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Module 3 - Tests

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The new technologies

Listening test 1

Name No. Class Date

Listen / watch the video of a presentation by Steve Jobs.

1. Listen to the first part and complete the text with the missing words. 10x13p=130p.
Audio 8 – Part 1 (till 1:56)

Today we are introducing a._____________________ revolutionary products of this class: the first
one is a widescreen iPod with b.____________________; the second is a c.___________________
mobile phone and the third is a breakthrough internet communications d._____________________.
So, three things: a widescreen iPod with e._____________________, a revolutionary mobile phone
and a breakthrough internet communications f.______________________.
An iPod, a phone and an internet communicator…
An iPod, a phone …
Are you getting it?
These are not three g.______________________ devices. This is h.________________device, and
we are calling it i.______________________. Today, Apple is going to j.___________________
the phone and here it is.

2. Listen to / watch the second part and fill in the gaps with the correct information. 7x10p=70p.
Audio 8 – Part 2 (from 2:00 till 6:18)

a. Steve Jobs talks about a category of advanced mobile phones: the _________________________.
b. He says they are not _____________________ nor ____________________ to use.
c. iPhone is __________________ to use.
d. Moto Q, Blackberry, Palm Treo, and Nokia E62 all have ____________________________.
e. Instead of buttons the iPhone has got a ___________________________________.
f. They have invented a new technology called ________________________________.
3. The new technologies
Listening test 2

Name No. Class Date

Listen to / watch a video about virtual reality therapies.

1. Listen to the first part and correct the SIX wrong words in the following text. 6x16p=96p.
Audio 9 – Part 1 - (till 0:31)

A recent virtual reality therapy is helping West Americans suffering from stress and headaches as
well as those looking to quit smoking. The technology uses sound and images to address problems
on a subconscious level.
It may look like a virtual reality game but this therapy is much more relaxing. Created by
hypnotherapists in the Eastern States the virtual reality therapy uses a head-mounted device unit to
induce a state of profound relaxation through the use of images and sound.

2. Listen to second part and complete the following sentences with the missing 13x8p=104p.
information. Audio 9 – Part 2 - (from 0:31)

a. This therapy uses images of _____________________________________________.

b. It was designed for people suffering from __________________________, _____________________
or depression as well as those who want to ______________________ _______________________ or
lose ________________________.
c. When the client is conscious he tends to _______________________ some ideas so they use the
d. There are already ______________________ ____________________in the metropolitan area using
this therapy.
e. Brian Liau, a remedial ___________________ therapist who is __________________ years old, tried
this therapy
f. At the beginning he wasn’t comfortable about it. He was __________________.
Test 1
Module 3.1 Beyond our world

Name No. Class Date

1. Read the text attentively.

Teens' obsession with technology: harmful or beneficial?

Teens use computers constantly – for school work, communication, sharing pictures and for
entertainment purposes. Computers continue to change the world every day, opening countless
opportunities for teens. They hold an immense amount of information; anything teens want to
know is right at their fingertips.
5 Teens also use it for schoolwork. Computers allow teens to complete work faster and more easily.
Typing an essay is easier and more enjoyable than writing a report by hand or researching a subject
in a book. With the speed and power of search engines, online dictionaries and encyclopedias, teens
can find information anywhere and at any time. 
Another method of receiving information is through the cell phone. Even more than calling, people
10 stereotype teens as constantly texting. However, texting is not the evil that many adults portray it
as. Texting saves time when teens are in a hurry and allows them to multitask.
Technology in general has a positive effect on teens. It gives us a way to relieve stress, improve our
tools for learning and helps us communicate with anyone around the world.

(Accessed in April 2013)

2. Find a suitable antonym for the following words. 4x8p=32p.

a. rarely b. small c. less d. negative

3. Complete the sentences according to the information in the text. 4x9p=36p.

a. Teenagers study, communicate, share pictures and get entertainment with …

b. Computers enable teens to have …
c. Writing an essay by hand is more difficult than …
d. Technology relieves stress, … and …

4. Answer the questions using your own words as far as possible. 4x16p=64p.

a. Why do computers change the world?

b. How can they help teens at school?
c. What do teens use the cell phone for?
d. In your opinion, what are the negative effects of technology?
5. Complete the table with the words in the box. 14x2p=28p.



