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BX - Console AMEK 9099 Manual

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bx_console AMEK 9099

bx_console AMEK 9099 is part of the growing line of Brainworx TMT console emulation plugins.
More details on our patented TMT (Tolerance Modeling Technology) inside this manual.
Developed by Brainworx Audio and distributed by Plugin Alliance


Brainworx´s most extensive TMT Console Emulation based on the

legendary AMEK 9098i Master Console designed by Rupert Neve.
Released at the turn of the millennium with the slogan “Artistry in
Analogue”, the Rupert Neve-Designed 9098i Master Console was one of
the highest achievements in analog console design. Today, it becomes
Brainworx most fully-featured console emulation plugin with the release
of the bx_console Amek 9099.

Musical EQs with comprehensive dynamic control

The AMEK 9099 has the kind of EQ you’d expect from a Rupert Neve
design, with wide, musical curves, capable of tightening up enough to give
you the precision you need without ever sounding “bad”. The dynamics
section goes even further than the norm, with a fully variable expander,
gate, compressor, and limiter, complete with extremely flexible Sidechain

Unique features not found in other consoles

The original AMEK 9098i was dotted with features not commonly found in
analog consoles of its day. The EQ shelves feature a “Sheen” and “Glow”
mode for even smoother boosts and cuts, while the parametric bands
include a “Notch” mode for even more precise cuts. A unique
“Ambience” switch in the dynamics section lets you easily hear exactly
what your compressor is doing. And, the onboard EQ can operate as a
fully parametric dynamics Sidechain Filter for even
more precise control of your compressor and limiter.

More features than any other bx_console plugin
The engineers at Brainworx improved on a good thing by adding
parameters not found on the original hardware. They added on a special
“Clip” function in the limiter for super fast and smooth soft clipping and
created a new fully-functional expander/gate with its own Sidechain
Filter, reminiscent of the classic gates from the 90´. And, for the first time
ever in a bx_console plugin, there’s even an onboard Mono Maker, Stereo
Width and Auto Listen control.

Tolerance Modeling Technology (TMT, US Patent No. 10,725,727)

simulates channel-to-channel variances in electronic components for the
most realistic analog sound.
The plugin version of this legendary piece of gear, continues the tradition
started with the first console emulation bx_console N in that it offers 72
channels based on “Tolerance Modeling Technology”. Every one of bx_
console AMEK 9099’s 72 channels offers a different channel by modeling
the slight channel-to-channel variances amongst the analog components.
Run a different channel across your entire mix and you can easily get the
depth, width and punch that the original Studio Console provided –– all
inside your DAW!
Most channel strip plugins on the market emulate a single channel of the
desk that they are modeled from. So no matter how many instances of
that single channel plugin you use in your mix, you get the same exact
equalization and compression curves, along with identical frequency and
phase response. And even if you use different control settings for each
plugin on a track, you still end up with a flat, narrow and two-dimensional
digital sound.

bx_console AMEK 9099
Plugin Manual

bx_console AMEK 9099 Dynamics / Filters

Plugin Manual 1 HPF On

Switches the High-Pass Filter On or Off.

2 LPF On
Switches the Low-Pass Filter On or Off.
5 6 2

3 HPF x 3 (Plugin-Only Feature)

3 Shifts the center frequency of the HPF band by a factor of 3. This is a

4 plugin-only addition and is not present in the original console.

4 LPF / 3
Shifts the frequency of the LPF by a factor of 1/3. This is a plugin-only
addition and is not present in the original console.

The High-Pass Filter operates over a frequency range of 20Hz to 300Hz
or 60Hz to 900Hz with a slope of 18dB/octave allowing the removal of
unwanted low frequency.

The Low-Pass Filter operates over a frequency range of 4.5kHz to 30kHz
or 1.5kHz to 10kHz with a slope of 18dB/octave. The extended range
allows the filter to remove unwanted harshness and sizzle.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Filter Routing
Routes filters to right after input section, into the dynamics side-chain or

Plugin Manual post comp/gate.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Dynamics / Gate

Plugin Manual 1 Gate In

Switches Gate On or Off.

2 Gate Expander
Switches to Expander Mode which will attenuate the signal with a variable
6 2 3
ratio when falling below the threshold with an over easy characteristic.

3 Gate Invert
When activating the inverse mode, you hear the parts of the signal that
1 would otherwise be attenuated by the gate, and vice versa.

