Keys To Knowledge: Questions & Answers

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that knowledge is acquired through asking questions and having the ability to understand. It also discusses seeking knowledge from reliable scholars.

Ibn Abbas said he acquired knowledge because of 'a tongue that never ceased asking questions and because of an ability to understand.'

Some of the topics covered in the document include explanations of Arabic grammar rules and terminology, meanings of Quranic words and phrases, and clarification of Islamic legal rulings.


Questions & Answers

About the Arabic Language

Volume 1, 2018


Abu Awza’ee Abdus-Salaam

Umm al-Quraa University
Makkah Al-Mukarramah

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Ibn ‘Abbas ‫ رضي اهلل عنه‬was asked how did he
acquire knowledge.

He responded:

ٍ ‫ب َع ُق‬
‫ول‬ ٍ ‫سؤ‬
ٍ ‫ َو َق ْل‬،‫ُول‬ ٍ ‫س‬
َ ‫ان‬ َ ِ‫ِبل‬

"Because of a tongue that never ceased

asking questions and because of an ability
to understand.”

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May Allah ‫تعالى‬ ‫و‬ ‫ سبحانه‬make this a means for us to be among the righteous in Jannah.

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Table of Contents

1. Why there is a ‫ و‬in 'Amr's name and not in Umar? 8

2. "Where do they get his 'real name' when Allaah uses Nuh?

What's the daleel for this, is this from ahadeeth? 8

3. What is the meaning of ‫ جنة‬when there is a fatha, dhumma, and

kasra on the letter ?‫ج‬ 9

4. Why the word " Aam ul huzn" is used for the grief period after

the death of Sayyidah Khadija (R A) and the Uncle of Prophet

Salallaahu alaihi wasalam ? 10

5. At least once a week we hear the Imaam say on Jumu'ah,

"Amma Ba'd!".

What does it actually mean and how is it used? 11

6. What are the categories of ?‫اسم الجنس‬ 13

7. In Surah Maryam verse 20 Allah says: ‫ َو َل ْم أ َ ُك بَ ِغيًّا‬, Why is it ‫ يَ ُك‬and

not ‫ ?يَ ُك ْن‬Where did the ‫ ن‬go? 14

8. What are examples of some verbs which require two ? ‫مفعول به‬15

9. What are the usages of ?‫املَفْ ُع ْول املُطْ َلق‬ 17

10. What part of the speech is ‫ كان‬and its sisters? 19

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11. I have a problem in understanding the topic of ‫بدل‬

"substitution", could you please explain it to me in details? How

does ‫ بدل & مبدل منه‬work? 20

12. Do we know some implications of the word order in this pair of

phrases (and other such pairs), especially when they come so


ٌ ‫
 َواهللَُّ ِب َما تَ ْع َم ُلو َن بَص‬
3:156, ‫ير‬

3:163 ‫ير ِب َما يَ ْع َم ُلو َن‬ ِ 24

ٌ ‫َواهللَُّ بَص‬

13. I have a question in ‫ ال ريب‬there is a fatha on ‫ ريب‬becase it is

coming after ‫ ال‬but how can one explain no tanween.. Can we

explain like this like this ‫ ريب‬is mabni? 26

14. Jumlah Filiyah - ‫& خرج املدرس الفصل‬ Jumla Ismiyya

- ‫
املدرس خرج الفصل‬

Normally both the sentences are translated the same way... Which

is the correct or better opinion.. Please explain this. 29

15. Can you use a word in jar ‫ جر‬status to show ta'dheem with it?

For example in Surah Ibrahim: 2, some scholars say regarding

Allah's Name: ...‫مجرور للتعظيم‬ 31

16. What is the difference between the statement:

‫( ما أدراك‬past tense) and ‫( ما يدريك‬present tense) in the Quran? 32

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17. How to say 300-900 in Arabic? 33

18. Ustadh, why is Allāh azzawajal using both ‫ سنة‬and ‫ عام‬here to

refer to 'years'? Is there a difference between the two? 34

19. What does "Sibgah" of Allah mean?

ِ َِّ‫حس ُن ِم َن اهلل‬
﴾َ‫صب َغ ًة َونَح ُن َل ُه عا ِبدون‬ ِ [Al-Baqarah: 138] 36
َ َ ‫﴿صب َغ َة اهللَِّ َو َمن أ‬

20. In the Noble Quran, there are specific letters - like Jeem ‫ج‬, Taa

‫ط‬, and others - that are put on some verses or places to indicate a

mandatory stop in recitation.

Who put these letters of stoppage and is it required to adhere to

them? 39

21. What's the difference between the letters ‫ ح ح‬and ?‫ح‬ 40

22. Could you please explain all the various uses of (‫ الم التعريف )ال‬in

Al Quran Al Kareem? 42

23. Could you explain the different usages of the word ?‫قد‬ 45

24. Could you explain the different types of ?‫ما‬ 47

24. Could you explain the different types of ‫ ِم ْن‬in the Arabic

language? 51

25. "Please Ustaadh I would like you to explain the word "‫ " َقبْل‬to

me. When does it take a damma case ending, a fatha case ending,

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and a kasrah case ending?" 54

26. What is the difference between the use of ‫ عند و مع‬since they

have similar meaning? 57

27. What is the meaning of ‫ لن و لم‬and where -yani with which verb -

do we use it? 59

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‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Why there is a ‫ و‬in 'Amr's name and not in Umar? 

Answer: Well, both names are comprised of the same letters ‫
ع م ر‬
And in the past there was no markers like fatha, kasra, dhamma, etc
written on words. 

Because both names were spelled the same way it caused confusion
when a person read ‫عمر‬. They didn't know whether the name Umar
or 'Amr was intended.

To fix this problem they added a ‫ و‬to 'Amr and it became ‫عمرو‬.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

2. "Where do they get his 'real name' when Allaah uses

Nuh? What's the daleel for this, is this from ahadeeth?

Answer: Jazaakallah khayran for your very important question. 

The reality is that this is a science in Islam called genealogy. The salaf
would memorize and learn lineages of others. It could be taken from
directly the Prophet (peace be upon him) or it could of been
knowledge that the companions and others of that time preserved
in their chests. 

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The narration that speaks about Nuh's name and the reason why he
was given the name Nuh is collected by Haakim in his Mustadrak of
the "sahihayn". Reference: 2/545. 

The name Nuh was not his birth name and was given after his birth
because of a certain attribute - crying alot. You can say it is more of a

Just as Ibrahim is known as Khalilullah which is not his name but a

Likewise as we saw in our post on Prophet Idrees. Idrees wasn't his
real name but
Allah ‫ عز و جل‬mentioned it in Surah maryam. His real name was Akh-

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

3. What is the meaning of ‫نة‬.‫ ج‬when there is a fatha,

dhumma, and kasra on the letter ‫?ج‬

Answer: With a fatha: ‫جنَّة‬,َ Paradise

As Allah ‫ عز و جل‬has promised the believers in many verses. For
َ ‫)يا آدم اسكن انت وزوجك‬

With a dhumma: ‫جنَّة‬,
ُ Protection

As the Prophet ‫ صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬said in a hadith, ‫
الصوم جنة‬

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With a kasra: ‫جنَّة‬ ِ , Jinn

As Allah ‫ عز و جل‬said, (‫)الذي يوسوس في صدور الناس من الجِنه والناس‬
It can also mean "madness" as Allah ‫ عز و جل‬said in Surah as-Saba,
(‫)أفترى على اهلل كذبا أم به جنة‬

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

4. Why the word " Aam ul huzn" is used for the grief
period after the death of Sayyidah Khadija (R A) and the
Uncle of Prophet Salallaahu alaihi wasalam ?

Answer: Thank you for your question. 

This wording is not from the Quran, Sunnah, or even statements of
the Salaf. Latter generation of scholars came up with this wording.
We are speaking about how these words are used in the texts and
how they were understood by the Arabs at the time of Prophet
Muhammad ‫صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬. 

This is what Shaykh Albaani ‫ رحمه اهلل‬said about that particular

. ‫ " فإني بعد مزيد البحث عنه لم أقف عليه " يعني مسندا‬: ‫
قال الشيخ األلباني رحمه اهلل‬
(18 ‫
 انتهى من "دفاع عن الحديث النبوي" )ص‬

He mentions that after extra research, he hasn't even come across a
narration from the salaf that mentions that wording. 

Also, whenever you read the books of Seerah about that year,
authors and great imaams who gave importance to narrations like
Imaam Ibn Kathir, Dhahabi, Ibn Qayyim, Nawawi, Ibn Hajar and

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others, never used that term to describe that year. 

All of this shows that this wording ‫ عام الحزن‬was given by latter day

Hope this was clear. ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬

5. At least once a week we hear the Imaam say on

Jumu'ah, "Amma Ba'd!".

What does it actually mean and how is it used?

Answer: In this piece Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhali, may Allah have
mercy on him, explains in his explanation of al-Adab al-Mufrad:

Zayd ibn Aslam [may Allah be pleased with him] said,

ِ ‫سم ِ اهللِ الر ْح َم ِن الر‬
‫ أ َ َّما َب ْع ُد‬،ِ ‫حيم‬ ُ ُ ‫ فَ َرأ َ ْيت ُ ُه َي ْكت‬،‫س َل ِني أ َ ِبي إِ َلى ا ْب ِن ُع َم َر‬
ْ ‫ ِب‬:‫ب‬ َ ‫
أ َ ْر‬
َّ َّ

"My father sent me to Ibn ‘Umar and I saw him write, ‘In the Name of
Allah, the All-Merciful, Most Merciful. Following on from
that'" [Bukhari – Book of Manners #1120]

Hisham ibn ‘Urwa [may Allah be pleased with him] said,

َّ ‫ت ِق‬
َ ‫ص ٌة َق‬
‫ أ َ َّما بَ ْع ُد‬:‫ال‬ ْ ‫ض‬ ِ ‫س‬
َ ‫ ُك َّل َما انْ َق‬،‫ائ ِل الن َّ ِبيِّ صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬ َ ‫ائ َل ِم ْن َر‬
ِ ‫س‬ ُ ْ‫َ
َ ‫ت َر‬

"I saw some of the letters of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace. After the introduction he said, ‘Following on from
that'" [Bukhari – Book of Manners #1121]

The Shaykh comments on these narrations in his explanation of al-
Adab al-Mufrad by Imaam Bukhari on page 251 Vol 3. He said, This

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phrase "Following on from that" [or "To proceed" as some have
translated] is from the different styles of writing.

