Calibration of Working Standard Ionization Chambers and Dose Standardization
Calibration of Working Standard Ionization Chambers and Dose Standardization
Calibration of Working Standard Ionization Chambers and Dose Standardization
Ayman Abd Elsafy Beineen Abd Elmahmoud
B.Sc. (Honour) in Physics
University of Khartoum (2001)
Dr. Ibrahim Idris Suliman
January 2011
Finally, I thank all my friends everywhere Badr, Husham and Hamdelnil Rabie Gasim
Elseed and all my colleagues in (SAEC) for encouragements.
Measurements were performed for the calibration of two working standard ionization
chambers in the secondary standard dosimetry laboratory of Sudan. 600 cc cylindrical
former type and 1800 cc cylindrical radcal radiation protection level ionization
chambers were calibrated against the 1000 cc spherical reference standard ionization
chamber. The chambers were calibrated at X-ray narrow spectrum series with beam
energies ranged from (33-116 KeV) in addition to Cs beam with 662 keV energy.
The chambers 0.6 cc and 0.3 cc therapy level ionization were used for dose
standardization and beam output calibrations of cobalt-60 radiotherapy machine
located at the National Cancer Institute, University of Gazira. Concerning beam
output measurements for Co radiotherapy machine, dosimetric measurements were
performed in accordance with the relevant IAEA dosimetry protocols TRS-277and
TRS-398. The kinetic energy released per unit mass in air (air kerma) were obtained
by multiplying the corrected electrometer reading (nC/min) by the calibration factors
(Gy/n C) of the chambers from given in the calibration certificate. The uncertainty of
measurements of air kerma were calculated for the all ionization chambers (combined
uncertainty) the calibration factors of these ionization chambers then were calculated
by comparing the reading of air kerma of secondary standard ionization chambers to
that from radcal and farmer chambers. The result of calibration working standard
ionization chambers showed different calibration factors ranged from 0.99 to 1.52 for
different radiation energies and these differences were due to chambers response and
specification. The absorbed dose to water calculated for therapy ionization chamber
using two code of practice TRS-277 and TRS-398 as beam output for Co
radiotherapy machine and it can be used as a reference for future beam output
calibrations in radiotherapy dosimetry. The measurements of absorbed dose to water
showed that the new code of practice TRS398 is easier and has fewer components
than TRS-277 therefore it has some advantage over the previous protocols which were
based on air kerma standards.
اخشٗج ُزٍ الق٘اعاث لوعاٗشة غشفخٖ حأٗي ع٘اسٗخ٘ي بوعول الوعاٗشة الثإًْ لخصبحا اعاط لق٘اط الدشعت
االشعاع٘ت بالغْداى ُّٖ ًْ 600 ccع 1800cc ّ farmerهي ًْع ّ . radcalقذ عْٗشث ُاح٘ي داخل
ق٘اعاث الغشفت الع٘اسٗت االعاع٘ت للوعول 1000 ccالخٖ عْٗشث بوعاهل الْكالت الذّل٘ت للطاقت الزسٗت
ّقذ حوج هعاٗشة الغشفخ٘ي فٖ حضم االشعت الغٌ٘٘ت الض٘قت راث الطاقاث )(IAEA
الوشع رّ الطاقت 662 ( )33,48,65,83,100and116 KeVباالضافت الٔ حضهت اشعت قاها هي هصذسCs
.KeVاخشٗج ق٘اعاث لغشفخٖ الخاٗي 0.3cc ّ 0.6ccفٖ هغخْٓ العالج باالشعت لوعاٗشة ّحق٘٘ظ هشخع٘ت
العالخٖ بالوشكض القْهٖ للغشطاى خاهعت الدضٗشة .كل ق٘اعاث الوعاٗشة الدشعت بالٌغبت لدِاص الCo
ّهشخع٘ت الدشعت االشعاع٘ت اخشٗج ّفقا للطشائق الوخبعت فٖ الْكالت الذّل٘ت للطاقت الزسٗت ( )IAEAفٖ ق٘اط
الدشعت االشعاع٘ت ( . )TRS-277&TRS-398ق٘غج ك٘شها الِْاء هي حاصل ضشب قشاءة الدِاص الٌاحدت
هي الخشع٘ع ( )n C/minهع هعاهل هعاٗشة غشفت الخأٗي ًفغِا ( )Gy/n Cهي شِادة الوعاٗشة .اخشٗج ق٘اعاث
عذم الخأكذ ( )Uncertaintyبالٌغبت لق٘اط ك٘شها الِْاء بالٌغبت لدو٘ع غشف الخأٗي .حن اٗداد هعاهل الوعاٗشة
لغشفخٖ الخأٗي ًْع radcal ّ farmerبالوقاسًت هع الغشفت االعاع٘ت الوشخع٘ت ّ .1000ccقذ اعطج الٌخائح
هعاهل هعاٗشة فٖ الوذٓ هي ( )0.99-1.52لطاقاث هخخلفت ّٗعضٓ ُزا االخخالف الٔ اعخدابت الغشفت لالشعت
ّخصائص غشفت الخأٗي .اخشٗج ق٘اعاث الدشعت الووخصت للواء بالٌغبت لغشفخٖ الخأٗي ًْع 0.3cc ّ 0.6ccهي
ّعْف حغخخذم فٖ الوغخقبل ًْع therapyباعخخذام TRS-277&TRS-398لالشعت هي هصذسال Co
العالخٖ .اّضحج الق٘اعاث اى TRS-398لَ هشكباث اقل هي لوعاٗشة خاسج االشعت هي هصذس الCo
ُّTRS-277زا الى ُْ TRS-398الوغخخذم فٖ ُزٍ االًّت فٖ ق٘اط الدشعت االشعاع٘ت فٖ العالج باالشعت.
Table of Contents
Arabic abstract………………………………………………………………..
Chapter one
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….... 1
Chapter Two
Literature review………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Chapter Three
3.1.2 X-ray…………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
3.6.1 Exposure(X)………………………………………………………………………………… 18
3.6.3 Kerma…………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
3.11.1 Calorimetry……………………………………………………………………………….. 27
Chapter Four
4.2Experimental setup…………………………………………………………………………. 44
Chapter Five:
5.1 Results…………………………………………………………………………………………… 47
5.2 Discussion……………………………………………………………………………………… 60
Chapter Six:
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………………………… 63
List of tables
Table 5.2 ion recombination and polarity effect corrections for 1000cc ionization 49
Table 5.3 calculation of air kerma and correction factors for spherical 1000cc 50
secondary ionization chamber
Table 5.4 calculated uncertainty in the air kerma measurements for 1000cc 51
Table 5.6 calculation of air kerma and correction factors for 600cc cylindrical 53
Table 5.7 calculated uncertainty in the air kerma measurements for cylindrical 54
ionization chamber
Table 5.8 calculation of air kerma for 1800cc radcal ionization chamber 55
Table 5.9 calculations of uncertainty for air kerma by radcal ionization chamber 55
Figure 4.1 air kerma measurements using reference ionization chamber used 41
from OB 85 gamma calibrator
The calibration procedures of field radiation measuring instrument used in radiotherapy
are based on well known and widely accepted dosimetry protocols.
