Astronomy - The Complete Manual - PDF Room
Astronomy - The Complete Manual - PDF Room
Astronomy - The Complete Manual - PDF Room
The Complete Manual
You don’t need letters after your surname, an encyclopaedic knowledge
of the skies or even a telescope to get into stargazing. That’s the beauty
of astronomy: armed with nothing more than your eyes and a basic
grasp of where to look in the night sky, you can embark on one of the
most rewarding hobbies in the world. Planets, stars, constellations,
nebulas, meteor showers and many other celestial objects can be
spotted using only the naked eye. And for those with telescopes, the
universe – with its myriad colours and awe-inspiring sights – is your
personal gallery of a trillion cosmic wonders. Our easy-to-follow guides
will furnish you with all the bare essentials, taking you on a journey
from stargazing hobbyist to becoming a fully equipped astronomy
enthusiast. With practical guidance, seasonal sky charts and pointers on
how to spot some of the sky’s most accessible sights, this new edition
will be your companion as you unravel the beauty of the night sky.
Astronomy The Complete Manual
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Part of the
bookazine series
What you can ind inside the bookazine
36 Measuring magnitudes
Discover how bright an
object is
What to observe
82 How to view the Moon 102 Seeing double stars
Get a good look at Discover some
Earth’s satellite fantastic sights
terms in astronomy
Astronomy essentials
Did you know you can see a galaxy 2½ million light-years away
with your unaided eyes? Craters on the Moon with simply a
pair of binoculars? Countless wonders await you on any clear
night. Learn the essentials to help you take the first step toward
a lifetime of cosmic exploration and enjoyment.
- Essential equipment
- Selecting the right telescope
- Choosing an eyepiece
- Setting up your mount
Astronomy essentials
Astronomy essentials Introduction to astronomy
to astronomy
Ever wanted to explore the night sky but don’t know where to start? Our
beginners’ guide is here to help
Introduction to astronomy Astronomy essentials
are almost looking out of a great dome-shaped window as our planet orbits
around the Sun. This is known as the celestial sphere.
As the seasons change, so does the night sky and as you gain a
familiarity with the stars and planets you will notice new constellations and
astronomical objects from winter through to autumn. 1 degree
Extend your arm and hold
Stepping outdoors into a clear night you might not realise it, but your eyes out your little finger, you
are a wonderful device when it comes to taking in what nature has to offer. can measure the distance
and apparent size of an
object to 1°.
Understand the North celestial pole
5 o
10 degrees
Vernal If you can stretch out
equinox your arm and fit your fist
When the Sun between Jupiter and the
is at the point
in the northern Moon, they are 10° apart.
hemisphere Autumnal
where the
celestial equator
equinox 20 o
celestial pole
Only visible from the Right ascension (RA) Declination (Dec)
southern hemisphere, The celestial equivalent 20 degrees
Comparable to the geographical latitude of
Earth ©NASA
stars rotate around the of terrestrial longitude the Earth which is projected on to the celestial Hold your arm in front
dim south pole star, projected on to the sphere. Measured in degrees (°), minutes (’)
Sigma Octantis celestial sphere. of you and spread your
and seconds (”)
fingers, the distance is
approximately 20°.
Astronomy essentials Four naked eye sights
There are plenty of objects to see and identify in the night sky with the
naked eye. Go outside on a clear night and you’ll probably already be
able to name some of the more famous constellations, but you might
not be aware there is so much more waiting to be observed with your
eyes alone. It’s not just stars, though. Planets, comets and galaxies are all
visible to an observer without any fancy equipment. Sometimes seeing
and identifying an object with just your eyes can be a more rewarding
experience than using a telescope to ind it. Below we’ve highlighted
four great sights you can see while out and about on a dark and clear
night. For things like the Milky Way, you’ll need to be in an area of low
light pollution, and then the night sky is there for you to behold.
Four naked eye sights Astronomy essentials
Astronomy essentials Choosing the right telescope
Anatomy of a telescope
Find your way Attached to and aligned with the main
around your new telescope, the finder is a low-magnification
instrument used to point the instrument so
equipment that the desired object can be centred in the
telescopic field of view. Types of finder include
naked eye (red-dot or crosshair) reflex finders
and telescopic finders with crosshairs
Aperture Eyepiece
A telescope’s aperture The eyepiece magnifies the light focused
indicates the size of by the primary mirror or lens to produce
its primary mirror or an image. Eyepieces come in various
objective lens. Larger configurations (the Plössl is the most
apertures deliver sharper commonly used) with different focal lengths,
and more detailed apparent fields of view and tube diameter
images and reveal fainter (either 1.25-inch or 2-inch)
The eyepiece needs to be
moved in or out to achieve
sharp focus using the focuser.
There are various kinds,
including elementary push-pull
friction focusers, basic rack-
and-pinion and helical types to
more advanced Crayford and
electronic ones
Refractor telescopes
Refractors ofer fantastic views of the night sky
This instrument was turned on the sky, most images, they are ideal for observing the Moon
famously by Galileo Galilei who observed Jupiter and planets. Remember cheap refractors have
and its moons, the lunar surface and the Sun. poor quality lenses, so don’t be tempted to buy
Nowadays, the lenses have become bigger one of these.
and developments in optics introduced doublet Make sure that all the lenses are ‘fully multi-
or even triplet lenses. These compound lenses coated’ in the technical speciication. This helps
help to reduce ‘chromatic aberration’. A single to make sure that all the light is passed through
lens doesn’t focus all the colours of the spectrum the lens system and reduces lares and other
at the same point, but this can be corrected unwanted artefacts. Also ensure the focuser is
considerably, by using two lenses of diferent smooth and that it is supplied with a diagonal
shape and type of glass put close together. This mirror which makes viewing more comfortable. If
type of telescope lens is called an ‘achromatic eyepieces are supplied, check they are of decent
lens’, or just an achromat. These are found in just quality. If you are hoping to see stars and nebulas
about every type of refracting telescope made as well as planets, then go for an instrument of a
today. The efect of chromatic aberration is to moderate focal ratio. Finally, avoid purchasing a
make bright objects appear to have a coloured telescope which is too big, making it unwieldy.
halo around them. You’ll see more with a telescope that you can
Because refractors are particularly good at handle. Remember, quality nearly always costs a
giving highly magniied and high contrast little more, so be prepared for the price tag!
Refractor telescopes Astronomy essentials
The refractor lens is the ‘eye’ of the
Anatomy of a
telescope. It gathers the light from refractor
objects and directs it down the tube telescope
to the eyepiece at the other end
Dew shield
Making viewing more easier as it turns
As the name suggests, this part of
the light coming through the telescope
the telescope tube extends beyond
through 90°. Made from a prism or a
the lens to prevent dew forming
flat mirror, mirrors absorb less light than
on it. Ideally this should protrude
prisms, important as starlight is faint
10-15cm (4-6in) in front of the lens
This is the mechanism
which smoothly moves the
drawtube in and out to obtain
a good focus of the image.
Each eyepiece will have a
slightly different point of focus
and it’s important that the
focuser is smooth and does
not cause the drawtube to
wobble as it moves
QMany telescopes
feature go-to mounts
that guide you to
many sights
The eyepiece is the lens which magnifies the
QRefractors offer image and puts the focused image where
great views of the your eye can see it. Telescopes are often sold
Moon and planets
with two or three eyepieces which are usually
interchangeable with other telescopes
“Remember, quality
nearly always costs a
little more”
Astronomy essentials Reflector telescopes elescopes
Reflector telescopes
The relector telescope is an amazing instrument. But how they work?
The great 17th Century scientist Sir Isaac Newton material called ‘speculum’, an alloy of copper and
is credited with the invention of the relector tin which can be highly polished, meant that they
telescope, although there were others who came did not become popular for nearly another 100
up with a similar idea for such a device at around years when the technology was improved such
the same time. that the mirrors could now be made of glass.
In 1668, Newton produced a small telescope It was quickly realised that relecting telescopes
which used a spherical mirror made of polished had many beneits including less optical
metal that bounced the light relected from it problems, known as aberrations, than refractors
up the tube to a much smaller lat mirror at an at the time. And, probably the greatest advantage
angle of 45 degrees. This in turn relected light of all, the fact that mirrors could be easily
through a small hole made in the side of the tube made much larger than lenses. As construction
where it could be focused and viewed through methods and technology improved, mirrors and
an eyepiece lens. This type of telescope soon therefore telescopes, became larger. This in turn
became known as the Newtonian relector and meant that fainter objects could be discerned
it is still very much in use today, although its size and detail, known as resolution, could be greater.
and method of construction has taken a great Because it is cheaper to manufacture mirrors of a
leap from Newton’s irst production. However, the given size than lenses of the same size, relectors
problem with making metal mirrors, made from a also have an advantage on a cost/performance
scale. Due to this and some of its inherent optical
advantages, Newtonian relectors are popular for
astronomers wanting to study deep sky objects
which are, by their nature, faint. Newtonian
relectors don’t hold all the aces, though. Due to
the secondary mirror efectively blocking some
of the light entering the tube, contrast in images
can be afected, although this is usually minimal.
It can be enough, though, to make a diference to
planetary and lunar studies where contrast and
detail can be critical.
The ‘compound’ telescopes now come in
many guises, but the Newtonian relector is
still ubiquitous, being used as an efective and
less expensive solution by both amateurs and
professionals the world over.
Reflector telescopes Astronomy essentials
The spider is the device which holds
the secondary mirror centrally over
the primary. The vanes have to be thin
so as not to block light coming down
the tube
Primary mirror
The primary mirror in a Newtonian reflector
should be of good quality and preferably
parabolic in shape, as this will give cleaner, crisper
images. The diameter governs how much you
will see
A versatile option
Newtonian reflectors are versatile so
can be used for viewing the Moon,
planets and deep sky objects. However,
they do take more maintenance than
QReflectors have other refractors. This can seem daunting
come a long way since
Newton’s time at first, providing the user is careful and
methodical it is usually straightforward
and with practice, quite quick. Because
the telescope tube is open to the sky,
mirrors can become tarnished and
dirty; they can be cleaned, or every few
Tube years re-coated. This is cheap and is like
The cylindrical tube which makes up the having a brand-new telescope once the
body of the telescope holds the mirrors, mirrors are reinstalled. Therefore the
the ‘spider’ and the focusing mount. Its first-time purchaser needs to consider
size is governed by the diameter of the carefully if this is the right kind of
primary mirror telescope for them.
