Student Taught Lesson Grading Rubric

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STUDENT-TAUGHT LESSON GRADING RUBIC Name: __________________________

Parts of Lesson Excellent Good Fair Poor Score

6 3 0
Prepared and Ready: Lesson is Lesson is No lesson ready
All materials and lesson ready at Everything is present, but present, but or missing
start of class period, from warm-up ready to present. small amount of major major
to conclusion of lesson scrambling. scrambling components
20 12 4
Presenter is
Understanding: All information is Presenter Presenter confused.
Presenters understand the material correct and in understands; understands;
well. Students understand correct format 25% of students 50% of students
information presented do not. do not.
15 10 2 0

Includes all Includes most Includes less Information is

Complete: important important than 50% of the not related.
Includes all significant information information. information important
from section or topic information
10 5
20 0
Retention/Memory: Strategy Strategy
Included a strategy or a tip to help Strategy present; present; can be present; not No strategy or
students remember content well chosen. applied related or best students are
effectively choice confused.
15 10 5 0

Everyone 75% actively Less than 50% Everyone off

Interest/Fun: interested and participating actively task.
Most of the class was involved, participating. participating.
interested, and participating

20 12 5
Wow, creative! I Good ideas! Some good
Creativity: never would pieces but No creativity; all
Information presented in an have thought of general lecture, notes,
imaginative way. that! instruction or workheet

Your Topic/Objective:


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