It is said that this phrase is from "Faslul Khitaab" that was given to
Dawud, peace be upon him.

‫اب‬ ِ ‫ص َل ٱل‬
ِ َ‫ۡخط‬ ِ ‫
 َو َءاتَيۡنَـٰ ُه ٱل‬
ۡ َ‫ۡحك َۡم َة َوف‬
"…and We [Allah] gave him [Dawud] wisdom and Faslal Khitaab
[discernment in speech]." [Surah Saad: 20]

Some say that this Faslal Khitaab is the saying Amma Ba’d "following
on from that/to proceed". *Refer to Ibn Abi Haatim in his Tafsir
10/3237, at-Tabari in his Tafsir 21/173 for more commentary*‫۔‬

This statement is written in messages addressed to kings [those of

high status] and as well as to regular people. It is a phrase that
separates between two topics, and it is used to indicate that the
content that comes after will be a different topic/subject from what
was previously spoken of. There is nothing that prevents a person
from using this phrase repeatedly in one message – depending on
the need of its usage.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.


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6. What are the categories of ‫جنس‬..‫م ال‬.‫?اس‬

Answer: ‫ اسم الجنس‬is broken into 3 categories:

a. Ismul Jins Jam'ee ‫
اسم جنس جمعي‬
• Indicates 3 or more of a particular category (jins)

• It singular form has either a yaa ‫ ي‬or closed taa ‫( ة‬known as ‫تاء‬
‫ )الوحدة‬attached to the end of the word.


▪If it does not have a ‫ ي‬or ‫ ة‬at the end, then it is considered to be

▪If it does have a ‫ ي‬or ‫ ة‬at the end, then it is considered to be

For example: ‫ بقرة‬:‫ بقر‬/ ‫ تمرة‬:‫ تمر‬/ ‫ رومي‬:‫ روم‬/ ‫ عربي‬:‫

b. Ism Jins Ifraadee ‫
اسم جنس إفرادي‬
• Can indicate a few or many of a particular category (jins), and it is
not differentiated by a ‫ ي‬or a ‫ة‬. 


▪The singular and plural share the same form.

For example: ‫ ذهب‬/‫ عسل‬/ ‫

All refer to both singular and plural, depending on the context it is
being used it.
c. Ismu Jins Ahaadee ‫
اسم جنس أحادي‬
•When one from a category (jins) is intended, but it is not specified

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which one. 

For example:

‫ أسد‬: A lion, but it is not specified which lion. 

‫ ذئب‬: A wolf, but it is not specified which wolf. Etc.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

7. In Surah Maryam verse 20 Allah says: ‫غيًّا‬.ِ َ‫ ْم أ َ ُك ب‬.‫ َو َل‬, Why is

ُ .َ‫ ي‬and not ‫ ُك ْن‬.َ‫ ?ي‬Where did the ‫ ن‬go?
it ‫ك‬

Answer: It is permissible ‫ جائز‬to omit the ‫ ن‬in the verb ‫ كان‬if the
following five conditions are met: 

1. The verb ‫ كان‬must be in its present tense form and also ‫
2. The verb ‫ كان‬must be ‫ مجزوم بالسكون‬and not ‫مجزوم بالحذف‬.

Example: ‫
 إن تأخرتم َل ْم تَ ُك ْونُ ْوا مستفيدين‬

Here the fil ‫ تَ ُك ْونُ ْوا‬is: ‫ & مجزوم بحذف النون‬it is not ‫مجزوم بالسكون‬, Therefore
the ‫ ن‬cannot be omitted. 

3. There cannot be a connected pronoun ‫ ضمير متصل‬in the state of
‫ نصب‬attached.
Example: ‫
إن يَ ُكن ْ ُه‬
Because of the attached pronoun ‫ ُه‬in the state of ‫نصب‬, we cannot
erase the ‫ن‬.

4. A ‫ ساكن‬letter cannot come after (like ‫)الم التعريف‬.

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Example: ‫
لم َي ُك ِن ا ْلج ّو صحوا‬
Because the ‫ الم التعريف‬is ‫ ساكن‬and it comes after ‫كان‬, the ‫ ن‬cannot be

5. The word ‫ كان‬cannot be the last word that is pronounced in the
sentence ‫ وقفا‬- it must be followed by another word ‫وصال‬. 

Therefore, if we apply all of these conditions, a sentence with an
erased ‫ نون‬would look like this: 

ً ‫مقصرا‬
ّ ِ ‫طالب العلم‬
ُ ‫
 َل ْم يَ ُك‬
In this sentence we see that all 5 conditions are met and as a result
the ‫ ن‬is omitted. 

The ‫ إعراب‬of ‫ يَ ُك‬would be: ‫فعل مضارع مجزوم وعالمة جزمه سكون النون املحذوفة‬

If these conditions are met, then it becomes permissible ‫ جائز‬to omit
the ‫ ن‬or to leave it as it. 

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

8. What are examples of some verbs which require two

‫ه‬.‫فعول ب‬..‫? م‬

Answer: An example of a verb that requires two Maf'ul bihi
(maf'ulayn) is the word ‫ج َع َل‬.

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For example, Allah said in Surah Zhukhruf:

)إِنَّا َج َع ْلنَا ُه ُق ْرآنًا َع َر ِب ًيّا‬

َ can mean, َ‫خ َلق‬
To elaborate on this, the word ‫ج َع َل‬, َ to create, ‫صيَّ َر‬
َ to

When ‫ جعل‬has 1 ‫ مفعول به‬then it will take the meaning of ‫خلق‬.
َ ُّ ‫
 َو َج َع َل الظُّ ُل َمات َوالن‬
Example: ‫ور‬
"And He created the darknesses (plural) and light."

Here, ‫ الظلمات‬is ‫مفعول به‬, while ‫ نور‬is ‫معطوف على الظلمات‬. 

When ‫ جعل‬has ‫ مفعو َل ْني‬then it will take the meaning of ‫صيَّ َر‬. َ
Example: ‫
إِنَّا َج َع ْلنَا ُه ُق ْرآنًا َع َر ِب ًيّا‬
"Indeed we have made it an Arabic Quran" 

Here, ُ‫ ه‬is the first ‫مفعول به‬, and ً ‫ ُق ْرآنا‬is the second ‫
مفعول به‬

I want to highlight this point because there is a group known as the
"Jahmiyyah" ‫ جهمية‬who roots go back to Jahm Bin Safwan. They have
many issues in aqeedah, and from these issues is their denial of
Allah's Names and Attributes). 

The reason why I am mentioning them here is because of their belief
that the Quran is "created" and that it is not the direct speech of

They believe that the word ‫ جعل‬in the Quran only means ‫خلق‬. As a
result, they use that meaning in the verse we just mentioned in
Zukhruf to justify their claim that the Quran is created. 

They say that the verse,

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‫ إِنَّا َج َع ْلنَا ُه ُق ْرآنًا َع َر ِب ًيّا‬means, ‫خ َل ْقنَا ُه ُق ْرآنًا َع َر ِب ًيّا‬
َ ‫ إِنَّا‬:‫
"Indeed we have 'created' an Arabic Quran". 

But, because of their lack of understanding of Arabic & refusal to
return back to the understanding of the Sahaabah, they made a
major mistake in interpreting this verse & even bigger mistake in
their belief. 

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

9. What are the usages of ‫ َلق‬.ْ‫ط‬.‫م‬.ُ ‫مَ فْ ُعوْل ال‬..‫?ال‬

Answer: A maf'ul mutlaq ‫ املفعول املطلق‬is:

1. A masdar ‫مصدر‬
2. Mansub ‫منصوب‬
3. It comes at the end of the completion of verbal sentence.
4. The ‫ مصدر‬used has to come from either the verb in wording and
meaning or simply in meaning.

This type of maf'ul (al-mutlaq) has one of three purposes. Either it


a. Emphasize the sentence:

ً ‫َو َك َّل َم اهللُ موسى تَ ْكلِيْما‬
"And Allah (definitely) spoke to Musaa"

Here the ‫ مصدر‬takleem ‫ تكليم‬of the verb ‫ َك َّل َم‬is used to emphasize the
verb - that Allah surely did speak to Musaa without any shadow of

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doubt. It is now considered to be ‫مفعول مطلق‬, and the ‫ مفعول مطلق‬is
emphasizing the verb ‫ ك ّلم‬in both its wording and meaning.

Notice that there is no additional NEW meaning added by the maful

mutlaq. There is only emphasis of the original meaning.

b. Clarify the type of action by describing how the verb is carried

ً ‫إِنَّا فَت َ ْحنَا َل َك فَتْحا ً ُم ِب ْينا‬
"Indeed, We have (opened for you or) given you, [O Muhammad], a
clear conquest"

Here the ‫ مصدر‬fath ‫ فَتْح‬of the verb َ‫ فَتَح‬is used to describe how the
"opening" occured. It is now considered to be ‫مفعول مطلق‬, and the
‫ مفعول مطلق‬is emphasizing the verb َ‫ فَتَح‬in both its wording and

This second type is different from the first because in the first there
was no additional meaning. However, in this type there IS an
additional meaning, and it is the description of how the verb

c. Clarify the amount of times the verb occurs:

ُ َ‫ض َوالجِب‬
‫ال فَ ُد َّكتَا َد َّك ًة واحدة‬ ِ ‫َو ُح ِم َل‬
ُ ‫ت األ َ ْر‬
"And the earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled with *one*

Here the ‫ مصدر‬dakkatan  ً‫ دكة‬of the verb dak-ka ‫ َد َّك‬is used to clarify
that this blow will occur once (in number). It is now considered to be
‫مفعول مطلق‬, and the ‫ مفعول مطلق‬is emphasizing the verb ‫دك‬ ّ in both its
wording and meaning.

