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AF SASO ISO 17089-1:2020

ISO 17089-1: 2019
Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits —
Ultrasonic meters for gas —
Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and allocation
ICS: 17.120.10

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Org (SASO)


this document is a draft saudi standard circulated for comment. it is, therefore
subject to change and may not be referred to as a saudi standard until approved
by the board of directors.

The Saudi Standards ,Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO)has adopted the International
standard No. ISO 17089:2019 “Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Ultrasonic meters for
gas - Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and allocation measurement ” issued by (ISO). The text of this
international standard has been translated into Arabic so as to be approved as a Saudi standard without

introducing any technical modification.


Contents Page

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms, definitions and symbols ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Quantities ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1.2 Meter design...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Thermodynamic conditions ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Statistics.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Symbols and subscripts.............................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Abbrevations.................................................................................................................................................. 12
4 Principles of measurement....................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Basic formulae ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Factors affecting the performance ......................................................................................................... 14
Description of generic types..................................................................................................................... 14
General ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Transducers ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Meter body and acoustic path configurations ................................................................................... 15
Average velocity calculation .................................................................................................................... 17
Contributions to the uncertainty in measurement .......................................................................... 17
Reynolds number ......................................................................................................................................... 18
USM classification ........................................................................................................................................ 18
5 Meter characteristics .................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1 Operating conditions .................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1.1 Flow rates and gas velocities.................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.2 Pressure ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.3 Temperature .................................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1.4 Gas quality ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Meter body, materials, and construction............................................................................................. 21
5.2.1 Materials .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.2 Meter body ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.3 Connections .................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.4 Dimensions ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.5 Ultrasonic transducer ports ..................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.6 Pressure tappings ........................................................................................................................................ 22
5.2.7 Anti-roll provision ....................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.8 Flow conditioner .......................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.9 Markings .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

5.2.10 Corrosion protection................................................................................................................................... 24

5.3 Transducers ................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3.1 Specification ................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3.2 Rate of pressure change ............................................................................................................................. 24
5.3.3 Transducer characterization ................................................................................................................... 24
5.3.4 Path configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3.5 Marking ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.3.6 Cable.................................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.3.7 Robustness...................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.4 Electronics ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.4.1 General requirements ................................................................................................................................ 23
5.4.2 Display.............................................................................................................................................................. 24

5.4.3 Power supply.................................................................................................................................................. 24

5.4.4 Signal detection method ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.4.5 Sampling or pulsating flow ....................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.6 Signal-to-noise ratio .................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.7 Alarm signal.................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.8 Processing of data ........................................................................................................................................ 24
5.4.9 Output ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.10 Cable jackets and insulation ..................................................................................................................... 25
5.4.11 Marking ............................................................................................................................................................ 25

5.5 Software ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.5.1 Firmware ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.5.2 MODBUS communication data specification ...................................................................................... 25
5.5.3 Discontinuity .................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.5.4 Marking and version management ........................................................................................................ 25
5.5.5 Monitoring and recording of measuring and diagnostic data ...................................................... 26
5.5.6 Correction functions and parameters ................................................................................................... 26
Inspection and verification functions ................................................................................................... 26
Exchange of components ........................................................................................................................... 27
Secondary measurements ......................................................................................................................... 27
General ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Pressure measurement .............................................................................................................................. 27
Temperature measurement ..................................................................................................................... 27
Performance requirements ...................................................................................................................... 30
General ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Accuracy requirements .............................................................................................................................. 30
5.8.3 Influence of pressure, temperature, and gas composition ............................................................ 32
5.9 Operation and installation requirements ........................................................................................... 32
5.9.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.9.2 Operational requirements ........................................................................................................................ 32
5.9.3 Installation requirements ......................................................................................................................... 34
5.9.4 Manual handling and transportation .................................................................................................... 36
5.10 Documentation .............................................................................................................................................. 37
5.10.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
5.10.2 Generic meter documentation ................................................................................................................. 37
5.10.3 Particular meter documentation ............................................................................................................ 38
6 Test and calibration..................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1 Pressure testing and leakage testing..................................................................................................... 38
6.2 Individual testing — Static testing ......................................................................................................... 38
6.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
6.2.2 Timing and time delays .............................................................................................................................. 38
6.2.3 Zero flow verification test ......................................................................................................................... 38

6.3 Individual testing — Flow calibration .................................................................................................. 39

6.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
6.3.2 Laboratory flow calibration...................................................................................................................... 39
6.3.3 Judging the measurement performance of the meter ..................................................................... 42
6.3.4 Adjustment and records............................................................................................................................. 42
7 Type testing .................................................................................................................................................... 42
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
7.2 Accuracy ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
7.3 Installation conditions................................................................................................................................ 43
7.4 Path failure simulation and exchange of components .................................................................... 43
7.5 Electronics design testing.......................................................................................................................... 44
8 Audit trail and diagnostics for meter verification............................................................................ 44
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
8.2 USM Lifecycle Process ................................................................................................................................. 45
8.3 Production and Factory Acceptance Test ............................................................................................ 50
8.4 Initial Flow Calibration .............................................................................................................................. 51
8.5 Site installation and site acceptance test ............................................................................................. 51
8.6 Operation ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
8.7 Diagnostic warning and alarm levels in operation .......................................................................... 53
8.7.1 MSOS and MSOS ratios warning & alarm levels................................................................................. 53
8.7.2 Velocity ratios warning & alarm levels ................................................................................................ 54
8.7.3 S/N ratios warning & alarm levels ......................................................................................................... 54

8.8 Service and recalibration .......................................................................................................................... 54
8.8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 54
8.8.2 Service Related Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 54
8.9 Diagnostic parameters ............................................................................................................................... 56
8.9.1 Speed of sound .............................................................................................................................................. 56
8.9.2 Automatic gain control ............................................................................................................................... 58
8.9.3 Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) ........................................................................................................................ 58
8.9.4 Acoustic signal acceptance........................................................................................................................ 58


Flow profile .................................................................................................................................................... 58
Standard deviation/turbulence .............................................................................................................. 59
Operational practice ................................................................................................................................... 59
Temperature and pressure correction................................................................................................. 59
Correction for the temperature .............................................................................................................. 60
Correction for the pressure ...................................................................................................................... 62
Annex A (informative) Registration of error bands...................................................................................... 63
Annex B (informative) Derivation and correction of USM errors ............................................................ 64
Annex C (informative) Valve characterization and noise in a metering and regulating station .. 68
Annex D (informative) The calibration time of ultrasonic flow meters ................................................ 80
Annex E (informative) Detailed calculation of geometry-related temperature and pressure
corrections ...................................................................................................................................................... 84
Annex F (normative) MODBUS communication data specification ....................................................... 109
Annex G (informative) Disturbance tests ....................................................................................................... 113
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................... 115



ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the
ISO list of patent declarations received (see

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions
related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade
Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see

This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 30, Measurement of fluid flow in closed
conduits, Subcommittee SC 5, Velocity and mass methods.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 17089-1:2010), which has been technically
revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:

— Clause 3 has been revised;

— Formulae have been corrected throughout the document;

— editorial and terminological changes throughout the document;

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at



Ultrasonic meters (USMs) for gas flow measurement have penetrated the market for meters rapidly since
2000 and have become one of the prime flowmeter concepts for operational use as well as custody transfer
and allocation measurement. Next to the high repeatability and high accuracy, ultrasonic technology has
inherent features like: negligible pressure loss; high rangeability; and the capability to handle pulsating
USMs can deliver extended diagnostic information through which it may be possible to demonstrate the
functionality of an USM. Also, the measured speed of sound of the USM may be compared with the speed of
sound calculated from pressure, temperature, and gas composition, to check the mutual consistency of the

four instruments involved. Due to the extended diagnostic capabilities, this document advocates the
addition and use of automated diagnostics instead of labour-intensive quality checks.
This document focuses on meters for custody transfer and allocation measurement (class 1 and class 2
meters). Meters for industrial gas applications, such as utilities and process, as well as flare gas and vent
measurement, is the subject of ISO 17089-2.
Typical performance factors of the classification scheme are:

AF Class
Typical applications
Custody transfer
Utilities and process
Flare gas and vent gas
Required accuracy class
class 0.5 or class 1.0
class 1.5
This document
This document
ISO 17089-2
ISO 17089-2
Typical configurations for class 1 and class 2 meters are multi-path meters with chords at different radial
Typical configurations for class 3 and class 4 meters are single-path meters, meters with only diametrical
paths, insertion type meters, household type, stack or chimney type, and flare type meters.

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Ultrasonic
meters for gas — Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and
allocation measurement

1 Scope

This document specifies requirements and recommendations for ultrasonic gas flowmeters (USMs), which
utilize the transit time of acoustic signals to measure the flow of single phase homogenous gases in closed
This document applies to transit time ultrasonic gas flowmeters used for custody transfer and allocation
metering, such as full-bore, reduced-area, high-pressure, and low-pressure meters or any combination of
these. There are no limits on the minimum or maximum sizes of the meter. This document can be applied
to the measurement of almost any type of gas, such as air, natural gas, and ethane.
Included are flow measurement performance requirements for meters of two accuracy classes suitable for
applications such as custody transfer and allocation measurement.
This document specifies construction, performance, calibration, diagnostics for meter verification, and
output characteristics of ultrasonic meters for gas flow measurement and deals with installation
It is possible that national or other regulations apply which can be more stringent than those in this

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
lSO 4006, Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Vocabulary and symbols
ISO 5168, Measurement of fluid flow — Procedures for the evaluation of uncertainties

ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 4006 and the following apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at

— IEC Electropedia: available at

3.1.1 Quantities
volume flow rate


qV 

V is volume
t is time
absolute gas pressure in a meter under flowing conditions to which the indicated volume of gas is related

average velocity
volume flow rate divided by the cross-sectional area

3.1.2 Meter design

meter body
pressure-containing structure of the meter
acoustic path
path travelled by an acoustic signal between a pair of ultrasonic transducers
axial path
path travelled by an acoustic signal entirely in the direction of the main pipe axis

Note 1 to entry: An axial path can be both on or parallel to the centre-line or long axis of the pipe, see Figure 1.
Figure 1 — Axial path
diametrical path
acoustic path whereby the acoustic signal travels through the centre-line or long axis of the pipe

Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2 for a representation.


Figure 2 — Diametrical paths
chordal path
acoustic path whereby the acoustic signal travels parallel to the diametrical path

Note 1 to entry: See Figure 3 for a representation.

Figure 3 — Chordal paths

3.1.3 Thermodynamic conditions

metering conditions
conditions, at the point of measurement, of the fluid whose volume is to be measured

Note 1 to entry: Metering conditions include gas composition, gas temperature, and gas pressure.

[SOURCE: ISO 9951:1993, 3.1.6, modified — the term fluid is used instead of gas.]
base conditions

conditions to which the measured volume of the fluid is converted

Note 1 to entry: Base conditions include base temperature and base pressure.

[SOURCE: ISO 9951:1993, 3.1.7, modified — the term fluid is used instead of gas.]

3.1.4 Statistics
measurement error
the error of measurement is the measured quantity value minus a reference quantity value

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.16]

EXAMPLE Measured quantity value of meter under test minus quantity value of reference meter.
calibration curve
set of measurmement errors, at a number of different flow rates, with respect to a known reference
quantity meter
maximum permissible error
extreme value of measurement error, with respect to a known reference quantity value, permitted by

specifications or regulations for a given operational range of the meter

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 4.26, modified — the term measurement has been removed from the
definition, thus the current term can be abbribivated by MPE.]
maximum peak-to-peak error
maximum difference between any two error values
closeness of the agreement between the results of successive measurements of the same measurand
carried out under the same conditions of measurement

Note 1 to entry: The repeatability shall be calculated in absolute terms for the meter error as the type A uncertainty
in a single measurement (UAS) according to ISO 5168. The coverage factor k95 shall be derived from the Student’s
distribution for a 95,45 % confidence level depending on the number of measurements taken. See ISO 5168:2005,
Table C.1.

 i 1  E i  E 
n 2

rp  U AS  k 95
 n  1
Typical values of the coverage factor k95 are:
3 5 7 10 100 ∞
Coverage factor k95 4,53 2,87 2,52 2,32 2,02 2,00
closeness of the agreement between the results of measurements of the same measurand carried out under
changed conditions of measurement
smallest difference between indications of a meter that can be meaningfully distinguished

[SOURCE: ISO 11631:1998, 3.28, modified — the term meter has been replaced by flowmeter.]
zero flow reading
flow-velocity reading when the gas is assumed to be at rest, i.e. both the axial and non-axial velocity
components are essentially zero

way of reducing the non-linearity and offset of the ultrasonic meter readingby applying corrections in the

Note 1 to entry: The linearization can be applied to meter electronics or in a flow computer connected to the USM.
The correction can be, for example, piece-wise linearization or polynomial linearization.

3.2 Symbols and subscripts

The symbols and subscripts used in this document are given in Tables 1 and 2. Examples of uses of the
volume flow rate symbol are given in Table 3.
Table 1 — Symbols

Quantity Symbol Dimensionsa SI unit

Cross-sectional area A L2 m2
Speed of sound in fluid
Outside pipe diameter
Inside diameter of the meter body
Modulus of elasticity; Young modulus meter body
Modulus of elasticity; Young modulus tranducer
Indicated flow error

Weighting factor (live inputs) fi — 1
Integers (1, 2, 3, …) i, j, n — 1
Impulse factor I L−3 m−3
Calibration factor K — 1
Body style factor Ks — 1
Body end correction factor KE — 1
Velocity distribution correction factor kh — 1
Flange stiffening factor Kf — 1
Minimum distance to a specified upstream flow
lmin L m
Typical averaging length in the ultrasonic flow meter LAV L m
Noise amplitude Lp — dB

Path length lp L m
Attenuation factor Nd — 1
Valve-weighting factor Nv — 1
Absolute pressure p ML−1T−2 Pa
Pressure difference Δp ML−1T−2 Pa
Emitted acoustic pressure pn ML−1T−2 Pa
Signal strength of the USM Ps ML−1T−2 Pa
Volume flow rate qV L3T−1 m3/s

Outside pipe radius R L m

Inside pipe radius r L m
Reynolds number Re — 1
Repeatability rp — 1
Repeatability during calibration rcal — 1
Absolute temperature of the gas T Θ K
Temperature difference ΔT Θ K
Time t T s

Standard deviation of the instantaneous turbulent
u* — 1
standard deviation of the required turbulent scatter
ud — 1
after averaging
Velocity v LT−1 m/s
Average velocity v LT−1 m/s
Velocity of the acoustic path i
Weighting factor (fixed value)

Coefficient of thermal expansion
Error at a flow rate qV,i



Pipe wall thickness δ L M
Dynamic viscosity η L−1MT−1 Pa⋅s
Wavelength of ultrasonic oscillation λ L M
Poisson ratio μ — 1
Density of fluid ρ ML−3 kg/m3
Sensing point for pressure measurement pm — —
Path angle ϕ — rad
a M ≡ mass; L ≡ length; T ≡ time; Θ ≡ temperature.

Table 2 — Subscripts

Subscript Meaning
cal calibration

min minimum
max maximum
op operational
t transition

Table 3 — Examples of flow rate symbols

Symbol Meaning
qV, max, 20 Designed maximum flow rate, designed for maximum gas speed of 20 m/s


qV, max, x Designed maximum flow rate, designed for maximum gas speed of x m/s
qV, max, op Operational maximum flow rate; defined only when smaller than designed maximum
qV, max, cal Highest flow rate calibrated; defined only when smaller than operational maximum
qV, min Designed minimum flow rate
qV, t Transition flow rate for defining accuracy requirements
3.3 Abbrevations

CMC calibration and measurement capability
ES electronics system
FAT factory acceptance test
FC flow conditioner
FWME flow-weighted mean error
AF metering and regulating stations
Maximum permissible error
measured speed of sound
Site Acceptance Test
signal-to-noise ratio
speed of sound
TSOS theoretical speed of sound
USM ultrasonic flow meter
USMP USM package, including meter tubes, flow conditioner, and thermowell
4 Principles of measurement
4.1 Basic formulae

USMs are based on the measurement of the propagation time of acoustic signals in a flowing medium.
Figure 4 shows the basic system setup. On both sides of the pipe, at positions A and B, are mounted
transducers capable of transmitting and receiving ultrasonic sound signals. These transducers transmit
sound signals within such a short interval that the speed of sound (SOS) is identical for both measurements
and their transit times are measured. With zero flow, the transit time from A to B, tAB, is equal to the transit

time from B to A, tBA. However, if there is flow, the transit time of the sound signal from A to B decreases
and the one from B to A increases, according to (ignoring second order effects, such as path curvature):
t AB  (1)
 c  vcos 
t BA  (2)
 c  vcos 

lp is the path length;
c is the SOS;
v is the average velocity;
ϕ is the path angle;
tAB, tBA are transit times of the acoustic signal.


A, B positions
lP path length
average velocity
path angle

Figure 4 — Basic system set-up

Formula (3) for the measured gas velocity can be derived by subtracting Formula (2) from Formula (1):
lp  1 1 
vi     (3)
2cos  t AB t BA 
Note that the term for the SOS in the gas has been eliminated in Formula (3). This means that the
measurement of the gas velocity is independent of the properties of the gas, e.g. pressure, temperature,
and gas composition.
In a similar way, the SOS can be derived by adding Formulas (1) and (2) and rearranging:
lp  1 1 
c    (4)
2  t AB t BA 

In multi-path meters, the individual path velocity measurements are combined by a mathematical function
to yield an estimate of the average velocity:
v  f  v 1 v n  (5)

where n is the total number of paths. Due to variations in path configuration and different proprietary
approaches to solving Formula (7), even for a given number of paths, the exact form of f(v1 ... vn) can differ.
To obtain the volume flow rate, qV, multiply the estimate of the average velocity, v, by the cross-sectional
area of the measurement section, A, as follows:


qV  A  v (6)

4.2 Factors affecting the performance

The performance of a USM is dependent on a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors (i.e.
those related to the meter and its calibration prior to delivery) include:
— the geometry of the meter body and ultrasonic transducer locations and the uncertainty with which
these are known (including the temperature and pressure coefficient);

— the accuracy and quality of the transducers and electronic components used in the transit time
measurement circuitry (e.g. the electronic clock stability);

— the techniques utilized for transit time detection and computation of average velocity (the latter of
which determines the sensitivity of the meter to variations in the flow velocity distribution);

— adjustments (including proper compensation for signal delays in electronic components and

Extrinsic factors, i.e. those related to the flow and environmental conditions of the application, include:
a) the flow velocity profile including swirl and skewness;

b) change of wall roughness due to corrosion, solid and liquid contamination over time;

c) the temperature distribution;

d) flow pulsations;

e) noise, both acoustic and electromagnetic;

f) temporary or permanent buildup resulting in a reduction of the meter body cross sectional area.

4.3 Description of generic types

4.3.1 General

This generic description of USMs for gases recognizes the scope for variation within commercial designs
and the potential for new developments. For the purpose of description, USMs are considered to consist of
several components, namely:
a) transducers;

b) a meter body with acoustic path configuration;


c) electronics;

d) a data-processing and presentation unit.

4.3.2 Transducers

Transducers are supplied in various forms. Typically, they comprise a piezoelectric element with electrode
connections and a supporting mechanical structure with which the process connection is made. The
transducers for custody transfer and allocation measurement are installed in a wetted (in direct contact
with the fluid) mounting arrangement. Typical arrangements are shown in Figure 5. The process
connections for wetted transducers may be welded, flanged, threaded or may be more mechanically
complex, e.g. to allow the removal of transducers from a pressurized line. The active element is usually
separated from the fluid by an acoustic coupling element housing. The transducers are orientated such that
the active element transmits ultrasonic signals at an angle to the meter body axis in the direction of a
second transducer or reflection point in the meter body interior.
For specific applications, special transducers can be required. These can differ from the norm in terms of
frequency, construction materials and mechanical arrangement. Transducer specification and mounting
should be given careful consideration for extreme or difficult application conditions such as:
a) high and low temperature;

b) high and low pressure;

c) high gas velocities;

d) high acoustic attenuation;

e) close proximity to high pressure drop throttle valve (potential of in-pipe ultrasonic noise);

f) rapid or cyclic temperature or pressure changes;

g) corrosive or erosive gas (sour gas);

h) gas with traces of moisture or dirt.

Figure 5 — Typical transducer arrangements

4.3.3 Meter body and acoustic path configurations General

USMs are available in a variety of path configurations. The numbers of measurement paths are generally
chosen based on a requirement with respect to variations in velocity distribution and required accuracy.

As well as variations in the radial position of the measurement paths in the cross-section, the path
configuration can be varied in orientation to the pipe axis. By utilizing reflection of the ultrasonic signal
from the interior of the meter body or from a fabricated reflector, the path can traverse the cross-section
several times. Basic acoustic paths types

Common acoustic path types are illustrated in Figure 6.


Figure 6 — Basic acoustic path types for multi-path meters Commonly used multi-path cross-sectional configurations

The cross-sectional configuration dictates what information about the axial velocity distribution is
available for the computation of the average axial velocity. Selections of commonly encountered cross-
sectional configurations are shown in Figure 7.

a) Multi-path parallel chord b) Multi-path parallel chord reflective

c) Single path mid-radius reflective d) Multi-path mid-radius and diametric

e) Multi-path parallel crossed chord f) Multi-path in plane crossed chord

Figure 7 — Selections of commonly encountered cross-sectional configurations

4.3.4 Average velocity calculation

Meters with paths of equal radial displacement [e.g. Figure 7 c) and f)] essentially make the same
measurement with respect to velocity distribution if the flow is axisymmetric, regardless of the number of
paths employed. In such cases, the average velocity, v, is determined by a simple arithmetic mean. In fully
developed flow, a theoretical correction factor, kh, can be introduced to account for the known variation in
velocity profile. This, however, applies only to fully developed flow, not to disturbed flows.

v  kh
 i 1v i (7)

n is the total number of paths;
vi is the flow velocity measured on path i.

The kh factor is a function of the Reynolds number, pipe roughness, and radial displacement. In practice, it
can be input as a single constant or may be calculated on the basis of static parameters or measured
In the case of meters with paths at off-diameter positions [e.g. Figure 7 e) and d)], the velocity is measured
at different radial positions. Several methods can be used when combining the velocities to obtain the
average pipe velocity. These can be classified as follows.
Summation with constant weighting:

w i v i
i 1

where the radial displacements of the paths and the constants, w1 to wn, are determined on the basis of
documented numerical integration methods.
Or summation with variable weighting:
v  fi vi (9)
i 1

where the radial displacements of the paths are fixed at design and the variables, f1 to fn, may be determined
from input parameters or measured variables (e.g. velocities).
In any of the given configurations, a multiplying or calibration factor, K (either constant or variable), may
be applied after summation to correct for deviations due to manufacturing tolerances and incomplete
assumptions, i.e.
qV  K  A  v (10)

The rules and tolerances for implementing corrections and linearization by calibration factor K are given
in 5.8 and 6.3.3.
4.4 Contributions to the uncertainty in measurement

The total volume flow, qV, measured by a USM can be calculated using Formula (11):
n  1
l 1 
qV  A  K  f i 2cosi i  t AB,i  t BA ,i  (11)
i 1  


Considering this equation, the total uncertainty depends upon the individual uncertainties of all factors
involved. Four sources can be distinguished:
a) the uncertainty in the calibration factor, K, which is a function of both the calibration uncertainty and
the correction method applied. K is a function of qV;

b) the uncertainties in the measurements of the transducers and in the geometry of the meter body;

c) the uncertainty in the live input weighting factor or flow profile correction factor, f;

d) the uncertainty in the transit time and transit time difference measurement.

After calibration and adjustment, the errors in indicated flow rate, qV, caused by l, ϕ, A, and f are
compensated for by multiplying the right-hand side by a calibration factor, K. The only remaining
uncertainty at the calibration site is that of the calibration factor, K.
NOTE Transferring the meter to the field, there is an additional uncertainty due to the specific operating
conditions and installation conditions in the field, which differ from those at the calibration site.