Most clinical dosimetry protocols in the past were based on air kerma standards to
establish the absorbed dose to water in clinical radiotherapy beams. However, this
approach has several problems. From the perspective of the clinical user, the dosimetry
protocols are excessively complex and may reduce the accuracy of clinical dosimetry as a
result of mistakes. From the perspective of a standards laboratory, the air kerma standards
themselves have problems because of changes in the theory of cavity ion chambers and
uncertainties in some of the physical data required. The basic problem is that all the
standards are based on the same measurement technique and are thus potentially subject
to common errors.
In contrast, many primary standards laboratories are developing standards of absorbed
dose to water. These are based on different approaches and thus a much more robust
system is being put in place. Once a high energy absorbed dose calibration service is
established, the question is how to use it most effectively. Since it is much more
expensive to calibrate chambers in Accelerator beams than in Co beams, and because
the vast majority of dosimetry standards laboratories do not have linear accelerators, any
dosimetry Protocol based on absorbed dose calibration factor should be based on
calibrations in a 60Co beam. Clinical dosimetry based on such a system is much simpler
than that based on air kerma calibrations.
1.2 Calibration and traceability:
of the order of about 1%. The SSDLs should also play an important role in the global
effort to provide quality audits to radiotherapy centers. Besides the obvious needs of
accurate dose measurement in radiotherapy, accurate calibrations are needed for reliable
measurements in diagnostic radiology and radiation protection. The requirements for
traceable and reliable calibrations are also becoming more important for international
trade where radiation products are manufactured within strict quality control system in
order to conform to given safety and performance criteria (IAEA, 1999).
1.3 The aim of this study:
The objectives of this study were quality control for protection and therapy level
ionization chambers based on air kerma and absorbed dose measurements in addition to
that beam output as standard measurements which are:
1. Beam output calibration for the radiation protection calibration sources for the
available radiation energies using different protection level ionization chambers ;
Calibration of two working standard ionization chambers against the national
Secondary Standard Ionization Chamber;
2. Beam output calibration of Co radiotherapy unit in National Institute for cancer
based on absorbed dose to water (TRS-398) and air kerma (TRS-277) based
This thesis comprise six chapters: in chapter one general introduction is given, literature
review is given chapter two, in chapter three introduction on radiation physics and
dosimetry is given including the standard dose measurements. In chapter four, materials
and methods used in the study are presented. In chapter five results of the study are
presented and discussion is given on the results. Conclusions are given in chapter six.
2.1 General background
beam quality specifier might be the cause for the observed deviations. The measured
central percentage depth dose data using plane-parallel and cylindrical ionization
chambers were shown to be in reasonably in good agreement with the data from the
literature, for the same beam qualities, as specified in first half-value layers of aluminum
and copper. Measured PDDs for both the 120 and 200 kV beams were in fair agreement
(within 2%) at 2 cm depth, using plane-parallel and cylindrical ionization chambers as
well as a diamond detector. Taken together, the present study leans in favor of calibrating
medium-range kilovoltage x-ray beams at 2 cm depth and using measured PDDs rather
than using the in-air method with generic backscatter factors. In the
specification/ordering of kilovoltage x-ray units, it is advantageous if the beam qualities
of the machine are matched to those available for the calibration of dosimeters at the
standards laboratory. By doing so, the dosimetric uncertainties in the commissioning
phase can be reduced. In addition, the authors concluded that medical physicist needs to
consider the limitations of the dosimetry protocol of choice in order to avoid the need to
deviate from the methods stipulated therein.
Jurado et al (2005) studied the performance and dose characterization of the Therapax
SXT 150. The dose characterization in that study was performed by applying the IAEA
TRS-398 protocol to the indicated beam qualities, which provides a solid, consistent and
reliable way of measuring the dosimetric parameters. Mechanical movements, interlocks
and applicator characteristics agreed with specifications. The tube head leakage was two
orders of magnitude less than the limits established in the ICRP 33. Timer accuracy was
better than 0.2% and linearity with dose was good. The output was stable, with
repeatability better than 0.3%, long term reproducibility better than 1.5% and no
dependence with tube head orientation. Measured first HVLs agreed with those of the
BJR Supplement 25 when comparison was possible, value so as to obtain absorbed doses
at the surface from absorbed dose measurements performed at 2 cm depth. This PDD
value involves the use of measurements at the surface, which are difficult to perform for
these qualities. To avoid this, the output factors used in our centre for these beam
qualities were re-defined to take into account only measurements performed at 2 cm
depth. Beam optical density profiles had small penumbras and field sizes agreed with the
applicator specifications. These profiles had good symmetry and flatness except for the
lowest energy beam, for which a heel effect was observed. Measurements of all the
parameters of the unit are strongly recommended. The data presented may provide a base
for comparison and a reference for other or potential new users of the unit.
Vargas and Francisco (2008) compared IPSM 1990 photon dosimetry code of practice
with AAPM TG-51 and IAEA TRS-398, and the similarities and differences between
IPSM 1990 and AAPM TG-51/IAEA TRS-398 have been discussed. Uncertainties have
been computed for all experimental results according to the ISO Guide for the Expression
of Uncertainty in measurement recommendations. Absorbed dose to water determinations
according to the three protocols agree within experimental uncertainty, and this
Uncertainty is similar to the one reported in IAEA TRS-398. The maximum difference in
absorbed dose to water determination is obtained for 18 MV: IPSM 1990 result is 0.7%
lower than the IAEA TRS-398 one using its theoretical beam quality conversion factors.
This maximum difference is mainly related to the use of experimental beam quality
conversion factors for IPSM 1990 and theoretical ones for IAEA TRS-398. It must be
stressed that this comparison has been performed with a single calibration from NPL and
that the use of different protocols and calibrations traceable to different standards
laboratories will add further differences increasing or lowering results.
Jan Seuntjens, et al (2005) presented a framework within which ionization chambers,
calibrated in terms of absorbed dose to water, can be used to determine absorbed dose to
water under reference conditions from a measurement in a solid phantom of known
density and composition. Such a procedure has the distinct advantage that measurements
in plastics can be done under conditions that simplify the interpretation of the chamber
signal and make the conversion to absorbed dose to water under reference conditions
direct and straightforward. We define a phantom dose conversion factor that relates an
absorbed dose-to-water calibration coefficient to an in-solid phantom absorbed dose-to-
water calibration coefficient valid at a depth scaled by electron density. For an Exradin
A12 C552 ionization chamber, we calculated and measured the phantom dose conversion
factor for a set of Solid Water phantoms and found that measured and calculated factors
differed by between 0.0% and 0.7% and the average measured dose conversion factor
was low by 0.4% compared to the calculated factor. For the one Lucite phantom tested
the difference was 0.2% or less for all energies. The magnitude of a difference between
measurement and calculation depends on the consistency of phantom composition with
the composition assumed in the calculations and on the phantom homogeneity and
construction in the experiments. When these are independently verified by the user in
accurate experiments for each phantom used, dose measurements using ionization
chambers calibrated in terms of absorbed dose to water lead to reference dose
determinations that are consistent with in-water measurements and absorbed dose-based
protocols to within a few tenths of a percent. As the calculation of phantom dose
conversion factors for different chamber types in combination with different phantom
materials is straightforward, a more general availability of these factors for different
chamber types and phantom materials could be useful.
