Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Model, Techniques, and Applications

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9, SEPTEMBER 2018 1421

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Model,

Techniques, and Applications
Yong Yuan , Senior Member, IEEE, and Fei-Yue Wang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—As an emerging decentralized architecture and operation costs, low efficiency and potential security risks of
distributed computing paradigm underlying Bitcoin and other data storage in traditional centralized systems.
cryptocurrencies, blockchain has attracted intensive attention in With the rapid development and popularization of Bitcoin
both research and applications in recent years. The key advantage
of this technology lies in the fact that it enables the establishment and other cryptocurrencies in the recent years, blockchain
of secured, trusted, and decentralized autonomous ecosystems research and applications have also been witnessed to show-
for various scenarios, especially for better usage of the legacy case an unprecedented trend of explosive increase. In [2],
devices, infrastructure, and resources. In this paper, we presented blockchain is widely recognized to be in position to become
a systematic investigation of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. the fifth disruptive innovation of computing paradigm after
Related fundamental rationales, technical advantages, existing
and potential ecosystems of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies mainframe, personal computer, Internet, and mobile/social
are discussed, and a six-layer reference model of the blockchain networks. Blockchain can be considered as the next gener-
framework is proposed with detailed description for each of its ation of cloud computing, and is expected to radically reshape
six layers. Potential applications of blockchain and cryptocurren- the behavior model of individuals and organizations, and thus
cies are also addressed. Our aim here is to provide guidance and realize the transition from the Internet of Information today to
reference for future research along this promising and important
direction. the future Internet of Value [3], [4].
The fast-growing trend of blockchain has attracted a wide
Index Terms—Bitcoin, blockchain, consensus algorithm, cryp- spectrum of interests from governments, financial institutions,
tocurrency, smart contract.
high-tech enterprises, and also the capital markets. The his-
tory of blockchain can be traced back to the late 2008,
when Bitcoin was first invented by a researcher with the
pseudonym of “Nakamoto” [5] posting in a cryptography mail
group, an article entitled “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic
LOCKCHAIN is the fundamental technology underlying
B the emerging cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin [1]. The
key advantage of blockchain is widely considered to be
cash systems.” Technically speaking, blockchain can be nar-
rowly defined as a kind of decentralized shared ledger that
uses chronological, encrypted and chained blocks to store
decentralization, and it can help establish disintermediary peer- verifiable and synchronized data (e.g., transactions, states,
to-peer (P2P) transactions, coordination, and cooperation in behaviors, decisions, etc.) across a P2P network. Broadly
distributed systems without mutual trust and centralized con- speaking, blockchain can be viewed as a novel decentralized
trol among individual nodes, based on such techniques as data architecture and distributed computing paradigm, which stores
encryption, time-stamping, distributed consensus algorithms, data with encrypted chained blocks, verifies data with dis-
and economic incentive mechanisms. As such, blockchain can tributed consensus algorithms, guarantees security and privacy
offer a novel solution to the long-standing problems of high in data access and transmission with cryptography, and manip-
ulates data with self-executed program scripts (i.e., smart
Manuscript received February 22, 2018; accepted June 8, 2018. Date of contracts) [3], [6].
publication July 25, 2018; date of current version August 16, 2018. This work
was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Blockchain has many desirable features in both its tech-
under Grant 71472174, Grant 71702182, Grant 61533019, Grant 71232006, nical and organizational aspects, which can be summa-
and Grant 61233001, and in part by the Qingdao Think-Tank Foundation rized as “TRUE” and “decentralized autonomous organization
on Intelligent Industries. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor
H.-X. Li. (Corresponding author: Yong Yuan.) (DAO)” [7]. The former denotes trustable, reliable, usable, and
Y. Yuan is with the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of efficient, while the latter denotes distributed and decentralized,
Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, autonomous, and automated, as well as organized and ordered.