6. Countable or uncountable? Choose the correct option in the sentences below. 10x2p=20p.

a. I can’t go to the party because I have a lot of / many work to do.

b. Tom is my friend. He has given me many / some good advice.
c. How many / much boys are there in this class?
d. They used a lot of / several glass in my house.
e. May I have a / some slice of pizza, please?
f. There is too much / many sugar in my coffee!
g. I can’t spend any money. I have just a little / a few left.
h. My throat is sore. I need a / some tea with lemon.
i. We must analyze this / these information carefully.
j. It’s too hot in here. I need some / a water.

7. Complete the sentences with a, an, the or Ø. 10x2p=20p.

a. _____ Portuguese Prime Minister visited the UK.

b. I met _____ nice girl in London while I was studying there.
c. Everyone agrees that _________Portuguese people are very friendly.
d. Is this _____ book you wanted me to read?
e. My biggest dream is to visit _______ USA.
f. I have got _____iPhone but I don’t like it. It’s too complicated to use.
g. _________ Michael Moore is my best friend at school.
h. I never drink water at _____ lunch. I prefer other drinks.
i. I visited _______ UK two years ago. It was like a dream come true!
j. I hate _________ snakes and spiders! They make me sick.
Test 2
Module 3.2 Side by side with the new technologies

Name No. Class Date

1. Read the text attentively.

5 Ways Technology Has Changed My Life (By Karen Zuckerberg)

It’s hard to remember what life was like before the internet, the iPhone, and Facebook. My, how
times have changed! Now, I consider myself a wired woman. Here are the top five technologies
that have most impacted my daily life:
1. Skype & FaceTime
5 Now, I can include my mom who lives in Florida in family events that she can’t attend. She gets a
chance to see and talk to everyone – and it feels like she’s there in person.
2. SMS + iMessages
A great way to stay in touch with my kids when I haven’t heard from them for a few days and just
want to know they’re alive. Sometimes, if I’m out shopping and not sure if I should buy something,
10 I love that I can snap a picture, send it to my friends, and get immediate reactions.
3. Facebook
My favorite way to say hi and stay up to date on friends and family when I can’t be with them
every day.
4. Postagram
A mobile app that allows you to send photos stored on your phone to friends and family as
customized postcards through snail mail. It’s great for the people in your life who still like to hang
photos on their refrigerator or keep them on their desk at work.
5. Google Alerts
15 I realize this might not be applicable to everyone, but for me, having Google alerts for my children
is a way of staying up to date on their lives. We’re a close family, but everyone’s so busy; some
weeks I hear more about what’s going on with them in the news than I do from them directly!


(Accessed in April 2013)

2. Find synonyms for the following words. 4x9p=36p.

a. difficult b. opportunity c. certain d. personalized

3. Match the technologies with the situations in which Karen uses them.

a. Skype & FaceTime 1. Stay up to date with her children

b. SMS + iMessages 2. See and talk to people in distant places
c. Facebook 3. Send photos with her cell phone
d. Postagram 4. Say hello to friends
e. Google Alerts 5. Send personal pictures and postcards by traditional mail
4. Answer the following questions using your words as far as possible. 4x10p=406p.

a. Why does Karen consider herself a 'wired woman'?

b. How old do you think Karen is? Explain.
c. Does she have a positive or negative opinion about technologies? Account for your answer.
d. What changes has technology brought into your life? Give examples.

5. Complete the sentences using the double comparative. 6x7p=42p.

a. Technology is changing our lives _____________________ (fast).

b. New job opportunities are ______________________ (frequent).
c. People are becoming ______________________ (dependent) on gadgets.
d. Family relationships are becoming __________________ (bad) due to technology addiction.
e. Tom is becoming __________________ (good) at ICT. It’s his favorite school subject.
f. It’s ________________ (easy) to have access to any information you need.

6. Use the Past Perfect to complete the sentences. 6x7p=42p.

a. Last time I spoke to Mary, she ________________ (buy) a fantastic smartphone.

b. I was really hungry because I ________________ (not eat) anything at home.
c. I recognized Ana’s laptop as the one I _______________ (see) on TV the day before.
d. The student looked really tired because she _________________ (not sleep) enough.
e. We couldn’t go to the concert because we __________________ (buy ) the tickets in advance.
f. Peter had the best mark because he ________________ (study) for two weeks.
Test 3
Module 3.3 Technology era

Name No. Class Date

1. Read the text attentively

What is virtual reality?