Re 
4.5 Reynolds number

The flow profile is a function of the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number is calculated from the known
inside diameter of the body, d, the measured average velocity, v, density, ρ, and the dynamic viscosity, η.
v d  


The instant average velocity and the density, for which pressure is the dominant factor, are the main
contributors in changes of the Reynolds number for a specific gas.
The impact of changes in the Reynolds number on the calibration factor of a single path depends on the
path configuration of the USM. For Reynolds numbers greater than 10 000, the impact ranges from
approximately 1 % per decade for a diametrical path to less than 0,3 % per decade for a chordal path at a
half-radius position. For high Reynolds numbers for instance at high pressures and/or high flow velocity,
the change of the flow profile becomes insignificiant and the calibration factor will become a constant
The path configurations of most ultrasonic multi-path meters are designed to reduce the impact to a
negligible amount per decade.
Nevertheless the calibration factor may change with respect to Reynolds number changes due to the
working pressure especially for flow rates below qV,t. The manufacturer shall specify the applicable
pressure range and whether during calibration, as well as during operation, the actual values for the
density and the viscosity shall be entered in the ES of the USM. See also 5.8.3.
4.6 USM classification

To aid the user in making a meter selection based on the demanded accuracy, a USM can be classified by
application. This process involves dividing the meters available into classes of performance as outlined in
Table 4. Only classes 1 and 2 are suitable for custody transfer and allocation duties. Other classes deal with
other measurement applications and are covered by ISO 17089-2.
Table 4 — USM classification

Class Typical applications Required accuracy class

1 Custody transfer class 0.5 or class 1.0
2 Allocation class 1.5 or better


The two classes are intended to represent typical measurement specifications commonly applied in
industry. Depending on the importance of measurement with respect to regulatory or custody transfer
demands, the total uncertainty budget for the system differs.

5 Meter characteristics
5.1 Operating conditions
5.1.1 Flow rates and gas velocities

The maximum flow rate and the minimum flow rate shall be specified by the manufacturer for the gas
densities for which the meter operates within the specifications of the meter performance defined in 5.8.
The maximum flow rate, in cubic metres per hour, of the meter depends on the maximum gas velocity the
meter is designed for.
The flow range for bidirectional applications is: −qV, max < qV < −qV, min and qV, min < qV < qV, max.
5.1.2 Pressure
Ultrasonic transducers used in USMs require a minimum gas density to ensure acoustic coupling of the
sound signals to and from the gas where pressure is the predominant factor of gas density. Therefore, the
gas composition and the minimum operating pressure as well as the maximum operating pressure shall be
5.1.3 Temperature

The manufacturer or supplier shall specify the operating and ambient temperature ranges for the
equipment being offered, inclusive of meter body, field-mounted electronics, and its associated peripherals
and cabling as well as ultrasonic transducers.
5.1.4 Gas quality

The meter shall operate within the relevant accuracy limits for all gases for which the meter is intended to
be used.
The presence of some components in the gas can impact on the performance of a meter. In particular, high
levels of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in a gas mixture can influence and even inhibit the operation of a
USM owing to their acoustic absorption properties.
Deposits which may be present in a process (e.g. condensates, glycol, amines, inhibitors, water or traces of
oil mixed with mill scale, dirt or sand) may affect the accuracy of the meter by reducing its cross-sectional
area, by reducing the effective acoustic path length and by obstructing the emitted and received ultrasonic
The manufacturer should be consulted if any of the following are expected:
a) when the acoustic-signal-attenuating carbon dioxide levels are above 3 % molar fraction or the

occurrence of carbon dioxide in large meters (>12″);

b) when the hydrogen levels are above 10 % molar fraction;

c) when the operation is near the critical density of the natural gas mixture (crossing a phase boundary
causing retrograde condensation resulting in 2 phase flow);

d) when the total sulfur level, from materials such as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans (thiols), and
elemental sulfur, exceeds 320 µmol/mol (which is corrosive and may require resistant materials or
additional wall thickness allowance);

e) deposits.

5.2 Meter body, materials, and construction

5.2.1 Materials

The meter body and the internal mechanism shall be manufactured from materials suited to the service
conditions and resistant to attack by the fluid which the meter is to handle. Exterior surfaces of the meter
shall be protected as necessary against corrosion. Internal surfaces of the meter shall be designed to resist
changes to the internal cross-sectional area and the wall roughness to the extent required so that meter
accuracy is not endangered.

5.2.2 Meter body

The meter body and all other parts comprising the fluid-containing structure of the meter shall be
constructed of sound materials and designed to handle the pressures and temperatures for which they are
5.2.3 Connections
The inlet and outlet connections of the meter shall conform to recognized standards, e.g. ANSI (class 300,
600, 900, etc.), DIN, and JIS.
5.2.4 Dimensions General

The flanges of the USM shall both have the same inside diameter to within 1 % of each other. An USM with
an inside diameter equal to the flange diameter shall be indicated as “full bore”. An USM of inside diameter
smaller than the flange diameter shall be indicated as “reduced bore”. Any measurement of the bore of the
meter should be within 0,5 % of the average over the length of the meter or, in the case of reduced bore
meters, the measurement zone. Geometrical parameters of the measuring section

The manufacturer shall measure and document:

a) the average inside diameter representative for the measuring section of the meter;
b) the length of each acoustic path between transducer faces;

c) the inclination angle of each acoustic path or the axial (meter body axis) distance between transducer

d) the uncertainty of measurements a) to c);

e) the meter body material;


f) the meter body coefficients for pressure and temperature expansion.

The meter body temperature shall be measured and documented at the time these measurements are
made. The individual lengths shall be reported to the smallest practicable uncertainty. All instruments used
to perform these measurements shall have valid calibrations traceable to internationally recognized
5.2.5 Ultrasonic transducer ports

Since the measured gas may contain some impurities (e.g. light oils or condensates), transducer ports shall
be designed to reduce the possibility of liquids or solids accumulating in the transducer ports. The USM

transducer ports may also be equipped with devices to allow safe draining of any accumulated fluids (e.g.
double block and bleed).
The USM may be equipped with valves or necessary additional devices, mounted on the transducer ports,
in order to make it possible to replace the ultrasonic transducers without depressurizing the meter run. In
that case, a bleed valve shall be required in addition to the isolation valve to ensure that no excess pressure
exists behind a transducer before releasing the extraction mechanism.
Note the conditions for exchange of components (5.6).
5.2.6 Pressure tappings

At least one metering-pressure tapping, drilled perpendicular in the top ±85°, shall be provided on the

meter body or on the piping adjacent to the meter for the full bore flow meter to enable direct measurement
of the static pressure under metering conditions.
For a reduced bore flow meter, the metering pressure tapping shall be provided on the meter body in the
reduced bore section.
The connection of the pressure tapping shall be marked “pm” to be used at both the installation and
calibration. If more than one “pm” tapping is provided, the difference in pressure readings shall not exceed
100 Pa at maximum flow rate at ambient conditions.
Meters have the option of utilising tappings in the pipework adjacent to the meter providing the difference
in pressure readings does not exceed 100 Pa at maximum flow rate at ambient conditions.
Depending of the end user piping standards the pressure connection shall be either a screwed or flanged
type design.
A meter may be equipped with other pressure tappings in addition to the pm tapping. These may serve to
determine the pressure drop over a part of the meter or for other purposes. The other pressure tapping
shall be marked “p”.
The centre-line of the tapping shall meet the pipe centre-line and be at an angle of 90° to it. At the point of
breakthrough, the hole shall be circular. The edges shall be flush with the internal surface of the pipe wall
and as sharp as possible. To ensure the elimination of all burrs or wire edges at the inner edge, rounding is
permitted, but shall be kept as small as possible and, where it can be measured, its radius shall be less than
one-tenth of the pressure tapping diameter. No irregularity shall appear inside the connecting hole, on the
edges of the hole drilled in the pipe wall, or on the pipe wall close to the pressure tapping. Conformity of
the pressure tappings with the requirements specified may be judged by visual inspection. The diameter
of the pressure tapping shall have a minimum bore diameter of 3 mm and a maximum bore of 12 mm. The
pressure tapping shall be circular and cylindrical over a length of at least 2,5d1, where d1 is the inside
diameter of the tapping hole, measured from the inner wall of the pipeline. The centre-line of the pressure
tapping may be located in any axial plane of the pipeline.
The installation of a pressure tapping in close proximity to a transducer port should be avoided.
5.2.7 Anti-roll provision

The meter shall be designed so that the meter body does not roll when resting on a smooth surface with a
slope of up to 10 %. This is to prevent damage to the protruding transducers and electronic system (ES)

when the USM is temporarily set on the ground during installation or maintenance work.
The meter shall be designed to permit easy and safe handling during transportation and installation;
however, the anti-roll provision alone is not sufficient during transportation. Hoisting eyes or clearance for
lifting straps shall be provided.
5.2.8 Flow conditioner

A flow conditioner irremovably attached to the meter is deemed to be part of the meter.
A USM package is formed when the flow conditioner is positioned at a distance less than Lmin. The package
consists of the flow conditioner, inlet spool and the meter. In a bidirectional setup, a thermowell is also
part of the USMP. Calibration shall always be done with the whole measurement package or a simulated


package consisting of a upstream pipe and the same make and model flow conditioner (all of the same
exact dimensions, inner wall conditions and type) may be considered.

1 upstream spool

flow conditioner
inlet spool
ultrasonic flowmeter (USM)
outlet spool
temperatur sensor (TS)
≥2D (preferably 3D).
≥XD (Specified by the manufacturer).
TS 2D to 5D (Outlet spool 3D to ≥6D).
Flow primary direction (Forward).

Figure 8 — Typical drawing of USMP

For the USMP and the simulated USMP, it shall be guaranteed that all components are mounted in correct
direction and orientation as in the field situation. For this purpose the direction and orientation should be
permanently marked on these components.
Any other flow conditioner upstream of a USMP is regarded as part of the “installation” or of the
“calibration facility”.
5.2.9 Markings

Nameplates shall include the following:

a) manufacturer, model number, serial number, and month and year of manufacture;

b) meter size, flange class, and total mass;


c) meter body design code and material, flange design code and material;

d) maximum and minimum operating pressure, and operating temperature range;

e) the nominal maximum and minimum actual volume flow rate per hour over the calibrated range;

f) direction of positive or forward flow;

Nameplates may include the following:

g) purchase order number or shop order number;

h) legal metrology approval identification;

i) transition actual volume flow rate per hour.

Each transducer port shall be permanently marked with a unique designation for easy reference.
5.2.10 Corrosion protection

Immediately after production, the inner surface of the meter, spool pieces, and flow conditioners should
be protected from corrosion.
5.3 Transducers

5.3.1 Specification

The acoustic frequency shall be specified.

5.3.2 Rate of pressure change

Rapid depressurization of a USM may cause damage to the transducer or the coating on the inner wall,
resulting in a change of the characteristics of the meter. It shall therefore be ensured that the meter runs
are depressurized as slowly as possible and, in the absence of information from the manufacturer, a rate
of no greater than 0,5 MPa/min is recommended.
5.3.3 Transducer characterization

If the flowmeter electronics system (ES) requires specific transducer characterization parameters,
documentation of all parameters which are unique to each transducer, or transducer pair, shall be
5.3.4 Path configuration

In a multi-path arrangement, the number of chords, their positioning and the integration technique used
affects the measurement uncertainty as well as its sensitivity to changes in the flow profile. The number of
transducer pairs, the number of reflections per path and the attachment method into the conduit
(protruding, retracted flush or wall-mounted) shall be specified.
5.3.5 Marking

Each transducer shall be permanently marked with a unique serial number.

5.3.6 Cable

If the USM is sensitive to the characteristics of the individual transducer cable, then the cable shall be
treated as an integral part of the meter and it shall be marked with a warning indicating the characteristic
not to be changed, e.g. length.
5.3.7 Robustness

The wetted part of the transducer shall be manufactured of materials suited for the service conditions and

resistant to attack by the fluid which the meter is exposed to.

5.4 Electronics
5.4.1 General requirements

The ES of a USM usually include power supply, microcomputer, signal processing components, and
ultrasonic transducer excitation circuits.
It shall be verified that the ES operates over its specified range of environmental conditions without a
significant change in meter performance. The ES operating the transducers shall be capable of
withstanding electromagnetic discharge as specified in 7.5. Intrinsically safe designs and explosion-proof
enclosure designs shall comply with national requirements.

The ES shall contain a self-monitoring function to ensure automatic restart in the event of a program lock-
5.4.2 Display

The meter shall have the capability for local and/or remote display.
5.4.3 Power supply

The manufacturer shall specify the necessary power supply, the tolerance on the voltage variation, and the

power consumption. The reaction of the USM to power interruptions and voltage drops shall be specified.
5.4.4 Signal detection method

The signal detection method shall be designed to ensure reliable time measurement; this implies accurate
detection of start and stop triggers, use of a precision clock, and resistance to systematic errors like “peak-
switching”, etc.
5.4.5 Sampling or pulsating flow
The meter shall cope with non-steady flow. For that purpose, acoustic signals may be fired at a non-
constant rate. The manufacturer shall specify the maximum flow fluctuation frequency.
5.4.6 Signal-to-noise ratio

The USM shall indicate the S/N ratio per transducer or per acoustic path.
5.4.7 Alarm signal

The meter shall trigger an alarm when the performance of the meter deteriorates due to for low S/N or
signal acceptance rate for example.
5.4.8 Processing of data

The processing section shall, in addition to determining the volume flow rate from the measured transit
times, be capable of rejecting invalid measurements. The indicated volume flow rate may be the result of
one or more individual velocity determinations. The percentage of valid measurements to performed
measurements may be indicated for every acoustic path by the USM.
5.4.9 Output

The meter shall be equipped with at least one of the following outputs:
a) serial data interface; e.g. RS-232, RS-485, or fieldbus;

b) a frequency output representing flow rate at metering conditions;

c) a digital status output.


The time-integrated values of outputs a) and b) shall match better than 0,02 % in every arbitrary interval
of 100 s for flow rates above qV, min.

The meter may be equipped with the following outputs:

a) additional frequency outputs;

b) additional status outputs;

c) additional data interfaces (e.g. Ethernet, read-only serial port);

d) analogue (4 mA to 20 mA) outputs.

Flow rate outputs shall function up to 120 % of the maximum flow rate, qV,max,cal, of the meter. A low flow
cut-off function may be provided that sets the flow rate output to zero when the indicated flow rate is below
a minimum value.
NOTE Setting the output to zero at low flow can cause problems if the USM output is used to control valve

Two separate flow rate outputs or serial data values may be provided for bidirectional applications to
facilitate the separate accumulation of volumes by the associated flow computer(s).
All outputs shall be isolated from ground and have the necessary voltage protection to meet the electrical

testing requirements.
For control purposes, output signal(s) of the measured flow shall be updated at a frequency of not less than
1 Hz.
5.4.10 Cable jackets and insulation

Cable jackets, rubber, plastic, and other exposed parts shall be resistant to ultraviolet light, water, oil, and
5.4.11 Marking

Each electronic assembly shall be permanently marked with a unique version number for easy reference.
A list of electronic assemblies, including version number, shall be kept up to date by the manufacturer as
part of version management.
5.5 Software
5.5.1 Firmware

Computer codes responsible for the control and operation of the meter shall be stored innon-volatile
memory. All flow calculation constants and operator-entered parameters shall also be stored in non-
volatile memory.
It shall be possible to verify all constants and parameters while the meter is in operation. A firmware check-
sum and event log shall be provided to validate that no unauthorized changes have been made to the
5.5.2 MODBUS communication data specification

The USM shall provide a defined data structure (see Annex F) for serial communication to simplify the data
communication to a communication system (e.g. flow computer or data acquisition system).
The data communication protocol is based on the publicly available specifications of the "Modbus
Organization, Inc."[83].
5.5.3 Discontinuity

When exposed to a continuous increase or decrease of flow, the firmware shall be designed to avoid a step
change in the calculated output flow rate.
5.5.4 Marking and version management

The manufacturer shall maintain a record of all firmware revisions including the revision serial number,
date of revision, applicable meter models and circuit board revisions, and description of changes to
firmware performed by them or by their representative.
The firmware revision number, revision date, serial number, and checksum shall be available for inspection
of the firmware chip, display or digital communications port.


The manufacturer may offer firmware upgrades from time to time to improve the performance of the meter
or add additional features. The manufacturer shall notify the user if the firmware revision affects the
accuracy of a flow-calibrated meter.
5.5.5 Monitoring and recording of measuring and diagnostic data

The meter shall have the capability to monitor and record as a minimum the following data:
a) actual volume flow rate;

b) totalizers;

c) average velocity;

d) average SOS;

e) individual path velocity;

f) AF
individual path SOS;

g) percentage of accepted signals for each acoustic path;

h) S/N ratio or equivalent (gain control);


status and measurement quality indicators;

alarm and failure indicator.

5.5.6 Correction functions and parameters

Both at operation and calibration, correct parameter settings for Reynolds correction, body expansion
correction and calibration curve correction should be used. This is valid either when these parameters are
inside the USM or inside the flow computer attached to the USM. This is valid either when actual pressure
and actual temperature are entered as fixed values or from live inputs.
Reynolds correction parameters are density and viscosity.
Body expansion correction parameters are actual pressure, calibration pressure, actual temperature,
calibration temperature, thermal expansion coefficient, Young modulus, Poisson ratio and dimensional
Calibration curve correction parameters are either a set of flow rates and deviations, or a set of parameters
that determine polynomial correction according to the design of the calibration curve correction
The software of the USM and/or the flow computer attached to the USM should allow the operator to enter

the correct settings of these parameters. Care should be given not to activate a correction mechanism twice,
both in the USM and in the flow computer attached to the USM.
5.5.7 Inspection and verification functions

It shall be possible to view and print the flow measurement configuration parameters used by the ES, e.g.
calibration constants, meter dimensions, time averaging period, and sampling rate. Provisions shall be
made to prevent an accidental or undetectable alteration of those parameters that affect the performance
of the meter. Suitable provisions include a sealable switch or jumper, or a permanent programmable read-
only memory chip with verifiable checksum/event log alarms.
Provide the following alarm status output:

a) output invalid: when the indicated flow rate output is invalid (required);

b) partial failure: when one or more of the multiple ultrasonic path results is not usable (required);

c) warning: when any of several monitored parameters fall outside normal operation for a significant
length of time (optional).

5.6 Exchange of components

It should be possible to replace or relocate similar types of transducers, electronic parts and software
without a significant change in meter performance. The fault due to the interchange of such a component
shall not be more than one third of the MPE for the corresponding meter class. Otherwise the meter shall

be recalibrated.
The above statements shall be made clear in the meter metrological approval.
Procedures to be used when such components have to be exchanged, including possible mechanical,
electrical or other measurements and adjustments, shall be specified.
From every event with the ultrasonic flowmeter (calibration, repair, etc.), a full list of the relevant “as-
found”, “as-calibrated” and “as-left” parameters shall be available.
If parts are replaced by newer or different versions, advantages and disadvantages shall be specified.
The manufacturer shall provide a reputable method of version management.
5.7 Secondary measurements
5.7.1 General

For the conversion of volume flow under metering conditions to mass flow or volume flow under base
conditions, secondary measurements are required.
5.7.2 Pressure measurement

The pressure tapping marked “pm” shall be used as the pressure sensing point (see 5.2.6).
5.7.3 Temperature measurement

For unidirectional flow, the thermowell shall be installed 2D ≤ x ≤ 5D downstream of the USM, but upstream
of any outlet valve, diameter steps or flow restrictions. It is important that the thermowell be correctly
installed to ensure the heat transfer from the piping and the thermowell attachment and radiation effects
of the sun do not influence the temperature reading. The recommended insertion length for thermowells
shall be such that the tip protrudes between D/10 and D/3. Special probe designs may be required for
insertion lengths greater than D/3.
In case of density meters are used, the same installation rules for the pockets apply.
Some installations require the installation of two or even three thermowells (back-up measurement or
validation measurement). Additionally, safety regulations may prescribe large well dimensions. The
thermowell shall be installed such that the ambient temperature does not influence the gas temperature

For applications where the ambient temperature can be significantly different (>5 °C) from the gas
temperature, thermal insulation or shading of the upstream pipe section, the USM assembly and the
downstream section, as far as 1D beyond the furthest thermowell, shall be installed, unless the meter is
operating above qV, t.
For bidirectional use with two USMs in series, it is possible for the thermowell to be installed in between
the two meters. An example of a bidirectional flow installation where two USMs are employed with the
thermowell located in the centre section is given in Figure 11. Both the number and sizes of the
thermowells or densitometer pockets exacerbate the flow perturbation.


The thermowell vortex shedding frequency at high gas velocities shall not excite the natural vibration
frequency of the thermowell to the point of failure; conical thermowells are advised. With the
thermowell(s) upstream of the USM, they shall be positioned such that it is not in line with one of the
acoustic paths. Also they should not be placed in line with each other in order to avoid the amplification of
the vortex generated by the thermowell.
In Figure 9 an example is shown whereby 2 thermowells are used in combination with an ultrasonic flow
meter having horizontal paths.

Figure 9 — Thermowells positioned not in line with any of the ultrasonic paths

For smaller pipe diameters (<6”) alternatives to intrusive thermowell-based technologies, like surface
mounted temperature measurement elements, may be considered where it can be demonstrated that both
the accuracy and the response time of the temperature measurement device are such that it does not
compromise the overall uncertainty of the calculated flow rate. This may be particularly advantageous
when considering bidirectional metering systems where flow disturbances are to be minimized.
5.8 Performance requirements
5.8.1 General

The USM shall be designed and manufactured such that its errors do not exceed the applicable MPE over
the full operating pressure, temperature, and gas composition ranges, with inputs or a correction
algorithm, if necessary. The necessary correction algorithms and inputs shall be specified. If a correction
algorithm is not necessary, an additional uncertainty due to pressure, temperature, and composition
changes shall be specified. If the USM requires a manual input to characterize the flowing gas condition,
e.g. gas density and viscosity, the sensitivity of the USM to these parameters shall be specified so that the
operator can determine the need to change these parameters as operating conditions change. The

concerning parameter settings shall be documented both during calibration and in operation.
5.8.2 Accuracy requirements

Table 5 — Accuracy requirements

Accuracy class
0.5 1.0 1.5
Maximum permissible error (MPE)
for qV ≥ qV, t ±0,5 % ±1,0 % ±1,5 %


for qV, min < qV < qV, t ±1,0 % ±2,0 % ±3,0 %

Maximum peak-to-peak error
for qV ≥ qV, t <0,5 % <1,0 % <1,0 %
for qV, min < qV < qV, t <1,0 % <2,0 % <2,0 %
Maximum permissible flow weighted mean error prior any adjustment (see 6.3.3)
FWME 0,5 % 1,0 % 1,5 %
Repeatability under flowing conditions during calibration rcal
for qV ≥ qV, t 0,17 % 0,33 % 0,5 %

for qV, min < qV < qV, t 0,33 % 0,66 % 1,0 %
for qV ≥ qV, t 0,17 % 0,33 % 0,5 %
Transition flow rate
qV, t qV,t ≤ 0,1 qV, max, cal
AF Speed of Sound deviation
MSOS deviation from TSOS
MSOS spread between acoustic paths
≤±0,2 %
≤0,5 m/s

qV volume flow rate
ΔqV/qV flow rate measurement error, in %
1 unadjusted meter curve calibration results
MPE maximum permissible error
qV, 0 zero flow rate limit
qV, t transition flow rate


qV, max designed maximum flow rate

qV, min designed minimum flow rate
rcal uncertainty in the mean meter error, see chapter
Δp-p, max maximum peak-to-peak error for meters

Figure 10 — Performance requirements envelope

5.8.3 Influence of pressure, temperature, and gas composition

The USM shall meet the above accuracy requirements over the full operating pressure, temperature, and
gas composition ranges, with inputs or a correction algorithm, if necessary. The necessary correction
algorithms and inputs shall be specified. If a correction algorithm is not necessary, an additional
uncertainty due to pressure, temperature, and composition changes shall be specified. If the USM requires
a manual input to characterize the flowing gas condition, e.g. gas density and viscosity, the sensitivity of
the USM to these parameters shall be specified so that the operator can determine the need to change these
parameters as operating conditions change. The concerning parameter settings shall be documented both
during calibration and in operation.
5.9 Operation and installation requirements
5.9.1 General

All influences from the installation, or the way the installation is operated, that increase the uncertainty of
the USMP shall either be neutralized or compensated. Minimum distances to flow disturbing objects shall
be specified. Subclause 5.9 applies to calibration (see Clause 6) as well as to operation (see Clause 8).
Various combinations of upstream fittings, valves, bends, and lengths of straight pipe can produce velocity
profile distortions at the meter inlet that may result in flow rate measurement errors. The magnitude of
the meter error is dependent on the type and severity of the flow distortion and the ability of the meter to
compensate for it. This error can be reduced by increasing the length of upstream straight pipes or by using
flow conditioners. Alternatively, carrying out flow calibrations under conditions similar to field conditions
is the most effective way to compensates for this error. Research work on installation effects is ongoing, so
the installation designer may consult with the USM manufacturer to review the latest test results and
evaluate how a specific USM design may be affected by the upstream piping configuration of the planned
installation. In order to achieve the desired meter performance, it may be necessary for the installation
designer to alter the original piping configuration or include a flow conditioner as part of the meter run.
5.9.2 Operational requirements Sound, noise, and pressure-regulating valves

The function and accuracy of an USM can be adversly affected by noise generated by pressure-regulating
valves; see also Reference [55] and 8.1. As the acoustic signal of the meter is stronger at higher pressures

and as the noise transmitted by single trim valves is lower upstream, it is strongly recommended to locate
the control valve downstream of the USM. (See Annex D).
In the worse cases, the meter can become inoperable under certain conditions. The following
recommendations are given in respect of valve-generated noise:
a) position USMs well away from throttling control valves, ideally with process equipment such as vessels
or heat exchangers between them, upstream of the regulator;

b) improve noise immunity of USMs by:

1) increasing meter transducer frequency,

2) increasing meter transducer power,

3) using signal processing techniques for signal detection, e.g. signal averaging (stacking), digital
correlation, or signal coding;

c) by the installation of blind tees, heat exchangers, out-of-plane bends and/or a flow conditioner
between the USM and the valve (i.e. by blocking the line of sight) isthe most effective use of standard
pipe fittings for attenuating ultrasonic noise;

NOTE 1 A straight pipe is not considered effective for the attenuation of ultrasonic noise.

