Apen Spellebration - Practice Spelling List For Junior Secondary Category

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A serious infectious disease of the
1 Diphtheria Noun throat that causes difficulty in Baby died of diphtheria last night.
To remove the parts of a book or play
2 Bowdlerize Verb that are likely to shock or offend This book has been bowdlerized
A substance that is used in making Ambergris is the concretion in the
3 Ambergris Noun
some perfumes intestine of the sperm - whale.

Keep a count of your calorie intake for

4 Calorie Noun either of two units of heat energy:
one week.

Few of us are
Ability to use the left hand or right naturally ambidextrous but in terms of
5 Ambidextrous Adjective
hand equally well karate technique this can be achieved
through training.
Organizing a whole department is
6 Capability Noun The Power or ability to do something
beyond his capability.

A drug that makes you feel excited and Like cocaine and amphetamine, alcohol
7 Amphetamine Noun
full of energy directly stimulates certain brain cells.

She was given artificial respiration

8 Cardiac Adjective A heart attack.
and cardiac massage.

Having both male and female

9 Androgynous Adjective She had an androgynous sexiness
Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a
10 Cardinal Noun Of main importance
singular character.

The loss of the ability to feel pain They had analgesia precisely localised
11 Analgesia Noun
while still conscious to the injury.

In prosperity caution, in adversity

12 Caution Noun The power or ability to do something.
No one wanted to order
an anchovy pizza because they feared
13 Anchovy Noun A small fish with a strong salty flavour
it would taste salty and fishy due to
that topping.
Full of confidence, energy and good The ebullient song was so uplifting that
14 Ebullient Adjective
humour I danced in my chair.
She was able to take a cooking class in
A style or method of cooking, especially
Italy that demonstrated authentic
15 Cuisine Noun as characteristic of a particular
Italian cuisine with its flavors and
country, region, or establishment.
Among themselves, ecclesiastics have
A priest or minister in the Christian
16 Ecclesiastic Noun become eminently sophisticated and
He made some wisecrack about my lack
17 Culinary Adjective Of or for cooking.
of culinary ability.
A plant that is thought to help the The herb echinacea seems to stimulate
18 Echinacea Noun
body heal itself and fight infection the body's immune system.

The Argentine debacle has important

19 Debacle Verb An overwhelming defeat or rout
lessons to teach.

To shout loudly especially in an

20 Bawl Verb A good bawl made her feel better.
unpleasant or angry way
Deciduous trees shed their leaves in
21 Deciduous Adjective A tree that loses its leaves every year

Take a weapon or weapons away from (a Getting the rebels to disarm will not
22 Disarm Verb
person, force, or country). be easy.
One of the aims of ethnography is to
Someone who studies different races
23 Ethnography Noun contribute to an understanding of the
and cultures
human race.
A medical operation in which an opening
Both her children were born
24 Caesarean Noun is cut in a woman’s body in order to
by caesarean section.
take out a baby
A nest that is built high up among rocks By the time they reach this eyrie, most
25 Eyrie Noun
by a bird of a prey are out of breath.
26 Cheddar Noun A type of hard yellow cheese .i swear on a stack of Cheddar dogs
to send out lava, rocks, and ash in a
27 Erupt Noun To burst forth:
sudden explosion The volcano erupted.
Used to describe a style of decoration
They live in a rather chichi part of
28 Chichi Adjective that contains too many details and
lacks taste
Careful preparation for the exam is
29 Essential Noun Something necessary or indispensable
Chihuahuas were bred by Aztecs to be
30 Chihuahua Noun A very small dog with smooth hair
Once the euphoria of winning the
A feeling of vigour, well-being, or high lottery has worn off, you will be faced
31 Euphoria Noun
spirits with the prospect of taxes and needy
An extreme fear of being in a small He suffers from claustrophobia so he
32 Claustrophobia Noun
confined place never travels on underground trains.
The advent of the Euro will redefine
33 Euro Adjective Connected with Europe
Will the treaty end this imbroglio that
A complicated situation that causes
34 Imbroglio Noun has kept the two countries at war for
over sixty years?
This is otherwise known as
35 Fiduciary Adjective Involving trust
a fiduciary relationship
The molar mass of a liquid which
36 Immiscible Adjective Liquids that cannot be mixed together is immiscible with water can be
calculated from steam distillation data
A long speech made in a parliament in A senator dragged the subject in as
37 Filibuster Noun
order to delay a vote a filibuster

