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Sunday, Part 9

Persuasion Mastery Systems courses may contain viewpoints that may be considered
controversial by certain audiences. It is intended as a guide to help people win with
words and succeed in all walks of life using persuasion language, techniques, and skills.

I, Ross Jeffries, Ghita Services., Inc, and/or Persuasion Mastery Systems (or any of our
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You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact
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While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are
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Ross: I always have taught to be very critical thinkers and think outside
the box. Occasionally they’ve said things and I said, “I expect better
from you. That’s a sloppy way to think. Come back with a better
argument than that, because that’s not a good argument. I don’t
buy that.”

What do you think? Have you enjoyed this weekend?

Participants: Yes.

Ross: Do you think you’ve taken some tools that you can go out into the
world and work with and use?

Participants: Yes.

Ross: Now stop a minute and think what your understanding was an hour
before you stepped in the door Friday. Take a minute, close your
eyes and compare to where you are now to where you were then
and notice the difference.

Now there’s the differences that you notice, and there’s the
differences that you don’t need to notice, but simply find
themselves percolating their way up into your actions, so you find
yourself speaking, thinking and doing things differently without even
having to make an effort or try.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The idea of opening your mind and learning is something that you
already know how to do, but also, even further, looking at your
world in a way where you could never go back to the old ways.
You’ve all experienced that.

Let’s think a minute about remembering back to when you first

learned to tell time. I remember when I was struggling to read a
clock and I just could not understand. What does it mean? The big
hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 6. Why is that 6:00
when 12 plus 6 equals 18? I had just learned addition and now
they’re telling me something different. I didn’t get it. What do you
mean 6:05? Why are there only 60 minutes? Why not a minute?
What’s a minute anyway? Take a second to think about.

And then there came a moment when, suddenly, as a gift from my

unconscious mind, the understanding blossomed up into your mind
and you could read the clock. “I get it. This is 6:00. This is 6:15.
That’s 7:00. Oh, I understand 12:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.. I get it.”
And you could never go back to not being able to read a clock ever
again. Your understanding of the world had fundamentally

Now, at the time, you didn’t realize that it would become the
foundation for so many things. How many times during the course
of a week do you look at your wristwatch or the time on your phone
because you need to set an appointment or you need to meet a
friend or there’s something you have to go and get that will be
ready for you?

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
That learning you had as a very young child became the building
blocks for an entire alphabet of activity that you could not have
imagined or anticipated at the time. It just wasn’t possible to do so.
But now you can never again go back to not being able to read that
clock, unless you’re really shit-faced drunk.

Now think about the number zero. What is half of zero? I didn’t
understand zero until someone said to me, “Zero is what happened
when minus one meets plus one. Zero is what happens when
minus two meets plus two. Zero is what happens when plus
132,000 meets negative 132,000. Zero is totally empty, but it’s
absolutely filled with every possible equal and opposite
combination.” I still didn’t really quite get it.

This is true. I would count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ten one, ten

two, ten three, ten four. I didn’t understand that zero was just a
placeholder for any number that could be put there until one day I
did understand it.

And these understandings start as a conscious struggle. A great

struggle consciously to get it. And then the unconscious mind stirs
and brews, and as a gift, the understanding blossoms up into the
conscious understanding and becomes something you can use.

There came a time when I learned to measure things. They put

something down in front of me called a ruler. Not the ruler of a
country or the ruler of a city, but an instrument called a ruler and it
measured something called inches.
Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Now, I had seen balls and I had seen birds, but I had never seen an
inch. Inches really don’t exist, except as a concept in the human
mind. And so I had to learn to first accept the notion that there’s
such a thing as a concept, and then I had to measure a concept.

So I would measure my finger, and being a boy, I measured other

things and I finally understood why there are 12 inches in a foot.
Wait a minute, my foot has five toes. I don’t see any inches on my
foot. What does that mean? I began to sort through and understand
ambiguities and vague concepts.