4 Gate Threshold
Sets the threshold level below which the gate/expander attenuates the

5 Gate Threshold Range

Shifts the threshold range by -30 dB for low level signals

6 Gate Range
Controls the depth of Gating or Expansion. When turned fully anti-
clockwise (Range = 0), this section is inactive.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Gate Expand
Switch between Gate and Expander Mode.

Plugin Manual
2 Expander Ratio / Gate Hold
In Expander mode - Expander Ratio
This controls the ratio by which the signal is attenuated when it is below
the threshold, while the range knob still limits the maximal attenuation.
1 3
In Gate mode - Gate Hold
The control determines the time after the signal has decayed below the
threshold before the gate closes.

3 Gate Release
Controls the speed at which the Gate/Expander reduces the signal level
once it has passed below the threshold
4 Gate Release Linear
This option offers an alternative release curve shape with a linear course
in terms of dB throughout the whole gain reduction range, whereas the
default mode has a more exponential curve, meaning the level decreases
faster at the beginning of a release event and slows down towards the
maximum gain reduction defined by range.

5 Gate Attack
Switches between three different settings for the gate Attack. While
medium is the universal setting, fast is designed to maintain the fast
transients of material such as drums, while the slow setting is specifi-
cally designed to cut off transients for smooth fade-ins.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Gate Key Listen
Lets you listen to the signal at the gate sidechain input which will trigger

Plugin Manual the gate. This can be an external sidechain signal or the original channel
signal, and you will hear the effect of the Gate LPF and HPF filtering. If
EQ or Filters are routed to the sidechain, you will also hear the effect of

2 Gate HPF
Activates additional HPF in the gate sidechain and controls the Cutoff

3 Gate HPF Q
Switches the Gate HPF to a high Q factor in order to pronounce the
frequencies right above the cutoff frequency.

4 Gate LPF
Activates additional LPF in the gate sidechain and controls the Cutoff


5 Gate LPF Q
Switches the Gate LPF to a high Q factor in order to pronounce the
frequencies right below the cutoff frequency.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Compressor Section

Plugin Manual 1 Comp in

Switches Compressor On or Off.

2 Threshold

1 2 3 5 6 Adjusts the level setting at which gain reduction begins to occur.

3 Ratio
Sets the ratio at which the signal above a given
threshold is compressed.

4 Hard Knee
Selects a different shape to the compression curve. When not selected,
compression begins gradually as the signal exceeds the threshold. It only
reaches the set ratio several dB above the threshold. Selecting Hard Knee
makes the change less gradual.

5 Release
Controls the time the signal needs to recover from compression when the
level falls below the threshold.

6 Auto-Release
Switches in automatic Release mode instead of the manual release pot.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Attack
Determines how quickly compression is applied once the level of the

Plugin Manual source signal has risen above the threshold.

2 Makeup Gain
Controls the gain added post-compression to make up for attenuation.

3 1 2
3 Ambience (AMBNC)
When ambience is selected, the output signal is neither the compressed/
limited signal nor the input signal, it is the difference between them. If
controls are adjusted so that no gain reduction takes place, the input and
the output signals are identical with the difference between them being
zero. With „ambience“ selected, the output will also be zero i.e. silence.
Note that under some conditions, the phase of the signal passing through
will be altered. For ambience mode to have any effect, the signal must
undergo gain reduction, therefore all the compressor/limiter controls
influence the ambience effect.

Note that, differing from the hardware, in the plugin the limiter section
does not have any influence on the ambience mode, it only acts on the
compressor. Also the compressor makeup Gain will not be included in the
difference signal, but is applied after the ambience effect in order to have
intuitive control over the volume also when this effect is used.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Comp Mix (Plugin-Only Feature)
The Compressor Mix lets you blend between the compressed (all

Plugin Manual compressor section processing, including makeup gain and ambience)
and uncompressed signal, for parallel compression.

2 Comp HP (Plugin-Only Feature)

The Compressor High-Pass adjusts the cutoff frequency of an additional
1 2
Highpass filter at the start of the compressor sidechain.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Dynamics / Limiter

Plugin Manual 1 Limiter In

Switches Compressor On or Off.

