Resource Articles (ZAMZAM)
Resource Articles (ZAMZAM)
Resource Articles (ZAMZAM)
2 The impact of leadership styles Hina Saleem, Procedia - Quantitative perceived organizational politics partially
on job satisfaction and mediating (2014) Social and mediate the relationship between both
role of perceived organizational Behavioral leadership styles and job satisfaction
politics Sciences
3 The influence of leadership Jonny Holberta*, Managemen Quantitative Leadership had a significant impact on
styles on employees' job R. Madhakomala, t Science employee’s performance and job satisfaction.
satisfaction in public sector (2020) Letters
organizations in Indonesia
4 The Impact of Leadership Style Badreya Al- Original Qualitative That leadership influenced employee job
on Jenaibi, (2014) research satisfaction strongly.
Employee Job Satisfaction
5 The role of leadership styles on Aida Mehrad, Acta Qualitative In the same way, specific leadership styles as
staff´s job satisfaction in public Bahareh Fallahi, Universitaria method external factors have an important role on job
organizations (2014) satisfaction at public educational organization
because these styles can improve the
commitment of staff toward organizations.
6 Influence of Transformational Waqas Umer Pakistan Quantitative Findings of study reveal that TL components
Leadership Components on Job Malik, (2017) Journal of have significant influence with respect to job
Satisfaction and Organizational Commerce satisfaction along with organizational
Commitment and Social commitment of employees.
7 Impact of leadership style on Ojokuku, R., American Quantitative Results indicated that the transformational have
organizational performance: a Odetayo, T., & Journal of more contribution towards job satisfaction
case study of Nigerian banks Sajuyigbe, A. Business and compare to transactional leadership style.
8 Perceptions of Leadership Styles Colin J. Thesis book Quantitative The study was significant in that the effects of
and Job Satisfaction in a Sample Turey.(2013) Through transformational leadership on individuals in
of High School Athletic questionnaire sporting organizations have not been fully
Directors in the United States explored in previous research.
9 The link between leadership Richard Grimm, Thesis book Quantitative Practitioners can apply the results of this
style and job satisfaction in the (2017) study to business and/or organizations that
don civilian workforce desire to focus on job satisfaction as one
element of overall organizational
10 A Study of the Relationship Fatemeh Thesis book Quantitative The results show that different leadership
between Leadership Styles Hamidifar,(2009) style factors will have different impacts on
and Employee Job employee job satisfaction components.
Satisfaction at Islamic Azad
University Branches in
Tehran, Iran