NOTE 2 Potential operational issues may occur associated with blind tees, which have the potential to

introduce undesireable installation effects that distort flow profiles (see, collect liquids and become
difficult to purge.

d) lowering the differential pressure across a valve reduces the noise generated at all frequencies.

Note that it is essential that the upstream straight length of the meter is not compromised in following
these recommendations. The general sensitivity of the USM to sound (noise) generated by pressure-
regulating valves and other sources shall be described.
AF Contamination

Accumulation of deposits due to a mixture of particles and liquid contaminants should be avoided.
Filtration of the gas flow upstream is recommended and in bidirectional applications, filtration both
upstream and downstream is recommended. The potential for flow profile disturbance caused by filtration
equipment, however, should be recognized.
To avoid severe accumulation, a pipe configuration having a low point downstream of the meter is
recommended. Ambient temperature

The influence of the ambient temperature should be minimized as described in 5.7.3. Stratification,
especially at low flow velocities, may occur when the temperature difference between the outside
temperature and that of the gas is more than 5 °C[87]. The USM diagnostics may be utilized to determine the
presence of stratification.
Also, at least a shade should over the full length of the measurement section be supplied to protect
themeter run and electronics against direct sun radiation. The best way to protect from ambient
temperature is thermal insulation of the upstream pipe (until 10D), the USM and the downstream pipe
including the temperature measurement. Vibration

USMs shall not be exposed to vibration levels or vibration frequencies that might excite the natural
frequencies of ES boards, components, or ultrasonic transducers.
D Electrical noise

Even though a USM design has been tested to withstand the electrical noise influences described in 7.5, the
USM or its connected wiring shall not be exposed to any unnecessary electrical noise, including alternating
current, solenoid transients or radio transmissions. Non-steady flow

Pulsations and non-steady flow beyond the manufacturer's specifications shall be avoided (see 5.4.4).


5.9.3 Installation requirements General

A fully developed flow profile is the most desirable condition at the meter. In practice, undisturbed flow
conditions may be the highest achievable.
Due to the large variety of USM types, upstream piping configurations, and flow conditioners, it is
practically impossible to standardize upstream lengths. Furthermore, USM technology continues to
improve, which makes standardization on this point even more difficult. The lengths between the USM and

the flow conditioner and upstream of the flow conditioner shall be specified in the manufacturer
instructions. Distance to perturbations, upstream and downstream straight pipe length requirements

Typical upstream piping conditions (operating conditions), e.g. bends, headers, T-joints, flow conditioners,
filtration equipment, diameter changes (steps, expanders or reducers), and valves, introduce swirl, an
asymmetric flow profile, a flat flow profile, a peaked flow profile or combinations of these. Research has
demonstrated that asymmetric profiles may require a length measuring 50D of straight pipe without a flow
conditioner, and swirling profiles may require 200D of straight pipe without a flow conditioner before a
fully developed flow profile can be expected. Installing such lengths of upstream straight pipe is
impractical. The current ability of USMP to compensate for disturbed flow profiles allows shorter lengths
of straight upstream pipe.
It is recommended to utilize the USM diagnostics to determine if the flow conditions in operation are not
severely disturbed. Secondly it should be determined if the flow conditions are representative with the
calibration conditions of the USM by comparing the diagnostics of the USM during calibration and in
The minimum length of straight upstream pipe, lmin, shall be such that the addition of an extra straight
length measuring 10D alters the reading of the USM (FWME) by not more than the combined
reproducability of the calibration facility and the USM. The value of lmin differs in accordance with the
upstream piping configuration and can only be found using a set of reference standards. Determination of
the values of lmin for a standard set of upstream piping configurations is a major task during type testing;
see 7.3. Determine lmin such that the maximum additional error due to flow perturbations is less than one
third of the MPE for the corresponding meter class. The manufacturer shall specify the values of lmin for the
different flow perturbations defined in 7.3.
A configuration for which lmin is unknown:
— requires a length of 50D of straight upstream piping the application of a USM, or

— requires a length of 10D for the application of a USMP.

The minimum length of straight downstream pipe is 3D.

D Protrusions and diameter step

Changes in inside diameters (D) and protrusions should be avoided at the USM inlet to avoid the
disturbance of the velocity profile.
The flanges and adjacent upstream pipe shall be straight, cylindrical, and have the same inside diameter
throughout as the inside diameter of the inlet of the meter, at maximum of 1 %. These components shall be
carefully aligned to minimize flow disturbances, especially at the upstream flange. Experience with class 1
meters has shown that diameter steps between the upstream pipe and the meter cause metering errors of
the order of 0,05 % systematic error per 1 % diameter step; an error that can be reduced by chamfering as
long as the angle of inclination is less than 7°.
NOTE This value can only be considered as a guide to estimate the additional uncertainty due to diameter steps.
For a minimum upstream length of 2D, there shall be no flow disturbances from flanges, flow straighteners,
etc. Over a length of at least 10D or lmin upstream of the meter, whichever is smaller, the pipe section(s)
shall fulfil the following requirements:
a) the pipe shall be straight, i.e. have no bends >5°;

b) two pipes are said to be aligned when local diameter steps are <3 %;

c) the internal weld of the downstream flange of the upstream piping shall be ground smooth and no part
of the upstream gasket or flange face edge shall protrude into the flow stream;

d) the pipe is said to be cylindrical when no diameter in any plane differs by more than 3 % from the

average inside diameter, D, obtained from the measurements specified;

e) The USM manufacturer shall prove that the additional bias due to the diameter steps greater than 1 %
is below one third of the MPE for the corresponding meter class within type testing, see 7.3. Thermowells and density cells

For thermowells and density cells, see 5.7.2.

AF Flow conditioners

One of the main advantages of USMs is the absence of a pressure drop. The use of a flow conditioner
introduces a pressure drop and negates this advantage. Lack of available space for sufficient upstream
length or unquantifiable effects of upstream pipe work configuration are the most common reasons for
their use.
Installing a flow conditioner at any position in the meter run upstream of the USM causes a change of the
flow rate indicated by the meter. This change depends on many factors (e.g. flow conditioner type, meter
type, position relative to the USM, and flow perturbation upstream of the flow conditioner). To avoid this
additional uncertainty, the USM shall be calibrated with the actual flow conditioner and meter tube as one
package (USMP) or simulated (with the same make and model).
For USMs, perforated plate-type conditioners are preferred. Tube bundles and vane-type flow conditioners
only suppress the swirl, do not improve the flow profile, and may even cause additional profile distortions.
An example of a bidirectional flow installation where two USMs and flow conditioners are employed with
the thermowell located in the centre section is given in the next Figure.

1 flow conditioner
2 ultrasonic flowmeter (USM)
3 temperature annulus
a ≥2D (Prefarably ≥3D).
b 10D.
c 5D.
d Flow primary direction (Forward).

e Flow secondary direction (Reverse).

Figure 11 — Example of a bidirectional installation

WARNING — A flow conditioner may produce noise of severe levels depending on its design and the gas
velocity. Internal surface and wall roughness

Deposits due to normal gas transmission conditions, e.g. condensates or traces of oil mixed with mill-scale,
dirt or sand, may affect the accuracy of the meter. The same effects may be experienced from rusting of
untreated internal surfaces or a defective internal coating. The internal surface and the wall roughness
should therefore be monitored for changes using the meter diagnostics as well as optical (visual) methods.
The monitoring interval chosen should be dependent on the sensitivity of the USM as well as the expected
changes in wall roughness. Bidirectional use
For bidirectional use, both upstream and downstream piping shall be regarded as “upstream” piping. The
sensitivity of the USM to the thermowell or the density cell shall be specified. Orientation of meter

The requirement of 5.8.1 shall also be met when orienting the USM into a position different to that for
which it was designed.
5.9.4 Manual handling and transportation

Regulations covering manual handling shall apply. The possibility of damage to the USM during handling
and transportation shall be recognized and all reasonable steps taken to minimize its likelihood. For
example, consider:
a) the use of an indication device such as a shock detector during transportation;

b) the use of appropriate lifting and transport cases or frames;

c) the use of flange covers to avoid the internal contamination of the meter;

d) the minimization of transducer and cable removal;

e) the implementation of procedures described in 8.2;

f) post-production protection of the meter and spools against corrosion by purging with inert gas prior
to transport.

5.10 Documentation
5.10.1 General

All documentation shall be dated and the manufacturer shall provide a list of all documents submitted.
5.10.2 Generic meter documentation

The manufacturer shall provide or make available at least the following documents:
a) a description of the meter giving the technical characteristics and the principle of its operation;

b) a dimensioned drawwing and/or photograph of the meter;

c) a nomenclature of parts with a description of constituent materials of such parts;

d) an assembly drawing with identification of the component parts listed in the nomenclature;

e) a dimensioned drawing;

f) a drawing showing the location of verification marks and seals;

g) a drawing or picture of the data plate or face plate and of the arrangements for inscriptions;

h) a drawing of any auxiliary devices;

i) instructions for installation, operation, and periodic maintenance and troubleshooting;

j) a field verification test procedure as described in Clause 8;

k) maintenance documentation including third party drawings for any field repairable components;

l) a recommended spare parts list;

m) a description of the electronic signal processing unit, arrangement, and general description of

n) a description of the available output signals and any adjustment mechanisms;

o) a list of electronic interfaces and user wiring termination points with their essential characteristics;

p) a description of software functions and operating instructions.

5.10.3 Particular meter documentation

The manufacturer shall provide or make available at least the following documents of the particular meter:
a) specific meter outline drawings including overall flange face-to-face dimensions, inside diameter,
maintenance space clearances, conduit connection points, and estimated mass;

b) documentation that the design and construction comply with applicable safety codes and regulations;
c) documentation that the performance of the meter meets the requirements of 5.8 and Clause 7;

d) documentation of the dimensional measurements as required in;

e) copies of hydrostatic test certificates, material certificates, weld radiographic reports and other quality
tests as specified by the designer;

f) documentation that the design of the meter successfully passed the tests described in Clause 6.

6 Test and calibration

6.1 Pressure testing and leakage testing

The meter body shall be pressure tested before the FAT and in accordance with the applicable design code.
The meter shall be properly leak checked to ensure tightness at any design conditions of the meter.


6.2 Individual testing — Static testing

6.2.1 General

Static testing comprises the measurement of the meter body dimensions (see 5.2.4) and the time delays of
the electronics and the transducers as well as a zero flow verification test.
6.2.2 Timing and time delays

Transducer, electronics and cable time delays can cause velocity-offset errors if they are not correctly

defined in the parameter list of the USM. The manufacturer shall measure and document the time delay(s)
of electronics, cable and transducers, if applicable. The uncertainty of the measurement shall be specified.
Test gas and all calibration instruments used to perform these measurements shall have calibration
certificates traceable to internationally recognized standards. Any time delay effects emerging from
differences between calibration conditions and operating conditions shall be specified and compensated
for as required to comply with the specified uncertainty.
6.2.3 Zero flow verification test
To verify the transit time measurement system of each meter, a zero flow verification test shall be
performed. The manufacturer shall specify procedure and tolerances.
The test procedure shall include the following elements as a minimum:
a) blind flanges have to be attached to the ends of the meter body;

b) the acoustic properties of the test gas or gas mixture, whose selection shall be the responsibility of the
manufacturer, shall be documented;

c) gas shall be homogeneously mixed with stable pressure and temperature, especially for tests at high
pressure. The test conditions shall be considered stable if the relative standard deviation of the
average speed of sound value is not greater than 0,05 %;

d) gas velocity and speed of sound for each acoustic path shall be recorded for at least 300 s from which
the average values and their standard deviation for each acoustic path shall then be calculated;
e) the zero flow reading and absolute SOS deviation for each acoustic path shall fulfil the requirements of

f) the uncertainty of the test gas pressure measurement shall be better than 0,1 % and the uncertainty
of the test gas temperature measurement shall be better than 0,2 K;

g) the theoretically determined values for the SOS shall be computed using a complete compositional
analysis of the test gas using internationally recognized algorithms. The theoretical speed of sound of
the test gas shallbe calculated with an uncertainty better than 0,05 %.

6.3 Individual testing — Flow calibration

6.3.1 General

All class 1 meters shall be flow calibrated meeting the requirements of a flow laboratory. For class 2 meters,
this flow calibration is highly recommended.
The flow calibration of meters may also be required because of:
— national legal requirements;

— high accuracy requirements;

— the application for custody transfer.

The calibration shall be carried out with a representative test gas. Where practicable calibrate as close as
possible to the operating conditions. Where this not possible this standard provides equations and
guidance for situations where the operating pressure is significantly different from the calibration pressure
(see chapter 9).
The flow calibration delivers a set of systematic errors, as a function of flow rate or Reynolds number. This
set is usually presented as a “calibration curve” and shall be used to correct the meter output as
documented in 6.3.4. The manufacturer shall provide a calibration and adjustment procedure.
It is recommended to calibrate the meter to the maximum flow rate of the application (qV, max, op) and not
lower than the minimum technical flow rate of the meter (qV, min, design), see also 5.1.1.

While USM’s can be sensitive for flow disturbances by welding seams, these shall be avoided in the
upstream pipe. See also
6.3.2 Laboratory flow calibration General

To minimize the uncertainty of the calibration, the calibration shall be conducted at a laboratory having a
quality control in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025 and having a stated CMC table (combined
uncertainty of the calibration rig UCMC) determined according to ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-3 (GUM).
The calibration shall be performed:
a) under undisturbed, i.e. non-swirling, non-pulsating and symmetrically developed flow conditions (see;

b) under steady flow conditions (see;

c) over a statistically significant duration of time (see;

d) over the appropriate range of flow rates to describe the in-service response of the meter; a minimum
of six, but preferably seven, points should be taken, e.g. for a seven point calibration: 100 %, 70 %,
40 %, 25 %, 10 %, 5 % of qV, max, op and qV, min;

e) whenever applicable, by using the upstream and downstream meter spools and flow conditioner or
dedicated calibration spools;

f) if there are protrusions upstream of the meter in the flow path, such as thermowells and/or sample
probes the meter shall be calibrated in combination with these components at the same distance and
orientation as in the field;

g) the user shall make sure that there is no degradation and/or contamination of the USMP (flow
conditioner and the upstream pipe);

h) The calculation of the uncertainty shall be done in accordance with the ISO 5168. Duration of the calibration

The duration of a measurement (one single flow rate) shall be large enough to reduce the effects of random
processes and displays with limited resolution to negligible proportions.
Two methods are given.
1) Running standard deviation: During the measurement the samples taken are processed into a running
standard deviation in order to calculate the uncertainty in the mean meter error. When the running
standard deviation evolves into a stable value, the required duration and repeatability as stated in 5.8
is reached.


2) Fixed measurement time: A mean measurement of one flow rate is calculated from several
measurements. Three measurements at each test flow rate should be taken at a minimum. These three
measurements shall not have a trend for deviation in one direction greater than the stated
repeatability. At least one more measurement is necessary until three succeeding measurement
repeats fulfill this requirement. Take as many measurements as necessary until the uncertainty in the
mean meter error of the measurement is in agreement with the repeatability requirements from 5.8.

The repeatability during the calibration shall be calculated as the uncertainty in the mean meter error of a
measurement according to Formula given in

rcal  U AM  (13)

Based on the uncertainty in a single measurement UAS (see definition of repeatability) and the number n of
measurements taken.
NOTE If the uncertainty in the mean meter error exceeds the limit, this can also be caused by too few
observations and/or instable conditions. To verify this, more measurements in a stable condition should be taken, to
determine if the meter calibration can fulfil the repeatability requirement.

Practice has shown that the total duration of one measurement shall be at least 300 s (e.g. 3 repeats of
100 seconds and at least 3 300 counted impulses each). In the event this is not achieved in reasonable time
than the averaging time as stated in Annex D shall be used. Uncertainty of the calibration facility

Choosing a suitable calibration lab is essential for achieving a low uncertainty. Depending on the pressure
and flow there exists large differences between the calibration measurement capabilities (CMC) of the
various laboratories; some are more appropriate for smaller meters, others are more appropriate for large
meters. The uncertainty of the calibration and measurement capability UCMC reflect the variations in
operating temperature and pressure during the calibration and any uncertainties arising from the
calculation procedure used to derive the meter error of the flowmeter under calibration.
The uncertainty of measurements performed at the test facility shall be sufficiently low to enable the
overall metering system uncertainty budget to be met. The stated Ucmc of the flow calibration laboratory
used for the calibration shall be better than one third of the MPE for the corresponding meter class. Flow conditions

The upstream piping conditions in the laboratory shall be chosen such that no additional errors are
introduced. The calibration facility shall deliver a fully developed and undisturbed flow profile upstream
of the USM/USMP. The requirements and recommendations given in 5.9.2.and 5.9.3 have to be taken into
account. The conditions during the calibration or test on the calibration facility, such as pipe inside
diameters, upstream pipe configurations, condition of the inner surfaces of the USM and the pipes, shall be
accurately documented.

The stability of pressure, temperature and flow shall be in accordance with the maximum acceptable
variations which have formed the basis of the certified UCMC.
The reference turbine meter will shift by pulsations in the flow when it cannot follow the rapid flow
changes any more. This occurs when the frequency of the pulsations is higher than 0,2 × 1/TT, where TT is
the time constant of the turbine meter. This time constant is depending of the ratio between the mass of
the turbine wheel and the mass flow through the meter. The manufacturer of the turbine meter shall
provide this information.
Pulsations with an amplitude of Δq/q > 3,2 % a frequency above 0,2 × 1/TT shall be avoided. Also to
minimize the impact of pulsations for the ultrasonic meter pulsation frequencies higher than half of the
sample rate of the ultrasonic meter should be avoided as well.
A correction of line pack effects shall be applied and the effect of the line pack errors shall be properly
accounted for in the calibration result.
Any measurement shall be rejected when any of the following situations is encountered:
a) ΔLP > 0,2 % per measurement (line pack);

b) ΔT > 0,25 K per 100 s (temperature drift);

c) Δp > 0,002p per 100 s (pressure drift);

d) ΔqV > 0,03qV per 100 s (flow rate drift);

The flow conditions for the specific quantities a) to d) listed above shall be monitored and documented
during calibrations. Thermal stratification at a calibration facility

During calibration, especially at low flow velocities, stratification can occur when the temperature
difference between the outside temperature and that of the gas is more than 5 °C.
To detect the presence of thermal stratification, the speed of sound of the upper most and the lower most
horizontal measuring paths of a chordal path meter can be used. For flow rates above qV,t the speed of
sound of the upper path shall not differ greater than 0,2 % from the lower path. Otherwise the calibration
point shall be repeated.
Adequate thermal insulation in the upstream, the USM(P), and the temperature measurement section
prevents stratification. Bidirectional calibration

A class 1 USM / USMP used for a bidirectional application shall be calibrated in both directions including
the thermowells.
6.3.3 Judging the measurement performance of the meter

The judgement of the measurement performance of the meter shall be based on the combination of the
calibration curve and a linear offset related to the flow-weighted mean error (FWME) only. Other
corrections, such as curve fittings or linearization’s, may not be used to judge the performance of the meter
as they might mask hidden design effects. They shall only be applied after approving the meter
performance curve.
The FWME shall be calculated according to B.2 and verified against the corresponding accuracy class
The USM or the USMP shall meet the accuracy requirements specified in 5.8 for flow rates between qV, min, cal
and qV, max, cal.
NOTE If the uncertainty of the calibration facility cannot meet the UCMC criteria stated in, the measurement
performance of the meter can be judge alternatively by reducing the applied maximum permissible error with the
excess of the uncertainty. In this case the USM or the UMSP shall meet the following acceptance criteria:

 4  MPE  U CMC
3 
while UCMC ≤ MPE.


6.3.4 Adjustment and records General

Adjustment factors and calibration curve correction (linearization) may be applied within the flow
computer or within the meter. Care shallbe taken to ensure that the same correction is not applied in
multiple locations.
Possible methods of applying adjustment factors are by using:

a) FWME over the expected flow range of the meter (an example of the calculation of FWME is shown in

b) multi-point linearization algorithms over the calibrated (operational) range of the meter;

c) polynomial algorithms over the calibrated range of flow rates of the meter. When using polynomial
algorithms strict adherence to mathematical data fitting rules shall be applied.

The correction shall be fixed to the respective last valid correction of the calibrated qV, min respective qV, max
if the meter operates outside the calibrated range. The uncertainty of the measurement in that region is

For bidirectional calibrations, a second set of factors shall be used for reverse flow.
Where linearization curves are applied, the following correction algorithm may be used:

qV , true  qV ,actual

100  E qV ,actual 


qV, actual is the raw metered quantity;

E(qV, actual) is the error, as a percentage, associated with the flow rate;
qV, true is the value the meter should return with insignificant error, i.e. the reference meter

After adjustment of the meter any corrections shall be verified.

For a FWME correction a single verification point taking around 40 % is recommended.
When using a polynomial correction or multi-point linearization a minimum of two verification points are
necessary wich are preferably chosen in a flow rate range of 10 %..25 % qV, max and 70..100 % qV, max. At
least one verification point shall be chosen between two different as-found flow rates.
D Results

a) the date(s) of the test;

b) in case of bidirectional meters: “forward flow” or “reverse flow”;

c) the determined errors As found and As left, the total uncertainty Utot, UCMC values and repeatability at
the investigated flow rates;

d) to indicate whether an adjustment factor had been updated on the meter, in the case of a single point
correction, the value of both the adjustment factor and FWME before adjustment and the value after
adjustment shall be indicated;

e) to facilitate a multi-point calibration curve correction in the field (linearization), the individual
adjustment factors, e.g. frequency and impulse factor, of the calibration points;

f) the calibration checkpoints if an adjustment was applied to the meter;

g) the density and viscosity of the gas or/and the gas composition;

h) the check of the MSOS against the TSOS calculated by AGA-8 or GERG-2004[61];

i) the log file containing all diagnostics data taken during calibration to be used in the audit trail with as
a minimum:

— MSOS as a function of flow;

— MSOS fingerprint;

— Flow dependent signal waveforms;

— Flow dependent S/N vales and ratios;

— Flow dependent AGC values;

— Standard deviation and velocity values per path and ratios;

the report of the meter configuration parameters and checksums during calibration and after
adjustment. Meter identification and description of the facility

a) data supplied by the manufacturer, such as:
— meter size

— Serial numbers of meter, electronics and transducers

— the firmware version

b) of the meter being tested;

c) the calibration facility, the method of calibration (bell prover, sonic nozzles, other meters, etc.).
D Conditions of the test

Record and verify against the applicable requirements:

a) the upstream and downstream piping configurations involved in the qualification of “undisturbed flow
profile”, including flow conditioners, piping tag numbers and inside diameters;

b) the position of the meter (horizontal, vertical flow upwards, vertical flow downwards) as well as the
meter orientation;

c) the position, orientation and flow direction of the piping components (such as pipes, flow conditioners,
used pressure sensing point and thermowells) if calibrating an USMP;

d) a description of the condition of the inner surface of the meter and the upstream pipes (dirt,
corrosion) — where necessary, add a photograph;

e) the nature (e.g. gas composition) and conditions (pressure and temperature) of the test gas.