Dobsonian telescopes
There is a lot of misunderstanding about Dobsonian telescopes; what
they are and what they can do. This should help clear it up…
Rocker box
This can come in a variety
of designs. The rocker box
houses the altitude bearing
allowing the telescope
smooth up and down
movement and to point to
any part of the sky
This can be made from
‘construction tube’,
plywood or other suitable
material. The tube holds the
secondary mirror, the ‘spider’
support and the telescope’s
focuser and finder scope
Mirror box
The plywood box
which holds the main or
primary mirror is called
the ‘mirror box’. It can
Perfect for beginners
also be used to store Dobsonians offer good value for money
some of the other parts when it comes to aperture, so if you
of the telescope when like the idea of looking at faint fuzzy
not in use objects and are on a limited budget
they could be ideal for you. They are
usually very transportable too, although
the larger ones can get heavy. They
can be inexpensive as you can build
one yourself if you are a practical
person, plus you can buy optics and
Azimuth bearing cells commercially so you don’t have to
The bottom bearing worry about making your own mirrors!
of the telescope is the They are not good if doing
azimuth bearing, which astrophotography and you do need to
allows the telescope to know your way around the sky. Also,
rotate smoothly, often in when objects are near the horizon, you
the form of plywood or will need to bend over to view them,
MDF discs with Teflon for not so good if you have a bad back.
friction-free movement
Astronomy essentials Cassegrain telescopes
One of the most popular telescopes for the more serious amateur astronomer
The Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope is a hybrid of a rival scope to Celestron, but with similar
which is the merging of two designs of telescope features. This proved beneicial for the would-be
by a German optician (Schmidt) and a French purchaser as the competition prompted both
optician (Cassegrain). companies to innovate new ideas. This included
Designed in 1930 by Bernhard Schmidt to computerised ‘GoTo’ systems and various optical
produce a wide, lat ield of view. A photographic and mechanical additions to both the telescope
ilm was placed at the focal plane of a spherical and the mount. Various-sized apertures were
mirror as this design of telescope was never produced by both companies, eight-inch up to
meant for visual use. Because the mirror is 16-inch aperture for the Meade products.
spherical, it distorts the image and so the light Because of the various aperture sizes, the good
entering the telescope has to be altered in such a quality optics and the plethora of accessories for
way as to counteract this distortion introduced by these telescopes as well as the easy adaptability
the spherical mirror. of the scopes for both visual and imaging use,
The hybridised Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope the Schmidt-Cassegrain has become a byword in
was invented in 1940 by James Gilbert Baker and amateur astronomical
combines the spherical optics and corrector plate circles for versatility
of the Schmidt camera with the Cassegrain’s and afordability.
central hole in the primary mirror and the ield-
lattening efects of the secondary mirror to
produce a visual and photographic-capable
system that is compact and relatively
inexpensive to produce. This has proved
popular with amateur astronomers as it
ofers a telescope with a moderately
long focal length which is good for
lunar, planetary and much deep-sky
viewing and imaging, all in a
compact ‘package’.
The American optical company Meade quickly
realised this telescope design’s potential
and so it set up the manufacture
Cassegrain telescopes Astronomy essentials
Anatomy of a Schmidt-
Cassegrain telescope
Secondary mirror
Visual back
This mirror reflects the light from
The hole at the back of
the primary mirror back down
the telescope is threaded
the tube to the focuser. Because
to accept a variety of
of this the telescope is effectively
accessories including the
‘concertinaed’ up, producing a
eyepiece. Cameras can also
relatively short, compact tube
be added using adaptors
made for the purpose
A great
advanced option
These are the choice of both
beginner and tend to be made
in larger apertures and usually
come with sophisticated
computerised ‘GoTo’ systems
allowing the observer to find
and easily track thousands of
different objects in the night
sky. Versatile, they provide a
long focal length telescope in
a compact tube. They do have
fairly large secondary mirrors,
which increases the obstruction
for the light in the aperture of
the telescope. This can reduce
contrast in the final image. All in
all, they make a good all-round
QSchmidt-Cassegrain telescopes often come with built-in telescope for beginners.
computerised ‘GoTo’ systems
Astronomy essentials Telescope mounts
With a wide variety on the market, combined with the diferent types and brands of telescopes available
you can cut out the guesswork by considering the budget you have and the types of objects that you’re
planning to observe.
If you are looking for a quick and easy-to-use mount, then some form of alt-azimuth would probably
suit you best. However, if time is an issue for you, avoid the more sophisticated instruments with
computer drive systems, as these can take longer to set up.
Alt-azimuth mounts are mostly suited to simple shots of the Moon. To get the very best shots you’ll
need an equatorial mount, which follows the rotation of the sky. While these mounts tend to be larger,
heavier and require more efort to set up in comparison with an alt-azimuth mount, they can be used
for long-exposure astrophotography and even visual observing. With an equatorial mount you only
need to guide the telescope around the one polar axis, rather than in altitude and azimuth directions.
Telescope mounts Astronomy essentials
German Fork
equatorial mount equatorial
Looking a little like the letter mount
T, the upright of the letter is The fork equatorial mount
the polar axis and is tilted to performs a similar function to the
become parallel to the Earth’s German equatorial mount, it enables
axis. It's only necessary to the telescope to be driven around the
track the telescope, which is polar axis. The polar axis is formed
positioned at the end of one by the fork itself. The tilt of the axis
of the arms of the T, around is created by an equatorial wedge,
this polar axis, to follow the usually added to an alt-azimuth fork
path of the stars as they rise mount as an accessory. Enabling
in the east and set in the long-exposure photography
west. Perfect for tracking a and imaging.
specific object in the sky.
Astronomy essentials Choosing an eyepiece
Choosing an eyepiece
You can’t look through a telescope without an eyepiece
Wide-Angle Long Eye Relief Nagler-style
This wide-angle telescope eyepiece Providing ‘long eye relief’, you can use With a superb 82° apparent field of
was a big hit, due to its outstanding these comfortably without having to view, this range is beloved of serious
quality and the impressive vistas it take off your glasses. They have quite deep-sky observers. These have a
offered. It's an excellent eyepiece for a wide field of view and the higher price you would expect of the very
low power, deep sky viewing. As you power eyepieces are good for lunar best. As optical technology moves on,
might expect, they are normally and planetary viewing; a great benefit there are even wider-field eyepieces
quite expensive. if you need to use your glasses. coming onto the market.
Astronomy essentials Selecting the right binoculars
Selecting the
right binoculars
Binoculars come in all shapes and sizes, so which ones are best for astronomy?
Binoculars are essentially two refractor telescopes of light entering your binoculars, in other words
bolted together. To make the tubes shorter, how faint and well resolved the objects you’ll
prisms are used internally to fold up the light look at will be. Any binoculars with an objective
path. There are two types of prisms which are lens diameter of less than 40mm will not show
used in binoculars; roof prisms, which mean that objects particularly well; much larger and they
the binoculars tend to have straight, short tubes, will be heavy and difficult to hand hold. Likewise,
and porro-prisms, used mostly in what are called too high a magniication will also make them
ield glasses. It’s normally the latter type which are difficult to hand hold and the image too faint.
best for astronomy, often because they are used For example, 16x50s will also magnify your
in instruments with larger objective lenses. handshake 16x! Ideally, we recommend that you
Binoculars are described by using two should use binoculars rated at 7x50 or 10x50 as
numbers, this is a type of shorthand. It’s this these will be the easiest to hand hold and give
number for the objective lens diameter that's you enough aperture to show you hundreds of
the most important, as this governs the amount objects in the night sky.
Selecting the right binoculars Astronomy essentials
These are the lenses
which you look through.
They govern the
magnification of the
binocular and need to be
comfortable and give a
sharp image
Objective lenses
The front lenses which gathers
the light. Ideally around 50mm
in diameter, these should be
properly coated to allow maximum
transmission of light through the glass
Benefits of binoculars
Compact binoculars are often too small to be
useful for observing the night sky. Binoculars
using porro-prisms usually have larger objective
lenses. Using 7x50 or 10x50 binoculars will
normally give you the best results as these don’t
magnify your hand shake too much and give
you a reasonably wide field of view, important
when you are trying to find objects in the sky.
One of the many benefits of using binoculars
is the upright image, and because the lenses
QA good quality pair of binoculars can last a lifetime, so are so much bigger than your eyes you will see
keep those lenses capped and scratch-free when you're not thousands of objects that you can’t without them.
using them
Astronomy essentials Spotting scope astronomy
Spotting scope
astronomy Top tips for choosing a
These compact scopes ofer a cheap alternative to spotting scope
telescopes for basic astronomy
01: The larger the objective lens, the
better. If you are on a budget, then
Astronomers like to use spotting scopes for quick and easy you are best off buying a higher-
astronomy sessions. These compact scopes will get a surprisingly quality telescope with a smaller
objective lens.
good views of bright objects like the Moon, nearby planets and
open clusters. 02: Think about what you’ll use your
For night-sky observations, a power of at least 60x is a must, spotting scope for. If you are looking
to observe deep-sky objects and
however you have to be mindful of your spotting scope’s aperture. won’t use the spotting scope past
This is the diameter of your device’s objective lens – the bigger it is, astronomy, then you’re better off
the more light your instrument will be able to collect and the more buying a conventional telescope.
enriched your observing experience will be.
Most spotting scopes generally accept a variety of digital 03: You should always consider the
cameras that can be affixed using special adapters. Low brightness weight of a spotting scope. If you’re
looking for something suitable for
means that the shutter speed for your camera has to be quite slow travel, then the lighter the better.
and, as such, you must ensure that movement and vibrations are
kept to a minimum to obtain a clear picture. 04: There should be coating on the
Due to the fact that they are portable, have an ability to capture lenses to ensure there’s no light loss
clear images and that they are often cheaper than a standard and to reduce glare from reflection.
This usually means the scope will
telescope, the spotting scope has become an increasingly common produce brighter, clearer images.
presence on the astronomy scene.
Spotting scope astronomy Astronomy essentials
The beauty of a spotting scope is that it can be
used with or without a tripod. However, if you’re Short cool-down
using your scope for astronomical purposes, it’s Many astronomers complain
strongly recommend mounting the scope on a about the cool-down time
sturdy tripod of their telescopes. Since
spotting scopes are so
compact and lightweight,
they have a short cool-down
Olivon T650 spotting scope time, making them ready to
use almost immediately
Aperture: 65mm
Magnification: 16-48x zoom eyepiece (removable)
Cost: £240
Getting started
Getting started
Astronomy can be a fascinating pastime, whether you have a
substantial telescope, or are a beginner observing with the naked
eye. Discover the excitement of spotting planets, star clusters,
and nebulae with your own eyes.
