Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha SB Canto 11 Overview
Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha SB Canto 11 Overview
Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha SB Canto 11 Overview
Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 At a Glance
Q1. What is the In 11.2.48, Lord’s Hearing about In 11.3.48 it was said that the
supreme good? maya is bhakti to Narayana devotee should worship the Lord in
& how one mentioned, so in 11.3.33, Nimi the particular personal form that
engages in Nimi inquired, inquired, Q5. the devotee finds most attractive. So
Devotional Q3. We wish to Explain the nimi inquired, Q7. Please tell us
service? learn about transcendental about various pastimes Hari in
(11.2.30-31 ) illusory potency ? situation of various incarnations?(11.4.1)
(11.3.1) Supreme Lord,
Näräyaëa who is
A1 By Kavi Brahman & also
(11.2.33-43): I A3 By A7 By Drumila (11.4.2-23):
Paramatma? Describes Purusha avatars, guna
consider that Antariksha (11.3.34)
worship of the (11.3.2-16): Mäyä avtaras. Pastime of Nara-Narayana
Lord’s lotus feet is made of gunas, Rishi, & Other incarnations
A5 By Pippaläyana
is the highest so gunas are (11.3.35 - 40):
goal since all defined in terms Transcendental Even after knowing Lord’s great
dharmas have an of their effect, situation of fame through His appearances,
element of fear, i.e. Creation Narayana, Brahman some people reject Him, Nimi was
but bhakti gives Maintenance & Paramatma surprised & inquired, Q8. Explain
fearlessness. He Destruction. the destination of those who for the
also describes In 11.3.40, Nimi most part never worship Lord?
characteristics After hearing heard that one (11.5.1)
& power of about maya, for becomes freed from
bhakti. the benefit of contamination of
gunas & karma by A8. By Camasa (11.5.2-18) Those
karmis, Nimi who are ignorant deserves mercy
11.2.43 inquired, Q4. process of Bhakti,
described about Q6. Please speak and those who are learned but fail to
How even a
the devotees, how one can be respect Lord fall from position,
foolish materialist
Thus Nimi can easily cross purified of karma
inquired, Q2. over Lord’s by process of Such persons cannot be delivered
Explain me karma-yoga? except by the appearance of the
maya? (11.3.17)
about the (11.3.41) Lord in this world. Thus Nimi
devotees, their inquired, Q9. Explain me about
A4 By
nature, different Prabuddha A6 By Ävirhotra Yuga avatara`s color, form, name
types?(11.2.44) (11.3.18-33): One (11.3.43-55) Vedas and method of worship?(11.5.19)
can overcome prescribe this
A2 By Havi maya by indirect path to
liberate people from A9. By Karabhäjana (11.5.20-42)
(11.2.45-55): performance of Description of the Yugavatras for 4
Nature and Bhakti. Perform karma. One who
desires to quickly ages, & the characteristics of people
types of sadhana bhakti of that age. Describes the
devotees, under the shelter cut the knot of false
ego, should directly advantages of Kaliyuga & glorifies
conduct of of guru. Sadhana Sankirtana.
devotee, leads to prema take to worship of
outward then one Lord Keshava.
symptoms & overcomes maya Archana vidhi is Narada Muni glorifies the path of
speech of easily as described in Bhakti & good fottune of Vausdeva
devotee. secondary result. 11.3.48-55.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
Uddhava heard about paths of For tha sake of people who desire
11.7: Kåñëa could not hide his Karma, Jnana and Bhakti, in
intentions from Uddhava. Krsna liberation, Uddhava inquires Q8.
11.11-12, he is confused which By what process should one who
advices Uddhava to take the path to follow. Thus inquires Q4.
renounced order of life. Uddhava: desires liberation meditate upon
The doubts in my heart does not you?(11.14.31)
Q1. Giving up material enjoyment go away? (Explain me which
is very difficult Please instruct me process to be followed) (11.12.16)
how to accomplish the jnana? A8(11.14): The process of
(11.7.14-18) meditation on Lord’s form. By
A4(11.12-13): Lord starts this process an yogi acquires
explaining the path of Jnana, and mystic siddhis.
A1(11.7-10): Krsna answers by how to get that knowledge by
citing the realizations of cultivating mode of goodness.
Avadhüta Brähmaëa. Lessons Q9. How many siddhis are there?
By what type of concentration
that Avadhüta Brähmaëa learned Hearing about the knowledge,
Uddhava inquires Q5. Why a they can be achieved?(11.15.2)
from his 24 gurus and his body.
11.7: 8 gurus, 11.8: 9 gurus person in knowledge tries to enjoy
including the story of Piìgalä, the futile material life? (11.13.18) A9(11.15): 8 primary and 10
11.9: 7 gurus + body. secondary mystic siddhis, process
to attain them. Lord explains the
11.10: Uselessness of fruitive acts, A5. Because of Misidentification futility of these mystic siddhis.
refutation of Jaimini ‘s with body, and afflicted by
philosophy, and the bondage of material desires one engages in Having heard that all powers
the jiva. material acts. So one should arise from the Lord in SB 11.15.3,
withdraw the mind from all other Uddhava became curious about
Q2. How did jiva become bound objects and absorb it in Me. This the various powers of the Lord,
up? By what symptoms a nitya- is the yoga system taught by Q10. Please explain to me your
siddha is identified?(11.10.35-37) Sanaka kumara. vibhütis which you manifest in all
directions? (11.16.5)
A2(11.11):Spirit soul is never
entangled in the material energy, Q6. I desire to know when and in
what form did you instruct the A10(11.16) : Material and spiritual
bondage is creation of avidya. opulences of the Lord.
Lord explains the difference b/w science of yoga to Sanaka and his
conditioned soul and liberated brothers? (11.13.15)
Having heard jïäna, bhakti and
soul, path of karma, Jnana, and añöäìga-yoga in previous chapters,
devotional service in the A6(11.13): Appearance of Lord Uddhava asks about karma-yoga,
association of devotees. Hamsa, and explains sankhya to
Q11. Explain to me how all
the sages.
Q3. What type of person do you human beings can achieve mixed
consider to be a true devotee? bhakti for you by the execution of
What type of devotional service is Q7. Sages recommend various their prescribed duties?(11.17.1-2)
approved by great devotees? sädhanas for perfecting one’s life.
(11.11.26-28) Are they equally important? Is A11(11.17-18): 11.17: Origin of the
one among them the best? Varëäçrama system, Qualities of
A3(11.11.29-11.12.14): Explains four varnas, duties of
qualities of mixed & pure A7(11.14): Lord explains reasons brahmacaris and householders.
devotees in 11.11.29-33, and for the exsistence of different 11.18: The duties of the
activities of devotional service. processes, and establishes the vänaprastha and sannyäsa orders,
Glorifies the association of superiority of Bhakti. also description of a devotee
devotees and establishes the without äçrama.
position of gopis.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB.11.1. THE CURSE UPON THE SB 11.1.9 - What was the motive for this curse?
What did it consist of? How can disagreement come
YADU DYNASTY between Yadus? Please tell me all these things.
SB 11.1.1-7: The purpose of Lord Krsna’s descent and SB 11.1.10-24: The story of Brahmanas cursing the
His desire to remove the Yadus from earth planet Yadus
SB 11.1.1 - Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said: Lord Krsna& SB 11.1.10 - Çukadeva Gosvämé said: Lord executed
Balaram killed many demons & removed the burden all auspicious activities while on the earth, although
of the earth in Battle of Kurukñetra. all His desires are already satisfied. Now Lord wants
SB 11.1.2 –Because Pandavas were enraged by the to annihilate His dynasty.
various offenses of the Kauranvas, Lord engaged SB 11.1.11-12 - The sages Viçvämitra, Asita, Kaëva,
them as immediate cause to execute His will. Durväsä, Bhågu, Aìgirä, Kaçyapa, Vämadeva, Atri,
Through this war Lord removed all burden. Vasiñöha,&Närada along with others, once
3-4: Lord Kåñëa’s thoughts performed ritual @ Vasudeva’s house. This ritual
SB 11.1.3 – “Although some may say that burden is brings oppulance, happiness and takes away sins of
gone, but it’s still there as Yädava dynasty itself, Kali-yuga just by being recounted. After that they
whose strength is unbearable” went to a place called Piëòäraka.
SB 11.1.4 -, "No outside force could ever win over SB 11.1.13-15 –The Young boys of Yadus brought
the Yadus, who are surrender to Me. Only if I Samba dressed in woman’s grab approached the
inspire a quarrel among Yadus (Anl:) like fire from sages and asked “She is too shy please tell us
friction of bamboo, My purpose will be fulfiled & I whether her child will be a boy or a girl."
can return to My eternal abode” SB 11.1.16 –The sages became angry & told, "Fools!
SB 11.1.5 –The Supreme Lord whose desire always She will bear you an iron club that will destroy your
comes to pass made up His mind, withdrew His entire dynasty."
family on the pretext of a curse by brähmaëas. SB 11.1.17 –The boys were terrified & they observed
SB 11.1.6-7 – krsna is satisfied: (i) with the beaty of the iron club as told by the sages.
personal form He has stole the eyes of people from SB 11.1.18 –Boys said "Oh, what have we done?
other objects, (ii) With His words He has attracted What will our family members say to us?" they
the minds of people who rememeber them, (iii) with returned to their homes, taking the club with them.
His foot steps He made people offer themselves and SB 11.1.19 –Their lustre of their faces faded, brought
become followers, (iv) He spreadHis glory, which the club to the assembly & told everything.
will be sung in the Vedas, by this even people n the SB 11.1.20 –When the inhabitants of Dvärakä heard
future can also cross beyond the darkness. about the curse they became fearful.
Being satisfied with this arrangement He left for His SB 11.1.21 - After having the club ground to bits,
desired destination. Ugrasena personally threw the pieces, along with the
sva-mürtyä loka-lävaëya- nirmuktyä locanaà remaining lump of iron, into the water of the ocean.
nåëäm SB 11.1.22 - A fish swallowed the iron lump, & the
gérbhis täù smaratäà cittaà padais tän ékñatäà bits of iron, came back by the waves, implanted
kriyäù themselves there and grew into tall, sharp canes.
äcchidya kértià su-çlokäà vitatya hy aïjasä nu kau SB 11.1.23 - The iron lump in the fish's stomach was
tamo 'nayä tariñyantéty agät svaà padam éçvaraù taken by the hunter Jarä, who fixed it as an
arrowhead at the end of his shaft.
SB 11.1.8-9: PM inquires about the curse by SB 11.1.24 –The all-knowing Supreme Lord, though
Brahmana’s and Yadus annihilation capable of reversing the brähmaëas' curse, did not
SB 11.1.8 - King Parékñit inquired: Våñëis are always wish to do so. Rather, in His form of time, He
respectful to the Bramhanas, & inclined to serve gladly sanctioned the events.
them. How could they receive the curse? ---
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.2.22 – These sages wandered the earth seeing SB 11.2.32-43: Sri Kavi speaks on bhägavata-dharma,
all the gross/subtle objects as a manifestation of the the most beneficial thing for all
Supreme Lord, & as non-different from the self. SB 11.2.32 - Çré Närada said: The nine Yogendras
SB 11.2.23 – The 9 Yogendras can travel anywhere congratulated the King for his questions and spoke
in the universe & no force can check their moment. to him with affection in presence of all members.
SB 11.2.24 – Once in Ajanäbha they came to see the 33-43: Çré Kavi to Nimi
sacrifice of Mahäräja Nimi which was being carried SB 11.2.33 –How to become fearless: One can
under direction of elevated sages. achieve all freedom from the fear, which comes due
SB 11.2.25 – Seeing those pure devotees of the Lord, to misidentification, by worshipping Supreme Lord.
who are like sun in brilliance, all the Bramhanas & manye 'kutaçcid-bhayam acyutasya
even sacrificial-fire stood in respect. pädämbujopäsanam atra nityam
SB 11.2.26 – Nimi Maharaj understood that the nine udvigna-buddher asad-ätma-bhäväd
sages as exalted devotees. He offered them suitable viçvätmanä yatra nivartate bhéù
places & worshiped them properly like Supreme
SB 11.2.34 – The process to become fearless:
Everyone come to know about the Supreme Lord by
SB 11.2.27 – The king bowed down his head &
the process given by Himself which is known as
proceeded to question the 9 sages. Their effulgence
is same as that of Kumaras.
ye vai bhagavatä proktä upäyä hy ätma-labdhaye
aïjaù puàsäm aviduñäà viddhi bhägavatän hi tän
SB 11.2.27-31: King Nimi glorifies the pure *SB 11.2.35 – Glorification of the Process: One who
devotional service and enquires about everyone’s accepts this process of Devotional Service to the
ultimate good Supreme Lord will never blunder on his path in this
SB 11.2.28 - King Videha said: I think that you must world. Even while running with eyes closed, he will
be direct associates of the Supreme Lord. The pure never trip or fall.
devotees of Lord wander to purify all the LE’s. yän ästhäya naro räjan na pramädyeta karhicit
SB 11.2.29 – For the conditioned souls, the human dhävan nimélya vä netre na skhalen na pated iha
body is most difficult to achieve, and it can be lost at SB 11.2.36 – How to perform the process: In
any moment. But I think that even those who have accordance with the nature from the conditioned life
achieved human life rarely gain the association of whatever one does with B, M, W, Senses (or)
pure devotees. Consciousness one should offer thinking “This is for
durlabho mänuño deho the pleasure of Lord Näräyaëa."
dehinäà kñaëa-bhaìguraù käyena väcä manasendriyair vä
taträpi durlabhaà manye buddhyätmanä vänusåta-svabhävät
vaikuëöha-priya-darçanam karoti yad yat sakalaà parasmai
SB 11.2.30 – Please tell me what the supreme good näräyaëäyeti samarpayet tat
is? Even a half a moment’s association with devotees SB 11.2.37 – The root cause of Fear: For the jéva
in this world is a priceless treasure of any man. averse to the Lord, there will be saàsära consisting
ata ätyantikaà kñemaà of identity with body & lack of identity with the
påcchämo bhavato 'naghäù soul, because of his absorption in the material
saàsäre 'smin kñaëärdho 'pi coverings on the soul, arising from the Lord’s mäyä.
sat-saìgaù çevadhir nåëäm Therefore, the intelligent person, taking guru as his
SB 11.2.31 – Please speak about the process of Lord and very self, should fully worship the Lord
devotional service to Lord, if I am qualified of with pure bhakti.
hearing these topics. Devotional service immediately bhayaà dvitéyäbhiniveçataù syäd,
satisfies Lord and Lord gives His own self. éçäd apetasya viparyayo 'småtiù
tan-mäyayäto budha äbhajet taà,
bhaktyaikayeçaà guru-devatätmä
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.2.38 – Fearful stage -> Fearless stage: Jiva SB 11.2.44-55: Sri Havir replies to Nimi
experiences this material world as real because of his SB 11.2.44 - Nimi’s 2nd question: What are the
conditioning. Anl: It’s like a suffering in a dream religious principles (dharma), natural proclivities
which has no existence beyond reality. One should (svabhäva), behavior (äcära), speech (väkya) and
control the mind restricting it from the illusion & outward symptoms (lakñaëa) of a devotee of the
when mind thus controlled he will experience actual Lord?
fearlessness. 45-55: Havir replies
avidyamäno 'py avabhäti hi dvayo
45-47: Nature and categories of devotees
dhyätur dhiyä svapna-manorathau yathä
SB 11.2.45 – Symptoms of Uttama Adhikari: The
tat karma-saìkalpa-vikalpakaà mano most advanced devotee sees the Lord within
budho nirundhyäd abhayaà tataù syät everything. So he sees everything in relation to Him
SB 11.2.39 – Where to use this fearlessness -> in & understands that everything is eternally situated
Preaching: An intelligent man should give up all within the Lord.
attachments & wander freely w/o shame hearing & sarva-bhüteñu yaù paçyed bhagavad-bhävam
chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. The Holy ätmanaù
Name of Lord is all-auspicious which brings bhütäni bhagavaty ätmany eña bhägavatottamaù
salvation to all the conditioned souls & should be
SB 11.2.46 – Symptoms of Madyama Adhikari: he (i)
sung throughout the world.
offers his love to the Supreme Lord, (ii) is a sincere
SB 11.2.40 – Result of Preaching -> Pure love of friend to all the devotees of the Lord, (iii) shows
Godhead: Regulated with such devotion, chanting
mercy to innocent people & (iv) disregards those
the name of his dear Kåñëa, he develops prema. His
who are envious of the Supreme Lord.
heart melts & he laughs loudly, weeps, cries &
ésvare tad-adhéneñu bäliçeñu dviñatsu ca
sings. He dances like a madman w/o regard for the
prema-maitré-kåpopekñä yaù karoti sa madhyamaù
SB 11.2.47 – Symptoms of Kanista Adhikari: A
evaà-vrataù sva-priya-näma-kértyä
devotee who faithfully engages in Deity worship but
jätänurägo druta-citta uccaiù
does not behave properly toward other devotees is
hasaty atho roditi rauti gäyaty
called a präkåta-bhakta, a materialistic devotee
unmäda-van nåtyati loka-bähyaù arcäyäm eva haraye püjäà yaù çraddhayehate
SB 11.2.41 – Expected vision of a devotee -> Ecology na tad-bhakteñu cänyeñu sa bhaktaù präkåtaù småtaù
verse: Devotee should not see anything separate
48-50: Conduct of Uttama Adhikari
from the Lord. All the Pancha-bhutas, luminaries,
SB 11.2.48 – Always remains transcendental: Even
LE’s, trees, plants & water bodies as an expansions
while engaging his senses in contact with their
of the Lord & should offer His respects.
objects, one who sees this whole world as the energy
SB 11.2.42 – Expected realization by practising PDS:
of Lord Viñëu is neither repelled nor elated. He is
Devotion, Realization of Supreme Lord and
indeed the greatest among devotees.