2 Limiter Threshold
Sets the threshold level at which gain reduction begins to occur.
1 2 4

3 Limiter Makeup Gain (Plugin-Only Feature)

Controls gain added post-limiting to make up for attenuation or to push
the output signal.

4 Limiter Release
Controls the time the signal needs to recover from limiting when the level
falls below the Threshold.

5 Limiter Fast Attack

Selecting „fast“ allows even short term transients to cause gain reduction.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Limiter Clip (Plugin-Only Feature)
Lets you clip off very fast transients (using ultra fast attack and release

Plugin Manual times), while effectively bypassing the release time setting. With transient
loaded signals like drums, this can work great to reduce peaks while
leaving the overall signal intact, and can act more subtle than normal
limiting. However, on other sources this can introduce obvious distortion,
which can of course still be used creatively. The Fast Attack Mode makes
the clipping of the transients even harsher.

2 Limiter Mix (Plugin-Only Feature)

Lets you blend between the limited (all limiter section processing,
including makeup gain) and unaffected signal.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Dynamics / Global options

Plugin Manual
1 Ext Key
Selects external key signal to be used in the comp/gate . You can route an
External Sidechain signal to the plugin Dynamics if your DAW supports
this. When engaged, the Compressor / Gate will react to the External
Signal instead of the input signal of the plugin.

2 Link
Links two stereo channels, so that the same gain reduction is applied on
both channels for each of the compressor, gate and limiter sections.
For Compressor and Limiter, gain reduction is maximized over both
channels, while for the gate it is minimized, meaning that it is possible
that the signal on one channel opens the gate on both.


2 3

bx_console AMEK 9099 EQ

Plugin Manual 1 HF In
Switches Band On or Off.

2 HF Gain
Controls the gain of the HF band with a variable cut/boost range of +/-
4 2 5

3 HF Frequency
Controls the frequency of the HF band at a frequency range
of 2kHz to 21kHz.

4 HF Peak
Switches in a peak filter instead of a shelving filter for the
HF Band.

5 HF Sheen
Switches to a wider Bandwidth characteristic for the HF shelf
or peak filter that alter the curve from the standard steep to more broad,
gentle slopes.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 HMF In
Switches Band On or Off.

Plugin Manual
2 HMF Gain
Controls the gain of the HMF band with a variable cut/boost range of +/-
18dB. If the Mid Band is in Notch Mode the cut range is -19dB to 0.

4 2 6
3 HMF Frequency
Controls the frequency of the HMF band at a frequency range of 500Hz
to 4.5kHz or 1kHz to 9.5kHz.

3 4 HMF x 2 (Plugin-Only Feature)

5 Shifts the center frequency of the HMF band by a factor of 2. This is a
plugin-only addition and is not present in the original console.

The Q control defines the bandwidth over which the HMF control is active.
The Q range is 0.65 to 2 providing gentle enhancement using a low
setting to a hard resonant sound using a high setting. The higher settings
generate a narrow and sharper response curve.

6 HMF Notch
Switches from Peak to Notch filter.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 LMF In
Switches Band On or Off.

Plugin Manual
2 LMF Gain
Controls the gain of the LMF band with a variable cut/boost range of +/-
18dB. If the LMF Band is in Notch Mode the cut range is -19dB to 0.

4 2 6
3 LMF Frequency
Controls the frequency of the LMF band at a frequency range of
100Hz to 1.0kHz or 50kHz to 500kHz.

4 LMF / 2
Shifts the center frequency of the LMF band by a factor of 1/2. This is a
1 plugin-only addition and is not present in the original console.

5 5 LMF Q
Controls the quality factor of the LMF band.
The Q control defines the bandwidth over which the LMF control is active.
The Q range is 0.65 to 2 providing gentle enhancement using a low
setting to a hard resonant sound using a high setting. The higher settings
generate a narrow and sharper response curve.

6 LMF Notch
Switches from Peak to Notch filter.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 LF In
Switches Band On or Off.

Plugin Manual
1 LF Gain
Controls the gain of the LF band with a variable cut/boost range of +/- 18dB.

6 LF Frequency
4 4 2 6
Controls the frequency of the LF band at a frequency range of 30Hz to 300Hz.

4 LF Peak
Switches to a Peak filter instead of a shelving filter for the LF Band.

5 LF Glow
Switches to a wider Bandwidth characteristic for the LF shelf or
peak filter that alter the curve from the standard steep to more broad, gentle

3 6 Auto Listen
5 When Auto Listen is activated, when changing the frequency or Q of one of
5 the EQ Bands, only the affected Frequencies are solo‘ed, bypassing all other
sections, while the mouse is clicked and moved.