- Using sky charts
- How to minimise light pollution
- Reporting a discovery
- The best astronomy apps
Getting started
Getting started Using a sky chart
Use a compass to
orientate your star chart
with the night sky
Celestial poles
The night sky appears to
rotate around two poles in
each hemisphere
The Sun, Moon and
planets will always be
found close to this line
Most stars can be found in
constellations or patterns
known as asterisms
01: Find your way 02: Track the sky 03: Star hopping
In the northern hemisphere hold You’ll be familiar with constellations Once you’ve mastered the basics, you
the chart above your head pointing after a few nights. To find planets, can use the star hopping technique
south, vice versa for the southern learn where the ecliptic line is. All to find more objects in the sky. Find
hemisphere. Orientate the chart with the planets, and the Moon, sit close a bright star and then use it as a
the compass points and use a red to this line, so you’ll be able to find reference to locate dimmer deep sky
light to view it. them here. objects nearby.
Navigate the night sky Getting started
Modern astronomy has made it much easier and arcseconds (60 in one arcminute, written as 60”).
has opened it up to a wider audience which is Polaris, for example, was found at a declination of
a great way to get more people involved in a +89° 19’8”.
fantastic hobby. Right ascension is measured in hours from 0
Astronomy revolves around the celestial to 24, with one hour corresponding to 15 degrees
co-ordinate system, devised millennia ago when of the circle that is the spherical night sky. It is
our understanding of the universe was much less broken down in units of time, rather than arcs
than it is now. This sphere appears to rotate daily, or degrees, and written as hours, minutes and
and so objects change their position. Depending seconds. So, for example, you may see an object
on your location on Earth, you will be standing written as having a right ascension of 18h
on a diferent declination line, sort of like latitude. 36m 56.3s.
At Earth’s equator you are at 0° declination, while The right ascension and declination are the
at the North Pole you are at a declination of +90° same for any observer anywhere on Earth, as
(vice versa for the South Pole). they use Earth’s north and south celestial poles as
Declination is broken down into arcminutes orientation. By using both, you will be able to ind
(there are 60 in one degree, denoted as 60’) and the location of most celestial objects.
What is a
A star chart that can
be rotated to show the
positions of stars at any
time and date of the
year. The whole sky is
not always available for
viewing, you can rotate
the viewable ‘window’
of a planisphere to a
particular time and QTo perform
astronomy without
date to show you what computerised
you can currently see equipment you’ll need
to use the celestial
in the night sky. They coordinate system
are a useful tool for
astronomers who want
to identify objects
quickly and easily. QA planisphere will give you the right ascension and declination for
objects in the night sky
Getting started Measuring magnitudes
Measuring magnitudes
Celestial objects have varying levels of brightness – just how is it
measured, and what does it mean for you?
-2.9 +1 > +6
Jupiter at its brightest Altair and 8,500 other
and closest to the Earth naked-eye stars
-1.4 +6 > +8
Sirius, the brightest star in the Dark nebula and other bright
night sky visible from Earth deep-sky objects (binoculars)
All images ©NASA
Getting started First night: what to do
On stepping from a well-lit room to your spot under the stars, you might notice that you can’t see much
at irst. The stars that you do see are the brightest and so your eyes do not need to adjust very much
to collect light from them. The faintest, on the other hand, stay hidden until your pupils adapt to night
vision. To get the best views possible, you need to take care where you place your telescope. A stable
surface is essential, so that rules out bumpy lawns. Concrete provides a stable surface but it also retains
heat that has built up during the day and, as a result, this warmth is emitted at night – this creates air
currents that can cause shimmering images through your telescope. Remember if kept indoors before
use, your telescope also needs a good half an hour to cool down to the ambient temperature outdoors.
Pick a spot with a good southern view. The 23-degree tilt of the Earth means that more can be seen
towards the south than the north from UK latitudes. It is always a good to have an idea of what you
First night: what to do Getting started
want to view before you go outside – doing this Use your peripheral vision
when observing dim objects
will help direct your evening’s observing.
Don’t expect too much from your irst night.
Forget notions of seeing things like what the
Hubble Space Telescope sees through your
telescope – there’s a reason why deep sky objects
like galaxies and nebulas are called faint fuzzies.
However, there are things you can do in order
to make these faint objects seem much more
visible. A clever tactic is to use something which
is called averted vision. In your eye, there are two
diferent types of receptor: the cone cells, which
are concentrated mostly in the middle of your
eye and give you colour vision, and rod cells,
which are on the periphery of your eye and are
more light sensitive than cones, providing you
with night vision. When looking at a faint object Experiment with the magniication and you
through the telescope's eyepiece, if you just will ind that diferent magniications work better
simply look of to one side of the object through on diferent objects. Try out diferent ilters: an
the eyepiece while keeping the object on the Oxygen III ilter is often called a ‘nebula ilter’ as it
periphery of your vision, it will appear brighter blocks out all the light except for that wavelength
because the rod cells around the outside of of light emitted by oxygen atoms. It can also
your eye are more sensitive to the dim light of double up as a light pollution ilter, blocking light
the object. you may encounter in an observing session!
Getting started 10 tips to minimise light pollution
10 tips to minimise
light pollution
If you do live in or near a town or city you know the efects of stray light
dimming down and ruining your view of the stars. Here are some tips to help…
01: Get 02: Wait for the 03: Get out 04: Shade
into shadow right conditions of town your optics
If street lights shine High humidity or Pack up your If you can’t shield
into your garden, prolonged dry spells equipment and drive yourself from stray
getting into the when dust can be a few miles out of light, then you can
shadow of a brick thrown up into the your town or city to at least shield the
wall, tree or side of atmosphere makes find darker skies. You equipment you are
a building can help. stargazing difficult. will be amazed at the using. Dew shields
This can block your Check weather difference this makes, or flexible ‘wings’
view, so you may reports and also and you'll find that will help reduce stray
need to hunt around wait for stable it's definitely worth light entering your
for the best spot. wind conditions. the extra effort. eye from the side.
10 tips to minimise light pollution Getting started
20 amazing
amateur discoveries
Be inspired by some of the fantastic discoveries made by amateurs over time
Agencies like NASA are actually very enthusiastic about pro-am collaborations. As an amateur, you can
actually be involved in hunting for meteors, comets and even exoplanets.
This is because amateurs can ill in the gaps left by automated observatories and professionals who
concentrate on limited areas of study. Often the amateur can just get lucky and spot something.. As an
example, it took British amateur George Alcock six years looking for a comet, and then ive days later he
found another one. With modest equipment you have a greater chance of becoming an amateur space
pioneer than ever before. And if you need proof, check out these examples.
20 amazing amateur discoveries Getting started
The planet Uranus Sun spot cycle Nova Cygni 1920
Discoverer: William Hershel Discoverer: Heinrich Schwabe Discoverer: Will Denning
Discovered: March 1781 Discovered: 1843 Discovered: 20 August 1920
Using his equipment, he searched German amateur, Heinrich Schwabe, Denning spotted a bright new star
for double stars. Then he spotted a noticed a ten year cycle of sun spot in the Cygnus constellation. This was
planet orbiting beyond Saturn. activity, which was revised to 11 years. named Nova Cygni 1920 (V476 Cygni).
Getting started 20 amazing amateur discoveries
Saturn’s white spot Lunar surface details Multiple variable stars
Discoverer: Will Hay Discoverer: Patrick Moore Discoverer: Michiel
Discovered: 3 August 1933 at 2 Discovered: 1945 onwards Daniel Overbeek
2:35 GMT His detailed maps were used by the Discovered: 1951 onwards
He spotted a large bright area in the Russians to check images captured by Viewing 250,000 variable stars, his
Equatorial region of Saturn. The huge Lunar 3 in 1959, and by NASA for the data was used to schedule observing
storm was visible for several months. Moon landing preparations. time for the Hubble Space Telescope.
20 amazing amateur discoveries Getting started
“Agencies like
NASA are
actually very
about pro-am
Comet C/1995 O1
Getting started 20 amazing amateur discoveries
© Gemini Observatory/AURA
20 amazing amateur discoveries Getting started
Discoverer: Roy Jackson
Discovered: 2012 ongoing
As part of the Planet Hunters project,
these volunteers sifted through
data supplied by the NASA Kepler
Space Telescope, to discover the
existence of 42 potential exoplanets.
Fifteen were identified as being in
the habitable zone of its parent star,
indicating they could support life
forms. For this research, web browsers
are used instead of telescopes to find
exoplanets that had been missed
or overlooked by the professionals.
One volunteer was 71-year-old Roy
Getting started Reporting a discovery
Reporting a discovery
Our universe is a vast treasure trove of new objects to be found. But what do
you do if you think you’ve made a discovery? We take you through the steps to
successfully report it
Astronomy is one of the few sciences that supernovae he found. The CBAT is also the
allows everyone and anyone to stake claim on organisation to report observations of novae and
a discovery. New asteroids, comets, novae and outbursts from unusual variable stars.
supernovae are all well within reach of amateur However, those who have located asteroids
astronomers to discover. or planets will ind that they must report to the
In 1993, Carolyn and Gene Shoemaker and Minor Planet Centre, while any new variable
David Levy scanned the starry skies to ind a stars should be made known to the American
comet orbiting Jupiter. The speeding chunk of Association of Variable Star Observers or
ice, named Shoemaker-Levy 9, smashed into the reported to the variable star section of the British
heavyweight gas giant. Astronomical Association.
The Shoemakers and Levy who found Last but not least, any ireballs and meteorites
comets, had to approach the Central Bureau that are discovered will need to be lagged up
for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) with their to the Fireball Data Center of the International
discovery as did Boles with his reports on the Meteor Organisation.
Reporting a discovery Getting started
“Before you
report your
discovery, check
where your
object is located”
01: What type of object have Declination (Dec), you can then make use of a sky
you found? atlas such as WIKISKY or the Digitized Sky Survey
After you have checked that your inding is real, to check and make sure your object hasn't already
and you have conirmed your observation on a been catalogued.
second night and have multiple photographic
exposures, you’re now ready to look into what 04: What do I need to include in
type of object you’ve found. How does it move? If my report?
there’s deinite or small movement, of if it’s placed If you can’t ind your object on any of the
in a galaxy it could be a comet or minor planet. catalogues, then you are now ready to make an
If there doesn't seem to be any movement, then exciting step – reporting your discovery. Make
you might well have found a supernova or nova. sure that you have noted an accurate position
and time, written a description of you object
02: How bright is it? including its magnitude, your full name and
Your next task is to look at how bright your object contact details, information on your observing
is as this, combined with the object’s movement, location and the instrument you used to detect it
can give you some clues as to what your target as well as information on the sources you used to
could be. If the brightness changes, but you’re check that the object is new.
sure it’s not a nova or supernova, you might
have detected a variable star. You may have 05: Where do I report my
spotted the outburst of an unusual variable star, discovery to?
a cataclysmic variable or even one of the more Depending on what you’ve found, there are
familiar types of variable star. several organisations to report to. For comets,
supernovae, and outbursts of unusual variable
03: Consult a list or database of stars, contact the Central Bureau for Astronomical
known objects Telegrams (CBAT), for minor planets and asteroids
Before you can think about reporting your you should report to the Minor Planet Centre
discovery, you need to check where your and either the American Association of Variable
potentially new found object is located. As soon Star Observers should be contacted for the more
as you have noted the Right Ascension (RA) and routine or new variable stars.