M.Saiful Huq and Pedro Andreo (2000) compared the result of measurements from
AAPM TG-51 and TG-21 made with PTW and NE farmer chamber in water phantom
and exposed to 6,18 and 25 photon beams. depending upon the choice of ionization
chamber and beam quality , the discrepancy in absorbed dose to water between the two
protocols is found to range between 0.7% and 1.3% the AAPM TG- 51 dose to water are
found to be higher than the AAMP TG-21doses by up to 0.9% at 6 MV and up to 1.0 %
at 18 MV. the large discrepancy of 1.3 % is observed when NE chamber is used at 25
MV .the reason of the discrepancies has been analyzed ,with the finding that the data and
procedures recommended in the AAPM TG 51 protocol are responsible for a maximum
contribution of about 0.5%. the rest of difference is presumably caused by the change in
the primary standard used for chamber calibrations.
The recommendation of AAPM TG 51 protocol are followed the ratio of NE ti PTW
chamber doses are found to be 0.999,1.009 and 1.005 at 6.18 and 25 MV respectively .the
corresponding result for the AAPM TG protocol are 0.999 ,1.006 and 1,002 this apparent
inconsistency is presumably attributed to deficiencies in our present knowledge to
perturbation tractors and quantities used to calculate KQ values which are expected to be
reduced when direct calibration in terms of absorbed dose to water become feasible at
high energy photon qualities . The most important differences between this two protocol
are the formalism in the AAPM TG-51 is based on the calibration of lionization chamber
in term of absorbed dose to water on the other hand TG-21 based on exposure calibration
factor the lead to differences of up to 1, 4% between the measured ND,W and value to
ND,W calculated from NX.
Fujio Araki and H.Dal kubo,(2002). calculated the ratio of absorbed dose to water
between the existing JARP, TRS -277 and the new TRS-398 protocols and the new TG-
51 protocol for various farmer type chamber in photon and the electron beams, they
found in photon beams, the absorbed doses determined with TG-51 increases by 0.6% to
2.1 % ,0.7% to 1.7 % in comparison to those with JARP and TRS-277, respectively ,and
agree with TRS-398 within 0.4% for electron beams ,TG-51 shows slightly higher
increases i.e,1.5-3.8% and 0.2-1.9% in comparison to JARP and TRS-277, respectively,
and agrees with TRS 398 within 0.6% reasons for the observed discrepancies are
discussed by comparing Ngas or ND and a dose conversion factors FW. it is found that the
Ngas values calculated from the value of McoD,W and FW define with TG-51 become
higher by 1.8-2.9% and 0.5 – 1.5%with JARP and TRS -277,respectively.also,the ratio of
the cavity-gas calibration factor evaluated from this discrepancy, The ratio of TG-51
andTRS-381protocols is1.008. This ratio corresponds to discrepancy of 1.1%in the ratio
of the absorbed –dose to discrepancy of 1.1%in the ratio of the absorbed-dose to water
between MISI and MRC. However, the estimated uncertainty of the ratio between the
two cavities –gas calibration factors is 0.9 %( 1 s.d) and consequently, the observed
difference of 0.8%is not significant. In photon beams, Fw values for TG-51deaorease by
up to 1.8.1.Compared to JARP and agree with TRs-277 and TRs-398 within 0.7-1 for the
Fw values in electron beams,TG-51 agrees with the existing JARP and TRs-277
protocols within 1.1. and with TRs-398 within 0.3%
( GX Ding and J.E.and/ C.B.Kwok 2000) determined absorbed dose to water at the
reference point which within 1% for C60,0.5% for photon beam with energies of 6 and
18 MV and compared the result with that at electron beam and the result from ionization
chamber calibration factors (ND,w ,Nx). The implementation of new protocol will not
change the results of clinical reference dosimetry in photon beams by more than roughly
1% compared to those obtained by TG21 .It can be seen that there may be no significant
clinical consequences as a result to the implantation of the TG51.The estimated dose
changes in reference dosimetry are within 2% for Co60 beam, 1.5% for photon beam with
energies of 6 and 18µv, and 3%-4% for electron beam with the same energies.
3.1 Ionizing Radiation
Radiation is classified into two categories: non ionizing and ionizing radiation depending
on the ability to ionize matter. Non ionizing radiation can not ionize matter because its
energy is lower than ionization potential of matter (the minimum energy required for
ionization). Ionizing radiation can ionize matter either directly or indirectly because its
energy exceeds the ionization potential of matter, it contains two major categories:
3.1.2 X-ray:
Usually obtained from acceleration by Coulomb force field in cyclotron or heavy particle
linear accelerator, alpha particle also emitted from radioactive nuclei and these types
include proton, deuteron, triton and an alpha particle which is known as helium nucleus
(two protons and two neutrons).
If positive in charge they are called positrons. If they are emitted from a nucleus they are
usually referred to as beta ray (positive, negative) and if they are result from a charged
particle collision they referred to as delta ray.
3.1.5 Neutrons:
Neutral particles obtained from nuclear reaction or fission since they can not themselves
be accelerated electrostatically.
All this type of ionizing radiation can interact with matter by tow way directly and
indirectly, the fast charged particles which deliver their energy to matter directly through
coulomb interaction along the particles track. Uncharged particles (photons, neutrons) at
first transfer their energy to charged particles in the matter through which they pass, the
resulting fast charged particles then in turn deliver the energy to the matter. That means
the deposition of energy in matter by (photon and neutrons) is tow step process. (F. Attix,
3.2 Interaction of radiation with matter:
The interaction of radiation with matter depend on several factors such as types of
radiation, the energy of radiation and the material it self. Thus the photon interaction with
matter differs significantly from that with beta and alpha.
Heavy charged particles and fast electrons interact with matter through the Coulomb
force with the electrons present in any medium through which they pass. Neutrons and
photons because they have no charge therefore are not subject to the Coulomb force,
these radiations first undergo a catastrophic interaction (often involving the nucleus of
constituent atoms).
X-ray and gamma ray transfer all or a part of its energy to electrons bears a close
similarity to the fast electron radiation (beta particles)
3.2.1 Charged particle interactions:
Electron as energetic traverse matter, it interact with matter through coulomb interaction
with atomic orbital electrons and atomic nuclei through this collisions the electron may
lose their kinetic energy or change their direction of travel .energy losses are describe by
stopping power.
When the incident electron interact with orbital electron (elastic collision) the electron is
deflected from its original path but no energy loss occurs, while in an inelastic collision
the electron is deflected from its original path and some of its energy transferred to an
orbital electron or emitted in the form of bremsstrahlung, the interaction between the
incident electron and orbital electron result in ionization (ejection of an orbital electron
from the absorber atom), and excitation (transfer of an orbital electron of the absorber
atom from an allowed orbit to a higher allowed orbit), atomic excitation and ionization
are characterized by collision stopping power.
The coulomb interaction between incident electron and nuclei of the absorber atom result
in electron scattering and energy loss of the electron through production of X-ray photon
and these types of energy loss is characterized by radiative stopping power.
3.2.2 Stopping power:
The inelastic energy losses by an electron moving through a medium with density ρ are
describe by the total mass energy stopping power (S/ ρ) ,represents the kinetic energy E
loss by the electron per unit path length(X) or:
S 1 dE
( MeVcm 2 g 1 )
dx (3.2)
The mass energy stopping power consist of tow components, the mass collision stopping
power col resulting from electron –orbit electron interaction, and the mass radiative
stopping power rad resulting from electron- nucleus interaction.