Detachment from M/W occurs simultaneously like
gåhétväpéndriyair arthän yo na dveñöi na håñyati
pleasure, nourishment and relief occurs with each
viñëor mäyäm idaà paçyan sa vai bhägavatottamaù
bite for a person engaged in eating.
SB 11.2.49 – Symptoms: A foremost devotee of Lord
bhaktiù pareçänubhavo viraktir
remains aloof & not bewildered by the inevitable
anyatra caiña trika eka-kälaù
miseries of material nature - (i) Body expose to ->
prapadyamänasya yathäçnataù syus
birth & decay (ii) Prana -> by hunger & thirst;(iii)
tuñöiù puñöiù kñud-apäyo 'nu-ghäsam
Mind -> anxious all times (iv) intelligence ->
SB 11.2.43 – A devotee achieves the Supreme Peace:
Hankers for which is not obtained (v) Senses ->
The devotee who worships the Lotus feet of Lord
exhausted by struggle in M/W;
with endless endeavour achieves ananya bhakti,
SB 11.2.50 – Behaviour: Free from fruitive activities
detachment & realization thus he achieves supreme
which are based on lust. Plans to enjoy sex-life,
spiritual peace.
prestige & money cannot come in his mind.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.3.12 - Then Vairäja Brahmä, gives up his SB 11.3.21 – Qualification of Spiritual Master:
universal body & enters into the subtle un-manifest Therefore one must approach bona fide spiritual
nature. Anl: like a fire that has run out of fuel. master for happiness. (i) He has realized the
13-15: Orders of annihilation conclusions of the scriptures by deliberation and (ii)
SB 11.3.13 - Deprived of aroma by the wind, the is able to convince others of these conclusions & (iii)
element earth is transformed into water; & water, who have taken shelter of the Supreme Lord, leaving
deprived of its taste by wind, is merged into fire. aside all material considerations.
SB 11.3.14 - Fire, deprived of its form, dissolves into tasmäd guruà prapadyeta jijïäsuù çreya uttamam
the element air. When the air loses its quality of çäbde pare ca niñëätaà brahmaëy upaçamäçrayam
touch merges into that space. When space is SB 11.3.22 – Serve Guru: (i) Accept Guru as one life
deprived of its tangible quality merges into false ego & Soul (ii) learn about Pure Devotional Service. (iii)
in the moI. Serve the Guru without duplicity. Result: Lord, who
SB 11.3.15 - Material senses & intelligence merges gives Himself to His devotees, being satisfied gives
into False Ego in the moP; the mind, along with the Himself to Disciple.
demigods, merges into false ego in the moG. Then 23-30: practice of devotional service
the total False Ego, along with all of its qualities, SB 11.3.23 – Dealing properly with every one: (i)
merges into the mahat-tattva. dissociate the mind from everything material (ii)
SB 11.3.16 – I have described about Maya of associate with Guru & other devotees. (iii) Be
Supreme Lord consists of 3 modes are empowered merciful to inferior, (iv) cultivate friendship with
by the Lord. What more do you want to hear. equals (v) Serve the superiosrs.
SB 11.3.24 – Qualities to be cultivated: To serve the
SB 11.3.17-33: Sri Prabuddha speaks about the Guru the disciple should learn cleanliness, austerity,
method of becoming free from mäyä's tolerance, silence, Svadyaya simplicity, celibacy,
insurmountable grip nonviolence, & equanimity in the face of material
SB 11.3.17 - King Nimi 4th Question: How can one dualities such as heat & cold, happiness and distress.
who is a foolish materialist become disassociated SB 11.3.25 – Equal Vision: See oneself as all
from this Maya? cognizant Soul & seeing Lord as Supreme
18-33: Prabuddha answers Controller. To increase meditation: Be in secluded
place & detachment to the family. One should give
18-20: No happiness in Material world
up all bodily demands & be satisfied in all
SB 11.3.18 – Sex life – opposite result: Male &
Female CS’s come together & endeavours for
SB 11.3.26 – Conviction: One should have a firm
happiness but never able to get it & they grow old
faith that all success comes by following the
& their material discomfort increases.
devotional scriptures & never blaspheme other
karmäëy ärabhamäëänäà duùkha-hatyai sukhäya ca
scriptures. Practice: Control of mind, speech, senses
paçyet päka-viparyäsaà mithuné-cäriëäà nåëäm
bodily activities. Speak truth all times.
SB 11.3.19 – Money: is most difficult to acquire &
SB 11.3.27-28 – Serving Lord: One should practice
virtual death of a soul. No one gets solution from
hearing, glorifying, and meditating on the nama,
this wealth. How can one get happiness from those
rupa & lila of the Supreme Lord. All activities
maintained by this money?
should be meant for Lord’s satisfaction. Everything
nityärtidena vittena durlabhenätma-måtyunä
pleasing/enjoyable should be offered to the Lord
gåhäpatyäpta-paçubhiù kä prétiù sädhitaiç calaiù
including his wife, children, home & very life air.
SB 11.3.20 – Heaven: (i) Going is difficult (ii)
SB 11.3.29 – (i) Highest duty - cultivate friendship
Rivalry is exists there also (iii) They are always
with the Devotees (ii) Serve all the living beings (iii)
fearful of exhausting piety. Anl: Like kings though
Try to help Human beings especially who accept the
enviously admired by ordinary citizens, are
religious behaviour (iv) render service to Pure
constantly harassed by enemy kings.
Devotes exclusively.
21-22: Approaching a bona fide guru
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.3.30 – Association of devotees: (i) One should otherwise restriction (negative injunctions) in the
associate with devotees through Sankirtan, which is Vedas have no purpose.
most purifying, (ii) by developing friendship [Living entity never equal to Lord – Supreme Lord
devotees feel mutual happiness & satisfaction, (iii) has to exist separate from living entity.]
By encouraging one another one can give up SG. SB 11.3.37 – Pürva-pakña: Brahman is cause of
Parasparänukathanaà pävanaà bhagavad-yaçaù Samsara:(Subtle cause and gross effect) One
mitho ratir mithas tuñöir nivåttir mitha ätmanaù Bramhan -> 3 Modes -> Sutra, Mahat- tattva,
31-32: Result – love of Godhead Ahankara -> Devatas, senses, Sense Objects, &
SB 11.3.31 – The devotees of the Lord constantly results namely happiness and distress. But Brahman,
discuss about the pastimes of the Lord. Principles of the source, is simultaneously transcendental being
Devotional Service take away everything Absolute.
inauspicious. Being purified of all impediments [PP: Absolute Truth possesses innumerable potencies]
devotes exhibits ecstatic symptoms. SB 11.3.38 – Siddhänta: Many roles of Living entity
smarantaù smärayantaç ca in MW: Brahman beyond birth & death. Jiva is
mitho 'ghaugha-haraà harim knower of Material body in all phases. Soul is the
bhaktyä saïjätayä bhaktyä pure consciousness existing everywhere & never
bibhraty utpulakäà tanum destroyed. One but accepts various material
SB 11.3.32 – Symptoms: Sometimes - (i) Cry out designations in contact with the material body. Anl:
loud - absorbed in thought of Lord (ii) Laugh, feel As the life air manifests as many in contact with
great pleasure, speak out loud to the Lord, dance or senses
sing, (iii) having transcended material, conditioned SB 11.3.39 – Saìgati: perceiving soul: Soul is same
life, imitate the Lord by acting out His pastimes (iv) despite its material condition of life. Anl: Jiva is
remain peaceful and silent - achieving His personal born in many different forms but the prana remains
audience. the same. Experience: After the deep sleep one can
SB 11.3.33 – Conclusion: thus learning science of remember that one was slept peacefully.
bhakti one comes to stage of Love of Godhead. And SB 11.3.40 – Attain perfection by bhakti: When One
by complete devotion one easily crosses maya. practices DS as their life & soul, impure desires of
the heart go away which comes because of pervious
SB 11.3.34-40: Sri Pippaläyana speaks about the guna & karma. Then one can realize form of Lord
transcendental situation of Näräyaëa like one can see the Sun.
SB 11.3.34 - King Nimi 5th question: What is the [PP: BSST stages of standard logic: V35 establishes
true identity of Bramhan – transcendental position the viñaya, or general thesis. V36 manifests saàçaya,
of Narayana? or an expression of doubt. V37 gives the pürva-
35-40: Sri Pippaläyana answers pakña, or opposing argument. And V38 definitely
SB 11.3.35 – Viñaya: Lord is the cause of C M D. establishes the siddhänta, or conclusion. V39 presents
Lord exists in 3 states of intelligence & is beyond saìgati, the summary]
them. As He enlivens all the subtle & gross organs
of the body their functions begin. My dear King, SB 11.3.41-55: Sri Ävirhotra speaks on the process of
know that Lord to be the Supreme. karma-yoga, karma, vikarma and naiñkarmya
[PP: Here three features of AT are described] SB 11.3.41 - King Nimi’s 6th question: Please speak
36-39: Description of Brahman and Jiva about Karma Yoga, purified with it one can attain
SB 11.3.36 – Saàçaya: None of the senses can know transcendental platform.
Lord Anl: sparks cannot affect the original fire from SB 11.3.42 – In the past I have asked the same
which they are generated. question to Four Kumaras, but they did not answer
Vedic scriptures cannot describe AT perfectly, they to my question please tell me the reason.
themselves say AT cannot be expressed in words. 43-55: Çré Ävirhotra replies
But Vedas indirectly indicate the Supreme Lord 43-46: Come to platform of Niskama karma yoga
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.3.43 – Even Great persons are bewildered: thinking He is a Super soul. Take back the Maha of
Karma, Vikarma & Akarma can be understood by Deity respectfully & thus conclude the worship.
Vedic literature, not by speculation. Vedas are SB 11.3.55 – Vision of liberated soul: Worshiper
sound incarnation of Lord & are perfect. Even the recognizes that Supreme Lord is all pervading &
great sage are bewildered if they neglect the Vedic worship through all elements and in the hearts of
authority. everyone, with this realization one achieves the
SB 11.3.44 – Goal of Pravarthi marg -> go to liberation.
Nivrtthi Marg: Foolish people are attached to
fruitive activities although the goal is to be free of ---
them. Vedas first gives regulated activities. Anl: like
father giving medicine through sugar candy.
SB 11.3.45 - No sense control -> caught up in
samsara: If a person who has no sense control & not INCARNATIONS OF GODHEAD TO KING
adhere to Vedas & engages in sinful & irreligious NIMI
activities, his reward will be repeated birth & death.
SB 11.3.46 – Come to NKY, Fruits activates meant
for stimulation: By doing Niskama karma Yoga one SB 11.4.1-23: Drumila speaks on various pastimes of
will be free from the bondage. Fruitive results meant the various incarnations of God
for stimulating the interest not the actual goal of SB 11.4.1 - King Nimi’s 7th Question: Lord comes
Vedas. by His Yoga-Maya, What are the various pastimes
47-55: Approach Guru and worship deity of the various incarnations of God?
SB 11.3.47 – How to cut the knot of False Ego: In 2 - 23: Çré Drumila Answers
order to cut the knot of False Ego one must worship SB 11.4.2 - Lord’s transcendental qualities are
Supreme Lord with Rules & Regulation from the immeasurable: One can count all the particles of the
Vedas such as tantras earth, but cannot count the qualities of the Supreme
SB 11.3.48 – After initiation one must worship Ista- Lord, whoever tries to count them are foolish.
Vigraha: After getting the mercy of the Guru, the SB 11.4.3 – Purusa avataras: When Lord Näräyaëa
devotee should worship Supreme Lord in a entered the Universal body out of the 5 elements by
particular form of the Lord the devotee finds His plenary portion He became known as Puruña.
attractive. 4-5: Guna avataras
SB 11.3.49 – Initial preparations: (i) Clean the body SB 11.4.4 – From the Lord all the energies of the
& purify the body by präëäyäma etc. (ii) Mark the Jivas comes into existence, Lord is the source of C,
body for protection with tilak & (iii) Sit before the M, D through three gunas.
deity of Supreme Lord. SB 11.4.5 – The puruña appeared as Lord Bramha
SB 11.3.50-51 – Process of deity worship: Gather the through rajoguna, Lord Siva through tamoguna &
ingredients, make ready the offerings, the ground, as Lord Visnu for maintenance of the all Living
his mind & the Deity purify the sitting place & entities.
prepare the paraphernalia for worship, Devotee 6 – 23: Lila avataras
should place Deity in proper place & mind, offer SB 11.4.6 – Nara-Näräyaëa, were born to Dharma
worship with proper mantra. in the womb of Mürti, .They taught & performed
SB 11.3.52-53 – One should worship the actions with complete detachment and, worshipped
transcendental body, associates & weapons of the by the best of sages, remain alive even today.
Lord. Worship the Lord with regular procedure & 7 – Lord Nara-Näräyaëa humbles Cupid
at last offer the Prayers to Deity & offer SB 11.4.7 – Indra became afraid & sent the Cupid.
Obeisance’s. Cupid not knowing the Lord’s greatness went to
SB 11.3.54 – Attitude while Deity worship: Badarikäçrama with Apsaräs, & released arrows of
Worshipper should become absorbed himself as women’s glances. Only person who can see the
eternal servant of the Lord & worship the Deity
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
world as it is who does not have a desire to Lord it SB 11.4.21 – Lord Prasurama killed all the kñatriyas
over. for 21 generations. As Lord Rama, He killed
SB 11.4.8 – Lord understood the offence committed Ravana.
by Indra & w/o becoming proud addresses the SB 11.4.22 – To diminish the burden of the earth
trembling Cupid with perfect hospitality. Lord will take birth in the Yadu dynasty. Lord
9 – 11: Cupid offers prayer to Lord Nara- Buddha will come to propagate speculative
Näräyaëa philosophy; Lord Kalki will come to punish low class
SB 11.4.9 – When Lord spoke in this way Cupid & rulers.
other spoke to the Lord “Nothing is surprising for SB 11.4.23 – There are innumerable appearances &
You, as You are the supreme person w/o change” activities of the Supreme Lord. Glories of the Lord
SB 11.4.10 – DG’s place many obstacles on the are unlimited.
person who is on the path of Pure Devotional
Service. You are the protector of Your Devotee. ---
SB 11.4.11 – Some persons will cross the beyond the
influence of ours, but they fall victim into useless
anger & neither achieves liberation nor enjoyment.
12 – 16: Lord Nara-Näräyaëa’s gift to demigods TEACHINGS TO VASUDEVA
SB 11.4.12 – While DG’s praising Lord manifested
many women before their eyes who were much SB 11.5.1-18: Çré Camasa speaks on destination of
superior in all respects & all are serving the Lord.
SB 11.4.13 – DG’s were bewildered by the fragrance
SB 11.5.1 - King Nimi’s 8th Question: What is the
of their bodies, their splendid beauty was defeated.
aim or destination of one who is against the
SB 11.4.14 – Lord smiled and told them please
Supreme Lord and devoid of bhakti (in other words,
choose one of these women whomever you find
a nondevotee)?
suitable, she will be ornament for the heaven.
2-18: Çré Camasa answers
SB 11.4.15 – DG’s selected Urvaçé, Placing her in
SB 11.5.2 – Origin of varnasrama: Each of the
front of them out of respect, they returned to the
varnas and ashrams are generated from different
heavenly planets.
parts of the Universal form of the Lord according to
SB 11.4.16 – The servants of DG’s bowing down to
combination of modes.
Indra in the assembly & described the power of
SB 11.5.3 – Cause of fall down from varnasrama: (i)
na bhajanty – (out of ignorance) fails to worship
17-23: Other Lila Avataras
Lord, (ii) avajänanti - intentionally disrespect the
SB 11.4.17 – The Supreme Lord has appeared as
Haàsa, Dattätreya, the Kumäras and Åñabha.
ya eñäà puruñaà säkñäd ätma-prabhavam éçvaram
Viñëu, appearing in his portions, spoke
na bhajanty avajänanti sthänäd bhrañöäù patanty
Transcendental Knowledge. As Hayagréva, he killed
Madhu & recovered the Vedas.
SB 11.5.4 – Show mercy to the Ignorant: Persons
SB 11.4.18 – Description of activities of Matsya
devoid of devotee association, such as women and
Avatara, Varaha Avatara, Kurma Avatara & as
çüdras, who have very little opportunity to
Lord Hari He saved the Gajendra from the crisis.
participate in discourses, deserve your mercy.