Getting started Best astronomy apps around
Best astronomy 2
apps around
Essential space-based mobile apps to inform you on the go
Best astronomy apps around Getting started
3 4
Getting started Operate a telescope remotely
Operate a
telescope remotely
Controlling a large telescope – as far out as Australia or Hawaii – from the
comfort of your very own home has never been easier
Global Rent-A-Scope
Hailed as the best facility for the advanced
amateur astronomer, the Global Rent-A-Scope
(GRAS) operates a network of some ten
telescopes in three locations across both the
Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
So many telescopes means observers are
given a huge choice in camera and focal length
conigurations including a CCD that is aimed at
Seasonal guides
One of the first steps is to make sure you are familiar with the night sky, and
how it changes through the night season by season. Follow our month-by-
month star charts and track what there is to see, and where you can see it.
- Monthly guides
- Detailed star charts
- Uncover deep sky delights
- Get to know your constellations
Seasonal guides
Seasonal guides December-January
Here are a few of the amazing sights you’ll be able to see after dark…
Eta Carinae and the Keyhole
Canopus is the second brightest
Nebula (NGC 3372)
star in the night sky and can be
Scan up from the horizon along
found high in the south through
the Milky Way and soon after the
the winter months. It is a variable
constellation of the Southern Cross
star in the constellation of Carina
you’ll find the star Eta Carinae You
the Keel. It is the brightest star
will notice a dark hole in the brighter
within 700 light years of Earth.
nebula, known as the Keyhole.
Start your new year viewing with this selection of fantastic night sky sights
Open cluster M67 The Crab Nebula (M1)
Messier 67 is a faint but fascinating open The Crab Nebula is the first object in the
cluster of stars in the constellation of French astronomer Charles Messier’s
Cancer the Crab. It shows up as a misty catalogue. The Crab Nebula is a supernova
patch in binoculars, but a telescope will remnant, the remains of a star which
resolve most of the stars. What is especially blew itself apart and was seen by people
interesting about this object is that it in 1054 AD even in the daylight as it was
contains over 100 stars similar to that of so bright. It is quite dim now and can be
our Sun and of around the same age. The tricky to find, but if you have a telescope
M67 star cluster lies between 2,600 and of around three-inch aperture, see if you
2,900 light years away, making it one of can spot this misty patch of light.
the nearest old open star clusters to us.
At the first hints of spring, take a look at the views you can enjoy in the crisp night air…
Galaxy M95
M95 is a gorgeous barred spiral
galaxy in the constellation of Galaxy M96
Leo. Quite faint, it shows up At 31 million light years away, M96
well in photographs, showing is the centre of a group of galaxies,
a circle of stars in a ring around including M95 and M105. It is classed
the nucleus, which is a star- as a double barred, intermediate spiral
forming region. This stellar galaxy. Like its neighbour M95 it is
circle is bisected by the central quite faint and needs a medium-sized
‘bar’ of stars, which makes it telescope to view it well. It shows up
look a little like an eye. It was nicely in long-exposure photographs
home to a supernova, which where you can see its rather
was seen to blow itself to asymmetrical spiral arms. Like M95, it
pieces in March 2012. It is part played host to a supernova explosion
of a group of galaxies, centred in 1998. This galaxy is thought to
on the brighter galaxy M96. contain a supermassive black hole.
Globular Cluster Omega Centauri Open Cluster NGC 2516
Omega Centauri is the brightest globular The constellation of Carina plays host
cluster in our skies and is easily visible to the stunning open cluster known
with the naked eye as a fuzzy star. It is as NGC 2516 or the Diamond Cluster.
the biggest known globular cluster to be It is easily visible with the naked
orbiting our Milky Way galaxy and was eye from a dark sky site. It contains
listed in Ptolemy’s catalogue 2,000 years two lovely red giant stars and three
ago as a star. sets of double stars. You will need a
telescope to to detect these: It lies
1,300 light years away from Earth
and is 135 million years old.
See what this season of rebirth means for what the skies have to offer…
The Sombrero
Galaxy (M104) Galaxies M65, M66 and
There are lots of features that NGC 3628
make this an interesting galaxy, These three galaxies have become
including its bright nucleus known as the Leo Triplet. They are
and large central bulge and all spiral galaxies but M65 and M66
more specifically the dark dust are at oblique angles so we can
lane running around the edge see the spiral structure, whereas
of this beautiful object. NGC 3628 is edge on to us.
Omega Centauri The Coal Sack
The Omega Centauri is the brightest Part of one of the spiral arms of our
and largest known globular cluster galaxy, it is a dense region of gas and
associated with our galaxy. Easily dust which is obscuring the light from
visible with the naked eye, the view the stars behind it. It’s the largest such
of this object through binoculars or ‘dark’ nebula in the night sky. Visible
a small telescope is magnificent. It’s with the naked eye on a clear night.
around the size of the full Moon,
about 15,800 light years from Earth.
The constellations of spring are now on show with a myriad of deep-sky delights
The constellations of late spring bring us a range of wonders to enjoy on balmy evenings
Cluster M5
Around 13 billion years old, it lies
in the constellation of Serpens.
A medium to large telescope The Great
should be able to resolve many Orion Nebula (M42)
of the outer stars. It is also one This is one of the most viewed and
of the larger globular clusters most sought-after objects in the
at some 165 light years in night sky. It is part of a much larger
diameter. It is 24,500 light years region of nebulosity that surrounds
NORTHERN almost the entire constellation.
away from Earth.
Globular Cluster M4 Globular Cluster M62
This globular star cluster is easy to spot, M62 sits on the borders of the
being only 1.3 degrees west of the bright constellations of Scorpius and
star Antares in Scorpius. A larger telescope Ophiuchus. This cluster resides about
will resolve the object as a tight, granular ball 22,500 light years away from Earth, and
of stars. M4 is around 7,200 light years away. is thought to be around 11.8 billion years
old. It is dimmer than its neighbour M4.
Globular Cluster
NGC 362 Open Cluster M7
Another globular cluster to view You can find it near the ‘stinger’ in the
this month is NGC 362. This tail of Scorpius the Scorpion. It contains
conglomeration of stars is often around 80 stars in the group and spans a
overlooked. You can find it south field of view of 1.3 degrees. M7 is around
of 47 Tuc, it sits on the border of SOUTHERN 980 light years away. It is thought to be
the Small Magellanic Cloud. about 200 million years old.
Seasonal guides July
The height of summer offers some fantastic night-sky sights. Here are some of the
month’s must-sees
Late summer/autumn night skies are full of riches and wonders…
The Andromeda Galaxy Open Cluster M39
The most famous galaxy in the night sky. Thought to be between 200 and 300
Binoculars will show the bright central million years old. There are about 30 stars
core and a small telescope will give you in this group and all contained in a volume
an impression of just how large this object of space about seven light years across. It’s
is. It lies 2.5 million light years from us and just visible to the naked eye from a dark
contains around 1 trillion stars, twice that of sky site and binoculars will show it up well.
the Milky Way Galaxy.
The skies are darker for longer, so there’s more time to view those deep-sky objects…
Here are eight of the best for you to discover for yourself
A stunning spiral galaxy widely
regarded as one of the best
targets for those wishing to see
the eponymous spiral structure.
M74 resides in the constellation M2
of Pisces (the fishes), but it’s M2 is theoretically manageable
helpful to use the two brightest with the unaided eye in the darkest
stars in the neighbouring Aries skies, and delightfully prominent
(the golden ram). From Hamal in binoculars and small telescopes.
(Alpha) sweep to Sheratan Its unmistakable non-stellar
(Beta) and continue for about appearance makes it a snap to
twice the distance to Eta find. Simply find the double star
Piscium. M74 lies about one NORTHERN Beta Aquarii and from here sweep
degree south of this line. about five degrees northward.
Whether you’re using the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope, there’s plenty to see. Here
are some of the season’s highlights…
Owl Nebula
(M97 or NGC 3587) NGC 752)
You’ll need a large telescope to A lot of cluster-fans refer to this as
understand the name, but even Hodierna’s cluster, because we think
a small telescope will reveal a Giovanni Hodierna was the first to
hint of this popular planetary discover it back in the 17th century.
nebula in Ursa Major. Its big Then for over 100 years it was lost or
eyes gaze at us from over 2,500 forgotten, only to be rediscovered by
light years away, but studies none other than Caroline Herschel
show it’s been watching for less in 1783. Look for it in Andromeda,
than 6,000 years. This is a young around five degrees south-west
nebula. It sits within a couple of NORTHERN of the star Almaak in the direction
degrees from Merak. of Triangulum.
Regor (Gamma Velorum) M41
Famously named by Apollo astronaut One of the greatest open clusters of all,
Gus Grissom for his friend Roger, this and another discovered by Hodierna, M41
beautiful system of at least six stars glitters in the constellation of Canis Major
appears as a tiny open cluster at the about four degrees south of Sirius, the
eyepiece, and its most prominent pair are brightest star in the whole sky. Even though
readily split with just binoculars. Regor is they vary wildly in apparent brightness, a
the star adjoining Vela to Carina, the great significant number of the cluster’s 100 or so
ship once known as Jason’s Argo Navis. stars can be teased out with a rich-
field telescope.
NGC 1300
We know the Milky Way's not just
NGC 2808 a spiral, but a ‘barred’ spiral like
Visible to the unaided eye in dark skies, NGC 1300, a spectacular galaxy first
this fine globular cluster is buried within discovered almost two centuries ago
the hull of the great ship Carina. It's by John Herschel. 61 million light years
easiest to find by sweeping a couple of away in the constellation of Eridanus
degrees north-east from the star Alpha (the river), NGC 1300 is also similar in
in the neighbouring constellation of size to our home galaxy, and can
Volans (the flying fish). In binoculars or a be seen with a large telescope.
telescope, some of its 1 million stars SOUTHERN Look just over two degrees north
can be individually resolved. of 16 Eridani.
Seasonal guides December
As the year comes to an end, many of us will celebrate another year of accomplishments.
Why not celebrate the wonder of the sky, too?
The heavenly twins of Gemini
soar high in the sky this season. Orion Nebula (M42)
Castor isn’t quite as bright as An must-see for the season, the
Pollux, but is known as Alpha. Great Orion Nebula lives up to its
In a telescope, Castor is split name. The young stellar nursery
as a beautiful close binary star, glows from the heat produced by
and each is known to be a powerful infant stars at its core.
spectroscopic binary. The two In binoculars or a telescope, it 'sa
visible stars orbit each other distinct ‘bow’ shape, and can be
about once every 470 years.
found in the middle of Orion’s sword.
Eight-Burst Nebula M47 (NGC 2422)
(NGC 3132) The frequently overlooked constellation
Sitting in the constellation Vela, the Sail, of Puppis (the Poop Deck) actually runs
the Eight-Burst Nebula is a fine sight in through the Milky Way, and contains a large
a larger telescope at high power. The number of open clusters. One of the finest
dim central star at the centre is really a is M47, lying some 1,600 light years distant. It
double, with the fainter of the two being harbours around 50-100 stars, and can be
the white dwarf responsible for the found by sweeping about five degrees
nebulosity, sometimes also known as east-northeast of Sirius. With binoculars
the Southern Ring Nebula. Find it just you may spot M46 in the same field.
northwest of the star Velorum.
Tarantula Nebula
Southern Pleaides (NGC 2070)
(IC 2602) A long way away in the orbiting Large
This young cluster of stars no more Magellanic Cloud dwarf galaxy, the
than 50 million years old spans a wide Tarantula Nebula is one of the largest
area of the southern sky, and its name and most active star-forming regions
is hardly surprising. In binoculars or in the Local Group. If we put it in
a widefield telescope, the cluster place of the Orion Nebula, it would
appears just as magnificent as the cast shadows at night. This colossal
Taurean, ‘northern’ Pleiades. It can cloud looks remarkable, showing
be seen with the unaided eye, and SOUTHERN plenty of detail and structure. Try
found by locating Theta Carinae. finding it with the unaided eye!
What to observe
What to
The sky is always changing. Planets come and go, stars explode
as supernovae, and new comets grace our skies. Here we bring
together all the astronomy tips and resources you’ll need to
observe the glories that light up the heavens.
- Stay safe when viewing the Sun
- Track the Galilean moons
- Get a glimpse of the most iconic stars
- Locate the Big Dipper
What to observe
What to observe Discover how to view the Moon
Discover how to view
the Moon
Find out how to get the best out of your views of the Moon whether using your
eyes, binoculars or a telescope…
The Moon is an object with which we are all familiar; however there are ways to observe it that will
make your time spent looking at it more worthwhile.
The starting point for the cycle of the Moon’s phases is when it’s ‘new’. It’s fun to try to see the Moon
when it is only a few hours old, just after the Sun has set below the horizon. Once the Moon is one
day old it is easier to see and over the next few evenings you’ll notice another phenomenon called
‘Earthshine'. If you’ve got binoculars or a small telescope turn them on to the Moon and notice darker
and lighter areas and you will see some craters.
As the Moon phase increases you will be able to see more of the surface and the so-called ‘seas’,
properly termed Mare, stand out as darker regions of the surface. Run your gaze around the edge of
the Moon and you’ll spot it isn’t smooth but broken up with the jagged edges of mountains. Take
a look at the terminator line, this is where you can see the longest shadows and some of the most
interesting lighting effects. Crater walls cast long shadows where peaks can catch the sunlight.
Discover how to view the Moon What to observe
What to observe Learn to view the sun
Learn to
view the Sun
By looking at the Sun, our nearest star, you can see amazing processes
going on all the time, but remember, you need to be very, very careful…
If you are in the slightest bit doubtful about what you are doing,
then don’t do it. If you are careful and follow these guidelines,
observing the Sun is fascinating.
The safest way to see the surface of the Sun is to project the disc
using a small telescope and two cardboard squares. You point the
scope at the Sun by watching the shadow cast by the ’scope; when
Safety first! the shadow is smallest is when the telescope should be pointing in
The Sun is incredibly bright the right direction. Never attempt to look through the telescope!
and can easily damage You can get special solar ilters to use with your telescope, which
a human eye if you were it over the front aperture of your telescope, or a ‘hydrogen-alpha
to look directly at it and
will certainly destroy your ilter’, designed to block out dangerous radiation such as ultraviolet.
eyesight if concentrated Always check such ilters before each and every use. If your
through binoculars, telescope comes with a small ilter for the eyepiece, do not use it!
telescope or even a camera
lens even for an instant. Only These are very dangerous as they can shatter in the heat thereby
use proper solar filters to exposing your eye to the full force of the Sun’s energy.
view the Sun and then only All in all, the Sun is an amazing, dynamic object and well worth
in strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. your time as long as you make sure that you’re extremely careful.
After all, it’s astronomy in the warm!
Learn to view the sun What to observe
What to observe Observe the Milky Way
Our galaxy is replete with iconic historical monuments, relatively young creations, and some
quirky curiosities. Naturally we consider a handful of these to be the absolute best for observers
and photographers, just as we do with the Colosseum, Forum and St Peter’s in Rome, for which
holidaymakers have plenty of information available to get clued up on before they travel.
There’s an entire industry surrounding the research and sale of travel guides for Earth, but what if
intergalactic tourism was viable? Suppose we astronomers could tour the universe and sample diferent
skies. If travel-writers visited us from another galaxy, say the neighbouring Andromeda spiral, what might
they pick for their absolute must-see objects? Unfortunately our perspective on the galaxy is limited,
some of it is completely hidden from us but if we were Andromedans backpacking through the Solar
System, these popular gems would most likely be on our bucket list… and we think they should be on
yours too!
violence of this blast today This unstable hypergiant is thousand-strong, young star
when looking at the peaceful about four million times more cluster has been admired
Veil Nebula it created. luminous than the Sun! since antiquity.
What to observe Viewing galaxies
Viewing galaxies
Hundreds of billions of island universes drift through
space and, with a little practice, you can see some
from your garden
How to find it:
All space photos ©NASA
Viewing galaxies What to observe
Peripheral vision
Blind spot
Faint galaxies can look like
they’ve disappeared when
you look directly at them
Averted vision
The most effective way to
see a faint object is to look
slightly off to the side
How to find it:
Like M87, M104 occupies the
Virgo Supercluster of galaxies.
It’s easiest to find by sweeping
about three degrees northeast
of Algorab (Delta Corvi) roughly
in the direction of the bright
star Porrima (Gamma Virginis).
What to observe View planets through a telescope
View planets
through a
What do the planets of our galaxy look like through
a telescope?
QYou’ll need the right
conditions to get the most- Would you like to see another world with your own eyes? These
impressive views of the planets pictures will help to give you some idea of what to look for. To the
eye, however, the view is quite diferent. Details are more subtle at
the eyepiece, and your view depends which telescope you’re using,
and how favourable the atmospheric conditions are. Don’t lose
heart though, because to see the other planets – worlds as real as
ours – with your own eyes, is an unforgettable experience.
Telescope: Astro-Physics
Stowaway f5
In close-up, the smallest
planet in our Solar System
looks strikingly similar to
the dark-side of our Moon,
albeit almost twice as large.
Unfortunately, we never
get such a close-up from
Earth, but large aperture
instruments at high power
will show Mercury’s phases
at the eyepiece. Make
sure the Sun has set
completely before trying
to observe Mercury, as
it will be obscured in
its glare. It does rotate –
however a Mercurian day As seen through a
lasts about 132 days! telescope
View planets through a telescope What to observe
Telescope: Astro-Physics
Stowaway f5
Since the launch of the
International Space Station,
Venus is the third brightest
object in the sky. Though
peaceful in appearance, it is
not the kind of place you’d
want to go on holiday, with
ridiculously high pressures,
clouds of sulphuric acid, and a
surface temperature of 735°K.
Fortunately, we are able to
stay at home and enjoy its
beautiful set of ‘moon-like’
phases through a telescope,
retracing the landmark
observations of Galileo,
which would provide strong
evidence that the planets
revolved around the Sun.
Telescope: Astro-Physics
Stowaway f5
Larger planet images ©NASA; Circled planet images ©Tom Kerss
What to observe View planets through a telescope
Telescope: Astro-Physics
Stowaway f5
Jupiter is the largest
planet in the Solar
System, and despite
being around 11
times wider than the
Earth, it rotates once
every ten hours! Hurricane
winds craft intricate, swirling
cloud formations in its upper
atmosphere. You can see these
different coloured layers of
cloud that surround it through a
reasonably powerful telescope,
as well as the famous Red Spot
super-hurricane. Also visible
are the four stunning Galilean
moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede,
Callisto, each larger than our
own Moon. Sadly, Jupiter’s rings
are too faint to observe though.
Telescope: Celestron C6
With the naked eye, you can
sometimes mistake Mars for
Saturn. As almost everyone’s Larger planet images ©NASA; Circled planet images ©Tom Kerss
favourite planet – the ‘wow’
factor of Saturn’s gorgeous
rings lights up the faces of
many first-time planet-gazers.
It’s hardly surprising! The
rings gradually tilt to and
fro, periodically revealing
the Cassini Division, a major
gap. Saturn hosts many
moons. The largest, Titan,
is clearly visible in small
telescopes. Some of
the cloud layers will
be a touch fuzzier than
Jupiter’s, as they are not
as pronounced anyway.
View planets through a telescope What to observe
Telescope: Meade LX200 12”
Uranus is one of the two
planets in the solar system
that are not visible to the
naked eye. At first believed
to be a star, and later a
comet, Uranus became the
first planet to be discovered
using a telescope, with William
Herschel taking the credit.
Uranus is known to observers
for its distinct greenish hue,
and clouds have been spotted
on rare occasions. Its moons,
while large, are not nearly large
enough to be easily noticed –
however there are 27 of them.
Telescope: Meade LX200 12”
The farthest outlying planet
in the solar system, Neptune
is a remote, cold world. It’s
roughly the same size as Uranus,
however it’s 50 per cent more
distant than its light-blue cousin.
Despite its size, almost four
times wider than the Earth, it
was not seen until 1846, and
has only just completed one
orbit since its discovery! It’s
great to see the gorgeous
blue colour, while knowing
you are looking over 4.2
billion kilometres (2.6 billion
miles) away.
to observe Viewing
Galilean moons
Viewing the
Galilean moons
Named after their discoverer Galileo Galilei, the four moons which orbit around
Jupiter are easily seen in binoculars and small telescopes
The moons of Jupiter are some of the most fascinating things to observe in the night sky. First
recorded in 1610 by the Italian astronomer Galileo, the moons of Jupiter have proved to be an endless
source of fascination for astronomers ever since. Jupiter has dozens of moons orbiting around it, but
the four largest are the only ones visible using ground-based telescopes. Among the most interesting
things to observe with respect to these moons are the ways they move almost on an hourly basis.
