A Manual For Master's Thesis Preparation
A Manual For Master's Thesis Preparation
A Manual For Master's Thesis Preparation
A Manual
Master’s Thesis Preparation
Spring 2008
Table of Contents
I. General Comments …………………………………………………….. 3
II. Copyright ……………………………………………………………….. 3
III. Thesis Specifications …………………………………………………… 4
A. Thesis Components
1. Title and Approval Page ……………………………………………… 4
2. Copyright Notice ……………………………………………………... 4
3. Abstract ………………………………………………………………. 4
4. Dedication ……………………………………………………………. 4
5. Acknowledgements …………………………………………………… 4
6. Table of Contents …………………………………………………….. 4
7. Chapter I ……………………………………………………………… 4
8. Chapter II …………………………………………………………….. 4
9. Chapter III ……………………………………………………………. 5
10. Chapter IV ……………………………………………………………. 5
11. Chapter V …………………………………………………………….. 5
12. References ………………………………………………………….. 5
13. Appendices …………………………………………………………….. 5
C. Thesis Formatting
1. Paper and Font …………………………………………………………… 5
2. Margins ………………………………………………………………….. 6
3. Spacing …………………………………………………………………... 6
4. Page Numbering ………………………………………………………… 6
5. Footnotes/Endnotes, References and Appendices ………………………… 6
6. Figures and Illustrations ………………………………………………… 6
7. Photographs …………………………………………………………….. 6
8. Additional Materials …………………………………………………… 6
9. Printing …………………………………………………………………. 6
A. Thesis Layout …………………………………………………………… 8
B. Sample Title Page ………………………………………………………. 9
C. Sample Copyright Page ………………………………………………… 10
D. Sample Approval Page …………………………………………………. 11
E. Sample Table of Contents ………………………………………………. 12
F. Sample List of Tables and/or Figures ………………………………….. 13
G. Heading Levels …………………………………………………………. 14
H. Sample format and spacing …………………………………………….. 15
before and after a table and figure
I. Document Format Checklist ……………………………………………. 16
Master’s Thesis Guidelines
I. General Comments
The Thesis: The thesis is the culmination of an individual research experience that may
use new data or information to replicate an earlier study, a secondary analysis of data from
another study, or the product of original research based on primary data. A public oral
presentation of the thesis proposal, which is a detailed description of the problem and planned
research, is required. Upon completion of the thesis, the student must pass a public defense of the
thesis conducted by his or her committee. This oral examination also evaluates the student's
knowledge of general principles and techniques. The thesis committee minimally consists of the
student's thesis chair and two other full-time university faculty members. Once a student has a
thesis proposal approved by the Office of Graduate Education, the candidate must be in
continuous registration (excluding summers) for at least one hour a semester until the thesis is
The Office of Graduate Education requires that all theses conform to the specifications
given below. Unless the thesis chair or program coordinator has given consent in advance,
departures from these norms will render a thesis unacceptable.
II. Copyright
Under present laws, a copyright is secured automatically when the work is created and
fixed in a copy form for the first time. This is defined as the date when the written work is
approved by the Office of Graduate Education on behalf of ECSU. While notice of copyright of
the written work is not required to have claim to copyright, failure to comply with the
requirement can result in loss of certain additional rights otherwise available to the copyright
owner. Therefore, students who anticipate publishing the copyright page or using the submitted
written work in some way, are urged to include the copyright page.
Since the written work is submitted in satisfaction as a part of the requirement for an
advanced degree, the candidate automatically conveys to the University a license for limited use
including: (1) microfilming, (2) distributions to major departments or libraries, or (3) responses
to inquiries regarding research in the subject area of the work. According to the Copyright Act
of 1976, a student has five years from the date of publication to register a copyright.