Beijing 100190, China, and also with the Innovation Center on Parallel
Blockchain, Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries, Qingdao 266109, More specifically, blockchain is a distributed shared ledger, in
China (e-mail: [email protected]). which the recording, verification, storage, maintenance, and
F.-Y. Wang is with the State Key Laboratory for Management and transmission of blockchain data are all based on the distributed
Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100190, China, also with the Research Center of Military architecture, and the mutual trust among distributed nodes is
Computational Experiments and Parallel System, National University of established via mathematical algorithms instead of central-
Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China, and also with the Center ized third-party authorities. Transaction data is stored on the
of China Economic and Social Security, University of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100049, China (e-mail: [email protected]). blockchain in the form of chained blocks with time stamps,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2854904 which can endow blockchain data with a temporal dimension
2168-2216 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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and in turn strong verifiability and traceability. Various kinds economy with the size of a mid-size developed country based
of economic incentive mechanisms are designed so as to merely on algorithm-endorsed trust and consensus. As such,
crowd-source the mining process of blockchain to large num- it is estimated that about 10% of global GDP will be stored
bers of blockchain miners, so that these miners are willing to on blockchain by 2027 [10].
contribute their computing power and participate in verifying Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies differ from the tra-
the data blocks in the distributed shared ledger, as well as ditional electronic cash in the following five aspects. First,
compete in the consensus process with the aim of winning the Bitcoin is completely decentralized without central control
opportunity of creating the next data block and appending it or hierarchical structure. Actually, Bitcoin is controlled by
to the main chain. Blockchain can also be empowered by pro- distributed consensus algorithms running among computing
grammable chain-codes and scripts, so that users can create nodes in P2P networks. The traditional electronic cashes, how-
high-level smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, or other decen- ever, typically need centralized service providers, and thus
tralized applications (DApps). For instance, Ethereum (ETH) are centrally controlled by governments or specific compa-
platform can offer Turing-complete script language and enable nies. Second, Bitcoin is pseudo-anonymous like e-mail. One
users to design any arbitrary smart contracts or transactions might know the address of a Bitcoin user, but cannot know
that can be precisely defined. Finally, blockchain data will exactly who he or she is. On the contrary, most traditional elec-
be encrypted using asymmetric cryptography, and secured via tronic cashes is nonanonymous, and the users identities will be
the computing power collected from the consensus algorithms recorded by the centralized service providers. Third, Bitcoin
among large numbers of nodes in the distributed systems. As has a limited currency issuance with a cap of about 21 mil-
such, blockchain can be considered as a secured framework lion bitcoins. While most traditional electronic cashes have
against outside attacks, and thus ensuring strong unforgeability unlimited currency issuance. The centralized service provider
and untemperability. can make their decision to increase or decrease the supply
Blockchain is a novel and fundamental technical framework, of cashes, which might possibly cause inflation or deflation.
and is expected to bring profound influence to the finance, Fourth, Bitcoin is open-source to the public. Everyone can
economics, science and technology, and even politics areas. check the source code of Bitcoin, and thus each and every
According to the development trend of blockchain technol- one of them will understand the underlying mechanisms of
ogy, it is widely believed that blockchain will experience Bitcoin issuance. However, most traditional electronic cashes
three types of application patterns, i.e., blockchain 1.0 featur- are closed-source, and the critical business logic is always kept
ing programmable cryptocurrencies, blockchain 2.0 featuring as secret to the users. Finally, Bitcoin itself has no value, it
programmable financial systems, as well as blockchain 3.0 is only a sequence of zeros and ones. However, Bitcoin can
featuring programmable societies [2]. These patterns evolves gain value by increasing users. The more users trust and use
synchronously rather than progressively. Bitcoin, the more value Bitcoin will have. In contrast, almost
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In all traditional electronic cashes are endorsed by fiat money.
Section II, we discuss the rationale of Bitcoin and other The first block of Bitcoin blockchain, also known as, the
cryptocurrencies. Section III proposes the six-layer reference genesis block, was created on January 4, 2009 by Nakamoto,
model for blockchain, and discusses the detailed model and who sent 10 bitcoins to a crptographer Finney one week later.
techniques in each layer. In Section IV, we present several This is widely considered as the first transaction in the Bitcoin
illustrative application scenarios of blockchain. Section V history. In May 2010, a programmer in Florida bought two
concludes this paper. pizzas worth $25 using 10 000 bitcoins, resulting in the initial
exchange rate of Bitcoin to U.S. dollars. Since then, the price
of Bitcoin raises rapidly, and peaked at $1242 each bitcoin,
II. B ITCOIN AND C RYPTOCURRENCY exceeding the price of gold, that is, $1241 per ounce at that
Bitcoin is one of the most successful application scenar- time. It is estimated by CoinDesk that there are more than
ios of blockchain so far. According to the latest statistics 60 000 of merchants in the world accepting Bitcoin transac-
reported in the monitoring website [8], more tions, and China is among the most fast-growing countries in
than 120 000 transactions, with $75 million transferred, were Bitcoin transactions [11].