There’s an age at which the mind changes deeply. If you talk to a

child who’s two years old or three years old and you say, “How old
are you?” they’ll always hold out the first and second fingers of their
hand. The first, second, and third fingers if they’re three years old.

Then if you hold out two fingers of your left hand and one finger of
your right and say, “Is this three?” they’ll always shake their head
no because they’re looking at the shape of their fingers, not the
abstract idea of numbers. But there came a time when you
understood the abstraction of numbers.

So in the same way, there are many things that you consciously
have learned and understood this weekend. Many things are still
cooking in the back of your mind, the unconscious mind, waiting to
float to the surface in an a-ha moment of completely different
understanding where you never again will look at persuasion ever
again in the same way.
Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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And that’s when you’ll nod to yourself, smile, and think, “That Ross
Jeffries, I have to tell at least ten people about his website,”
because each and every person you tell is only a reinforcement of
the strength of your learning. And you do want to keep learning,
don’t you? Because learning opens new possibilities.

So everyone rouse themselves and look up here. I want to thank

you. It’s been a quick weekend. It’s flown by, hasn’t it? Time flies
when I’m having fun with your money.

We’re going to spend some time tossing balls. I’m going to toss the
ball to you. Stand up, say your name, and on a scale of one to ten,
tell me how much you enjoyed this seminar.

Stephan: I’d say 9.5

Ross: I like it.

Daniel: I’d say an 8.

Ross: Did you get your money’s worth?

Daniel: Definitely.

Elvana: My name is Elvana.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
Ross: Did you enjoy the fucking seminar?

Elvana: I did enjoy it.

Ross: Did you get your money’s worth?

Elvana: I was a guest. If I would have paid for it, yes.

Ross: Would you recommend it?

Elvana: I would.

Ross: Strongly?

Elvana: Strongly.

Ross: Does it matter that you’re a lady?

Elvana: It doesn’t matter that I’m a lady.

Ross: That’s right. Very good. How about you? What’s your name?

Tim: Tim.

Ross: Did you enjoy the seminar?

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
Tim: Yes, I did.

Ross: Was it worth what you didn’t pay for it?

Tim: I think I paid for it.

Ross: How do you rate it on a scale of one to ten?

Tim: 9.5.

Ross: Fucking good. As you send people to my website, how good will
you feel about it?

Tim: Good.

Ross: Somebody else. Stand up. Say your name.

Kat: My name is Kat. But if you want me to beat you up, that’s not my
name. I have a persona name. Talk to me later. I enjoyed this

Ross: Look at the camera and tell them.

Kat: Hi, you want to give me all your money. I know that Ross Jeffries
attracts a certain type of male that may not exactly be confident.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
Why would you be confident when I can step all over it and take
your cash? Thank you.

Ross: Seriously, what did you think of the seminar?

Kat: 8.75.

Ross: Was it worth it?

Kat: Absolutely. Thank you very much. I had a good time.

Ross: Thank you. Who here has a man crush on me? Stand up and say
your name.

Sweet: My name is Sweet.

Ross: Did you love the seminar?

Sweet: Yes, I did.

Ross: Who’s the greatest teacher you’ve ever met?

Sweet: Ross Jeffries.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
Ross: How much better is this than the NLP seminars you’ve been
pitched through?

Sweet: Ten times better.

Ross: Is it really?

Sweet: Yes.

Ross: You’ve been to some of those events, haven’t you?

Sweet: I’ve been to one.

Ross: And how much better am I than them?

Sweet: A lot better.

Ross: A lot better. You better fucking believe it.

Sweet: Thank you.

Ross: You’re welcome. Hey, what’s your name?

Participant: I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar. I rate it as an 11.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
Ross: That makes up for you 8.5ers. You don’t want to say your name.
Make up a name.

Nick: I’ll give you a 7.1.

Ross: That’s good coming from someone who’s a perfectionist. Thank


Nick: I’m not a perfectionist.

