Newsletter 5.6.11
Newsletter 5.6.11
Newsletter 5.6.11
I want to extend my gratitude for all the Monday - Friends at Bethany (Lk. 10:38-42) While
kindness so many of you have shown me this He was on earth, Jesus' closest friends were
week during Teacher Appreciation Day/week! Mary Martha, and Lazarus. He often visited
The kind words of encouragement, cookies, with them in their home. On one such visit,
flowers, and special little gifts brightened my Mary poured an expensive bottle of perfume
days! I really appreciate those who helped pro- over Jesus to express her love for Him. Then,
vide a week off from recess duties, which was she knelt down and washed his feet with her hair.
a HUGE blessing! Most importantly, thank She humbled herself and worshiped Him. The
you for your support and your prayers this disciples with Jesus thought it was foolish for
year! It means so much to me! I am ever so Mary to waste so much money on expensive per-
grateful for the “little” things you do on a reg- fume to pour on Jesus, but the Lord told every-
ular basis for me as well! one she had honored Him with her sacrificial gift
from the heart! We, too, should be willing to ex-
press our love for our Savior by giving our all for
Thank you! Thank you! Him.