A description of any variations or deviations from the required test conditions.

7 Type testing

7.1 General

A meter calibration curve without the guarantee that the meter behaves the same way in the field as in the
calibration laboratory is meaningless and real-world circumstances are generally more complex than those
encountered at a calibration facility. In order to ensure that the quality of the calibration curve is
transferable to the field, type testing of the model/family design is introduced. Here real-world
circumstances are simulated by a series of perturbations tests and the meter has to prove that it can deal
with these. Only then is the calibration curve transferable.
Every USM model/family design requires a compliance testing to this document.
Type testing shall be conducted by recognized bodies or independent certified laboratories.
The meters used for type testing shall be equipped with all characteristic parts (electronics, transducers,
software, etc.). Meters of different design shall play no part in the type approval. The validity of the type
approval shall be clearly defined. It is recommended that the type testing be carried out on at least one of
the smaller meter sizes of the USM type in order to evaluate the largest influence of the geometrical
parameters and the time delays on meter performance.
These test requirements shall apply to the design of all circuit boards, ultrasonic transducers,
interconnecting wiring, and customer wiring terminals. The electronics shall be in operation, measuring
zero flow, and remain 100 % functional during the tests. In the case of high-voltage transient and
electrostatic discharge tests, the meter may temporarily stop functioning, but shall automatically recover
within 30 s.
All signal outputs representing the same measurement value shall represent with the same accuracy.
During these tests, the ultrasonic transducers may be operated in a smaller and lighter test cell (or test
cells) instead of a full meter body. However, the transducers shall actually be measuring zero flow and
exposed to the same test conditions as other parts of the electronics.
7.2 Accuracy

The accuracy limits of 5.8.2 shall be met within qV, max, design and qV, min.
The tests shall be conducted under undisturbed flow conditions with the following flow rates: 120 %,
100 %, 70 %, 40 %, 25 %, 10 %, 5 % of qV, max, design.

The duration of one measurement shall comply with the requirements of
Due to the nature of the more disturbed flow conditions during the test of the installation conditions a
longer measurement time or increased number of repeats might be required to achieve an acceptable
uncertainty in the mean meter errors at these tests.
The repeatability test shall be conducted for at least one flow rate below qV, t and at least one flow rate
above qV, t. For each of these flow rates, 10 single measurements shall be taken with the duration of the
measurement as given above.
For the reproducibility test, the same meter shall be tested under exactly the same installation conditions.
The reproducibility shall be derived from at least three test results for flowrates above or equal to qV, t.

7.3 Installation conditions

The minimum length of straight upstream pipe, lmin, shall be such that the addition of an extra straight
length measuring 10D alters the reading of the USM (FWME) by not more than the combined repeatability
of the calibration facility and the USM.
For a standardized set of perturbations, the lmin of every perturbation shall be determined:
a) under reference flow conditions according to;

b) with a single 90° bend (radius of curvature of 1,5D):

— with the USM in normal position;

— with the USM rotated by 90°;

c) with two 90° bends in perpendicular planes (radius of curvature of 1,5D, without spacer between

— with the USM in normal position;

— with the USM rotated by 90°;

d) an expander with a diameter increase of at least one pipe size [typically 2″1];

e) a reducer with a diameter decrease of at least one pipe size [typically 2″1)];

f) a diameter step on the upstream flange of the USM with magnitude of at least +3 % and −3 %;

g) a flow conditioner chosen and positioned by the manufacturer in combination with perturbations

The single tests shall be conducted for at least one flow rate below qV, t and for at least two different flow
rates above qV, t, according to 6.4.2. Relevant are the mean values of the three single measurements at each
flow rate. Above qV, t, all calculated mean additional errors shall be within one third of the MPE for the
corresponding meter class.
Instead of the perturbation tests described in a) to g), similar tests with different perturbation-producing
devices are allowed, such as perturbation plates (e.g. swirl generators). In that case, it shall be clearly
shown that the velocity fields produced are similar to the perturbations presented in a) to g), for instance
via the measurement of the three-dimensional velocity field.
7.4 Path failure simulation and exchange of components

Where a class 1 or 2 meter remains in service in the event of path failure, the effect of the failure shall be
determined by simulating the failure of one or more paths.
The test should be carried out at a flow velocity of 15 m/s. During the test, the flow rate should be varied

to a value of 10 m/s and 20 m/s. For all three tests the additional error shall be not more than one third of
the MPE for the corresponding meter class.
The manufacturer shall demonstrate the capability of the meter to replace or relocate transducers,
electronic parts and software without a significant change in meter performance. This has to be
demonstrated for:
a) the electronics;

1 1″ = 25,4 mm.


b) transducers of different path types.

When components are exchanged, the resulting shift in the mean error of the meter shall not be more than
as laid down in 5.6.
7.5 Electronics design testing

The design of the electronics shall be tested to demonstrate that the USM continues to meet the
performance requirements of 5.8.2, while operating under the influences and disturbances specified in

Annex G.
Table G.1 shows the minimum severity level for each test to fulfil the requirements of the instrument
classifications used in:
a) open locations with average climatic conditions, thus excluding polar and desert environments;

b) locations where the level of vibration and shock is high or very high, e.g. for instruments mounted
directly on machines or conveyor belts;
c) locations with electromagnetic disturbances corresponding to those likely to be found in industrial

During these tests, the ultrasonic transducers may be operated in a smaller and lighter test cell (or test
cells) instead of a full flow-meter body. However, the transducers shall actually be measuring zero flow
and be exposed to the same test conditions as other parts of the electronic system.
If the meter performance is monitored at no-flow conditions the cut-off for low flow rates shall be switched
off so that the flow rate output corresponds to the unsuppressed flow rate.
The flow rate output has to be monitored and evaluated according to 5.8 and the fault limit and test
condition as stated in Annex G.

8 Audit trail and diagnostics for meter verification

8.1 General
This clause is directed at the operator, to ensure that the USM, once in service, continues to meet the
expected performance requirements after installation.
USMs can deliver extended diagnostic information through which it may be possible not only to verify the
functionality of a USM, but also of several other components within the system, such as the gas
chromatograph and the pressure and temperature transmitters. Due to the extended diagnostic
capabilities, this document advocates the addition and use of automated diagnostics instead of labour-
intensive quality checks.
Ultrasonic flow meters for custody transfer generate a comprehensive and beneficial diagnostic suite,

however the amount of data and the way that it is presented differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. It
is complex, and in all cases will be far too much to be handled by most of the operators, often resulting in
the information being disregarded or lost.
For many operators, there is no structure available to help them present the data in, or to enable them to
easily make compaisons. This problem has been recognized and addressed by this document and a two-
step approach has been chosen so that the health of the USM and associated instrumentation that make up
the measurement are monitored. By selecting just a small group of diagnostic parameters and using them
as key indicators, it is possible to ensure the health of the meter and the overall measurement system.
In the first mandatory step there is a simple check on the maximum deviations of those key parameters. As
long as those are within the tolerance bands as presented, there is no need for further action.

Only as a trend is monitored and/or the deviation passes the alarm values service actions need to be
started. In those service actions the diagnostic parameters can then be compared with their historical
values determined at various stages during manufacturing, calibration and the commissioning of the
ultrasonic flow meter and stored in the audit trail.
The use of diagnostics shall be used in conjunction with operational best practice.
8.2 USM Lifecycle Process

For class 1 and class 2 meters the operator shall set up an audit trail. The audit trail files are key documents
and key characteristics of the USM throughout its life cycle (see Figure 12).




Figure 12 — Audit trail

The audit trail reflects the total history of a meter. It starts at the manufacturing plant with the design of
the meter and goes all the way up to the diagnostic tests during operation. Also when applicable, service
reports and recalibration results have to be included.
In each of these phases specific tests are done and data is gathered which forms the basics of the audit trail.
That data is vital to judge the performance in situ and needs to be delivered to the customer together with
the ultrasonic flow meter.
8.3 Production and Factory Acceptance Test

During manufacturing, a manufacturing handbook is created containing the required production and

material certificates for each individual meter, including the pressure and other test certificates.
During production a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is conducted, checking the behavior of the meter under
controlled zero flow conditions. In the FAT, typically the meter is filled and pressurized to a pressure of
approximately 1 MPa to 2 MPa with a gas of which the acoustic properties have to be known with an
uncertainty in the speed of sound that is better than 0,05 %.
During the FAT the P & T are accurately measured and the Theoretical Speed of Sound (TSOS) is
determined and compared to the measured Speed of Sound (MSOS).
Based the TSOS the properties of the acoustic paths is determined and set to the correct value.
A relationship between each of the acoustic paths is established and the resulting meter fingerprint which
is used for future reference and comparison is obtained.
Deliverables from manufacturing:
a) Manufacturing handbook;

b) FAT performance and diagnostic test results should be captured and as a minimum should include;

— Zero flow path gas velocity measurement;

— MSOS values per path and the MSOS ratios (fingerprint);

— Signal acceptance rate shall be 100 %;

— Acoustic signal waveforms;

— S/N values;

— Gain values;

— A configuration report including software and firmware version;

— Recording of the actual temperature, pressure and gas composition.


Following the FAT the meter is sent to the calibration facility where it will undergo a flow calibration. For
details see 6.3.
8.4 Initial Flow Calibration

During calibration the meter is subjected to flow for the first time. Therefore, next to the calibration result
itself, it is vital to record of the flow dependent behavior of all the diagnostic parameters. These records
can later be used to validate the performance in the field. The non-flow dependent diagnostics should be
comparable to those obtained during the FAT. The piping configuration implemented at the calibration
may influence the diagnostics produced by the meter, therefore it is important to document the conditions
and record the layout according to 6.3.

Deliverables at the calibration:

— Flow dependent diagnostic parameters to be captured at calibration shall include as a minimum:

— MSOS as a function of flow (check against the AGA-8 / GERG-2004);

— MSOS fingerprint;

— Flow dependent signal waveforms;

— Flow dependent S/N vales and ratios;

— Flow dependent AGC values;

— Standard deviation and velocity values per path and ratios.

From the above individual values, the Average, Minimum, Maximum and Standard Deviation values
can be determined.

— The calibration report shall document the results of the calibration, together with a statement of
conditions under which the calibration took place as documented in

8.5 Site installation and site acceptance test

Once the meter has been installed, connected up and pressurized, it is important to conduct an initial
functional verification to ensure that no damage has occurred in transit or during installation. The meter
fingerprint should be captured and compared to that obtained at the FAT and also the calibration
laboratory. The commissioning process shall also include a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) where flow tests
across the operational range are an inherent part. Diagnostic log files should be captured as this will
become the ‘first gas’ fingerprint against which future comparison can be made.
— SAT performance and diagnostic test results should be captured and as a minimum shall include:
— A log-file of the diagnostic data captured across the achievable flow range, including MSOS values
per path and the MSOS ratios (fingerprint), S/N values and gain values;

— A record of the individual acoustic signal waveforms;

— Comparison report of the actual meter parameters with those used during calibration;

— A record of the individual path gas velocities;

— An in-situ TSOS comparison to the average MSOS value using an internationally recognized


— A check of the MSOS ratios of the various paths;

— Recording of the actual temperature, pressure and gas composition.

8.6 Operation

Following completion of the commissioning process and subsequent acceptance of the meter, the metering
system is then put in to commercial operation. If the commissioning or SAT process did not include a full
functional flow test then it is important that an operational diagnostic log file is captured as soon as
possible after the system is put in to operation. Ideally the meter should be initially operated across its full
range so that the profile related diagnostics are captured correctly. If that is not possible due to operational
or seasonal constraints then it should be performed as soon as practically possible. This will become the
installed reference data against which future comparisons are made so it becomes an essential part of the
audit trail.
During operation the operator shall periodically compare the actual data from the meter with that collected
during the previous steps to determine the following three vital points remain within acceptable limits:
— The accuracy of the timing.

— The stability of the flow profile.

— The quality of the acoustic signal detection.

In practice:
— The check on the timing accuracy in done by checking the MSOS and the MSOS ratios.

— The check on the stability of the flow profile is done by checking the flow velocity ratios.
— The check on the quality of the signal detection is done by checking the S/N ratios.

When the meter is installed in a situation where no contamination occurs the user can then be assured
with a very high confidence level that the meter is operating within specification.
Data that shall be periodically generated and reported:
— MSOS comparison of the measured MSOS versus the one calculated based on the AGA-8/GERG-2004;

— MSOS ratios (SOS fingerprint);

— Velocity ratios;

— S/N ratios.

For each of these the maximum deviations need to be given for a warning and an alarm level. These are
described below. In case of a warning, the meter may require attention. In case of an alarm, intervention
and corrective action may be required.
8.7 Diagnostic warning and alarm levels in operation
8.7.1 MSOS and MSOS ratios warning & alarm levels

Comparing the MSOS from the UFM with TSOS calculated using an internationally recognized algorithm,
allows the timing of the ultrasonic flow meter can be checked. Here there are two checks, one on the

average MSOS and one on the MSOS ratios. The latter is used to check if all the acoustic paths are still in
line with each other and whether stratification occurs.
The accuracy with which the comparison of the average MSOS against the TSOS can be done depends on
the quality of the calculation, and the quality, suitability and condition of the equipment used to measure
the gas composition, pressure and temperature. The more representative the sample is to the bulk gas
composition, then the more accurate the TSOS will be.
For pressures above 12 MPa the GERG-2004 equation may provide lower calculated uncertainty for the
calculated TSOS, but in most practical applications where the operating pressure is below 12 MPa, and


within a temperature range of −8 to 62 °C, the AGA-8 will be a suitable internationally recognized
The sensitivity for small deviations is much lower for the pressure than for the temperature, e.g.:
— An uncertainty of 0,1 % in the pressure has corresponding uncertainty on the MSOS of 0,005 %;

— An uncertainty of 0,1 % in the temperature has an 0,05% corresponding uncertainty in MSOS.

Based on this, the warning and alarm limits for the MSOS comparison can be defined, allowing also a small
tolerance of 0,1 % for the uncertainty of the temperature measurement and also an additional small
uncertainty of 0,1 % in case air is used during the FAT.
For a meter operating below 12 MPa and within a temperature range of −8 to 62 °C:
— The MSOS to TSOS comparison is acceptable when the differences are ≤0,25 %;

— Warning level: when the differences are between 0,25 % and 0,35 %;
— Alarm level: when the differences are >0,35 %.

As the MSOS ratios are only affected by the turbulence level, the warning and alarm values can be slightly
reduced to:
— The MSOS ratio comparison is acceptable when the differences are ≤0,2 %;

— Warning level: when the differences are between 0,2 % and 0,3 %;

— Alarm level: when the differences are >0,3 %.

The temperature sensors should be regularly calibrated so that the tight tolerances can be maintained.
Otherwise, when the deviations of the temperature sensor can be larger than 0,3 °K a larger uncertainty
band has to be applied.
8.7.2 Velocity ratios warning & alarm levels
Setting generic levels for velocity ratios is more difficult as those are dependent on the acoustic path
position. Meters with acoustic paths closer to the wall show a larger variation than meters with their paths
positioned closer to the centerline of the pipe. Therefore these are values that shall be submitted by the
8.7.3 S/N ratios warning & alarm levels

During the Site acceptance test (8.5) records of the S/N values and Gain values are made. These values

serve as reference for the warning and alarm levels.

For operating conditions whereby the pressure does not change more than approximately 15 %, for the
difference between the actual S/N ratios and those recorded S/N during the SAT of the following warnings
and alarms can be set:
— The measurement is ok when the difference between the actual S/N ratios and the recorded S/N
during the SAT are ≤6 dB;

— A warning is given when these are >6 dB and <9 dB;

— An alarm is given when when these are ≥9 dB.

In case the operating pressure is lower than than the approximately 85 % of the pressure during the SAT,
the obove mentioned values are relaxed with the ratio of both pressures in dB. (20 log P/PSAT). So for
instance when the operating pressure is half of the pressure during the SAT, the values are relaxed with an
additional 6 dB, provided that the relaxed limit fulfills still the minimum requirement for S/N set by the
8.8 Service and recalibration
8.8.1 General

The time between the initial calibration and subsequent recalibrations can vary as it can be dependent on

the legal rules, local legislation, contractual agreements, measurement circumstances and the financial
impact. For a single meter run the recalibration time varies between 1 and 8 year in most countries.
The meter is normally in full working order when it is required to be taken out of service to be returned
for re-calibration. The flow diagram in Figure 13 outlines the recommended procedure for meters bing
returned for recalibration under different circumstances.
8.8.2 Service Related Diagnostics
During normal operation the USM may be subject to routine maintainance, preventative maintenance or
essential intervention. During these events it is recommended that diagnostic log files and signal waveform
captures are obtained both for reference and assistance in diagnosing any meter or process related issues.
In addition, it is also recommended that the following is obtained (where possible) prior to the USM being
taken out of service/operation:
— Complete diagnostic log file capture prior to removal from service in preparation for

— Complete signal waveform capture prior to removal from service in preparation for

— Configuration file capture prior to removal from service in preparation for repair/recalibration

— Visual inspection (Photographs) following removal from service in preparation for

— Report any contamination, degradation or material failure

Identification of the above will determine the route that the USM should follow on the flow chart in
Figure 13.


Figure 13 — Recalibration process

8.9 Diagnostic parameters

8.9.1 Speed of sound Measured speed of sound (MSOS)


Speed of sound (SOS) is one of the most important diagnostics associated with the USM. It is a physical
measurement of the speed at which the ultrasonic signal travels between the transducer pair. This is
defined as the measured speed of sound (MSOS).
The MSOS indicated by the USM is influenced by:
— the temperature;

— the gas composition;

— the pressure;

— the geometry of the measurement section;

— the transit time measurement (by the meter);

— Stratification under low flow conditions (non homogeneous temperature distribution).

When the USM is equipped with three or more measurement paths, it is possible to use the individual MSOS
of each individual path to perform a relative SOS comparison. This comparison is used to establish a
‘fingerprint’ of the USM.
The advantages are:
— It is independent of the gas composition;

— the measurement can be performed under flowing conditions;

— the calculation comparison can be automatically performed as part of a diagnostic package.

NOTE At high velocities, acoustic path length may change due to curving of the acoustic signal (mach effect),
thereby increasing the uncertainty.
The fingerprint comparison may be displayed graphically as shown in Figure 14. This is the fingerprint
from a five-path USM. The ordinate shows the SOS ratios measured during static testing and flow
calibration. The plots show the different ratios of the MSOS from the various paths. The abscissa gives the
numbers of the paths from which MSOS is obtained, e.g. 5/1 means the result from path 5 divided by that
of path 1.
ni/nj designation of paths
c(ni)/c(nj) SOS ratio, in %
1 static test

2 flow calibration
c(ni) SOS on path ni
c(nj) SOS on path nj
ni one path, i = 1 … 5 (i ≠ j)
nj another path, j = 1 … 5 (j ≠ i)

Figure 14 — Fingerprint: ratio pattern determined during static testing with nitrogen and during
the flow calibration at the calibration facility


Figure 14 is just an example. Note that different graphs may be generated depending on the meter
configuration and number of acoustic paths. However, the same principle can be applied across all USM
types with three or more paths.
The relative SOS fingerprint should be unaffected by time, gas composition, temperature and pressure.
During operation, the deviation between paths should be within a band of 0,2 % above qV,t. Below qV,t at
very low flowrates and/or if thermal insulation is insufficient, temperature gradients in the flowing gas
may cause additional path SOS deviation.
A change in the shape of the fingerprint over time may indicate malfunction of a path of the USM with a

resulting potential for mis-measurement. Fingerprints from FAT, SAT, flow calibration, and field testing
may be compared in order to monitor changes in the behavior of the USM. Theoretical speed of sound (TSOS)

In addition to the MSOS, it is also possible to calculate the theoretical speed of sound (TSOS) if the gas
composition, temperature and pressure is known. This requires additional input from an online gas
chromatograph (OGC), the process temperature and the process pressure transmitters. Using these inputs
and applying the equation of state, the GERG-2004 equation or the AGA-8 equation will determine a value
for the TSOS.
When the MSOS and TSOS are available it is then possible to make a continuous comparison between the
two. The MSOS to TSOS comparison is acceptable when the differences are ≤0,25 %.
Differences between MSOS and TSOS may indicate:
— asynchronous determination of MSOS and TSOS due to fluctuations in gas composition and analysis
time lag;

or a malfunction of:
— gas composition measurement;

— temperature measurement;

— pressure measurement;
— USM, including parameter setting, path lengths, time delay and signal detection and processing
depositions on the transducer(s) or meter body which change the path length;

— the calculation method used and its operational dependant uncertainties.

Statistical techniques may be helpful for monitoring MSOS and TSOS over time.
8.9.2 Automatic gain control

Automatic gain control (AGC) is used to make the amplified receive signal amplitude the same, irrespective

of operating conditions. The main purpose of AGC is to maintain sufficient amplitude and S/N ratio for
accurate timing of the receive signal, but the actual value of the gain is also a useful diagnostic, indicating
the level of attenuation along the path. The gain depends on gas composition, pressure, velocity, path length
and degree of contamination. The amplification level should be compared against the amplification limit.
As the transducer’s ability to generate ultrasonic sound deteriorates, the AGC level will increase. At this
point the meter path will no longer provide a valid MSOS or an accurate path velocity and the measurement
and will go into fault.
8.9.3 Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)

Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) provides limited data in use due to varying factors which can influence it.
Generally however it can be used as an indication of the quality of the ultrasonic signals received. The
distribution of SNRs among the transducers might indicate the source of some metering problems as they
arise. For example, differences between the upstream and downstream S/N suggests the possible presence
of an ultrasonic noise source, often a control valve or flow conditioner device with a large pressure drop.
The receiving transducers facing the noise source will have a lower S/N than those facing away from it. The
presence of a control valve or other source of ultrasonic noise can normally be confirmed by examining the
physical layout of the metering station. If all transducers show a low S/N, the problem might be due to
electrical noise, contamination on the transducers, or excessive gas velocity. If only some transducer pairs
show noise, and it appears on both up- and downstream signals, the transducers could be acoustically
coupled to the meter body by liquid in the ports.
8.9.4 Acoustic signal acceptance

Signal acceptance is defined as the simple arithmetic ratio of the signals transmitted to the signals accepted.
Signal acceptance will generally decrease as the flow rate increases beyond the rated capacity, and may
also reduce with decreased line pressure, or from the presence of dirt and moisture.
8.9.5 Flow profile

The individual path velocities of the meter have unique relationships reflecting the flow profile that is
dominated by the upstream pipe configuration. At velocities higher than Qt, these relationships should not
change significantly over time. Depending on the meter path configuration, a number of techniques are
possible whereby the flow profile at the meter can be determined. Measurements can include the shape
and symmetry of the flow profile, the degree of non-axial flow components such as “cross flow” and/or
swirl, and a statistical estimation of the degree of turbulence of the flow. A change in the flow profile can
indicate a change in the fluid viscosity, and/or a change in the pipe wall roughness. Cross-checking with
other diagnostics can enable the operator to determine the source of the change and to assess its
significance. Where flow conditioning devices are installed, a change in the flow profile may indicate a
blockage or fouling of the profiling device.
8.9.6 Standard deviation/turbulence

For a variety of occasions and especially when fouling is present, the increase in the standard deviation of
the major diagnostic parameters such as the speed of sound, the AGC, path velocities and pulse acceptance
are good indicators to detect problems in an early stage. Table 6 shows an example of such a relational
Table 6 — Relational diagnostic diagram
Per path
diagnostic Signal Automatic Flow Standard
Acceptance gain control velocity Deviation
Transducer failure × × — × × ×
Detection problems × × × × × ×
Ultrasonic noise × × × — — —

Process conditions pressure — × × — — —

Process conditions
— — — × — —
Fouling × × × × × ×
Changes in the flow profile — — — — × ×
High velocity × × × — — ×


9 Operational practice
9.1 Temperature and pressure correction

The output of the USM shall be corrected for the effect of thermal expansion. Whether a correction for
pressure is necessary depends highly on the pressure difference and the meter body construction; the
manufacturer shall inform the operator about the effects.
As a result of the flow calibration, systematic errors are reduced by determining and then applying the

meter flow calibration factor, resulting in a FWME as close as possible to zero and/or linearization resulting
in an error curve as close possible to zero. From that moment onwards, the pressure and temperature
reference conditions of the meter are those encountered during the dynamic calibration. Any subsequent
change in temperature or pressure alters the physical dimensions of the meter and, if not corrected for,
introduces a systematic flow measurement error. In general, the pressure and temperature during
calibration differ from those encountered under operating conditions.
In 9.1.2, a simple approach is given to allow an initial estimate to be made of the flow error caused by
temperature and pressure conditions that differ from the calibration reference condition. If this error is
significant relative to the uncertainty required for custody transfer or allocation purposes, a more detailed
assessment of flow error has to be performed as described in Annex E provides an extensive and
detailed explanation of the process which readers are advised to consult for the background to many of the
statements made in 9.1.2
The calculation method and the correct configuration of the parameters shall be described in the
manufacturer instructions, specifically with regards to the calibration and afterwards when the meter is
taken into operation in a measuring station.
9.1.1 Correction for the temperature

For all meter types, the geometry-related temperature correction can be given as a straightforward
analytical solution (see E.2). In consequence, the correction has a very high precision and the only
uncertainties related to this correction are the uncertainties related to the material constants.
The flow correction factor due to a body temperature change, ∆T, is given by:
qV ,1
 1  T   1  3T  3 T   T  
3 2 3
qV ,0  

qV, 1 is the volume flow rate under operating conditions;
qV, 0 is the volume flow rate under the conditions at which the meter was calibrated; ∆T is T1 − T0.
in which

T1 is the temperature under operating conditions,

T0 is the temperature under the conditions at which the meter was calibrated.