III. Thesis Specifications
3. Abstract. Every copy of the thesis must have an abstract. An abstract must provide a
concise summary of the thesis. Particular care should be taken in preparing the abstract, since it
will be published in Dissertation Abstracts or Master's Abstracts and the length is limited by the
publisher. The abstract may not exceed 150 words for a Master’s thesis. In style, the abstract
should be a miniature version of the thesis. It should be a summary of the results, conclusions or
main arguments presented in the thesis. (See Appendix D for sample)
4. Dedication. A Dedication page may be included in your thesis just before the
Acknowledgments page, but it is not a requirement.
6. Table of Contents. The table of contents must be detailed. Each chapter and main
section in the thesis must be listed in the “Table of Contents” and each must be given a page
number for the location of a particular text. (See Appendix E and F for sample)
7. Chapter I. An Introduction that clearly states the rationale and objectives of the
research. It also includes:
a. Background
b. Statement of Purpose (Objective)
c. Methods and Procedures
d. Research Overview
8. Chapter II. More than one chapter will be necessary to complete the research. A
background, comprehensive review of the literature (in addition to that covered in the
introduction to the paper) is required. This is known as the Review of Literature and should
include relevant, recent research that has been done on the subject matter.
9. Chapter III. The Methodology is included in this chapter and should include all
relevant methods that were utilized as well as research methods and measurements.
10. Chapter IV. The Results : This should include your data analysis and findings
11. Chapter V. Discussion: This should include your summary, conclusions and
13. Appendices (optional). May include a list of definitions, abbreviations and acronyms.
It may contain an ethics certificate in the case of research involving human or animal subjects,
microorganisms, living cells, other biohazards and/or radioactive material (see Internal Review
Board for your discipline).
B. Final Version
The final version of the thesis (after oral defense) must be free from typographical,
grammatical and other errors when submitted to the Graduate Director. While this is the
responsibility of the student, thesis chairs should not sign off on theses that are not error free.
C. Thesis formatting
1. Paper and Font. Theses must be typed (computer generated). Use 8-1/2 x 11, 100%
cotton rag or 20 lb. bond, un-ruled paper for all copies submitted. Use one side of the page only.
A conventional font e.g. Times New Roman, size 12-point must be used.
2. Margins. Left, 1-1/2 inches; top, bottom, and right, 1 inch. These are necessary to allow
for binding and trimming. Do not punch holes in the margin, since holes would make binding
impossible. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not follow the appropriate margin guidelines that are
included here, you might lose content when your thesis is bound.
3. Spacing. Double space the text. Long quotations, reference entries (double space
between entries), table captions, and similar special material may be single spaced. (See
Appendix H for spacing requirements before and after tables and figures)
4. Page Numbering. Preliminary pages of the thesis, that is, those preceding the
Dedication are not to be numbered. Pages after the Dedication up to Chapter I are to be
numbered in Roman numerals. The count for these preliminary pages should start with the Title
and Approval page. For example, if the thesis has a Title and Approval page, Copyright page,
and Abstract, the Dedication should be the first page showing a number, and it should be
numbered with the Roman numeral iv.
this section, number every page to be bound, including pages on which only illustrations,
drawings, tables, or captions appear.
Page numbers should be centered and placed at the bottom of the page. Only the number
should appear, not page 9 or the abbreviation p. 9, for example.
(Note: You may consult the APA handbook for formatting styles. It is available at the
Reference desk of the G. R. Little Library).
5 Figures and Illustrations. Figures, tables, graphs, etc., should be positioned according to
the scientific publication conventions of the discipline. Illustrations must be drawn using an ink
that permits microfilming and high quality photocopying. Charts, graphs, maps, and tables that
are larger than the standard page should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Legends or
captions accompanying full-page graphics must be presented on a separate page. All figures
should appear within the text at the point where reference to them is first made.
6. Photographs. Digital pictures may be incorporated into the thesis. Photographs with
dark backgrounds should be avoided. Digital pictures must be of the quality accepted by
journals in your disciple (usually 4.0 megapixels or better).
7. Additional Materials. Slides, tapes, diskettes, etc. are to be avoided if possible and can
be included only if the candidate authorizes the reproduction of the thesis without them.