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These are examples of the ‫ مفعول مطلق‬agreeing with the verb in
wording and meaning. Let us take a look at an example of how it
agrees with the word only in meaning:

َ ‫َج َل‬
ً ‫س ُمحم ٌد ُق ُع ْودا‬

The word ‫ ُق ُعود‬has the same meaning as ‫جلوس‬. Although it differs in

wording, it shares the same meaning. As a result it is considered to
be ‫مفعول مطلق‬. In this case it falls under the first meaning of emphasis.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

10. What part of the speech is ‫ان‬.‫ ك‬and its sisters?

Answer: The words ‫ &( كان وأخواتها‬its sisters) are considered to be

‫أفعال ناسخة وناقصة‬. However, they are not like regular verbs.

A regular fil entails two things:

1. An action ‫حدث‬
2. Time ‫زمن‬

For example:

َ َ ‫ َكت‬means to write. The action is "writing" while the time is in "past


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‫ب‬ ْ ‫ َي‬means to drink. The action is "drinking" while the time is in
ُ ‫ش َر‬
"present tense".

However, with ‫ كان وأخواتها‬these fils only have the "time" component
and not the "action".

‫كان محمد قائما‬, ”Muhammad was standing”

Here, there’s no action attached to ‫ كان‬- only the time "was".

For this reason these types of fils are called ‫ ناقص‬or "deficient"; they
do not meet the full requirements of a verb.

The reason why they are called ‫ أفعال ناسخة‬- which means ‫مبطلة‬
(abolishers) - is because they enter into a nominal sentence and
cancel (or abolish) the ‫ إعراب‬of the sentence. The subject ‫ مبتدأ‬remains
‫ مرفوع‬and now becomes ‫اسم كان‬, while the predicate ‫ خبر‬changes to
‫ منصوب‬and becomes ‫خبر كان‬.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

11. I have a problem in understanding the topic of ‫دل‬.‫ب‬

"substitution", could you please explain it to me in
details? How does ‫نه‬.‫بدل م‬.‫دل & م‬.‫ ب‬work?

Answer: No problem my brother, this topic is very easy to
understand - in shaa Allah. 

Firstly, what is ‫ ?ب › › › › › ››دل‬This is means a "substitute" and it is a noun used
to substitute (in meaning) the noun that comes before it (it can also

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be a verb that substitutes another verb).

The substitute is called ‫بدل‬, the substituted is called ‫
 املبدل منه‬

Rules: The ‫ ب›دل‬will follow and have the same harakah (fatha, dhumma,
kasra, sukoon) of the ‫املبدل منه‬. 

There are four types of ‫بدل‬:

a. The first type is when the substitution refers to the substituted in
ENTIRETY. This type is known as: 

‫ ب › ››دل ال › ››كل م › ››ن ال › ››كل‬or also known as ‫ ب › ››دل ال › ››شيء م › ››ن ال › ››شيء‬or also known as
simply ‫

If you erased the ‫ امل›بدل م›نه‬the meaning of the sentence will remain the
same due to the ‫ البدل‬referring back to the entirety of ‫
املبدل منه‬

Example: ‫
جاء زي ٌد أخوك‬
"Zayd came, your brother." You can substitute to, "Your brother

‫ البدل‬:‫ املبدل منه ; أخ‬:‫

Here, "Zayd" and "your brother" are the same entities. Here when we
add the ‫" ب › › › › › ››دل‬Your brother" we are speaking about Zayd in his
entirety, and not part of him. 

b. The second type is when the substitution refers to ONLY A PART
(physically) of the substituted. This type is known as:

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بدل بعض من كل‬

So here after we mention the substituted, we want to specify only a
part of it.

Example: ‫
قرأت القرآ َن ثُ ُلث َ ُه‬

"I read the Quran, a third of it" You can substitute to, "I read a third of
it (the Quran)."

‫ املبدل منه‬:‫
‫ البدل‬:‫
Do you see how now the badal of "third" only specifies a PORTION
and NOT the WHOLE of the substituted - which is "the Quran"? 

أكلت السمك نصفه‬
"I ate the fish, a half of it." You can substitute to, "I ate half of it (the

Again, the substitution is referring back to the portion (half) of the
whole (fish).

c. The third type is when the substitution refers to the substituted but
is speaking about something that is connected to the substituted,
OR something that the substituted possesses. This type is known as:

بدل اإلشتمال‬

Example: ‫خ ُل ُق ُه‬
ُ ‫
أعجبني زي ٌد‬
"Zayd amazed me, his good character" You can substitute to, "His
good character amazed me"

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‫ البدل‬:‫ املبدل منه ; خلق‬:‫

Here we see that the substitution is not referring to Zayd as a whole,
nor is it referring to part of Zayd, rather it is referring to something
that is possessed by or connected to Zayd - which is his good

نفعني زي ٌد ِع ْل ُم ُه‬

"Zayd benefited me, his knowledge." You can substitute to, "His
knowledge benefited me." 

Here we are referring to his knowledge, which is connected to/
possessed by Zayd. 

d. The fourth type is when someone makes a mistake in speech by
saying something, and then corrects that mistake. This type is broken
into two types: 

i) ‫
 بدل الغلط‬
When someone makes a mistake unintentionally, then corrects

Example: ‫حمارا‬
ً ‫
رأيت زَيْ ًدا‬
"I saw Zayd - (I mean) a donkey" 

‫ املبدل منه‬:‫
‫ البدل‬:‫

Here he made a mistake and said Zayd, while intending to say

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ii) ‫
بدل اإلضراب‬
When someone intentionally mentions the ‫ املبدل من‬in his speech, but
then decides he wants to change what he said. Example:

َ ‫
 قرأت الصحيف َة‬
"I read the page....(you know what, actually) I read the book"

‫ املبدل منه‬:‫
‫ البدل‬:‫

Here, the person said they read the page, but then later changes it
to book. 

So that is how ‫ بدل‬works.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

12. Do we know some implications of the word order in

this pair of phrases (and other such pairs), especially
when they come so close?

ٌ ‫
 َوال › َلّ ُه ِب› َ›ما تَ › ْع َم ُلو َن بَ››ص‬
3:156, ‫ير‬
3:163 ‫ير ِب› َ›ما يَ › ْع َم ُلو َن‬ ِ
ٌ ‫
 َوال › َلّ ُه بَ››ص‬

Answer: Na'am. This ties with something we mentioned tonight in

Arabic 210: Quranic Parables course and that is regarding
preceding ‫ تقديم‬and delaying ‫ تأخير‬parts of speech in Kalaam.

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There are many classical works that specifically deals with this topic,
like al-Kitaab by Sibawayh (Imaam an-Nahwu), as well as some later
works like by al-Jurjaani (for further reading on this subject).

Basically, in the verses you shared, there are two "parts" you have to
understand (this is not exclusive to al-baseer as there are many
examples, ex: al-khabeer in juz qad sami'a).

In your example, there is the:

1. The action (He is knowing)

2. The Name & Attribute (He is All-Seeing)

To know which of the two precedes the other, it depends on the
context of the verse. If the context of the verse is speaking about an
action, then the action (1) precedes the Name and Attribute (2).


‫ۡض أ َ ۡو َكانُوا ْ ُغزًّى‬ ِ ‫ٱألَر‬ۡ ‫ض َر ُبوا ْ ِفى‬ ِ ‫خ َو‬
َ ‫ٲن ِه ۡم إِذَا‬ ۡ ‫َيـٰٓأ َ ُّيہَا ٱ َّل ِذي َن َءا َمنُوا ْ َال تَ ُكونُوا ْ َكٱ َّل ِذي َن َكفَ ُروا ْ َو َقا ُلوا ْ ِإل‬
‫س َرةً۬ ِفى ُق ُلو ِبہِ ۡ ۗم َوٱهللَُّ يُحۡ ىِۦ‬ۡ ‫َّل ۡو َكانُوا ْ ِعن َدنَا َما َماتُوا ْ َو َما ُق ِت ُلوا ْ لِيَجۡ َع َل ٱهللَُّ ذَٲلِ َك َح‬
ِ ۗ ُ ‫
 َو ُي ِم‬
ٌ ۬ ‫يت َوٱهللَُّ ِب َما تَع َۡم ُلو َن َبص‬
"O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites)
and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or
go out to fight: "If they had stayed with us, they would not have died
or been killed," so that Allâh may make it a cause of regret in their
hearts. It is Allâh that gives life and causes death. And Allâh is
All¬Seer of what you do.”

Here, what action is Allah "All-Seeing of what they do"? He is All-
Seeing of their statement (action) to their brothers when they travel
through the earth or go out to fight, '.....'"

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Because of that, the action of ‫ ِب َما تَ ْع َم ُلو َن‬precedes the Name &
Attribute al-Baseer.

If the context is not speaking about an action, or if it is speaking
about Allah or His Attributes, then the Name or Attribute (2)
precedes the action:

‫ير ِب َما يَع َۡم ُلو َن‬ ِ ِ ٌ ‫
 ُه ۡم َدر َج‬
ُ ۢ ‫ات عن َد ٱهللَِّۗ َوٱهللَُّ بَص‬ َ
"They are in varying grades with Allâh, and Allâh is All¬Seer of what
they do"

Here, is there an action? No, it's just a regular nominal sentence
speaking about their varying grades. As a result, the Name &
Attribute "Al-Baseer" (2) precedes the action (1). This is what is
mentioned by some Mufassireen.

Hope this was clear ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

13. I have a question in ‫ب‬.‫ ال ري‬there is a fatha on ‫ب‬.‫ ري‬becase

it is coming after ‫ ال‬but how can one explain no tanween..
Can we explain like this like this ‫ب‬.‫ ري‬is mabni?

