Module 3 - Tests
Module 3 - Tests
Module 3 - Tests
1. Listen to the first part and complete the text with the missing words. 10x13p=130p.
Audio 8 – Part 1 (till 1:56)
Today we are introducing a._____________________ revolutionary products of this class: the first
one is a widescreen iPod with b.____________________; the second is a c.___________________
mobile phone and the third is a breakthrough internet communications d._____________________.
So, three things: a widescreen iPod with e._____________________, a revolutionary mobile phone
and a breakthrough internet communications f.______________________.
An iPod, a phone and an internet communicator…
An iPod, a phone …
Are you getting it?
These are not three g.______________________ devices. This is h.________________device, and
we are calling it i.______________________. Today, Apple is going to j.___________________
the phone and here it is.
2. Listen to / watch the second part and fill in the gaps with the correct information. 7x10p=70p.
Audio 8 – Part 2 (from 2:00 till 6:18)
a. Steve Jobs talks about a category of advanced mobile phones: the _________________________.
b. He says they are not _____________________ nor ____________________ to use.
c. iPhone is __________________ to use.
d. Moto Q, Blackberry, Palm Treo, and Nokia E62 all have ____________________________.
e. Instead of buttons the iPhone has got a ___________________________________.
f. They have invented a new technology called ________________________________.
3. The new technologies
Listening test 2
1. Listen to the first part and correct the SIX wrong words in the following text. 6x16p=96p.
Audio 9 – Part 1 - (till 0:31)
A recent virtual reality therapy is helping West Americans suffering from stress and headaches as
well as those looking to quit smoking. The technology uses sound and images to address problems
on a subconscious level.
It may look like a virtual reality game but this therapy is much more relaxing. Created by
hypnotherapists in the Eastern States the virtual reality therapy uses a head-mounted device unit to
induce a state of profound relaxation through the use of images and sound.
2. Listen to second part and complete the following sentences with the missing 13x8p=104p.
information. Audio 9 – Part 2 - (from 0:31)
(Accessed in April 2013)
4. Answer the questions using your own words as far as possible. 4x16p=64p.
6. Countable or uncountable? Choose the correct option in the sentences below. 10x2p=20p.
(Accessed in April 2013)
3. Match the technologies with the situations in which Karen uses them.
(Accessed in April 2013)
a. Virtual reality can give you the illusion of being in a different place.
b. It cannot help people psychologically.
c. Medicine is one of the fields where virtual reality will be helpful in the future.
d. With virtual reality there are less chances of a surgery failure.
4. Answer the questions. 4x12p=48p.
b. Where are you going? I ________________ visit a friend. (will / am going to)
d. What are your plans for the weekend? We ___________________ visit an Art Exhibition. (will / are
going to).
6. Complete the conditional sentences (first or second) with the correct form of the 4x6p=24p.
verb in brackets.
b. If you don’t see the film, you _____________ (not learn) about virtual reality.
d. You won’t become addicted if you _______________ (not spend) too many hours playing games.
7. Choose one of the following topics. Write about 100/120 words on it. 52p.
Technology has made a positive difference in the way we study, work, communicate and socialise.
However, it has also brought addictions, isolation and distractions at school and work.
Write an argumentative text presenting the most frequent positive and negative points of
technology and stating your position towards the topic.
How do you suppose virtual reality will change our life?
Describe a typical day in the life of a student in twenty years’ time. Use the following cues: laptops
instead of books; virtual school field trips; audiobooks and notebooks; night ear buds to make you
dream about class contents …
Global test
Teachers are finding that using a. ____________ classroom technologies like b. ______________
computers digital video, c. _________________ and video games are great tools for helping
d. ______________ learn. Well there are some naysayers who bring up some e. ______________
effects of technology on education for budgetary reasons. f. ____________ new technologies is the
future of the education system. The following reasons should g.____________ the naysayers. (…)
1st 2nd
Students h._____________ Technology engages the four keys components to
and they are used to i._______________ at home. learning:
(Accessed in April 2013)
3. Find words in the text that match the following definitions. 6x3p=18p.
2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences: Past Perfect or Past Simple. 5x2p=10p.
3. Complete the sentences using the 1st or the 2nd Conditionals. 5x3p=15p.
«Technology will not replace teachers but teachers who don’t use technologies will be replaced by
those who do it.»
Write an argumentative text telling about the advantages and disadvantages of using technologies
in the classroom and presenting your point of view.
Due to technological advances our life will change considerably in the future. Describe what a day
in your life in 2050 will be like.
Refer to family life, work, entertainment and communication.