(Use Appendix I to check that the thesis has been correctly formatted)
Appendix A – Thesis Layout
Page Order
Appendix B –Sample Title and Approval Page
CENTERED; 2 double spaces from top of
A Thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of
Elizabeth City State University
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Degree of
The degree Master of Science
(Name) Chair of Thesis Committee (centered)
_____________________________ ______________________________
(Name) Committee Member (Name) Committee Member
_____________________________ ______________________________
(Name) Committee Member (Name) Committee Member
Appendix C – Sample Copyright Page (Optional)
Appendix E – Sample Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………………. iv
Subheading(s) ……………………………………………………………….. 2
Subheading(s) ……………………………………………………………….. 7
Subheading(s) …………………………………………………………………. 25
Subheading(s) …………………………………………………………………. 52
CHAPTER V DISCUSSION……………..……………………………………………….60
The Lists of Tables and Figures (Appendix F) with the exact title of each figure/table should
come after the Table of Contents
Table Page
No. Name of table (exactly as it appears above the Table) ……………. (Arabic No.)
1. If there are Figures, the next page should have the List of Figures;
2. The number at the bottom of this page should be in Roman numeral
Appendix G – Heading Levels Adopted for Theses
e.g. Cell cycle
(flush with left margin, uppercase and lowercase, bold)
Sub subheading
e.g. Apoptosis
(flush with left margin, uppercase and lowercase, italics)
Appendix H - Sample format and spacing before and after a Table and Figure:
All tables/figures should be separated from the text by three blank lines (two double spaces)
before and after the table.
Dissertation 52 54
The example below shows the format of the caption on a figure and the spacing required
before and after a figure.
Figure 1. ECSU
Appendix I - Document Format Checklist
Page order and front of document are formatted correctly (see Thesis specifications).
The same Font is used consistently throughout the document (font size should be 12 pt.).
Margins: Right, top, bottom = 1.0 inch. Left = 1.5 inches for binding.
Spacing is double throughout the document. Single spacing may be used for long quotations,
footnotes, table captions, tables, figure captions, figures, table of contents, list of figures,
list of tables, dedication page, and appendices. References entries should be double
spaced. Each line should be single spaced.
Page Numbering
Page number begins: on the dedication page.
Page number placement: upper right hand corner inside margins (set Header to 1”, so the
page number does not appear in the margin). Also, press the Entry key once after
inserting the page number to allow for proper line spacing between the page number and
Page number assignment: every page is assigned a number, but no number appears on the
title (first) page, copyright and abstract
Page number format: page numbers stand alone. Use no dashes (-2-) or words (Page 2, title,
name, etc.) before or after the page number. Page numbers should be formatted in the
same font as text.
Follow the discipline specific style guide (APA.) to format tables and figures. If the style guide
does not have specific instructions, please use the following as a guide.
Placement of table/figure:
Tables and figures appear in the document after mentioned in text. If a table/figure is large,
place the entire table/figure on the following page (use CTRL-Enter to insert a page
Tables that spread over several pages, should have the title “Table #: continued” at the top of
the following page(s).
Tables/figures are left aligned and fit within the margins.
No text appears to the left or right of a table/figure.
If the page is oriented in landscape, the margins should be 1.5 inch top margin and 1.0 inch on
all other sides. This should occur naturally when you set the page to landscape in Word.
Titles/Captions on Tables/Figures:
A brief and explanatory title should appear at the top of all tables. All titles should appear in
the List of Tables with same wording and the same capitalization as they appear in the
body of the document. The titles should be in the same font and size as other text.
A concise explanation (called a caption) should appear below all figures. All captions should
appear in the List of Figures with same wording and the same capitalization as they
appear in the body of the document. The titles should be in the same font and size as
other text.
Titles and captions have a consistent font, numbering, placement, and capitalization.
Conventions for capitalization of words and punctuation in titles and captions vary from
discipline to discipline. The format selected should be consistent throughout the
Spacing between the title/caption and the table/figure should be formatted consistently on all
tables and figures.
If the page number is one inch from the top or bottom, then the text must be at least two
inches. The text should not run into the numbers. No hanging sentences.