written into the Bitcoin blockchain ledger on daily average, Bitcoin is in essence an electronic cash generated in the
and currently more than 500 000 blocks have been created. It distributed systems. The issuance of Bitcoin relies on a con-
is also reported by the website that there sensus competition among distributed network nodes, known
are currently more than 1500 types of cryptocurrencies in the as proof-of-work (PoW)-based mining, instead of a specific
blockchain-powered markets with the total market cap of more centralized authority. In the PoW-based consensus process,
than $500 billion, in which Bitcoin stands in the dominant each and every computing node in the P2P network con-
position with a market cap accounting for more than 37% of tributes its computing resource (CPU) and competes to solve a
the total, and the ETH and Ripple stand in the second and mathematically hard puzzle with dynamically adjustable dif-
third places, respectively [9]. Currently, the number of bit- ficulties. More specifically, in each round of the consensus
coins that have been mined and in circulation is approximately process, new Bitcoin transactions will be broadcasted to the
17 million, and the global Bitcoin economy has been $185.8 P2P network. Each node keeps listening to the network, and
billion, about the size of the GDP of New Zealand in 2016. adds the received transactions to a memory pool. Every node is
In other words, the decentralized Bitcoin has created a global competing to compute a nonce satisfying certain requirements.

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Fig. 1. Bitcoin ecosystem.

The miner who first successfully find such a correct nonce will cooperate by joining the mining pool so as to increase the
win the consensus competition, and also win the right of creat- possibility of successfully creating a block. The device maker
ing the next new block. The winner will package transactions produces and sells mining computers to the miners. In the cir-
in the memory pool into a new block, partly according to a culation part, Bitcoin holders or users buy specific types of
decreasing order of their associated transaction fees, and then goods or services from the merchants via the Bitcoin software
broadcast this new block into the entire blockchain network. platforms, such as Bitcoin wallets. The trading information
The block will be accepted by other nodes if and only if the will be broadcast to the Bitcoin network and also validated
transactions in it is valid and not received before. Finally, by the miners. In the exchange market part, since Bitcoin
other nodes append this block into the main chain, and start price fluctuates frequently, which results in a good invest-
the next round of consensus process competing for the right ment opportunity for the investors. So they will buy and sell
of packaging new transactions. In this process, the Bitcoin bitcoins from the Bitcoin exchange platform, and the trading
system will generate a specific amount of bitcoins as a reward information will also be broadcast to the Bitcoin network, and
to the winning miner, and also as an incentive to encourage validated by the miners.
other miners to continue contribute their computing power. Inspired by the great success of Bitcoin, thousands of other
The circulation process of Bitcoin will be secured by cryptog- blockchain-powered cryptocurrencies emerge and develop
raphy, with each Bitcoin transaction being hashed, encrypted rapidly in this novel market. Most of these cryptocurrencies,
and written into blockchain ledger after validation from all also known as altcoins, are invented with the aim of improv-
miners. Meanwhile, the transaction can be programmed and ing the performance of the Bitcoin system. Currently, there
controlled by algorithm-driven scripts and non-Turing com- are six major dimensions and directions in the innovation
plete smart contracts, so as to realize the programmable and of altcoins, as can be seen in Fig. 2. The first dimension
automatic circulation for Bitcoin. To sum up, we can con- focuses on the scalability. For instance, Bitcoin cash, forked
clude that Bitcoin blockchain typically has the following five from the Bitcoin blockchain, extends the block size from 1
key components, i.e., a public shared blockchain ledger, a to 8 MB. This allows more transactions packaged into a sin-
distributed P2P networking system, a decentralized consen- gle block in each round of consensus competition, and thus
sus algorithm, a well-designed economic incentive mechanism, results in improved capability of transaction processing and
and programmable smart contracts. reduced time in transaction confirmation. Zilliqa can improve
Bitcoin, like most other cryptocurrencies, is a self-contained the throughput using the network sharing technique, which
ecosystem consisting of the issuance, circulation and the can automatically divide the blockchain network into multiple
exchange market of bitcoins, as is depicted in Fig. 1 [3]. In the shards that validate transactions in parallel. The second dimen-
issuance part, the Bitcoin network is maintained and updated sion aims to improve the security and privacy protection with
by the developers, and the network receives hash-based com- cryptographic techniques including zero-knowledge proof and
puting power from the mining pool or individual miners, and homomorphic encryption. Examples include ZCash (ZEC) and
generates bitcoins as rewards to these miners. The miners can Monero (XMR), among others. The third dimension is enhanc-
participate in the mining process individually, and can also ing the programmability of blockchain systems, and the most

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Fig. 3. Reference model of blockchain.

