Dithered Signed-Error CMA: Robust, Computationally Efficient Blind Adaptive Equalization
Dithered Signed-Error CMA: Robust, Computationally Efficient Blind Adaptive Equalization
Dithered Signed-Error CMA: Robust, Computationally Efficient Blind Adaptive Equalization
6, JUNE 1999
Abstract—Adaptive blind equalization has gained widespread robustness properties. A sizeable body of theoretical analysis
use in communication systems that operate without training exists to support this claim [3], including, for example, studies
signals. In particular, the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) on CMA’s robustness to noise [8], channel undermodeling [9],
has become a favorite of practitioners due to its LMS-like
complexity and desirable robustness properties. The desire for and lack of disparity [10].
further reduction in computational complexity has motivated Low-cost consumer applications (e.g., HDTV) motivate
signed-error versions of CMA, which have been found to lack blind equalization techniques requiring minimum implemen-
the robustness properties of CMA. This paper presents a simple tation cost. Although it is noted for its LMS-like complexity,
modification of signed-error CMA, based on the judicious use of CMA may be further simplified by transforming the bulk of
dither, that results in an algorithm with robustness properties
closely resembling those of CMA. In this paper, we establish its update multiplications into sign operations [2]. A recent
the fundamental transient and steady-state properties of dithered study suggests, however, that straightforward implementations
signed-error CMA and compare them with those of CMA. of signed-error CMA (SE-CMA) do not inherit the desirable
Index Terms—Adaptive equalizers, adaptive signal processing, robustness properties of CMA [11]. In this paper, we present
blind equalization, constant modulus algorithm, deconvolution, a simple modification of SE-CMA based on the judicious
dither techniques, HDTV. incorporation of controlled noise (sometimes referred to as
“dither”) that results in an algorithm with robustness properties
closely resembling the standard (unsigned) CMA. In fact, we
show that the mean behavior of dithered signed-error CMA
.. .. ..
. . .
.. ..
. .
.. .. ..
. . .
(5) (12)
for relevant values of the equalizer output Recall that From (12), it can be shown that
denotes the CMA error function, defined in (1). Writing the system output as for a (fixed) re-
Employing the model of Fig. 4, we write the DSE-CMA ceived vector and arbitrary equalizer allows the following
error function in terms of the quantization noise equalizer-space interpretation of Lemma 1.
Theorem 1: Denote the set of possible received vectors by
(6) , and define to be the convex hull formed by the set
which leads to the following DSE-CMA update expression: of hyperplanes for
Then, choice of dither amplitude ensures that the
(7) expected DSE-CMA update is identical to the CMA update
for equalizers within
When and satisfy (5), the properties of follow from Proof: Choose any two equalizers and that satisfy
(28), (29), and (31) in Appendix A. Specifically, we have the output constraint for all (Re-
that is an uncorrelated random process whose first moment call that is well defined for ) The triangle
obeys inequality implies that any convex combination of and
also satisfies this output constraint. Lemma 1 ensures that,
(8) for that satisfy the output amplitude constraint,
Hence, the two updates are identical within
and whose conditional second moment is given by
Note that the two sets of cost contours are identical error function can be written as
within the convex polytope formed by the hyperplanes
Outside , the CMA cost contours rise much quicker than
the DSE-CMA contours. This observation can be attributed to
the fact that for large is proportional to ,
For small output error (i.e., ), the error function can
whereas the hard limiting on makes proportional
be approximated by
to As a result, we expect that CMA exhibits much
faster convergence for initializations far outside of Unlike (15)
standard SE algorithms [13], however, DSE-CMA converges
as rapidly as its unsigned version within Fortunately, there In the absence of channel noise, we can write
is no need to initialize the adaptive algorithm with large ; using the parameter error vector
the “power constraint property” of CMA [8] ensures that the defined relative to the zero-forcing equalizer For
CMA minima lie in a hyperannulus that includes7 adequately small , (15) implies that the CMA error
(see, e.g., Fig. 9). Initialization of DSE-CMA is discussed in function has the approximate form
Section V.