38 Impeccable Adjective Without mistakes or faults Her written English is impeccable.

your finger print can be used to

39 Fingerprints Noun A distinctive identifying characteristic.
identify you
Acting or done quickly and without there was an impetuous but controled
40 Impetuous Noun
thinking carefully about the results flow of water in the house
A number of warships operating under
41 Fleet Noun Mr tunde has a fleet of cars
the same command
A red substance in the blood that Haemoglobin is resposible for carrying
42 Haemoglobin Noun
carries oxygen blood around the body
A vegetable of the cabbage family my mother loves to add some kohlrabi
43 Kohlrabi Noun
whose thick white stem is eaten to our diet

44 Hideous Adjective Extremely ugly. that monkey looks hideous

45 Kwashiorkor Noun A dangerous form of malnutrition the boy is suffering from kwashiorkor

the door hinges are on the other side

46 Hinge Noun A joint or device on which a door
of the building
that was a very lack-lustre
47 Lack-lustre Adjective Not interested or exciting
we have a kinship of architects in my
48 Kinship Noun Close relation, family; close connection
A large cake filled with cream and
49 Gateau Noun I'll love to have a chocolate gateau
usually decorated with fruits, nuts, etc.
To show somebody in authority too
her pride wouldn't allow her to kow-
50 Kowtow Verb much respect and be too willing to obey
tow to anyone
A list of place or names published in a it is a geography and gazetteer of the
51 Gazetteer Noun
book or at the end of a book angelic and demonic domains
Composed of numerous diverse the myriads of insect danced around
52 Myriad Adjective
elements or facets the light above my head
A circle of large vertical wooden or few henge monuments in the british
53 Henge Noun
stone objects built in prehistoric times isles are as well preserved
A short comic or nonsensical verse,
typically in two rhyming couplets with I'm writing a Clerihew for a friend of
54 Clerihew Noun
lines of unequal length and referring to mine.
a famous person.
The holder of a concession or grant,
Some were owned by concessionaires
especially for the use of land or
55 Concessionaire Noun who operated independently within the
commercial premises or for trading
Exhibiting or characterized by
56 Dichotomous Adjective A dichotomous view of the world.
Doubt that he was an ecclesiastic of
57 Ecclesiastic Noun A priest or member of the clergy.
some order or other.

58 Egregious Adjective Outstandingly bad; shocking. Egregious abuses of copyright.

A poem of serious reflection, typically An elegy on his death was published in
59 Elegy Noun
a lament for the dead. the same year.
A tropical American tree or shrub with
Our hotel room was decorated with
60 Frangipani Noun clusters of fragrant white, pink, or
yellow flowers.
She was initially friendly, but I felt a
61 Froideur Noun Coolness or reserve between people. sudden froideur when I explained that
I was writing about.
The politicians, untroubled by the
Speech that is lofty in tone, often to
absence of televised talk shows,
62 Grandiloquence Noun the point of being pompous or
missed no opportunity
for grandiloquence.
Someone who intentionally kills a
63 Assassin Noun the chief was killed by assasins
person, especially a professional

