Industrial Relations 2020

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Fifth Semester
Bachelor of Business Administration
2017 Admission Onwards
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :80
Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.

1. Write any four characteristics of Industrial Relations

2. Write any two characteristics of industrial labour in India?

3. Differentiate between private and public sector employment.

4. What is general union?

5. Write a note on AIOE.

6. What is meant by go-slow strike?

7. What is meant by lay off?

8. What is retrenchment?

9. What do you mean by state labour policy?

10. What is bipartite negotiation?

11. What is CBWE?

12. Write a note on Industrial truce resolution.

Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

13. Do you think an effective Industrial Relation system is needed in an organisation?


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14. What are the characteristics of Indian industrial labour?

15. Explain the objectives of trade union.

16. What are the rights of a registered trade union?

17. Explain the features of industrial dispute.

18. What are the important causes of industrial dispute?

19. Write a note on ILO.

20. Explain the levels of collective bargaining takes place in India.

21. What are the objectives of Workers Participation in Management?

Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.

22. Define the term Industrial Relations and examine the factors affecting IR.

23. What do you understand by employers organisation? Discuss their role in detail.

24. What are the measures for resolving industrial dispute?

25. Explain various kinds of welfare measures taken by the employers in India.

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