Answer: This type of ‫ ال‬is known as ‫( ال لِنَفْيِ الجِنْس‬Absolute Negation). 

a. 'Iraab ‫ إعراب‬: In terms of 'iraab, this type of ‫ ال‬works the same as ‫إِ َّن‬
in the sense that it makes the ‫( مبتدأ‬or subject) turn into ‫ منصوب‬and the
‫( خبر‬predicate) stay as ‫مرفوع‬. 

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The ‫ مبتدأ‬changes its name to ‫اسم ال‬, and the ‫ خبر‬changes to ‫
خبر ال‬

The noun will ONLY take 1 Fatha. 

ال َر ُج َل = صح‬
ال َر ُجالً = خطأ‬

The noun must come immediately after "no" for this rule to work. 

b. Meaning: This type of ‫ ال‬is used with words that are ‫ نَ ِك َرة‬and
negates the *entire meaning of the word and its "species"*. For

"No man is in the house" 

الَ َر ُج َل في الدار‬

It is negating the entire "species" of men being in the house. It is not
just referring to 1 particular man, but rather all men as a whole. For
this reason, this type of ‫ ال‬is not used with words that are ‫معرفة‬. 

Other examples: ‫
الَ إِ َل َه إِ َّال اهلل‬

"There is (absolutely) no diety worthy of worship except Allah"

ال ِه ْج َرةَ بَ ْع َد الفَتْح‬

"There is (absolutely) no migration after the conquest (of Makkah)"

This is the origin and the basis of this rule. From this rule there
branches off two other cases. Please understand this first rule clearly
before moving on.

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Now, there are two other cases where the case ending of ‫ اسم ال‬can
change for singular words.

For example:

a. If there is something in between the ‫ ال‬and its "noun" ‫اسم‬, then the
noun returns to being ‫ مرفوع‬and reverts being called ‫

ال ِفي ال َّدا ِر َر ُج ٌل‬
"In the home, there is no man"

Here ‫ َر ُج ٌل‬is ‫خر‬
َّ ‫
مبتدأ ُم َؤ‬

Additional Benefit Some grammarian scholars say that in this case,
one has also repeat the "Laa" twice in the sentence. 

ٌ‫وال ِا ْم َرأة‬
َ ‫
ال ِفي ال َّدا ِر َر ُج ٌل‬

While others say that it is not obligatory to do so, but it is better. 

b. If you repeat the ‫ ال‬twice in a sentence and the ‫ اسم ال‬comes
directly after the ‫ال‬, then both ‫ اسم ال‬will be either ‫ منصوب‬or .‫

 ال َر ُج َل في الدار وال ِا ْم َرأَة‬

Or you can say,

الَ َر ُج ٌل في الدار وال ا ْم َرأَة‬

In summary there are 3 cases:

a. The ‫ اسم ال‬comes directly after the ‫ال‬. In this case the ‫ اسم ال‬is ‫منصوب‬

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with 1 fatha.

b. There is something between the ‫ ال‬and ‫اسم ال‬. In this case the ‫اسم ال‬
now reverts to being called ‫مبتدأ‬. The ‫ مبتدأ مؤخر‬also reverts to being
*Some scholars say that the ‫ ال‬has to be repeated again, while same
say no it is not obligatory*

c. The ‫ ال‬is repeated twice with two different nouns. In this case one
has the choice to make both ‫ اسما ال‬in the state of ‫ مرفوع‬OR ‫ منصوب‬with
1 fatha.

These are very basic rules in regards to how this type of Laa works
with a singular word. There are more details for other types of words
and their usages. This can be found in Alfiyyah ibn Maalik.

Hope this was clear ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

14. Jumlah Filiyah - ‫فصل‬..‫مدرس ال‬..‫رج ال‬.‫& خ‬

Jumla Ismiyya - ‫فصل‬..‫رج ال‬.‫مدرس خ‬..‫
Normally both the sentences are translated the same
way... Which is the correct or better opinion.. Please
explain this.

Answer: This deals with ‫ التقديم والتأخير‬which is a chapter in ilm al-

There are a few different reasons why the noun precedes the verb,

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and of course in order to know the reason one will have to look at
the context.


جاء محمد‬
محمد جاء‬
From the purposes of the noun preceding the verb is to show ‫التشويق‬
‫إلى املتأخر‬.

Perhaps the one who made the statement missed Muhammad. In
order to express this feeling, the speaker mentions the name first
then the action. 

"Muhammad *finally* (to show how much Muhammad was missed)

Or perhaps Muhammad is mentioned first for another reason known
as ‫التخصيص‬, to single him out.

"Only Muhammad arrived (and no one else)"

Or perhaps Muhammad is mentioned for another reason with is
‫اإلنكار والتعجب‬, to show disapproval and amazement.

"Muhammad arrived?! (Why would he even come here?)"

So depending on the context the purpose will be made clear. These
are just a few purposes. This topic will be studied in Arabic 301 in
shaa Allah for those interested.

Another example of ‫ التقديم والتأخير‬in regards to the faa'il (doer) and

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maf'ul bihi (object):

 قتل الحاك ُم املجر َم‬
قتل املجر َم الحاك ُم‬

In the second sentence the maf'ul bihi precedes the doer. Why is

It is done because the speaker wants to highlight the criminal and
not the one who did the killing. 

Anyone could of done the killing, but that isn't the speaker's
concern or intent behind making the statement. His intent was to
highlight that the criminal was killed.

Abdul-Qaahir al-Jurjaani, may Allah have mercy on him, discusses
this chapter ‫ التقديم والتأخير‬in detail in his book "Dalaa'il al-'Ijaaz".

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

15. Can you use a word in jar ‫ر‬.‫ ج‬status to show ta'dheem
with it? For example in Surah Ibrahim: 2, some scholars
say regarding Allah's Name: ...‫لتعظيم‬..‫رور ل‬..‫مج‬

Answer: When some people present their 'iraab of ‫ لفظ الجاللة‬and
they mention the state of ‫ مجرور مرفوع‬etc., they mention ‫ للتعظيم‬out of
respect for Allah's Name. So they would say:

 منصوب للتعظيم‬

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Instead of, for example, ‫
 مفعول به‬

This can be found in the Alfiyyah of Al-Aathaary:

ْ ُ
‫بعض مــا‬ ِ
‫ وهو‬، ‫اإلله‬ ‫ مـع‬... ‫األدب‬
ْ ‫إعـراب‬
ُ ‫
خاتم ُة الفصول‬
‫انتدب‬ ‫كـاغفر لنا والعب ُد باألمر‬ ... ‫الطلـب‬
ْ ‫
فالرب مسؤول بأفعال‬
ِ ‫منصوب على التعظيــم‬
ٌ ُ
‫تقول‬ ... ِ ‫سألت اهلل في التعليــم‬
ُ :‫

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

16. What is the difference between the statement:

‫ا أدراك‬.‫( م‬past tense) and ‫ك‬.‫دري‬.‫ا ي‬.‫( م‬present tense) in the

Answer: Sufyaan bin 'Unayyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

‫خ ِب ْرهُ ِب ِه‬ ِ ‫شيْء ِف‬
ْ ُ‫يه َو َما يُ ْد ِريك فَ َل ْم ي‬ َ ‫ َو ُك ّل‬, ‫خبَ َرهُ ِب ِه‬
ْ َ ‫شيْء ِفي ا ْل ُق ْرآن َو َما أ َ ْد َراك فَ َق ْد أ‬
َ ‫ُك ّل‬

- This means that any time you find in the Quran where Allah says
'‫ 'وما أدراك‬He then explains and informs us of that thing in the next

For example,

...‫ليلة القدر خير من ألف شهر‬...‫
وما أدراك ما ليلة القدر‬
…‫كتاب مرقوم…إلخ‬...‫وما أدراك ما سجني‬

- And whenever Allah says ‫ما يدريك‬, then He does not explain what
comes after it. 

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For example: ‫
وما يدريك لعل الساعة تكون قريبا‬

The reason is because these affairs are only known by Allah.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

17. How to say 300-900 in Arabic?

Answer: The great scholar of Arabic grammar  Sibawayh discusses
this matter in his book which has been given the name "al-Kitaab".
Here is a summary of his speech on this issue:

It is said ‫ث ِمائ َ ٍة‬ ٍ َ ‫ومئ‬
ُ ‫ثَ َال‬, however in reality one should say, ‫ات‬ َ ْ ‫ث ِم ِئ‬
ِ ‫ني‬ ُ ‫
ثَ َال‬

ٍ ‫آال‬
Just as it is said, ‫ف‬ َ ‫
ثَ َالثَ ُة‬

ٍ ‫أ َ ْل‬, the plural is used ‫آالف‬, that is
Instead of using the singular ‫ف‬
because the word that comes after 3-10 must be in the plural state:

‫ال‬ ٍ ‫
ثَالَث ُة ِر َج‬
ِ ‫شرةُ َدر‬
‫اه َم‬ َ َ َ ‫

However, 300-900 are expressed by the Arabs in a similar makeup of

11 ‫ش َر‬ َ ‫
تَ َالثَ ُة َع‬
َ ‫ أ َ َح َد َع‬and 13 ‫ش َر‬

(Where the word 10 'A-sha-ra is not made into the plural but remains
in its singular state. Likewise, 100 ‫ ِمائَة‬also remains in its singular

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And this is in accordance to what has been used in the Quran, like in
Surah al-Kahf: 

‫ني‬ ِ ‫ث ِمائ َ ٍة‬
َ ‫س ِن‬ َ ‫
* َو َل ِبثُوا ِفي َك ْه ِف ِه ْم *ثَ َال‬

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

18. Ustadh, why is Allāh azzawajal using both ‫نة‬.‫ س‬and ‫ام‬.‫ع‬
here to refer to 'years'? Is there a difference between the

‫خذَ ُه ُم ٱلطُّوفَا ُن َو ُه ْم ظَٰلِ ُمو َن‬
َ َ ‫ني َعا ًما فَأ‬
َ ‫س‬ َ ‫سن َ ٍة إِ َّال‬
ِ ‫خ ْم‬ َ ‫ف‬ َ ‫وحا إِ َلىٰ َق ْو ِم ِهۦ فَ َل ِب‬
َ ‫ث ِفي ِه ْم أ َ ْل‬ ً ُ‫س ْلنَا ن‬
َ ‫
 َو َل َق ْد أ َ ْر‬
And indeed We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people, and he stayed among
them a thousand years less fifty years [inviting them to believe in the
Oneness of Allah (Monotheism), and discard the false gods and other
deities], and the Deluge overtook them while they were Zalimun (wrong-
doers, polytheists, disbelievers, etc.) (29:14)

Answer: Excellent question. It is said that the word ‫ سنة‬is used to
refer to years of hardship while ‫ عام‬is used to refer to years of ease. 