The linear energy transfer or linear collision stopping power, L, of a material, for a
charged particle, is the quotient of dE and dl, where dE is the mean energy lost by the
particle, due to collisions with electrons, in traversing a distance dl; thus
dl (3.4)
Unit: J·m–1
E may be expressed in eV, and hence L may be expressed in eV·m–1 or some Convenient
submultiple or multiple, such as keV·μm–1. (IAEA.2000)
3.2.4 Photons interactions:
Depending on their origin, photon radiation falls in to one of the following four
The intensity I(x) of a narrow photon beam attenuated by attenuator of thickness x given
I x I 0 e x
by (3.5)
Where I(0) is the original intensity of un attenuated beam
µ is the linear attenuation coefficient.
3.3 Types of photon beam interaction:
Photons interact with the atom of an attenuator in various ways depending on the energy
(hν) of the photon and on the atomic number (Z) of the attenuator.
It can also interact with bound electron with an atom as whole (photo electric effect),
with the field of the nucleus (pair production), or with free orbital electron (Compton
3.3.1 Photo electric effect:
In the photo electric effect the photon interact with bound orbital electron of an attenuator
and disappear, while the orbital electron is ejected from the atom as a photo electron with
kinetic energy EK given as :( padgorsak E.B, 2003)
E K h E B (3.6)
Where hν is the incident photon energy and EB is the binding energy of the electron
3.3.2 Compton Effect:
The Compton Effect represents a photon interaction with orbital electron. The incident
photon energy is much larger than the binding energy of the orbital electron, the loses
part of its energy to recoil electron and is scattered as photon through a scattering angle θ,
angle φ represents the angle between the incident photon direction and the direction of
the recoil electron. The change in photon wave length ∆λ is given by the well known
Compton relationship :( padgorsak E.B 2003)
∆λ =λ (1-cosθ) (3.7)
3.3.3 Pair production:
dA (3.8)
Unit = m2
3.4.2Energy fluence (Ψ):
The energy fluence is the quotient dR by dA where dR is the radiant energy incident on
sphere of cross sectional area dA:
Ψ= dA (3.9)
If there is volume V containing a distributed radioactive source and there is also small
volume v inside V and there are four conditions for radiation equilibrium
4. There are no electric or magnetic fields present to perturb the charged particle path,
except the fields associated with atoms.
Charged particle equilibrium (CPE) exists for a given volume when for each charged
particle that exits the volume, there is a charged particle entering the volume. When
(CPE) exists, the dose is equal to the collision kerma (frank Herbert Attix 1986).
Is defined as the quotient of dQ by dm where the value dQ is the absolute of the total
charge of the ions of one sign produced in air when all the electrons and positrons
librated or created by photon in mass dm of air are completely stopped in air
dm (3.11)
With unit C/Kg and the unit used is (R) roentgen
1R 2.58 10 4 C/Kg
The average energy expended in air per ion pair formed Wair is the quotient of EK by N
where N is the mean number of ion pair formed when the initial kinetic energy E K of
charged particles is dissipated in air
W air
N (3.12)
The current best estimated for the average value of Wair is 33.97 ionpair
where Rin is the sum of the energies (excluding rest energies) of all charged and
uncharged ionizing particles that enter the volume, Rout is the sum of the energies
(excluding rest energies) of all charged and uncharged ionizing particles that leave the
Volume and ∑Q is the sum of all changes of the rest mass energy of nuclei and
elementary particles in any interactions that occur in the volume. the unit of energy
imparted is joule.
3.6.3 Kerma:
Kerma is an acronym for kinetic energy released per unit mass. It has applicable to
indirectly ionizing radiation such as photons and neutrons; it quantifies the average
amount of energy transferred from indirectly to directly ionizing radiation.
Fro example the energy of photons is imparted to matter in two stage process, in the first
stage the photon radiation transfers energy to the secondary charged particles (electrons)
through various photon interactions. In the second stage the charged particles transfers’
energy to the medium through atomic excitation and ionization.
Through this the kerma is defined as the mean energy transferred from the indirectly
ionizing radiation to charged particles in the medium dE per unit mass dM:
K (3.14)
With unit J/Kg
Component of kerma:
The kerma for X or gamma rays consist of the energy transferred to electrons and
positrons per unit mass of medium. The kinetic energy of fast electron may be spent in
two ways:
Coulomb force interaction with atomic electrons of the absorbing material resulting
in the local dissipation of the energy as ionization and excitation in or near the
electron track. These are called collision kerma
Radiative interaction with the Coulomb force field at atomic nuclei in which Xray
photons are emitted as the electron decelerates. These Xray photons are relatively
penetrating compared to electrons and
Carry their quantum energy far away from the charged particle track. Thus kerma include
collision and radiative and:
K Kc Kr (3.15)
K c Is collision kerma
K r Is radiative kerma
It’s the energy imparted by the ionizing radiation to matter of mass m in a finite volume
And it is a quantity applicable to both indirectly and directly ionizing radiations.
Indirectly ionizing radiation means: the energy is imparted to matter in a two step
• In the first step (resulting in kerma), the indirectly ionizing radiation transfers energy
as kinetic energy to secondary charged particles.
• In the second step, these charged particles transfer a major part of their kinetic energy
to the medium (finally resulting in absorbed dose).
For directly ionizing radiation means: charged particles transfer a major part of their
kinetic energy directly to the medium (resulting in absorbed dose).
(Padgorsak E.B 2005)
Thus the absorbed dose D is the expectation value of the energy imparted to matter per
unit mass.
3.7 Bragg cavity theory:
The Bragg–Gray cavity theory was the first cavity theory developed to provide a relation
between the absorbed dose in a dosimeter and the absorbed dose in the medium
containing the dosimeter. The conditions for application of the Bragg–Gray cavity theory
1. The cavity must be small when compared with the range of charged particles
incident on it, so that its presence does not perturb the fluence of charged
particles in the medium;
The absorbed dose in the cavity is deposited solely by charged particles
crossing it (i.e. photon interactions in the cavity are assumed negligible and
thus ignored).
Dmed Dcav S
med,cav (3.16)
It’s the ratio of the average unrestricted mass collision stopping powers of the
med, cav
3.8 Relation between dosimetric quantities:
The absorbed dose (D) defined for all types of radiation, and for mono-energetic photon
radiation valid:
D cpe E
Where D is the absorbed dose in (Gy)
Is particle fluence (m-2)
is mass energy cross section (m2Kg-1)
And for charged particle valid:
el (3.18)
Where el is the mass electron energy loss cross section (Jm2Kg-1)
Kerma defined for indirectly ionizing and for mono-energetic photon and neutron
radiation valid
is the mass energy transferred cross section (m Kg )
2 -1
X E tr e
air W air
X K C AIR e W (3.21)
In charged particle equilibrium
D Kc
D air air X
So e
D cpe E en
X E en e
air Wair
Then (3.25)
3.9 Radiation protection quantities:
The organ dose is defined as the mean dose dT in a specified tissue or organ T of human
body, given by :( Padgorsak E.B 2005)
1 T
mT D dm
mT is the mass of the organ or tissue under consideration
ΕT is the total energy imparted by radiation to that tissue or organ
The absorbed dose in an organ or tissue, DT is the absorbed dose averaged over the
volume of a tissue or organ T (rather than at a point). While the absorbed dose at a point
generally is the fundamental dose quantity, in radiation protection, the mean dose in an
organ becomes the basic protection quantity correlated with the exposure risk. This
concept, therefore, is obviously based on the linear dose-effect relationship and the
additively of doses for risk assessment as an appropriate approximation in the low dose
region. Otherwise, averaging of doses and adding of doses over long periods would not
be an acceptable procedure.