SB 11.4.19 – Lord also delivered Välakhilyas when
5-10: Position and activities of those disrespect
they fell down into cows hoof print & Indra from
the sin of killing Vrtasura. Incarnation of Lord intentionally - avajänanti
Narasimha Dev to save Prahlad Maharaj. SB 11.5.5 - On the other hand Brahmanas, Ksatriyas
SB 11.4.20 – Lord comes to kill the leaders of the & Vaisyas bewildered in spite of the reading the
Demons and comes as Manvantara avataras. Lord Vedic literature because of their interpretation.
appeared as Vamana Dev on the plea of Aditi.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.5.6 – Such ignorant men w/o knowing how to SB 11.5.16 – Killer of Soul: Those who do not have
act pose themselves as learned whereas they were jnana for liberation but materially pious, become
being bewildered by the promising words in Vedas. absorbed in D, A & K. W/o anytime to hear about
SB 11.5.7 – Due to Rajo-Guna they become Lord, they become killers of soul.
subjected to terrible vows and feel lusty all the time, SB 11.5.17 – Always in distress: The killers of the
full of anger deceitful, sinful but mock themselves as soul can never be peaceful as they have neglected the
devotees. spiritual duties and using intelligence for material
SB 11.5.8 – Celebrates life ignorantly: Their homes life. Their hopes will be destroyed by time.
are dedicated sex life & give blessings to each other SB 11.5.18 - Destiny: Due to turning away from
and kill animals to make living without knowing Lord, under Maya, they have to give up their houses,
that is sinful. children, friends & women against their desire and
SB 11.5.9 – 8 reasons that make them proud: With enter into darkest region of Universe.
pride in wealth, power, good birth, education,
renunciation, beauty, strength, & performance of SB 11.5.19-42: Çré Karabhäjana describes
rituals, they become foolish & cruel, and disrespect yugävatäras
the devotees along with the Lord.
SB 11.5.19 - King Nimi’s 9th Question: What are
SB 11.5.10 – Speaks prajala: Lord is present in all
the respective colors, forms and names of the four
LE, but untouched as the sky. Lord is the worship
yugävatäras? What is the process of worshiping each
able object and describe in Vedas. But, instead of
of Them?
hearing about Lord, these people waste their time
20 – 42: Çré Karabhäjana answers
discussing their own mental concoctions, which deal
SB 11.5.20 - In each of the four yugas—Kåta, Tretä,
with sex and meat eating.
Dväpara and Kali—the Lord appears with various
11-13: Clarification of concessions in Vedas
complexions, names & forms & is worshiped by
SB 11.5.11 – Vedic injunctions provide for sex,
various processes.
intoxication etc..., as people in this world are
21-23: Satya-Yuga
attracted to them. Vedas never encourage these
SB 11.5.21 – Form of the Lord: In Satya-yuga the
activities; such ceremonies are meant for ultimate
Lord is white and four-armed, has matted locks. He
purpose – renunciation.
carries a black deerskin, a sacred thread, prayer
SB 11.5.12 – The purpose of wealth -> dharma ->
beads & a rod and water pot.
philosophical understanding of life -> realization of
SB 11.5.22 – People: in Satya-yuga, being peaceful,
AT -> liberation. But these people use it for
non-envious, merciful & steady in all situations,
maintenance of body w/o seeing insurmountable
with controlled senses worship the Supreme Lord.
death of the body.
SB 11.5.23 - Lord names: in Satya Yuga are Haàsa,
SB 11.5.13 – Actual injunctions: (i) Liquor is to be
Suparëa, Vaikuëöha, Dharma, Yogeçvara, Amala,
consumed by smelling, (ii) animals can be killed only
Éçvara, Puruña, Avyakta and Paramätmä.
for sacrifice not in slaughterhouse, (iii) Sex is only in
24-26: Treta-Yuga
marriage, for producing the child. But the less
SB 11.5.24 – Form of Lord: He is red in color and
intelligent does not know that the duties should be
his name is Rakta. He wears a three stranded belt.
performed in spiritual platform.
He is the form of sacrifice, because he possesses the
14-18: Fate of materialistic people
three Vedas. Sacrifice is the method of worship in
SB 11.5.14 – Next life – Animal: Considering
this age.
themselves pious but ignorant of religious principles,
SB 11.5.25 – People: fixed in dharma in this Yuga &
they kill, w/o regret, the innocent animals who trust
interested in achieving Absolute Truth through the
them. They will be eaten by same in next life.
sacrifice taught in three vedas.
SB 11.5.15 – Hell: (i) Hating the Lord & other LE,
SB 11.5.26 - Lord Names: in Treta Yuga are Viñëu,
(ii) bound by affection to their bodies and relatives,
Yajïa, Påçnigarbha, Sarvadeva, Urukrama,
they fall to hell.
Våñäkapi, Jayanta and Urugäya.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.5.43 – 50 Närada Muni’s concluding words SB 11.6. THE YADU DYNASTY RETIRES
SB 11.5.43 – After hearing the science of Bhakti, TO PRABHÄSA
King & the priests felt extremely satisfied &
worshipped all the s/o Jayanté.
SB 11.5.44 – The perfect sages then disappeared SB 11.6.1- 6 DG’s approached the Lord @ Dvärakä
before everyone. King Nimi, fixed in the principles SB 11.6.1 - Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said: Lord Brahmä
of spiritual life, achieved the supreme goal. then set off for Dvärakä, accompanied by his sons,
45-50: Narada Muni Praises Vasudeva’s Good the DG’s & Prajäpatis. Çiva, also went, along with
Fortune his followers
SB 11.5.45 – Simply apply with faith these principles SB 11.6.2-4 – List of various people have been given.
of DS & thus, being free from material association, Kåñëa, the Supreme Lord, enchanted all humans &
you will attain the Supreme Lord. spread His own fame all over the worlds. The Lord's
SB 11.5.46 - The whole world has become filled with glories destroy all impurity within the universe.
the glories of you & your wife because the Supreme SB 11.6.5 - In that resplendent city of Dvärakä, rich
Lord has taken the position of your son. with all superior wealth, DG’s beheld with un-
SB 11.5.47 – You & Your wife Devaki manifested satiated eyes the wonderful form of Kåñëa.
love for Krnsa & have purified by associating with SB 11.6.6 – DG’s covered the Lord with heavenly
Him in various intimate ways. garlands & praised Him with chosen words.
SB 11.5.48 – Inimical kings has achieved perfection
by simply meditating upon the Supreme Lord, what SB 11.6.7- 19 DG’s Prayers to the Lord’s LF
speak of those devotees who fixed their minds on SB 11.6.7 – The persons who are striving for
Lord Krsna in favourable mood. liberation meditate on Your Lotus Feet. Dedicating
SB 11.5.49 – Do not think of Krsna as an ordinary all our possessions we bow down at Your Lotus
child, He is Supreme Lord, concealed His Feet.
inconceivable opulences & thus outwardly SB 11.6.8 – You are the cause of C, M, D through
appearing to be an ordinary human being. the 3 modes, yet You are aloof and above & not
SB 11.5.50 – The Lord descended to kill the contaminated by any of these things.
demoniac kings & to protect the saintly devotees, & SB 11.6.9 – The persons with polluted consciousness
to award liberation to the demons and prema to the cannot purify themselves by knowledge, study of the
devotees. His fame has spread throughout the Vedas, charity, austerity or ritual activities. Pure
universe. souls with faith can be completely purified by the
narrations about Your pastimes.
SB 11.5.51 - Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé Said: Vasudeva SB 11.6.10 – (i) Great sages always cherishes Your
was completely struck with wonder. Vasudeva & Lotus feet out of Prema. (ii) Those who desire Sarsti
Devaki gave up all illusion and freed from anxiety. liberation worship Your Lotus Feet 3 times a day.
SB 11.5.52 – Phala-stuti: Anyone who meditates on (iii) Your LF are like blazing fire that burns away all
this pure historical narration with attention will inauspicious desires
destroy ignorance in this very life & thus achieve SB 11.6.11 – Those who offer oblations in sacrifice
liberation. according to 3 Vedas meditate on Your LF. Yogis
meditate on Your LF to cross over Maya. Pure
devotes worship You w/o any material desires.
SB 11.6.12 – Humility of DGs: You are so kind that
You have accepted withered garland offered by us
on Your chest, neglecting even GoF who may
become agitated like jealous co-wife. May Your LF
burn away all inauspicious desires within our heart!
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.6.13 – May that Lotus Feet which brought the also distributed your glories which destroy the sins
Ganges River down and awarded us the victory of all worlds.
purifies us from all the sins. SB 11.6.23 - Descending into the dynasty of King
14-15: Lord is the Supreme Controller Yadu, you have manifested your unsurpassed form,
SB 11.6.14 – You are transcendental to material & for the benefit of the entire universe you have
nature & enjoyer as well, May Your lotus feet executed magnanimous deeds.
bestow good fortune on us. All the DG’s from SB 11.6.24 - Those pious & saintly persons who in
Bramha to the ants are struggling in this world with Kali Yuga hear about & glorify your pastimes will
time factor Anl: like bulls controlled by the ropes easily cross over the darkness of the age.
pierced in their nose. SB 11.6.25 – Descending in the Yadu dynasty, you
SB 11.6.15 – You are the cause of C, M, D of this have passed 125 years.
universe, as time You regulates every LE & diminish SB 11.6.26-27 – There is nothing remaining at this
all things and thus You are the Supreme Lord. time for you to do on behalf of the devatäs. You
SB 11.6.16 – Krsna superior to Mahä-Viñëu: Mahä- have almost withdrawn your dynasty by the curse of
Viñëu, acquires powers from You and establishes the brähmaëas. If you so desire, kindly return now
mahat-tattva. Then the mahat-tattva, the to your supreme abode. We humbly beg that you
amalgamated material energy, with Lords energy always protect us and the inhabitants of the planets
produces from itself the primeval golden egg. since we are your servants.
SB 11.6.17 – Lord as Håñékeça: You are the master of 28-31: Lord reveals the plan of windup
all moving & non-moving entities, and their sensory SB 11.6.28 – I understand your prayers & request.
activities. You are unaffected by sensory activities. Having removed the burden of the earth, I have
Case of Yogis: All the Yogis do afraid of them executed everything that was required on your
which they have given up once by their own free behalf.
choice. SB 11.6.29 – The Yädava dynasty which has
SB 11.6.18 – Your 16000 wives are unable to disturb increased in power, courage, & wealth, has been
Your mind and senses by their shy & smiling confined to Dvärakä by me, just as sea is confined
glances, they send the messages of conjugal love. by the shore.
SB 11.6.19 – Your nectarine topics and Holy rives SB 11.6.30 – If I were to leave this world without
from Your LF can able to destroy all contaminations withdrawing the overly proud members of the Yadu
in the 3 worlds. Those who strive for purification dynasty, the whole world would be destroyed.
should try to associate with these two. SB 11.6.31 – My family’s annihilation has already
vibhvyas tavämåta-kathoda-vahäs tri-lokyäù begun because of Bramhanas curse. When this
pädävane-ja-saritaù çamaläni hantum annihilation is done I’ll go back via Bramhaloka.
änuçravaà çrutibhir aìghri-jam aìga-saìgais
tértha-dvayaà çuci-ñadas ta upaspåçanti SB 11.6.32- 41 Yadavas departure to Prabhasa
SB 11.6.32 - Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said: Thus
SB 11.6.20- 31 Lord Bramha requested Lord Krsna addressed by the Lord all the DG’s along with
to windup His pastimes & Lords reply Brahmä returned to his personal abode.
SB 11.6.20 - Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé said: After DG’s SB 11.6.33 – Thereafter Supreme Lord observed so
offered prayers to the Supreme Lord, Govinda, Lord many distances in the city, Thus He spoke to the
Brahmä addressed the Lord as follows. assembled senior members as follows.
21-27: Brahmä to Lord 34-38: Lord asks Yadavas to go to Prabhasa
SB 11.6.21 – My dear Lord, previously we requested SB 11.6.34 – The Supreme Lord said: Our dynasty
You to remove the burden of the earth. You fulfilled has been cursed by the brähmaëas thus great
this request. disturbances are appearing everywhere around us.
SB 11.6.22 – You have re-established the principles SB 11.6.35 - We must not remain any longer in this
of religion among pious man. Everywhere you have place if we wish to keep our lives intact. Let us go
this very day to the most pious place Prabhäsa.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
36-38: Glories of Prabhasa Ksetra members of the renounced order, attain the spiritual
SB 11.6.36 – Once, the moon was afflicted with abode called Brahman.
consumption because of the curse of Dakña, but just SB 11.6.48-49 – Path of devotes: We, on the other
by taking bath at Prabhäsa-kñetra, the moon was hand, who are on the path of karma, will overcome
immediately freed from his sinful reaction. impossible ignorance along with your devotees, by
SB 11.6.37-38 – By bathing at Prabhäsa, by offering chanting, remembering & glorifying your deeds,
tarpanas to the Pitås & devatäs, by feeding the words, movements, smiling glances & amorous
brähmaëas with various foodstuffs & by bestowing joking which appear to be human.
gifts upon them we will certainly cross over these
terrible dangers through such acts of charity, just as SB 11.6.50 - Çukadeva Gosvämé said: Lord Kåñëa,
one can cross over a great ocean in a suitable boat. the began to reply confidentially to His dear,
SB 11.6.39 - Çukadeva Gosvämé: Thus advised by unalloyed servant Uddhava.
Lord, the Yädavas made up their minds to go to
SB 11.6.40- 50 Uddhava approached Lord Krsna
SB 11.6.40-41 – Uddhava, upon seeing impending SB 11.7.LORD KÅÑËA INSTRUCTS
departure of Yadavas hearing from them & taking UDDHAVA
note of fearful omens approached the Lord in
private place & with folded hands addressed Lord.
42-49: Uddhava to Krsna SB 11.7.1 –12 Lord’s departure from this planet &
SB 11.6.42 – Real piety is created simply by hearing Vision of a Pure Devotee.
and chanting of Your glories. You are master of all 1-4: Lord reveals the plan for withdrawal
mystic powers and capable of counteracting the SB 11.7.1 – You have revealed My desire to with
curse. But as You are not doing so, it appears that draw Yadu dynasty & return to Vaikunta, as
Your are planning to withdraw Your dynasty & requested by various DG’s.
Yourself SB 11.7.2 – I came along with Lord Balaram as
SB 11.6.43 – I cannot tolerate giving up Your LF answer to the prayer of Lord Bramha, I have
even for a fraction of a moment. I urge You to take completed My mission here.
me along with You to Your own abode. SB 11.7.3 – By Bramhana’s curse Yadu dynasty will
SB 11.6.44 – Glories of Lord pastimes: Your perish by fighting among them. On the 7th day from
pastimes are supremely auspicious for mankind & today ocean will inundate this city.
are an intoxicating beverage for the ears. People SB 11.7.4 – I will abandon this earth in the near
forget their desires for other things by these future. Being overwhelmed by the age of Kali the
pastimes. earth will be bereft of all piety.
tava vikréòitaà kåñëa nånäà parama-maìgalam 5-12: Instructions to Uddhava – Maintain vision
karëa-péyüñam äsädya tyajanty anya-spåhäà janäù of equality
SB 11.6.45 - We are your devotees. How can we SB 11.7.5 – Do not remain here: You should not
reject You - our dear self. We serve you while You remain here once I have abandoned this world. In
lie down/sit/walk/stand/bathe/enjoy/recreation/eat? Kali-yuga the people will be addicted to all types of
Link: I am telling this out of fear of Maya sinful activities.
SB 11.6.46 - Simply by decorating ourselves with the SB 11.7.6 – Maintain equal vision: You should give
garlands, fragrant oils, that You have already up all attachments and fix Your mind on Me. Being
enjoyed, & by eating the remnants of Your meals, always conscious of Me, seeing all with same vision,
we, Your servants, will indeed conquer Maya. move around the earth.
SB 11.6.47 – Path of yogis: Naked sages who SB 11.7.7 – Basis of equal vision - Material dualities
endeavour in spiritual practice, who have raised are temporary: Due to Maya one considers this
their semen upward, who are peaceful & sinless material objects, that one perceives with mind and
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
senses, to be real. They are created by Maya as tyägo 'yaà duñkaro bhüman
dreams by mind. kämänäà viñayätmabhiù
SB 11.7.8 – Illusory mental platform: Ignorant sutaräà tvayi sarvätmann
persons seeing through various illusory conceptions abhaktair iti me matiù
sees good & bad, and differences in Karama, SB 11.7.16 – Question: - Please instruct how to
Akarma & Vikarma. accomplish the jnana that You have explained. I am
SB 11.7.9 – Vision recommended for Uddhava: a fool who deeply absorbed in the concept of I &
Therefore, bringing all your senses under control & Mine related to the body & it’s results come by
thus subduing the mind, you should see the entire Maya.
world as the object of enjoyment for the jévas, you SB 11.7.17 – Lord is the perfect teacher: Out of all
should see the jévas as controlled by me, Paramätmä the Lords You are the most merciful as You are the
tasmäd yuktendriya-grämo Super Soul. Others thinking in terms of the external
yukta-citta idam jagat world bewildered by Your Maya.
ätmanékñasva vitatam SB 11.7.18 – Lord is the perfect Master: O Lord!