spaces [13]–[15]. These data will be bundled into chained

blocks, stored on all the full nodes in the blockchain network
using the data structure of asymmetrically encrypted, hashed,
Fig. 2. Six dimensions in cryptocurrency innovation. and time-stamped Merkle trees. More specifically, each node,
once winning the consensus competition, will be empowered
to package all data generated in the period (typically a regular
well-known example is ETH, which supports Turing complete interval, e.g., 10 min in the Bitcoin system) of the competition
smart contracts and in turn DApps. The forth dimension is into a new block with a time-stamp indicating its creating time.
targeted at the price stability. For instance, USDT and other If there are conflicting data such as Bitcoin’s double spend-
Tether currencies are endorsed by and equivalent in value to ing, only one agreed version to all or a majority of nodes
U.S. dollar, and can help facilitate the transfer of national cur- will be selected and appended into the block. As is shown in
rencies, provide users with a stable alternative to Bitcoin. The Fig. 4 [6], a typical Bitcoin block consists of a header and a
fifth dimension is based on the innovation of consensus algo- body part. The former contains all the meta-information while
rithms, such as PeerCoin and EOS. Finally, the sixth type of the latter stores a Merkle tree of verified and hashed data (e.g.,
crypt-currencies are devoted to specific application scenarios, via double SHA256 algorithm). The blocks are chained one
such as the IOTA oriented to Internet of Things, Ripple used by one in chronological order, forming the entire history from
for global financial settlement, as well as Augur created for the genesis block to the newly generated one. In this layer,
prediction market applications. Merkle tree and time stamp can be considered as two impor-
tant components for the blockchain ledger. The former helps
III. R EFERENCE M ODEL AND T ECHNIQUES realize rapid, efficient, and secured verification of the exis-
OF B LOCKCHAIN T ECHNOLOGY tence and integrity of blockchain data, while the latter enables
Although blockchain has imposed significant impacts on the traceability and precise positioning of blockchain data.
cryptocurrency, finance, and even socio-economic activities, As such, blockchain is expected to be widely used in time-
it is not a new technology invented from scratch. Actually, sensitive application scenarios. More importantly, time-stamp
blockchain can be considered as an ensemble innovation has the potential of endowing blockchain data with a time
combining a group of extant technologies in cryptography, dimension, and thus makes it possible to recur the past data
economics, and computer sciences fields. In this section, history.
we will propose a six-layer reference model for character-
izing and standardizing the typical architecture and major B. Network Layer
components of blockchain systems, and discuss the key tech-
This layer specifies the decentralized communication mod-
niques in each layer. Similarly as the well-known open system
els and the related mechanisms of distributed networking, data
interconnection reference model of the Internet [12], a com-
forwarding, and verification. In most cases, blockchain appli-
plete blockchain system can also be decoupled into six layers
cation scenarios involves an open and dynamic environment
stacked as is shown in Fig. 3 [3], [6].
