Embedded System Design Using Arduino 18ECO108J: Unit Iv
Embedded System Design Using Arduino 18ECO108J: Unit Iv
Embedded System Design Using Arduino 18ECO108J: Unit Iv
I/O Programming
• Interrupts may be thought of as small snippets of code that are of such high priority that
the main program flow is momentarily halted so that the interrupt code can be run.
• Once the interrupt code (referred to as an interrupt service routine, or ISR) is finished,
the main code picks up where it left off.
• Interrupts usually come from two sources: an externally triggered event such as a
physical pin changing state or via an internally triggered event.
• For example, an external switch could be used to force the program to reset itself from
the start.
• Alternately, the overflow and compare match events of internal timer/counters are often
used to create internal interrupts that can control the timing of other events.
• When an interrupt occurs, the current state and location in the executing code is saved.
• The microcontroller then jumps to the starting address of the ISR.
• The ISR code is executed and upon completion program flow reverts back to where it left
off in the main sequence.
• As the main program flow is being halted temporarily, ISRs are designed to be short and
to execute quickly so as to have minimal timing impact on the main code.
• As most microcontrollers have numerous sources for interrupts, interrupts are usually
prioritized, some being more important than others. This means it is possible for one
interrupt to interrupt another interrupt (i.e., nested interrupts having different
• In this way, something like a fire alarm sensor could take precedence over a more
mundane sensor input such as a volume control.
• It is quite possible for a complicated application to have over a dozen possible interrupt
sources. Each of these will have its own ISR.
• The starting locations of the ISRs are found in a vector table. A vector table is basically an
array of pointers. In this case, these pointers point to the starting address of some code
rather than to the addresses of variables.
• Some programmers will use the word “vector” as a verb as in “the code flow vectors off
to the ISR”. To simplify programming, the names of the ISRs are predetermined.
• To simplify programming, the names of the ISRs are
predetermined. As a programmer you simply need to fill in
the code for the ISR. This might be as simple as setting a
global variable.
• When the program is compiled, the predetermined name is
noted in your code and then expanded into the vector table
for you automatically. Generally speaking, ISRs do not take
arguments nor do you need to create function prototypes for
• A list of ISR names for the ATmega 328P series is shown in
Figure 29.1. This list is taken directly from the hardware
profile file include/avr/iom328p.h.
• Note that each ISR name ends in _vect while the first portion
of the name indicates the hardware with which it associated.
• A quick scan of the list should reveal a number of hardware
elements covered earlier such as the three timer/counters
and the analog to digital converter.
• Finally, before these interrupts can be used the desired
interrupt must be enabled by setting the appropriate bit in
the associated register (EIMSK, External Interrupt MaSK;
TIMSKx, Timer Interrupt MaSKx; etc.,
• Of course, the global interrupt enable must also be set
(which can be accomplished via the sei() call) although this is
already the case in the Arduino system.
Interrupts Programming