Medical Technology Reviewer
Medical Technology Reviewer
Medical Technology Reviewer
howell-Jolly bodies
Green- from cahp (unsure answers) d. Siderotic granules
Pink- my previous answers nung exam (chong) 9. A falsely elevated Hct is obtained. Which of the
Gray- my corrected answers (chong)
following calculated values will not be affected?
a. MCV
1. Insufficient centrifugation will result in: b. MCH
a. A false increase in hematocrit (HCT) value c. MCHC
b. A false decrease in HCT value d. Red cell distribution width (RDW)
c. No effect on HCT value 10. All of the following factors may influence the
d. All of these options, depending on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) except:
patient a. Blood drawn into sodium citrate tube
2. Variation in red cell size observed on the b. Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis
peripheral smear is described as: c. Plasma proteins
a. Anisocytosis d. Caliber of the tube
b. Hypochromia 11. The coulter principle for counting of cells is
c. Poikilocytosis based upon the fact that:
d. Pleocytosis a. Isotonic solution conduct electricity better
3. Which of the following is the preferable site for than cells do
bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in adult b. Conductivity varies proportionally to the
a. Iliac crest number of cells
b. Sternum c. Cells conduct electricity better than saline
c. Tibia does
d. Spinous processes of a vertebra d. Isotonic solutions cannot conduct electricity
4. What term describes the change in shape of 12. Which of the following results on an automated
erythrocyte seen on a Wright’s stained peripheral differential suggests that a peripheral smear
blood smear? should be reviewed manually?
a. Poikilocytosis a. Segs = 70%
b. Anisocytosis b. Band = 6%
c. Hypochromia c. Mono = 15%
d. Polychromasia d. Eos = 2%
5. What effect would using a buffer at pH 6.0 have 13. Using a coulter analyzer, an increased RDW
on a Wright’s-stained smear? should correlate with:
a. Red cells would be stained too pink a. Spherocytosis
b. White cell cytoplasm would be stained too b. Anisocytosis
blue c. Leukocytosis
c. Red cells would be stained too blue d. Presence of NRBCs
d. Red cells would lyse on the slide 14. Autoagglutination of red cells at room
6. Mean cell volume (MCV) is calculated using the temperature can result in which of the following?
following formula: a. Low RBC count
a. (Hgb ÷ RBC) x 10 b. High MCV
b. (Hct ÷ RBC) x 10 c. Low hematocrit
c. (Hct ÷ Hgb) x 10 d. All of the above
d. (Hgb ÷ RBC) x 100 e. B and C
7. When an erythrocyte containing iron granules is 15. Spherocytes differ from normal red cells in all of
stained with Prussian blue, the cell is called a: the following except:
a. Spherocyte a. Decreased surface to volume
b. Leptocyte b. No central pallor
c. Schistocyte c. Decreased resistance to hypotonic saline
d. Siderocyte d. Increased deformability
8. Which of the following erythrocyte inclusions 16. All of the following are usually found in the Hgb
can be visualized with supravital stain but cannot C disease except:
be detected on Wright’s-stained blood smear? a. Hgb C crystals
a. Basophilic stippling b. target cells
b. Heinz bodies
B. Toxocara cati D. A. 58. is a plastic resin which serves to adhere a stool sample
ceylanicum onto a slide; for preservation and permanent staining
B. Detection of adult filarial worms in subcutaneous tissue D. Prolonged obstruction of the lymph glands leading to
biopsy fibrosis caused by dead adult worms
C. Identification of microfilaria in peripheral blood thick 70. Which is the diagnostic stage of Loa loa?
A. Adult
D. Detection of microfilaria antigen in lymph fluid
B. Microfilaria
65. All of the following key features are used to clearly
differentiate various species of filarias EXCEPT: C. First stage larva
B. Pattern of nuclei in the tail 71. Which insect is the vector of Bancroftian filariasis?
B. Presence of vector that serve as the intermediate host 73. Which insect vector is associated with Loiasis?
A. Adult 74. Which sheathed microfilaria has nuclei that fill the
organism and are continuous to the tip of the tail?
B. Microfilaria
A. Wuchereria bancrofti
C. First stage larvae
B. Brugia malayi
D. Third stage larvae
C. Loa loa
69. Which of the following conditions is the main
pathology of Brugia malayi? 75. Which sheathed microfilaria has nuclei that appear
crowded in the body with two distinct subterminal and
terminal nuclei at the tip of the tail?