ätmänaà mayy adhéçvare Feeling disgusted with the material world I have
10-12: Result of such Vision now surrendered to You who is the master of the
SB 11.7.10 – No obstacle from DG: (i) Being fully Vaikunta & friend of all LE’s.
endowed with the conclusion of the Vedas & its tasmäd bhavantam anavadyam ananta-päraà
realization, (ii) satisfied by realization of ätmä, (iii) sarva-jïam éçvaram akuëöha-vikuëöha-dhiñëyam
being the object of affection by all beings, you will nirviëëa-dhér aham u he våjinäbhitapto
not be checked by any obstacles. näräyaëaà nara-sakhaà çaraëaà prapadye
SB 11.7.11 – Liberated person acts correctly: The
person who is transcended material good & evil acts SB 11.7.19 – 23: Lord tells Uddhava to
according to religious principles. He follows them become his own Guru
spontaneously Anl: like an innocent child. SB 11.7.19 – Give up sense gratification by analysis:
SB 11.7.12 – Never to samsara: One who is kind Humans who can analyse the situation of material
well-wisher of all LE’s fixed in knowledge & world can raise beyond gross material sense
realization sees Me within all things never falls gratification.
down into Samsara. [PP: This verse/section not to be misunderstood. One
who is vicakñaëäù, or expert, will certainly recognize
SB 11.7.13 – 18 Uddhava’s question about the and appreciate a genuine spiritual master -
process to transcend the modes Madhväcärya]
SB 11.7.13 - Çré Çukadeva Gosvämi: Lord Kåñëa, thus SB 11.7.20 – One can become their own Guru: An
instructed Uddhava, who was eager to receive intelligent person, acting as his own guru, can
knowledge. Uddhava then offered obeisances & achieve great benefit by perception and logic.
spoke as follows. SB 11.7.21 – Lord assures the possibility for humans:
14 – 18: Uddhava’s Question In the human form of life, those who are without
SB 11.7.14 – O Lord, you make your appearance envy and are expert in jïäna & bhakti can directly
through bhakti-yoga! You have explained see Me endowed with all of My energies.
renunciation performed by sannyäsés for the highest SB 11.7.22 – Human form is dear to the Lord: In
benefit. this world there are many kinds of created bodies
SB 11.7.15 – No renunciation w/o Bhakti: For those out of all these forms human form is actually dear to
whose minds are attached to sense enjoyment & Me.
who are bereft of devotion unto you, giving up SB 11.7.23 – How to search for Me: I can never be
material enjoyment is very difficult. That is my captured by sense perception; Humans may use their
opinion. intelligence & others to search for Me through
indirect symptoms.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.7.24 -74: Krsna cites reflections of Avadhüta SB 11.7.37 – Even the other living beings are
Brähmaëa harassing, one should think they are under Maya &
SB 11.7.24 - Sages cites a historical narration tolerate those situations.
concerning the conversation between the greatly SB 11.7.38 – A devotee/disciple should learn
powerful King Yadu & an avadhüta in this regard. selflessness from mountain & trees that service to
SB 11.7.25 – Yadu once observed an avadhüta who the others is the sole reason for his existence.
appeared young & learned, wandering about 39-41: Guru 2: The wind – Satisfaction &
fearlessly. Being himself most learned Yadu inquired Detachment
from him as follows. SB 11.7.39 – (i) internal air (prana)- satisfaction: A
26 – 30: Yadu to Avadhüta Brähmaëa sages should take his satisfaction through life airs &
SB 11.7.26 - O brähmaëa! Where have you attained not by sense gratification, one should take care of
your great intelligence by which you wander the material body in such a way that one’s higher
earth like a child, not engaged in work? knowledge is not destroyed.
SB 11.7.27 – People generally engage in artha, SB 11.7.40 – (ii) external air – detachment: The yogé,
dharma, käma and reflection on ätmä for long life, indifferent to good & bad qualities, though
fame and wealth. contacting sense objects of various qualities, is not
SB 11.7.28 – You, although capable of doing attached to them, just like the air.
everything, are not doing anything nor desire to do SB 11.7.41 – A self-realized soul may live in various
so. You appear dazed & maddened as if haunted. material bodies feeling their various qualities he
SB 11.7.29 – People in this world are burned with never entangled just like air never mixes with aroma.
the anarthas, but you are not burned by them. Anl: 42 – 43: Guru 3: The Sky – Paramätmä
like an elephant who take shelter of water in forest SB 11.7.42 – The yogé should meditate on
fire. Paramätmä, spreading everywhere, undivided as the
SB 11.7.30 - O brähmaëa, You are devoid of any medium called Brahman in all moving and non-
contact with the material enjoyment & travelling moving beings, inside & outside, similar to ether.
alone, so please tell us about your great ecstasies. SB 11.7.43 – As sky not affected by air & fires etc.
SB 11.7.31 - Lord Kåñëa continued: King Yadu, similarly the soul is not affected by any bodily
waited with bowed head. The brähmaëa, pleased changes & time.
with the King's attitude, began to reply. 44: Guru 4: The water – saintly person
32 – 74: Avadhüta Brähmaëa to Yadu SB 11.7.44 – A saintly person is like water (i) pure -
SB 11.7.32 – I have taken shelter of many gurus. free from all contamination (ii) pleasing sound of
Having gained understanding from them, I now flowing water – chants glories of Lord (iii) cleanses
wander about the earth free from suffering. Please anything – sage purifies people by his contact.
listen. 45 – 47: Guru 5: The Fire – saintly person &
SB 11.7.33-35 – I took shelter of these 24 Gurus the Supersoul
earth, air, sky, water, fire, moon, sun, pigeon and SB 11.7.45 – Saintly persons (i) glows - become
python; the sea, moth, honeybee, elephant and powerful by execution of austerities. (ii) Unshakable
honey thief; the deer, the fish, the prostitute Piìgalä, - Consciousness is unshakable as they do not try for
the kurara bird and the child; and the young girl, sense gratification. (iii) burns even contaminated
arrow maker, serpent, spider and wasp. My dear food - even if by chance eat contaminated food, they
King, by studying their activities I have learned the are not affected
science of the self. [PP: (vi) careless handling of fire burns -
SB 11.7.36 - I explain to you what I have learned approaching devotees carelessly Lord does not
from each of these gurus. tolerate]
37-39: Guru 1: The earth – tolerance , Tree - SB 11.7.46 – (v) Like fire saint also sometimes
selflessness reveals & sometimes conceals himselves. For
inquisitive saint accepts the position of the Spiritual
Master to burn all sins.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.7.47 – Fire to Supersoul: (vi) As fire appears SB 11.7.60 – The small moments of the baby pigeons
differently in different woods similarly Super soul make the parents very happy.
enters bodies & appears to assume identity of each. SB 11.7.61 - The foolish birds, bewildered by the
[PP: (vii) Fire although present always in wood Maya, continued to take care of the young offspring
comes out only when stirred, similarly Lord although who had been born to them.
present always in heart manifests only when one SB 11.7.62 – One day both of them went out for
engages in chants His glories] food for a long time to the forest.
48: Guru 6: The Moon – Above the bodily SB 11.7.63 – At the time a hunter came and captured
conception all the Young pigeons out there.
SB 11.7.48 – As the moon is not attached to waxing SB 11.7.64 – The pigeons are anxious to maintain
& waning similarly the Soul is not effected by bodily family, having obtained proper food they returned.
transformations. SB 11.7.65 – When lady pigeon saw her babies in the
49: Guru 5: The Fire – Perceiving the Soul nest she rushed towards them as they cried.
SB 11.7.49 – (viii) The flames of fire constantly take SB 11.7.66 - Seeing her children bound up, she
birth & disappear, yet we see it as continuous became forgetful, and fell into lamentation and
similarly the soul is continuous reality although became caught in the net.
body is changing. SB 11.7.67 – Seeing His whole family bound up in
50-51: Guru 7: The Sun – Never entangled the hunters net, male pigeon began to lament.
SB 11.7.50 – (i) Giving & taking: Just as Sun takes 68-70: lamentation of male pigeon
& gives back the water, the saintly person takes & SB 11.7.68 - The male pigeon said: (i) I am now
gives the material objects and never get entangled to destroyed! (ii) I am a great fool, for I did not
them. properly execute pious activities. (iii) I could not
SB 11.7.51 – (ii) Sun to Soul: Although Sun reflected satisfy myself, nor could I fulfil the purpose of life.
on many objects in reality he is the one, similarly the (iv) My dear family, which was the basis of my D,
Soul is undivided though it’s going to various bodies. A, K is now hopelessly ruined.
[PP: (iii) to supersoul: Sun can be seen only in the SB 11.7.69 - She was suitable & faithful. But seeing
cloudless sky similarly Supersoul can be seen through her home empty, she has left me behind & gone to
pure KC mind] heaven with our saintly children.
52-72: Guru 8: The pigeon – Result of excessive SB 11.7.70 – I am wretched, my whole family died
affection – fall down what is the purpose of my life. Because of the
SB 11.7.52 - Never indulge in excessive affection or separation of family my heart is burning.
concern for anyone or anything; else one will have to SB 11.7.71 – As He saw his children about to die he
undergo great suffering, just like the foolish pigeon. lost his intelligence & fell into the net.
SB 11.7.53 – Two pigeons lived in the forest & build SB 11.7.72 - The cruel hunter, having fulfilled his
a nice nest on the tree. desire, set off for his own home.
SB 11.7.54 – They love each other from the core of SB 11.7.73 – In this way, one who is too attached to
their heats with various bodily features & glances. family life & finds pleasure in dualities, just like the
SB 11.7.55 – They carried out various activities pigeon, maintains his family. The miserly person in
together. this way suffers greatly along with his family.
SB 11.7.56 – Male pigeon would do anything asked SB 11.7.74 – One can achieve liberation in Human
by his wife because of uncontrolled senses. life, if one simply attached to family he is like a
SB 11.7.57 – Female pigeon experienced the first person who climbs the mountain & fall down.
pregnancy & laid some eggs in the nest. yaù präpya mänuñaà lokaà
SB 11.7.58 – When the time was ripe baby pigeons mukti-dväram apävåtam
came out by the inconceivable energy of the Lord. gåheñu khaga-vat saktas
SB 11.7.59 – Both the pigeons became attached to tam ärüòha-cyutaà viduù
the baby pigeons & to their broken words.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
22-29: Guru 17: The Pingla – Desire is the root 35-36: I will accept only Vishnu no other
cause SB 11.8.35 – Lord is dearest to all beings in their
SB 11.8.22 – In the of Videha there dwelled a hearts, I’ll pay the price of surrender and enjoy with
prostitute named Piìgalä. Now please hear what I Him like that of Goddess of Fortune.
have learned from that lady. SB 11.8.36 – All the man who gives Sense
SB 11.8.23 – Once desiring to bring her lover into Gratification for their wives though in heaven will
home she stood at her doorway. be dragged by the time, how much actual pleasure
SB 11.8.24 – She was in desperate need of money they can give to their wives?
and she kept on seeing each & everyone thinking he 37-38: I have received the mercy of Lord
can able to pay the price. SB 11.8.37 – Viñëu is pleased with me for some
SB 11.8.25-26 – Prostitution was her only means for action of mine. Although I most stubbornly hoped
earning, She thought some rich man would come to enjoy the material world, detachment has arisen
gives lots of money, but in vain hope she remained in my heart and it is making me happy.
at doorway and unable to sleep whole night. nünaà me bhagavän préto viñëuù kenäpi karmaëä
SB 11.8.27 – As the night passed she became morose nirvedo 'yaà duräçäyä yan me jätaù sukhävahaù
and her face dried up & being disappointed she SB 11.8.38 – The suffering of an unfortunate woman
began to fell detachment & happiness aroused in her could not be the cause of detachment, by which a
SB 11.8.28 – She became indifferent, detachment person gives up bondage and attains peace.
acts like sword & cuts the binding network of hopes 39-40: I will serve lord with determination
& desires. Please hear her song at this situation. SB 11.8.39 – With devotion I accept the benefit that
SB 11.8.29 – Human who is bereft of material the Lord has bestowed, I’ll give up my sinful desires
knowledge never desires to give up False ego, & take shelter of the Supreme Lord.
similarly a person w/o detachment could never give SB 11.8.40 – Having faith in Lord, being fully
up the bondage. satisfied I’ll maintain myself by whatever comes by
its own accord. I shall enjoy only with Lord, the
SB 11.8.30 -42 The Song of Piìgalä source of real happiness.
30-34: I am most foolish 41-42: only lord can save one form samsara
SB 11.8.30 - The prostitute Piìgalä said: See the SB 11.8.41 – Only the Supreme Lord can save the
extent of my illusion! Because of uncontrolled mind, living entity, who has fallen into the well of
I desire love from a trivial man. I have become a saàsära, who has become blinded by sense objects
fool. and has been devoured by the snake of time?
SB 11.8.31 – Giving up the eternal Lord situated SB 11.8.42 – When the Living entity sees the entire
within me, the Lord who accepts love & gives love universe seized by the serpant of time, becoming
&wealth, foolishly I serve trivial men who give sober & detaches himself from sense gratification.
frustration, sorrow, fear, worry, & illusion. He is qualified to protect himself from Samsara.
santaà samépe ramaëaà rati-pradaà 43-44: Lesson form Pingala
vitta-pradaà nityam imaà vihäya SB 11.8.43 - The avadhüta said: Made up her mind
akäma-daà duùkha-bhayädhi-çoka- Piìgalä cut off her sinful desires to enjoy sex
moha-pradaà tuccham ahaà bhaje 'jïä pleasure & became peaceful; she sat on her bed.
SB 11.8.32 – Oh, how I have uselessly tortured my SB 11.8.44 – Material desire is cause of unhappiness,
own soul! I desired pleasure & wealth from and freedom from such desire is the cause of the
pitiable, greedy, lusty men by selling my body. greatest happiness. Cutting off her desire to enjoy
SB 11.8.33 – The material body is full of abominable so-called lovers, Piìgalä very happily went to sleep.
substances who except me think this body gives an äçä hi paramaà duùkhaà nairäçya paramaà
enjoyment. sukham
SB 11.8.34 – I must be the fool in whole city, by yathä saïchidya käntäçäà sukhaà suñväpa piìgalä
giving up the Supreme Lord who gives Himself, I ---
want to enjoy with other man.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
fear the weak insect constantly meditated upon his ways. Therefore one may not be able to acquire firm
captor, & gradually achieved the body of wasp w/o & complete knowledge from one guru.
giving up present body. SB 11.9.32 - The Supreme Lord said: Having thus
24 -29: Learning from his own body (25th Guru) spoken to King Yadu, the wise brähmaëa accepted
SB 11.9.24 - O King, from all these spiritual masters obeisances & worship from the King & left exactly
I have acquired great wisdom. Now please listen as I as he had come.
explain what I learned from my own body. SB 11.9.33 - Hearing the words of the avadhüta,
SB 11.9.25 – Body teaches detachment & King Yadu, became free from all material
discrimination. The body supports creation & attachment & began to see everything equally.
destruction, result is suffering. I engage my senses in
Lord’s service. Being swayed about the fact body is
fit to be eaten by Dogs, I am detached from body.
SB 11.9.26 – LE accumulate Karma like tree
produces seeds: A person with a desire to please the SB 11.10.THE NATURE OF FRUITIVE
body expands himself & nourishes wife, children,
money, etc. In the end, the body, dies with difficulty
after creating karma for another body, like a tree
which produces seeds & then dies. SB 11.10.1 -13: The process of disentanglement
SB 11.9.27 – Senses are like co-wives: The tongue SB 11.10.1 - The Supreme Lord said: Taking full
pulls the attached person in one direction & thirst shelter in Me through bhakti as explained by Me,
pulls him in another. All the senses pull in him in while being w/o material desire, one should practice
respective direction. The action senses pull him apart varëäçrama.
just as many co-wives pull the husband apart. SB 11.10.2 – Process of becoming desireless: A
jihvaikato 'mum apakarñati karhi tarñä purified soul should see that endeavours of
çiçno 'nyatas tvag udaraà çravaëaà kutaçcit Conditioned souls dedicated for sense gratification
ghräëo 'nyataç capala-dåk kva ca karma-çaktir are doomed in failure.
bahvyaù sapatnya iva geha-patià lunanti SB 11.10.3 – Because material results are
SB 11.9.28 – The Supreme Lord who created various destructible, they are equivalent of their non-
species of life yet He finally satisfied after creating attainment like the objects in the dreams. Spiritual
Human. He was satisfied as this body gives an results are not obtainable by material senses.
opportunity for Self-Realization. SB 11.10.4 – The person dedicated to me engages in
SB 11.9.29 – Importance of Human form: Having karmas w/o desire and gives up karmas for material
attained this temporary Human birth which has results. The person completely fixed in yogärüòha
great value, one should strive for spiritual asserts as does not care for daily or periodic karmas.
long as alive because body has to die & material SB 11.10.5 – Accept Guru Who is non-different from
enjoyment available in all species. Me: One who accepted Me as the supreme goal,
labdhvä su-durlabham idaà bahu-sambhavänte should observe the scriptural injunctions & serve the
mänuñyam artha-dam anityam apéha dhéraù Guru with great affection.
türëaà yateta na pated anu-måtyu yävan 6-7: Qualities of the Disciples
niùçreyasäya viñayaù khalu sarvataù syät SB 11.10.6 – The disciple should be w/o pride,
selfishness, possessiveness & laziness, & should have
SB 11.9.30-33: Avadhuta brahmana leaves firm faith in guru & the Lord. He should patient &
SB 11.9.30 - Having learned from my gurus, having free from envy and controlled in speech.
developed detachment & getting Self-Realization, I SB 11.10.7 - One should see one's real self-interest in
wander the earth w/o False Ego. life in all circumstances and should therefore remain
SB 11.9.31 - Although the Lord is one w/o a second, detached from wife, children, & so on.
the sages have described him in many different
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
8-9: Difference between Soul & Body: SB 11.10.20 – Death is not all pleasing & everyone
SB 11.10.8 –The soul is different from gross/subtle like a man about to be executed, what happiness one
bodies, just as the fire is different form the burning can derive by the objects of the senses?
agent and the illuminator. SB 11.10.21 – Futility of happiness in Svarga:
SB 11.10.9 - Soul appears like big/small depending on Happiness in Svarga is also the same as here. There
Body: Anl:Just as fire, on entering wood, may are also jealousy, envy, decay & death. Conclusion:
appear to manifest, die, be weak, or be brilliant, the Attempt to attain material happiness, either here or
ätmä, entering a material body, accepts particular in heaven, is fruitless due to somany obstacles. Anl:
bodily characteristics. like farming, in which there is sometimes no result.