Other than in extreme situations, α∆T is generally very small and Formula (15) can be simplified to:
 qV ,1 
   1  3T (16)
 qV ,0 
  b,T

Or alternatively, expressed as a flow error:


 qV 
   3T (17)
 qV  b,T

Table 7 gives typical coefficients of thermal expansion for common body materials.
Table 7 — Common coefficients of thermal expansion in the 0 °C to 100 °C range

Material Thermal expansion coefficient

α K−1
Carbon steel 12 × 10−6

Stainless steel AISI 304 17 × 10−6
Stainless steel AISI 316 16 × 10−6
High elastic-limit stainless steel AISI 420 10 × 10−6

The thermal expansion coefficients for a given material vary with temperature and the treatment process
of the steel. The values given in Table 5 and used in the example in Figure 8 are for illustrative purposes
only. It is consequently recommended that, for more precise calculations, the coefficient of thermal
expansion data be obtained from the material manufacturer.
A graphical presentation of Formula (19) is shown in Figure 15 for two materials from Table 8.
∆T temperature difference, in °C
∆qV/qV flow measurement error, in %

1 austenitic stainless steel

2 ferritic stainless steel
3 example

Figure 15 — Temperature related flow error for two example material types

This figure can be used to quickly estimate the percentage correction required for a given temperature
change. The example point for a +23 °C temperature change with an austenitic stainless steel body shows
a +0,07 % correction (i.e. the meter would underestimate the flow by 0,07 % without the correction). If ∆T
is negative, ∆qV/qV is negative (i.e. the meter will overestimate the flow).


9.1.2 Correction for the pressure General

The geometry-related pressure correction is complex and depends on the design of the meter body, its end
connections and the way the meter ends are supported in operation. Looking at the market, the various
meter designs offered can be grouped into three broad categories:
a) welded-in cylindrical body designs;

b) meter bodies consisting of a pipe with welded-on flanges;

c) non cylindrical meter body designs, for example those based on casting.

In to, a means of making an initial estimate of the flow error for any body type is provided. General simplified expression for any body type
As a first stage in estimating the pressure effects, a general basic expression can be derived assuming the
meter body consists simply of a cylindrical pipe. An estimate of the maximum expected flow error due to a
body pressure change, ∆p, is (as described in E.5) given by:

 qV  r  R2  r 2  p
   4  4   (18)
 qV  b,p ,max r  2 2 
 R r  E

R is the outside radius;
r is the inside radius;
µ is the Poisson ratio;
E is the Young modulus, in MPa;
Δp is the operational pressure minus calibration pressure, in MPa.

If the meter body is irregular or non-cylindrical (e.g. as might be the case for a cast body), then, for the
purposes of this initial estimate, the outside radius value, R, should be taken as the point where the wall is
thinnest since this gives the largest estimate of flow error.
Formula (20) can be presented in graphical form as shown in Figure 16 for a range of values of δ/r, i.e. the
ratio of wall thickness to internal radius.


pressure difference, in MPa
flow measurement error, in %
inside pipe radius
pipe wall thickness

Figure 16 — Maximum expected pressure related flow error for different δ/r ratios

Figure 16 provides a rapid means of estimating the maximum expected flow error due to body pressure
changes. The figure is plotted for a body material with a Young modulus of 2 × 10−11 Pa and a Poisson ratio
of 0,3. The example of ∆p = 6,3 MPa shows the maximum expected pressure-induced error to be 0,06 % for
a δ/r = 0,25. If ∆p is negative, ∆qV/qV is negative (i.e. the meter will overestimate the flow).
Since Formula (16) and Figure 16 provide a maximum expected error, the reader can, if desired, go straight
to (taking KE = Ks = 1) to assess the significance of the error without the need of the refinement in
the initial estimate provided in and since these result in a lower value for the flow error. Refinement in initial estimate to account for different meter body designs

Flanged ends or irregular shape to the body stiffen the body compared to the simple cylindrical pipe
approach used in consequently, the body expansion and resulting flow error is less than that given
by Formula (19) and Figure 16. To compensate for this local stiffening effect, a body style correction factor,
Ks, is used to give a revised estimate of the flow error:
 qV   q 
  Ks  V  (19)

 qV  b,p ,rev 1  qV  b,p ,max

Ks is always less than or equal to 1; the value of Ks to be used for a given body type is as follows:
a) for a welded-in body with no flanges within 2R, where R is the outside pipe radius, of the ultrasonic
transducer locations, Ks = 1, i.e. the meter body behaves as a simple pipe;

b) for a flanged meter body (e.g. consisting of two flanges welded to a pipe) or welded-in design where
neighbouring flanges are within 2R of the transducer positions, the value of Ks has to be calculated as
described in E.2.3;


c) for irregularly shaped meter bodies, for example cast bodies, Ks is obtained as follows based on an
average flow error:

1) Formula (20) or Figure 17, are used to obtain a second flow error, y, but this time based on the
thickest wall section,

2) Ks is then calculated as, Ks = 0,5 × (1 + y/x) where x is the initial estimate based on the thinnest
wall section.

T Refinement in initial estimate for effects of end loading and end support or constraint

Formula (16) and Figure 17 are based on the worst-case conditions for radial body expansion (no end
loads and free ends). The effect of the best-case conditions (pressure end loads and free ends) for minimal
radial body expansion can be taken into account by introducing an end correction factor, KE (see Annex E),
given in Figure 17 for a Poisson ratio of 0,3.

KE end correction factor
r inside pipe radius
δ pipe wall thickness
KE = −0,122 9(δ/r)2 + 0,191 3(δ/r) + 0,850 1

Figure 17 — End loading and support correction factor, KE

The end correction factor is derived simply from the ratio of Formulas (E.12) and (E.14). In the example in
Figure 17, KE = 0,89 for δ/r = 0,25. Note that the smallest value KE can have is 0,85.
The flow error ∆qV/qV then becomes:

 qV   q 
  KEKs  V  (20)
 qV  b, p  qV  b, p ,max

NOTE Formula (22) gives an estimate of the expected minimum flow error. It can therefore be used in
combination with the maximum flow error (i.e. with KE = Ks = 1) to provide an initial estimate of the range or tolerance
in expected flow error. Effects of transducer ports

The combined impact of the transducer and the transducer port are normally an order of magnitude
smaller than the effect on the meter body and can be neglected for most cases. However, for reference, in
E.2.5, a simple calculation method is provided that includes an estimate of port effects. In these equations,
the transducer material coefficients have to be known (obtainable from the manufacturer). Total metering error

The initial estimate of the combined flow error, (∆qV/qV)c, est, due to a temperature and a pressure difference
is given by:
 qV   q   q 
   V  KEKs  V  (21)
 qV  c ,est  qV  b,T  qV  b,p ,max

If the flow error is deemed not significant, then it can be dismissed.

If, however, the flow error is deemed significant and hence requires correction, the detailed calculation
described in needs to be performed to obtain a more precise flow correction factor.
NOTE If calculations in and were omitted in the estimate for pressure effect, a repeat estimate can
be performed using those sections to provide a lowered estimate before reassessing the need for the more detailed
calculation. Detailed calculation procedure

Annex E describes the detailed calculation and includes the pressure and temperature effects on the
transducer ports as well as on the meter body, effects of body style, and end loading.
The ratio between qV, 0 at a reference calibration condition and qV,1 at different conditions can be written
(see E.1) as a flow correction factor, qV,1/qV,0, given by:

qV ,1
qV ,0
d  l  x 
 1   1   0 
 d0   l0   x 1 

The detailed calculation contains estimates of extremes and allows the flow error to be described in either
of the following equivalent forms:
qV ,1
 x , xxxx x , xxxx (23)
qV ,0
  x , xx x , xx  % (24)

Stating the final flow correction factor, qV,1/qV,0 to four decimal places and the flow error, ∆qV/qV, to two
decimal places is representative of the general level of accuracy of the calculation method. Since there is
always some uncertainty as to the actual end-loading conditions on the meter, the flow estimates are never
more precise than the tolerance magnitudes given in Formulae (23) and (24).
For meter bodies that are generally cylindrical in shape and either welded in or have attached flanges,
Annex E provides a simple procedure based on direct calculation from the physical characteristics of the

meter. Annex E provides a worked example of such a direct calculation.

Where the meter body is such that the body shape is not a simple cylinder, flanges take up a significant
proportion of the total body length or ports are not simple tubes, a finite element (FE) model provides a
more accurate estimate of the body and port dimensions, and consequent flow error obtained from
Formula (18) than that given by the direct calculations of E.2.2 to E.2.5. E.3 provides guidance on the use
of FE modelling to predict the temperature and pressure expansion effects.
Regardless of the complexity of the meter, an FE model of the body and ports can be used. It is
recommended that Formulas (E.12) to (E.15), including any body style correction effects (E.2.3) where
relevant, can be used as a means of checking the predicted dimensions from the FE model to provide added


confidence in the FE model. Formula (18) is still used to predict the flow error along each path based on
the changes in physical dimensions between conditions.



Annex A

Registration of error bands

A.1 General
The magnitude of the shift between flow recalibration results may be of specific interest where
retrospective reconciliation or calibration repeatability tolerances are required. A method for deriving

mismeasurements based on sequential flow recalibration results employing registration error limits is
presented in this annex, together with a guide to the determination of a representative registration error
band or “trigger point”.
The registration error band or trigger point, Δ(reg), should be derived from:
  reg   u USM   u TF  
2 2
 

u(USM) is the USM primary component of uncertainty (USM factor);

u(TF) is the test facility primary component of uncertainty (test facility factor).

Included within u(USM) shall be those sub-components of uncertainty as detailed in 4.4.

The facility used to perform the recalibration shall provide u(TF), which varies from centre to centre.


Annex B

Derivation and correction of USM errors

B.1 Methods for correcting flow measurement error of a USM

The total flow measurement error of a USM consists of two components: random error and bias (or
systematic error). The random error can be caused by various influences, generally not dependent on each
other, on operation of a meter. It usually follows a certain statistical distribution (and is often expressed in
terms of measurement uncertainty). The magnitude of the random error can usually be reduced by
acquiring multiple measurement samples and applying accepted statistical analysis principles to the data.
The bias usually causes repeated USM measurement readings to be in error by roughly the same amount.
In most cases, flow calibration of a USM can help eliminate or, at least, minimize the systematic
measurement error of the meter with respect to the reference used. For a detailed description of
uncertainties and errors in flow metering, see ISO 5168.
Due to machining tolerances, variations in component manufacturing processes, variations in the meter
assembly process and other factors, each USM has its own unique operating characteristics. Thus, to
absolutely minimize flow measurement error, a particular USM can be flow calibrated and the calibration
data used to correct or compensate for the measurement error of the meter. More than one error correction
technique is available to the manufacturer depending on the meter application and the needs of the
The following is a description of an error correction technique that utilizes a single meter correction factor:
the flow-weighted mean error (FWME) factor. If the flow measurement output of a USM is very linear over
the operational flow range of the meter, the FWME correction method is effective at minimizing the bias of
the meter. Other single meter-factor correction techniques are also available. If the flow measurement
output of a USM is non-linear over the operational range of the meter, more sophisticated error correction
techniques can be applied. For instance, a higher-order curve fit algorithm, such as a second-order or third-
order polynomial equation, can be used to characterize the output of the meter, based on the available test
Before calculating the FWME, it may be appropriate to determine the zero error from the flow calibration
results and to apply this so that the deviation curve becomes as flat as possible. After determining and
applying the zero error, the FWME can be determined as detailed in B.2.

B.2 Calculation of flow-weighted mean error (FWME)

B.2.1 General

The FWME, E ( qV ) , is calculated as follows:

 
  qV ,i / qV ,max ,op E i 
E  qV     (B.1)

 qV / qV ,max ,op 


qV, i is the tested flow rate;

qV, max, op is the maximum rated operational capacity of the meter;
Ei is the error, as a percentage, indicated at the tested flow rate, qV, i:
— qV, i ranges: qV, min u qV, i u qV, max, op when qV, max, cal W qV, max, op,

— qV, i ranges: qV, min u qV, i u qV, max, cal when qV, max, cal < qV, max, op.

B.2.2 Example of a flow-weighted mean error calculation

The calculation of the FWME from actual flow test data is an internationally agreed calibration method,
when only a single correction factor can be applied to the output of the meter. Application of this factor to
the output of a USM is analogous to the use of an index gear ratio in a turbine or rotary flowmeter. As noted
in B.1, use of the FWME factor is only one of several alternative methods of adjusting the calibration of a
USM to minimize the flow measurement uncertainty of the meter.
The following example demonstrates how to calculate the FWME.
A 200 mm diameter USM has been flow calibrated (see data set in Table B.1) under operating conditions
similar to those that the meter would experience during field service. An adjustment factor (a flow
measurement error correction factor) is determined and then applied to the test results such that the
resulting FWME is equal to zero.

test rate
Table B.1 — Flow calibration data table for 200 mm diameter USM

test rate
Actual test rate
from reference meter
qV, ref
Actual rate
from test meter
qV, i
qV, min 950 930 938,862 9 +0,953 0
0,10 qV, max 1 900 1 950 1 957,332 0 +0,376 0
0,25 qV, max 4 750 4 780 4 764,799 6 −0,318 0
0,40 qV, max 7 600 7 650 7 625,902 5 −0,315 0
0,70 qV, max 13 300 13 250 13 200,710 0 −0,372 0
qV, max 19 000 18 950 18 880,643 0 −0,366 0

The FWME for the data set presented in Table B.1 is calculated as follows:

  qV ,i / qV ,max E i 
E  qV    

 qV / qV ,max 

qV, i/qV, max is a weighting factor, fi;
Ei is the indicated flow rate error, expressed as a percentage, at the tested flow rate, qV, i.
Applying Formula (B.1) to the test data in Table B.1 (qV, max = 19 000) produces the results shown in
Table B.2.
Table B.2 — Flow-weighted mean error calculation summary for 200 mm diameter USM


Indicated flow rate Weighting factor Indicated flow rate error Weighted flow rate error
qi i = qV, i/qV, max Ei fi Ei

938,862 9 0,049 414 0,953 0 0,047 091

1 957,332 0 0,103 017 0,376 0 0,038 735
4 764,799 6 0,250 779 −0,318 0 −0,079 748
7 625,902 5 0,401 363 −0,315 0 −0,126 429

13 200,710 0 0,694 774 −0,372 0 −0,258 456
18 880,643 0 0,993 718 −0,366 0 −0,363 701

 f i  2, 493 066  f i E i   0,742 508

As a result:
 fi Ei
E  qV  
AF  fi

= −0,742 508/2,493 066

= −0,297 829 28

The single adjustment factor, F, to be applied to the output of a USM can be calculated from Formula (B.2):
F (B.2)
100  E  qV 
Given a FWME equal to −0,297 829 28, the resulting adjustment factor, F, is calculated as 1,002 987. If this
adjustment factor of 1,002 987 is applied as a multiplier to the output of the USM, the calculated FWME
then equals zero. This is shown in Table B.3, where each Ei has been adjusted to obtain a calibration factor-
adjusted value, Ei, cf, using Formula (B.3):
E i ,cf   E i  100 F  100 (B.3)
Table B.3 — FWME-corrected flow calibration data summary for a 200 mm diameter USM

Indicated flow rate Calibration factor-adjusted Weighted calibration factor-adjusted

error flow rate error flow rate error
Ei Ei, cf fi Ei, cf
0,953 0 1,254 566 0,061 993
0,376 0 0,675 842 0,069 624

−0,318 0 −0,020 23 −0,005 074

−0,315 0 −0,017 22 −0,006 912
−0,372 0 −0,074 39 −0,051 686
−0,366 0 −0,068 37 −0,067 945

 f i E i , cf  0,000 0
As a result:

0,000 0
E  qV    0,000
2,493 066

In Figure B.1, the FWME-corrected flow calibration data have been added to the test data presented in
Table B.1. The triangular data points represent the error of the meter after a FWME adjustment factor of
1,002 987 has been applied to the original flow calibration data.


qV/qV,max ratio of volume flow rate to maximum volume flow rate, in %
uncorrected data
2 FWME corrected data
3 maximum error limit

Figure B.1 — Uncorrected and FWME-corrected flow calibration data plot for 200 mm diameter

This figure shows that, for gas flow rates above about 25 % of the capacity of the meter, the measurement
error has been virtually eliminated by applying a single FWME correction factor to the entire set of flow
test data. However, for flow rates below about 25 % of the capacity of the meter, the FWME correction does
not completely eliminate the measurement error because the USM has a non-linear characteristic over this
portion of its operating range. Therefore, the user needs to either accept the higher measurement error on
the low end of the operational range of the meter, or apply a more sophisticated correction scheme to
reduce or eliminate the measurement error at the low end of the range of the meter.


Annex C

Valve characterization and noise in a metering and regulating station

C.1 Introduction

In order to estimate in advance if a USM performs satisfactorily in a given application, the following is
provided as guidance.
Pressure-regulating valves produce noise within the audible and also in the ultrasonic range. The amount
of noise depends on the process conditions, such as pressure drop and flow. When a control valve
(pressure-regulating valve) is installed in the vicinity of a USM, the acoustic noise levels emitted can
interfere with the acoustic signal and loss of flow measurement is imminent. The emission and the spectral
distribution of the noise are valve and trim dependent. The emission of acoustic noise at a specific
frequency is characterized by a valve-weighting factor, Nv. Next to the characterization of the valve, a model
is defined that comprises the USM as well as the piping installation, such as elbows, tees, and silencers (if
applicable). Also, the method for the determination of the valve-weighting factor is given.
In order to be sure that the meter performs well within the operating envelope, it is advised to contact the
valve manufacturer as well as the manufacturer of the USM in the early planning stage of a metering and
regulating (M&R) station.

C.2 Calculation method

C.2.1 General

In order to be able to make an assessment of the functionality of a USM in a given application, the following
items have to be investigated:
— the generation of the noise by the control valve within the M&R station as a function of the pressure
drop across the valve dP and normalised flowrate through valve qn;

— the attenuation of noise while propagating from the valve to the USM (attenuation factor, Nd);

— the signal strength, Ps, of the USM;

— the outcome of this is the S/N ratio at the USM — together with the minimum required S/N ratio (error
critical) of a meter, a prediction of the performance of the meter can be made.

C.2.2 Generation of noise by the control valve


The emitted acoustic pressure, pn, in Pascals [Pa], of a valve is proportional to the pressure drop, Δp, in
pascals,p across the valve and the square root of the normalised flow rate, qn, in normal cubic meters per
hour [Nm3/h], i.e.
pn ~ p qn (C.1)

In addition to this, a valve-weighting factor, Nv, is defined which is a function of the acoustic pressure and
the value of Δp√qn:
pn  Nv  p qn (C.2)

This valve-weighting factor describes how noisy a valve is at a certain frequency and in a certain direction
(up or downstream). The higher the Nv value, the noisier the valve.
Remark: The metric unit of the valve-weighting factor Nv is: [m−1,5]0,5
Analysing the frequency spectrum of the noise generated by valves, it can be concluded that most valves
have a broad bandwidth with a maximum somewhere between 30 kHz and 90 kHz (see Figure C.1).

f Frequency, in kHz
Lp noise amplitude

Figure C.1 — A typical spectrum of the acoustic noise generated by a valve

C.2.3 Practical determination of the valve weighting factor Nv

To determine the valve-weighting factor in a practical way, Nv, of a valve and trim combination for each
operational condition, the pressure drop, the flow rate, and the acoustic pressure need to be measured.
Figure C.2 depicts an installation for determination of the valve-weighting factor.


M1, M2
P1, P2
data storage for binary data capture
pressure gauges
pipe inside diameter
flow rate

Figure C.2 — Installation set-up

Note that:
— distance between microphone and regulating valve may be 5D or longer;
— there are no obstructions in the pipeline between the microphone and the regulating valve;

— there are no U-bends, T-bends, etc. between the microphone and the regulating valve;

— installation of microphone is flush with the inner wall of the pipeline;

— before starting a test, the background noise shall be measured — during this measurement, Δp shall
be 0 Pa, the gas flow 0 m3/h, and the pipeline pressurized at line pressure;

— The noise is calculated over a one third octave (tertz) bandwidth;


— each noise measurement at a specific operational condition may consist of three to five measurements;

— measurements may be done under stable process conditions;

— at the end of the test, the background noise levels may be measured again;

— in most cases the Nv value is different for the upstream or downstream side.

C.2.4 Theoretical determination of the valve weighting factor Nv

If practical determination of the valve weighting factor is not done, the next best guess would be using
IEC 60534-8-3. This standard describes a control valve aerodynamics noise prediction method. It is used
to calculate the audible noise produced by a control valve, outside of a pipe at 1 m distance from the pipe.
To do so, the noise spectrum inside the pipe is also calculated. The model however only calculates the
spectrum up to 20 kHz (audible range). By extrapolation into the ultrasonic noise region the IEC 60534-8-
3 can also be used for ultrasonic noise. For a certain combination of flow rate (qn) and pressure drop (ΔP)
the spectrum of the emitted noise of a control valve is defined by:
— Lpi = Overall internal sound-pressure level at pipe wall

— fp = Generated peak frequency

The spectrum is calculated by:
 2,5   1,7  
 f 
Lpi  f   Lpi

 8  10  log  1      1   f p 

 (C.3)
     2f 
  2 f p      

X frequency, in Hz
Y acoustic level
1 Lpi (f)
2 Pi (f)

Figure C.3— Typical peak frequency plots, acoustic level as function of frequency

For each combination of ΔP and qn the noise level can be calculated for a specific frequency and by using
Formula (C.3) the valve weighting factor Nv can be calculated.
The preferred method of course is measuring the Nv; using the IEC 60534-8-3 should be regarded as a back-

up method.
C.2.5 Propagation of noise from the valve to the USM using attenuation factor, Nd

The USM operates in the high-frequency range where, unfortunately, the noise propagates easily. To reduce
the intensity of these high ultrasonic noise frequencies, it is necessary to obstruct the acoustic noise
(eliminating the line of sight) or to let the acoustic noise interact with the pipe wall, thereby attenuating
the acoustic energy. Therefore, piping elements like elbows and tees or special developed silencers can be
used to attenuate the ultrasonic noise.
The reduction of the ultrasonic noise, propagating from the valve to the USM, is presented as the
attenuation factor, Nd.