A. Wuchereria bancrofti 7. In paragonimiasis, where does the metacercaria
B. Brugia malayi ANSWER: Small intestines
8. All of the following are digenetic trematodes EXCEPT:
C. Loa loa ANSWER: Schistosoma japonicum
9. In the Philippines, which of the following are second
76. Which sheathed microfilaria has 2-3 rows of distinctly intermediate hosts of heterophyid flukes? (SELECT ALL
conspicuous nuclei in the body and the tail tapers to APPLICABLE ANSWERS)
points where there are no nuclei present? ANSWER: Dalagang bukid, Dalag, Hito,
A. Wuchereria bancrofti 10. All of the following diseases can be diagnosed based
on the morphology of the ova in the stool EXCEPT:
B. Brugia malayi ANSWER: Schistosomiasis
11. What is the second intermediate host of Paragonimus
C. Loa loa westermani in the Philippines?
Give the complete genus and species. Wrong spelling
77. What nematode has a nocturnal periodicity? Give is considered incorrect.
complete genus and species. ANSWER: sundathelpusa philippina
78. Which filarial worm exhibits subperiodic periodicity? Rosette Shaped Uterus Which of the following is true
Give complete genus and species. of Fish tapeworm
Three (3) In cases that scolex cannot be
Brugia malayi recovered, a stool examination
should be ordered after ___
79. Which filarial worm exhibits diurnal periodicity? Give months of treatment
complete genus and species. Cysticercus cellulosae Identify the cestode that
causes intestinal infection
Loa loa through ingestion of raw or
improperly cooked meat of
80. What is the term used for episodic andioedema in cow, buffalo and cattle
loaisis? harboring the larval stage of
this parasite
Calabar swellings Taenia solium
Chemotheraphy This is the treatment given to
Calabar swelling patients infected with hydatid
cysts measuring less than 7
Calabar-swellings millimeter
Cirrus The copulatory organ of
Calabar-swelling cestodes which is enclosed in a
sac is called
Note: The following items are only those with high difficulty index. Echinococcus granulosus Identify the cestode that can
cause tissue necrosis and
organ impairment through the
1. Which of the following parasites lay eggs that develop
ingestion of embryonated eggs
into a ciliated larva?
which will develop further to a
ANSWER: Spirometra mansoni,
unilocular hydatid cyst?
Diphyllobothrium latum
Hymenolepis nana Which of the following
2. Which of the following stool examination techniques
tapeworms requires at least
can BEST demonstrate Taenia species ova?
two intermediate hosts (fleas
ANSWER: Formalin Ether Concentration
and rodents) and causes
accidental human infection
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true of
Taenia solium?
ANSWER: It has a dichotomous uterus with
7-10 lateral branches Diphyllobothrium latum Tapeworm that mimics the
clinical manifestation of
4. Which of the following drugs is not used for the
pernicious anemia
treatment of cestode infections?
ANSWER: Mebendazole Ingestion of hydatid cysts Canines most specifically dogs
5. In the life cycle of blood flukes, the cercaria transforms can be infected of
into a ______. echinococcosis by:
ANSWER: Schistosomula Dipylidium caninum Common intestinal parasite of
6. The eggs of these parasites possess an operculum dogs and cats and is
EXCEPT: characterized by the presence
ANSWER: Oriental blood fluke of two laterally located
gonopore on its body Spirometra is responsible for the
segments mansoni attachment of the tapeworm
Spirometra mansoni Name the cestode that causes Diphyllobothrium to the intestinal wall
“migrating tumor” and is latum
described as painful edema Cyclops acts as an
Echinococcus multilocularis Cestode causing alveolar intermediate host for:
echinococcosis Raillietina garrisoni
The genital pore is situated at The following statement are Echinococcus
the ventral midline true of Cyclophyllidean granulosus
cestodes; EXCEPT: Diphylidium
Absence of uterine caninum
pore Taenia solium Which tapeworm infects
The scolex has cup- human through the ingestion
like suckers that of measly pork which contains
may or may not the cysticercoid larva
contain hookes Pork tapeworm Taenia solium
Lays embryonated Beef taperworm Taenia saginata
eggs that may be Double-pored tapeworm Dipylidium caninum
expelled singly or Dwarf tapeworm Hymenolepis nana
passively Broad tapeworm Diphyllobotrium latum
Raillietina garrisoni Which of the following Rat tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta
cestodes causses human Which of the following will
intestinal infection through differentiate Hymenolepis
ingestion of flour beetles and nana and Hymenolepis
ants infected with the diminuta
cysticercoid larva? Presences of four
Hymenolepis nana Which of the following cup-like suckers in
Diphyllobothrium cestodes possess uterine pore? its scolex
latum Echinococcus Presence of three
Dipylidium caninum granulosus ovoid testes and
Taenia solium one ovary
Spirometra Ctenocephalides Name atleast two athropods
mansoni canis that serve as an intermediate
Dipylidium caninum Which of the following Trichoedectes canis host for Dog tapeworm
Hymenolepis cestodes cause infection (GENUS AND SPECIES)
diminuta through ingestion of Schistosomes COPT is a serological test that
cysticercoid larva? demonstrate the formation of
Spirometra septate precipitates attached
mansoni to the eggs of
Taenia saginata Urine Which clinical specimen can be
Diphyllobothrium used to recover the eggs of
latum Schistosoma haematobium
Number of lateral Which of the following Snail Which of the following is the
uterine branches differentiate Taenia solium and second intermediate host of
Number of testes Taenia saginata? Fasciolopsis buski?