They can change their position from two moons each side of the planet to all being in a row on just
one side as well as various other combinations. Even more interesting are the occultations and transits.
An occultation is where the moons pass behind the planet, so for a short time being obscured to us
here on Earth, whereas when they pass in front of the disc of Jupiter, it is known as a transit.
Viewing the Galilean moons What to observe
All images on page ©NASA
Io Which telescope?
Diameter: 3,642km (2,263 miles)
Orbiting Jupiter every 1.8 days, it has In order to see them well,
over 400 active volcanoes which
were only discovered during a flyby you’ll need at least a three-
of Jupiter by the Voyager probes. inch aperture (75mm)
Its surface is covered in sulphur and refractor telescope or a
sulphur dioxide and is composed of
silicate rock surrounding a molten iron six-inch (150mm) reflector. A
core, the heat being produced by the reasonable magnification of
gravitational effect of Jupiter. around 120x or even more
is also required, as is a good
Callisto quality eyepiece. Here, the
Diameter: 4,800km (2,985 miles) Plössl design of eyepiece is
Callisto is the second largest moon good as it provides a nice
of Jupiter and the third largest in the
Solar System. It is made up from equal
wide and flat field of view
amounts of rock and ice and we know with minimal distortions.
that the surface is covered mostly in Longer focal length
water ice, carbon dioxide and silicates
with some organic compounds,
telescopes are better for
although this isn’t the same as planetary viewing, so this is
having life. where refracting telescopes
also have an advantage, but
again reflectors can also give
Ganymede you splendid views of the
Diameter: 5,268mm (3,273 miles) giant planet and its moons.
Ganymede is the largest moon in
the Solar System. With a molten iron
core it has a magnetosphere. It also
has a very thin atmosphere consisting
mostly of oxygen. It’s heavily cratered
due to asteroid impacts, but mostly
only on its darker regions, suggesting
that the lighter areas are or have
been renewed.
Diameter: 3,100km (1,900 miles)
Its icy surface seems to be scored
with dark lines, but little cratering is
evident, suggesting that there may
be an ocean of liquid water under
the surface, which could be warm
enough to sustain life. Due to its
potential habitability, Europa is now
the focus of ideas for missions to
explore its ocean in the search for life.
What to observe Spot 20 famous stars
There’s a reason we consider our most celebrated performers to be ‘stars’. Both brilliant and beautiful,
the real stars have been revered since the dawn of humanity, often worshipped as avatars of the gods,
or admired as tranquil windows to heaven. But there are celebrities in the sky, too. Some of the stars
in the night sky have become so well known that they pervade popular culture, whether by their
value for navigation, or their sheer brightness in the sky, and you can admire many of them without a
telescope. Join us as we take a look at ive of the biggest highlights of the night sky. From the fabulous
red supergiant Betelgeuse, which can be found in the Orion constellation, to the brightest star in the
sky, Sirius, which is situated in the Canis Major constellation; these are the stars among the stars. Get out
there and track them down.
Vega (Alpha
Constellation: Lyra (Harp)
Right ascension:
18h, 36m, 56s
+38 deg, 47’, 01”
Distance: 25 ly
The fifth brightest star in
the sky. Chosen as the
benchmark by which
Polaris (Alpha Ursae Minoris) astronomers would judge
Constellation: Ursa Minor (Little Bear) the brightness of all other
Right ascension: 02h, 31m, 49s objects in the night sky. It is
Declination : +89 deg, 15’, 51” an incredibly stable star.
Distance: ~430 ly
Many a nomad has found his way home thanks to
the Polaris. It sits very close to the north celestial Betelgeuse
pole. Throughout the age of sail and the ensuing (Alpha Orionis)
globalisation, Polaris was relied upon for navigation, Constellation: Orion
and today aids astronomers in the northern (Hunter)
hemisphere to correctly align their equatorial Right ascension:
mounts for accurate tracking of the celestial sphere. 05h, 55m, 10s
Polaris is the most useful North Star in human Declination:
history. It marks the tip of the tail of the Little Bear. +07 deg, 24’, 25”
Distance: ~700 ly
A huge red supergiant
star nearing the end of
its life, expected to die in
a spectacular supernova
explosion, which might
happen within the next
million years.
Rigel Kentaurus
(Alpha Centauri)
Centaurus (Centaur)
Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) Right ascension:
Constellation: Canis Major (Big Dog) 14h, 39m, 36s
Right ascension: 06h, 45m, 09s Declination:
Declination: -16 deg, 42’, 58” -60 deg, 50’, 02”
Distance: 8.6 ly Distance: 4.3 ly
Scorching, searing, glowing – all words that spring Alpha Centauri hosts
to mind when we think of Sirius, the brightest two very Sun-like stars, of
star in the sky. Sirius is actually a binary star with which one is now known
a tiny white-dwarf companion. From northern to harbour an Earth-sized
temperate latitudes, Sirius often spends much of planet. Could it be that a
its apparition in the atmospheric soup, flashing habitable Earth-like world
almost every colour of the rainbow. It joins Procyon has co-habited our little
and Betelgeuse in the Winter Triangle asterism. corner of the Milky Way?
What to observe Spot 20 famous stars
Barnard’s Star Proxima Centauri
Constellation: Ophiucus Constellation: Centaurus
Right ascension: 17h, 57m, 48s Right ascension: 14h, 29m, 42s
Declination: +04° 41’ 36” Declination: -62° 40’ 46”
Distance: 6 ly Distance: 4.2 ly
The closest star to Earth after the Alpha Centauri system, Proxima Centauri is the closest star to Earth other than the
and also a low mass red-dwarf. Although it is too dim to see Sun. It’s also a red dwarf, making it the closest red dwarf to
with the naked eye, but fine to see with a telescope. It’s also Earth. It can only be seen through a telescope, although it
extremely bright in infrared compared to visible light. undergoes random increases in brightness.
Antares Procyon
Constellation: Scorpius Constellation: Canis Minor
Right ascension: 16h, 29m, 24s Right ascension: 07h, 39m, 18s
Declination: -26° 25’ 55” Declination: +05° 13’ 30”
Distance: 550 ly Distance: 11.5 ly
The brightest star in the Scorpius constellation, and a red The brightest star in Canis Minor, and the eighth brightest
supergiant star. It’s one of the brightest stars in the night sky, star in the night sky. It’s actually a binary star, and much like
and its apparent magnitude is just below +1. Even at such a Sirius has a small white dwarf companion. It’s part of the
great distance, it’s much more visible than nearer red stars. winter triangle comprised of Betelgeuse and Sirius.
Spot 20 famous stars What to observe
Arcturus Canopus
Constellation: Bootes Constellation: Carina
Right ascension: 14h, 15m, 39s Right ascension: 06h, 23m, 57s
Declination: +19° 10’ 56” Declination: -52° 41’ 44”
Distance: ~36.7 ly Distance: ~310 ly
The brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, and The brightest star in the Southern sky, and the second
very close to zero magnitude. Believed to have exhausted all brightest star in the night sky. It’s also a supergiant star,
its hydrogen and now fusing helium. It will likely end its life and looks very white to the naked eye. It’s best seen in the
by becoming a white-dwarf inside of a nebula. southern hemisphere in the summer.
Sigma Octantis
Constellation: Octans
Right ascension:
21h, 08m, 46s
Declination: -88° 57’ 23”
Distance: 270 ly
If Polaris is considered the
North Star, then Sigma
Octanis is currently the
closest thing we have
to being the South
Star. Its magnitude isn’t
particularly good though,
so unfortunately it doesn’t
command the same
prominence as Polaris does
in the north.
What to observe Spot 20 famous stars
Constellation: Auriga
Right ascension: 05h,
16m, 41s
Declination: +45° 59’ 52”
Distance: ~42.2 ly
Capella is another bright
northern star, although this
one is special as it’s not just
one star, actually made up
of four stars in two binary
pairs. The first pair are giant
stars with a radius ten times
greater than the Sun’s. The
other two are red dwarfs.
”It’s actually
made up of
four stars”
Spot 20 famous stars What to observe
Pollux Aldebaran
Constellation: Gemini Constellation: Taurus
Right ascension: 07h, 45m, 18s Right ascension: 04h, 35m, 55s
Declination: +28° 01’ 34” Declination: +16° 30’ 33”
Distance: ~33.8 ly Distance: ~65 ly
Pollux is an evolved giant star, with a distinct orange hue, Another red giant star, and the brightest star in the Taurus
and is the brightest star in the Gemini constellation. This constellation. Its name means the follower, as it seems to
star is important as its spectrum is used as a reference to follow the Pleiades in the night sky. It has about 44 times
classify other stars. It has an exosolar planet orbiting it. the radius of our Sun, but isn’t even quite twice as heavy.
Rigel Alnilam
Constellation: Orion Constellation: Orion
Right ascension: 05h, 14m, 32s Right ascension: 05h, 36m, 12s
Declination: -08° 12’ 06” Declination: -01° 12’ 06”
Distance: ~860 ly Distance: ~1300 ly
Made famous by Star Trek, Rigel is a blue-white supergiant The brightest star in Orion’s Belt is a blue supergiant. It’s the
star and the brightest star in Orion. It’s almost 20 times middle star of the trio, along with Alnitak and Mintaka. It is
heavier than our Sun, and has 74 times the radius. Even at one of the 57 stars used in celestial navigation, and
such a vast distance from Earth, it outshines smaller, much is another star whose spectrum is used as a reference
closer stars. for others.
What to observe Seeing double stars
Double stars can either be stars which look very close to each other due to a line of sight efect for us
here on Earth, or they can actually be bound to each other through gravitation – in other words, they
orbit around their common centre of gravity. These are arguably the most interesting as their position
relative to each other can change over time.
There are a couple of ‘naked eye’ double stars we can see from Earth, but for most you will need a
telescope. The rule of thumb here is that bigger is better, so the larger your telescope, the more double
stars you are likely to be able to resolve as two distinct stars, otherwise known as ‘splitting’. Some
doubles are so close that, even with the largest telescopes on Earth, you can never discern them as
individual stars. Sometimes the stars can look like a single egg-shaped star as they are apparently very
close to each other. Others are relatively easy to split and often can be of difering brightness or colours.
For close doubles, you’ll need to use a fairly high magniication if you can, around 100x or so.
Seeing double stars What to observe
Mizar and Alcor Winnecke 4 Epsilon Lyrae
How to find it: How to find it: How to find it:
Mizar and Alcor make up You will Winnecke 4 resting Epsilon Lyrae can be found
the ‘star’ in the middle of the just above the star Megrez close to the bright star Vega
handle of the famous ‘Plough’ which connects the handle of in the constellation of Lyra
or Big Dipper asterism. Look the ‘Dipper’ to the ‘Bowl’. It is the Lyre. It can be viewed just
closely and you will be able to approximately 510 light years above the ‘square’ of the main
see that it’s actually two stars. from Earth. part of the constellation.