with large number of distributed and connected devices or
vehicles. The blockchain focuses on the important part of
A. Data Layer decentralized environments that can be topologically modeled
This layer provides the key techniques for manipulating as P2P networks. All participating nodes in the network are
a variety of data collected from cyber, physical, and social equally privileged without central authorities or middle-mans,

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D. Incentive Layer
This layer incorporates economic rewards into blockchain
systems. In essence, the data verification and block creation
process driven by consensus competitions can be considered
as a crowdsourcing task to participating nodes that contribute
their computing power. These nodes are actually self-interested
agents, so that incentive compatible mechanisms must be
designed to make individual behavior of revenue maximization
aligned with the system-wide target of guaranteeing a secured
and trusted ecosystem [20]–[22]. Toward this end, cryptocur-
rencies such as Bitcoin and ETH can serve as a natural form
as motivating reward. Its issuance mechanism is simple: once
a new block is created, a certain amount of cryptocurren-
cies will be issued as reward and allocated to the winning
node to motivate the entire network continuing their efforts
Fig. 4. Data layer of blockchain. in data verification and block creation. This incentive layer is
a key component and the main driving force for blockchain,
so that the blockchain system is under decentralized, emergent, especially for those based on public blockchains. It cannot
and bottom-up control. These nodes keep listening to the only serve as the engine for powering blockchain, but also
network, verifying the broadcasted data or blocks according establish an imbedded, cryptocurrency-based financial system
to predefined check lists. Invalid blocks will be discarded in blockchain, so that disintermediated trading and real-time
and others will be forwarded to neighboring nodes. This way, micro-payment can be easily supported. It is worth noting that,
only one block accepted by the majority will be appended however, this layer is optional for some partially centralized
into blockchain. It is worth noting that this P2P-based decen- blockchain applications, typically called private blockchain for
tralized network makes blockchain a potential architecture for closed environments and consortium blockchain for semiopen
the next generation of cloud computing. Blockchain data is scenarios, where trusted entities participate mandatorily with-
stored on each and every node, and can be synchronized and out payment and financial requirements.
restored even in the worst case of failure in all but one nodes.
This evolves the cloud model with multiple central servers E. Contract Layer
to a completely decentralized model, which is particularly In this layer, various smart contracts, mechanisms, and algo-
useful in communication and interaction among decentralized rithms are packaged, and can serve as the high-level business
entities [3]. logics to activate the static data, money, or assets stored on
blockchain. Smart contracts can be narrowly defined as a
C. Consensus Layer group of self-verifying, self-executing and self-enforcing state-
Blockchain uses a variety of consensus algorithms to guar- response rules that are stored and secured by the blockchain.
antee the data consistency and the fault-tolerant ability of the Once a group of parties consent to a set of predefined terms
shared ledger among distributed nodes [16], [17]. Traditional or rules, they can codify them as a smart contract, cryp-
application scenarios typically are relatively closed ecosystems tographically sign it, and broadcast it to the P2P network
with entities trusting in each other, where early algorithms for verification. The verified contract will be packaged into
such as PAXOS might be sufficient to reach consensus effi- a block on the ledger. Once one or more preconditions are
ciently. Blockchain models, however, mainly focus on open triggered, the stipulations and associated actions will be acti-
and dynamic environments with a large number of trustless vated and self-executed without human interventions, as is
entities with possible Byzantine failures [18], so that more shown in Fig. 5. This self-execution feature has the potential of
complex algorithms are needed, such as practical Byzantine transforming physical or digital assets into smart properties,
fault tolerance for semiopen environments and proof-of-X which can be controlled and managed in an automatic and
(POX) type consensus for open environments (e.g., the cryp- programmable fashion, thus significantly reducing the social
tocurrency markets). For instance, PoW is the most widely complexity. In a broader sense, scripts and algorithms can also
used algorithm, which asks nodes to compete repeatedly to be viewed as dynamically decision-making rules (instead of
do a mathematically difficult computation to validate the the static rules in contracts), and thus can be written as smart
data [19]. The winning node will be allowed to append its contracts on the ledger, resulting in improved autonomy and
block on the ledger; proof-of-stake (PoS) requires the node programmability [3], [6], [23], [24].
with the largest amount of predefined stakes (e.g., coins) to
create the new block; Other POX algorithms include dele- F. Application Layer
gated PoS (DPoS), proof-of-movement, etc. Among all POX This layer packages all possible application scenarios and
algorithms, noncompute-intensive algorithms such as PoS and use cases of blockchain. Although blockchain technology is
DPoS are particularly suitable for most lightweight systems in still in its infancy, it has witnessed a tremendous growth
blockchain ecosystems. in recent years in both research and industrial applications.

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radars, laser rangefinders, among others. Using blockchain-

based E-wallets, vehicles can send and receive bitcoin-like
cryptocurrencies in a disintermediated fashion, and maximize
its revenue on behalf of its human owner, or even itself.
