Database Upgrade From To

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Database Upgrade from to 11.1.0.

Note: The Patch number is 6890831 for Patchset
You can download this patchset from, but for this you
need a valid CSI number.
From the patch readme.
You can apply the Oracle Database release patch set to the following Or
acle Database 11g release 1 installations:
* Oracle Database
* Oracle Real Application Clusters
* Oracle Database Client
* Oracle Database Examples
* Oracle Clusterware
* Oracle Automatic Storage Management Only instance

Create PFILE:
sqlplus '/as sysdba'
create pfile from spfile ;
Invalids Count:
select object_name, owner, object_type
from all_objects where status like INVALID ;
select count(*)
from all_objects where status like INVALID ;
Timezone Pre-req
select version from v$timezone_file;
Check out MetaLink Note 568125.1 if you are running anything other than
version 4
Pre-upgrade Tool Kit:
Run the script utlu111i.sql in the $OH/rdbms/admin directory. It is designed to
let you know if there are issues to address prior to the upgrade.
Shutdown Oracle instance
Upgrade Process:
sqlplus /nolog
startup upgrade
spool upgrade.log
spool off

To check the post-upgrade status this script is helpful

To fix some invalid object which I did with this script.
select * from v$version
select comp_name,status,version from dba_registry;
Upgrade to
>> Saturday, July 11, 2009
On each application tier server node,
shut down all server processes or services.
On the database tier server node,
shut down the database listener in the old Oracle home.
On the database server node,
as the owner of the Oracle 11g file system and database instance, unzip and extr
act the patch set file for your platform.
Set the environment to the oracle_home to be upgraded.
Use the runInstaller in the patchset to start the OUI.
./runinstaller -invPtrLoc /oraDb/app/oracle/....../11.1.0
I did this as my global inventory is not set.
Once the OUi starts from the LOV s in the Oracle_home list choose the appropriat
e one to be upgraded and the location also.
The present oracle_home and its location will appear if the environment is set c
Proceed with the next steps on the OUI screen.
Click Next when it says Configuration Assistant has failed.
This skips the other configuration assistants also ,whixh actually are not requi
red by E-business Suite Installations.
Post Installation
Once done Apply the RDBMS patches
7486407 and 7684818
to this Oracle_home, which are as always applied using opatch..
Gather statistics for SYS schema
Copy $APPL_TOP/admin/adstats.sql from the administration server node to the data
base server node.
$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL> shutdown normal;
SQL> startup restrict;
SQL> @adstats.sql
SQL> shutdown normal;
SQL> startup;
SQL> exit;
This finishes upgrade of to
Check it :
SQL> select banner from v$version

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