Ross: Thank you for that. Stand up and give yourself a huge round of

For people who have bought the footage, you’ll get an e-mail. At
some point we’ll do a two-hour group mastermind call and people
will get to share their experiences and I’ll answer their questions.
We’ll also create that product where I repeat those super-patterns
over and over so you can listen to them and really get it.

If you want to give a written testimonial, that would be great. Just

send it to [email protected] with the subject “Persuasion
Testimonial.” I would really like that.

I want to thank this man who runs my business: Adam Hommey.

Give me a hug you big bear of a guy. Do you know what I love
about this guy? This guy understands my personality. As I’ve said
before, there have been times when I’ve been a little cranky and he
Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
says, “It’s okay. I know how to edit you.” He knows how to keep a
pace. He’s perfect.

If I ever find a woman who does for me personally and emotionally

what he does for me in business, we’ll have some kind of life
partnership. I will never say the “M” word. There’s never going to be
a piece of paper.

There have been points when I was very, very sick and not
sleeping for a period where he carried the business. I once said to
him, “I don’t know how I managed to do it.” He said, “Well, I carried
you.” He did. He really did. I would not be here today. I’m forever
grateful to Adam. He’s been an incredible gift. Thank you, Adam.

The ever-capable Lisa Salvary who keeps the room running. Thank
you, Lisa.

If you’ve been sitting on the fence about buying the footage, when
we release it to the public, I think we ought to belt this out to the
general public at $497. Sell it for what it would cost for people to
come here.

Adam: This is going to be different. Those of you who have invested in

Speed Seduction®, it’s basically just a bunch of videos put
together. We’re going to make some effort to put some structure
behind this so you can follow it along. We’re also going to
incorporate the worksheets that were handed out, so you’re going

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
to have the whole thing which other footage collections have not
had. It’s going to have a great value. It’s going to have a greater
value that people in the general public aren’t going to get, except as
an upgrade.

Ross: Right. I think I should get a huge round of applause for

brainstorming. I can’t hear you!!!!

Participants: [applause] Woo!!!!

Ross: Show me your war face! Show me your persuasion face! Show me
your lemon face. Thank you. This is the first one I’ve done.

If you have feedback about what you would like to see different in
the next one, I’m happy to see it. It’s just I can’t take long verbal
things. Write it up and send it to [email protected] with the
subject “Feedback” and I’m happy to read all of it.

This is like the very first Speed Seduction seminar I did back in
1992. I was feeling my way through. I’m feeling my way through a
combination of what I would love to teach and what people would
lie to see. It’s got to be both. If I don’t love teaching it, then I’m not
going to do it.

I understand that I could have done a section that was an entire

day on imbedded commands and suggestions. Without a half-an-
hour, my ADD would have driven me out the room. I might want to

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
do a more thorough one where I hire someone to come in and do
that. Maybe, maybe not.

Any suggestions you have for future versions of this that you would
like to see, things you’d like to see added in, I would love to see
that. Help me design this. Be my co-creators. Be my think tank.
Speed Seduction evolved because we had a think tank. People
were talking to each other.

Adam, we have to have a discussion at some point of creating, if

not a Yahoo group, a private Facebook group. A private Persuasion
Mastery private Facebook group where we can all talk to each
other that way. It’s a good way to stay in touch.

Here’s the thing that’s different than Speed Seduction. There’s a

big patina of shame and hiding. There’s no shame in this. People
will bring each other. This is the kind of thing where there’s no
shame factor. It’s difficult to get word of mouth on Speed Seduction.
Who wants to admit that they’re having trouble getting chicks?
There’s no shame factor here. We could do word of mouth that we
couldn’t do. I’m looking forward to doing that as well.

Keep the feedback as positive as you can. Don’t say, “Look, you
jack-off Jew.” The feedback could be, “I liked this, but there are
some modules that are entirely missing. I would like to see a
module on this and a module on that, more of this and more of

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
I know there are some of you who are Speed Seduction fan boys
and you brought your cell phones and you want pictures with me.
That will be $5 a picture. No, it’s free.

On that point, thank you, everybody!

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 9
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -

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