1 EQ in
Switches the entire EQ section On or Off.

1 EQ Routing
Routes the EQ section either pre comp/gate, post comp/gate, or into the
sidechain of the Comp/Gate section .
bx_console AMEK 9099 Master Section

Plugin Manual 1 Input Gain

Adjusts the input level of the plugin

2 V Gain - Virtual Gain

Adds noise that is artificially created
3 2 1


Adds colorful Saturation and Density (on a per channel basis). The default
5 setting is - 75dB. Use higher settings (up to -30 dB) for almost screaming
3 6
6 distortion or dial down the Saturation to -120 dB for ultra-clean channels.

4 Console Channel Numbers L&R (TMT Section)

Switches between 72 different Console Channels. In a Stereo instance, two
adjacent Channel numbers will be displayed. Each channel has its own,
different character! This is achieved by including about 150 resistor and
capacitor tolerances in the modeling which correspond to the real-world
component tolerance ranges, as specified by the component manufac-
turers and / or the hardware designers. Tolerance Modeling Technology
(TMT, US Patent No. 10,725,727) simulates channel-to-channel variances
in electronic components for the most realistic analog sound: a true
THD Tip: Brainworx invention.
Some heavier THD settings can make drums, guitars
and vocals sound much rougher, which can add a certain 5 Phase
vibe that is desirable for many styles of music. I loooove Inverts the polarity of the signal.
screaming consoles...
6 Mute
Mutes the signal output.
bx_console AMEK 9099 6 Stereo Mode
Analog: 2 differently modelled TMT channels

Plugin Manual Digital: the same TMT channel used for both channels
This button is only available On stereo instances, and is the crux of brain-
worx´s Tolerance Modelling Technology (TMT) feature. When ANALOG is
activated, small inherent differences between the modeled componentry
in each left and right channel will produce a pleasing, analog sound, as
though one were working between two adjacent channels on an actual
console. With the button switched to DIGITAL, the two stereo channels will
be identical in circuitry, providing a theoretically perfect, digital sound.

6 Random Channel
Whenever you instantiate a bx_console plugin on a channel, it will start

with the Default setup, which is Channel 1 in a flat setting.
You can now randomize a channel by clicking one of the RANDOM options
in the plugin.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Random ONE
The very plugin instance you see on screen and click on will switch to

Plugin Manual any unused channel number in that session randomly. The plugin will
remember which channel numbers are already used in a session and use
an unused channel number, unless you are using more than 72 channels.
At that point the plugin obviously would have to use a channel number
that has already been used.

2 Random ALL
If you have many channels of bx_console running in your mix session, you
can make sure to be using different channel numbers for every single
instance with a single mouse click now! In most hosts you can add a
copy of the same plugin to every channel with a keyboard shortcut (for

example click ALT on a Mac to put a bx_console plugin on every channel
of your Mac ProTools version automatically!).
Imagine opening 48 channels with one click and then randomizing all the
channel numbers with a second mouse click. Done.
This is possible now.

3 Meter Position
Switches between metering of input and output signals

4 Output Gain
Adjusts the output level of the plugin.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Dirk‘s Tip:
One very cool way of using the

Plugin Manual RANDOM ALL feature is to finalize

a mix and bounce it, then save
the whole mix session. Now you
can play back the song and click
RANDOM ALL a few times on any
instance of bx_console, and you
will notice that the “timbre” or tone of your mix will change ever so slightly,
depending on the use or abuse of the individual EQs and Dynamics, of
course. The more processing you apply, the more obvious the differences

Now by clicking through different randomized channel combinations, you

may actually find one that sounds a bit darker or brighter, a bit punchier
or smoother than your original mix. Why not save 1 or 2 alternative mix
sessions and bounce them, so your client can choose between 2 or 3
different “flavors” of the otherwise identical mix?

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Mono Maker In
Switches the Mono Maker On or Off

Plugin Manual
2 Mono Maker Frequency
This tool is a critical component to several Brainworx processors, and it is
an invaluable tool when mastering or tightening up a mix. Sweepable from
20 Hz to 22 kHz, this parameter folds the processed sound to mono at and
below the frequency set. The most common setting is between 100-200
Hz, below which bass frequencies reside, where common practice deems
that most sound should be mono. Other uses include folding an entire mix
in order to check mono compatibility and avoid phase incoherency.