Where DT,R is the mean organ dose in the organ or tissue T from radiation of type R
incident on the Human body and WR are radiation weighting factors characterizing the
biological Effectiveness of the specific radiation R relative to photons. The sum is taken
over all types of radiation involved.
Radiation weighting factors:
For external irradiation, the values of the radiation weighting factors are given by the
parameters of the external radiation field only (by the type and spectral distribution of the
radiation incident on the body). This means that wR is a body-averaged value
representing a mean value for the relative biological effectiveness of all tissues of the
body. Because the WR value is the same for all organs in a body, this procedure obviously
ignores any local variation of the radiation quality in the human body which may result
from the generation of secondary radiation of different types in the human body. This
effect is important mainly in the case of incident neutrons where secondary photons
strongly contribute to the absorbed doses of various organs. The wR values for various
types of radiation are specified in table (3.1)
Table (3.1) radiation weighting factor
Photon 1
The effective dose is the mean absorbed dose from a uniform whole-body irradiation that
results in the same total radiation detriment as from the non uniform, partial-body
irradiation in question. The effective dose is the weighted average of the mean absorbed
dose to the various body organs and tissues, where the weighting factor is the radiation
detriment for a given organ from a whole-body irradiation. (ICRP 2007)
E wT H T
wT : weighting factor for organ or tissue.
HT :equivalent dose for organ or tissue.
Recommended tissue weighting factor:
Table (3.2) tissue weighting factor
tissue WT ∑ WT
Remainder tissues: adrenals, extrathoracic (ET) region, gall bladder, heart, kidneys,
lymphatic nodes, muscle, oral mucosa, pancreas, prostate, small intestine, spleen, thymus,
at a point in radiation field, is the dose equivalent that would be produced by the
corresponding aligned and expanded radiation field, in the ICRU sphere at a depth d, on
the radius vector opposing the direction of radiation incidence. For penetrating radiation
it is d = 10 mm
3.10.2 Directional dose equivalent: H’(d, Ω)
The directional dose equivalent’ (d, Ω), at a point of interest in the actual radiation field,
is the dose equivalent that would be produced by the corresponding expanded radiation
field, in the ICRU sphere at a depth d, on a radius in a specified direction Ω.For low-
penetrating radiation d is equal to 0.07 mm.
3.10.3 Personal dose equivalent: Hp (d),
The personal dose equivalent, Hp (d), is the dose equivalent in ICRU tissue at a depth d in
a human body below the position where an individual dosimeter is worn. For monitoring
of the skin dose d = 0.07 mm is recommended and for monitoring effective dose d = 10
mm. In rare cases of monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye a depth d = 3 mm may be
3.11 Measurements of absorbed dose:
The basic output calibration of a clinical radiation beam by virtue of direct measurement
of dose or dose rate in water under specific reference conditions is referred to as
reference dosimetry. Three types of reference dosimetry technique are currently known:
1. Calorimetry
2. Fricke dosimetry
It’s the most fundamental dosimetry technique since it relies on basic definitions of either
electrical energy or temperature. In principle calorimetry is simple, in practical however
the need for measuring extremely small temperature differences makes the technique
very complex and relegates it to sophisticated standards laboratories.
Two main types of absorbed dose calorimeter are currently used in standards laboratories:
1. Graphite calorimeters;
Water calorimetry in stagnant water is fundamentally possible due to the fact that the
thermal diffusivity of water is so low that the temperature distribution remains in place to
enable accurate measurements at a point. Hence, in stagnant water calorimeters a
measured temperature rise TW is measured at a point and multiplication with the specific
heat capacity of water CW leads immediately to absorbed dose to water at that point.
However, practical determination of absorbed dose to water is complicated by effects that
can be categorized as either fundamental or technical. Fundamental effects are those that
potentially disturb the energy balance between absorbed energy and energy appearing as
a temperature rise. Technical issues are those that complicate a correct measurement of
the water temperature rise. Both these effects are usually treated as correction factors in
the dose equation. a water calorimeter determination of absorbed dose to water can be
thus based on the following generic equation:
DW CW ,PTK h K hd K p K dd K
Where CW,P is the specific heat capacity of water at constant pressure; T is the measured
thermistor temperature rise; Khd is the correction for the heat defect h (i.e. equal to 1/(1 −
h), where h represents the heat defect ); Kh is a general heat transfer correction factor,
which can result from conductive or convective modes of heat transfer; Kp is a
perturbation correction factor to account for the absorption and scattering of radiation due
to the presence of non-water materials; Kdd is a dose profile correction factor that corrects
the measured dose to the dose at the reference point and Kρ is a density correction factor
to account for the difference in density between the calorimeter operation temperature
and the temperature at which another detector (such as an ionization chamber) is
calibrated(Jan seuntjens and Simon Duane 2009) .
3.11.2 Fricke dosimetry:
The energy of ionizing radiation absorbed in certain media produces chemical change in
the absorbing medium, the amount of this change used as a measure of absorbed dose.
Fricke dosimetry which relies on oxidation of ferrous ions ferric ions produced in the
solution is measured by absorption spectrometry which ultraviolet light at 304 nm which
is strongly absorbed by the ferric ions.
Fricke dosimetry (sometimes referred to as chemical dosimetry or ferrous sulphate
dosimetry) depends on an accurate knowledge of the radiation chemical yield of ferric
ions, measured in moles produced per 1 J of energy absorbed in the solution. The
chemical yield is related to an older parameter, the G value, defined as the number of
ferric molecules produced in the ferrous sulphate solution by 100 eV of absorbed energy.
An accurate value of the chemical yield is difficult to ascertain because the chemical
yield is affected to a certain degree by the energy of the radiation, dose rate and
temperature of the solution during irradiation and readout. The best G value for Co g
rays is 15.6 molecules per 100 eV, corresponding to a chemical yield of 1.607 × 10–6
mol/J. The typical dynamic range for ferrous sulphate Fricke dosimeters is from a few
grays to about 400 Gy, making Fricke dosimetry impractical for routine use in a clinic.
The ionization chamber is the most practical and most widely used type of dosimeter for
accurate measurement of machine output in radiotherapy. It may be used as an absolute
or relative dosimetry.