SB 11.10.10 - How to destroy ignorance: The jéva is
bound to saàsära by the imposition of the subtle & SB 11.10.22 -26: Results of Pious activities
gross bodies made of the Lord’s mäyä. Vidyä cuts SB 11.10.22 - If one performs Vedic rites w/o any
this bondage of the jéva. mistake and perfect recitals one can get heaven. But
SB 11.10.11 – Krishna’s Conclusion: After even those results are vanquished by time. Now hear
understanding about the Pure soul which is beyond of this.
gross/subtle bodies by careful analysis, one should SB 11.10.23 - If on earth one performs sacrifices for
give up material thinking. the satisfaction of the DG’s, he goes to heaven &
12-13: Knowledge should obtained from Guru: enjoys all of the heavenly pleasures.
SB11.10.12 – Anl: The guru is the wood base, the SB 11.10.24 - Traveling in a glowing airplane, &
disciple is the wood on top, the teachings are the glorified by songs of the Gandharvas, & dressed in
kindling stick, & knowledge, which brings bliss, is refine clothing, he enjoys life amidst Apsaräs.
the fire. SB 11.10.25 – He goes to various places along with
SB 11.10.13 – Anl: Pure knowledge destroys illusion heavenly women in the airplane. Being comfortable
arising from Gunas & later the knowledge itself & happy he does not realizes that his piety is ending.
ceases just as fire ceases after the fuel has consumed. SB 11.10.26 - Until his pious results are used up, he
enjoys life in Svarga. When the pious results are
SB 11.10.14 -34 Lord Krsna refutes the Philosophy exhausted, he falls from Svarga against his will.
of Karma-Mimamsa
14-18: Karma-kanada cannot free one from all SB 11.10.27 -29: Results of impious activities
miseries SB 11.10.27-29 - If a human being is engaged in
SB 11.10.14-16 – There are some who challenge My sinful activities - (i) bad association or (ii)
conclusions. They consider the varieties of places, uncontrolled senses -> he develops material desires -
time & so on, the pleasure & pain achieved by jivas > He thus becomes miserly, greedy & lusty.
by Karma is eternal & real. But the repeated births With polluted mind -> one becomes violent &
will continue because of their connection with body. aggressive -> w/o authority kills animals, worships
SB 11.10.17 – Performer of karma gets happiness ghosts -> falls fully into the grip of illegal activities -
only sometimes and often unhappiness. He is not > goes to hell -> there he gets a body infected by the
independent. When he is under someone else how darkest modes of nature -> there he perform
ones own activities can give valuable results? inauspicious activities -> increase in future
SB 11.10.18 – The learned person is not always unhappiness, & accepts a similar material body.
happy & the fool is not always suffering. Only a What possible happiness can there be for one who
man with false pride thinks by karma one can be engages in activities inevitably terminating in death?
happy all the time.
19-20: Death is inevitable SB 11.10.30 -34: Uselessness of Furtive activities
SB 11.10.19 - Even if people know how to achieve SB 11.10.30 – Everyone in all planetary systems from
happiness & avoid unhappiness, still they cannot Lord Brahma till the ant are afraid of Me.
avoid death, which will over power them. lokänäà loka-pälänäà
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.11.9 - When the sense objects are received by D, & no descriptions of My auspicious birth as
the senses, the liberated person, knows it is only Kåñëa among all the lélävatäras.
material guëas received by other material guëas. yasyäà na me pävanam aìga karma
SB 11.11.10 - The bound jéva, situated in his body sthity-udbhava-präëa-nirodham asya
produced by previous karma, thinking “I am the lélävatärepsita-janma vä syäd
doer”, is bound to the body by his karma. vandhyäà giraà täà bibhåyän na dhéraù
11-13: How does Liberated Soul enjoy/sleep & eat? SB 11.11.21 – Result - säyujya: Rejecting the
SB 11.11.11 - An enlightened person fixed in misconception of variety concerning ätmä by
detachment never bound to any bodily activities. deliberation, fixing the mind devoid of mäyä upon
Situated as a witness to all these actions, he merely Me a person will attain säyujya.
engages his bodily senses with their sense objects. SB 11.11.22 – If you are not able to free from the
SB 11.11.12-13 – LS compared to Sky, Fire, & air: attachments then perform all your activities as an
Though situated in prakåti, the liberated person is offering to Me, w/o enjoying the fruits.
unattached, just as ether, the sun & air are 23-25: Attaining perfection by Pure Devotional
unaffected by everything they pervade. He service (PDS)
renounces all material bodies as if fully awakened [SB 11.11.23 to SB 11.12.15 describes Pure Devotional
from a dream. Service - SVCT]
SB 11.11.14 - How does a LS move about?: A person SB 11.11.23-24 – A person with sraddha should
is considered to be completely liberated from the constantly hear, chant & glorify my activities which
qualities of the body when all the functions of his purify the world. He should perform D, A, K as
präëa, senses, mind & intelligence are performed service to Me. He will attain permanent bhakti to
w/o material desire. Me
15-17: Easy symptoms to recognize Liberated soul SB 11.11.25 – Stimulation and result of PDS: One
SB 11.11.15 - The liberated person, when attacked by who has obtained PDS by association with my
violent creatures or when worshipped for some devotees always worships Me. Thus he easily goes
reason, is not affected by that. BTG, as revealed by My devotees.
SB 11.11.16 - The sage seeing with equal vision is not
affected by that which is materially good or bad. SB 11.11.26-49: True Devotee and
He does not praise or criticize any persons. Best Devotional service
SB 11.11.17 - A liberated sage should not act, speak
27-28: Uddhava’s Question:
or plan in terms of material good or bad. Rather,
SB 11.11.26-27 – (i) What type of person do you
being self-satisfied move around like retarded man.
consider to be a true devotee (ii) what type of DS,
18-21: LS Achieving perfection through jnana should be offered to you? As I am surrendered to
process you, am attached to you please explain this to me.
SB 11.11.18 – W/o devotion Vedic study useless: If SB 11.11.28 – You are unattached like the sky, as
one is skillful in knowing Vedic scriptures & You are transcendental. Still, because of your
Brahman, but not skillful in devotion to the Supreme devotee’s desire, you produce many forms to spread
Lord, His effort is useless (Anl:) like that of a person bhakti.
maintaining a cow which does not give milk. 29-49: Krsna answers about Devotional service
SB 11.11.19 – 5 types of miserable people: (i) a cow SB 11.11.29-32 – 28 Qualities of a devotes: (i)
that gives no milk, (ii) an unchaste wife, (iii) a body kåpälur – merciful; (ii) akåta-drohas - never injures
totally dependent on others, (iv) useless children (v)
others (iii) titikñuù sarva-dehinäm - forgiving toward
wealth not utilized for the right purpose. One who
all LE (iv) satya-säro – his meaning of life from
studies Vedas w/o My glories is also most miserable.
truth (v) anavadyätmä – Does not envy any one (vi)
SB 11.11.20 – Accept only scriptures with Krsna lila:
samaù –equal in dualities (vii) sarvopakärakaù –
The wise should not accept useless scriptures in
dedicated for welfare of others (viii) kämair ahata-
which there are no descriptions of how I do C, M,
dhér – intelligence never bewildered by material
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
desires (ix) dänto - controlled his senses (x) måduù – One should engage in special projects or engaging
behavior pleasing (xi) çucir – Pure and exemplary others. One should sincerely serve my temple by
(xii) akiïcanaù – free from possessiveness (xiii) cleaning, sprinkling with flowers, so on. One should
aného – never endeavor in worldly activities (xiv) not have pride or make a false show of bhakti. One
mita-bhuk – controlled eating (xv) çäntaù - peaceful should not glorify one’s accomplishments. Never
(xvi) sthiro - steady (xvii) mac-charaëo – Accepts accept the articles till they first offered to the
Lord as only shelter (xviii) muniù - thoughtful (xix) Devotees. One who offers Me the best becomes
apramatto - very cautious in the execution of his qualified for eternal life.
duties (xx) gabhérätmä - never subject to superficial SB 11.11.42 – 11 places of worship: O saintly
transformations (xxi) dhåtimäï - steady and noble, Uddhava, please know that you may worship Me in
even in a distressing situation (xxii) jita-ñaò-guëaù - the sun, fire, brähmaëas, cows, Vaiñëavas, sky,
conquered over the six material qualities (xxiii) wind, water, earth, individual soul and all living
amäné - free from desire for prestige (xxiv) mäna- entities.
daù – offers honor to others (xxv) kalyo - expert in SB 11.11.43-45 – Method of worship in these 11
reviving the Kåñëa consciousness of others (xxvi) places:
maitraù - well-wishing friend to all (xxvii) Lord worshiped in As
käruëikaù - most merciful (xxviii) kaviù - able to Sun reciting verses
show the harmony and compatibility of the Lord's Fire Offering Oblations
apparently contradictory qualities.
Bramhana Proper reception
Devotee is best among all LE: A devotee, taking
Cow Feeding her grass
shelter at My LF, gives up all the ordinary religious
Devotees By respecting them
duties and worships Me alone. So a devotee is best
Ether Meditating on space
of all LEs
Air Thinking as Chief Prana
[PP: BSST – 17th quality (mat- saranam) is most
Water Itmes with water
important (primary) and all other come
Earth Secret Mantras
Atma Offering food to Atma in
SB 11.11.33 – Best of devotees: Those who may or
may not know the extent of my powers, my forms body
and my nature, but who worship me with great All beings Antaryami
possessiveness, I consider to be the best of devotees. One should meditate on my peaceful, transcendental
jïätväjïätvätha ye vai mäà yävän yaç cäsmi form with four arms holding a conch, disc, club &
yädåçaù padma, & then worship Me with fixed attention.
bhajanty ananya-bhävena te me bhaktatamä matäù SB 11.11.46 – Meditate on Lord: Thus, in the
SB 11.11.34-41 - Specific characteristics of the previously mentioned places of worship and
devotees / Method of performing Bhakti: One should according to the processes I have described, one
see, touch, worship serve, praise, offer respects & should meditate on My peaceful, transcendental
glorify the qualities & activities of my deity form form with four arms holding a conchshell,
and my devotees. One should have faith in hearing Sudarçana disc, club and lotus flower. In this way,
topics & meditate upon Me. Offer valued objects. one should worship Me with fixed attention.
One should offer oneself, since one is a servant. One SB 11.11.47 – Result of worshiping: He who
should discuss about My Janma & Karma& worships me with attention by sacrifices,
celebrate my special festivals in the temple with constructing gardens & other things mentioned
groups of devotees singing, dancing and playing above obtains prema-bhakti. I remember him
instruments. One should celebrate yearly festivals in because of his great service.
which special offerings are made. One should SB 11.11.48 – Result of not worshiping: I am directly
perform initiation according to Vedic and the best shelter for the devotees. If one does not
Païcarätrika methods. One should observe Vaiñëava engage in bhakti, which arises usually by associating
vows. One should have faith in establishing deities.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
try to enjoy. How can one in knowledge act just like sense objects (desire) enter within the mind.
a dog, an ass or a goat? Therefore, how can a person destroy this mutual
9-11: Krsna speaks about cause of unhappiness relationship between the sense objects and the mind?
material life SB 11.13.18 – Brahma could not Answer: Brahmä
SB 11.13.9-10 - False identity ->MoP -> Mat seriously contemplated the question. The intelligence
advanced -> Mat desires: First falsely identifies of Brahmä was affected activities of creation, and he
himself with body and mind->false knowledge arises could not answer.
->material passion pervades the mind-> becomes SB 11.13.19 - Lord Brahmä fixed his mind on Me. At
absorbed in plans for material advancement. Thus that time, in My form of Haàsa, I became visible.
foolish person is afflicted with unbearable material SB 11.13.20 - Thus seeing Me, the sages & Brahmä
desires. worshiped My LF. And asked Me, "Who are You?"
[PP: Those who are trying to enjoy material sense SB 11.13.21 - Now please hear as I explain that
gratification are not actually intelligent, although which I spoke unto the sages, who were eager to
they consider themselves most intelligent.] understand the ultimate truth of the yoga system
SB 11.13.11 – Being Bewildered by MoP -> Future
misery comes: then if senses uncontrolled -> SB 11.13.22-40: Lord Hamsa speaks sankhya
bewildered -> executes material activities although 22-24: Lord Hamsa Questions the question - ‘who
sees future unhappiness. You are?’
12-14: Solution – mind to be absorbed in Krsna SB 11.13.22 – If you refer to Me as soul and consider
SB 11.13.12 – Control the mind: When mind is that there is no difference b/w you and Me, then
disturbed by MoP and MoI, an intelligent person your question is not appropriate. What is the resting
should carefully bring the mind under control. By place for both of us?
seeing the contamination of modes, he does not [PP: Lord rejects the impersonal philosophy ]
become attached. SB 11.13.23 – If you are referring to material body,
SB 11.13.13 – Absorb mind in Lord: One should be you should ask ‘who are you 5?’ and moreover all
attentive, grave and never lazy or morose. Mastering material bodies are one, so your question
the yoga procedures practice fixing the mind on Me meaningless. You are mearly speaking w/o any
thus gradually the mind should be completely meaning or purpose.
absorbed in Me. [PP: Lord refutes the false identification with the
SB 11.13.14 - The actual yoga system: as taught by material body composed of five elements - SVCT]
Sanaka-kumära, is: (i) Having withdrawn the mind [PP: Since their spiritual master and father was
from all other objects, (ii) one should directly and worshiping Lord Haàsa, they should have
appropriately absorb it in Me. immediately understood the Lord's position, and
their question is thus meaningless. - Çréla
SB 11.13.15-21: Background for Lord Hamsa’s Madhväcärya]
appearance SB 11.13.24 – Position of Lord: Whatever perceived
SB 11.13.15 – Uddhava’s Question: At what time in MW is Me alone: Within this world, whatever is
and in what form did You instruct the science of perceived by the mind, and senses is Me alone and
yoga to Sanaka and his brothers? I now desire to nothing besides Me. All of you please understand
know. this by a straightforward analysis of the facts.
16-21: Lord Krsna gives background [PP: Lord refutes the conception that He is a God far
SB 11.13.16 – Once the sages headed by Sanaka, beyond and different from everything within this
inquired from Brhma about the supreme goal of world.]
yoga. 25-26: Lord answer the original question
SB 11.13.17 – Sanaka’s Question: Senses & sense SB 11.13.25 – Clarification: Upadis covers Soul: the
objects are mutually attracted -> How to give up?: mind has a natural proclivity to enter into sense
Minds of people are attracted to sense objects, and objects, and viceversa; but both are merely
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
designations that cover the spirit soul, who is part intelligence arising from the guëas are created by
and parcel of Me. My avidyä within Me, (ii) being firmly convinced of
SB 11.13.26 – Solution: Understand Tr nature -> your nature as ätmä, and (iii) cutting the 3 states by
Give up Material Mentality: Their mutual attraction the sharp sword of knowledge, by inference and by
is because of constant sense gratification. One who scriptural statements, worship me, the destroyer of
has understood one’s transcendental nature as non- all doubts.
different from Me can realise this and give up both 34-37: Additional process for transcending the
the material mind and its objects. illusory interaction
27-33: Elaboration on conditioning & solution – SB 11.13.34 - Different Modes creates Diff
using 3 stages of intelligence consciousness: One should understand that this
SB 11.13.27 – Actual position of LE - only witness: world is a misconception, a diversion for the mind,
Waking, sleeping and deep sleep are the three visible but temporary, and flickering like a fire
functions of the intelligence, caused by the modes. brand. Brahman is one consciousness but manifest
The LE is different from these three states and a as many. The three states arising by the guëas create
witness to them. various transformations, but these are temporary
SB 11.13.28 – Being in Turiya one can come out like a dream.
material mind: soul is trapped in material SB 11.13.35 – Give up material world knowing to be
intelligence. I am the fourth stage of consciousness temporary: Thus having pulled one's vision away
beyond the 3. Becoming situated in Me, the soul from illusion, one should remain without material
should give up the bondage of material desires. By experiencing the happiness of the soul,
consciousness. Then one will automatically renounce one should give up material speaking and activities.
the material mind and sense objects. By constant remembrance up till the time of death,
SB 11.13.29 – False ego gives the opposite results: that m/w is not ultimate reality and therefore one
The false ego places one in bondage and awards has given it up, one will not again fall into illusion.
results opposite to ones real desires. So, giving up SB 11.13.36 - Liberated soul does not notice change
anxiety to enjoy material life, remain situated in the of body: The perfected sage is not aware whether he
Lord. is seated or standing while situated in the temporary
SB 11.13.30 - Unless Mind is fixed on Me, they are body, since he has realized Brahman. Anl: He is like
dreaming: If one sees many goals and values other a drunken man who is not aware of receiving,
than seeing everything within Me, one is in putting on or taking off his clothing.
incomplete knowledge and so actually dreaming, SB 11.13.37 - Living here as long as Karma in effect:
even though apparently awake. Anl: as one may A perfected yogi continues to live in the body as
dream that one has wakened from a dream. long as the body continues due to karma, but does
SB 11.13.31 - Existence w/o SL -> no factual not experience pleasures of the material body. Anl:
existence: Because of the false condition of persons A person who has awakened from sleep does not
who identify with the body rather than the ätmä, experience a dream body any longer.
perception of (i) difference such as varëäçrama, (ii) 38-40: Lord speaks about His identity
results like Svarga, and (iii) actions to produce them SB 11.13.38 – Vishnu - spoken sankya: I am Viñëu
- are all false for the jéva. Anl: like the false objects who has come with a desire to teach you dharma. I
perceived in a dream. have spoken the confidential knowledge of Säìkhya
SB 11.13.32 - How can a soul becomes master of and añöäìga-yoga.
senses: By remembering and contemplating the SB 11.13.39 - Supreme Shelter – of knowledge: I am
experiences in wakeful, dream and deep sleep one the supreme shelter of the yoga system, analytic
can understand that he is one throughout the 3 philosophy, seeing equally, speaking pleasantly,
stages of consciousness and is transcendental. Thus, influence, beauty, fame and self-control.
he becomes the lord of the senses. SB 11.13.40 - Shelter of transcendental qualities: All
SB 11.13.33 - Cut the False ego with axe of superior qualities, such as equality, attachment to
knowledge: (i) Considering that the 3 states of the My devotee, reside in me. I am beyond the material
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
guëas, not dependent on material qualities, and am modes. Therefore, there are many Vedic rituals,
the devotees’ friend, giving love to them. mantras and rewards.