Third, in the consensus and network layers, the P2P
consensus-based control makes it possible to apply blockchain
idea in swarm robotic systems with social intelligence.
Generally speaking, one of the striking features of swarm
robots is lacking of global knowledge, explicit communi-
cation models and central authorities, and relying on local
communication among neighboring robots. Using blockchain,
Fig. 5. Blockchain-enabled smart contracts. the globally shared ledger can serve as a good solution to
decentralized control problem. The robots, such as a fleet of
unmanned vehicles, vessels, or drones, can reach a decentral-
Large numbers of novel business models and use cases have ized consensus by competing for the right of encapsulating
emerged, aiming at building a decentralized, disintermediated their beliefs, desires, or intentions in blocks on the shared
system with data security. In Section IV, we will present ledger, using specific consensus algorithms ranging from the
several typical application scenarios for blockchain. inefficient but secured PoW to the simple majority voting.
Meanwhile, the self-executing smart contracts agreed among
IV. A PPLICATION S CENARIOS OF B LOCKCHAIN robots can help reduce the social complexity caused by human
interventions to the systems, and thus evolve the swarm system
Due to its advantages of TRUE and DAO, blockchain has
from a complex Merton system to a predictable and tractable
the potential of reshaping many traditional applications. In this
Newton system. This blockchain-based swarm robotics idea is
section, we briefly discuss four typical application scenarios,
particularly effective for dynamic and open systems, and can
each attracting many startup companies and investors.
help realize the so-called device democracy and decentralized
robot autonomy [24].
A. Blockchain-Powered Smart Devices
Blockchain, when integrated with smart contracts and
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, has the potential of B. Decentralized Sharing Economy
transforming devices into automatic “smart properties,” and Blockchain can serve as a key enabling technology for
in the future establishing an ecosystem and economy of the next generation of sharing economy. Although represent-
autonomous agents [25]. Three levels of intelligence, namely ing an important step toward economic disintermediation,
data-level, individual-level, and social-level intelligence, may most of sharing economy applications including Uber and
emerge in the life-time management and control of devices or Lyft are essentially centralized with online platforms serv-
vehicles. ing as middle-mans, resulting in unsatisfactory centralized
First, the data-level intelligence basically takes advantages decisions or risks such as surge pricing and privacy leaks.
of the techniques in the data layer in Fig. 3, and helps Blockchain-powered sharing economy can be considered as a
maintain a globally shared and secured ledger. The data in completely decentralized and disintermediated model, which
life-time events including manufacturing, registration, sales, offers secured, immutable, and P2P-stored shared ledgers for
leasing, maintenance, and insurance, as well as real-time all those transactions, representing the future shared econ-
sensor data including position, speed, and mileage, can be omy 2.0.
perceived and recorded in the blockchain ledger and synchro- One of the most successful application scenarios, so far, is
nized to all stakeholders. This can radically reduce costs in real-time ride-sharing. As illustrated in [6], Lazooz, widely
device management, for instance, for used car sale and leasing publicized as the blockchain version of Uber, aims to build an
industries. open-source, worldwide, and decentralized social transporta-
Second, mobile devices or vehicles, especially driverless tion network. Lazooz enables private car owners to share their
cars or drones, may become autonomous and adaptive agents empty seats with others traveling the same route.
that possess individual intelligence, and interact and trade with The underlying operation mechanism of Lazooz basically
other devices without intermediation [26], [27]. Thanks to the follows our six-layer blockchain model. Any device running
contract layer, we can imagine that vehicles are controlled by the DApp [29] of Lazooz, e.g., smartphones, wearable devices,
a cyber driver, which is an intelligent agent equipped with and computers of its community of users, can be registered as a
various algorithms and strategies, acting according to globally “road miner” in the Lazooz blockchain network. The realtime
agreed mechanisms, protocols and rules written as smart con- data generated in the network will be verified and stored in a
tracts on the blockchain ledger. This cyber driver manages, community-maintained crypto-ledger, through which all ride-
controls, and even own a physical vehicle, constituting a par- sharing behavior, schedules, and payments are coordinated and
allel driverless vehicle [23], [28]. Also, the cryptocurrency in executed (the data layer). Road miners are interconnected in a
the incentive layer makes it possible for vehicles to trade and P2P fashion without any central authority (the network layer).
