dad drives a truck. He thinks his truck is
the best. It’s more comfortable than a bike, and
it’s safer than a motorcycle.

1 Tom is riding a scooter to school today. True False

2 Tom thinks a bike is boring. True False
3 Mom says a motorcycle is more dangerous than a car. True False
4 Tom’s mom thinks her car is the best. True False
5 Tom’s dad drives a van. True False
6 Tom’s dad thinks a truck is better than a bike or motorcycle. True False
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press TOTAL / 10

1 Read and complete the text. Write one word in each gap.

is chocolate chips was expensive are huge

Yesterday Today

Yesterday, I 1 in a cake store with my friend.

There was a 2 cake with 3 and
nuts. It was very 4 .
Today is my birthday. I’m having a party. There 5
some sandwiches, and there 6 some salad. There
are some cookies, yum! But there isn’t a cake :-( .


2 Read the questions and write answers for you.

1 How do you usually come to school?

2 What are you doing now?

3 What was your favorite food when you were seven?

4 Were you at the beach yesterday?

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes
Unit 1 Answers Collections: comic books,
key rings, pins, stickers, autographs,
Unit 3–4
1 Listen and make a . models Speaking
Answers 1 his, 2 hers, 3 his, 4 hers, 5 hers 2 Answer the questions. 1 Look and say six kinds of
2 Look and write. • Point to the relevant part of the picture transportation. Complete the
and ask the question. Allow students sentences.
Answers 1 yours, 2 his, 3 mine, 4 hers
time to look and answer. • Give students time to find and say six
3 Complete the answer with It’s • Point to the boy and girl and ask, What forms of transportation.
or They’re. Then read again are they doing? (They’re digging) • Point to the picture of the tram and
and write the children’s names. • Point to the girls and ask, What are they say The tram is more crowded than …
doing? (They’re carrying) Encourage students to point to another
Answers 1 They’re, 2 It’s 3 They’re
The boy on the left is: Jake
• Point to the boy in the classroom and form of transportation and repeat and
ask, What’s he doing? (He’s studying) complete the sentence.
The boy on the right is: Ali
• Point to the two boys drawing and ask, • Point to the picture of the taxi and say
What is the rule? (You mustn’t shout) The taxi is faster than …
Unit 2 • Point to the sign in the classroom and • Point to the picture of the hot air balloon
ask, What is the rule? (You must share) and say The hot air balloon is more
1 Listen and circle.
• Award half a point for each correct expensive than …
Answers 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B answer and half a point for grammatical • Point to a girl riding a scooter and ask,
accuracy. How does she come to school?) (She comes
2 Look and complete with an
to school by scooter.)
-ing word.
• Point to a boy walking to school and ask,
Answers 1 He’s studying. 2 I’m shouting. Unit 3 How does he come to school? (He comes to
3 We’re sharing. 4 She’s driving. 5 He’s school on foot.)
1 Listen and make a .
teaching. 6 They’re digging.
Answers 1 scooter, 2 van, 3 hot air
• Point to two children riding their bikes
3 Read and circle. to school and ask, How do they come to
balloon, 4 truck, 5 motorcycle school? (They come to school by bike.)
Answers 1 mustn’t, 2 must, 3 must, •
2 Look and complete. Award half a point for each correct
4 mustn’t vocabulary item, and award half a point
Answers 1 goes, 2 walking, 3 has, 4
for each correct sentence completed and
eating, 5 studies, 6 reading
Unit 1–2 each correct question answered.
3 Look, read, and circle. Answers Forms of transportation: tram,
Speaking bus, van, truck, car, motorcycle, taxi,
Answers 1 The bus is cheaper than the
1 Look and say four collections. taxi. scooter, bike, train, aeroplane, helicopter,
hot air balloon
Answer the questions. 2 The taxi is smaller than the bus.
3 The tram is more crowded than the car.
• Give students time to find and say four
4 The car is faster than the tram.
2 Answer the questions.
collections. • Point to the three pictures and ask the
• Point to the picture of the bracelet and questions. Allow students time to look
ask, Whose bracelet is it? (It’s hers.) Unit 4 and answer.
• Point to the picture of the T-shirt and ask,
1 Listen and make a .
• Award half a point for each correct
Whose printed T-shirt is it? (It’s his.) answer, and half a point for grammatical
• Point to the picture of the pins and ask, Answers 1 high, 2 boring, 3 exciting, accuracy.
Whose pins are they? (They’re hers.) 4 safe, 5 steep Answers 1 Which is the fastest?
• Point to the boy in the main image and
2 Look and complete with A, B, (motorcycle)
ask, What’s he doing? (He’s fixing (the
or C. 2 Which is the most comfortable?
model).) (Student’s own answer)
• Point to the two girls carrying a model in Answers 1 C, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 A, 6 A 3 Which is the most dangerous? (Student’s
the main image and ask, What are they own answer)
3 Look, read, and circle.
doing? (They’re carrying.) 4 Which is the best? (Student’s own
• Point to the girl in the main image at Answers 1 worse, 2 better, 3 the best, answer)
the back of the room and ask, What’s she 4 worst
doing? (She’s shouting.)
• Award half a point for each correct
vocabulary item, and half a point for
each correct answer.

Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes

Unit 5 2 Look and say sentences. Unit 7–8
1 Listen and circle.
• Point to the four pictures and elicit a
sentence for each.
Answers 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B • Award half a point for each correct 1 Look and say six things.
sentence and half a point for
2 Look, read, and write A or B. grammatical accuracy.
Answer the questions.
Answers 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A, 6 B • Give students time to find and say six
Answers 1 There aren’t any eggs. items of vocabulary including countries
3 Look and complete the 2 There is some sugar. / nationalities, places in a school,
sentences using the correct 3 There isn’t any flour. adjectives to describe emotions
singular or plural form. 4 There are some / four cups. • Point to the girl reading a book and ask,
Was she relaxed? (Yes, she was.)
Answers 1 women, 2 girls, 3 boys,
4 signposts Unit 7 • Point to the girl in the hallway and ask,
Was she nervous? (No, she wasn’t.)
1 Listen and match. • Point to the boy next to the flags and
Unit 6 Answers 1 gym, 2 music room, ask, Was he confident? (Yes, he was.)
1 Listen and number. 3 classroom, 4 science lab, 5 cafeteria • Point to the boy in the classroom and
ask, Where was he yesterday? (He was in
Answers 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 2 Look, read, and circle. the classroom.)
2 Look and complete with is or Answers 1 nervous, 2 confident, • Point to the girl in the hallway and ask,
3 relaxed, 4 confused Where was she yesterday? (She was in the
3 Answer the questions with Yes,
Answers 1 are, 2 is, 3 are, 4 is, 5 is
I was. or No, I wasn’t. • Point to the girl in the music room and
3 Look and answer the ask, Where was she yesterday? (She was in
Answers 1 No, I wasn’t. 2 No, I wasn’t. the music room.)
questions. Make a .
3 Yes, I was. 4 No, I wasn’t. • Award half a point for each correct
Answers 1 No, there isn’t. 2 Yes, there are. 5 No, I wasn’t. 6 Yes, I was. vocabulary item, and a point for each
3 No, there aren’t. 4 Yes, there is. correct answer.
5 Yes, there are.
Unit 8 Answers Countries / Nationalities:
Canada, Canadian, France, French,
Unit 5–6 1 Listen and number. Morocco, Moroccan, India, Indian,
Answers 4, 2, 1, 3 Poland, Polish, Peru, Peruvian
Speaking Places in a school: classroom,
2 Write the words in order to schoolyard, hallway, music room, gym,
1 Look and say six things. make sentences. Adjectives: confident, relaxed, nervous,
Answer the questions. confused
Answers 1 They were at the movie
• Give students time to find and say six
theater last week.
vocabulary items. Encourage students to 2 Look and answer the
2 They weren’t at the museum yesterday. questions.
think about the people or food/crockery
3 They weren’t at the beach last month.
in the picture.
4 They were at the judo competition last
• Point to the picture and ask the
• Point to the picture and ask Are there any
women? (Yes, there are.) • Award half a point for each correct
• Point to the picture and ask Are there any 3 Look and circle the correct answer and half a point for grammatical
teenagers? (No, there aren’t.) word. accuracy.
• Point to the picture and ask Are there any Answers 1 was, 2 was, 3 weren’t; were, Answers 1 Where were they yesterday?
babies? (Yes, there are.) 4 was, 5 wasn’t, 6 were (They were at the restaurant / cafe.)
• Point the picture and ask, Is there any 2 Was the pizza delicious? (Yes, it was.)
olive oil? (Yes, there is.) 3 Where were you yesterday? (Student’s
• Point to the picture and ask, Is there any own answer)
sugar? (No, there isn’t.) 4 Were you happy? (Student’s own
• Point to the picture and ask, Are there any answer)
cookies? (No, there aren’t.)
• Award half a point for each correct
vocabulary item, and half a point for
each correct answer.
Answers People: women, men, boy, girl,
Food / crockery: plates, knives, forks,
pizzas, eggs, oil, cake, honey, nuts

Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes

End-of-year test 2 Read the questions and write Listening
answers for you.
Speaking 1 Listen and number. Listen
Answers Student’s own answers
again and color.
1 Look and say the rules with
must or mustn’t. End-of-course test
Answers 2 - pink, 3 - red, 5 - orange
1 - purple, 4 - green
Answers 1 You mustn’t shout.
2 You must share.
Speaking 2 Listen and circle A or B.
3 You mustn’t touch. 1 Look and say four foods and Answers 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A
4 You must whisper.
four kinds of transportation. Reading
2 Look and say six things. Answer the questions.
Answer the questions. • Give students time to find and say 1 Read and match.
• Give students time to find and say six four food items, and four kinds of Answers 1 C, 2 D, 3 B, 4 A
items of vocabulary including countries transportation.
/ nationalities, places in a school, • Ask six questions related to the picture. 2 Look, read, and make a .
adjectives • What’s your favorite food? (Student’s own Answers 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 A
• Point to the girl on the bench and ask, answer)
Was she on the bench? (Yes, she was.) • Ask, Do you like olives? (Student’s own Writing
• Point to the boy in the science lab and answer)
1 Write the words in order to
ask, Was he in the music room? (No, he • Point to the picture and ask, Is there any make questions. Then answer
wasn’t.) cheese? (Yes, there is.)
the questions for you.
• Point to the girl in the hallway and ask, • Point to the picture and ask, Is there any
Was she confused? (Yes, she was.) pasta? (No, there isn’t.) Answers 1 How old are you? (Student’s
• Ask, Were you in the science lab yesterday? • Point to the picture and ask, Is the boy own answers)
(Student’s own answer) playing with his bus and train? (Yes, he is.) 2 Do you have any brothers? (Student’s
• Ask, Were you in the school yard • Point to the picture and ask, What’s the
own answers)
yesterday? (Students own answer) 3 Where are you from? (Student’s own
girl doing? (She’s eating a sandwich.)
• Ask, Were you relaxed yesterday? • Point to the boy and ask, Has he got dark
4 Can you skateboard? (Student’s own
(Student’s own answer) hair? (Yes, he has.)
• Award half a point for each correct • Point to the girl and ask, Has she got curly 5 Do you like drama? (Student’s own
vocabulary item, and a point for each hair? (No, she hasn’t.) answers)
correct answer. • Award half a point for each correct 6 What’s your favorite food? (Student’s
Answers Countries / Nationalities: vocabulary item, and a full point for own answers)
Egypt, Egyptian, France, French, each correct answer. 7 What time do you get up? (Student’s
Morocco, Moroccan, Peru, Peruvian, Answers Food: sandwiches, cheese, own answers)
China, Chinese chicken, salad, olives, eggs, water, 8 What are you wearing? (Student’s own
Places in a school: schoolyard, chocolate chips, cookies, sweets, cake, answers)
classroom, hallway, science lab apples, oranges, bananas, pears 9 How often do you cook dinner?
Adjectives: steep, high, low, flat, Transportation: bus, truck, motorcycle, (Student’s own answers)
confident, nervous, relaxed taxi, train, van 10 Were you at school yesterday?
Other: flag, bench (Student’s own answers)
2 Look and think about the
Listening topics. Answer the questions.
1 Listen and make a . • Award half a point for each correct answer
and half a point for grammatical accuracy.
Answers 1 girl, 2 boy, 3 girl, 4 boy
Answers 1 What’s the weather like today?
2 Listen and circle A or B. (Student’s own answer)
Answers 1 B, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A, 6 A 2 Can you play basketball? (Student’s own
Reading 3 Do you like going to the cinema?
(Student’s own answer)
1 Read and match. 4 What time do you have breakfast?
Answers 1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 C (Student’s own answer)
5 Where were you yesterday? (Student’s
2 Read and circle True or False. own answer)
Answers 1 False, 2 False, 3 False 6 What’s your favorite animal? (Student’s
own answer)
4 True, 5 True, 6 False
7 How often do you make your bed?
Writing (Student’s own answer)
8 What time is it? (3.30 / half past three)
1 Read and complete the text. 9 What do you like doing on vacation?
Answers 1 was, 2 huge, 3 nuts, (Student’s own answer)
4 expensive, 5 are, 6 is 10 What do you want for your birthday?
(Student’s own answer)

Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes



1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3 4 5

his his his his his

hers hers hers hers hers

2 Look and write. mine yours his hers

1 2

The postcard is . The key rings are .

