Test Instructions Project Manager
Test Instructions Project Manager
Test Instructions Project Manager
1. Kindly read the questions carefully and save your files according to the relevant
format, PPT, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, 3GP e 3G2.
2. Part One: for the Presentation: you will have to prepare a presentation of maximum 4
slides. Additionally, we expect that you will record a video simulating how would you
present the slides in a real situation (do not exceed 4 minutes). The exercise shall be
done in Portuguese.
3. Part Two: Written test: please submit in format .doc or .pdf.
4. You will need to send us both files no longer than: 29/03/2020 up to 22:00 pm.
5. Please use the following site to upload the content of the video:
6. The power point presentation, video link and the written test shall be submitted to
[email protected]
7. By signing this document, you commit to not reveal the content of this test to anyone
during or after the interview process.
PART ONE – Presentation (Maximum 4 slides, ppt format) + Video (Maximum 4 minutes)
TOPIC: UNDP Brazil is negotiating a new project document. One important step in the process
of approving the project is presenting it in the Project Appraisal Committee. Please kindly
prepare a short presentation about the project (please see the project document we have
shared with you together with this test). In the presentation, please do not forget to mention
the measures/implementation arrangements that you, as project manager, will implement to
guarantee its success.
Question 1 (please answer in Portuguese): The project (please see the project document we
have shared with you together with this test) has started its implementation. However,
changes in the context of the executing agency have demanded the formulation of a
substantive revision of the project. Having the attached document as a model (please see
“Substantive Revision” document attached), please prepare a draft of substantive revision
considering the following necessities of change in the original project document:
Question 2 (please answer in Portuguese): The project has concluded its first year of
implementation and its mid term evaluation (progress evaluation) must be developed. Please
draft a terms of reference to hire a consultant to implement this evaluation process. The terms
of reference shall include:
Question 3 (please answer in English): Why have you presented your interest to this post
(motivation)? Which are your key assets to this position?