64 Assessment Noun An appraisal or evaluation "the assessment of educational needs"

"the work was completed with the

65 Assistance Noun The act of assisting
assistance of carpenters
Joined with another or others and
66 Associate Adjective "I associated wealth with freedom"
having equal or nearly equal status
An idea which is unproven but is "conjectures about the newcomer were
67 Conjecture Noun
thought to be true many and varied"
A military establishment for the
"we have an arsenal of computers at
68 Arsenal Noun stoning or repairing of arm and other
our disposal"
war material
"an articulate account of their
69 Articulate Adjective Speaking in a clear or effective manner
"he has a short grey beard and wears a
70 Aviator Noun A flying machine
flannel shirt, jeans, and aviator glasses
"the awesome power of the atomic
71 Awesome Adjective Causing awe or terror
"she was conceived when her father
72 Conceive Verb To develop an idea
was 49"
The act of conceding, especially that of "the government was unwilling to make
73 Concession Noun
defeat any further concessions
"there are three concurrent art fairs
74 Concurrent Adjective Happening at the same time
around the city"
"he was carried off the pitch with
75 Concussion Noun A violent collision or shock
Having received a curse to be doomed "condemned prisoners awaiting
76 Condemned Adjective
to suffer entirely execution"
To damage the skin of fruit in an "his body was a mass of bruises after
77 Bruise Verb
analogous way he had been attacked"
Over many years, this silver has cost
To make smooth or shiny by rubbin to
78 Burnish Verb me a great deal in maintenance, having
it cleaned, burnished and looked after.

79 Buddhist Adjective Praticing Buddhism "she was a practicing Buddhist

She has no one to advise her and his

A small species of parakeet native to
80 Budgerigar Noun Army pay as a PoW hardly feeds the
Australia and often kept as pet

81 Buffeted Adjective Battered especially by strong wind "rough seas buffeted the coast

Verbeena savagely and swiftly lighted

A mental illness that causes a strong
82 Pyromania Noun nine cigarettes and faced him peagreen
desire to set fire to things
with pyromania.

83 Mellifluous Adjective Pleasingly smooth and musical to hear "her low mellifluous voice
Some advised the king to leave the
84 Pusillanimous Adjective Frightened to take risks field; but that prince rejected such
pusillanimous counsel
A process in which change completely "the persistence of the larval tail
85 Metamorphosis Noun
different during metamorphosis
A drug that causes the user to see or
86 Psychedelic Adjective "she took psychedelic drugs
hear that that aren’t there
Through these two figures, Dostoevsky
87 Nihilism Noun The belief that nothing has any value tells a broader story about the many
flavors of nihilism
In 1929 and 1930, there was a global
outbreak of psittacosis, an infectious
88 Psittacosis Noun A diseases of birds
disease that can be transferred from
birds to humans.
"‘customers’ was preferred to the
89 Nomenclature Noun A system of naming things
original nomenclature ‘passengers’
"a spoken language which has as yet no
90 Orthography Noun The system of spelling in a language
sanctioned orthography
Allowed to know about something he was no longer privy to her innermost
91 Privy Adjective
secret thoughts"
An animal that produces babies by the Some of the dinosaurs may have been
92 Ovoviviparous Adjective means of eggs that hatch inside the ovoviviparous, like some modern
body of the parent serpents.
Neodymium and praseodymium combine
93 Praseodymium Noun A chemical element to make powerful magnets used in
aircraft, headphones and much more
Your polished, bright red brick that
looks like a pomegranate is one of the
94 Pomegranate Noun A shrub or small tree
most costly types of brick, and it is
also easily the ugliest
‘I had a great interview for a lectrice
position at one university, then was
95 Lectrice Noun A female lector in a university
told by another that the position
required a Master's.’

96 Precipitous Adjective Very sleep, high and often dangerous the track skirted a precipitous drop"

97 Rhapsodic Adjective Intensely emotional "rhapsodies of praise"

98 Salubrious Adjective A pleasant place to live in "odours of far less salubrious origin

Cheerful and confident about the "he is sanguine about prospects for the
99 Sanguine Adjective
future global economy"
"the banquet was a sumptuous,
100 Sumptuous Noun Splendid and expensive-looking
luxurious meal

*** Please not that this is just a practice list to help spellers prepare for the competition. Spellers are advised to study outside of this list so as
to prepare adequately for the contest.

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