follicles Presence of Schistosoma mansoni Which of the following
Presence of Acetabula trematodes is non
hooklets in the hermaphroditic
rostellum Testes Which of the following
Raillietina garrisoni Hammer-shaped hooks are Intestinal ceca structures can be used to
seen on Ovary differentiate the adult
Hymenolepis An intestinal cestode that has trematodes
three ovoid testes and one Shouldered appearance What is the distinguishing
ovary in its mature proglottid feature of adult Fasciola
Echinococcus ____ it is considered the hepatica
shortest tapeworm having only Chinese liver fluke Which trematode egg
three proglottids (GENUS resembles an old-fashioned
ONLY) electric bulb?
granulosus Echinostoma ilocanum The oral sucker of this
Hymenolepis nana Identify the cyclophyllidean trematode species is covered
cestode which does not with collar of spines:
require an obligatory Blood flukes All of the following have
intermediate host to complete operculated ova EXCEPT
its development
Fasciola buski The largest trematode species
Scolex Which of the following region that parasitize man is
Mollusks Animals that serve as genus only)
intermediate hosts for blood 2 intermediate host (give snails
flukes are the common name)
Hematuria The characteristic symptom of Definitive host man
patients with urinary Diagnostic stage Unembryonated egg
bilharziasis is
Heterophyes heterophyes Which of the following is
considered as the smallest and Parasite Artyfechinostomum malayanum
deadliest fluke st
1 intermediate host (give Gyraulus convexiusculus
Halzoun Which of the following the genus and species)
disorders result from the nd
2 intermediate host (give Lymnaea cumingiana
ingestion of infected raw the genus and species)
sheep liver and the attachment Definitive host Man
of adult living worms to the Diagnostic stage Unembryonated egg
pharyngeal mucosa
Echinostoma ilocanum Which of the following
trematode species have TWO
Parasite Paragonimus westermani
snail intermediate hosts st
1 intermediate host (Give Antemelania dactylus
Fasciola hepatica Which of the following require the genus and species)
Opistorchis felineus 2 intermediate hosts in order nd
2 intermediate host (Give Sundathelphusa philippina
to complete its life cycle?
the genus and species)
Intestinal venules The main anatomic location of
Definitive host humans
Schistosoma mansoni adult
Diagnostic stage Unembryonated egg
worms in man is the
Tegument Which of these structures
serve to attach the trematode
Parasite Heterophyid flukes
to the host st
1 intermediate host (Give Snail
Fasciola hepatica Which trematode egg
the common name)
resembles a hen’s egg nd
2 intermediate host (Give Hito
Cercaria What is the infective stage of
the common name in
blood flukes
Cercaria Developmental stage of the
Definitive host Man
fluke cause “swimmer’s itch”
in man Diagnostic stage Unembryonated egg
Oncomelania quadrasi Which of the following is
considered as the
Schistosoma japonicum (MIDTERMS) *1 MISTAKE
Miracidium Which larval stage of a fluke is METACERCARIA 1. Which of the following is
covered with cilia and swims considered to be the
about seeking out a snail to infective stage of MOST
serve as an intermediate host trematode species?