[PP: this proliferation of Vedic formulas indicates
SB 11.13.41-42: Krsna concludes only the variety of material illusion and not a variety
SB 11.13.41 - [Lord Kåñëa continued:] Thus all of ultimate purpose.]
doubts destroyed, worshiping Me with SB 11.14.8 – Many processes - result of variety: All
transcendental love and devotion, sages chanted My Systems come in parampara: Thus, there are many
glories with excellent hymns. different theistic philosophies of life, handed down
SB 11.13.42 - They worshiped and glorified Me, and through tradition, custom and disciplic succession.
as Lord Brahmä looked on, I returned to My own Some directly support atheistic view points.
abode. SB 11.14.9 – Bewildered people speak in many ways:
The intelligence of humans is bewildered by My
Maya, so according to their activities and whims,
--- they speak in many ways about what is actually
good to people.
SB 11.14.10 – 14 different whimsical ways: Some say
SB 11.14. LORD KÅÑËA EXPLAINS THE that people will be happy by religious activities.
YOGA SYSTEM TO ÇRÉ UDDHAVA Others say through fame, sense gratification,
truthfulness, self-control, peace, self-interest,
political influence, opulence, renunciation,
SB 11.14.1-12: Pure devotional service is supreme
consumption, sacrifice, penance, charity, vows,
among all the processes
regulated duties or strict disciplinary regulation.
1-2: Udhava’s Question Each process has its proponents.
SB 11.14.1 – Are all the processes recommended by SB 11.14.11 - Result of following above processes: All
sages equally important or one of them is supreme? obtain temporary fruits which bring future
SB 11.14.2 - You have explained process of unhappiness and are based on ignorance. Even while
unalloyed devotional service, by which devotee enjoying, they are filled with lamentation.
removes material association and fixes his mind on
SB 11.14.12-30: Glory of PDS
3-4: Lord established Bhakti in Parampara
12 - 14: Happiness of a Devotee
SB 11.14.3 – Essence of All processes is Bhakti:
SB 11.14.12 – Shares happiness with Lord: Those
Vedic knowledge was lost at the time of
who fix consciousness on Me, giving up material
annihilation. Therefore, when the subsequent
desires, share with Me a happiness which is not
creation took place, I spoke to Brahmä because I am
possible by sense gratification.
the religious principles.
SB 11.14.13 – Happy always / Qualities of a devotee:
[‘Mad-ätmakaù’ can also mean "the process in which
One who is (i) freed of desire, (ii) achieved peace by
the mind concentrates on me." This refers to bhakti
controlling his senses, (iii) equal in all conditions and
since by bhakti alone one becomes absorbed in the
(iv) completely satisfied in Me – finds only
Lord. - SCVT ]
happiness wherever he goes.
SB 11.14.4 – Parampara: Lord Brahmä -> Manu ->
akiïcanasya däntasya çäntasya sama-cetasaù
seven great sages headed by Bhågu Muni.
mayä santuñöa-manasaù sarväù sukha-mayä diçaù
SB 11.14.5-7 – Cause for different process: Because
SB 11.14.14 - Devotee does not desire anything: He
of Diff modes, different opinions arise: From Bhågu
desires neither the position nor abode of Brahmä,
and other sons of Brahmä appeared many
Indra, earth, nor lower planetary systems, eightfold
descendants, who assumed different forms as
perfection of yoga, nor liberation. He desires Me
demigods, demons, human beings, Guhyakas etc. All
species have different natures and desires as per
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
15 – 16: Lords attachment to devotee completely purify one's consciousness if they are
SB 11.14.15 – Most dear to Lord: Neither Brahmä, bereft of loving service to Me.
Çiva, Saìkarñaëa, the GoF nor My own self are as SB 11.14.23 – PDS purifies antah-karana: If one's
dear to Me as you are. hairs do not stand on end, then heart does not melt,
na tathä me priyatama ätma-yonir na çaìkaraù no tears of love, then how can one render loving
na ca saìkarñaëo na çrér naivätmä ca yathä bhavän service to the Lord and purify the consciousness.
SB 11.14.16 – Lords follows their footsteps: With the SB 11.14.24 – PD purifies entire Universe: A devotee
dust of My devotees' lotus feet I purify the material whose throat choked up, heart melts, who cries,
worlds. Thus, I always follow the footsteps of My laughs, feels ashamed and cries out loudly and
pure devotees. dances-thus a devotee purifies the entire universe.
SB 11.14.25 - Bhakti purifies the Atma: Spirit soul is
SB 11.14.17 – Qualities of devotee in Bhava stage: (i) purified by fire of bhakti-yoga and returns to its
No desire for personal gratification, (ii) attached to original position of serving Me. Anl: Just as gold
Me, (iii) peaceful, (iv) without false ego and (v) smelted in fire returns to its pure state.
merciful to all, and (vi) whose consciousness is never yathägninä hema malaà jahäti
affected, they enjoy in Me a happiness not achieved dhmätaà punaù svaà bhajate ca rüpam
by those lacking such detachment. ätmä ca karmänuçayaà vidhüya
mad-bhakti-yogena bhajaty atho mäm
18 – 25: Purifying potency of Pure Devotional 26 – 28: So absorb mind in Krsna
servicce SB 11.14.26 - Lord is revealed in proportion to
SB 11.14.18 – Even a sadhaka is never defeated: My Bhakti: When a diseased eye is treated with ointment
devotee may be harassed by material desires, but it gradually recovers its power to see. Similarly,
will not be defeated because of his unflinching living entity by hearing and chanting regains his
devotion for Me. ability to see Me.
bädhyamäno 'pi mad-bhakto viñayair ajitendriyaù yathä yathätmä parimåjyate 'sau
präyaù pragalbhayä bhaktyä viñayair näbhibhüyate mat-puëya-gäthä-çravaëäbhidhänaiù
SB 11.14.19 – PDS purifies from Sin (Aprarabhda tathä tathä paçyati vastu sükñmaà
karma): Just as fire turns firewood into ashes, cakñur yathaiväïjana-samprayuktam
similarly, DS completely burns to ashes sins SB 11.14.27 - How can one’s mind fixed in Krsna’s
committed by devotees. sweetness: Meditating upon sense objects one is
SB 11.14.20 - I am only attained by PDS: PDS brings entangled. but My remembrance leads to absorption
Me under control. But not mystic yoga, Säìkhya, in Me.
pious work, Vedic study, austerity or renunciation. viñayän dhyäyataç cittaà viñayeñu viñajjate
nasädhayatimäàyogo nasäìkhyaà dharma mäm anusmarataç cittaà mayy eva praviléyate
uddhava SB 11.14.28 - Therefore, one should reject all
nasvädhyäyas tapas tyägo material processes and absorb one's mind in Me.
yathäbhaktirmamorjitä 29-30: Krsna warns about association of opposite
SB 11.14.21 – PDS purifies prarabdha karma: Only sex
by PDS with full faith in Me can one obtain Me. I SB 11.14.29 - One should give up association with
am naturally dear to My devotees. By PDS even the women and womanizer. Then in solitary place,
dog-eaters can purify themselves. concentrate the mind on Me.
bhaktyähamekayägrähyaù SB 11.14.30 - Attachment to Opposite sex -> greatest
çraddhayätmäpriyaùsatäm suffering: The suffering and bondage arising from
bhaktiùpunäti man-niñöhä çva- attachment to women and womanizer is greatest.
päkänapisambhavät na tathäsya bhavet kleço bandhaç cänya-
SB 11.14.22 – w/o PDS no purification: Neither prasaìgataù
religious activities with honesty and mercy nor yoñit-saìgäd yathä puàso yathä tat-saìgi-saìgataù
knowledge obtained with great penance can
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.14.31-46: Process of Meditation within the whorl. Placing My form within the fire,
SB 11.14.31 – Uddhava’s Questions: (i) What is the one should meditate upon it as the goal.
process of liberation, (ii) Nature of Meditation, (iii) Characteristics of form: Proportioned, gentle and
Which form he should meditate? cheerful, with beautiful bodily features, Çrévatsa
32-46: Lord Krsna explains Process of Meditation conchshell, disc, club, lotus flower and garland of
SB 11.14.32-33 – Asana & pranayama: Sitting on a forest flowers. Lotus Feet are decorated with ankle
level seat, keeping the body straight and focusing the bells and bracelets, Kaustubha gem, crown, a golden
eyes on the tip of one's nose, one should purify the belt, valuable bracelets. All of the limbs capture the
pathways of breathing by püraka, kumbhaka & heart, and the face is beautified by merciful
recaka, and then one should reverse the procedure. glancing.
Having fully controlled the senses, thus practice Pulling the senses back strongly fix the mind upon
präëäyäma step by step. all of the limbs of My form. Thus one should
SB 11.14.34 - Move the life air upward like the fibers meditate upon transcendental form of Mine.
in the lotus stalk until heart, where the sacred SB 11.14.43 - Then pulls the consciousness back
syllable oà is situated. Then continue upward the from all the limbs and meditates only on the smiling
distance of 12aìgulas, &there the oàkära should be face.
joined together with the 15 vibrations produced with SB 11.14.44 - Post liberation phase: Then withdraws
anusvära. the consciousness & fix it in the sky. Then giving up
SB 11.14.35 - Being fixed in the oàkära, practice the such meditation, one should become established in
präëäyäma system ten times at each sunrise, noon Me and give up the process of meditation altogether.
and sunset. Thus, after one month one will have 45-46: Stage of Samadhi
conquered the life air. SB 11.14.45 – Then should see Me within his soul
SB 11.14.36-42 – Meditating on form of Lord: The and soul within Me. Thus, he sees the individual
eyes half closed and fixed on nose, one should souls united with the Supreme Soul. Anl: just as one
meditate on the lotus flower in the heart. Lotus with sees the sun's rays completely united with the sun.
8 petals, erect stalk. Place the sun, moon and fire, SB 11.14.46 – Thus his illusory identification with
material objects, knowledge and activities is very
quickly extinguished.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.15.35 - I am the cause, the maintainer and the master of all siddhis of the yoga system, of jïäna, of
niñkäma-karma, and of the searchers for Brahman.
SB 11.15.36 – Anl: Just as the same material elements exist inside and outside of all material bodies, similarly,
I, who cannot be enclosed by anything else, exist within everything as the antaryämé and also pervade
everywhere outside.
to conquer
9 Vedas Brahmä 59 Speculative philosophers Diversity of perception
10 All mantras Oàkära 60 Ladies Çatarüpä
11 Letters "a" 61 Male Sväyambhuva Manu
12 Sacred meters Gäyatré 62 Sages Näräyaëa
13 Demigods Indra 63 Brahmacärés Sanat-kumära
14 Vasus Agni 64 Religious principles Renunciation
15 Sons of Aditi Viñëu 65 Types of security within Consciousness of the
eternal soul
16 Rudras Çiva 66 Secrets pleasant speech
17 Saintly Brähmaëas Bhågu 67 Sexual pairs Brahmä
18 Saintly kings Manu 68 Vigilant cycles of time Year
19 Saintly demigods Närada Muni 69 Seasons Spring
20 Cows Kämadhenu 70 Months Märgaçérña
21 Perfected beings Kapila 71 Lunar houses Abhijit
22 Birds Garuòa 72 Ages Satya-yuga
23 Prajapatis Dakña 73 Steady sages Devala &Asita
24 Forefathers Aryamä 74 Those who divided the Vedavyäsa
25 Demons Prahläda 75 Learned scholars Çukräcärya
26 Stars & herbs Candra 76 Those entitled to the name Väsudeva
27 Yakñas & Räkñasas Kuvera 77 Devotees Uddhava
28 Elephants Airävata 78 Kimpuruñas Hanumän
29 Aquatics Varuna 79 Vidyädharas Sudarçana
30 Things that heat & Sun 80 Jewels Ruby
31 Humans King 81 Beautiful things Lotus cup
32 Horses Uccaiùçravä 82 Types of grass Kuça
33 Metals Gold 83 Oblations Ghee
34 Suppressor & punisher Yamaräja 84 Enterprising Fortune
35 Sarpäs Väsuki 85 Cheaters Gambling
36 Nägas Ananta deva 86 Tolerant Forgiveness
37 Animals with sharp Lion 87 Those in Mode of goodness Good qualities
horns & teeth
38 Social orders Renounced 88 Powerful Bodily & mental
order strength
39 Occupational divisions Brähmaëas 89 Devotees Devotional activities
40 Sacred & flowing Ganges 90 Nine different forms of Väsudeva
things worship
41 Steady bodies of water Ocean 91 Gandharvas Viçvävasu
42 Weapons Bow 92 Apsaras Pürvacitti
43 Wielders of weapons Lord Çiva 93 Mountains Steadiness
44 Residences Mount Sumeru 94 Earth Fragrant aroma
45 Places Himalayas 95 Water Sweet taste
46 Trees Holy fig 96 Brilliant things Sun
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
purification. Residing within the guru’s äçrama, he SB 11.17.32 – Worship Lord: Thus enlightened in
studies the Vedas. Vedic knowledge one should worship Me as the
SB 11.17.23 – Dress and paraphernalia: dressed with Supersoul, as I appear within fire, the spiritual
straw-belt and deerskin, matted hair, carry a rod & master, one's own self and all LE.
waterpot and be decorated with akña beads and a 33: No association with women – Duty of those
sacred thread. Carrying kuça grass in hand, never not in household lives
accept a luxurious sitting place. Do not SB 11.17.33 - sannyäsés, vänaprasthas and
unnecessarily polish teeth, or bleach and iron his brahmacärés-should never associate with women by
clothes. glancing, touching, conversing, joking or sporting.
SB 11.17.24 – Silence: Should always remain silent Neither associate with any LE engaged in sexual
while bathing, eating, attending sacrifices, chanting activities.
japa or passing stool and urine. He should not cut SB 11.17.34-35 – Duties of all ashrams: general
his nails and hair, including the armpit and pubic cleanliness, washing the hands, bathing, performing
hair. religious services at sunrise, noon and sunset,
SB 11.17.25 – Never pass semen: celibate should worshiping Me, visiting holy places, chanting japa,
never pass semen. If the semen by chance spills out avoiding that which is untouchable, uneatable or not
by itself, he should take bath in water, control his to be discussed, and remembering My existence
breath by präëäyäma and chant the Gäyatré mantra. within all LE as the Supersoul-these principles
SB 11.17.26 – Regular worship: worship the fire- should be followed by all through regulation of the
god, sun, äcärya, cows, brähmaëas, guru, elderly mind, words and body.
respectable persons and demigods at sunrise and SB 11.17.36 – Result of celibacy: A brähmaëa by
sunset, without speaking but by silently chanting celibacy becomes brilliant like fire and by austerity
mantras. burns propensity to perform material activities. Free
SB 11.17.27 – Respect Guru: One should know the of material desire, he becomes My devotee.
äcärya as Myself and never disrespect him in any evaà båhad-vrata-dharo brähmaëo 'gnir iva jvalan
way. One should not envy him, thinking him an mad-bhaktas tévra-tapasä dagdha-karmäçayo 'malaù
ordinary man, for he is the representative of all the
demigods. SB 11.17.37-52: Duties of a house holder (grhasta)
äcäryaà mäà vijänéyän navamanyeta karhicit
SB 11.17.37 – Taking leave from guru: A brahmacäré
na martya-buddhyäsüyeta sarva-deva-mayo guruù
who desires to enter household life should offer
SB 11.17.28 – Madhukari: In the morning and
remuneration to guru, bathe, cut his hair, put on
evening one should collect foodstuffs and deliver
proper clothes, and so on. Then, taking permission
them to the spiritual master. Then accept that which
from the guru, he should go back to home.
is allotted by the äcärya.
