Lecture Notes W2021
Lecture Notes W2021
Lecture Notes W2021
Name: Professor Mohammad Javad (MJ) Abdolhosseini Qomi
Email: mjaq@uci.edu
Website: http://aimslab.eng.uci.edu/teaching/
Required Textbook:
Russell C. Hibbeler, Structural Analysis (9th Edition). 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008,
ISBN-13 978-0136020608.
Attendance Policy:
We highly encourage you to attend all classes and not even miss one. As you will
gradually notice, there will be a significant difference between your lecture notes and the
reference textbook. To encourage you to attend classes, some of questions in quizzes and
the final exam will be the same as those solved in the class.
Feedback Policy:
In 151A, we are committed to provide you with the best teaching experience. To
achieve this goal, we need your feedback to monitor our performance and your learning
pace. In addition to online feedback, we welcome your constructive suggestions for
improving the quality of the class.
Lecture Topics:
Week 1:
Lecture 0 : Intro to class, spaghetti project, Type of structures and loads
Lecture 1 : determinacy and stability in beams + frames
Week 2:
Lecture 2 : Truss types, determinacy and stability in trusses and analysis methods
Lecture 3 : Shear and moment diagram in determined beams
Week 3:
Lecture 4 : Shear and moment diagram in frames regardless of their determinacy
Lecture 5 : Quiz 1, Shear/moment diagram, Elastic Beam Theory, Double Integration
Week 4:
Lecture 6 : Moment-area theorems and their application in beams and frames
Lecture 7 : Moment-area method for frames, Bress law and undetermined structures
Week 5:
Lecture 8 : Conjugate-beam method for determined and undetermined beams
Lecture 9 : external work and strain energy
Week 6:
Lecture 10: Quiz 2, Principle of virtual work and the unit load method (trusses)
Lecture 11: Application of the unit load method to 2D and 3D beams
Week 7:
Lecture 12: Minimum potential energy and the first Castigliano’s theorem (trusses)
Lecture 13: Application of the first Castigliano’s theorem to beams
Week 8:
Lecture 14: Application of the first Castigliano’s theorem to Frames
Lecture 15: Quiz 3, Influence line analysis
Week 9
Lecture 16: Influence line for determined beam systems and trusses
Lecture 17: Influence line for floor girders, moving load systems and internal loads
Week 10
Lecture 18: Matrix Analysis of truss structures
Lecture 19: Assembling global stiffness matrix and solving for unknowns
It is mandatory for you to form study groups to solve your weekly 151A’s homework.
Please form your groups ASAP during the first week of the classes and no group changes
are allowed during the quarter. You are highly encouraged to discuss within your group;
however, every single student MUST individually submit a homework solution via
Canvas. The assignments are already uploaded on the class website and will be due the
following Sunday 11:59 pm and must be submitted via the Canvas portal. Late homework
will not be graded.
These exams are all open-book and open-note but closed-discussion. The exams will
be focused on problems solved in the class, homework, examples and problem sets in the
reference book. Therefore, there should be no surprises if you have studied them all
Grading Policy:
Homework: 8 p-sets (15 points).
Midterm Exam: (35 points).
Final Exam: Comprehensive exam (50 points).
Total points: X out of 10
1- Conjugate-beam method
2- Conjugate-beam method for analysis of determined beams
3- Conjugate-beam method for analysis of undetermined beams
1- Castigliano’s theorem applied to 3D beams and frames with nodal point loads
2- Castigliano’s theorem applied to 3D beams and frames with distributed loads
3- Symmetric structures + symmetric an anti-symmetric loading
4- Decomposition of a general load to symmetric and anti-symmetric
contributions 5- Applying ideas of parallel and series springs to analyze
indeterminate structures
1- Static condensation and solving for nodal displacements and member forces
2- Analyzing a simple truss with the open source Matlab code