So in this verse: 

‫خذَ ُه ُم ٱلطُّوفَا ُن َو ُه ْم ظَٰلِ ُمو َن‬
َ َ ‫ني َعا ًما فَأ‬
َ ‫س‬ َ ‫سن َ ٍة إِ َّال‬
ِ ‫خ ْم‬ َ ‫ف‬ َ ‫وحا إِ َلىٰ َق ْو ِم ِهۦ فَ َل ِب‬
َ ‫ث ِفي ِه ْم أ َ ْل‬ ً ُ‫س ْلنَا ن‬
َ ‫
 َو َل َق ْد أ َ ْر‬
"And indeed We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people, and he stayed
among them a thousand years less fifty years..." (29:14)

950 years ‫سن َ ٍة‬ َ refers to the years spent calling his people to Tawheed

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and the ridicule & hardships he faced while doing so.

The last 50 years refer to the time spent after Allah saved him from
his people. 

The Salaf differed as to how long Nuh (alayhis-salaam) actually lived.

Qataadah said: he lived for 950 years. Ibn Abbas said: 1050 years -
Ibn Kathir said this is the closest to the truth and Allah knows best.
Ka'b al-Ahbaas said: 1020. Wahb bin Munabbih said: 1400

And there are other statements from the Salaf as well. Based on
these statements, we see that some of the Salaf didn't understand
the verse to mean that Nuh's lifespan was 950 years only. Instead,
that time frame mentioned in the Quran referred to time of his

What supports this view is the wordage in the verse itself:

َ ‫وحا إِ َلىٰ َق ْو ِم ِهۦ فَ َل ِب‬
‫ث ِفي ِه ْم‬ ً ُ‫س ْلنَا ن‬
َ ‫
 َو َل َق ْد أ َ ْر‬
"Allah SENT Nuh TO his people and he lived among them..." This
clearly refers to how many years he spent as a messenger and not
how long he lived in totality.

Also, when we look at other verses using the words ‫ سنة‬and ‫ عام‬we
see similar meanings: 

‫سن َ ٍة‬ َ ‫ني أ َ ْل‬
َ ‫ف‬ َ ‫س‬ِ ‫خ ْم‬ ِ ِ ِ
ُ ‫الرو ُح إِ َل ْيه في َي ْوم ٍ َكا َن م ْق َد‬
َ ‫ار ُه‬ ِ
ُّ ‫
 تَ ْع ُر ُج ْامل َ َالئ َك ُة َو‬
"The angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] ascend to Him in a Day
the measure whereof is fifty thousand years." (Ma'aarij: 4)

- The word ‫سن َ ًة‬ َ is used to denote years of clear hardship (day of

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َ ‫اس ِق‬
‫ني‬ ِ َ‫س َع َلى ا ْل َق ْوم ِ ا ْلف‬ ْ ‫سن َ ًة ۛ َي ِتي ُهو َن ِفي‬
ِ ‫األ َ ْر‬
َ ْ ‫ض ۚ فَ َال تَأ‬ َ ‫ال َف ِإ َّن َها ُم َح َّر َم ٌة َع َل ْي ِه ْم ۛ أ َ ْر َب ِع‬
َ ‫ني‬ َ ‫
(Allah) said: "Therefore it (this holy land) is forbidden to them for forty
years; in distraction they will wander through the land. So be not
sorrowful over the people who are the Fasiqun (rebellious and
disobedient to Allah)." Maai'dah: 26

- The word ‫سن َ ًة‬
َ is used to denote years of clear hardship

‫ص ُرو َن‬ ِ ‫اس َو ِف‬
ِ ‫يه َي ْع‬ ُ َّ ‫ث الن‬ ِ ‫
ثُ َّم َيأ ْ ِتي ِمن َب ْع ِد ذَٰلِ َك َعا ٌم ِف‬
ُ ‫يه ُي َغا‬
"Then thereafter will come a year in which people will have abundant
rain and in which they will press (wine and oil)." (Yusuf: 49)

- The word ‫ َعا ٌم‬is used to denote years of ease and comfort.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

19. What does "Sibgah" of Allah mean?

َ ‫دو‬..‫ا ِب‬.‫ ُه ع‬.‫ح ُن َل‬.َ‫غ ًة َون‬
﴾‫ن‬ . .ِ ‫ َلّ ِه‬.‫ َن ال‬.‫س ُن ِم‬.
َ ‫ب‬..‫ص‬ َ ‫ َلّ ِه َو‬.‫غ َة ال‬
َ ‫ن أَح‬.‫م‬ . .ِ
َ ‫ب‬..‫﴿ص‬ [Al-Baqarah: 138]

ِ is interpreted as the "Deen of

Ustaadh in few tafseer I found ' َِّ‫'صب َغ َة اهلل‬
ِ is translated as "Color of Allaah". Is
Allaah". In Bengali translation َِّ‫صب َغ َة اهلل‬
this translation correct? Did any mufassir interpret this aayah as such?

ِ  has been presented in Muhsin Khan's &

Answer: The phrase َِّ‫صب َغ َة اهلل‬
Sahih International's translation of Quranic meanings as "Deen of

"[Our Sibghah (religion) is] the Sibghah (Religion) of Allah (Islam)
and which Sibghah (religion) can be better than Allah's?" [MK]

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This agrees with what has been reported in narrations of the Salaf:

a. Ibn Jarir at-Tabari narrates that this was the view of: Qataadah, Abu
Aaliyah, ar-Rabee', Mujaahid, Atiyyah, as-Suddi al-Kabir, Ibn Abbas,
Ibn Zayd. 

b. Others among the Salaf said that it also means:

 فطرة اهلل‬
The Oneness of Allah with which He has created mankind. 

This was the tafsir of the Salaf - and how wonderful it is! 

Scholars (like Qurtubi, Baghawi, and others) then decided to  explain
ِ is
the actual wording and why it was used. They say that ‫صب َغ َة‬
actually a metaphor. The meaning is similar to seeing a thobe that
has been dyed. Meaning, once dye falls onto a thobe, it becomes
impossible to take out. No matter how hard you try to wash that dye
out, it will never (or it becomes extremely hard to) disappear. That
dye now becomes a "sign" to show that the thobe was dyed. 

ِ can mean the "sign" of Allah that He placed within
Similarily, َِّ‫صب َغ َة اهلل‬
the believers. For example, all of the Prophets (peace be upon them
all) were sent with one message: to worship Allah and abandon
shirk. All of them carried this identical "sign" of Allah with which they
were distinguished by. 

Likewise the believer... Whenever you meet one, there are certain
common characteristics (a sign) that are clearly displayed by them.  

Imaam as-Sa'di gives many examples of these characteristics in his
tafsir. The following is a summary of some of those characteristics:

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๏ Patience
๏ Courage
๏ Forgiving attitude
๏ Excellent behavior in words and deeds (never will you find a
believer use foul speech unlike what you see today openly under
the disguise of "being 100")
๏ Love, fear and hope in Allah through speech and actions
๏ Sincerity
๏ Establishing the salah
๏ Pleasing outer appearance (always smell good, clean, etc.)

Likewise, a scholar, a memorizer of Quran, a student of Hadith.
Each share particular common qualities that distinguishes them
from others; it's as if there is "a sign" embed within each of them. 

Even non-muslims today can recognize Muslims because of the
way they carry themselves and their distinct qualities. 

ِ and hopefully this is what is
This is what is intended by "َِّ‫"صب َغ َة اهلل‬,
intended by those who translate the meaning to mean "Color of
Allah". This is one of those instances where "Color of Allah" would
need footnotes with a more detailed explanation. 

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

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20. In the Noble Quran, there are specific letters - like
Jeem ‫ج‬, Taa ‫ط‬, and others - that are put on some verses or
places to indicate a mandatory stop in recitation.

Who put these letters of stoppage and is it required to
adhere to them?

Answer: Knowing that we hear some of the Imaams of the Haramain
(Masjid Haram in Makkah & Masjid Nabawi in Madina) during the
Taraaweeh prayers and they stop in other places where the letters of
stoppage are not found, is this correct or not? 

Shaykh Bin Baaz, rahimahullah, responded:

I do not know exactly who placed these letters, but some of the
reciters of Quran placed these letters to help others to know that
stopping at a particular place is permissible. They also did this to
show that stopping at a particular place is not required due to
preserving the meanings of a verse and to prevent the meaning
from being cut off. 

However, do not pay attention to these signs of stoppage; you are
not obliged to follow these signs. Indeed, the Sunnah is to only stop
at the end of a verse. The Prophet, peace be upon him, would only
stop at the end of a verse, and this is what is best and most
appropriate. As for these letters, then one is not required to abide
by them. 

But if a person wants to stop during a verse, then he should
investigate and find the appropriate, suitable, and clear place in that
verse. One cannot stop at a place that cause the meaning of the

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verse to be incomplete. 

If a verse is speaking about one connected idea then this should be
recited until the entire meaning is made clear. 

As for stopping at a particular place in a verse, then it is not needed -
rather the verse should be recited in completion. 