It is sensitive volume is usually filled with ambient air. And the dose or dose rate related
measured quantities are the ionization charge Q or ionization current I respectively
produced by radiation in the chamber sensitive air mass m air. Charge Q and air mass m
are related to absorbed dose in air D by:
Q Wair
m air e
W air
Where e is the mean energy required to produce an ion pair in air per unit charge
(the current value for dry air is 33.97 eV/ion pair or 33.97 J/C). The subsequent
conversion of the air cavity dose Dair to dose to medium (usually water) DW is based on
the Bragg–Gray or Spencer–Attix cavity Theories
The sensitive air volume or mass in an ionization chamber is determined:
Three types of ionization chamber are used in reference dosimetry as absolute dosimetry
This chamber measure the air kerma in air according to its definition by collecting all
ions produced by the radiation beam that result from the direct transfer of energy from
photons to primary electrons in a defined volume in air, the determination of air kerma
W air
required accurate knowledge about e , the use of the standard free air ionization
chamber is limited to photons below 0.3 MeV
Figure 3.2: a Schematic diagram of a free-air chamber. Photons enter through an aperture
of radius rap and interact with the air of the chamber to produce secondary electrons (e1,
e2, e3). If the electrode separation d is sufficiently large, the secondary electrons come to
rest within the chamber. In the course of slowing down, charge is liberated and is swept
in the electric field between the electrodes. An isolated section of electrode creates a
region of air of length l (shaded) from which charge is collected and measured as
ionization current(D T Burn and L Buermann.2009).
This chamber measure the air kerma for energies in the range from 0.6 to 1.5 MeV by
making use of the Bragg gray cavity relationship to standard free air ionization chambers.
The measurements required accurate knowledge of the sensitive air volume.
Ionization chamber based dosimetry systems are in principle quite simple and consist of
three main components:
2. An electrometer
3. a power supply.
For each ionization chamber, reference conditions are described by a set of influence
quantities for which a chamber calibration coefficient is valid without any further
corrections. Influence quantities are defined as quantities that are not the subject of a
measurement but yet influence the quantity being measured. Examples of influence
quantities in ionization chamber dosimetry are:
2. Ion recombination
3. Polarity effect
Outputs of clinical photon and beams are usually measured with ionization chambers that
have calibration coefficients traceable to a standards laboratory and are thus used as
relative dosimeters.
Before such a chamber is used in radiotherapy machine output calibration, the user must
identify a dosimetry protocol (code of practice) appropriate for the given radiation beam.
A dosimetry protocol provides the formalism and the data to relate a calibration of a
chamber at a standards laboratory to the measurement of absorbed dose to water under
reference conditions in the Clinical beam. Two types of dosimetry protocol are available:
● Protocols based on air kerma in air calibration coefficients;
● Protocols based on absorbed dose to water calibration coefficients
Most current megavoltage dosimetry protocols rely on chamber calibration coefficients
determined in Co-60 beams at standards laboratories. It is expected that the use of
megavoltage beam calibration qualities (X rays and electrons), today available only in a
few PSDLs, will become more widespread in the future.
It should be noted that the formalisms presented here, based on aCo-60 calibration
coefficient, work well for megavoltage photon and electron beams. The calibration of
superficial and orthovoltage X ray beams, on the other hand, relies on different principles
and the chamber calibration coefficient should be obtained for the particular X ray beam
quality that is being calibrated(IAEA2003)E.D podgorsak.E).
3.13 Air kerma based protocol:
Air kerma based protocols use the air kerma in air calibration coefficient NK, Co-60
obtained for a local reference ionization chamber in a Co-60 beam at a standards
laboratory. Routine ionization chambers are then cross-calibrated with the reference
ionization chamber in a local Co-60 beam. Two steps are involved in an air kerma based
protocol for the calibration of megavoltage photon beam.
A formalism based on an air kerma calibration of the user, ionization chamber is
recommended. It is recommended that the transfer be carried out according to the
procedure of calibration
•g is the radiative fraction, i.e., the fraction of the total transferred energy expended in
radiative interactions on the slowing down of the secondary electrons in air.
• Km corrects for the non-air equivalence of the chamber wall and Buildup cap needed for
an air kerma in air measurement.
• Katt corrects for attenuation and scatter in the chamber wall.
The air kerma in air calibration coefficient N K,Co is:
K air air
N K ,Co
= M Co (3.33)
Dair ,CO K air air 1 g K m K att
N D , air N K ,Co 1 g K m K att
The absorbed dose to water at the point of interest can be calculated using:
DW M u N D SW ,air u
The above calculations is for Co-60 and for X-ray the absorbed dose can be calculated
DW M u N K K u en
W ,air
For medium energy and
DW M u N K BK u
W ,air
For low energy (IAEA 1987)
All dosimetry protocols aim at determination of the quantity absorbed dose to water. It is
therefore logical to provide ionization chambers directly with a calibration coefficient in
terms of this quantity, rather than in terms of the air kerma in air, if at all possible. Recent
developments have provided support for a change in the quantity used at present to
calibrate ionization chambers and provide calibration coefficients in terms of absorbed
dose to water ND,W for use in radiotherapy beams. Many PSDLs now provide ND,W
calibrations in60Co gamma ray beams and some laboratories have already extended these
calibration procedures to high energy photon and electron beams.
.Cobalt-60 calibration coefficients for megavoltage photon and electron beam. And
Calibration coefficients obtained for the particular beam quality used for superficial and
orthovoltage x-ray beams.
Calibration in a quality Qo beam (usually cobalt-60) at the standards laboratory:
DW ,Q0 M Q0 NW .Q0
Where MQ0 is the chamber reading under the reference conditions used in the standards
laboratory and corrected for influence quantities and NW,Q0 is the water dose calibration
coefficient for the chamber at beam quality Q0 (usually cobalt-60).
3.15 Estimating the uncertainty:
determined for one kind of dosimeter, the same value can generally be used for other
instruments of that same model, measured under the same conditions.
There are many sources of measurement uncertainty that cannot be estimated by repeated
measurements. These are called Type B uncertainties. These include not only unknown,
although suspected, influences on the measurement process, but also little known effects
of influence quantities (pressure, temperature, etc.), application of correction factors or
physical data taken from literature. The Type B standard uncertainty can be derived by
first estimating some limits ±L and then dividing that limit by a suitable number. Some
times Type B uncertainties can be described by a rectangular probability density, i.e. that
they have equal probability anywhere within the given maximum limits –M and +M. It
can be shown that with this assumption the Type B standard uncertainty uB is given by:
3 (3.41)
And if the assumed distribution is triangular (with the same limits), the above relation
6 (3.42)
Thus there are no rigid rules for estimating type B uncertainty and we should use our best
knowledge and experiences, and whatever method applied, provide estimates that can be
used as if they were standard deviations (IAEA 2000).
Type A and Type B uncertainties are both estimated standard deviations, they are
combined by using the statistical rules for combining variances (which are squares of
standard deviations).
In this study measurements were carried out in two irradiation facilities: the part on
ionization chamber calibration was carried out at the Secondary Standard Dosimetry
Laboratory of Sudan Atomic Energy Commission whereas beam output calibrations for a
cobalt-60 radiotherapy unit were performed at the National Cancer Institute, University
of Gazira.
4.1 Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory:
reference gamma radiation was provided by a Cs-137 and Co-60 sources irradiator (OB-
85, is circular, with a diameter 50 cm at a distance of 2 m from the source) OB-85
containing three sources Co-60, Cs-137 and external Am-241 with activity 37 GBq, 740
GBq, 7.4 GBq, respectively. Sources Irradiator is supplied with a set of lead attenuators
with thickness of 2 , 1.8 cm that are placed at the exit window of the irradiator to vary
the air Kerma that is required to cover the instrument scales at a particular calibration
distance. The arrangement for air kerma measurements using reference ionization
chamber used from OB-85 gamma calibrator is shown in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1. Air kerma measurements using reference ionization chamber used from OB-
85 gamma calibrator.