pay for services such as self-parking, tolls, Wi-Fi hotspots, Rather than the commonly used consensus algorithms such

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as PoW, PoS, and DPoS, Lazooz designed a novel consensus decentralized systems. Finally, in the contract layer, customers
algorithm called “proof-of-movement,” which encourages road can use smart contracts to permanently and securely define
miners to drive with Lazooz’s DApp running on their devices. the bill of lading, payment terms, and other elements to a
This way, road miners can contribute to the community by completed cargo shipment, built on the ETH blockchain.
sharing their data along the way and helping Lazooz weave
the local social transportation Web (the consensus layer). As D. Blockchain-Based Enterprise Management and
reward, Lazooz automatically generates new tokens called Knowledge Automation
zooz to road miners, and these tokens can be used to pay
Blockchain, together with blockchain-powered smart con-
for ride-sharing and other transportation services (the incen-
tracts, have the potential of reshaping traditional enterprise
tive layer). Furthermore, various algorithms are designed and
management process, especially in its knowledge automa-
integrated into Lazooz’s DApp. These algorithms can be used
tion workflows including modeling, validation, integration, and
to make specific decisions without human intervention, e.g.,
implementation. Knowledge automation can be considered as
detecting the usage rate of specific geographic region and acti-
a novel research direction for further development of artifi-
vating the service in the region where the number of active
cial intelligence technology, and also a general framework for
users exceeds the “critical mass,” and so on (the contract
dealing with management of complex business processes. The
layer). To summarize, Lazooz can be viewed as a decentral-
goal of knowledge automation is from UDC to AFC, that
ized, self-managed DAO. Its formal decisions are collectively
is, dealing with complex management issues of uncertainty,
made by the community according to each users weight,
diversity, and complexity with capacity of agility, focus, and
which represents the users contribution to the community
convergence [24].
and will be updated via public voting process. In our view-
More specifically, blockchain can be integrated into enter-
point, Lazooz, together with Arcade City and other companies
prise business process in the following aspects. First,
with the similar business model, represent the future trend of
blockchain-powered smart contracts can help automate the
blockchain-enabled social transportation and will reshape the
rules and regulations predefined by enterprise managers, so
sharing economy [6], [30], [31].
as to reduce the operation costs and the human intervention.
Second, internal tokens or coins can be designed and issued as
C. Blockchain-Powered Freight Transportation incentives to help improve the employees’ performance. Third,
enterprise data can be stored in a decentralized and secured
Freight transportation, especially the global shipping indus-
fashion, and validated using a consortium blockchain by all
try, plays a vital role in modern transportation systems and
departments in the enterprise. Finally, employees can cooper-
international economy. However, many long-standing prob-
ate with each other on a specific task, forming various DAOs.
lems, especially the undesirable operational costs, efficiency,
This can help flatten the organization structure, and improve
and data interoperability, remain open in this area. Blockchain
the management efficiency and effectiveness.
can serve as a potential solution to tackling these problems.
Using blockchain, service providers can create a permanent
digital shared ledger of transactions, on which a distributed V. C ONCLUSION
network of stakeholders can communicate and coordinate with As fundamental technologies with transformative potentials,
each other according to unified standards and procedures. blockchain and cryptocurrencies have found a wide spectrum
Designated parties can cryptographically add record to and of application scenarios in various types of industries, ranging
retrieve data from the ledger using any devices including from the underlying techniques of data storage, encryption,
mobile phones, tablets, and personal computers, eliminating and verification, to the middle level of finance and asset man-
the need for costly and proprietary infrastructure and radically agement, and to a variety of high-level business models. In
reducing the complexities. To sum up, this blockchain-based this paper, we present the technical details of Bitcoin and
solution has the potential of evolving traditional freight trans- other cryptocurrencies, propose a six-layer reference model
portation to better track orders and assets, reduce errors and for the blockchain framework, and discuss several potential
frauds, increase operational transparency ,and offer greater application scenarios. The main aim of this paper is to stimu-
security. late more detailed investigation and innovative research in this
As an illustrative example, we here briefly introduce new direction.
Blockfreight, a startup aiming at designing open-source,
immutable, and distributed end-to-end blockchain solution R EFERENCES
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