Source: Majmu' Ayaat min Al-Qur'an Al-Karim p. 329-330

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

21. What's the difference between the letters ‫ ح ح‬and ‫?ح‬

Answer: At first glance you would think they are the same letters.
But in the old days, one could represent ‫ج‬, the other ‫ ح‬and the last
as ‫خ‬. 

In those days, Arabic dots were not always written on letters. Due to
their mastery of the language, Arabs at that time were able to
understand what word was written due to their contexts. However
over time, as Islam spreaded to other lands and Arabic became the
second or third language for many, the need to begin writing the
dots on words became increasingly apparent. 

There were some who would interpret a word incorrectly within a
passage because of the absence of dots. Some were well versed in
Arabic, but because of poor condition of the text they were unable
to figure the correct letter or word.

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To help readers understand whether the author wrote a ‫ ج ح‬or ‫خ‬
scholars would use certain terminologies to clarify to the reader
which letter was intended. May Allah reward them for this
tremendous service! 

You will find terminologies like: 

a. Letters that have dots like ‫ظ‬,‫ غ‬,‫ خ‬,‫ ب‬etc. referred to as ‫
b. Letters without dots like ‫ ص‬,‫ ع‬,‫ س‬,‫ ح‬etc referred to as ‫

These terminologies ‫ معجمة و مهملة‬are used with letters that are only
differentiated by dots. An example of this can be seen in the
beginning of "Tuhfatul Atfaal" when the author said,

همز فهاء ثم عني حاء ** مهملتان ثم غني خاء‬

The author referred ‫ ع‬and ‫ ح‬as being ‫مهملة‬, meaning without dots.

Other terminologies include:

a. When a letter has one dot like ‫ ب‬it is known as ‫موحدة‬.

b. When a letter has two dots like ‫ ت‬it is known as ‫مثناة‬.

c. When a letter has three dots like ‫ ث‬it is known as ‫مثلثة‬. 

d. If a letter has two dots on top, then it'll be referred to as ‫فوقية‬. For
example: ‫
التاء= املثناة الفوقية‬
e. If a letter has two dots on the bottom, then it'll be referred to as
‫تحتية‬. For example: ‫
 الياء= املثناة التحتية‬
f. If a letter has a shaddah above it, then it'll be referred to as ‫مشددة‬. If
it doesn't have shaddah, then it'll be ‫خفيفة‬.

It is also said that the letters ‫ ط‬is known as ‫الطاء املهملة املشالة‬, so as not
to confuse it with ‫ص‬.

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And ‫ ظ‬is known as ‫الظاء املعجمة املشالة‬, so as not to confuse it with ‫ض‬. 

In summary, here are some letters and how you will find them

‫ حاء= مهملة‬/ ‫ ياء= ُمثَنّاء تحتية‬/ ‫ ث= مثلثة‬/ ‫ ت= تاء مثناة فوقية‬/ ‫ ب= باء موحدة‬/
‫ ص= مهملة‬/ ‫ ش=معجمة‬/ ‫ س=مهملة‬/ ‫ ذ= معجمة‬، ‫ د= مهملة‬/ ‫ خاء= معجمة‬/
.‫ غ= معجمة‬/ ‫ ع= مهملة‬/ ‫ ظ= معجمة‬/ ‫ ط= مهملة‬/ ‫
ض= معجمة‬

This is important to know when reading books like Fathul Baari by
Ibn Hajar, as he does this often in his explanation.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

22. Could you please explain all the various uses of ‫الم‬
(‫ف )ال‬.‫تعري‬.‫ ال‬in Al Quran Al Kareem?

Answer: ‫أل امل َع َّرفة‬, as it is known, is broken into three types:

a. The first type should be familiar to everyone and it is known as

‫االستغراق‬. For example, the alif and laam in ‫الحمد هلل‬.

Now, what does ‫ استغراق‬mean here? It takes the meaning of

*encompassing everything* of the word it is attached to. So ‫الحمد‬
essentially means any and all types of praise. Basically, if you replace
it with the word ‫كل‬, then you know that it is ‫استغراق‬.

‫الحمد هلل = كل حمد هلل‬

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b. The second type is known as ‫تعريف الجنس‬. And it is speaking
about a particular noun as a whole/as a species - and it is not
specific. For example, the verse in the beginning of Surah Yusuf:

ُ ْ ‫اف أَن يَأْك َل ُه الذِّئ‬

‫ب‬ ُ ‫خ‬َ َ ‫َوأ‬

Prophet Ya'qub ‫ عليه السالم‬was afraid of a wolf eating Prophet Yusuf.

Notice how the alif and laam is attached. Ya'qub wasn't speaking
about a particular wolf, but rather "wolf" as a species - meaning
generally. This alif and laam ‫ للجنس‬tells us that.

c. The third type is known as ‫ تعريف العهد‬. It is applied to a ‫ نكرة‬word

that was once ambiguous, and now becomes clear who/what is
being spoken about.

So for example, if we had a class together and you said ‫جاء مدرس‬. I
wouldn't know which teacher came, it is unclear. But if you said ‫جاء‬
‫املدرس‬, then it is clear that OUR teacher came. We have an
understanding that there is a specific teacher that teaches the class,
and it is specified at this point who you were speaking about without
having to further elaborate.

The ‫ أل العهدية‬consists of 3 types:

i) The example we mentioned above is known as ‫ عهد ذهني‬. The

understanding is in your head who is being spoken about. Example
from Quran can be found in Surah Tawbah. When Allah spoke about
The Prophet ‫ عليه الصالة والسالم‬and Abu Bakr ‫( رضي اهلل عنه‬make sure to
make dua for them verbally),

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‫إذ هما في الغار‬

"...When they both were in the cave..." which cave was it? Allah didn't
need to explain because we know from studying the seerah it was
the cave in jabal thawr when they were running away from the
Quraysh. The ‫ أل‬here clarifies that to us,
and we realize it in our ‫ذهن )ج( أذهان‬

ii) The second type of ‫ أل العهدية‬is known as ‫عهد حضوري‬. This is used
to specify that the noun occured at the time of the speech. Example
from Quran in Surah Maa'idah:

‫الخ‬...‫اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم‬

"Today I have completed your religion..." meaning this present day,

the day of Arafah.

Otherwise it could mean, "The day I completed your religion..." in

this context you don't get the meaning of a specific day aka Arafah.

iii). The third type of ‫ أل العهدية‬is known as ‫عهد ذكري‬. This is used to
reference the same noun that was previously mentioned before.
Example in Surah Nur:

‫اج ٍة‬
َ ‫صبَا ُح ِفي ز َُج‬ ْ ‫اة ِفي َها ِم‬
ْ ِ‫صبَا ٌح ۖ ْامل‬ ٍ ‫ش َك‬
ْ ‫َمث َ ُل نُو ِر ِه َك ِم‬

Do you see how after Allah mentions the lamp that there is a stop.
Then Allah begins again by mentioning the lamp with ‫أل‬

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

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23. Could you explain the different usages of the word ‫د‬.‫?ق‬

Answer: Sure no problem. ‫ قد‬can be an ‫ اسم‬or a ‫حرف‬. We will explain

each, in shaa Allah. Let's begin when ‫ قد‬works as a ‫حرف‬, as this will be
more familiar to you all.

When ‫ قد‬works as a ‫ حرف‬it can take one of five meanings depending

on the context. These five meanings are used with past tense and/or
present tense verbs.

a. The first is known as ‫ توقع‬or when you are expecting the verb that
follows ‫ قد‬to happen. This is only used with present-tensed verbs Ex:

‫قد يحضر زيد‬, Zayd’s presence is expected, or we are expecting Zayd to

be present.

b. Is known as ‫تقليل‬. Meaning "perhaps, maybe, etc." Ex:

‫قد يجود البخيل‬, Perhaps the stingy person will be generous.

c. It known as ‫تقريب‬, when the verb has recently occured. So if you


‫قام زيد‬, Zayd could mean he stood a long time ago or a few
moments ago - you don't know. But if you add this ‫قد التقريب‬, you
understand that the verb just happened. This can only be used with
past tensed verbs. Ex:

‫قد قام زيد‬, Zayd recently stood.

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Or when we say ‫قد قامت الصالة‬. The prayer has been established a few
moments ago with the beginning of the iqaamah.

d. Is known as ‫ تحقيق‬and it emphasizes the sentence. Can be only

used with past tense verbs.

Example: ‫قد أفلح املؤمون‬

Certainly, successful are the believers.

e. Is known as ‫تكثير‬. It shows that doer of the verb performs the action
abundantly. It is used with present tense verbs.  Ex:

‫قد يصدق الصدوق‬

The truthful one speaks the truth abundantly.

Now let us explain the instances when ‫ قد‬is an ‫اسم‬,

As an ‫اسم‬, it can work as:

a. A synonym to the word ‫حسب‬،
َ "depending on, considering, etc" Ex:

‫َق ْد زَ ْي ٍد دره ٌم‬

Most of the time there will be a sukoon on the daal, ‫ َق ْد‬. And very
rarely will it be ‫معرب‬.

ٍ ‫َق ُد‬
‫زيد دره ٌم‬

b. It can also work as ‫ اسم الفعل‬and in this case it will mean ‫يكفي‬
sufficient. Ex:

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‫ يكفي زيدا ً درهم‬:‫ أي‬.‫َق ْد زيدا ً درهم‬

A dirham is sufficient for Zayd.

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

24. Could you explain the different types of ‫ا‬.‫?م‬

Answer: The word ‫ ما‬comes in the form of ‫ اسم‬and as well as ‫حرف‬.

As a ‫اسم‬, the word ‫ ما‬can take the meaning of:

a. Relative Pronoun ‫ية‬.. . .‫ول‬.. . .‫وص‬.. . .‫م‬: It will translate to: “what”, “whatever”,
“which”, and is used for non-living things (inanimate objects).