3 4

The pins are . The bracelet is .


3 Complete the answer with It’s or They’re. Then

read again and write the children’s names.

1 Whose plain gloves are they? Jake’s.

2 Whose printed T-shirt is it? Jake’s.
3 Whose colorful boots are they? Ali’s.

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle.

1 2 3

4 5


2 Look and complete with an -ing word.

share dig drive teach shout study

1 2
He’s . I’m .

3 4
We’re . She’s .

5 6
He’s . They’re .

3 Read and circle.

1 You must / mustn’t eat.

2 You must / mustn’t whisper.
3 You must / mustn’t share books.
4 You must / mustn’t carry a lot of books.

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say four collections. Answer the questions.



2 Answer the questions.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3 4 5

2 Look and complete.

eating studies reading has goes walking

1 Ahmed usually to 4 Today, he is

school by bike. sandwiches.
2 Today, he is to school. 5 He English on
3 He lunch at one
o’clock every day. 6 He is a book in
English class today.
3 Look, read, and circle.
1 The bus is cheaper / more expensive than the taxi.
2 The taxi is smaller / bigger than the bus.

3 The tram is more crowded / more comfortable

than the car.
4 The car is faster / slower than the tram. /4
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3
high boring exciting

flat exciting boring

4 5
safe flat

dangerous steep
2 Look and complete with A, B, or C.

1 is the lowest.
2 is the most dangerous.

3 is the most exciting.
4 is the flattest.

A 5 is the safest.
C 6 is the highest.

3 Look, read, and circle.

1 Jim’s score is better / worse than Nick’s.

2 Lucy’s score is better / worse than Jim’s.
3 Nick’s score is the best / the worst.
4 Jim’s score is the best / the worst.
Nick Jim Lucy TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say six kinds of transportation. Complete the sentences.


2 Answer the questions.


TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle.

1 2 3

4 5

2 Look, read, and write A or B.


1 There are two boys. 4 There are three babies.

2 There’s a fountain. 5 There are two benches.
3 There are some flags. 6 There are some teenagers.
3 Look and complete the sentences using
the correct singular or plural form.

signpost girl woman boy

1 There are some .

2 There are some .
3 There aren’t any .
4 There aren’t any .
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.

2 Look and complete with is or are.

1 There 2 There
some chocolate chips. some honey.
3 There 4 There
some eggs. some oil.
5 There
some sugar.

3 Look and answer the question make a .

1 Is there any vanilla? Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

2 Are there any bowls? Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

3 Are there any nuts? No, there isn’t.

No, there aren’t.

4 Is there any flour? Yes, there is.

Yes, there are.

5 Are there any eggs? Yes, there are.

No, there isn’t.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say six things.


2 Look and complete the sentences.

1 2 3 4

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and match.

1 2 3 4 5

2 Look, read, and circle. /5

Yesterday … 1 She was nervous / relaxed.

? 2 She was confused / confident.
2 3 4
3 He was relaxed / nervous.
1 4 He was confident / confused.


3 Answer the questions with Yes, I was. or No, I wasn’t.

Yesterday, at eleven o’clock.

1 Were you in the hallway? 2 Were you in the cafeteria?

3 Were you in the gym? 4 Were you in the music room?

5 Were you in the schoolyard? 6 Were you in the classroom?

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.

2 Write the words in order to make sentences.

1 were / at / They / movie theater / last week. / the

2 at / yesterday. / weren’t / museum / They / the

3 last month. / They / weren’t / the / at / beach

4 judo competition / last year. / at / They / the / were


3 Look and circle the correct word.

1 Last week I was / wasn’t at the beach with my
2 There was / were a sandcastle competition.
3 The sandcastles were / weren’t small – they was /
were huge!
4 The roller coaster was / were fantastic!
5 I was / wasn’t scared.
6 And the ice creams were / weren’t delicious!
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say six things. Answer the questions.

Yesterday …

2 Look and answer the questions.

Yesterday …

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Look and say the rules with must or mustn’t.

whisper share take photos shout

1 2 3 4


2 Look and say six things. Answer the questions.


TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
1 Listen and make a .

1 2

3 4

2.56 /4
2 Listen and circle A or B.


1 A B 2 A B

3 A B 4 A B

5 A B 6 A B

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and match.

1 The children are driving cars.
2 The children aren’t breaking
the tree house, they’re B
fixing it.
3 The girl isn’t shouting, she’s
whispering. C

4 The man is digging in the


2 Read and circle True or False.

Tom usually rides a scooter to school. But

today he’s riding a bike. A bike is more
exciting than a scooter, and it’s faster! Tom’s
mom drives a car and she rides a motorcycle.
Mom says a motorcycle is more dangerous
than a car, but she thinks her motorcycle is
better! Tom’s dad drives a truck. He thinks
his truck is the best. A truck is the most
comfortable, and it’s the safest.

1 Tom is riding a scooter to school today. True False

2 A scooter is faster than a bike. True False
3 Tom’s mom drives a car, and she drives a truck. True False
4 Mom thinks her motorcycle is better than her car. True False
5 Tom’s dad drives a truck. True False
6 A truck is the most dangerous. True False
TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and complete the text. is nuts was expensive are huge

Today Yesterday

Yesterday, I 1 in a cake shop with my friend. There was a

cake with chocolate chips and 3 . It was very
Today is my birthday. There 5 some sandwiches, and there 6
some salad. There are some cookies, yum! But there isn’t a cake :(.

2 Read the questions and write answers for you.

1 How do you come to school?

I come to school .
2 What are you doing now?
I’m .
3 What was your favorite food when you were seven?

4 Were you at the beach yesterday?

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Look and say four foods and four kinds

of transportation. Answer the questions.

/ 10

2 Look and think about the topics. Answer the questions.

/ 10
TOTAL / 20
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
1 Listen and number. Listen again and color.

/ 10
2 Listen and circle A or B.

A Yesterday B Yesterday

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

/ 10
TOTAL / 20
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and match.

1 The alligator is swimming. There A

are two monkeys in the tree. The
lions are running.

2 There are two monkeys on the B

rock. The birds aren’t singing,
they’re flying.

3 C
The lions aren’t running, they’re
sleeping. The monkey is climbing the
tree. The birds are singing in the tree.

4 The alligator is sleeping. The bird is
on the alligator. The monkeys are

2 Look, read, and make a . / 10

1 What time does she walk to school? 4 What’s the weather like?
A She walks to school at half past eight. A It’s rainy.
B She walks to school at a quarter B It’s sunny.
past eight. 5 Is she friendly?
2 Does she like math? A Yes, she is.
A Yes, she does.
B No, she isn’t.
B No, she doesn’t. 6 Does she have curly hair?
3 What’s she wearing? A Yes, she does.
A She’s wearing a colorful sweater.
B No, she doesn’t.
B She’s wearing a plain T-shirt.
/ 10
TOTAL / 20
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Write the words in order to make questions.

Then answer the questions for you.
ten ? Egypt ? eleven ? Brazil
1 old / are / you? / How

2 have / brothers? / Do / any / you

3 from? / are / you / Where

4 skateboard? / Can / you

5 like / Do / you / drama?

6 What’s / favorite / food? / your


? 7 time / get up? / What / do / you

8 wearing? / What / you / are

? 9 cook / dinner? / do / How often / you

10 Were / yesterday? / at / school / you

India ? Mexico ? twelve ? Peru

/ 20
TOTAL / 20
Shine On! 6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Tests Transcripts
Unit 1 Unit 4 Unit 7
2.46 2.49 2.52
Transcript Transcript Transcript
1 Are they his comic books? 1 Man: Look at your new tree house! 1 Boy: Where was Ali yesterday?
Yes, they are. Boy: Oh, it’s very high. Girl: He was in the gym. He likes PE.
2 Is it her bracelet? 2 Woman: Do you like washing the dishes, 2 Boy: Where was Molly?
Yes, it is. Sally? Girl: She was in the music room. She can
3 Are they her pins? Girl: No, I don’t. It’s very boring! play the violin.
No, they aren’t. They’re his. 3 Boy: Oh wow, this is so exciting. I love 3 Girl: Alison was in the classroom
4 Is it his model? boats! Boy: Yes, that’s right.
No, it isn’t. It’s hers. 4 Man: Don’t worry, it’s very safe. 4 Boy: Was Ethan in the assembly hall?
5 Is it her key ring? Boy: Err, OK, here I go … Girl: No, he wasn’t. He was in the science
Yes, it is. 5 Boy: I love riding my bike. But this road is lab.
very steep! Oof! 5 Girl: Was Anna in the assembly hall?
Boy: No, she wasn’t. She was in the
Unit 2 cafeteria.
2.47 Unit 5

1 What’s she doing?

Transcript Unit 8
She’s fixing her bracelet. 1 There’s a man. He’s wearing a plain 2.53

T-shirt. Look he’s smiling.

2 What’s he doing?
He’s carrying a statue. 2 There are three men. They’re from Japan. 1 He’s Egyptian. He’s from Egypt.
3 What’s he doing? They’re on vacation. 2 They’re French. They’re from France.
He’s whispering. 3 There are some people. They’re taking 3 She’s Indian. She’s from India.
4 What’s she doing? photos. 4 He’s Canadian. He’s from Canada.
She’s studying. 4 There’s a person and a dog. The dog is
5 What’s she doing? black and white. Its name is Denny.
She’s touching the bananas. 5 There’s a child wearing a superhero
costume. It’s his birthday today!

Unit 3
2.48 Unit 6

1 Boy: Look! This is me. I ride a scooter to

school. 1 Girl: Granny, are there any spoons on the
2 Girl: My dad drives a van. He drives to table?
work every day. Woman: Yes, there are some spoons.
Girl: OK.
3 Boy: My mom flies a hot air balloon. She
flies it on the weekend. She loves her job! 2 Woman: There are some nuts. Do you
like nuts?
4 Girl: My mom drives a truck. She carries
Girl: Mmm, yes I do.
fruit to the market in her truck.
3 Woman: There’s a beautiful plate. We can
5 Boy: My uncle rides a motorcycle. It’s
put the cake on the plate.
faster and cheaper than a car.
4 Girl: I love chocolate chips. Are there any
chocolate chips?
Woman: Of course, there are lots of
chocolate chips. Put them on the cake.
5 Girl: Is there any honey?
Woman: Yes, there is. There’s lots of
honey, too.
End-of-year test End-of-course test
2.54 2.57
Transcript (Yellow) Transcript
1 Woman: Oh, I like that T-shirt with the 1 Girl: Where’s your Grandma in this
football! picture?
Man: Whose printed T-shirt is it? Boy: Look, here she is. In this picture, my
2 Man: Look at this sweater. grandma is relaxed.
Woman: Mmm, a plain gray sweater. Girl: Oh yes! Is she wearing a purple hat?
Man: Whose is it? 2 Boy: Where’s the baby?
3 Man: There’s a lot of comic books! Whose Girl: Shh. She’s tired. She’s sleeping.
comic books are those? Boy: Oh yes. And look! Is she wearing a
new pink coat?
4 Woman: Whose models are those? Are
they yours? 3 Girl: Those girls are confused.
Man: No, they’re not mine. Boy: Yes, they are. They’re looking at that
Transcript (Blue) Girl: Is that Jane? Does she have a
1 Woman: Oh, I like that T-shirt with the backpack?
football! Whose printed T-shirt is it? Boy: Yes, she does. It’s red.
Man: It’s his. 4 Girl: The boy is bored.
2 Man: Look at this sweater. Boy: Yes, he is – it’s rainy! He has his
Woman: Mmm, a plain gray sweater. umbrella because he wants to go out!
Whose is it? Girl: Ah yes, a green umbrella!
Man: It’s hers. 5 Boy: The woman has an earache, look!
3 Man: There’s a lot of comic books! Whose Girl: Oh yes, and she’s wearing an orange
comic books are those? scarf. Oh dear, earaches are terrible.
Woman: They’re hers. Transcript
4 Woman: Whose models are those? Are
1 Boy: Where was the chef yesterday?
they yours?
Girl: He was in the supermarket.
Man: No, they’re not mine. They’re his.
2 Girl: Was the bus driver in his bus?
Transcript Boy: Yes, he was. He was driving two
1 Girl: Are there any spoons in the picture? people to the train station.
Boy: Let me see … No, there aren’t any 3 Boy: Where were the firefighters?
spoons. Girl: They were in the park. There was a
2 Boy: But there is some honey. Mmm, I cat in a tree!
love honey. These cookies are delicious. 4 Boy: Were the teachers in the cafe?
3 Girl: I don’t like nuts. Are there any nuts Girl: Yes, they were
in the picture? 5 Girl: Where were the soccer players?
Boy: Yes, there are some nuts. Boy: They were in the schoolyard. They
4 Boy: How many children are there in the were teachers yesterday!
Girl: There are two children. They’re
brother and sister.
5 Girl: There isn’t a fountain, but there are
some flags. Look, on the table!
6 Boy: There’s a tree house. It’s very high in
the tree.
Girl: Ooh yes, it’s a lovely tree house!
Let’s climb up there!

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