All piping elements present in an installation attenuate acoustic noise, an attenuation which is frequency
Based on linear systems theory, piping elements can be represented by a number indicating the
attenuation of ultrasonic sound in the relevant frequency band.
As an example, Table C.1 shows the attenuation of different piping elements at 200 kHz.
Table C.1 — Attenuation of piping elements at 200 kHz

Factor Attenuation
Piping element
Nd dB
Bend 90° 0,56 5
Bend 45° 0,79 2
Tee 0,32 10
Two bends out of plane 0,20 14
AF 100 m pipeline 0,56
NOTE Values differ for other frequencies.

Whereas bends and tees show significant attenuation of ultrasonic noise, straight pipe has little to almost
no effect. If the noise level exceeds acceptable limits, additional bends or tees can be installed to act as
silencer or silencers specifically designed for this purpose. Such a silencer has to be engineered for a
specific kind of application (e.g. dependent of frequency).
C.2.6 Signal strength of the USM, Ps

For the signal strength of a USM, the following rules apply:

— Ps ∝ p: the higher the pressure at the USM, the stronger the signal;

— Ps ∝ 1/lp: the longer the path length, the weaker the signal;

— Ps ∝ √t: the longer the integration time or number of samples, the stronger the signal (or more
accurately averaging data improves S/N ratio by √n).
p t
Ps ~ (C.4)

The above used parameters are all manufacturer independent. To truly determine the signal strength of an
USM, manufacturer specific parameters like e.g. transducer efficiency, excitation voltage should be used as
well. A specific manufacturer parameter αmf can be defined which incorporates all additional manufacturer

specific parameters and which transfers Formula (C.4) into:

p t
Ps   mf  (C.5)

Remark: The metric unit of αmf is meter [m]

C.2.7 Signal-to-noise ratio at the USM

The combination of the attenuation factor, Nd, with the amount of noise produced by the control valve
[Formula (C.2)] results in the levels of acoustic noise pressure at the USM:


pn , USM  N d N v P qn (C.6)



Combining this with Formula (C.4), describing the signal strength, Formula (C.5) results in Formula (C.7),
which describes the SNR, Ps/pn, USM:

Ps  mf p t
SNR   (C.7)
Pn , USM l p N d N v P q n

Having established the SNR at the USM, the last remaining item to be determined is the required minimum
SNR at which the meter still operates. This SNR is manufacturer specific:

SNR  SNRmf  the USM functions (C.8)

SNR  SNRmf  the USM fails (C.9)

Calculation example 1: metric

Frequency Noise level

AF [Hz]

2 000
2 520
3 175
4 000
5 040
6 350 380 52
8 000 500 54
10 079 880 59
12 699 880 59
16 000 1 100 61
20 159 1 700 65
25 398 2 000 66
32 000 2 100 66
40 317 2 300 67
50 797 3 000 70
64 000 3 800 72

80 635 2 800 69
101 594 1 600 64
128 000 1 500 64
161 270 1 000 60
203 187 680 57
256 000 400 52
322 540 230 47
406 375 170 45


ΔP = 2,5 MPa

P = 6,0 MPa

q = 20 000 m3/h

lp = 0,5 m


Operating frequency of the transducer is 200 kHz,

Noise levels measured at 200 kHz is approx. 680 Pa, So:
Pn = 680 Pa

Instead of calculating noise levels linearly the noise levels can also be calculated logarithmically in this case
Pn, dB = 57 dB ( = 20 · 10log(680) )

The normalised flowrate (qn) can be simply be estimated using pressure (P) times line flow rate (q). For
calculating the normalised flow officially also the effect of temperature (T) and compressibility (Z) needs
to be taken account for. However the uncertainty of this model (in the range of a factor 2) is much larger
than the correction by temperature and compressibility. So the simplified formula for the normalised flow
rate, q qn  P q can be used with in this case P0 = 0,1 MPa.
qn = 1,200,000 Nm3/h
The valve weighting factor can be calculated according to:
Nv 
P q n

ΔP = 25 bar = 2,500,000 Pa

Nv   2,5  10 7 m−1,50,5
2,500,000 1,200,000

If between the pressure control valve and the UFM 2 bends in plane are present then according table they
will create an attenuation of:
Nd = 2 × 5 dB = 10 dB (factor 3,2)


The acoustic noise at the UFM would then be:

Pn , USM, dB  Pn , dB  N d  57 dB  10 dB  47 dB


Pn ,
Pn , USM   680  215Pa
Nd 3,2

To determine the signal strength of the UFM the manufacturer specific parameter αmf is required.
αmf = 2,2⋅10−4 m

p = 60 bar = 6,000,000 Pa

lp = 0,5 m

Ps   mf 
p t

Ps  2,2  10 4 
6,000,000 1
 2640 Pa

Ps , dB  20  10 log 2640  68 dB

The signal to noise ratio is:

Ps 2640
SNR    12,3
Pn , USM 215
SNRdB  Ps , dB  Pn , USM, dB  68 dB  47 dB  21 dB

It is assumed that the UFM the SNRmf = 20 dB (factor 10) this means there is no additional attenuation

Calculation example 2: Imperial

[Hz] [psi] dB
2 000 0,015 −37
2 520 0,029 −31
3 175 0,044 −27
4 000 0,036 −29
5 040 0,055 −25

6 350 0,055 −25
8 000 0,073 −23
10 079 0,128 −18
12 699 0,128 −18
16 000 0,160 −16
AF 20 159
25 398
32 000
40 317
50 797
64 000
80 635 0,406 −8
101 594 0,232 −13
128 000 0,218 −13
161 270 0,145 −17
203 187 0,099 −20
256 000 0,058 −25
322 540 0,033 −30
406 375 0,025 −32
To perform the same calculation with imperial units all parameters should be transferred.
1 bar = 14,50 psi
1 m = 3,28 ft
1 h = 0,041 7 day as a result 1 m3/h = 8,47⋅10−4 mmcfd

1 m = 39,37 inch
The αmf and Nv also needed to be transferred.

αmf = 2,2⋅10−4 m so αmf = 8.7⋅10−3 inch

Nv = 2,5⋅10−7 m−1,50,5 so Nv = 8.5⋅10−6 mmscf−1,50,5
The used values are:

— ΔP = 363 psi (25 bar)

— P = 870 psi (60 bar)


— q = 16,9 mmcfd (20,000 m3/h)

— lp = 19,7” (0,5 m)

— t=1

— f = 200 kHz so Pn = 0,099 psi (−20 dB)

qn  P q = 1 016 mmscfd (P0 = 14,5 psi)


Nv 
P q n

N v  8,5 10 6 mmscf-½d½
Nd = 10 dB (factor 3,2)

Pn , USM 

Ps   mf 
Pn ,

p t
 0,099
 0,031 psi or Pn , USM, dB  20 dB  10 dB  30 dB

 0,383 psi or Ps , dB  8 dB

SNR   12,3 or SNRdB  8 dB  30 dB  22 dB

SNRmf = 20 dB (factor 10) so no additional attenuation required.

C.3 M&R station design

From C.2.2 to C.2.5, it is clear that the successful operation of an M&R station comprising a USM system is
dependent on:
— the noise characteristics of the source of the noise, the valve, with the responsibility of the valve
manufacturer to present the valve factors, Nv, for both the upstream and downstream side;

— the required process operating envelope defined by , as selected and determined by the user;
P q n

— the pipe configuration, which may be modified to include silencers in the design;

— the level of noise immunity of the USM for which the manufacturer has to present the value of
δS/N, min.

To provide an optimal solution, these issues need to be addressed in the early design stage of an M&R
station. In contrast to the design of a turbine meter station, where the meter is normally positioned after
the regulating valve, for a USM station, the meter may be placed before the regulating valve and heat
exchanger (see Figure C.4). The obvious advantages of this set-up are:
— the USM is placed in the high-pressure area that improves the ultrasonic signal strength;

— the heat exchanger is placed between the noise-generating valve, acting as a silencer (in many cases a
heat exchanger attenuates more than 20 dB).

In most cases, the Nv value is 3 dB to 6 dB lower for the upstream side than for the downstream side (to be
confirmed by the valve manufacturer).

AFheat exchanger
control valve
5 thermowell

Figure C.4 — M&R station optimized for ultrasonic measurement



Annex D

The calibration time of ultrasonic flow meters

D.1 Introduction

In most of the calibration stations, ultrasonic flow meters are compared with turbine meters which are
acting as the prime standard. As turbine meters behave differently on turbulence and flow perturbations
the utmost care has to be taken to ensure a correct calibration. Hence stable pressure and temperature
conditions during the calibration period are required and pulsations shall be avoided. Requirements for
those are presented in 6.3.
Also in 6.3.2 of the first version the minimum calibration time is defined as: “the duration of one
measurement shall be at least 300 s or 400 × r/v, where r is the inside pipe radius of the meter and v is the
average flow velocity, whichever is larger.
The background of his requirement is explained in this paper and expanded for the new OIML class 0,5 and
OIML class 1 requirements and an enhanced criterion is proposed.

D.2 Comparing turbine meters and ultrasonic meters

Turbine meter have been in the calibration labs for years and were there long before the ultrasonic flow
meter technology appeared. Being a conservative market, turbine meters are still dominating the
calibration labs but that situation is now slightly changing. In the new and the most advanced labs already
both meter technologies are used, making the best of each technology.
One of the main reasons that turbine meters are still used as reference meters is that those meters are
relatively insensitive to the turbulent fluctuations in the flow. In turbine meters the turbulent fluctuations
are averaged over the length of the turbine wheel and the vortices themselves are reduced by the
acceleration in the internals of the turbine meter. As a result, turbine meters have a reduced bandwidth
and are not capable of measuring rapid flow fluctuations. Also turbine meters are not able to cope with
fluctuating flows as they over speed in such situations and large measurement errors occur. (for that
reason during calibration pulsations in the flow may not occur).
Ultrasonic meters in contrast to that have a much greater bandwidth and are able to detect much higher
frequencies. As a result ultrasonic meters will measure the actual fluctuations in the flow and can
excellently deal with the accurate measurement of fluctuating flows.
Whereas in a calibration the outcome of both meters are compared, it shall be ensured that both the impact
of the turbulent fluctuations and that of the pulsations are reduced to such a level it that does not impact
the quality of the calibration. Dependent on the OIML classification of the meter run, the final additional

uncertainty due to the turbulent fluctuations may therefore not be larger than 1/3 of the respected
uncertainty band of their category.

D.3 The minimum calibration time

In a calibration lab, the operator has to ensure that the flow and turbulence conditions are identical to
those as encountered in an infinitely long and straight pipe. From the meter it is assumed that the
measurement sampling rate is high enough that it can be regarded as a continuous measurement.
In a long straight pipe the fluctuations in the flow are due to the natural occurring turbulence which are
generated by the friction at the pipe wall. There at the pipe wall, the shear stress creates a gradient in the
flow velocity profile which is the main cause for the generation of turbulence.
The turbulence intensity is a function of both the gradient in the flow velocity profile and the distance to
the pipe wall (the free space in which the vortex can be generated). For pipes with a standard wall
roughness, this leads to the situation where:
— the dominant vortices have a characteristic size of approximately 0,2 D – 0,3 D. for pipe flows with
Re > 8 000

— the turbulent intensity level is approximately 4 % close to the pipe wall and approximately 3 % in the
middle of the pipe; 3,5 % as an average. (see also: Hinze “Turbulence”[84])

This is shown in the next figure, taken from ch. 7.13[84].

AF ur
x ,max

Y  0, 035
2x 2
Figure D.1 — turbulent intensity in a standard pipe (Re > 8 000)

There are 2 ways to determine the turbulence level u*:

a) When the meter run can be regarded as a straight pipe, the graph from Hinze can be used for accessing
the turbulence level at the position of the ultrasonic paths.

b) By logging the one second values of one of the outer paths and calculate its standard deviation.

Measuring the turbulence level is preferred for situations where a much higher turbulence level than
normal is expected, such as for instance in cases where a flow conditioner is positioned close to the
ultrasonic flow meter.
Turbulence is a stochastic process and the impact of it can be reduced by averaging. Being a naturally
occurring process, a classical Gaussian probability distribution can be expected and the impact of the
turbulence will then be reduced with a factor equal to the root of the number of samples.
To reduce the instantaneous fluctuations for example of a level of 4 % to a level of 0,1 % the measurement
has to be averaged over a total number (4/0,1)^2 = 1 600 vortices. (at a 1σ confidence level).


With a characteristic vortex size of 1/4·D this means that for a point measurement, the measurement shall
be averaged over a length of 1 600·1/4·D= 400·D; or in time over a period of 400 × D /v; where v is the
average flow velocity.
More generic the equation for the measurement at a single point in the pipe is:

Tmin  (u*/ud )2  0,25·D/v (D.1)


u* the turbulence level (defined as the standard deviation of the instantaneous turbulent scatter);
ud is the required standard deviation after averaging;
Tmin is the required minimum averaging time.
Whereas ultrasonic flow meters also average the flow over the length of the acoustic path, the total
averaging length can be reduced by the internal total path length LAV over which the turbulence is already
This factor is shown in the following table where the typical averaging length of various meters is
presented. (Please note that these are typical values which may vary slightly for different designs.)
Table D.1 — Internal averaging lengths LAV of various meter designs

Number of paths
Typical averaging length in D
5 5,5
In this calculation only the length of the single straight path length is used. Crossed path and reflective
designs theoretically should have a higher value but whereas the turbulent scatter is identical for both
paths forming the cross, the information from both paths together cannot be treated anymore as being
completely independent with a random scatter. Conservatively for those designs the same value is used as
the one for the straight paths designs.
With that the minimum averaging time Tmin from Formula (D.2), at a 1σ confidence level, is reduced to a
value of:

Tmin  (u*/ud )2  0,25·D/(v· LAV ) (D.2)

Please note that these are not exact equations; this is statistics.
Dealing with statistics, also the confidence level comes into play. For a random Gaussian distribution the
confidence level at 1σ is about 68 % (see also Figure D.2). In case a lower uncertainty is required the
minimum averaging time has to be multiplied with a coverage factor. The coverage factors for different

levels of confidence are shown in the following table.

Table D.2 — Gaussian coverage factors

Coverage factors for the normal, Gaussian distribution

Confidence level, % 68,27 90,00 95,00 95,45 99,00 99,73
Coverage factor, k 1,000 1,645 1,960 2,000 2,576 3,000


Figure D.2 — Gaussian probability distribution

In the Oil & Gas industry, in most cases a confidence level of 95 % is used resulting in a coverage factor
k = 2. With that, the minimum averaging time Tmin from Formula (D.2), now at a 2σ confidence level is:
AFTmin  (u*/ud )2  0,5·D/(v· LAV )

is the standard deviation of the instantaneous turbulent scatter;
is the standard deviation of the required turbulent scatter after averaging;
is the flow velocity;

LAV is the typical averaging length in the ultrasonic flowmeter.

D.4 Determining the value of ud

The value of additional uncertainty due to the occurring turbulence depends on the required accuracy. For
an OIML 0.5 classification, the maximum allowable deviation is 0,167 % (1/3 of the classification).
Similarly, the final scatter due to the turbulence, after averaging, should therefore also be less than 1/3 of
the allowable total uncertainty in its class.
That results in:
— ud = 0,05 % for a OIML class 0.5 meter run;

— ud = 0,1 % for a OIML class 1 meter run.

The results of the calculations for a 12”meter is shown in Figure D.3, using a turbulence level of 3,5 % and
a LAV of 4,5:


Tmin OIML class 1
Tmin OIML class 0.5
Tmin 300 seconds rule

Figure D.3 — Minimum averaging time for a 12 “meter

The results of the calculations for a 32”meter is shown in figure 31, using a turbulence level of 3,5 % and a
LAV of 4,5:

1 Tmin OIML class 1
2 Tmin OIML class 0.5
3 Tmin 300 seconds rule
Y minutes
X m/s

Figure D.4 — Minimum averaging time for a 32 “meter

From these figures can be seen that the “old” 300 seconds rule is ok for all the OIML Class 1 meters up to
32” with a Vmin of around 30 cm/s or 1 ft/s.
However, for the new generation of high accurate OIML Class 0.5 meters the 300 seconds rule is not
adequate anymore and longer averaging times at the lowest calibration points should be applied.



Annex E

Detailed calculation of geometry-related temperature and pressure


E.1 General background
This annex provides a method of estimating the systematic errors due to meter geometry changes
regardless of the particular type, make or model of time-of-flight meter or of the fluid being used.
Geometry change causes two primary effects:
a) it changes the actual acoustic path length and path angle between a given transducer pair and
consequently, if uncorrected, introduces a path velocity error and hence gives rise to a flow error;
b) any diameter change results in an area change and, if ignored, introduces a further flow error.

For any given path, Formula (11) can be rewritten in the following form in terms of the meter inside
diameter of the meter body, d, the path-length, lp, and the transducer axial separation, x, rather than path
angle, ϕ:

d 2 l 2  1 1 
qV     (E.1)
4 2 x  t AB t BA 

For the simple meter arrangement shown in Figure 4, x is obtained from simple trigonometry as:
x = lp cosϕ

The ratio between qV, 0 at a reference calibration condition and qV, 1 at different conditions can therefore be
written as a flow correction factor, qV, 1/qV, 0, given by:
2 2
qV ,1 d  l  x 
 1   1   0  (E.2)
qV ,0  d0   l0   x 1 

This form is useful since it separates the flow area effect, d2, from the path-length effect, l2, from the axial
extension effect (or path angle effect), x.
Alternatively, an equation equivalent to Formula (E.2), but expressed as a relative flow error, ΔqV/qV, can
be used:

qV ,1,0 qV ,1
 1 (E.3)
qV qV ,1

In a multi-path flowmeter, the effect has to be calculated for each of the individual paths and the effect on
total flow obtained after integrating the flows once the path weightings have been applied.
The results for a single diametral path are used to provide an estimate of magnitude of the required
geometry corrections.
The temperature and pressure are independent effects that need to be evaluated separately, but both
effects need to be taken into account for a given situation. The respective effects can work either in the
same direction or in opposition to each other. For example, a pressure increase associated with a
temperature decrease partly cancel each other out while a pressure increase in combination with a
temperature increase (or pressure reduction in association with a temperature reduction) reinforce the
correction effect needed.
Since the physical dimensions of the meter are most likely to have been measured under static calibration
conditions, the flow calibration carried out under dynamic calibration conditions, and the meter used
under field conditions, the calculation of the flow correction required between dynamic calibration and
field conditions can be carried out as a three stage process.
First, calculate the flow correction from static calibration to dynamic calibration using:
2 2
qV ,1 d  l  x 
 1   1   0  (E.4)

qV ,0  d0   l0   x 1 

Second, calculate the flow correction from static calibration to field conditions using:
2 2
qV ,2 d  l  x 
 2   2   0  (E.5)
qV ,0  d0   l0   x 2 

Third, calculate the difference between dynamic calibration and field conditions using:
AF 2 2
qV ,2 qV ,2 qV ,0 d  l  x 
  2   2   1  (E.6)
qV ,1 qV ,0 qV ,1  d 1   l1   x 2 

or alternatively:
qV ,2,1 qV ,2
 1 (E.7)
qV qV ,1

This three stage approach is useful if a check on the actual physical dimensions at intermediate stages
within the calculations is required as, for example, might be the case if specific dimensions are to be
compared against FE modelling. However, as can be seen in Formula (E.6), the calculation can be carried
out in a direct single stage (from dynamic calibration to field operation conditions) rather than in the more
lengthy three stage process since the actual flow correction between these two conditions involves the
relative change in dimensions, not the absolute values.
E.6.4 and E.6.5 provide a worked example of a direct single stage calculation and a three stage calculation.
For meter bodies that are generally cylindrical in shape and either welded in or have attached flanges, a
direct calculation from the physical characteristics of the meter can be performed. The direct calculation
method is described in E.2 and is based on a six step process.
Where the meter body is such that the body shape is not a simple cylinder, flanges take up a significant
proportion of the total body length or ports are not simple tubes, an FE model provides a more accurate
estimate of the body and port dimensions and consequent flow error obtained from Formula (E.2) than is
given by the direct calculations of Formulas (E.3) to (E.6). E.3 provides guidance on the use of FE modelling

to predict the temperature and pressure expansion effects.

E.2 Direct calculation

E.2.1 Step 1 — Body temperature effect

The effect of a temperature difference, ΔT, is relatively easy to account for since it expands the dimensions
according to:
l1  l 0 1  T 


x 1  x 0 1  T 

d 1  d 0  1   T  (E.8)

Substituting the Formulas (E.8) into Formula (E.2) gives:

qV ,1
 1  T   1  3T  3 T   T  
3 2 3
qV ,0  

Since α ΔT is generally small, this can be simplified to:
 qV ,1 
   1  3T (E.10)
 qV ,0 
  b,T

where “b, T ” denotes body temperature, or alternatively,

 qV 

 qV  b,T
 3T

E.2.2 Step 2 — Body pressure expansion


The effect of a pressure change is to alter the diameter and length of the meter body, but the actual change
in dimensions depends on a number of factors including:
a) the thickness/inside radius ratio of the meter walls (i.e. the ratio δ/r);

b) the way the meter is supported and attached to, or constrained by, adjacent pipework;

c) the rigidity of the adjacent pipework;

d) any axial loading;

e) the general geometry of the meter body and whether it has flanges;

f) the slenderness ratio of the meter (i.e. the overall body length/body diameter).

For generally cylindrical bodies, the equations of Roark (see Reference [74]) are used as the basis of the
analysis. These have for many years been taken as the fundamental basis for stress analysis of pressure
vessels and are derivations from the basic Lamé-Clapeyron equations of 1833.
For a thick-wall body (i.e. δ /r > 0,1) with only radial internal pressure but no end loads (this is referred to
as the “no-ends” condition) and positions well away from ends, Reference [74] gives:

r p  R 2  r 2 
   (E.12)
r E  R 2  r 2 

x p  2r 2 
   (E.13)
x E  R 2  r 2 

And for radial internal pressure plus pressure end load (this is referred to as the “capped-ends” condition)
and positions well away from ends, Reference [74] gives:


r p  R 1     r 1  2   
2 2
 (E.14)
r E  R2  r 2 
 

x p  r 1  2   
 (E.15)
x E  R2  r 2 
 

μ is the Poisson ratio, equal to 0,3 for steel;

R is the outside radius in the same units as r.
For a thin-wall body (δ /r ≤ 0,1) for only radial internal pressure (no-ends) and positions well away from
ends, Reference [74] gives simpler equations:
 r p r
 (E.16)
r E

AF x p r 
 (E.17)
x E

And, for capped-ends:

r p r  
  1  (E.18)
r E  2

x p r
 0,5    (E.19)
x E

For the purposes of this document, for all meter types, the meter ends are assumed to be unconstrained
and free to move axially.
It should be noted that for positions away from ends, the thick-wall Formulas (E.12) to (E.15) are the more
exact since they also cover the simpler case of thin-wall pipe.
Consequently, for all meter body types, thick-shell theory [Formulas (E.12) to (E.15)] is the preferred
approach since this is more general than thin-shell theory [Formulas (E.16) to (E.19)]. Essentially, the
choice of whether to use thin- or thick-shell theory is based on the ratio δ /r. In practice, this effectively
means that the choice of equations is related to the pressure rating of the body since meters for high-
pressure systems have thicker walls than meters for low-pressure systems. When designing a meter spool
calculated in accordance with the ASME rules and using one of the most common steel types (A333 steel),
all meters up to ANSI 900 fall in the range that can be handled by thin-walled pipe equations; this is also
true for many of the ANSI 1500 meters made from high tensile steel.
Thin-wall equations are generally not used where δ /r > 0,1 but can be used as described in E.4, for the

purposes of this document, for thick-walled vessels in combination with FE modelling (E.3) if the
limitations are understood as an alternative to applying the style correction given in E.2.3.
E.2.3 Step 3 — Correction for body style effect or proximity to flanges

If portions of the ultrasonic path are closer than one outside pipe diameter to flanges or the body is of
irregular shape, the radial expansion is, due to local stiffening effects, less than that indicated by
Formulas (E.12) and (E.14) [or Formulas (E.16) and (E.18) for a thin-walled body]. To compensate for this
local stiffening effect, a “style correction factor”, Ks, is used.
Ks is always less than or equal to 1. The value of Ks to be used for a given body type is as follows:


a) for a welded-in body with no flanges within 2R of the ultrasonic transducer locations, Ks = 1, i.e. the
meter body behaves as a simple pipe;

b) for a flanged meter body (e.g. consisting of two flanges welded to a pipe) or welded-in design where
neighbouring flanges are within 2R of the transducer positions, the value of Ks is calculated as in the
next paragraph.