Measurements were also performed at University of Gezira, National Cancer Institute in
a Co machine type cirus manufactured by Eric ROUCHON. This machine has the
following specifications: Source model: CoT20; S/N: 4273; Radionuclide: Co-60
Contained activity: 254.9 TBq ( 6890 Ci).
4.1.2 Ionization chambers and dosimetry system:
Five ionization chambers were used in this study three were radiation protection level
whereas two were therapy level ionization chambers.
1. Spherical 1 liter chamber LS-01 type 32002 with PTW electrometer. with
polarizing voltage 400 V(max),wall material from POM (CH2O)n, electrode
material graphite coated energy ranged from 45 keV to 50 MeV
Table 3.1. Characteristics of cylindrical ionization chamber types as stated by the
Waterproof No Yes
4.2 Experimental setup:
The calibration of ionization chamber was performed at secondary standard dosimetry
laboratory at Sudan Atomic Energy Commission in Cs gamma ray beam and narrow
X-ray series (N40, N60, N80, N100, N120, and N150). The measurements of secondary
standard ionization chamber type LS-01were taken in charge mode and subsequently
converted to air kerma using the appropriate calibration factor. All measurements were
carried out at 2 m distance from the relevant sources ( 137Cs source contained in a gamma
calibrator OB-85 and X-ray beam series previously specified. Prior to any measurement,
stability measurements were performed using radioactive check source (241Am).
Measurements of ambient conditions (temperature and pressure) were done during the
experiment. Measurements of the ion recombination and polarity effect were made
according to the formulae 4.1-4.3:
u1 1
Kion 22
u1 M 1
2 M2 (4.1)
2M (4.2)
T 273.2 P
T 273.2 P (4.3)
For farmer ionization chamber and radcal the measurements were performed similar to
those with spherical ionization chamber at all qualities and conditions with all available
The calculations of air kerma to all ionization chambers were performed utilizing the
K air MN K K TP K ion K p
Where M was the electrometer reading in (nC/min).
NK is the calibration factor of chamber from its certificate
KTP correction for temperature and pressure
Kion correction for ion recombination
Kp correction for polarity effect.
The uncertainties of these measurements were estimated using:
U M U K pr U KT U K ion U K P U K d
2 2 2 2 2 2
U K air U N K
M K pr KT K ion K P K d
Where U(M)/M is the uncertainty of the reading, U(Kpr)/Kpr for pressure, U(KT)/KT for
temperature ,U(Kion)/Kion for ion recombination, U(KP)/KP for polarity effect, U(Kd)/Kd
for distance and the factor U(NK) is for calibration factors of the ionization chamber from
its certificate.
The calibration factor of the ionization chamber at reference was calculated according to:
M ref K ref
N K N ref
M K KK (4.5)
Where Nref is the calibration factor of the reference ionization chamber from the
Mref and Kref are the reading and correction for the reference chamber
MK and KK are the reading and correction for the other chamber
Thus calibration factors of farmer and radcal ionization chambers were calculated for all
qualities using:
m (4.6)
Where (M): is reading of secondary standard ionization chamber (spherical) and (m) the
reading of farmer or Radcal ionization chamber.
Concerning therapy level ionization chambers, and 0.6 cc ionization chamber was
calibrated in term of air kerma and absorbed dose to water whereas 0.3 cc ionization
chamber was only calibrated in terms of air kerma. Measurements were carried out using
20x20x10 cm water phantom at a reference depth of 5 cm, field size 10x10, and source to
surface distance (SSD) of 80 cm. The electrometer readings were corrected for ion
recombination, temperature, and pressure and polarity effect. The calculations of
absorbed dose to water according to TRS-277 and TRS-398 were performed using
relevant IAEA dosimetry protocol: initially absorbed dose to water at reference point of
Co beam were made according to IAEA TRS-277:
DW M u N D S w,air Pu
N D N K 1 g K att K m
Where (4.8)
Next, the absorbed dose to water at reference point of Co beam was made IAEA
according to protocol TRS-398:
DW Z ref MN D , w
5.1 Results
The results obtained are presented in this chapter. These include quality assurance
measurements, beam output calibration measurements, measurements performed for ion
chamber calibrations and uncertainty analysis.
Results of measurements of air kerma rate at different distances from Cs source are
presented graphically in the Figure 5.1. A linear relationship is observed between the air
kerma rate and the reciprocal of distance square according to the inverse square law. The
standard deviation of the measured mean air kerma rate is shown as error bars.
Results of measurements of air kerma rate at 2 m distance from three X-ray beam
qualities are presented in Table 5.1. The measured output ranged from 69 µGy/min to
178 µGy/min at 60 and 80 tube voltages; respectively. Variation of tube output between
different X-ray beam qualities is attributed to the different filtration used.
Figure 5.1 a graph show output measurements of Cs at different distances and the
kerma rate range from few µGy to 550 µGy.
Table 5.1 output for ISO 4037 X-ray qualities
5.1.2 Spherical reference standard chamber
For accurate measurements of air kerma rate using an ionisation chambers ion
recombination and polarity effect should be measured and subsequently applied.
Measurements of these correction factors for spherical 1000 cc reference standard
ionization chamber are presented in Table 5.2.
The calculated air kerma and the related correction factors for spherical reference
chamber are presented in Table 5.3.
The measurements were performed by multiplying the corrected electrometer reading in
(nC) by the calibration factor NX (µGy/nC) of the chamber taken from the calibration
certificate according to equation 4.4. These measurements consider as a reference reading
at SSDL for routine calibration of the all instruments being calibrated in Sudan. The
results of uncertainity of the measurement evaluated at 95% confidence level are
presented in Table 5.4
The calculated of air kerma (kair ± Uexp) for (33, 48, 65, 83,100,116 and 662 KeV) were
(65.23±2.166), (186.77±6.065), (188.34±6.048), (111.02±3.567), (137.82±4.535),
(126.41±4.037) and (148.69±4.742); respectively.
Quality Q40/10 Q 60/6 Q80/10 Q100/19 Q120/19 Q150/13 Cs
Energy 33 48 65 83 100 116 662
V1 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
V2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
M1 2.4 7.4 7.3 4.4 5.5 4.8 5.35
M2 2.3 7.4 7.3 4.41 5.7 4.8 5.33
M_ 2.5 7.35 7 3.89 5 4.75 5.36
M+ 2.4 7.4 7.2 4.1 5.5 4.78 5.35
V1 : normal operating voltage
Table 5.3: Calculation of air kerma and correction factors for spherical 1000 cc
secondary standard ionization chamber
Quality Q 40/10 Q 60/6 Q80/10 Q100/19 Q120/19 Q150/13 Cs
(keV) 33 48 65 83 100 116 662
Readings 2.39 7.33 7.41 4.40 5.57 4.84 5.50
Nx 25.00 23.90 24.10 24.20 24.30 24.50 25.10
Ktp 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.08
Kp 1.02 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.95 1.00 1.00
Kion 1.0002 0.995 1 0.999 0.997 1 1.000
µGy/min 65.23 186.77 188.34 111.02 137.82 126.41 148.69
Nx calibration factors of spherical chamber from certificate
Ktp correction for temperature and pressure
Kp correction for polarity effect
Table 5.4:the uncertainty of calculation air kerma by spherical ionization chamber.