‫َما ِعن َد ُك ۡم يَنفَ ُۖد َو َما ِعن َد ٱهللَِّ َبا ٍق‬

“Whatever is with you will be exhausted, and *whatever* is with Allâh (of good
deeds) will remain.” (16:96)

b. Wonderment ‫ة‬.‫ي‬.‫ب‬.‫ج‬.‫ع‬. . . . . ‫ت‬: It is used with verbs to express amazement

or to wonder about something good or bad. Examples:

ُ‫نسـٰ ُن َمآ أ َ ۡكفَ َره‬ ِ ۡ ‫ُق ِت َل‬

َ ‫ٱإل‬
“Be cursed (the disbelieving) man! How ungrateful he is!” (80:17)

‫صبَ َر ُه ۡم َع َلى ٱلنَّا ِر‬

ۡ َ ‫فَ َمآ أ‬
“Then, what patience they (must) have over the fire!.” (2:175)

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c. Interrogative Pronoun ‫تفهام‬.. . ‫م االس‬.. . ‫اس‬: It will translate to: “what”, but
in the form of a question. Example:

ِ ‫َو َما ِتل َۡك ِب َي ِم‬

َ ‫ين َك َيـ ُٰم‬
“And what is that in your right hand, O Mûsa?” (20:17)

d. Conditional ‫ية‬..‫رط‬..‫ش‬: It takes the meaning of “what” or “whatever”. It

is used in a sentence that contains a ‫ ف › › › ››عل الش › › › ››رط‬and ‫ج › › › ››واب الش › › › ››رط‬, and
makes both present tense verbs ‫مج››زوم‬. It is also used in the context of
non-living things (inanimate objects). Examples:

‫خيۡ ۬ ٍر ِّمنۡہَآ أ َ ۡو ِمث ۡلِ َهآ‬ ِ ُ‫نسخۡ ِم ۡن َءا َي ٍة أ َ ۡو ن‬

َ ‫نس َها نَأ ِۡت ِب‬ َ َ‫َما ن‬
“Whatever verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten,
We bring a better one or similar to it” (2:106)

َ ‫َو َما تَفۡ َع ُلوا ْ ِم ۡن‬

َُّ‫خيۡ ۬ ٍر يَ ۡع َلمۡ ُه ٱهلل‬
“And whatever good you do, (be sure) Allâh knows it.” (2:197)

e. Complete Definite ‫ة‬.‫تام‬.‫ة ال‬.‫عرف‬.‫امل‬: This type comes after the words ‫ِن› ْع َم‬
and ‫س‬َ ْ ‫ ِبئ‬and takes the meaning of ‫شيء‬.

َ‫ٰت فَ ِن ِع َّما ِهى‬
ِ ‫ٱلص َد َقـ‬
َّ ْ ‫إِن تُبۡ ُدوا‬
“If you disclose your Sadaqât (almsgiving), *it is well*...” (2:271) [Muhsin
“If you disclose your charitable expenditures, they are good…” [Sahih

The meaning of ‫ ِن › › ْع َّما ه› ››ي‬here is ‫ف› › ِ›ن ْع َم ال› ››شيء ه› ››ي‬. Meaning, how good or
great is the action of disclosing one’s almsgiving.

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f. Descriptive Indefinite ‫ة‬..‫وف‬..‫وص‬..‫كرة م‬..‫ ن‬or ‫ة‬..‫تام‬..‫نكرة ال‬..‫ال‬: This type comes
as a description ‫ ص› › › ››فة‬and in the indefinite case ‫ن› › › ››كرة‬. It is used to give
an ambiguous meaning to its ‫موصوف‬.

‫قرأت قص ًة َما‬
ُ : “I read an unknown story”

‫مدينة ما‬ ‫ذهبت إلى‬
ُ : ”I went to an unknown city”

*Before we get into the cases of when a ‫ م › › › › › ››ا‬is a ‫ح › › › › › ››رف‬, I would like to
mention a major difference between the two types. Hopefully this
will help to differentiate the two:

The ‫ م › › ››ا‬is a ‫ ح › › ››رف‬is seen as an addition to the sentence. If you were to

remove it from the sentence, the sentence would still make sense.
However if you were to remove a ‫ م› › ››ا‬that is a ‫ اس› › ››م‬the sentence would
be incomplete.*

As a ‫حرف‬, the word ‫ ما‬can take the meaning of:

a. Negation ‫حرف نفي‬: This ‫ ما‬negates the meaning of the word that
follows. For example:

‫ َما أ َ َك َل‬: “He did not eat”

َ ْ‫ َلي‬.
As a negation, ‫ ما‬can also work the same way as ‫س‬

َ ‫" َما َهـٰذَا َب‬...This is not a man!” (12:31)
‫ش ًرا‬

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ٍ ‫" َما أنا ِب َقا ِر‬I cannot read!”

b. Harf Masdariyyah ‫حرف مصدرية‬: It is possible to substitute this ‫ما‬

and the verb that follows with its ‫مصدر‬. Examples:

‫ۡت َلنَا‬ َ ‫لِيَجۡ ِزيَ َك أَجۡ َر َما‬

َ ‫س َقي‬
“...So that he may reward you for having watered (our flocks) for
us…” (28:25)

ِ ‫لِ َيجۡ ِز َي َك أَجۡ ر‬

Could be changed to, ‫س َقا َي ِت َك َلنَا‬ َ

ِ - ‫س َقى‬
‫س َقايَة‬ َ

‫َكانُوا ْ َقلِيالً۬ ِّم َن ٱ َّليۡ ِل َما َيہ َۡج ُعو َن‬
“They used to sleep but little by night [invoking their Lord (Allâh)
and praying, with fear and hope].” (51:17)

Could be changed to:

‫َكانُوا ْ َقلِيالً۬ ِّم َن ٱ َّليۡ ِل ُه ُجو ُع ُهم‬

‫ ُه ُجوع‬- ُ‫َي ْه َجع‬

c. “Extra” ‫ زائدة‬: Many people have the wrong understanding of this

type of ‫( ما‬and generally all letters that are considered to be ‫)زائدة‬.
They say, “how can the Qur’an have a letter that is ‫( زائد‬extra) with no
meaning/benefit behind it? How can it just be an “extra” letter? This
is impossible!”

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But when scholars of grammar mention a letter is ‫زائد‬, they do not
intend that the letter is “extra” in the sense that there is no benefit
and that it is just “an extra letter”. Rather they intend that this letter
contains an “additional meaning”.

Here is an example where the ‫ ما‬is considered to be “extra”:

َِّ‫ٱست َ ِعذۡ ِبٱهلل‬ َّ ‫َو إِ َّما َينزَ َغن َّ َك ِم َن‬

ۡ َ‫ٱلشيۡطَـ ِٰن نَزۡغٌ۬ ف‬
“And if an evil whisper from Shaytan tries to turn you away (from
doing good), then seek refuge in Allâh.” (41:36) [Muhsin Khan]

If we removed the ‫ ما‬it would look like this:

َِّ‫ٱست َ ِعذۡ ِبٱهلل‬ َّ ‫َو إِ ْن َينزَ َغن َّ َك ِم َن‬
ۡ َ‫ٱلشيۡطَـ ِٰن نَزۡغٌ۬ ف‬

So, what’s the meaning of the ‫ ما الزائدة‬in this verse?

In this verse, the “extra” ‫ ما‬takes the meaning of “immediately”.

“And if an evil whisper from Shaytan tries to turn you away (from
doing good), then IMMEDIATELY seek refuge in Allah”.

24. Could you explain the different types of ‫ ْن‬.‫ ِم‬in the
Arabic language?

Answer: There are 15 different meanings the word ‫ ِمن‬can take:

a. The meaning “From", To begin "from" an area, ‫إبتداءالغاية‬, this
meaning is used the most.

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‫صى‬ ِ
َ ‫املسجد األ َ ْق‬ ِ
‫سجد الحرام ِ إلى‬ ‫
 ِم َن ْامل‬
"...FROM al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsaa..." (17:1)

b. To indicate “portion” ‫

من ْ ُه ْم َم ْن َك َّل َم اهلل‬
" SOME of them Allah spoke (directly)..." (2: 253) 

c. To clarify/elaborate on a type of genus ‫بيان الجنس‬.

In a sentence you will find this ‫ من‬occur usually after ‫ ما‬or .‫
‫رحمة‬ ‫
 َما يَفْتح اهلل للناس ِم ْن‬
"Whatever Allah opens for man FROM mercy..." (35:2) 

Here the word "from" clarifies what was opened for man (mercy). 

If you translate the verse as "Whatever mercy Allah opens up for
man..." it works smoother. However, the ‫ من بيان الجنس‬is lost. This is
why translations will never allow you to taste the sweetness of
Quranic Arabic. 

d. To specify ‫

 ِم َّما خطيئاتهم أغرقوا‬
"Because of their sins they were drowned..." (71:25)

Here the ‫ من‬is used to specify the reason why they were drowned
and entered into the fire. 

e. Substitution or preference over another person/thing ‫

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 أرضيتم بالحياة الدنيا ِم َن اآلخرة‬
"...are you pleased with the life of this world OVER the
Hereafter?" (9:38) 

f. Synonym to the word ‫ َعن‬.

فويل للقاسية قلوبهم ِم ْن ذكر اهلل‬
‫ عن ذكر اهلل‬:‫
"So, woe to those whose hearts are hardened AGAINST
remembrance of Allah!" (39:22) 

g. Synonym to (‫)ب‬ ِ .‫

‫طرف خفي‬ ‫
ينظرون ِم ْن‬
‫ بطرف خفي‬:‫
"...and looking WITH stealthy glance..." (42:45)

h. Synonym to ‫
 للصالة ِم ْن يوم الجمعة‬
‫ في يوم الجمعة‬:‫
"...when the adhaan is called for the prayer ON the day of jumu'ah..." 

i. Synonym to ‫
 ونصرناه ِم َن القوم‬
‫ على القوم‬:‫
"We helped him AGAINST people who..." (21:77)

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

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25. "Please Ustaadh I would like you to explain the word
"‫بْل‬.‫ " َق‬to me. When does it take a damma case ending, a
fatha case ending, and a kasrah case ending?"

