Newsletter 5.6.11

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

The first week of May has already come and

gone! At this point, we have fourteen days of
school left! I trust God will make them count A: Yes!
for eternity and will produce much growth in The original
each of our lives! time was set for 9:00 a.m., but we had to move
We are beginning to wrap things up as we up the time to make accommodation for the
wind down the rest of the school year! This awards assembly taking place for older students,
week, we concluded our study of Australia! We which will follow our ceremony. So, please
will make our last stop around the world in the on Thurs-
country of Kenya this week! Then, as time per- day, May 26th in our classroom. While we get
mits over the course of the next couple of our caps on, you are invited to find your seats
weeks, we will review and do a variety of activi- in the auditorium. There is a chance, however,
ties we missed along the way related to the vari- that the location of the ceremony will change
ous countries we visited. so that it will be held in the gym rather than the
The main focus of science is on different auditorium due to construction. I will be sure
types of materials, and we will be focusing on to update you with any changes. The ceremony
plastic and rubber this week along with the prop- will begin at 8:45 a.m., and
erties of a variety of other materials. Please con- A reception will follow in
sider talking with your child about materials the cafeteria, and then
used to make different objects around your They will not have
house! school the rest of the day.
In reading circles, most students are moving of the number of family mem-
into their last set of readers! We will add er bers who may come to graduation so that we
(fern), ir (bird), and ur (nurse) to our repertoire can make sure to have enough food for all!
of special sounds this week, which include other
sounds like ar (star), ou (out), or (Lord), and ow
(now or blow). We practice using special sounds
while writing words and complete sentences, so A: Track and Field Day will be held this Friday,
please consider encourage them to write at May 13th at Faith Baptist Bible College. Stu-
home too! dents need to for the day, and they
I want to wish each mother and grandmother also must have and
a wonderful Mother’s Day! May God richly bless ! We will leave for Faith around
you, and may you know how dear you are to your 8:30 a.m. This year, students will be awarded
children! Thank you for all you do for them! ribbons rather than
Happy Mother’s Day! placements. We trust the day will be fun!
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

I want to extend my gratitude for all the Monday - Friends at Bethany (Lk. 10:38-42) While
kindness so many of you have shown me this He was on earth, Jesus' closest friends were
week during Teacher Appreciation Day/week! Mary Martha, and Lazarus. He often visited
The kind words of encouragement, cookies, with them in their home. On one such visit,
flowers, and special little gifts brightened my Mary poured an expensive bottle of perfume
days! I really appreciate those who helped pro- over Jesus to express her love for Him. Then,
vide a week off from recess duties, which was she knelt down and washed his feet with her hair.
a HUGE blessing! Most importantly, thank She humbled herself and worshiped Him. The
you for your support and your prayers this disciples with Jesus thought it was foolish for
year! It means so much to me! I am ever so Mary to waste so much money on expensive per-
grateful for the “little” things you do on a reg- fume to pour on Jesus, but the Lord told every-
ular basis for me as well! one she had honored Him with her sacrificial gift
from the heart! We, too, should be willing to ex-
press our love for our Savior by giving our all for
Thank you! Thank you! Him.

Tuesday - Review of previous lesson.

Wednesday - Chapel review and extension.

Thursday - Friends at Bethany - Part 2 (Matt. 26:6-

13; Mk. 14:3-9; Jn. 11:1-46) While Jesus visited
with them, Martha busied herself with work.
Mary, however, sat at Jesus’ feet and talked
with Him. Though Martha was frustrated with
Mary for failing to help, Jesus commended Mary
for wanting to listen and learn from Him!

Friday - Track and Field Day!

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, May 9 - Friday, May 13 - Bible verse letter X

Wednesday, May 11 - Chapel; Show and tell
- Bible verse letter X quiz;

Friday, May 20 - Early dismissal - 12:30 p.m.

Friday, May 26 - - .; last day of school

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