Interacting stars
There are binary stars, two
stars that orbit around their
common centre of gravity,
that can interact with each
other physically. Through this
interaction the stars will vary in
brightness as the matter from
the ‘ordinary’ star crashes on
to the white dwarf causing it
to flare up often at irregular
It is strange to think that so many stars vary in brightness, but most only vary by a small amount. Even
our own Sun is a variable star over its 11-year cycle. As the number of sunspots increase and decrease so
does the light output. However, there are some stars which actually have a huge change in brightness,
going from a moderately bright star to only being detectable in medium to large telescopes.
What causes this odd behaviour? There are several reasons for this and there are also several types of
variable star. Some stars actually vary in size, they pulsate like a balloon being illed with air and then let
down again. Most well known of this type are the Cepheid variables. Variable stars can be put into two
basic groups, short period and long period, with a third group of irregular and semi-regular variables,
which have no pattern to the variation of their light output. One type of star in this category is the
‘Mira Variable’. Another type of variable star is the ‘Gamma Cassiopeiae’ class, which luctuate their light
output due to it throwing of material around its equator because they rotate very quickly.
These are just a selection of the diferent types of stars whose apparent brightness as seen from Earth
can vary. Observing variable stars is a fascinating and very popular area for those interested in stargazing.
How to find it: Possibly the
most famous out of all the
eclipsing binary stars. Algol
can be found by drawing
an imaginary line between
the star called Aldebaran
in the Taurus constellation
and the star called Shedir
or alpha Cassiopeia. After
you have done this then
you will notice that Algol
Searching for
Locate the constellations in the sky, and when’s the best time to see them
In the past, every culture had its own way of seeing patterns in the stars. These patterns, or
constellations, were connected with stories and folk legends. These patterns fall inside a deined box
or area and divide up the whole of the night sky. Depending on where you live you may be able to see
many but probably not all of them. In the northern hemisphere, for example, you probably won’t be
able to see constellations such as Octans the Octant or Pavo the Peacock.
You can use a whole constellation, part of it or even just a couple of known stars to point yourself to
another, perhaps less familiar pattern. Some star patterns aren’t constellations in the strict definition of
the word and are known as asterisms, but are very useful. The Plough, or Big Dipper, in the Ursa Major
constellation is an asterism which can be used to navigate to other constellations.
Southern hemisphere
January is the best time to view the
constellation of Carina the Keel with its
bright star Canopus high in the south.
Nearby you’ll find Puppis the Poop Deck and
Vela the Sail, once part of this huge but now
disassembled constellation. Canopus itself is
Southern hemisphere
May is a great time of year to view
the constellation of Centaurus
the Centaur. It is quite a large
constellation and contains many
deep sky wonders such as
Omega Centauri, the largest and
brightest globular star cluster
associated with our Milky Way
galaxy. This constellation is also
home to the star system of Alpha
Centauri the closest star system to
Searching for constellations What to observe
Cygnus Orion
Northern hemisphere Northern hemisphere
Sometimes known as the Northern Cross, Cygnus the Swan is a very ancient Orion the Hunter is an easily
constellation with several stories attached to it. It rides high in the summer skies in recognised constellations thanks to the
the northern hemisphere and sitting as it does in the band of the Milky Way is full three stars of the Hunter’s belt from
of star clusters and nebulas. The star Albireo, marking the head of the Swan, is a which hangs his sword. The bright
double star. You’ll need a telescope to see this star as a pair, but it is worthwhile as orange supergiant star Betelguese
it’s one of the most beautiful doubles in the whole of the night sky, being a lovely marks the Hunter’s shoulder and the
contrasting orange and blue. bright white star Rigel, in the opposite
corner, his knee.
Ursa Major
Northern hemisphere
Ursa Major is the
constellation in which
you can find the famous
Plough or Big Dipper. The
seven stars that make up
able to see that it actually and is 320 light years away from us.
consists of two stars that Crux lies in the band of the Milky Way
are very close together. and is surrounded by star clusters.
What to observe Viewing the Big Dipper
The Big Dipper goes by several diferent names, Merak and the other, at the top of the ‘bowl’,
including the ‘Plough’ and the ‘Saucepan’. It is, is called Dubhe. This is the brightest star in the
though, very recognisable with its bowl-shaped group. Ursa Major plays host to several amazing
pattern of four stars connected to a ‘handle’ of deep sky objects including several galaxies.
three more. This is a group of stars which has You can use the stars of the Big Dipper to find
been recognised from time immemorial and by a couple of them. If you draw an imaginary line
nearly all cultures around the world. from the bottom left star in the bowl through
For anyone who happens to be living north of the top right one (Dubhe) and keep going for
the latitude of southern Spain, the Big Dipper is roughly the same distance again, you will come
circumpolar. This means that from these latitudes across a beautiful pair of galaxies known as M81
it never appears to set or disappear below the and M82. If you form an equilateral triangle with
horizon. It rotates around the north celestial pole the two end stars of the handle, Mizar/Alcor
but because it resides near the pole it can always and Alkaid as the base, at the other point of the
be found in the night sky. triangle you will find the galaxy M101.
All the seven stars in the Big Dipper have You should now be able to see what an
names. The two stars of the pointers are called amazing group of stars the Big Dipper really is.
Viewing the Big Dipper What to observe
7 8
3 1
What to observe Locate a supernova
Locate a supernova
At the end of their life, some massive stars explode with such ferocity that they
outshine the rest of their galaxy’s stars combined…
Stars are exploding all the time, but most of these events happen in distant galaxies where we need
large telescopes to detect them. Just occasionally, though, a massive star will end its life in a cataclysmic
explosion, known as a supernova, in our own Milky Way Galaxy and when it does it can lead to the
sudden appearance of a star so bright it can be seen in broad daylight. This can last for several weeks
until the remains of the star fade away.
This is a very rare event, though, and may happen only once in several centuries. Although none are
visible now, we can never tell which stars are going to explode and stars are coming to the end of their
life and could ‘blow’ at any time. There are plenty of potential supernova candidates, however, and
astronomers monitor these regularly. None of the stars near to the Earth are big enough to become
supernovas, so we are quite safe.
Meteor shower viewing What to observe
point in the sky, a radiant located within or near a constellation that earns the meteor shower its name.
Head out in chilly November to catch the Leonids racing from the constellation Leo or, if you prefer the
warmer nights, the Perseids will ofer good views in August, hailing from constellation Perseus.
Many astronomers take great interest in recording meteor shower numbers, so you might like to
report your observations – including details of their brightness, speed and colour – to official bodies
such as the International Meteor Organization (IMO) and International Astronomy Union (IAU). To truly
get the beneit of meteor-watching, you will need dark-adapted vision as well as a clear Moonless night
to catch even the faintest streaks of light. However, that’s not to say you won’t see any meteors while
the Moon is out.
There are also the exceedingly bright meteors, often hitting magnitudes greater than those of the
planets. If these ireballs are brighter than magnitude -14, they are known as bolides or superbolides.
When you picture a meteor shower, you may wrongly think of many meteors bursting out of a single
point. Viewing a meteor shower requires a degree of patience, so hunting for these lashes of light turns
into a waiting game. The Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) indicates the number of meteors that will appear,
with some showers ranging anywhere from ive to 100 per hour. When a shower reaches its peak,
you might ind the amount you see varies – not knowing what you’ll get until you begin hunting for
meteors is part of the fun.
What to observe Meteor shower viewing
Deck chair
Meteor hunting means a lot of Rho
looking up. A deck chair will keep you
at an inclined position for maximum
comfort – without hurting your neck!
ry 22/23
Janua April
Quadrantids Lyrids
Constellation: Boötes Constellation: Lyra
Warm clothing ZHR: 80 per hour ZHR: 20 per hour
Some showers are only observable Parent asteroid: 2003 EH1 Parent comet: C/1861 G1 (Thatcher)
during winter, so make sure you keep
warm. Thick coat are essential for long
periods of observing – maybe even a
sleeping bag.
Hot drink
On cold nights it’s also
a good idea to keep
warm by drinking hot
liquids. Coffee and tea
are often a popular
way to keep awake
after midnight. If you
can, have a nap before
heading out.
Red flashlight Octob
If you are using a night-sky map
or need to see in the dark, Orionids
then you should use a red Constellation: Orion (The Hunter)
torch since the light will ZHR: 20 per hour
not ruin your vision. Parent comet: Halley
Meteor shower viewing What to observe
11/12 H 4/5 No) 16/17
b er
(N ) (SH Novem D e cem
What to observe Comet hunting
Comet hunting
Want to find your very own comet?
Follow our guide and you could make
a rare discovery
Comets have fascinated and frightened humans
in equal measure for thousands of years. They
are icy relics from the formation of our Solar
System. Occasionally they plummet in towards
the inner Solar System and many astronomers
believe that comets impacting the Earth were
responsible for delivering much of the water our
planet has today. What’s certain is that they are
responsible for the spectacular meteor showers
that we are treated to every year.
The most famous of these repeat visitors is
Halley’s comet, which is also responsible for the
Orionid meteor shower. An orbiting ball of ice
and dust, it has been recorded by humans since
at least 240 BC and even appears in the famous
Comet hunting What to observe
so that you can sweep around large parts of the Pleiades (M45). His list is an invaluable tool if you
sky. This means selecting a wide eyepiece to give don’t want to be led up the garden path.
you low magniication. Many comet hunters Another key property to look out for is
also invest in a suitable CCD camera that can movement. Objects outside our Solar System
be attached to their telescope. By taking long- – like stars and nebulae – will remain in a ixed
exposure photographs, you should be able to location relative to the constellations. These
pick up objects that it would be hard to spot with constellations will also move throughout the
your eyes alone. It also means you can record night as the Earth rotates, but everything beyond
your ind and use computer software to help you the Solar System will appear to move along with
submit it to the proper authorities. them at the same rate. Objects close to home
What you’re looking for is something fuzzy can move at high speeds – comets can reach
that doesn’t seem to belong. Be careful, however, hundreds of miles per second.
as it is possible to be fooled by other fuzzy
The obscuring circle in the
objects in the sky that can be easily mistaken for middle is a coronagraph, which
comets but they are not comets. In the late 18th blocks out the glare from the Sun
Century, renowned French comet hunter Charles
Messier was faced with the same problem.
He was continually stumbling across potential
comets, only to ind they were distant galaxies,
star clusters or nebulae instead. He assembled a
list of these objects to help other comet hunters.