Schistosoma haematobium Which Schistosome species is MUSCULAR SUCKERS 2. Which of these structures
prevalent in Middle East serve to attach the
Metacercaria Which of the following is trematode to the host?
considered to be the infective WATER CHESTNUT 3. Which of the following is the
stage of MOST trematode second intermediate host of
species Fasciolopsis buski?
Muscular suckers Which of these structures FASCIOLOPSIS BUSKI 4. The largest trematode
serve to attach the trematode
species that parasitize man
to the host?
ECHINOSTOMA 5. Which of the following
ILOCANUM trematode species have
Parasite Echinostoma ilocanum
st TWO snail intermediate
1 intermediate host (Give Hippeutis umbilicalis
the genus and species)
nd ECHINOSTOMA 6. The oral sucker of this
2 intermediate host (Give Pila luzonica
ILOCANUM trematode species is covered
the genus and species)
Definitive host man with collar of spines:
Diagnostic stage Unembryonated egg HETEROPHYES 7. Which of the following is
HETEROPHYES considered as the smallest
and deadliest fluke?
Parasite Fasciolopsis buski Segmentina spp. – 8. Match the following
1 intermediate host (give the Segmentina Fasciolopsis buski intermediate snail host with
Pila luzonica – their corresponding
Echinostoma trematode species: assess the intensity of infection
ilocanum is eggs per gram (epg).
Brotia asperata – TRUE/FALSE 6. In Kato katz smear, if
Paragonimus hookworm is present, the slide
westermani should be read within 30-60
minutes. After that time, the
hookworm eggs disappear.
CLONORCHIS SINENSIS 1. Which trematode egg malachite green solution or
resembles an old fashioned green cellophane soaked in
electric bulb? glycerin is for clearing.
SCHISTOMA MANSONI 2. Which of the following TRUE/FALSE 8. Kato katz method can detect
trematode species is NOT protozoan infection
hermaphroditic? 9.
URINE 3. Which of the following 10.
specimens can be used to MIDTERMS PARA UNITS
demonstrate the eggs of
Schistoma haematobium? 1. Which of the following is TRUE of the Fish tapeworm?
CERCARIA 4. What is the infective stage of a. Presence of four cup-like suckers
blood flukes? b. Infection is caused by cysticercoids larvae
CEPHALIC CONE 5. What is the distinguishing c. Gravid proglottid lays embryonated ova and
feature of adult Fasciola is passed through the definitive host’s feces
hepatica? d. Rosette-shaped uterus
ONCOMELANIA 6. Which of the following is e. Absence of uterine pore
QUADRASI considered as the 2. Which of the following cestodes cause infection
intermediate snail host of through ingestion of cysticercoids larva? (SELECT ALL
Schistosoma japonicum? THE POSSIBLE ANSWERS)
CERCARIA 7. Which of the following larval a. Taenia saginata
stages is NOT present in the b. Dipylidium caninum
life cycle of blood flukes? c. Hymenolepis diminuta
SCHISTOSOMA 8. Which Schistosome species d. Spirometra mansoni
HAEMATOBIUM is prevalent in Middle East? e. Diphyllobotrium latum
S. MANSONI 9. The eggs of which 3. _____it is considered the shortest tapeworm having
Schistosome species possess only three proglottids. (genus only)
a lateral spine? 4. Identify the tapeworm that mimics the clinical
CONSUMING RAW, 10. Which of the following is the manifestation of pernicious anemia (genus and
PICKLED FRESHWATER recommended prevention species)
FISH and control strategy a. Diphyllobotrium latum
designed to halt the spread b. diphyllobotrium latum
of Clonorchis? 5. Which of the following tapeworms requires at least
two intermediate hosts (fleas and rodents) and causes
accidental human infection?
b. Raillientina garrisoni
TRUE/FALSE 1. Formal ether (Formalin-Ethyl c. Spirometra mansoni
Acetate) sedimentation d. Echinococcus granulosus
6. Which tapeworm infects humans through the ingestion
technique use solutions of
of measly pork which contains cysticercoids larva?
lower specific gravity than the
parasitic organisms, thus (genus and species)
7. Common intestinal parasite of dogs and cats and is
concentrating the latter in the
characterized by the presence of two laterally located
gonopore on its body segments
TRUE/FALSE 2. Acid-ether technique is
8. Which of the following cestodes possess uterine pore?
satisfactory for the useful in
the detection of schistosome
a. Taenia solium
and other trematode eggs.