3 Stereo Width In
Switches the stereo width On or Off.

4 Stereo Width
1 Make your mix wider than it originally was by increasing the Stereo Width

3 without losing the center of your recordings! You will not lose bass drum

power or vocals by making your mix wider this way... and it will not sound
different played back in mono at all. If you notice your Correlation Meter
(e.g. bx_meter) showing less than 90°, dial up the Mono Maker a bit to
tighten up the low-end until acceptable levels are shown.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Metering

Plugin Manual 1 Overload

Overload Indicator.

2 PPM - Quasi Peak Programme Meter

The PPM Meter is referenced per default to 0dBu = -20 dBFS, while this
can be adjusted by the user as a global preference for all sessions and
instances, using the corresponding textedit in the Splashscreen. The
default value can be restored by clicking the default button.

3 VU
The VU Meter is referenced per default to 0 VU = -10 dBFS (= +10dBu in
default), while this can be adjusted by the user as a global preference
for all sessions and instances, using the corresponding textedit in the
Splashscreen. The default value can be restored by clicking the default

4 Compressor Gain Reduction
This meter shows the gain reduction of the compressor section (leaving
out the influences of makeup gain and mix controls).

5 Limiter Gain Reduction

This meter shows the gain reduction of the limiter section (leaving out the
influences of makeup gain and mix controls).

6 Gate / Expansion Gain Reduction

This meter shows the gain reduction of the Gate/Expander.
bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Meter Calibration
The reference value for both level meters can be adjusted via the corre-

Plugin Manual sponding text fields in the info screen, which can be accessed by clicking
on the Brainworx / AMEK logos.
By default, the PPM meter reference is set to 0 dBu = -20 dBFS.
The VU Meter is set to 0 VU = -10 dBFS, which in turn corresponds to
0 VU = +10 dBu in the default setting. Using the text fields, you can
customize the meters according to the standard you are used to work
with or depending on the ‘hotness’ of your material. Your settings will
be stored for all instances and sessions. You can always go back to the
default reference levels by clicking on the default buttons.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Top Toolbar

Plugin Manual 1 Undo / Redo

You can undo and redo changes you made to the controls of the bx_console
AMEK 9099 plugin at any time. The UNDO / REDO will work for as many as
32 steps. This makes experimenting and tweaking knobs easy. If you don‘t
like what you did... just undo it
1 2

2 Settings (A/B/C/D)
The bx_console AMEK 9099 plugin offers four internal settings (A/B/C/D)
which will be stored with every preset. So, one preset can contain up to
four settings.
You may use similar settings with more or less compression or EQ boost
in one setup /preset.
Now, the SETTINGS can be automated in your DAW! This way it is possible
to use different sounds for your lead vocals or drums in various sections
of the song. Automate the A/B/C/D settings, and you can still tweak knobs
of the individual settings without overriding multiple parameters in your
DAW, which would be time-consuming.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 Copy / Paste
To set up variations of similar sounds you don‘t have to dial in the settings

Plugin Manual several times.

Let‘s say you like your setting A and want to use the same sound, just with
less compression, as setting B.

• Simply press COPY while you are in setting A.

1 2
• Switch to setting B by pressing ‘B’ in the settings section.
• Press PASTE, now setting B is identical to setting A.
• Reduce the compression on the B setting.

Now you can switch between A & B and decide which one sounds best or
automate different settings for various sections of your session.

2 M/S Monitoring (for Stereo Channels only)

• Solo M: Solos the Mid (Sum) signal being processed by the plugin.
• Solo S: Solos the Side (Difference) signal processed by the plugin.
• Both disengaged: Standard stereo (L/R) processing output.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 V Gain ALL (-30 dB to +20 dB)
This parameter lets a user add an additional offset to the V Gain parameter

Plugin Manual of all the same console instances in his current session. Even with the
offset, the original range of the V Gain parameter is never exceeded. If V
Gain is explicitly set to “Off” (fully counter-clockwise), it will stay Off, even
when V Gain ALL adds an offset.

Example 1
The V Gain is set to -95 dB and V Gain ALL is set to +20 dB. The effective
V Gain will be -75 dB.