Answer: In the Alfiyyah of Ibn Maalik the author said,

 واضمم بناء غيرا ان عدمت ما له أضيف ناويا ً مـا عـدمـا‬
قبل كغير بعد حسب أول ودون والجهات أيضا ً وعـل‬
 وأعربوا نصبا ً إذا ما نكرا قبال وما من بعده قـد ذكـر‬

In the explanation of these lines of poetry, scholars have mentioned
that ‫ قبل‬can come in 4 different instances when it is ‫مضاف‬.

These rules also apply to the following words:

‫ دون‬/ ‫ أول‬/ ‫ حسب‬/ ‫ بعد‬/ ‫ قبل‬/ ‫غير‬،
the six directions: ‫ شمال‬/ ‫ يمني‬/ ‫تحت‬/ ‫ فوق‬/ ‫ خلف‬/ ‫أمام‬، and ‫عل‬. 

Let's explain these four instances: 

a. In the first instance, ‫ قبل‬is ‫ مبني على الضم‬fixed on dhumma. 

This is when ‫ قبل‬is ‫ مضاف‬and its ‫ مضاف إليه‬is omitted, but its (‫)مضاف إليه‬
meaning ‫ معنى‬is still intended in the sentence.

Example in Surah Rum:4, 

 )هلل األمر ِم ْن َقبْ ُل ومن بَ ْع ُد‬
"...To Allah belongs the command before and after..." (Sahih

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Here we see that ‫ قبل‬and ‫ بعد‬are both fixed on dhumma, while there is
a ‫ حرف الجر‬that precedes.

The reason why they are fixed on dhumma and DO NOT change to
kasra is because their ‫ مضاف إليه‬is:

1. Omitted and 

2. The meaning of the ‫ مضاف إليه‬is still intended in the sentence. 

What is their ‫ مضاف إليه‬that is omitted? It is the word: ‫غلب‬. 

The verse is saying:

ِ ‫
 ِم ْن َقبْ ِل َغ َل ِب ِه ْم‬
‫وم ْن بَ ْع ِد َغ َل ِب ِه ْم‬

In the translation by S.I, you get a more literal meaning. However,
when we look to Muhsin Khan's translation we see that he has
included ‫'مضاف إليه‬s meaning that was omitted within his translation:

"The decision of the matter, before and after (these events) is only
with Allah, (before the defeat of Romans by the Persians, and after,
i.e. the defeat of the Persians by the Romans)." 

And this is just another example of how precise and accurate Muhsin
Khan was in his translation of the meanings in the Quran. May Allah
reward him with good. 

The ‫ إعراب‬for ‫ قبل‬will be: ‫
 اسم مبني على الضم في محل جر‬

So that's the first instance of ‫ قبل‬and why it doesn't change to kasra.
This is the only instance when ‫ قبل‬- and I guess you can say its sisters
- is fixed on dhumma no matter what precedes.This is the meaning
of the first words of the poem:

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(‫ واضمم بناء‬...) 

The next three instances we will see ‫ قبل‬as ‫ معرب‬and will take the case
ending of anything that affects it.

b. The rule for the second instance is:

"The word ‫ قبل‬is ‫ مضاف‬and its ‫ مضاف إليه‬is omitted, but its (‫)مضاف إليه‬
wording ‫ لفظ‬is intended."

Understand the difference? In the first instance the *meaning* was
intended. In this second instance the *wording* is intended. 

For example, if you had an appointment with another person and
said, "I came before the appointment" in Arabic you can say:

‫ت ِم ْن َقبْ ِل‬ ِ 

ُ ْ ‫جئ‬

Although you didn't mention the ‫ مضاف إليه‬which is "appointment"
‫موعد‬, you intended its wording, and because of the context it is

In this instance ‫'قبل‬s case ending now changes to kasra because of
ِ however it does not take tanween (and that is because it is still
‫م ْن‬,

c. The rule for the third instance is:

"The word ‫ قبل‬is ‫ مضاف‬and its ‫ مضاف إليه‬is PRESENT."

In the first two instances the ‫ مضاف إليه‬was omitted, but now in this

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third instance the ‫ مضاف إليه‬is now present. Example: 

‫ت ِم ْن َقبْ ِل امل َ ْو ِع ِد‬ ُ ْ ‫جئ‬ِ 

In this instance ‫'قبل‬s case ending also changes to kasra because of
ِ however it does not take tanween (and that is because it is still
‫م ْن‬,

d. The rule for the fourth instance:

"The word ‫' قبل‬s ‫ مضاف إليه‬is omitted, but both its (‫ )مضاف إليه‬meaning
‫ & معنى‬wording ‫ لفظ‬are NOT intended." Meaning that the meaning
and wording is neither mentioned nor assumed in the sentence. 

In this instance ‫ قبل‬can now take Tanween, is no longer ‫مضاف‬, and its
case ending is based on whatever ‫ عامل‬is affecting it.


َ‫ص‬ ُ ‫ أكا ُد أ َ َغ‬... ً‫وكنت َقبْال‬
ُ ‫الشراب‬
ُ َ‫
فساغَ لِي‬
When is the ‫ ن‬omitted in the verb ‫ َي ُك ْو ُن‬/ ‫? َكا َن‬

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

26. What is the difference between the use of ‫ع‬.‫ند و م‬.‫ع‬

since they have similar meaning?

Answer: The word َ‫ ِعنْد‬can be:

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a. Used as ‫ضور‬ُ ‫ان ا ْل ُح‬ ْ ‫ا‬.ِ Meaning as a noun to show one was
ِ ‫سم ِمل َ َك‬
present at a certain place:

ّ‫احي‬ِ َ‫صب‬
َ ‫ت ِعن ْ َد‬
ُ ‫خ ْل‬
َ ‫َد‬
"I entered (home, work, etc) every morning."

Here ‫ عند‬is refering to the place which is understood through


b. It can also be used as ِ‫ظَ ْرف لِزَ َمان الحضور‬. This time it is used as a
dharf and speaking about the time instead of place:

َّ ‫ب‬
‫الش ْمس‬ ِ ‫ص َل ِعن ْ َد َم ِغ ْي‬
َ ‫َو‬
"He reached at the time of sunset."

Here ‫ عند‬is "at the time" referring to the time.

c. It can also be used as a synonym to ‫ َل َدى‬meaning to have. However,

would be used for something present OR absent:

‫س‬ٌ ‫ِعن ْ ِدي فُ ُل ْو‬

"I have money (could be present or not [at home or in the bank for

While ‫ لدى‬can ONLY be used for something present:

‫َل َد َّي فُ ُل ْوس‬

"I have money (on me)."

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Those are three instances in how ‫ عند‬is used. Now let's explain the
usages of ‫مع‬.

The word ‫ مع‬can be used to mean:

a. A synonym to ‫عند‬. As the great grammarian Sibawayh mentioned

in his "al-Kitaab":

ُ ْ‫ذَ َهب‬
‫ت َم ْن َم َع ُه‬
Meaning, ُ‫ذهبت من ِعن ْ َده‬

b. In the same place ‫ مكان‬with something or someone

‫أنا مع محمد‬
"I am with Muhammad"

c. "With" in terms of time ‫زمان‬

‫جئت مع العصر‬
"I came at the time of asr."

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

27. What is the meaning of ‫م‬.‫ن و ل‬.‫ ل‬and where -yani with
which verb - do we use it?

Answer: The words ‫ َل ْم & َل ْن‬are used with present tense verbs.

As for ‫ َل ْم‬it is a:

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a. Harf (particle) ‫ حرف‬not an ism (noun) or f'il (verb)

b. Jazm ‫ جزم‬So it is either going to make the last letter of the present
verb take a SUKOON or omit the noon (if there is a noon attached).

c. Nafy ‫ نفي‬meaning it will negate the meaning of the present tense


d. Qalb ‫ قلب‬meaning although the verb is present tense, the meaning

will change to past tense.

So basically, it is a harf that makes a present tense verb jazm (sukoon

or erased noon) while negating (nafy) and changing (qalb) the
meaning to past tense.

Example of jazm with sukoon:

ُ ‫ َي ْق َرا‬- He's reading

ْ ‫ َل ْم يَ ْق َرأ‬- He did not read (negation of past tense)

Example of jazm with omitted noon:

‫ َي ْق َر ُؤ ْو َن‬- They are reading

‫ َل ْم يَ ْق َر ُؤ ْوا‬- They did not read (negation of past tense)

The ‫ إِ ْع َراب‬for ‫ َل ْم‬would be: ٍ ‫وجزْم‬

َ ‫ب‬ٍ ‫َح ْرف نَفْيٍ و َق ْل‬

As for ‫ َل ْن‬it is a:

a. Harf (particle) ‫ حرف‬not an ism (noun) or f'il (verb)

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b. Nasb ‫ نصب‬So it is either going to make the last letter of the
present verb take a FATHA or omit the noon (if there is a noon

c. Nafy ‫ نفي‬meaning it will negate the meaning of the verb

ْ ‫ ِا‬meaning the verb is in future tense

d. Istiqbaal ‫س ِت ْقبَال‬

So basically, it is a harf that makes a present tense verb nasb (fatha

or erased noon) while negating (nafy) the future meaning of the

Example of nasb with fatha:

ُ ‫ يَ ْق َرأ‬- He's reading

َ ‫ َل ْن َي ْق َرأ‬- He will never/not read

Example of nasb with omitted noon:

‫ يَ ْق َر ُؤ ْو َن‬- They are reading

‫ َل ْن َي ْق َر ُؤ ْوا‬- They will never/not read

ٍ َ‫اس ِت ْقب‬
The ‫ إعراب‬of ‫ َل ْن‬would be: ‫ال‬ ٍ ‫ص‬
ْ ‫ب َو‬ ْ َ‫ف نَفْيٍ َون‬
ُ ‫َح ْر‬

Hope that answered your question, ‫واهلل تعالى أعلى وأعلم‬.

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