For the purpose of this document, it is assumed that the diametral expansion varies linearly from zero at
the flange to the value given by Formulas (E.12) and (E.14) [or Formulas (E.16) and (E.18) for thin-wall]

at one outside diameter of the meter body, D, or greater from the flange. It is also assumed that the flange
correction only affects the radial expansion of the body, not the linear expansion in the vicinity of the
ultrasonic paths.
The transducer port positions are shown in Figure E.1 in terms of the outside diameter of the meter body,

D outside diameter of the meter body
W mid-path position
w factor to express the distance from flange to mid-path position in terms of D
x0 distance between transducers Y and Z
Y transducer location
y factor to express the distance from flange to transducer Y location in terms of D
Z transducer location
z factor to express the distance from flange to transducer Z location in terms of D

Figure E.1 — Transducer port proximity to flanges

Since the ultrasonic path covers a range in axial distance from a flange, the average path distance, wa D, is
calculated from three positions on a given path; W, at the mid-path position and Y and Z, at the actual
transducer locations. The distances to the nearest flange are measured from positions W, Y, and Z.

Where the transducers of the meter are clearly all closer to one flange than the other, the alternative
arrangement shown in Figure E.2 is used.


D outside diameter of the meter body
W mid-path position
w factor to express the distance from flange to mid-path position in terms of D
Y transducer location
y factor to express the distance from flange to transducer Y location in terms of D
Z transducer location
z AFfactor to express the distance from flange to transducer Z location in terms of D

Figure E.2 — Transducer port proximity to flanges — Long meter with offset transducer

If any of the values of w, y or z are greater than 1, then the value used for that parameter in the calculation
shall be limited to a value of 1.
The average path distance from a flange is calculated from:
w  y  z 
waD   D (E.20)
 3 

The style correction, Ks, is obtained using:

KS  (E.21)
A stiffening effect also occurs near any part of the body which has features such as branches or welds.
These generally create less of an effect than proximity to flanges since they typically occupy only a small
portion of the body circumference.
E.2.4 Step 4 — Combined pressure correction effect

The radial expansion of the body, including flange correction, is calculated from:
 d   r  d1 r
d1  d 0  1  K S   d0  1  K S   1 K s (E.22)
d0   r  d0 r

The path length is calculated from:

l02   N  1 d02  x 02 (E.23)

l12   N  1 d12  x 12 (E.24)

where N is the number of bounces along a given path (for a single traverse path).


Hence, for a given meter with a known wall thickness, δ, and initial geometry x0, d0, and l0 at dry-calibration
conditions, the revised dimensions x1, d1, and l1 can be calculated for the pressure difference using
Formulas (E.22) to (E.24).
The flow correction factor is then calculated using:
2 2
 qV ,1  d  l  x 
   1   1   0  (E.25)
 
 qV ,0  b ,p  d 0   l0   x 1 

where “b, p” denotes body pressure.
The error correction obtained from Formula (E.25) for the no-ends case and for the capped-ends cases
should be calculated to give a range of correction factors. This range should generally be small and the
process sufficient to provide an indication of the flow correction required.
E.2.5 Step 5 — Expansion effects in the transducer ports

E.2.5.1 General
In addition to the effects that pressure and temperature changes have on the meter body they also alter
the lengths of the transducer ports. This actually moves the position of the transducer face and hence
affects the acoustic path length. Although this effect is generally small, a simple procedure is included here
to allow the effects on the ports to be estimated. The next figure shows the port geometry dimensions used
for this assessment.
D outside diameter of the meter body
d inside diameter of the meter body
lp path length
lt length to the transducer face

Figure E.3 — Transducer port dimensions


Temperature and pressure corrections are treated separately and, for both, the only effect that is
considered here is the path length change.
E.2.5.2 Port temperature correction

Due to the way the transducer is secured into the port, it is generally held at the end of the port. The
consequence of this is that any expansion of the port itself occurs in the opposite direction to the expansion
of the transducer; hence the expansions to some extent cancel depending on the relative coefficient of
thermal expansion of the port material, αp, and the transducer material, αt. The change in transducer face
position, Δlt, due to temperature is given by:


  
l t  l t  p T   t T  l t  p   t T  (E.26)

This is the change in face position in each port, so the effect on a given ultrasonic path is 2 Δlt. Assuming
there is no diameter change or axial change, Formula (E.2), solely for the port expansion, simplifies to:
 qV

 l1 
  
 l 0  2Lt 
2 
 1 

2l t  p   t   (E.27)
  
 qV ,0  p,T  l0   l0   l0 
 

where p, T denotes port temperature, which for small values gives:

  

 qV   4l   
   1  t p t
 qV ,0   l 
  p,T  0

or alternatively to:
qV l

 4  p   t t T
 (E.29)
E.2.5.3 Port pressure correction

The pressure effect on the port and the transducer act in the same direction; the port is stretched whilst
the transducer is compressed. For this simple approach, the port and transducer are assumed to act as
simple linear elastic materials. The linear strain in the port walls is given by:

Lp  l t
 lp
p  d p

E p  Dp2  d p2
 l l  d p2
  p  t  p 
  E t E p  D2  d 2
    p p 

This is the change in face position in each port. Assuming there is no diameter change or axial change,
Formula (E.2), solely for the port pressure expansion, simplifies to:
2 2 2
 q   l   l0  2Lp   2l p 
 V   1  
   1   (E.31)
 qV ,0 
  p,p  l0   l0   l0 
where p, p denotes port pressure, which for small values gives:
 qV   4 l p 
   1   (E.32)
 qV ,0  l0 
  p,p 

or alternatively to:
l p

4 (E.33)
qV l0

E.2.5.4 Combined port correction

This is calculated using:

 qV , 1   qV , 1   qV , 1 
      (E.34)
 qV , 0     
  p  qV , 0  p,p  qV , 0  p,T


As an alternative to this simple assessment, the transducer port effects can be built into an FE model of the
meter as described in E.3.
E.2.6 Step 6 — Combined flow correction

The combined flow correction factor for a given set of pressure and temperature conditions is obtained
qV , x  qV , x   qV ,x   qV ,x 
      (E.35)
 qV ,0     

qV ,0   b ,p  qV ,0  b ,T  qV ,0 p

which can be expressed as:

qV , x ,0 qV , x
 1 (E.36)
qV qV ,0

qV ,0
For small values of correction this simplifies to:
qV , x  qV , x
 qV ,0

 

 qV ,x

 b ,p  qV ,0

 

 qV ,x

 b ,T  qV ,0


Two values for the combined flow correction are obtained; one using the no-ends pressure correction and
one using the capped-ends pressure correction. This allows the flow error to be expressed in either of the
equivalent forms as in Formulas (21) and (22):
qV ,1
 x , xxxx x , xxxx (E.38)
qV ,0

  x , xx x , xx  % (E.39)

E.3 Guidance on the use of finite element models

E.3.1 General

Where the meter body is such that transducer ports are close to end flanges or the body shape is not a
simple cylinder, an FE model of the body and ports can be run to predict the pressure and temperature
expansion effects on d, x, l, and port and transducer length. Formula (E.2) is still used to predict the flow
error along each path.
As a means of checking the values from the FE model, the results for d, x, l, and port lengths can be compared

against those obtained from Formulas (E.12) to (E.15) including any flange or body style correction effect
described in E.2.3, where relevant, and port effects described in E.2.5. If the meter body wall is irregular or
non-cylindrical (e.g. as might be the case for a cast body), then, for the purposes of checking against the FE
model, the direct calculations can be run for two scenarios: one where the outside radius, R, used in
Formulas (E.12) to (E.15), is taken as the point where the wall is thinnest and one for the case where the
outside radius is based on the point where the wall is thickest.
Since FE analysis deals with absolute change in physical dimensions, closer agreement with the direct
calculation method of E.2 is obtained for actual metre dimensions at given conditions if the calculation and
FE runs are carried out as a three stage process as described in E.1 namely:
a) static calibration to dynamic calibration conditions as in Formula (E.4);

b) static calibration to operating conditions as in Formula (E.5);

c) comparison of the relative change between the two as in Formulas (E.6) and (E.7).

Care, however, needs to be taken in choice of the boundary conditions used for the FE model since these
are often not easy to estimate for a given installation. It is recommended that models be run with a number
of different boundary conditions so that the sensitivity to the boundary conditions can be assessed. This is
essentially similar to including the no-ends and capped-ends cases in the direct calculation approach of
For each run, the flow error is calculated using Formula (E.2). This allows the flow error to be expressed
in either of the forms given by Formulas (21) or (22). E.6.4 and E.6.5 provide worked examples of a direct

single stage approach and the more lengthy three stage approach.
E.4 provides additional guidance on the use of thin-walled pipe theory to check the results of FE analysis
carried out on a thick-wall meter body.
E.3.2 Note on intentional use of thin-wall equations beyond their normal limit

In the fields of stress analysis and pressure vessel design, it is generally accepted that thin-wall theory is
only applied where δ /r < 0,1. The reasons for this are that as δ /r increases, the difference with the more
exact thick-shell theory grows unacceptably large, at least as far as prediction of wall stress levels are
concerned. Figure E.4 shows the effect on Δr/r of the various approaches [as given in Formulas (E.12),
(E.14), (E.16) and (E.18)] for different δ /r ratios.
As can be seen from Figure E.4, δ /r ratios higher than 0,1 give differences in Δr/r of more than 10 %
compared with the thick-shell theory for the same end-loading conditions. If, for example, δ /r = 0,247, the
differences are in the region of 21 % to 27 % depending on which loading configuration is applied.
If one mixes the loading cases and uses the thin-wall no-ends equations for a thick-wall capped-ends
situation, then one overestimates Δr/r for δ /r < 0,16 and underestimates it for δ /r > 0,16. For the example
of δ /r = 0,247, the underestimate in Δr/r is 8 %.
Figure E.4 shows that the thin-wall equations predict lower values of Δr/r than the thick-shell theory for
the same load conditions. This produces a similar effect to using thick-shell theory plus a flange proximity
or body style correction as in E.2.3, although how similar depends on the actual geometry, flange proximity
and end-loading conditions for a given meter.
Consequently, in combination with FE modelling (E.3), it may, for the above reasons, be found that a simple
thin-shell theory gives adequate agreement to FE results for a given meter geometry and can subsequently
be used as a valid means of estimating metering error at other conditions.
CAUTION — This only applies to the specific meter on which the FE analysis was shown to give agreement
and should not be taken as a general rule that can be applied to all meters.

Δr/r thick-wall/thin-wall ratio


δ/r pipe thickness to inside pipe radius ratio

1 capped ends
2 no ends
3 thick capped/thin no ends
4 example

Figure E.4 — Comparison of thick-shell with thin-shell theory for different δ/r ratios

E.4 Calculation of an initial estimate for the body pressure effect
To provide the initial estimate of the body pressure effects used in, the axial change in x and any
flange proximity or body style effect, Ks, are neglected for simplicity. Using Formulas (E.23) and (E.24),
Formula (E.25) reduces to:
2 2 2 2 4 4
 qV ,1  d  l  d  d  d   r 
    1   1    1   1    1   1  (E.40)

 qV ,0
AF 
 b ,p ,est  d 0   l 0   d0   d0   d0   r 

For small values of Δr/r, this reduces further, by ignoring higher order terms, to:
 qV ,1  4
 r  r
   1   1 4 (E.41)
 qV ,0  r  r
  b ,p ,est 

or in terms of ΔqV/qV gives:

 qV ,1  qV ,1 r
   1  4 (E.42)
 qV ,0 
  b ,p ,est qV ,0 r

The no-ends, thick-wall Formula (E.12) is used for Δr/r to give a worst-case estimate since it produces the
largest change in Δr/r for a given applied Δp. Hence the maximum expected ΔqV/qV due to body pressure
change effects is given by:
 qV ,1  r  R2  r 2  p
  4  4  (E.43)
 qV ,0  r  R2  r 2  E
  b ,p ,max  

E.5 Worked example

E.5.1 Meter details

A flanged-body spool meter has the following details which form the input data for the flow correction

Table E.1 — Meter parameters

Parameter Symbol Value

Body inside radiusa rb 183,25 mm
Body outside radiusa Rb 228,6 mm

Wall thicknessa δ 45,35 mm

Transducer port length ltp 230 mm


Port outside diameter Dp 50 mm

Port inside diameter dp 32 mm
Proximity to left-hand flangea — 366 mm
Proximity to right-hand flangea — 686 mm
Single bounce path N 1
Path angle ϕ 70°
Path length lo 780,117 mm
Transducer separation xo 267,007 mm

Body material Young modulusa E 2,00 × 102 GPa

Poisson ratioa μ 0,3

Coefficient of thermal expansiona α 1,26 × 10−5 K−1

Port length excluding flange lpxf 220 mm

Transducer diameter dt 32 mm
Transducer length
Transducer coefficient of thermal expansion (estimated)
Transducer Young modulus (estimated)
Static calibration conditions

Dynamic calibration conditionsa

Field operation conditionsa

230 mm
1,5 × 10−5 K−1
1,9 × 102 GPa
0 MPa (gauge), 20 °C
6,3 MPa (gauge), 7 °C

23,0 MPa (gauge), 40 °C

a Needed for the initial estimate.
These are first used to calculate some common basic parameters.
Table E.2 —Meter basic parameters

Parameter Value Implication

Wall thickness ratio, δ /r 0,247 5 ⇒ thick wall
Meter external diameter 2 × 228,6 = 457,2 = Dp
closest 366/457,2 = 0,8Dp ⇒ z = 0,8
Flange proximity furthest (366 + 267)/457,2 = 1,38Dp ⇒y=1
mid-path [366 + 0,5 × 267]/457,2 = 1,09Dp ⇒w=1
Body style correction factor (w + y + z)/3 = 2,8/3 = 0,93 = Ks
E.5.2 Initial flow error estimate

Using the simple estimates from Figures 8 and 9, the expected ΔqV/qV flow errors from dynamic calibration
to field operating conditions are +0,13 % for ΔT = 33 °C, and +0,16 % × 0,93 = +0,15 % for Δp = 16,7 MPa.
From Figure 10, for δ /r = 0,247, the end correction KE = 0,89, and this gives a lower estimate of 0,13 %
(i.e. 0,89 × 0,15 %) for the pressure term.
This gives a combined initial estimate for the flow error of +0,26 % to +0,28 % [or (0,27 ± 0,01) %] which
is significant and therefore a detailed calculation is needed.
E.5.3 Common elements to detailed calculation

Common elements to the detailed calculation for any Δp and E ratio are given in the following.


Port pressure length change from Formula (E.30):

 230 220  322 
l p  p       1,973 67  10 9  p
 1,9E  11 2E  11  502  322  

Formulas (E.12) to (E.15) give:

For no-ends:

r  228,6 2  183,252  p p
  0,3   4,895 85
r  228,6  183,25
2 2  E
 E

x  2  183,252  p p
 0,3    1,078 76
x  2 2  E E
 228,6  183,25 

r 

and for capped-ends:

r  1,3  228,6 2  0,4  183,252

228,6  183,25

x  0,4  183,252
x  228,6 2  183,252

 p

 E

 0,719 17
 p
 0,3 

 E

 4,356 47

NOTE The ratio between capped-ends and no-ends for Δr/r is = 4,356 47/4,895 85 = 0,89 as would be obtained
from Figure 10.

The thin-walled pipe Formulas (E.16) to (E.19) give:

For no-ends:
r 183,25 p p
  4,040 79
r 45,35 E E

x 183,25 p p
 0,3  1,212 24
x 45,35 E E

For capped-ends:
r 183,25 p p
 0,85  3,434 67
r 45,35 E E

x 183,25 p p
 0,2  0,808 16
x 45,35 E E

The thin-wall results are only shown here as an example, since the actual δ /r ratio being used is 0,247.
Note, however, that the thick-wall to thin-wall ratio Δr/r = 4,895 85/4,040 79 = 1,21 for δ /r = 0,247 for
no-ends and Δr/r = 4,356 47/3,434 67 = 1,27 for capped-ends. These were the values used in the example
in Figure E.4.
E.5.4 Direct single stage detailed calculation

From the example, the temperature and pressure difference between dynamic calibration and field
operation is:
ΔT = 40 − 7 = +33 °C Δp = 23,0 − 6,3 = +16,7 MPa

This gives:
Δp/E = (16,7 × 106)/(2 × 1011) = 83,5 × 10−6

Δlp = (16,7 × 106) × (1,973 67 × 10−9) = 0,032 96

a) Body temperature effect from Formula (E.10):

qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1 + (3 × 1,26 × 10−5 × 33,0) = 1,001 247

b) Body pressure effect from Formulas (E.12) to (E.15) and Formula (E.43) is given for the following two


Δr/r = 4,895 85 × 83,5 × 10−6 = 4,088 03 × 10−4

AF Δx/x = −1,078 76 × 83,5 × 10−6 = −0,900 76 × 10−4

The initial body pressure estimate is 4Δr/r = 0,164 %.


Δr/r = 4,356 47 × 83,5 × 10−6 = 3,637 65 × 10−4

Δx/x = 0,719 17 × 83,5 × 10−6 = 0,600 51 × 10−4

c) Flange proximity from Formula (E.21):

Ks = 0,93


d) Combined body pressure effect from Formulas (E.22) to (E.25):


d1/d0 = 1 + (0,93 × 4,088 03 × 10−4) = 1,000 380

d1 = 1,000 380 × 366,5 = 366,639 3

x1/x0 = 1 − (0,900 76 × 10−4) = 0,999 910
x1 = 0,999 910 × 267,007 = 266,983 0
l1 = (22 × 366,639 32 + 266,983 02)0,5 = 780,370 1
l1/l0 = 780,370 1/780,117 = 1,000 324
qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1,000 3802 × 1,000 3242/0,999 910 = 1,001 499

= 1 + (0,93 × 3,637 66 × 10−4)
= 1,000 338 × 366,5
= 1 + (0,600 51 × 10−4)
= 1,000 060 1 × 267,007
= 1,000 338
= 366,623 9
= 1,000 060 1
= 267,023 05
l1 = (22 × 366,623 92 + 267,023 02)0,5 = 780,354 8
l1/l0 = 780,354 8/780,117 = 1,000 305
qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1,000 3382 × 1,000 3052/1,000 060 1 = 1,001 226
e) Port effects from Formulas (E.28), (E.32), and (E.34):
Temperature qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1 + [4 × 230 × (1,25 − 1,5) × 10−5 × 33]/780,117 = 0,999 903
Pressure qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1 + 4 × 0,032 95/780,117 = 1,000 169
Combined qV, 1/qV, 0 = 0,999 903 × 1,000 169 = 1,000 072
f) Overall combined flow correction from Formula (E.35):


qV, 1,0/qV, 0 = 1,001 247 × 1,001 499 × 1,000 072 = 1,002 820


qV, 1,0/qV, 0 = 1,001 247 × 1,001 226 × 1,000 072 = 1,002 547
= 1,002 684 ± 0,000 136
= 1,002 7 ± 0,000 1

In terms of ΔqV/qV from Formula (E.36) this is:

ΔqV, 1,0/qV, 0 = +0,282 0 % for no-ends

= +0,254 7 % for capped-ends
= +(0,268 4 ± 0,013 6) %
= +(0,27 ± 0,01) %
E.5.5 Three stage detailed calculation

E.5.5.1 Stage 1 — Static calibration to dynamic calibration

AFΔT = −13 °C Δp = 6,3 MPa

= 6,3 × 106/2 × 1011
= (6,3 × 106) × (1,973 67 × 10−9)
a) Body temperature effect from Formula (E.10):
= 3,15 × 10−5
= 0,012 43

qV, 1,0/qV, 0 = 1 + (3 × 1,26 × 10−5 × −13,0) = 0,999 509

c) Body pressure effect from Formulas (E.12) to (E.15) and Formula (E.43):


Δr/r = 4,895 85 × 31,5 × 10−6 = 1,542 19 × 10−4

Δx/x = −1,078 76 × 31,5 × 10−6 = −0,339 81 × 10−4

The initial body pressure estimate is 4 Δr/r = 0,062 %


Δr/r = 4,356 47 × 31,5 × 10−6 = 1,372 29 × 10−4


Δx/x = 0,719 17 × 31,5 × 10−6 = 0,226 54 × 10−4

d) Flange proximity from Formula (E.21):

Ks = 0,93

e) Combined body pressure effect from Formulas (E.22) to (E.25):


d1/d0 = 1 + (0,93 × 1,542 19 × 10−4) = 1,000 143


d1 = 1,000 143 × 366,5 = 366,552 4

x1/x0 = 1 − (0,339 81 × 10−4) = 0,999 967
x1 = 0,999 967 × 267,007 = 266,997 9
l1 = (22 × 366,552 42 + 266,997 92)0,5 = 780,211 8
l1/l0 = 780,211 8/780,117 = 1,000 122
qV, 1/qV, 0 = (1,000 1432 × 1,000 1222)/0,999 967 = 1,000 563


d1/d0 = 1 + (0,93 × 1,372 29 × 10−4) = 1,000 128

d1 = 1,000 128 × 366,5 = 366,546 9
x1/x0 = 1 + (0,226 54 × 10−4) = 1,000 022 7

= 1,000 022 7 × 267,007
= (22 × 366,546 92 + 267,013 12)0,5
= 780, 206 7/780,117
qV, 1/qV, 0 = (1,000 1282 × 1,000 1152)/1,000 022 7
Port effects from Formulas (E.29), (E.33), and (E.34):
= 267,013 1
= 780,206 7
= 1,000 115
= 1,000 463

Temperature qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1 + [4 × 230 × (1,25 − 1,5) × 10−5 × −13]/780,117 = 1,000 038
Pressure qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1 + (4 × 0,012 43)/780,117 = 1,000 064
Combined qV, 1/qV, 0 = 1,000 038 × 1,000 064 = 1,000 102
g) Overall combined flow correction from Formula (E.35):

qV, 1,0/qV, 0 = 0,999 509 × 1,000 557 × 1,000 102 = 1,000 168


qV, 1,0/qV, 0 = 0,999 509 × 1,000 463 × 1,000 102 = 1,000 074
= 1,000 121 ± 0,000 047

In terms of ΔqV0/qV from Formula (E.36) this is:

ΔqV, 1,0/qV, 0 = +0,016 8 % for no-ends

= +0,007 4 % for capped-ends

= +(0,012 1 ± 0,004 7) %
E.5.5.2 Stage 2 — Static calibration to field operation

ΔT = +20 °C, Δp = +23,0 MPa

Δp/E = 230 × 105/2 × 1011 = 115 × 10−6

AFΔlp = (230 × 105) × (1,973 67 × 10−9) = 0,045 39

b) Body temperature effect from Formula (E.10):

qV, 1,0/qV, 0 = 1 + (3 × 1,26 × 10−5 × 20,0) = 1,000 756

h) Body pressure effect from Formulas (E.12) to (E.15) and Formula (E.43):


Δr/r = 4,895 85 × 115 × 10−6 = 5,630 23 × 10−4

Δx/x = −1,078 76 × 115 × 10−6 = −1,240 57 × 10−4

The initial body pressure estimate is 4 × Δr/r = 4 × 5,630 23 × 10−4 = 0,23 %


Δr/r = 4, 356 47 × 115 × 10−6 = 5,009 94 × 10−4

Δx/x = 0,719 17 × 115 × 10−6 = 0,827 05 × 10−4
i) Flange proximity from Formula (E.21):