This Messier catalogue is still widely used today
by professional and amateur astronomers.
Some famous night-sky objects appear in the
list, including the Orion nebula (M42) and the
Comet hunting What to observe
Your astronomy
glossary There will be a lot of new terms to learn as
you delve into astronomy. Here are some of
the most common ones…
horizontally (altitude).
The diameter of a telescope’s front
lens or main mirror, usually stated in
inches or mm.
For any given object in the night
sky, the annual window in which it’s
visible is known as the apparition.
For latitude sufficiently far from the
B Celestial pole
Like the celestial equator, the celestial
Colour index
A term to represent a value to
Binary stars pole is an imaginary line from the measure the brightness of a star on
The term binary star refers to the stars poles that signifies the axis on which different frequency bands of the
which orbit around their common the Earth rotates. electromagnetic spectrum.
centre of gravity.
Cepheid variables Craters
Blue moon These stars pulsate and so the Once thought to be volcanic in
A blue moon is the second full amount of light they put out changes origin, the Moon’s craters are now
moon in a single calendar month. along with this pulsation. It was found known to have been caused by
The term can also be used to that the rate of change of this type of impacts from asteroids and meteors.
describe the blue-ish tint that is visible star was proportional to how brightly There is no atmosphere on the
on the moon, which is caused by they seemed to shine. Because of this, Moon and so no wind or rain to
volcanic activity. it is possible to work out how far away destroy the remains of the impacts
they are by measuring how bright which occurred in the early history
Blueshift they appear to be and then by timing of the Moon.
As an object moves towards you, their pulsations.
the wavelengths of light it gives off
will shift towards blue in the
visible spectrum.
Chromatic aberration
If a telescope has only one lens or has
a poorly constructed doublet lens, Doppler effect
then it might cause bright objects The change in a frequency of a wave
C to have a red or blueish halo around
them. Even the very best doublet lens
for an observer moving relative to its
source. This results in a redshift
Catadioptric can, however, show a little of this, but or blueshift.
This is a telescope that uses both it is usually barely noticeable if they
refraction and reflection techniques are of good quality. Doublet
to form an image. This refers to the lens consisting of
Cloud belts two pieces of glass is known as a
Celestial equator Saturn does not have a solid surface. ‘doublet’. Each lens in the system is
The Celestial equator is an imaginary It is made of gases, some of them made to a different shape, one being
line splitting the north and southern frozen and these gases rotate around convex (curving outward) and the
hemispheres, and runs along the the planet as it spins on its axis. This other concave (curving inward). This
Earth's actual equator. rotation causes the gases to form into helps to bring the light from the red
‘belts’, which we can see as having and blue ends of the spectrum to the
Comet slightly different colours. same focal point.
Doppler effect
The boundary of the heliosphere,
where the solar winds stop and the
interstellar medium begins. Magnitude
The perceived brightness of a
Heliosphere celestial object is called its apparent
The bubble of charged particles magnitude. The brightest star, Sirius, is
created by our Sun or another star, magnitude -1.4, while the faintest stars
protecting the planets from the visible with the unaided eye under a
harsher radiation in space. dark sky are around magnitude +6.0.
A pair of 10x50 binoculars will show
objects down to magnitude +11.0.
I Mascon
Interstellar clouds This is basically shortening for
A denser-than-average region of mass concentration, it is referring
space comprising of plasma and dust, specifically to a region of a planet
very similar to a nebula. or moon’s crust that contains
Light year (ly) gravitational anomalies.
Interstellar star Astronomers gauge cosmic distances
in terms of the time it takes for their Messier object
light – travelling at 300,000km per A list of astronomical objects
second (186,000 miles per second) – described by Charles Messier in the
to reach us. One light year measures 1700s, bodies are designated M1, M2,
about ten trillion (ten million million) M3 and so on.
kilometres – just a quarter of the
Interstellar medium distance to the nearest star. Our home Meteoroid
The region of space that is between galaxy, the Milky Way, is 100,000 light Refers to a small rocky or metallic
stars, outside of a years across. The nearest big galaxy object travelling through space.
star’s heliopause. is the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.6 million Meteoroids are much smaller than
light years away. an asteroid.
Inverted image
Finder scopes and many telescopes Local group Meteorite
will make the image appear upside Our group of galaxies, including the If a meteoroid survives atmospheric
down and back to front. Milky Way. A total of 54 galaxies make entry and impacts with the surface,
up the local group. what remains is known as a meteorite.
Irregular variables
These stars will vary in brightness at Local/Virgo Morning width
random intervals unlike many variable Also know as the rise width, this is the
stars which still happen to follow a Supercluster horizontal angular distance between
regular pattern to their variations. This refers to the supercluster than the rise azimuth of a celestial body
contains both the Virgo Cluster and and the East direction.
Local Group, which in themselves
K contain the Milky Way and
Andromeda galaxies.
Kuiper belt
A trans-Neptunian region comprised Luminosity
of asteroids and other small bodies This is the measurement of brightness,
that is 20 times larger than the specifically the total amount of energy
asteroid belt. emitted by a celestial body.
Neutron star
Remnants of a dead star that
are composed almost entirely of
P Pole star
This refers to the star Polaris which
neutrons. They are very hot. Parsec (pc) currently resides almost exactly over
A parsec is a measurement of cosmic the rotational axis of Earth at the
Nova distance based on parallax. Parallax North Pole. If you extend the North
A nova is a cataclysmic nuclear is the change in an object’s apparent Pole point out into space you get
explosion in a white dwarf due position with respect to more distant the north celestial pole. From the
to it pulling in material from a objects caused when the viewing northern hemisphere all of the stars
neighbouring star, characterised by a angle changes. Although the stars in the sky seem to rotate around
sudden brightening. are at incredible distances, the Earth’s this point.
orbit around the Sun is almost 300
million kilometres (186 million miles) Power
in diameter, so nearby stars exhibit a In astronomy, the term power is
small but measurable parallax against interchangeable with magnification.
the celestial sphere during the course This means that lower powers, like
of half a year (from one side of the those given by binoculars, afford a
orbit to the other). Since we know the relatively wide field of view, while
size of our baseline, the distance of telescope power can be adjusted by
stars displaying a measurable parallax changing the eyepiece. Traditionally,
can be ascertained. One parsec is the term applied only to the
the distance from the Sun to an magnifying ability of an element in
object with a parallax angle of one an optical system but now it is often
arcsecond, and is equal to 3.262 light understood to mean the system as
Nebula years. Proxima Centauri, the nearest a whole, including the objective
star, is 1.29 parsecs away. and ocular.
Precession Refraction
Precession causes different stars
to assume the roles of the pole
R As light passes through a different
medium, like glass, it bends or – to
stars. As the Earth spins, it wobbles Radial velocity use an alternative term – is refracted.
slowly, like a spinning top. The axis This is referring to an object’s velocity It was discovered that by controlling
running from pole to pole also then along the direct line of sight of the the shape of the glass (lens) it was
rotates, a complete cycle taking observer, with a positive value for possible to vary the point where the
about 26,000 years. During this time receding objects. image is formed behind the lens. This
the Sun’s position at the equinoxes is known as the focal length of the
drifts westward through the various Radiant lens and has a direct bearing on how
zodiacal constellations. According to astronomers, shooting much the lens can magnify.
stars in a meteor shower appear
Protostar to originate from a common point
The beginnings of a star, as mass unique to that shower, and this that
forms from the contraction of an is known as the radiant. Since the
interstellar cloud. meteors spread out from the radiant
none are observed to pass through it,
Pulsar unless they’re sporadic.
A type of Neutron star that is highly
magnetised and rotating. It emits a Ray system
beam of EM radiation that, due to the The radial streaks caused by an
rotation, seems to pulse. impact crater, caused by the fine
material thrown off the object that
impacted the surface.
Q Red giant
A rille is a narrow groove in the lunar
Quasar A star which has used up most of its surface with the appearance of a
Extremely luminous celestial objects fuel and has expanded and cooled channel or river. They may be the
that are distant and with a highly down giving it a distinctive orange/ result of ancient lava tube collapses.
energetic galactic core, surrounding a red tint. These are some of the largest
supermassive blackhole. stars in the universe. Roche limit
The distance from an object where
Quasar the tidal forces match the orbiting
bodies self-attraction, resulting in it
dispersing and forming a ring.
Semi-major axis
All circles have a fixed radius, where as
an ellipse does not. The semi-major
axis is basically the maximum length
that the radius of that specific ellipse
©ESO/M. Kornmesser
can be.
Semi-minor axis
The shortest distance to the edge of
an elliptical orbit from the centre, the
opposite of the semi-major axis.
Tidal acceleration
The effect of tidal forces from an
orbiting moon, causing the moon’s
rotation to initially stop, and the
planet’s rotation to slow.
Tidal locking
Due to tidal acceleration, most moons
are tidally locked to their planet –
they rotate at the same speed they
orbit, meaning we only see one side
of the Moon.
The opposite of an occultation –
when a smaller body passes in front
of a larger body. An example would
Q Charles Messier discovered what is now known as be when a planet passes in front of
Messier Objects in the 1700s the Sun.
Waning moon
This refers to the part of the Moon’s
phases where it’s completely
disappears from sight after there has
been a full Moon.
Q Stars and planets can form within a nebula
Waxing moon
This term is refering to when a
Trinary stars Visual back Moon is approaching a full Moon,
This refers to a system of three stars This is the hole at the rear of the which is described by astronomers as
orbiting each other, much like a telescope through which the light a waxing moon.
binary star. is brought to a focus. It consists
of a threaded ring which can White dwarf
True horizon accept all manner of accessories This refers to a star which has neared
The actual horizon of the planet Earth, including diagonal prisms to enable the end of its life and collapsed down
as opposed to one that is defined by comfortable viewing through an to a small hot ball of gas perhaps
gravity experienced by the observer. eyepiece and also cameras for only the size of the Earth but with the
recording what you see. same mass as our Sun.
True North
The classical North Pole, the point at Visual binary
which the Earth rotates around. This is
used in relation to the celestial pole.
A binary star which we know exists
because we can see it, rather than
need evidence from other parts of the Zenith
em spectrum. This refers to the direction vertical
U Vortex
above a location with respect to
gravity, the opposite of nadir.
Umbra A powerful spin set up in a gas or fluid
Parts of the shadow caused when around an axis, rather like the effect Zone of avoidance
a body is in front of a light source. when stirring a cup of tea! A hurricane The area of the night sky obscured by
The umbra is specifically the darkest is a type of vortex where clouds swirl the Milky Way, limiting the amount
shadow cast behind the body. around the ‘eye’ of the storm. we can observe in its direction.
V Zenith
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