Fig. 7 shows two low-dimensional examples of a DSE- (16)
CMA trajectory overlaid on a CMA trajectory. Note that the
DSE-CMA trajectories closely follow the CMA trajectories but Under the PBE assumptions and a reasonably small step-
exhibit more parameter “jitter.” The effect of this parameter size, we expect asymptotically small Thus, the small-error
variation on steady-state MSE performance is quantified in approximation (16) can be used to characterize the steady-state
the next section. behavior of DSE-CMA.
2) The Excess MSE of DSE-CMA: We define EMSE at
D. DSE-CMA Steady-State Behavior time index as the expected squared error above that
achieved by the (local) zero-forcing solution Since, under
The principle disadvantage of DSE-CMA concerns its satisfaction of the PBE conditions, achieves zero error
steady-state behavior: The addition of dither leads to an
increase in excess mean-squared error (EMSE). EMSE is (17)
typically defined as the steady-state MSE above the level
attained by the fixed locally minimum MSE solution. The We are interested in quantifying the steady-state EMSE:
subsections below quantify the EMSE of DSE-CMA under Our derivation of steady-state EMSE
the satisfaction (or near-satisfaction) of the PBE conditions. assumes the following:
1) Small-Error Approximation of the CMA Update: By B1) The equalizer parameter error vector is statisti-
writing the equalizer output in terms of the delayed source cally independent of the equalizer input
and defining the output error , the CMA B2) The dither amplitude is chosen sufficiently greater
7 Assuming that the equalizer input is power-normalized, as occurs in than so that for all under consid-
practice. eration.
B3) The PBE conditions A1)–A4) are satisfied to the extent V. DSE-CMA DESIGN GUIDELINES
that the zero-forcing solution attains near-zero error,
i.e., A. Selection of Dispersion Constant
B4) The step size is chosen small enough for the small-
We take the “Bussgang” approach used in [1], whereby
error approximation (15) to hold asymptotically.
is selected to ensure that the mean equalizer update is zero
The classical assumption B1) implies that is independent when perfect equalization has been achieved. From (3), (10),
of the source process Assumption B2) is needed for and the system model in Section II-A, we can write the mean
the results of the quantization noise model in Section IV-A update term of DSE-CMA at (in the absence of noise)
to hold. as For an i.i.d. source, is
Using the facts that tr for any scalar and that independent of all but one element in , namely,
tr tr and tr tr for any Hence, we require that the value of in be chosen so that
matrix , the EMSE at time index can be written
When , Theorem 2 ensures the existence of a
tr (18)
neighborhood around within which For
where the second step follows from B1). Defining the expected such , (24) implies that should be chosen as for CMA, i.e.,
[1]. When , closed-form expressions
equalizer outer product matrix and
for in the case of -PAM DSE-CMA are difficult to derive.
the source-power-normalized regressor autocorrelation matrix
However, satisfying (24) for these cases can be determined
, we can write the EMSE as
tr (19)
B. Selection of Dither Amplitude
Note that since is i.i.d. and , we have Although Section IV-D demonstrated that EMSE is pro-
portional to , Section IV-B showed that larger values of
Appendix B uses the quantization noise model from increase the region within which DSE-CMA behaves like
Section IV-A and the error function approximation from (16) CMA. The selection of dither amplitude is therefore a design
to derive the following recursion for , which is valid for tradeoff between CMA-like robustness and steady-state MSE
equalizer lengths : performance.