Example 2
The V Gain is set to -75 dB and V Gain ALL is set to +20 dB. The effective V
Gain will be -70 dB. It is limited at the upper range.

Example 3
The V Gain is set to “Off” and V Gain ALL is set to +20 dB. The effective V
Gain will still be Off.

The parameter only influences consoles of the same type, e.g. if set on
bx_console AMEK 9099, it will not influence bx_console SSL 4000 G and
other console plugins.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 THD ALL (-60 dB to + 30 dB)
This parameter lets a user add an additional offset to the THD parameter

Plugin Manual of all the same console instances in his current session. Even with the
offset, the original range of the THD parameter is never exceeded. If THD
is explicitly set to “Off” (fully counter-clockwise), it will stay Off, even
when THD ALL adds an offset.

Example 1
The THD is set to -60 dB and THD ALL is set to +20 dB. The effective THD
will be - 40 dB.

Example 2
The THD is set to -35 dB and THD ALL is set to +20 dB. The effective THD
will be - 30 dB. It is limited at the upper range.

Example 3
THD is set to “Off” and THD ALL is set to +20 dB. The effective THD will
still be Off.

The parameter only influences consoles of the same type, e.g. if set on
bx_console AMEK 9099, it will not influence bx_console SSL 4000 G and
other console plugins.

bx_console AMEK 9099 1 UI
Since we are in love with our products, we decided to go the extra mile in

Plugin Manual terms of detail: For a true-to-life experience, you can now switch
the user-interface from a new unit to a used one (complete with finger-
prints, scratched LCD and dirt). This however does not change the sound.

bx_console AMEK 9099 Bottom Toolbar

Plugin Manual 1 PA Logo

Clicking the Plugin Alliance logo takes you to the Plugin Alliance website
via your web browser, that´s if your computer is online.

2 License Type
The toolbar displays information about the type of license you’re running:
Trial licenses will be displayed along with the number of days until
expiration; there is no note for full licenses as these are unlimited.

3 $ (Icon)
If you are using a demo / trial version of our products, you can always click
this icon to open a browser that redirects you to the respective product
page in the Plugin Alliance store. This is where you can easily purchase a
product without having to look it up on our website.

4 Key (Icon)
Clicking on the key icon brings up the activation dialog, allowing you
to manually reauthorize a device in the event of a license upgrade or
addition. You can also use this feature to activate additional computers
or USB Flash Drives.

5 ? (Icon)
Clicking the ? icon opens up a context menu that links to the product
manual PDF, as well as other helpful links, e.g. to check for product
updates online. You must have a PDF reader installed on your computer
to be able to read the manual.
Artist Presets AMEK 9099 Matt Weiss
Matt Weiss is a Grammy-nominated, platinum recording and mixing

Gilles engineer who’s worked with artists like Akon, Swae Lee, Jeremih, Chris
Tim “Rumblefish” Gilles is a 40 year veteran Audio Engineer and former Brown, Sonny Digital, Nicky Minaj, Becky G, Anitta, Rick Ross, Farruko,
owner of Big Blue Meenie Recording Studios in Jersey City NJ. Currently and Ozuna.
Tim partners with our sister studio Big Blue North in Utica, NY and has
commenced work at Big Blue South, our studio in Tasmania, Australia Mike Exeter
where he currently resides. Tim has worked with such bands as Thursday, Mike Exeter is an English sound engineer and record producer who came
SOD, Anthrax, The Bouncing Souls, Taking Back Sunday, Agnostic Front, to prominence via his work with British rock bands Cradle of Filth, Judas
Sick of it All and many others. In Tim’s career he has been a Mix Engineer, Priest, Black Sabbath, and more.
Mastering Engineer, Record label owner of Black Pumpkin Records and He is also known for his work with the British guitar player Tony Iommi,
has worked on 800+ records. Tim owned and worked on a Neve 9098i for being his longstanding creative studio partner. In 2013 he received a
19 years. Grammy for his work on the Black Sabbath album 13.

Eric Racy
Eric Racy is a platinum selling mixer, producer, engineer and remixer
with credits and clients that include Katy Perry, Pharrell, Tyga, Jonathan
Davis, Akon, 2NE1, Ministry, Lil Wayne, Big Sean, Busta Rhymes, Photek
and many more.


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