b. Hymenolepis nana
TRUE/FALSE 3. Kato katz technique can not be
c. Dipylidium caninum
used on liquid, soft or diarrheic
d. Diphylobotrium latum
e. Echinococcus granulosus
TRUE/FALSE 4. In FECT, instead of formalin,
f. Spirometra mansoni
15% hydrochloric acid may be
9. Hammer-shaped hooks are seen on: (genus and
used, and the procedure of
which is referred as acid-ether
10. Identify the cyclophyllidean cestodes which does not
concentration method.
require an obligatory intermediate host to complete its
TRUE/FALSE 5. In Kato katz technique, the development. (genus and species)
standard measurement to
11. In cases that scolex cannot be recovered, stool d. Presence of hooklets in the rostellum
examination should be ordered _____ months of 24. The following statements are true of Cyclophyllidean
treatment. cestodes EXCEPT:
a. Three a. Lays embryonated eggs that may be
b. One expelled singly or passively
c. Two b. The scolex has cup-like suckers that may or
d. Six may not contain hooks
12. Identify the cestode that can cause tissue necrosis and c. Absence of uterine pore
organ impairment through ingestion of embryonated d. The genital pore is situated at the ventral
eggs which will develop further to a unilocular hydatid midline
(genus and species) 25. The intestinal infection brought by the pork tapeworm
13. Which of the following tapeworm causes infection can be caused by the ingestion of its larval stage which
through the ingestion of the plerocercoid larva? is found embedded in the infected flesh of pigs. This
a. Broad tapeworm larval stage is called ____ (scientific name)
b. Rat tapeworm 26. The copulatory organ of cestodes which is enclosed in
c. Dog tapeworm a sac is called:
d. Double-pored tapeworm a. Strobila
14. This is the treatment given to patients infected with b. Testes
hydatid cysts measuring less than 7 milimenter. c. Scolex
a. Praziquantel d. Cirrus
b. Mebendazole 27. Which of the following region is responsible for the
c. Albendazole attachment of the tapeworm to the intestinal wall?
d. Chemotherapy a. Scolex
15. Carries most specially dogs can be infected of b. Proglottid
echinococcus by: c. Strobila
a. Ingestion of cysticercoids larva d. Neck
b. Ingestion of ciliated embryo 28. Match the following cestodes to its appropriate
c. Ingestion of hydatid cysts common name
d. Ingestion of plerocercoid larva a. Taenia solium
16. Which of the following cestodes cause human i. Pork tapeworm
intestinal infection through ingestion of flour beetles, ii. Beef tapeworm
and ants infected with the cysticercoids larva? iii. Double-pored tapeworm
a. RAILLIETINA GARRISONI iv. Dwarf tapeworm
b. raillientina garrisoni v. Broad tapeworm
c. Raillientina garrisoni vi. Rat tapeworm
17. Identify the cestode that causes intestinal infection b. Taenia saginate
through ingestion of raw or improperly cooked meat of i. Pork tapeworm
cow, buffalo, cattle harbouring the larval stage of this ii. Beef tapeworm
parasite. (genus and species) iii. Double-pored tapeworm
18. Identify the cestode causing alveolar echinococcosis iv. Dwarf tapeworm
(genus and species) v. Broad tapeworm
19. Cyclops acts as an intermediate host for: vi. Rat tapeworm
a. Spirometra mansoni c. Dipylidium caninum
b. Diphyllobothrium latum i. Pork tapeworm
c. Dipylidium caninum ii. Beef tapeworm
d. Raillientina garrisoni iii. Double-pored tapeworm
e. Echinococcus granulosis iv. Dwarf tapeworm
20. An intestinal cestode that has three ovoid and one v. Broad tapeworm
ovary in its mature proglottid. vi. Rat tapeworm
21. Which of the following differentiate Hymenolepis nana d. Hymenolepis nana
and Hymenolepis diminuta? (select all possible) i. Pork tapeworm
a. Presence of four cup-like suckers in its ii. Beef tapeworm
scolex iii. Double-pored tapeworm
b. Presence of polar thickenings in its ova iv. Dwarf tapeworm
c. Presence of three ovoid testes and one v. Broad tapeworm
ovary vi. Rat tapeworm
d. Presence of hooklets in the rostellum e. Diphyllobotrium latum
e. Presence of polar filaments in the ova i. Pork tapeworm
