How Not To Prove Poincare Conjecture
How Not To Prove Poincare Conjecture
How Not To Prove Poincare Conjecture
John R. Stallings
I have
ommitted | the sin of falsely proving Poin
are's Conje
ture. But that
was in another
ountry; and besides, until now no one has known about it.
Now, in hope of deterring others from making similar mistakes, I shall des
my mistaken proof. Who knows but that somehow a small
hange, a new interpre-
tation, and this line of proof may be re
In the ba
k of my mind when I
eived my proof was this theorem.
Theorem 0. (For n 6= 2). Let f : M ! K be a map of a
ted orientable
n-manifold into an n-
omplex, and let C1 , : : : , Ck be some of the n-simplexes of K
h that the degree of f on ea
h Ci is zero (that is, the homology map indu
ed by
f , Hn (M ) ! Hn (K; K int Ci ), is zero. Suppose f indu
es a homomorphism of
1 (M ) onto 1 (K ). Then f is homotopi
to a map into K (int C1 [ [ int Ck ).
A spe
ial argument establishes this theorem for n = 1. For n 3 we may argue
as follows. We shall make a number of
hanges on f whi
h will be independent
of ea
h other, sin
e n 3; hen
e we need only
onsider the
ase that k = 1 and
suppose that C1 is
overed twi
e with opposite orientations by f (M ). The inverse
image of a small
ell in C1 is the union of two
ells A and B in M . Let P be a path
in M from A to B ; fP represents an element of 1 (K ). Sin
e 1 (M ) ! 1 (K ) is
onto, we
an modify P by adding on a loop whose image represents the inverse of
fP ; thus we
an suppose fP is a null-homotopi
loop in K .
e the dimension of M is at least 3, we
hoose P to be a non-singular
path and
hange f by a homotopy in the neighborhood of P so that f (P ) C1 . If
T is a tube around P , then A [ T [ B will be an n-
ell mapped into C1 with degree
zero. A further homotopy within A [ T [ B will un
over a point of C1 ; by pushing
away from that point, we un
over all of int C1 .
But, in my proof of Poin
are's Conje
ture, I need this theorem for n = 2. The
argument above fails in this
ase for several reasons. We
annot un
over 2-
independently of ea
h other; we
annot make the path P non-singular; if P were
non-singular, the homotopy bringing f (P ) into C1 might
ause us to
over up
h we want to un
The reader may be able to pat
h up some of these points. If he pat
hes up all
these points, he will have proved the Poin
are Conje
ture (for we shall show how
Typeset by AMS-TEX
Theorem 0 for n = 2 implies the Poin
are Conje
ture) in
tly. For, Theorem 0
is false for n = 2: Consider a torus with two 2-
ells C1 and C2 atta
hed to kill the
fundamental group; there is a map of the 2-sphere into this
omplex; by a homotopy
an un
over either C1 or C2 , but not both simultaneously.
1. A
ture about the 3-sphere
In the 3-sphere S 3 let T be a tame 2-manifold su
h that both
omponents of
S 3 T have free fundamental groups. Let U and V denote the
losures of the
omponents of S 3 T .
ording to theorems of Papakyriakopoulos, both U and V are handlebodies.
The only
eivable su
h embedding of T is shown in Fig. 1.
[Figure 1 is a pi
ture of a standard 2-manifold embedded in R3 , bounding a han-
dlebody, with a
urve on it separating it into two pie
es, su
h that in ea
h half of
omplement in R3 , the
urve bounds a disk.℄
However, if the genus of T is greater than 1, this standard embedding has a
property whi
h does not seem to follow immediately from the fa
t that U and V
are handlebodies. Namely, there is a simple
urve C on T , not
on T , yet bounding 2-
ells both in U and in V .
ture A. The existen
e of su
h a
urve C
an be proved only from the
hypothesis that both U and V are handlebodies.
If we hope that Conje
ture A is true, a reasonable dire
tion to attempt a proof
of the Poin
are Conje
an be made as follows.
are's Conje
ture is that any simply-
ted 3-manifold M is a 3-sphere.
It is known that any orientable 3-manifold su
h as M , has a Heegaard representation
as U [ V , where U and V are handlebodies and U \ V is their
ommon boundary,
a 2-manifold T .
If the genus of T should happen to be one, then M is a lens spa
e, and so, if
ted, is a 3-sphere.
Assume that we
ould prove Conje
ture A for M , rather than for the 3-sphere:
That is, if the genus of T is greater than one, then on T there is a simple
urve C , not
tible on T , yet bounding 2-
ells in both U and V . Then we
ould write M as the
ted sum M1 # M2 of two manifolds whose Heegaard
representations would have less genus. And so by indu
tion on the genus, we would
know that M is indeed a 3-sphere.
2. Redu
tion to group theory
Let M = U [ V , T = U \ V be a Heegaard representation of a 3-manifold.
We obtain a diagram of fundamental groups, with homomorphisms indu
ed from
1 (U ) ' 1 (T ) ! 1 (V )
& # .
1 (M )
e ' and are homomorphisms onto, it follows from van Kampen's Theorem
that 1 (M ) is isomorphi
to the quotient of 1 (T ) by (ker ') (ker ). Hen
e M is
ted exa
tly when
' : 1 (T ) ! 1 (U ) 1 (V ):
The kernel of this homomorphism is
Therefore our geometri
problem has been \redu
ed", by virtue of Dehn's Lemma,
to the more algebrai
problem: Does ker '
ontain an element whi
an be
represented by a simple
urve on T ?
Now this
annot be true for arbitrary 3-manifolds, for if it were we would have
proved, \Every 3-manifold is a
ted sum of lens spa
es", whi
h is absurd.
Theorem 1. ' is a homomorphism onto, if and only if M is simply
First, if ' is onto, sin
e 1 (U ) 1 (V ) is the produ
t of the kernels of the
tions onto its fa
tors, it follows that 1 (T ) is the produ
t of ker ' and ker ,
and hen
e M is simply
Conversely, if M is simply
ted, then 1 (T ) = (ker ') (ker ). Let (; )
be an arbitrary element of 1 (U ) 1 (V ). Sin
e ' and are onto, there are 1 ,
1 in 1 (T ) su
h that '(1 ) = and (1 ) = . We
an de
ompose 1 and 1
thus: 1 = x2 , 1 = 2 y , where x and 2 belong to ker ' , and 2 and y belong
to ker . Then ' (2 2 ) = (; ). Hen
e ' is onto.
Now our \redu
an be stated as the following
ture B. Let T be an orientable 2-manifold of genus n > 1. Let F1 and F2
be free groups of rank n. Let : 1 (T ) ! F1 F2 be a homomorphism onto. Then
there is a non-trivial element of ker whi
h is represented by a simple
on T .
We have shown that Conje
ture B implies both the Poin
are Conje
ture and
ture A. It is likely that from the data of Conje
ture B we
an re
t a 3-
manifold; in whi
ase, then,
onversely, the Poin
are Conje
ture and Conje
ture A
together would imply Conje
ture B.