NEW IB Internal Assessment Scoring Criterion Checklist

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IB Internal Assessment Scoring Criterion Checklist

Criterion A: Presentation

Achievement level Descriptor

0 The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 The exploration has some coherence or some organization.

2 The exploration has some coherence and shows some organization.

3 The exploration is coherent and well organized.

4 The exploration is coherent, well organized, and concise.

Coherent Well-Organized Concise

 Logically developed  Includes introduction  There are no unnecessary
 Easy to follow  Describes aim of exploration calculations, graphs, or descriptions
 Meets its aims  Has a conclusion  Use of technology is present (not
 Present in Introduction  Relevant graphs, tables, and required)
 Present in Body diagrams are included
 Present in Conclusion  Appendices are only included for
 Different parts link to each other large data sets and additional graphs

Criterion B: Mathematical Communication

Achievement level Descriptor

0 The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 The exploration contains some relevant mathematical communication which is partially appropriate.

2 The exploration contains some relevant appropriate mathematical communication.

3 The mathematical communication is relevant, appropriate and is mostly consistent.

4 The mathematical communication is relevant, appropriate and consistent throughout.

Uses appropriate mathematical language:  Key terms are defined

 Notation  Variables are defined
 Symbols  Multiple forms of mathematical representation are used
 Terminology including formulae, tables, charts, graphs, models
 Check for calculator and computer notation (this  Used a deductive method (proofs where appropriate)
counts against students)  Graphs are all labeled
EX: x^2 instead of x 2

Criterion C: Personal Engagement

Achievement level Descriptor

0 The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 There is evidence of some personal engagement.

2 There is evidence of significant personal engagement.

3 There is evidence of outstanding personal engagement.

Significant Outstanding
 Independent and creative thinking is present  Independent and creative thinking is present
 Topic is explored from different perspectives  Topic is explored from different perspectives
 Authentic personal engagement is shown on occasion  Authentic personal engagement is shown on numerous
 Personal engagement drives the exploration forward occasions
 Personal engagement drives the exploration forward
 Student has developed a complete and thorough
understanding of the context of the topic

Criterion D: Reflection

Achievement level Descriptor

0 The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 There is evidence of limited reflection.

2 There is evidence of meaningful reflection.

3 There is substantial evidence of critical reflection.

Limited Reflection Meaningful Reflection Critical Reflection Substantial Reflection

 Simply  Links the aims of the  Reflection is deeply insightful  Critical reflection present
describes exploration to the results  Addresses the mathematical result throughout the
results  Comments on what they and the impact of understanding exploration
have learned the topic
 Considers limitations  Alludes to further research **If reflection only appears at
 Compares different  Discusses implication of results the end, it must be high
mathematical approaches  Discusses strengths and quality and show how it
weaknesses of approaches developed the exploration.
 Considers different perspectives

Criterion E: Use of Mathematics SL

Achievement level Descriptor

0 The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 Some relevant mathematics is used.

2 Some relevant mathematics is used. Limited understanding is demonstrated.

3 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. Limited understanding is

4 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
partially correct. Some knowledge and understanding are demonstrated.

5 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
mostly correct. Good knowledge and understanding are demonstrated.

6 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
correct. Thorough knowledge and understanding are demonstrated.

 Mathematics used supports the development of the exploration towards completion of its aims
 Mathematics used must be part of the syllabus or at a similar level
 Understanding must be demonstrated through the use of reasoning and evidence
 Knowledge and understanding must be demonstrated throughout the exploration
 Technology can be used but understanding must be present (substituting numbers to a formula is not sufficient)
Criterion E: Use of Mathematics HL

Achievement level Descriptor

0 The exploration does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 Some relevant mathematics is used. Limited understanding is demonstrated.

2 Some relevant mathematics is used. The mathematics explored is partially correct. Some knowledge and
understanding is demonstrated.

3 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
correct. Some knowledge and understanding are demonstrated.

4 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
correct. Good knowledge and understanding are demonstrated.

5 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
correct and demonstrates sophistication or rigor. Thorough knowledge and understanding are

6 Relevant mathematics commensurate with the level of the course is used. The mathematics explored is
precise and demonstrates sophistication and rigor. Thorough knowledge and understanding are

 Mathematics used supports the development of the exploration towards completion of its aims
 Mathematics used must be part of the syllabus or at a similar level or slightly beyond
 Understanding must be demonstrated through the use of reasoning and evidence
 Knowledge and understanding must be demonstrated throughout the exploration
 Lines of reasoning must be shown to justify steps in the mathematical development
 Technology can be used but understanding must be present (substituting numbers to a formula is not sufficient)
 Precise mathematics is error-free and uses appropriate accuracy at all times
 Use of mathematics is sophisticated (understand and use challenging concepts, look at problems from different
perspectives, see underlying structures)
 Logic and language are clear

Produced by Karla Leal

[email protected]

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