Ks = 0,93


j) Combined body pressure effect from Formulas (E.22) to (E.25):


d2/d0 = 1 + (0,93 × 5,630 23 × 10−4) = 1,000 524

d2 = 1,000 524 × 366,5 = 366,692 0

x2/x0 = 1 − (1,240 57 × 10−4) = 0,999 876
x2 = 0,999 876 × 267,007 = 266,973 9
l2 = (22 × 366,692 02 + 266,973 92)0,5 = 780,466 0
l2/l0 = 780,466 0/780,117 = 1,000 447
qV, 2/qV, 0 = (1,000 5242 × 1,000 4472)/0,999 876 = 1,002 068

= 1 + (0,93 × 5, 009 94 × 10−4)
= 1,000 466 × 366,5
= 1 + (0,827 05 × 10−4)
= 1,000 082 7 × 267,007
= 1,000 466
= 366,670 8
= 1,000 082 7
= 267,029 1
l2 = (22× 366,670 82 + 267,029 12)0,5 = 780,445 0
l2/l0 = 780,445 0/780,117 = 1,000 420
qV, 2/qV, 0 = (1,000 4662 × 1,000 4202)/1,000 082 7 = 1,001 690
k) Port effects from Formulas (E.28), (E.33), and (E.34):
Temperature qV, 2/qV, 0 = 1 + [4 × 230 × (1,25 − 1,5) × 10−5 × 20]/780,117 = 0,999 941
Pressure qV, 2/qV, 0 = (1 + 4 × 0,045 39)/780,117 = 1,000 233
Combined qV, 2/qV, 0 = 0,999 941 × 1,000 233 = 1,000 174
l) Overall combined flow correction from Formula (E.35):


qV, 2,0/qV, 0 = 1,000 756 × 1,002 070 × 1,000 174 = 1,003 002


qV, 2,0/qV, 0 = 1,000 756 × 1,001 690 × 1,000 174 = 1,002 622
= 1,002 812 ± 0,000 19

In terms of ΔqV/qV from Formula (E.36), this is:

ΔqV, 2,0/qV, 0 = +0, 300 2 % for no-ends

= +0, 262 2 % for capped-ends

= +(0,281 2 ± 0,019) %
E.5.5.3 Stage 3 — Dynamic calibration to field operation flow correction factor

The overall flow correction is obtained from Formula (E.6):


qv ,2,1 qv ,2,0 qv ,0 1,003 002

AF qv ,1


qv ,2,1
qv ,1

qv ,0 qv ,1,0

qv ,2,0 qv ,0
qv ,0 qv ,1,0

= 1,002 688 ± 0,000 14

1,000 174

1,002 622
1,000 074
 1,002 828

 1,002 548

In terms of ΔqV/qV this is:

ΔqV, 2,1/qV, 1 = +0, 282 8% for no-ends
= +0, 254 8% for capped-ends
= +(0,268 8 ± 0,014 %
Expressed to the precision of Formulas (21) and (22), this gives:
qV, 2/qV, 1 = 1,002 7 ± 0,000 1

ΔqV, 2/qV, 1 = (0,27 ± 0,01) %

E.6 Observations on the example calculation

E.6.1 General

Note that, for the sake of calculation accuracy, individual values during the calculations have generally been
quoted to six significant figures, but it should be realized that this does not reflect the implied accuracy of
the prediction method. It is felt that, as stated in, the final overall flow correction factor, qV, 2/qV, 1,
should be quoted to four decimal places and ΔqV/qV to two decimal places.
In terms of final flow correction error between the dynamic calibration conditions and operating
conditions, the difference between the direct single stage calculation of E.6.4 and the more complex three
stage approach of E.6.5 are negligible. As mentioned in E.1, the three stage approach may, however, be
more useful to compare intermediate results and specific dimensions with those from an FE model.
It is also noticeable that the initial flow error estimate made in E.6.2 using the simple approach outlined in
9.1 is the same as the result of the more detailed calculation of E.6.4 or E.6.5. This is most probably a feature
of the example chosen since a minor difference would be expected.

The intermediate stages in the calculation are useful to gauge the relative sizes, and hence importance, of
the flow correction effects due to the causes described in E.6.2 or E.6.7.
E.6.2 Initial body pressure estimate

The initial body pressure effect estimates were 0,062 % and 0,23 % for the two cases examined and these
compare with values of 0,056 % and 0,21 % from the more detailed calculation in Step 4 for each case. In
both cases, as expected, the initial estimate is higher than the more detailed calculation.
E.6.3 Meter end-loading conditions

The variation in end loading only affects the change in body dimensions due to pressure effects. The use of
the no-ends condition and the capped-ends condition provides an indication of the sensitivity of the
correction to the end-loading conditions. In the two cases looked at, the variation between the no-ends and
capped-ends cases is only +0,05 % to +0,06 % in case 1 and +0,17 % to +0,21 % in case 2. This would
indicate that the end-loading conditions are of secondary importance.
E.6.4 Body pressure effect
For the two cases considered, the body pressure was of the order of +0,05 % in case 1 (6,3 MPa) and +0,2 %
in case 2 (23,0 MPa). Of that, the area effect, due to (d1/d0)2, was of the order of 0,027 % and 0,09 %,
respectively, for the two cases; hence the area effect accounts for roughly half of the flow correction.
E.6.5 Body temperature effects

For the two cases considered, the body temperature effects were −0,05 % for case 1 (−13 °C) and +0,08 %
for case 2 (+20 °C). This would indicate that temperature effects are equally important to pressure effects.
Note that in case 1, because ΔT was negative, its effect partly cancelled the pressure effect whereas in
case 2, ΔT was positive and its effect added to the pressure effect.
E.6.6 Port effects

Due to the way transducers are held in the port, it is possible for the temperature effects to cancel (i.e. port
extension is cancelled by transducer growth). The combined pressure and temperature effect in case 1 is
+0,01 % and in case 2 +0,02 %. This indicates that transducer port effects are an order of magnitude
smaller than either the temperature or pressure effects on the meter body itself.
E.6.7 Comparison against the results of an FE model

The pressure and temperature conditions and meter dimensions used in the worked examples have been
based on conditions that have also been used in an FE model. Results from this show flow errors of
+0,003 % to +0,006 % for single bounce diametral paths for case 1 and combined flow error for the
difference between case 2 and case 1 of +0,264 % to +0,272 %. These compare very favourably with the
+0,007 % to +0,017 % for case 1 and +0,25 % to + 0,28 % for the combined case 2 and case 1 calculated in
E.6.5. Agreement is to within 0,01 % on overall percentage flow error.

E.6.8 Conclusion

These observations are made on the particular cases examined in this specific example. Consequently,
some variation between the magnitude of various effects with different metering models and operating
conditions can be expected. However, the relative size of specific effects can still be expected to be
consistent with the observations made in the example calculations.


Annex F

MODBUS communication data specification

F.1 General
The USM shall provide a defined data structure for serial communication to simplify the data exchange to
a connected communication system (e.g. flow computer or data aquisition system).

The data communication protocol is based on the publicly available specifications of the "Modbus
Organization, Inc."[83].
Mandatory settings:
— Serial transmission mode: MODBUS RTU;

— Baud rate: 9 600 baud (factory default) required, optionally higher baud rates if supported by the
connected communication system;

— Register size: 16 bit;

— Byte order Big Endian: MSByte first, MSWord first;

— Measurement and diagnosis values shall be represented as 32-bit float numbers according IEEE 745;

— Volume counters shall be represented as 32-bit double integer word, representing a 9-digit counter
index (overrun from 999 999 999 to 000 000 000).

In case of a bidirectional measurement, measured volumes shall be registered in two separate counters
depending on the direction of the gas flow (Vact_forward, Vact_reverse). Volumes measured during the alarm state
shall be counted in a separate error volume counter for each flow direction
(Vact_err_forward, Vact_err_reverse).
For transmitting data from the meter to the communication system there are three data structures defined:
— meter identification data (electronic type plate), see Table F.3;

— measuring path independent measuring and diagnostics values, see Table F.1;

— measuring path related diagnostics values, see Table F.2.

One data structure (see Table F.4) is used to send process data values (e.g. pressure and temperature) from
the communication system to the meter, if the meter and the communication system supports this
functionality. The meter shall indicate in the “meter functionality identifier” (data structure part 3, register

#33850, bit 0) whether this functionality is technically available and activated. The activation might not be
permitted due to legal metrological control or contractual rules in fiscal metering.
The meter shall maintain a watchdog timer to monitor the periodically update of the process data values.
In an exemplary implementation, the meter will start up with the configured replacement values for
pressure and temperature. The acquisition of the process data values in the meter is initiated and
successively triggered by the write access to the “process data status” (data structure part 4, register
#34048). It is irrelevant whether the data was written as a block or as a single register by the
communication system to the meter. After the first write access from the communication system to the
meter, the watchdog is armed and the meter uses the updated process values in its calculation. If the
communication system fails to update these values and their status within the timeout:


— the meter will use the replacement values until the next successful write access from the flow

— the meter registers the moment the communication fails and after the communication was resumed
as events in the event logbook;

— and the meter generates a warning after the loss of communication.

Table F.1 —Data structure table, part 1 — Path independent data values

Address Type Name (actual path independent values) Unit/Description
32768 float flow rate [m3/h] or [ft3/h]
32770 float Velocity of Gas [m/s] or [ft/s]
32772 float Speed of Sound [m/s] or [ft/s]
32774 dword gas volume counter total (forward flow) [register count]






gas volume counter total (reverse flow)
gas volume counter (forward flow)
gas volume counter (reverse flow)
error gas volume counter (forward flow)
[register count]

[register count]

[register count]

[register count]

error gas volume counter (reverse flow)

32784 dword [register count]
decimal powera of the least significant digit
32786 dword counter resolution (admissible value −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3) of
the registers mentioned above
32788 dword flow rate greater than Qt 0 = no, uneven 0 = yes
[%], "traffic light" concept:
— 0 %..33 % = red

32790 dword signal acceptance rateb — 34 %..66 % = yellow

— 67 %..100 % = green

Status = 0: no error(s)
32792 dword error status

Status <> 0: error(s) present

32794 dword number of pathsc
32796 float deviation speed of sound path 1 [%] c1_dev = (c1 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32798 float deviation speed of sound path 2 [%] c2_dev = (c2 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32800 float deviation speed of sound path 3 [%] c3_dev = (c3 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32802 float deviation speed of sound path 4 [%] c4_dev = (c4 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32804 float deviation speed of sound path 5 [%] c5_dev = (c5 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32806 float deviation speed of sound path 6 [%] c6_dev = (c6 − cavg)/cavg · 100


32808 float deviation speed of sound path 7 [%] c7_dev = (c7 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32810 float deviation speed of sound path 8d [%] c8_dev = (c8 − cavg)/cavg · 100

32812 .. reserved for additional paths and optional

32894 data set signature
a The integer numbers of register count shall be multiplied by the factor 10 x m3 or 10x ft3.
b Signal acceptance rate shall be defined as single value, manufacturer specific calculated from all individual signal
acceptance rates per path and normalized. The normalized value represents manufacturer independent a value between 0
and 100. Zero represents maximum worse and 100 represents maximum good. Values outside of this specified range are
not allowed. For signal acceptance rate values between 0 and 33, the value of register "error status" is not 0.
c It is recommended that the tcommunication system shall consider the information on register #32794 (number of

paths) of the meter and adapt to this value when reading the data structures of the path related values as shown in part 2
of the data structure table.
d Speed of sound values of non-existing measuring path shall respond with a “zero” value. It is recommended that the
communication system considers the information on register #32794 (number of paths) when evaluating the received

Table F.2 —Data structure table, part 2 — Path related data valuesa

Address Type

Path 1
Name (actual path related values per path)

velocity of the acoustic path

speed of sound
signal acceptance rate
signal to noise ratio (SNR) AB
signal to noise ratio (SNR) BA

[m/s] or [ft/s]
[m/s] or [ft/s]
32906 float signal gain (AGC) AB [dB]
32908 float signal gain (AGC) BA [dB]
32910 float reserved, always = 0
Path 2
32912 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]
.. See path 1
32926 float reserved, always = 0
Path 3
32928 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]
.. See path 1
32942 float reserved, always = 0

Path 4
32944 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]
.. See path 1
32958 float reserved, always = 0
Path 5
32960 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]
.. See path 1
32974 float reserved, always = 0


Path 6
32976 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]
.. See path 1
32990 float reserved, always = 0
Path 7
32992 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]

.. See path 1
33006 float reserved, always = 0
Path 8
33008 float velocity of the acoustic path [m/s] or [ft/s]
.. See path 1
33024 ..
AFfloat reserved, always = 0

reserved for additional paths

In case the communication system reads a path related data structure of a path that is physically not present in the meter,
the meter may respond with an error (exception code 2).

Table F.3 —Data structure table, part 3 — Virtual meter name plate

Name (actual path independent
33792 char[16] Manufacturer free text of 16 characters maximuma
33800 char[16] device type/model number free text of 16 characters maximum
33808 char[16] serial number free text of 16 characters maximum
33816 char[16] year of production free text of 16 characters maximum
33824 char[16] software version free text of 16 characters maximum
33832 char[32] software checksum free text of 32 characters maximum
0: bar, °C, m3, m3/h, m/s
33848 dword unit system identifier 1: psi, °F, ft3, ft3/h, ft/s
2: MPa, K, m3, m3/h, m/s
bit 0: meter will accept and use
written values of process
data for pressure and

33850 dword meter functionality identifier

bit 1..31: reserved
minimum actual flow rate per m3/h or ft3/h, according to “unit
33852 float
hourb system identifier” see above
maximum actual flow rate per m3/h or ft3/h, according to “unit
33854 float
hour system identifier” see above
bar, psi or MPa, according to “unit
33856 float minimum operating pressure
system identifier” see above


bar, psi or MPa, according to “unit

33858 float maximum operating pressure
system identifier” see above
°C, °F or K, according to “unit system
33860 float minimum operating temperature
identifier” see above
°C, °F or K, according to “unit system
33862 float maximum operating temperature
identifier” see above
.. reserved range

a A character string is mapped on a multiple continuous MODBUS registers range. The string shall be set left aligned and
not used bytes shall be defined by the code 0x00.
Permitted ASCII codes are:
— range 0x20 (32) to inclusive 0x3F (63),
— range 0x41 (65) to inclusive 0x5A (90), and
— range 0x61 (97) to inclusive 0x7A (122).
b The values in the registers 33852 .. 33862 shall represent the values stated on the name plate.



Table F.4 —Data structure table, part 4 — Process data values

process value status

Name Unit / Description
bit string, one bit per value indicating the
status of the written valuesa
“1” – value valid
“0” – value invalid or not used
bit 0: value #1 – gas pressure
bit 1: value #2 – gas temperature
bit 2..31: not used values always 0
bar, psi or MPa according to “unit system
34050 float value #1: gas pressure (absolute)
identifier” see above
°C, °F, or K according to “unit system
34052 float value #2: gas temperature
identifier” see above
34054 float value #3: reserved
.. ..
34112 float value #32: reserved
a The data communication system connected to the meter may write metrologically relevant measuring values for e.g.
pressure and temperature. In the event of invalid measuring values at the data communication system, the configured
keypad values configured in the meter shall be used in the calculation by the meter. The meter shall indicate this situation
by a partial failure signal.
The meter shall verify the received measuring values against the limits according the type plate data for working pressure
and temperature. If the meter calculates the flow rate with data exceeding these limits, the flow rate shall be considered as

Error and/or warning events related to the pressure and temperature values shall be registered in the event logbook of the

F.2 Example
Here is an example to read the complete set (44 registers) of the path independent values (see table part 1)
by a Modbus master (e.g. flow computer) from an USM having the Modbus slave address “1”.
01 03 7F FF 00 2C 6D F3


01 03 58 C0 00 69 72 BC A0 E7 91 43 AB DA DC 00 00 00 2A 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00
00 2A 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 3E 03 39 73 3D 1C AC 40
3C A8 62 21 3D 10 7D 57 3E 01 A4 75 BE 5A 99 28 BC B1 67 0D BD E8 EF B2 5F 14
Representing these values

Flow rate −2,006 436 m3/h

Velocity of gas −0,019 641 67 m/s

Speed of sound 343,709 8 m/s
gas volume counter total (forward flow) a 42
gas volume counter total (reverse flow) 15
gas volume counter (forward flow) Vact_forward 0
gas volume counter (reverse flow) Vact_reverse 7
error gas volume counter (forward flow) Vact_err_forward
error gas volume counter (reverse flow) Vact_err_reverse
counter resolution
flow rate greater than Qt
signal acceptance rate
error status



number of paths 8
deviation speed of sound path 1 0,128 148 8 %
deviation speed of sound path 2 0,038 250 21 %
deviation speed of sound path 3 0,020 554 6 %
deviation speed of sound path 4 0,035 275 78 %
deviation speed of sound path 5 0,126 603 9 %
deviation speed of sound path 6 −0,213 474 9 %
deviation speed of sound path 7 −0,021 655 58 %
deviation speed of sound path 8 −0,113 738 4 %
a Considering the transmitted counter resolution value of 3, the total gas volume counter represents
42 ∙ 103 m3 = 42 000 m3.


Annex G

Disturbance tests

Table G.1 — Disturbance tests

No Disturbance Test Fault limit/test Required immunity

applicable standard conditionc

Dry heat rated temperature
IEC 60068-2-2[5] duration 2 h
Cold rated temperature
IEC 60068-2-1[4] duration 2 h
Damp heat, steady state rated upper temperature
3 (non-condensing) MPE 93 % r.h.
AF IEC 60068-2-78[12] duration 4 days
rated upper temprature
Damp heat, cyclic (condensing) at or above 95 % r.h. during change
4 ½ MPE / NSFa
IEC 60068-2-30[8] at or 93 % r.h. upper phase
two cycles of 24 h
frequency range: 10 Hz to 150 Hz
RMS level: 7 m·s−2
Vibration (random) ASD level 10 Hz – 20 Hz: 1 m2·s−3
5 ½ MPE / NSFa
IEC 60068-2-47[10], IEC 60068-2-64[11] ASD level 20 Hz – 150 Hz: −3 dB/octave
3 axes
duration per axis 2 min
Mechanical shock one time on each bottom edge
6 ½ MPE / NSFa
IEC 60068-2-31[9] 50 mm height
Radiated, radio-frequency, frequency range: 26 MHz to 3 GHz,
7 electromagnetic fields MPE / NSFd field strength: 10 V/m
IEC 61000-4-3[23] modulation: 80 % AMi, 1 kHz, sine wave
frequency range: 0,15 MHz to 80 MHz
Conducted radio-frequency fields
8 MPE / NSFd RF amplitude: 10 V e.m.f.j (50 Ω)
IEC 61000-4-6[26]
modulation: 80 % AMi, 1 kHz sine wave
test voltage contact discharge: 6 kV
Electrostatic discharge
9 ½ MPE / NSFa +d test voltage air discharge: 8 kV
IEC 61000-4-2[22]
10 discharges at each pre-selected location
Bursts (transients) on signal, data and
Amplitude: 1 kV
10 control lines ½ MPE / NSFd
repetition rate: 5 kHz

IEC 61000-4-4[24]
Bursts (transients) on AC and DC
Amplitude: 2 kV
11 mains ½ MPE / NSFd
repetition rate: 5 kHz
IEC 61000-4-4[24]
Surges (transients) on AC and DC line to line 1,0 kV
12 ½ MPE / NSFa+d
mains lines IEC 61000-4-5[25] line to earth 2,0 kV


unsymmetrical lines:
line to line 0,5 kV
line to ground 1,0 kV
Surges on signal, data and control symmetrical lines:
13 lines ½ MPE / NSFd line to line N.A.
IEC 61000-4-5[25] line to ground 1 kV
shielded I/O and communication lines:
line to line N.A.
line to ground 0,5 kV

DC mains voltage variation Change between upper (Umax) and
14 MPE
IEC 60654-2[18] lower limit (Umin)
AC mains voltage variation
15 MPE mains voltage:
IEC/TR 61000-2-1[19]
AC mains voltage dips, short Test a: 0 % 0,5 cycles
interruptions and voltage variations Test b: 0 % 1 cycle
16 IEC 61000-4-11[28], ½ MPE / NSFd Test c: 40 % 10 /12b cycles
IEC 61000-6-1[31],
IEC 61000-6-2[32]

Voltage dips, short interruptions and

17 voltage variations on DC mains power ½ MPE / NSFd
IEC 61000-4-29[30]
Test d: 70 % 25 /30b cycles
Test e: 80 % 250 /300b cycles
Voltage dips:
amplitude: 40 % and 70 % of rated voltage
duration: 10 ms; 30 ms; 100 ms
Short interruptions:
amplitude: 0 % of rated voltage
duration: 1 ms; 3 ms; 10 ms
Voltage variation:
amplitude: 85 % and 120 % of rated voltage
duration: 0,1 s; 0,3 s; 1 s; 3 s; 10 s
Ripple on DC mains powera
18 ½ MPE / NSFd 2 % nominal voltage
IEC 61000-4-17[29]
a If applicable.
b For 50 Hz / 60 Hz respectively.
c NSFa: no significant fault shall occur after the disturbance;
NSFd: no significiant fault shall occur during the disturbance.



[1] lSO 5167-1:2003, Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in
circular cross-section conduits running full — Part 1: General principles and requirements

[2] ISO 9951:1993, Measurement of gas flow in closed conduits — Turbine meters

[3] ISO 11631:1998, Measurement of fluid flow — Methods of specifying flowmeter performance

[4] IEC 60068-2-1, Environmental testing — Part 2-1: Tests — Test A: Cold

[5] IEC 60068-2-2, Environmental testing — Part 2-2: Tests — Test B: Dry heat

[6] IEC 60068-2-6, Environmental testing — Part 2-6: Tests — Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)

[7] IEC 60068-2-18, Environmental testing — Part 2-18: Tests — Test R and guidance: Water

[8] IEC 60068-2-30, Environmental testing — Part 2-30: Tests — Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h



[9] IEC 60068-2-31, Environmental testing — Part 2-31: Tests — Test Ec: Rough handling shocks, primarily
for equipment-type specimens

IEC 60068-2-47, Environmental testing — Part 2-47: Test — Mounting of specimens for vibration,
impact and similar dynamic tests

IEC 60068-2-64, Environmental testing — Part 2-64: Tests — Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random
and guidance

[12] IEC 60068-2-78, Environmental testing — Part 2-78: Tests — Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state

[13] IEC 60068-3-1, Environmental testing — Part 3: Background information — Section One: Cold and
dry heat tests
[14] IEC 60068-3-4, Environmental testing — Part 3-4: Supporting documentation and guidance — Damp
heat tests

[15] IEC 60068-3-8, Environmental testing — Part 3-8: Supporting documentation and guidance —
Selecting amongst vibration tests

[16] IEC 60512-14-7, Electromechanical components for electronic equipment — Basic testing procedures
and measuring methods — Part 14: Sealing tests — Section 7: Test 14g: Impacting water

[17] IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

[18] IEC 60654-2, Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment —
Part 2: Power

[19] IEC/TR 61000-2-1, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 2: Environment — Section 1:

Description of the environment — Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted
disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems

[20] IEC 61000-2-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 2-2: Environment — Compatibility
levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply

[21] IEC 61000-4-1, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-1: Testing and measurement
techniques — Overview of IEC 61000-4 series

[22] IEC 61000-4-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-2: Testing and measurement
techniques — Electrostatic discharge immunity test

[23] IEC 61000-4-3, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-3: Testing and measurement
techniques — Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test

[24] IEC 61000-4-4, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-4: Testing and measurement
techniques — Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test

[25] IEC 61000-4-5, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-5: Testing and measurement
techniques — Surge immunity test

[26] IEC 61000-4-6, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-6: Testing and measurement
techniques — Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
[27] IEC 61000-4-8, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-8: Testing and measurement
techniques — Power frequency magnetic field immunity test

[28] IEC 61000-4-11, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-11: Testing and measurement
techniques — Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests

[29] IEC 61000-4-17, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-17: Testing and measurement
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[30] IEC 61000-4-29, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-29: Testing and measurement
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[32] IEC 61000-6-2, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 6-2: Generic standards — Immunity for
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