Basically, virtual reality is simply an illusory environment, engineered to give users the impression
of being somewhere other than where they are. As you sit safely in your home, virtual reality can
transport you to a football game, a rock concert, a submarine exploring the depths of the ocean, or a
space station orbiting Jupiter. It allows the user to ride a camel around the Great Pyramids, fly jets,
5 or perform brain surgery.
Studies show that people immersed in a virtual reality scene at the edge of a cliff, for instance,
respond realistically — the heart rate rises and the brain resists commands to step over the edge.
There are significant social applications as well. Virtual reality offers a large array of potential
uses. Already it has been enlisted to treat people suffering from certain phobias. Exposing people
10 who are afraid of heights to virtual cliff edges has been shown to reduce that fear, in a manner
much safer than walking along real cliffs. Similar success has been achieved treating fear of
Virtual reality also offers advantages for various sorts of research, education, and training. Some
neuroscientists believe that virtual reality experiments can provide insight into the nature of
awareness and consciousness itself. Surgeons can practice virtual operations before they cut into
real people; soldiers can learn combat tactics in virtual worlds without shooting real bullets.


(Accessed in April 2013)

2. Say who or what the following words refer to. 4x6p=24p.

a. they (line 2) b. It (line 4) c. that (line 10) d. they (line 15)

3. Are these statements True or False? 4x8p=32p.

a. Virtual reality can give you the illusion of being in a different place.
b. It cannot help people psychologically.
c. Medicine is one of the fields where virtual reality will be helpful in the future.
d. With virtual reality there are less chances of a surgery failure.
4. Answer the questions. 4x12p=48p.

a. What kind of environments can virtual reality immerse you in?

b. How can it help treat phobias?
c. In which field do you think virtual reality would be more advantageous?
d. In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of virtual reality?

5. Choose the correct option: will / be going to 4x5p=20p.

a. I am very tired. I think I ________________ go to bed. (will / am going to)

b. Where are you going? I ________________ visit a friend. (will / am going to)

c. I think I __________________stay at home this evening (will / am going to)

d. What are your plans for the weekend? We ___________________ visit an Art Exhibition. (will / are
going to).

6. Complete the conditional sentences (first or second) with the correct form of the 4x6p=24p.
verb in brackets.

a. If I had lots of money, I _________________ (buy) lots of video games.

b. If you don’t see the film, you _____________ (not learn) about virtual reality.

c. If I ____________ (be) you, I would be prepared for a difficult test.

d. You won’t become addicted if you _______________ (not spend) too many hours playing games.

7. Choose one of the following topics. Write about 100/120 words on it. 52p.

Technology has made a positive difference in the way we study, work, communicate and socialise.
However, it has also brought addictions, isolation and distractions at school and work.
Write an argumentative text presenting the most frequent positive and negative points of
technology and stating your position towards the topic.

How do you suppose virtual reality will change our life?
Describe a typical day in the life of a student in twenty years’ time. Use the following cues: laptops
instead of books; virtual school field trips; audiobooks and notebooks; night ear buds to make you
dream about class contents …
Global test

Name No. Class Date

PART 1 – Listening comprehension

1. Listen to / watch an excert of a video about technology in education and complete 7x3p=21p.
the text and the chart that follows with the missing words and expressions.
Audio 10 - (till 1:15)

Teachers are finding that using a. ____________ classroom technologies like b. ______________
computers digital video, c. _________________ and video games are great tools for helping
d. ______________ learn. Well there are some naysayers who bring up some e. ______________
effects of technology on education for budgetary reasons. f. ____________ new technologies is the
future of the education system. The following reasons should g.____________ the naysayers. (…)

Top reasons for using technologies in the classroom

1st 2nd
Students h._____________ Technology engages the four keys components to
and they are used to i._______________ at home. learning:

PART 2 – Reading comprehension

1. Read the text attentively. 6x4p=24p.

Technology brings positive and negative effects in classroom

Students in Sarah Shmitt's classes take note: If you ignore repeated warnings to stop texting and put
away your cell phone, she might toss it in the trash can.
Shmitt's frustration reflects the changing atmosphere in schools, where technology is taking hold in
ways both positive and negative.
5 Many teachers, like Shmitt, teach lessons using computerized smart boards and maintain Internet
pages where they post homework assignments and other learning materials.
But the greatest contributor to a change in school atmosphere seems to be the proliferation of
smartphones among students, giving them constant access to the Web, e-mail, texting and calls
from friends and family members.
10 Teachers, who for centuries have been the center of learning in the classroom, are seeing
increasingly distracted students struggle to stay focused and succeed. Some, like Shmitt, are
switching up their games to hold students' attention and teach the appropriate use of technology.
While most schools ban or limit phone use on campus and especially in the classroom, many
students admit to using cell phones in class. A 2010 Pew Research Center study found that 64
percent of teens with cell phones said they had texted in class and 43 percent said they texted in
class at least once a day.
Social media in general have increased opportunities for bullying and abusive relationships. When
it comes to texting, students said they feel obligated to respond as soon as possible, especially if
they're dating the sender, for fear of causing anxiety or hurting the other person's feelings.
15 In the last two or three years, Shmitt has seen attempts to plagiarize increase. She also has noticed a
growing inability among students to stay focused on what's happening in the classroom.
"It seems that students don't spend any time just thinking anymore," said Shmitt, 54, who teaches
seniors. "Maybe that's fine. But with the constant distraction of technology and their already short
attention spans, their reading and writing skills have suffered significantly and their vocabularies
are shrinking.”



(Accessed in April 2013)

2. Say who or what the following words refer to. 4x3p=12p.

a. she (line 2) b. they (line 6) c. them (line 8) d. they (line 15)

3. Find words in the text that match the following definitions. 6x3p=18p.

The branch of knowledge that deals with the

a. ______________________________ creation and use of technical means.
Interactive whiteboards that use touch detection
b. _______________ ______________ for user input.
Mobile phones that offer more advanced
c. ______________________________ computing ability.
Devices that can make and receive telephone calls.
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________ Type of media used for social interaction, using
highly accessible publishing techniques.
The act of sending a text message.
f. ______________________________
4. Answer the following questions on the text. 6x6p=36p.

4.1 How does Sarah react if a student is caught texting in class?

4.2 Which technologies does she use in the classroom?
4.3 Why are smartphones so negative for the school atmosphere?
4.4 Has the role of the teacher inside the classroom changed? Explain.
4.5 What are the negative aspects of social media?
4.6 What are the consequences of the distractions caused by technologies on students’ school

PART 3 – Language function

1. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø. 12x1,5p=18p.

a. _______my friend Peter bought ______ fantastic smartphone.

b. Did you watch _____ Steve Jobs on _______TV last night?
c. Teachers in ______ USA use advanced technology to teach _____ languages.
d. ______virtual reality enables you to see _______ Alpes in front of you.
e. ________ British Prime Minister will visit _______ France next week.
f. Sarah has got ______ laptop and _______ iphone all for herself.

2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences: Past Perfect or Past Simple. 5x2p=10p.

a. Yesterday I had seen / saw a documentary on advanced technologies in the classroom.

b. When I left home this morning my mother had left / left earlier.
c. Last time I visited my grandparents they had bought / bought a new plasma TV.
d. The students had left / left papers all over the floor last lesson.
e. On my birthday last week I finally got the money to pay for the tablet I had ordered / ordered last

3. Complete the sentences using the 1st or the 2nd Conditionals. 5x3p=15p.

a. If I had lots of money …

b. If I were you …
c. The teacher won’t send us the PowerPoint presentation …
d. Our parents won’t buy us a smartphone …
e. If I lose my mobile phone, …
PART 4 – Written production
Choose one of the following topics. Write about 100/120 words on it. 46p.

«Technology will not replace teachers but teachers who don’t use technologies will be replaced by
those who do it.»
Write an argumentative text telling about the advantages and disadvantages of using technologies
in the classroom and presenting your point of view.

Due to technological advances our life will change considerably in the future. Describe what a day
in your life in 2050 will be like.
Refer to family life, work, entertainment and communication.

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