Theorems 1 and 2 imply that the choice
ensures that the zero-forcing equalizers are contained in the
(20) convex polytope Thus, under near-satisfaction of the PBE
conditions, could be considered a useful
Using (19) and (20), Appendix C derives the following ap- design guideline since the CMA minima are expected to be in
proximation to the steady-state EMSE of DSE-CMA: close proximity to the zero-forcing solutions [3]. In fact, since
is convex and contains the origin, we expect that a small-
(21) norm initialization (see Section V-D) will lead to equalizer
trajectories completely contained within Such a strategy
is advantageous from the point of robustness.
where The approximation in (21) closely
In situations where the PBE conditions are more
matches the outcomes of experiments conducted using mi-
severely violated and CMA can do no better than “open
crowave channel models obtained from the SPIB database.
the eye,” selection of dither amplitude in the range
The simulation results are presented in Section VI.
is recommended
Equation (21) can be compared with an analogous expres-
to retain CMA-like robustness.
sion for the EMSE of CMA [12]:
Table I presents these critical values of for various -
PAM constellations. Note that the value of for BPSK
(22) appears unusually large because near-closed-eye operating
conditions for BPSK are quite severe.
It is apparent that the EMSE of CMA and DSE-CMA differ
by the multiplicative factor C. Selection of Step-Size
As in “classical” LMS theory, the selection of step size
(23) becomes a tradeoff between convergence rate and EMSE.
If convergence rate in noncritical, could be selected with
via Note the dependence on both the robustness in mind and selected to meet steady-state MSE
dither amplitude and the source distribution. Table II requirements.
presents values of for various -PAM sources and Say that the goal was to attain the same steady-state MSE
particular choices of (to be discussed in Section V-B). performance as CMA. Then, under satisfaction of the PBE
D. Initialization of DSE-CMA
The single-spike initialization [1] has become a popular
initialization strategy for baud-spaced CMA, as has double-
spike initialization [3], which is its -spaced counterpart.
The similarities between DSE-CMA and CMA suggest that
these initialization strategies should work well for DSE-CMA Fig. 8. Averaged MSE trajectories for DSE-CMA and CMA initialized at
the same locations using 8-PAM and (normalized) SPIB channels 1, 2, 6, 8,
as well. and 13. For all simulations: SNR =40 dB, Nf = 32; = 2 1005 ; and
In the interest of preserving CMA-like robustness, however, = OE = 2:25:
it is suggested the norm of the DSE-CMA initialization be kept
small.8 Under proper selection of (i.e., ), this strategy
ensures that the parameter trajectories begin within the convex iterations. Overall, the simulation results closely match our
region (see Fig. 9). Extending this idea, Section IV-B approximation (21).
implies that large enough choices of (e.g.,
ensure that the entire mean trajectory will stay within B. Average Transient Behavior
(and for adequately small step-sizes, the actual trajectories Throughout the paper, we have emphasized the importance
should closely approximate the mean trajectory). To conclude, of performance evaluation in realistic (nonideal) environments.
proper choice of initialization norm and dither amplitude It is only proper to present a comparison of DSE-CMA
will guarantee that the mean behavior of DSE-CMA never to CMA in this context as well. Fig. 8 shows ensemble-
differs from that of CMA. averaged MSE trajectories of the two algorithms operated
under identical conditions and initialized at the same locations
VI. SIMULATION RESULTS using various SPIB microwave channels. Noise levels (SNR
40 dB) and equalizer lengths were selected
A. Excess MSE Under PBE Conditions to represent typical applications while providing open-eye
performance (for an 8-PAM source) at convergence. The
Table III presents simulation results verifying the approxi- following “double-spike” equalizer initialization was used in
mation of the excess MSE of DSE-CMA given in (21). The all simulations: taps 10 and 11 were set to 0.5, and all
simulations were conducted using length-64 MMSE approxi- others were set to zero. Although (purposely) sub-optimal,
mations of three (noiseless) SPIB microwave channels, length- this initialization represents a reasonable choice given the
62 -spaced FSE’s, and various i.i.d. -PAM sources. microwave channel profiles and the discussion in Section V-D.