f. Drug of choice is Praziquantel ii. Beef tapeworm
22. Name the cestode that causes “migrating tumor” and iii. Double-pored tapeworm
is described as painful edema. (genus and species) iv. Dwarf tapeworm
23. Which of the following will differentiate Taenia solium v. Broad tapeworm
and Taenia saginate? (select all) vi. Rat tapeworm
a. Number of lateral uterine branches f. Hymenolepis diminuta
b. Number of testes follicles i. Pork tapeworm
c. Presence of acetabula ii. Beef tapeworm
iii. Double-pored tapeworm 40. The main anatomic location of Schistosoma mansoni
iv. Dwarf tapeworm adult worms in man is the __________
v. Broad tapeworm a. Intestinal venules
vi. Rat tapeworm b. Renal tubules
29. Name at least two arthropods that serve as an c. Lung alveoli
intermediate host of Dog tapeworm (genus and d. Bone marrow
species) 41. The characteristic symptom of patients with urinary
a. bilharziasis is ______
b. a. Splenomegaly
30. Which trematode egg resembles a hen’s egg? b. Hemopptysis
a. Heterophyes heterophyes c. Jaundice
b. Fasciola hepatica d. Hematuria
c. Opistorchis felineus 42. Each of the following statements concerning
d. Clonorchis sinensis schistosoma haematobium is correct EXCEPT:
31. Which larval stage of a fluke is covered with cilia and a. S. haematobium is acquired by humans
swims about seeking out to serve as an intermediate when cercariae penetrate the skin
host b. Snails are intermediate hosts of S.
a. Redia haematobium
b. Cercaria c. S. haematobium infection predisposes to
c. Miracidium bladder carcinoma
d. Sporocyst d. S. haematobium eggs have no spine.
32. All of the following have operculated ova EXCEPT: 43. Which trematode egg resembles an old fashioned
a. Blood flukes electric bulb?
b. Lung flukes a. Cat liver fluke
c. Liver flukes b. Sheep liver fluke
d. Intestinal flukes c. Oriental blood fluke
33. The animals that serve as intermediate hosts for blood d. Chinese liver fluke
flukes are ____ 44. Which of the following is considered as the
a. Mollusks intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum?
b. Crustaceans a. Pila luzonica
c. Fishes b. Gyraulus convexiusculus
d. Amphibians c. Oncomelania quadrasi
34. Which of these structures serve to attach the d. Brotia aspirata
trematode to the host? 45. Which of the following trematodes is non
a. Intestinal ceca hermaphroditic?
b. Vitellaria a. Schistosoma mansoni
c. Muscular suckers b. Clonorchis sinensis
d. Tegument c. Opistorchis felineus
35. What is the infective stage of blood flukes? d. Fasciola hepatica
a. Redia 46. Which of the following disorder result from the
b. Adult worm ingestion of infected raw sheep liver and the
c. Metacercaria attachment of adult living worms to the pharyngeal
d. Cercaria mucosa?
36. which Schistosome species is prevalent in Middle East? a. Katayama’s disease
a. Schistosoma japonicum b. Opistorchiasis
b. Schistosoma mansoni c. Halzoun
c. Schistosoma haematobium d. Urinary biharziasis
37. Which of the following structures can be used to 47. Which of the following require 2 intermediate hosts in
differentiate the adult trematodes? (SELECT ALL order to complete its life cycle? (select all possible
a. Testes a. Schistosoma japonicum
b. Internal ceca b. Fasciola hepatica
c. Esophagus c. Opistorchis felineus
d. Ovary d. Schistosoma mansoni
38. Which of the following developmental stages of the 48. COPT is a serological test that demonstrates the
fluke cause “swimmer’s itch” in man? formation of separate precipitates attached to the
a. Miracidium eggs of ____
b. Adult worm a. Opistorchis spp.
c. Eggs b. Schistosomes
d. Cercaria c. Clonorchis spp.
39. What is the distinguishing feature of adult Fasciola d. Fasciola hepatica
hepatica? 49. Which clinical specimen can be used to recover the
a. Spinous integument eggs of Schistosoma haematobium?
b. Genital sucker a. Bile
c. Coffee bean shape b. Pleural fluid
d. Shouldered appearance c. Urine
d. Stool
50. Fill in the table. Supply the mode of transmission,
infective stage to man: