Headaches Residual Functional Capacity Questionnaire
Headaches Residual Functional Capacity Questionnaire
Headaches Residual Functional Capacity Questionnaire
12. To what degree do emotional factors contribute to the severity of your patient's headaches?
__ Not at all __ Somewhat __ Very much
13. Are your patient's impairments (physical impairments plus any emotional impairments) reasonably
consistent with the symptoms and functional limitations described in this evaluation? ___ Yes ___ No
If no, please explain:_____________________________________________________________
14. Describe the treatment and response: _______________________________________________
16. List your patient's current medications used for control/treatment of headaches: _____________________
18. Prognosis:____________________________________________________________________
19. Have patient's impairments lasted or are they expected to last at least twelve months? ___ Yes ___ No
20. During times your patient has a headache, would your patient generally be precluded from performing
even basic work activities and need a break from the workplace? ___ Yes ___ No
If no, please explain:_____________________________________________________________
21. Will patient need to take unscheduled breaks during an 8 hour working day? ___ Yes ___ No
2) how long (on average) will your patient have to rest before returning to work? ____________
3) on such a break, will your patient need to __lie down or __sit quietly?
22. To what degree can your patient tolerate work stress?
__ Incapable of even “low stress” jobs __ Capable of low stress jobs
__ Moderate stress is okay __ Capable of high stress work
Please explain the reasons for your conclusion:___________________________________________
23. Are your patient’s impairments likely to produce “good days” and “bad days”? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please estimate, as best you can on the average, how often your patient is likely to be absent from
work as a result of the
impairments or treatment:
__ Never __ About three times a month
__ About once a month __ About four times a month
__ About twice a month __ More than four times a month
24. Please describe any other limitations (such as limitations in the ability to sit, stand, walk, lift, bend, stoop,
crouch, limitations in using arms, hands, fingers, limited vision, difficulty hearing, need to avoid
temperature extremes, wetness, humidity, noise, dust, fumes, gases or hazards, etc.) that would affect
your patient’s ability to work at a regular job on a sustained basis:
25. Identify any additional tests or procedures you would advise to fully assess your patient's impairments,
symptoms and limitations:
26. What is the earliest date that the description of symptoms and limitations in this form applies?
Physician’s Signature Date form completed