In other words, PBE conditions A1) to A4) were satisfied. As evident in Fig. 8, the DSE-CMA trajectories track the CMA
The step sizes were chosen so that B4) was satisfied, and trajectories closely until the effects of EMSE take over. Fig. 8
the dither amplitude of satisfied B2). Table III gives also suggests that the EMSE approximation in (21) remains
percentage deviations from the EMSE levels predicted by (21), a useful guideline even under typical violations of the PBE
which were obtained by averaging the results of 2.5 108 conditions.
8 This is consistent with recent recommendations on the initialization of Although parameter trajectory comparisons are impractical
CMA in single-user applications [18]. with length-32 equalizers, it is easy to visualize two-tap
Although we have restricted our focus to the real-valued the average noise power increases [14], but more
case, a straightforward complex-valued extension of DSE- importantly, the class of information signals satisfying (26)
CMA is obtained by replacing the real-valued sgn in (3) for a fixed shrinks. Take, for example, the case where
with the complex-valued operator csgn sgn Re so that has a triangular distribution on
sgn Im and by replacing the real-valued dither process In this case, (26) is only guaranteed when Worse yet,
with the complex-valued Here, choices of fail to meet (26) for any In other words,
and the processes and are real-valued, uniformly distributed on is the only
independent, and distributed identically to It can be dither process that yields a useful quantization noise model
shown that with minor modifications, the properties of real- for the two-level quantizer of (4).
valued DSE-CMA apply to its complex-valued counterpart We will now quantify for uniformly distributed
[20]. Hence, the design guidelines of Section V apply to both dither. Note that the quantization noise takes on the values
the real- and complex-valued cases. with conditional proba-
Finally, we mention a potentially useful modification to bilities , respectively. The
DSE-CMA. In the case of SE-LMS, the extension of the sign conditional expectation then becomes
operator to a multilevel quantizer has been shown to yield
significant performance improvements at the expense of a
modest increase in computational complexity [21]. Perhaps
multilevel quantization would yield similar advantages for
DSE-CMA: most importantly, a reduction in EMSE.
In this appendix, we review the key results from the
theory of dithered quantizers that allow us to formulate a
quantization-noise model for the DSE-CMA error function. This appendix derives a recursion for the DSE-
Fig. 4 illustrates the model described below. CMA parameter-error-vector expected-outer-product
We define the quantization noise arising from the non- We assume that B1)–B4), which
subtractively dithered quantization of information signal were stated in Section IV-D2, hold. In the sequel, the notation
as will be used to denote a matrix whose th entry
is specified by
(25) Under B2), subtracting from both sides of (7) yields
for a dither process and for defined in (4). When Thus, the expectation
the quantizer spacing is large enough to satisfy of the outer product of is
and the dither is the sum of i.i.d. random variables uniformly
distributed on (and statistically independent
of ), the quantization noise has the following properties [14]:
The quantization noise properties (8) and (9) can be applied
to simplify the previous expression.
In words, (27) and (28) state that the quantization noise
is an uncorrelated random process whose th moment is
uncorrelated with the information signal Note that for all
values of , we have the important property that quantization
noise is uncorrelated with the information signal : Applying the small-error approximation (16), the outer product
(29) recursion is well described, for small , by
The second and third terms in (32) are transposes of one The diagonal nature of implies ,
another. For now, we concentrate on the first of the pair, for where and represent the th diagonal elements of
which we can use B1) and the fact that and , respectively.
to write The similarity transformation can be applied to (20) to
obtain a recursion in terms of
Since , we de-
fine the matrix with elements For the characterization of , we are interested in only the
steady-state values of the diagonal elements In terms
of the th element
As for the fourth and fifth terms of (32), no- An alternate, although useful, form for can be obtained
tice that B1) implies using the relation tr for even
As we know from
Section V-A, the dispersion constant is selected to force
Thus, the fourth and fifth terms
of (32) vanish.
Rewriting the final term of (32), the approximated outer
product recursion (valid for small and ) becomes REFERENCES
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