SB 11.17.38 – Non-devotee should have ashram:
SB 11.17.29 – As a humble servant: With an attitude
brahmacäré should progressively move through other
of service he should serve the guru, while guru (i)
ashrams (sannyäsa if only he is brähmaëa). There is
walks – walk behind him; (ii) sleeps - lying down
no other way if one is not surrendered to Me.
nearby and be alert; (iii) sits - stand with folded
SB 11.17.39 – Marriage / qualities of wife: One who
desires should marry a wife of (i) his caste, (ii)
SB 11.17.30 - Until the student has completed his
beyond reproach and (iii) younger in age. If desires
Vedic education, he should remain engaged in the
many wives each wife should be of a successively
äçrama of the guru, completely free of material
lower caste.
enjoyment and should not break his vow of celibacy.
40-44: Duties of a household Brahmana
31 – 36: Duties of a naistiki brahmacäré
SB 11.17.40 – yajna dana tapa: brähmaëas, kñatriyas
SB 11.17.31 – Dedicated to Vedic studies: If the
and vaiçyas-must perform sacrifice, study the Vedic
brahmacäré desires to ascend to the Brahmaloka,
literature and give charity. Only the brähmaëas
then he should observe a vow of permanent celibacy
& dedicate himself to Vedic studies.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
accept charity, teach the Vedic knowledge and substitute occupations when the difficulties have
perform sacrifice on behalf of others. passed.
SB 11.17.41 – Occupation: (acceptable order) (i)
accepting charity (ii) teaching (iii) collecting rejected 50-51: Obligatory and optional duties of
grains in agricultural fields. Consideration of householders (grhasta’s)
choosing: It should not destroy his austerity, power SB 11.17.50 – Obligatory: According to ones wealth,
and fame. the householder should daily worship the sages by
SB 11.17.42 – Purpose and goal of brähmaëa: The Vedic study, the forefathers by making offerings
body of a brähmaëa is not intended to enjoy with the word svadhä, DGs by making offerings
insignificant SG; rather, by austerities he will enjoy with the word svähä, all LE by offering shares of
unlimited happiness after death. one’s meals, and human beings by offering grains
brähmaëasya hi deho 'yaà kñudra-kämäya neñyate and water. The sages, Pitås, DGs, HBs and other
kåcchräya tapase ceha pretyänanta-sukhäya ca entities are my forms.
SB 11.17.43 - A brähmaëa householder should SB 11.17.51 – Optional: A householder should
remain satisfied by rejected grains. free of personal comfortably maintain his dependents either with
desire, he should practice magnanimous religious money that comes of its own accord or with that
principles, with consciousness absorbed in Me. Thus gathered by honest execution of his duties.
he may stay as a householder without very much According to one’s means, one should perform
attachment and achieve liberation. sacrifices.
SB 11.17.44 – Assurance of Lord: Just as a ship
rescues those who have fallen into the ocean, SB 11.17.52-55: Duties of a detached householder
similarly, I very quickly rescue those who uplift SB 11.17.52 - A householder should not become
brähmaëas and devotees suffering in a poverty- materially attached, nor should he become
stricken condition. inattentive to worship of the Lord. He should see
45-46: Duties of a household Ksatriya that all possible future happiness, just like past, is
SB 11.17.45 - A fearless king, just like a father, must temporary.
save all of the citizens from difficulty and also SB 11.17.53 – Anl: The association of family is just
protect himself, Anl: Just as the chief bull elephant like the brief meeting of travelers. With each change
protects the herd. of body one is separated from all such associates,
SB 11.17.46 - king who removes all sins from just as one loses the objects from dream.
kingdom will certainly enjoy with Lord Indra. putra-däräpta-bandhünäà aìgamaù päntha-
47-49: Emergency duties of four varnas during anu-dehaà viyanty ete svapno nidränugo yathä
calamity SB 11.17.54 - A liberated soul should live at home
SB 11.17.47 – Brahmana: if he (i) cannot support just like a guest, without proprietorship or false ego.
may act as a vaiçya and (ii) in extreme condition as Thus he will not be bound.
kñatriya. But never accept an ordinary master like SB 11.17.55 - A devotional householder who
dog. worships me by execution of his family duties may
SB 11.17.48 – kñatriya: who cannot maintain himself remain at home, may take vänaprastha or, if he has
may act (i) as a vaiçya, (ii) live by hunting or (iii) act a responsible son, take sannyäsa.
as a brähmaëa by teaching others Vedic knowledge.
But never take to profession of a çüdra. SB 11.17.56-58: Faults of an attached houlshold
SB 11.17.49 - A vaiçya: who cannot maintain life
himself (i) may adopt the occupation of a çüdra, and
SB 11.17.56 - But a householder whose mind is
attached to his home and who is thus disturbed by
Çüdra: who cannot find a master can (i) engage in
ardent desires to enjoy his money and children, who
simple activities like making baskets and mats of
is lusty after women, and who unintelligently thinks,
straw. However, all members must give up those
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.18.25 – Begging: One who begs on charity realized knowledge of Me should not do duties by
and by begging (humble manner) is purified in force but by his own free will.
existence. SB 11.18.37 – Final goal attained: A realized soul
SB 11.18.26 – No material activities: With has destroyed such illusory perception by knowledge
consciousness free from material attachment, one of Me. But perceptions of material body and mind
should retire from all activities meant for material may sometimes appear to recur; but at the time of
progress in this life and the next. death he achieves opulences equal to Mine.
SB 11.18.27 – Consciousness: One should
understand that universe and his body are product SB 11.18.38-43: Lord Krsna summarises the duties
of illusory energy. One should not make these object in varnasrama
of one’s meditation. SB 11.18.38 – One who knows knowledge of misery
of sense gratification, but not seriously analyzed
SB 11.18.28-37: Description of devotee without should approach guru.
Ashrama SB 11.18.39 – Until realized one should serve guru
SB 11.18.28 – Beyond rules: A learned (who is non-different from Me) with faith and
transcendalist or my devotee not desiring liberation without envy.
neglect external rites. They are beyond rules. SB 11.18.40-41 – bogus sannyasis condemned: One
SB 11.18.29 – Contradictory behaviour: He is wise who has not controlled the six forms of illusion, and
but behaves as child, (oblivious to honor and intelligence is extremely attached to material things,
dishonor), expert-but behave like stunted, learned – who denies demigods, supreme lord and his ownself
but speaks as insane, knows rstrictions- but behave is lost in this life and next.
in unrestricted way. SB 11.18.42 –Main duties of four ashramas:
SB 11.18.30 – Does not take sides: Neither engages • Sannyas-equanimity and nonviolence,
nor criticizes in fruitive acts. Never speaks like • vänaprastha- austerity and philosophical of
logician or skeptic and take sides by useless soul and body.
arguments. • Householder- give shelter to all living
SB 11.18.31 – Behaviour with others: Never entities, perform sacrifices,
frightened or frighten others. Tolerates criticism but • Brahmacäré -engaged in serving the spiritual
never criticizes. Never violent for sake of material master.
body. SB 11.18.43 – A householder should do sex with
SB 11.18.32 – Consciousness to exhibit above wife only for children. Else should practice celibacy,
behaviour: Like moon reflected in water bodies, lord austerity, satisfaction etc., All divisions of people
in everyone’s hearts. Thus material body is can worship Me.
composed of Lord’s energy.
SB 11.18.33 – No extremes: Neither elated because SB 11.18.44-48: Lord Krsna concludes – attaining
of opulent food, nor unhappy at lack of proper food. Lord through Varnasrama
Understands that every situation is under control of SB 11.18.44 – One who worships me by occupation
Lord. and no other object of worship achieves unflinching
SB 11.18.34 – Balancing: One should endeavor to Bhakti.
maintain one’s health. So that one can contemplate SB 11.18.45 - I create and destroy this universe,
on spiritual truth and thus liberated. being its ultimate cause. One who worships Me with
SB 11.18.35 – basic bodily needs: A sage should unfailing devotional service comes to Me.
accept the food, clothing and bedding - be they of SB 11.18.46 - Thus, one who has purified by
excellent or inferior quality - that come of their own execution of his duties, who fully understands My
accord. supreme position and who is endowed with
SB 11.18.36 – Attitude towards duties: Just as I do scriptural and realized knowledge, very soon
duties by My own free will, similarly, one who has achieves Me.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.18.47 – Varnasrama should be followed as per (ii)Teach me about pure bhakti which is sought by
tradition. When such varëäçrama duties are the great sages.
dedicated to Me in loving service, they award the jïänaà viçuddhaà vipulaà yathaitad
supreme perfection of life. vairägya-vijïäna-yutaà puräëam
SB 11.18.48 - My dear saintly Uddhava, I have äkhyähi viçveçvara viçva-mürte
described means by which devotee can come back to tvad-bhakti-yogaà ca mahad-vimågyam
Me. SB 11.19.9 – Your LF is only shelter: For one who
is tormented by birth, death and 3 fold miseries –
SB 11.19. THE PERFECTION OF Only Your lotus feet are shelter, like umbrella that
pours down nectar.
täpa-trayeëäbhihatasya ghore
santapyamänasya bhavädhvanéça
SB 11.19.1-7: Bhakti after Jnana paçyämi nänyac charaëaà taväìghri-
SB 11.19.1 – Jnana has to be left after perfection: dvandvätapaträd amåtäbhivarñät
The Sadhaka, after realizing self through processes SB 11.19.10 – Show compassion to CS: Kindly be
of jnana understand world as illusory. Then he merciful and uplift by Ur instructions, Jiva is in dark
should surrender jnana and means to acquire it to hole bit up by snake of time is still running after
Me. insignificant sense gratification.
SB 11.19.2 – Lord is goal & means for perfected [Pure bhakti can itself give liberation also but it does
jnani: Self realized devotees make me object, goal not arise by human effort. But Jïäna-yoga can be
and their means. Such learned souls have no attained by human effort. Uddhva is asking process
effective purpose or dear object in life except Me. of jnana, so that those who are not so fortunate to
SB 11.19.3 – That jnani is most dear to Me: That get pure bhakti can at least be delivered from
person (as result of his jnana process) who suffering of material life. - SVCT]
recognizes My lotus feet to be supreme is most dear
to Me. SB 11.19.11-45: Process of Jnana
SB 11.19.4 – Glory of bonafide jnana: Small
11-13: Krsna relates instructions of bhismadev to
fraction of perfection by spiritual knowledge cannot
be obtained by austerities, visiting holy places,
SB 11.19.11 - Yudhistir inquired same from
chanting prayers, giving in charity or pious
Bhishmadev while all of us are listening.
SB 11.19.12 – Bereaved at death of relatives, he
SB 11.19.5 – Bhakti after jnana: By jnana
inquired about religious principles and then about
understand Me and then worship in loving
SB 11.19.6 - The sages achieved perfection after
SB 11.19.13 - I will now speak unto you those that
worshipping me, as the master of all sacrifices and
were heard directly from the mouth of Bhéñmadeva.
as Paramätmä. Thus they came to Me.
SB 11.19.7 – Body, mind and modes are illusion
SB 11.19.14 – Jnanam: I approve of knowledge of 28
since they exist only in present. Six phases of body
elements and ultimately seeing one element within
previously did not exist and ultimately will not exist.
The body exists merely at the present moment.
SB 11.19.15 – Vijanana: One’s experience when one
sees cause of 28 elements as SPoG.
SB 11.19.8-10: Uddhava asks about bhakti and SB 11.19.16 – Position of SPoG: That which
jnana accompanies in the phases of CMD remains alone
SB 11.19.8 – Question: Explain to me (i) more when all material phases are annihilated is the one
elevated knowledge endowed with Vairagya & eternal.
realization, which is approved by previous jïänés. SB 11.19.17 – From four evidences - Vedic
knowledge (çrutiù), direct experience (pratyakñam),
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
traditional wisdom (aitihyam) and logical induction my qualities, (11) offering the mind to me, (12)
(Anumänaà) - one should understand temporary rejection of all material desires, (13) giving up
insubstantial material world and be detached. wealth for my sake, (14) renouncing material sense
SB 11.19.18 - Indeed, a wise man can understand gratification & happiness, (15) performing acts of
that just as all that he has seen is temporary, charity, (16) offering homa, & chanting japa, (17)
similarly, all things within the universe have a performing vows like Ekädaçé as austerity with the
beginning and an end. purpose of achieving me—by these those human
SB 11.19.19 - Now I will again explain the supreme beings who have surrendered themselves to me
process for achieving loving service unto Me. develop bhakti for me. (18) What other result could
SB 11.19.20-24 – Process of Devotional service: remain for my devotee?
(Angas of Bhakti)
çraddhämåta-kathäyäà me çaçvan mad- SB 11.19.25 – When one's peaceful consciousness,
anukértanam strengthened by the MoG, is fixed on the SPoG, one
pariniñöhä ca püjäyäà stutibhiù stavanaà mama achieves religiosity, knowledge, detachment and
ädaraù paricaryäyäà sarväìgair abhivandanam opulence.
mad-bhakta-püjäbhyadhikäsarva-bhüteñu man-matiù SB 11.19.26 – Consciousness in passion chases after
mad-artheñv aìga-ceñöä cavacasä mad-guëeraëam objects of SG and in this way irreligion, ignorance,
mayy arpaëaà ca manasaùsarva-käma-vivarjanam attachment and wretchedness arise.
mad-arthe 'rtha-parityägobhogasya ca sukhasya ca SB 11.19.27 –
iñöaà dattaà hutaà japtaà mad-arthaà yad • Actual religion - That lead one to My DS.
vrataà tapaù • Real knowledge – Awareness of My all-
evaà dharmair manuñyäëämuddhavätma- pervading presence
nivedinäm • Detachment - complete disinterest in the
mayi saïjäyate bhaktiùko 'nyo 'rtho 'syävaçiñyate objects of sense gratification
(1) Firm faith in the narration of my sweet pastimes, • Opulence - 8 mystic perfections.
(2) constant chanting of my glories, (3) unwavering
attachment to my worship, (4) praising me through SB 11.19.28-45: Standard definition for the
verses, (5) great respect for serving the deity, (6) universal aspects of civilized life
offering obeisances with entire body, (7) performing [28 – 32: Uddhava asks Lord Krsna the standard
extensive worship of my devotees, (8) consciousness definition for the universal aspects of civilized life.
of me in all LEs, (9) offering of ordinary bodily 33 – 45: Lord Krsna gives the definitions. ]
activities in my service, (10) use of words to describe
Sl no Question Answer
1 Yama Nonviolence, truthfulness, not coveting or stealing the property of others,
detachment, humility, freedom from possessiveness, trust in the principles of
religion, celibacy, silence, steadiness, forgiveness and fearlessness
2 Niyama Internal cleanliness, external cleanliness, chanting the holy names of the Lord,
austerity, sacrifice, faith, hospitality, worship of Me, visiting holy places, acting
and desiring only for the supreme interest, satisfaction, and service to the
spiritual master
3 Sama Absorbing the intelligence in me
4 Dama Complete discipline of the senses
5 tolerance Tolerance means patiently enduring suffering
6 determination? Steadfastness means conquering the tongue and genitals.
7 charity, Supreme charity is to give up aggression toward others
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.19.45 No need for elaborate on these. Since to see good and bad is itself a bad quality. One has to
transcend good and evil.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.20.35 – (i) One who has no personal desire SB 11.21.8 – Contaminated lands: Bereft of
and (ii) does not pursue personal rewards can antelopes, bereft of brahmanas, places like kikata,
achieve loving devotional service unto Me. places of no purificatory rites, place of meat eaters,
SB 11.20.36 – Devotee is beyond piety and sin: barren earth.
Material piety and sin, cannot exist within My SB 11.21.9 – Appropriate time: By its nature or for
unalloyed devotees, who, maintain steady spiritual achievement of suitable paraphernalia, for one's
consciousness in all circumstances. prescribed duty. Inappropriate time: Time which
SB 11.20.37 – Destination of devotees: Persons who impedes the performance of one's duty.
seriously follow these methods of achieving Me, SB 11.21.10 – Object: An object's purity or impurity
attain freedom from illusion, and upon reaching My is established by application of another object, by
personal abode they perfectly understand the words, by rituals, by the effects of time or according
Absolute Truth. to relative magnitude.
SB 11.21.11 – Effect of impure objects: Impure
things effect person depending on that person's
--- strength or weakness, intelligence, wealth, location
and physical condition.