quality 40/10 60/6 80/10 100/19 120/19 150/3 Cs
U(M)/M 0.010 0.006 0.002 0.001 0.006 0.001 0.001
U(T) 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
U(P) 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004
U(ION) 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017
U(PO) 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.018 0.017 0.017
U(D) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
U(Nk) 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
U(kair) 0.033 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.033 0.032 0.032
U*Kair 2.166 6.065 6.048 3.567 4.535 4.037 4.742
5.1.3 Working standard cylindrical chamber
Measurements for the determination of polarity effect of 600 cc cylindrical chamber with
2526 farmer electrometer are presented in Table 5.5 The results of air kerma rate
calculated according to IAEA TRS 277 are presented in Table 5.6
Table 5.5,5.6 and 5.7 show polarity effect measurements, air kerma rate calculations and
the uncertainty a combined with these measurements by 600 cc farmer ionization
chamber for different energies (33, 48, 65, 83,100,116 and 662 KeV). The air kerma
rates were (43±2.122), (163.9±7.919), (153.5±7.412), (91±4.485), (125.7±6.071),
(103.9±6.158), (126.2±6.116) respectively. The ratio of air kerma rate from farmer by
that from spherical secondary standard ionization chamber were calculated for
calculations the calibration factors of each beams. In these measurements the air kerma
calculation were done also by multiplying the corrected electrometer reading (nC) by the
chamber sensitivity (m Gy/nC)
Table 5.5 Measurements for the determination of polarity effect of cylindrical chamber
Table 5.6 Calculation of air kerma and correction factors for of 600 cc cylindrical chamber
Beam Quality Q40/10 Q60/6 Q80/10 Q100/19 Q120/19 Q150/13 Cs
Energy (keV) 33 48 65 83 100 116 662
Reading (nC) 0.93 3.46 3.25 1.97 2.66 2.70 2.68
Nx (µGy/nC) 43.73 43.73 43.73 43.73 43.73 43.73 43.73
Ktp 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08
Kp 1 1.003 1.002 0.982 1.002 1 0.998
Kair (µGy/min) 43.87 163.97 153.47 91.17 125.73 127.32 126.16
arameter Q40 Q60 Q80 Q100 Q120 Q150 Cs
U(M)/M 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002
U(T)/T 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019
U(P)/P 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004
U(Nk) 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004
U(d) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
U(Po) 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.045 0.044 0.044 0.044
U(Kair) 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.049 0.048 0.048 0.048
U*Kair 2.122 7.919 7.412 4.485 6.071 6.158 6.116
5.1.4 Radcal working standard ionization chamber:
Table 5.8: Calculation of air kerma for 1800 cc Radcal ionization chamber
Quality Q 40/10 Q 60/6 Q80/10 Q100/19 Q120/19 Q150/13 Cs
Energy 33 48 65 83 100 116 662
Reading(mGy/h) 2.498 9.906 9.324 5.452 7.86 7.162 7.9
Reading(µGy/min) 41.63333 165.1 155.4 90.86667 131 119.3667 131.6667
Ktp 1.062796 1.0627 1.0627 1.0627 1.0627 1.0627 1.081964
µ Gy/min 44.25 175.45 165.14 96.56 139.21 126.85 142.46
Table 5.9: calculations of uncertainty for air kerma by Radcal ionization chamber
Table 5.8 and 5.9 show air kerma calculations with their correction by Radcal ionization
chamber for different energies (33, 48, 65, 83,100,116 and 662 KeV), and the air kerma
rate were (44.25±1.148), (175±4.075), (165.14±3.829), (96.56±2.236), (139.21±3.222),
(126.85±2.951) and (142.46±3.304) respectively. And the ratio of air kerma rate, arising
from radcal ionization chamber to that from spherical secondary standard ionization
chamber, were calculated to evaluate the calibration factors
Table 5.10. The calculated Nk factor for two working standard ionization chambers
5.1.6 Therapy level ionisation chambers
Table 5.11 presents the results of absorbed to water measurements using two therapy
level type PTW ionization chambers for 60Co beam. Measurements were made according
to international code of practice – IAEA TRS-277 based on air kerma calibration
Beam output was measured in term of air kerma at 80 cm SSD, the field size 10x10 and 5
cm depth. According to air kerma based protocol (TRS-277), measurements were
performed by calculating the absorbed dose to air (Dair ) and then the absorbed dose to
water ( DW ) utilizing the formalism given in the protocol.
Table 5.12 presents the results of absorbed dose to water measurements using 0.3 cc
therapy level type PTW ionization chambers for Co beam. Measurements were made
according to international code of practice – IAEA TRS-398 based on absorbed dose to
water standards. Beam output was measured in term of absorbed dose to water using the
formalism of absorbed dose water based protocol.
Table 5.11 Results of absorbed dose to water measurements using TRS-277.
(nC) Kion Kp Ktp ND(Gy/nc) Dw(eff)
13.234 0.998521 1.011364 1.077726 0.05 0.720169
5.2 Discussion:
In this study two working standard ionization chambers were calibrated using secondary
standard ionization chamber. This was performed as a part of traceability of
measurements. Based on current measurement results, the determined calibration
coefficient ranged from 0.99-1.52 these chambers performed adequately and satisfy
international recommendations for calibration procedures and radiation dosimetry.
Determination of any reference field used for the calibration of dosemeters under certain
conditions can be achieved by selecting a suitable quantity of the operational radiation
protection. This requires the use of suitable and traceably calibrated secondary standard
dosemeters (Peter Ambroshi 2009). In this study a quantity being used in the calibration
of the ionization chamber was the air kerma which related to the operational quantities by
conversion coefficients. For low and medium energy dosimetry the calibration of
dosimeters performed is based on air kerma standards. The uncertainty specified for the
secondary standard dosemeter is sufficiently small for the purpose of calibrating the
reference field. In calibration of ionization chamber, measurements performed are
combined with relevant uncertainties. In this study, uncertainties were evaluated in the
calculation of beam output in terms of the physical quantity air kerma rate and also
uncertainties in the calibration factor determined. The uncertainty values in air kerma rate
measurements ranged from 1.15 to 7.9 for all beam qualities. These are expanded
uncertainty (over all uncertainty) evaluated at 95% confidence level (two standard
deviations) .
5.2.2 Radiotherapy beam output calibration:
Calibration coefficients were determined for two working standard ionization chambers.
This offered the possibility of using three ionization chambers for routine beam output
measurements and calibration for all instruments being calibrated at SSDL in Sudan.
Uncertainties of measuring air kerma were estimated for all photon beam qualities and
for all ionization chambers.
Measuring of beam output in term of air kerma rate using secondary standard ionization
chamber and beam output for Co-60 radiotherapy beam in term of absorbed dose to water
was performed as a part of dose standardization and beam output calibration.
We proposed for any laboratories be continue in quality control and implementation of
quality system according to ISO recommendations such as ISO 17025.
As result of this study we recommend that:
In presence of all dosimetry tools researcher can expand their studies in ionization
chamber dosimetry
In our country we have two centres for radiotherapy till now so the need for quality
is a priority
Use of different protocols in the measurements and the select suitable one for being
the main procedures.
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