SB 11.21 LORD KÅÑËA'S EXPLANATION 12-15: Process of purification
SB 11.21.12 – Agents for purification: Various
objects such as grains, wooden utensils, things made
of bone, thread, liquids, objects derived from fire,
SB 11.21.1-6: Purpose of distinctions of piety and sin skins and earthy objects are all purified by time, by
SB 11.21.1 – Those who give up My methods, bhakti, the wind, by fire, by earth and by water, either
jïäna and niñkäma-karma, and instead cultivate separately or in combination.
insignificant sense enjoyment by the fickle senses, SB 11.21.13 – Standard of purification: A particular
undergo the continual cycle of material existence. purifying agent is appropriate if it can remove the
SB 11.21.2 – Definition of sin and piety: Steadiness bad odor or dirty covering of some contaminated
in one's own position is declared to be actual piety, object and makes it resume its original nature.
whereas deviation from one's position is considered SB 11.21.14 – Personal purification: Bathing, charity,
impiety austerity, age, personal strength, purificatory rituals,
SB 11.21.3 – To understand what is proper in life prescribed duties and, above all, by remembrance of
one must evaluate a object within its particular Me. The brähmaëa should be purified before
category. For (i) religious principles - consider purity performing specific activities.
and impurity. (ii) Ordinary dealings - distinguish SB 11.21.15 – Purification of different things: (i) A
good and bad (iii) one's physical survival – recognise mantra - proper knowledge, (ii) One's work - by
auspicious and inauspicious. offering to Me. (iii) Person- By of the place, time,
SB 11.21.4 – Only for CS: This is for those bearing substance, doer, mantras and work, one becomes
burden of mundane religious principles. religious.
SB 11.21.5 – All jivas from Brahma to down all 16-17: Consideration of piety and sin is
made of 5 elements emanating from SPOG. circumstantial
SB 11.21.6 – Purpose of distinguishing: All though SB 11.21.16 – As per Vedic scriptures, in some
all jivas have bodies made of same 5 elements, Vedas special cases piety become sin, sin becomes piety.
distinguish them to facilitate jiva executing dharma. And such rules eradicate the clear distinction
between piety and sin.
SB 11.21.7-17: Standard of Purity and Purification SB 11.21.17 – The same activities that would
SB 11.21.7 - In order to restrict materialistic degrade an elevated person do not cause fall down
activities, I have established that which is proper and for those who are already fallen. Indeed, one who is
improper among all object, land and time. lying on the ground cannot possibly fall further.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.21.18-34: Karma-Kända portions of the Vedas foolish persons give up all that is actually valuable in
SB 11.21.18 - Path of liberation: By refraining, one is life for heavenly life which is like a dream.
freed. Such refraining is basis of religious and SB 11.21.32 – Those in modes worship deities of
auspicious life. those particular modes. They fail, however, to
19-22: Path of fall down: properly worship Me.
SB 11.21.19 - Accepts sense objects-> Attachment -> SB 11.21.33-34 – Mentality of sense gratifiers:
lust -> quarrel Desiring heaven and later an aristocratic life in
SB 11.21.20 – Quarrel -> Intolerable anger -> earth, proud persons are not attracted to topics
darkness of ignorance -> loses broad intelligence about Me.
SB 11.21.21 – lose of real intelligence -> loses
everything -> Deviates from the actual purpose of SB 11.21.35-43: Vedic knowledge is difficult to
his life -> he becomes dull, just like a dead person. comprehend without Me or My devotees
SB 11.21.22 – One does not recognize himself or SB 11.21.35 – Lord likes indirect description: Vedas
others because of SG. He is like (a) tree – ignorant ultimately reveal LE as pure spirit soul. However
(b) bellows – simply breathing. sages and matras deal in esoteric way, since I like
23-26: Vedas do not cheat people such confidential descriptions.
SB 11.21.23 – Purpose of rewards: Frutive rewards vedä brahmätma-viñayäs tri-käëòa-viñayä ime
of Vedas are not for ultimate good. These are traps parokña-vädä åñayaù parokñaà mama ca priyam
for executing duties are like Anl: promises of candy SB 11.21.36 – Vedas are very difficult: The sound of
spoken to induce a child to take beneficial medicine. Vedas is very difficult to comprehend and manifest
SB 11.21.24 – Human beings become attached to at different levels. This Vedic sound is unlimited,
personal sense gratification, long duration of life, very deep and unfathomable, just like the ocean.
sense activities, bodily strength, sexual potency and çabda-brahma su-durbodhaà präëendriya-mano-
friends and family. Thus it defeats actual self- mayam
interest. ananta-päraà gambhéraà durvigähyaà samudra-
SB 11.21.25 – Ignorant of self interest people are vat
already going towards hell. Why Vedas would SB 11.21.37 – Oàkära: I personally establish the
misled those, who submissively follow them. Vedic sound vibration in the form of oàkäras. It is
SB 11.21.26 – Person with perverted intelligence thus perceived subtly, Anl: just like a single strand of
attracted to flowery words of Vedas. Those in actual fiber on a lotus stalk.
knowledge of the Vedas never speak in that way. SB 11.21.38-40 - Origin of the Vedas: From the sky of
27-34: Sense gratifiers misunderstand the Karma- His heart Lord creates Vedic sound by His mind.
Kända That sound conceived as sparças branches out in
SB 11.21.27 - Those who are full of lust, avarice and 1000’s of directions, adored with different letters
greed mistake mere flowers to be the actual fruit of expanded from oà. Then the Vedas are elaborated
life. These people cannot know their identity in many varieties and meters, each with 4 more
SB 11.21.28 – Sense gratifiers doing Vedic rituals syllables than previous. Anl: just as a spider Lord
does not understand that I am in their hearts. manifests and winds up the Vedas from His heart
Indeed, they are Anl: just like persons whose eyes and into Himself.
are covered by fog. SB 11.21.41 - Vedic meters are Gäyatré, Uñëik,
SB 11.21.29-30 – Such people unable to understand Anuñöup, Båhaté, Paìkti, Triñöup, Jagaté, Aticchanda,
confidentiality of Vedas resort to violence (slaughter Atyañöi, Atijagaté and Ativiräö.
animals) in name of pleasing demigods, forefather SB 11.21.42 – Only Lord Understands: Only I
and ghosts. Vedas never recommend such acts. understand the confidential purpose of Vedas. So
SB 11.21.31 – Anl: Just as a foolish businessman people do not know (i) actual prescriptions in
gives up his real wealth in business speculation, karma-kanda (ii) Object of worship of Upasana-
kanda (iii) that discussed in jnana-kanda.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.21.43 – Actual substance & object of Vedas SB 11.22.8 – All subtle material elements are in gross
– Lord & Bhakti: Vedic sound establishes Me as the elements. All gross elements are in subtle elements
essential meaning of Vedic knowledge. (i) as .Thus we can find all material elements within any
sacrifice (in karma-kanda) (ii) worshipable deity (of single element.
upasana-kanda) (iii) that presented and then refuted SB 11.22.9 – Lord accepts all: I accept their
(in jnana-kanda). Vedas, analysing all these material conclusions as authoritative, because a logical
dualities to be My illusory potency, ultimately explanation can always be given for each of the
negates them and achieve satisfaction. different theories.
[The Vedas prescribe Me. Bhakti is not different 10-12: Logic behind various counting
from My svarüpa. Thus the meaning is "The Vedas SB 11.22.10 – Logic behind counting 26: A person
establish that bhakti to Me is necessary." - SVCT] covered by ignorance cannot cause one’s own
liberation, there must be other person who is in
factual knowledge and can impart this knowledge to
--- him.
anädy-avidyä-yuktasya puruñasyätma-vedanam
SB 11.22. ENUMERATION OF THE svato na sambhaväd anyas tattva-jïo jïäna-do
[Logic of existence of Lord separate from LE]
SB 11.22.11 – Logic behind counting 25: As per
SB 11.21.1-28: Different sankya philosophies MoG, there is no qualitative difference between
explained Lord and jiva. Seeing such difference is only useless
SB 11.22.1-3 – Uddhava’s Question: I heard from speculation.
You that there are 28 elements. But some authorities SB 11.22.12 - Logic behind counting prakriti
say that there are 26 elements, while others cite 25 separate to soul: Nature exists originally as the
or else 7, 9, 6, 4 or 11, and others say 7, 16, or 13. equilibrium of modes and this pertains only to
What was there in their minds when they calculate nature and not to the transcendental Spirit soul.
in different ways? These modes cause CMD.
4-6: Lord Krsna gives causes of differences and 13-18: List of elements and their creation
arguments SB 11.22.13 – Elements as seen in this world (i) MoG
SB 11.22.4 - Reason for the difference - Lords mystic - as knowledge, (ii) MoP - as fruitive work, (iii)
potency: All material elements are present mode of darkness as ignorance. (iv) Time - agitated
everywhere and different brähmaëas have analyzed interaction of modes, and (v) sütra, or mahat-tattva
them in different ways. Under shelter of My mystic – embodies total functional propensity.
potency they spoke different non-contradictory SB 11.22.14 – 9 basic elements: enjoying soul,
truths. nature, mahat-tattva, false ego, ether, air, fire, water
SB 11.22.5 – Reason for arguments – Lords illusory and earth.
energy: It is simply My own insurmountable energies SB 11.22.15 – 5 working senses, 5 knowledge
that is motivating their analytic disagreements. acquiring senses and mind which belongs to both
SB 11.22.6 – People who do not argue: But for those caregories.
who (i) have fixed their intelligence on Me and (ii) SB 11.22.16 – 5 objects of knowledge acquiring
controlled their senses, differences of perception senses, 5 functions of working senses.
disappear & cause of argument is removed. SB 11.22.17 - In the beginning only modes exist.
7-9: Lord elaborates on cause of difference Lord does not enter but glances.
SB 11.22.7 – Because subtle and gross elements enter SB 11.22.18 – Material elements receive potencies
one another, philosophers calculate as per their from glance of Lord. Being amalgamated, they
desire. create universal egg.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
19-25: Krsna gives different counting be analyzed in terms of sense, object of perception
SB 11.22.19 – 7 elements: pancabhutas + jiva + and presiding deity.
paramatma. Body, senses, life air etc come from SB 11.22.33 – Cause of material illusion: Ahaìkära,
seven elements. which arises from mahat-tattva, arising from
SB 11.22.20 – 6 elements: Pancabhutas + Supreme agitation of prakåti, has three forms: sattva, tamas
Lord. Lord brings these elements and enters them. and rajas.
SB 11.22.21 – 4 elements: Fire, water and earth and SB 11.22.34 – Arguments of philosophers is based on
Supreme Lord. incomplete knowledge of SPoG and is aimed at
SB 11.22.22 – 17 elements: Pancabhutas + 5 sense understanding material dualities. Although useless
objects + 5 sensory organs + mind + Soul they cannot give them up as they have turned their
SB 11.22.23 – 16 elements: Pancabhutas + 5 sense attention away from Me.
objects + 5 sensory organs + mind / Soul. Soul is
identified with mind. 13 elements: Pancabhutas + 5 SB 11.22.35-59: Reincarnation, birth, Death
sensory organs + mind + Soul + Supreme Lord SB 11.22.35-36 - Çré Uddhava’s Question: Please
SB 11.22.24 – 11 elements: Soul + pancabhutas + 5 explain how people, whose intelligence has been
senses; diverted away from You, accept various bodies due
9 elements: Pancabhutas + mind + intelligence + to their material activities? Due to Your Maya, these
false ego + Supreme Lord facts are unknown to foolish people.
SB 11.22.25 – Lord approves all counting: All of 37-42: The process of accepting various bodies
their proposals are reasonable, since they are logical. SB 11.22.37 - Lord Kåñëa said: Reincarnation: Mind
Such brilliance is expected of truly learned. shaped by fruitive actions travels from one body to
other. Soul follows mind.
SB 11.22.29-34: Difference between soul and SB 11.22.38 – Mind meditates on objects that it sees
matter and hears. At death it loses perception of objects and
26-28: Çré Uddhava’s Question: thus its ability to distinguish past and future is lost.
SB 11.22.26 – Even though constitutionally SB 11.22.39 – Death: When jiva reincarnates to
different, soul and nature appear to be non- others body, it absorbs in pleasures and pains of that
different. Both reside in another. body and forgets past bodies. This forgetfullness is
SB 11.22.27 – Kindly cut my ignorance with Your called death.
great skill in reasoning. SB 11.22.40 – Birth: is person's total identification
SB 11.22.28 – From You comes knowledge and with new body. Person accepts body as he accepts
forgetfulness. Only You can know Your illusory dream as reality.
potency. SB 11.22.41 – Forgetting previous life: Just as person
29-34: Lord Krsna answers forgets his previous dreams but remembers present
SB 11.22.29 – Material nature and its enjoyer are day dream. Similar is with body.
clearly distinct. Change in matter is because of SB 11.22.42 – Mind creates identification with body
modes. and creates varieties of high, middle and low. Thus
SB 11.22.30 – Maya with 3 modes manifests the self creates external and internal duality. Anl:
varieties of creation, consciousness and three just as a man might give birth to a bad son.
aspects: adhyätmic, adhidaivic and adhibhautic. 43-47: Imperceptible change of the body
SB 11.22.31 – Anl: (a) Sight, (b) form and (c) SB 11.22.43 – Time is swiftly and imperceptibly
reflection in eye, work together; but Sun who reveals creating and destroying. But no one sees it.
them is independent. Similarly Lord is origin of all SB 11.22.44 – Analogies: (i) Flame of a candle, (ii)
entities. current of a river, or (iii) the fruits of a tree.
SB 11.22.32 – Similarly to above 5 sense organs, SB 11.22.45 – Explanation of analogies: Light of
mind, intelligence, false ego, consciousness - can all lamp undergoes constant transformation and water
in river always flows but one says, “light of lamp”,
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
“water in river”. Similarly body is changing on the spiritual platform, even difficult situations –
constantly and those that say each particular stage like being neglected, insulted, ridiculed or envied by
of the body is the person's real identity are foolish bad men, or even though repeatedly agitated by
SB 11.22.46 – A person neither takes birth nor dies. being beaten, tied up or deprived of one's
Because of illusion, he appears so. Anl: Fire in occupation, spat upon or polluted with urine by
firewood appearing to begin and cease to exist. ignorant people.
SB 11.22.47 – 9 stages of body: Impregnation, kñipto 'vamänito 'sadbhiù pralabdho 'süyito 'tha vä
gestation, birth, infancy, childhood, youth, middle täòitaù sanniruddho vä våttyä vä parihäpitaù
age, old age and death. niñöhyuto mütrito väjïair bahudhaivaà prakampitaù
48-50: understanding the birth and death çreyas-kämaù kåcchra-gata ätmanätmänam uddharet
realistically SB 11.22.60 - Çré Uddhava said: O best of all
SB 11.22.48 – Ignorant jiva falsely identifies oneself speakers, please explain to me how I may properly
with the superior and inferior bodily conditions. understand this.
Only a fortunate can give up such concoction. SB 11.22.61 – The material conditioning are very
SB 11.22.49 – Death of father or grandfather strong and it is difficult even for learned man to
surmises one’ death. By birth of son one can tolerate the offenses of an ignorant person. Only
understand one’s birth. One who understands this is Your devotees - who are (i) fixed in Your loving
no longer subject to dualities. service and (ii) achieved peace by residing at Your
SB 11.22.50 – One who observes is different from lotus feet – are able to tolerate such offenses
observation. In the same way, the witness of the su-duùñaham imaà manya ätmany asad-
birth and death of the material body remains atikramam
separate from it. Anl: tree viduñäm api viçvätman prakåtir hi baléyasé
51-52: destination of one in modes åte tvad-dharma-niratän çäntäàs te caraëälayän
SB 11.22.51 - An unintelligent man, thinks nature to
be real. Because of its contact, jiva becomes
bewildered and enters cycle of samsara. ---
SB 11.22.52 – Conditioned soul is made to wander
due to fruitive work and due to contact with
different modes takes on different births. (i) MoG –
Demigods or sages, (ii) MoP – Demon or human AVANTÉ BRÄHMAËA
being, (iii) MoI – Ghost or animal kingdom
53-56: Cause of bondage Link: Chp 22 -> Chp23: At the end of chapter 22,
SB 11.22.53 – Just as one imitates others’ dancing Krsna has suggested to maintain spiritual
etc- similarly jiva although not doer imitates maya’s consciousness even in extreme situations. Now
qualities. Krsna is giving an example of a Brahmana who has
SB 11.22.54-55 – Soul’s experience of Sense exhibited such consciousness.
gratification is actually false. Anl: (i) Quivering of
reflected tree in agitated water (ii) appearance of SB 11.23.1-3: Difficult to tolerate insulting words
earth spinning due to spinning of eyes (iii) world of SB 11.23.1 - Çukadeva Gosvämé said: Upon being
fantasy (iv) dream. respectfully requested, Lord first acknowledged the
SB 11.22.56 – Material life even though false, does fitness of his servant's statements. Then the Lord,
not go away for conditioned soul. Anl: Just as the began to reply to him.
unpleasant experiences of a dream do not. SB 11.23.2 - Lord Çré Kåñëa said: O disciple of
57-59: Solution - Båhaspati, there is virtually no saintly man in this
SB 11.22.57 - Therefore, do not try to enjoy sense world capable of resettling his own mind after it has
gratification – it prevents one from realizing the self. been disturbed by the insulting words of uncivilized
SB 11.22.58-59 – One who desires the highest goal men.
in life should use his intelligence to keep himself safe
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.23.3 – Sharp arrows does not cause much SB 11.23.17 – Sufferings for wealth: In the (i)
suffering than insulting words of uncivilized men. earning, (ii) attainment, (iii) increase, (iv) protection,
(v) expense, (vi) loss and (vii) enjoyment of wealth,
SB 11.23.4-30: Story Of Avanti brahmana all men experience great (a) labor, (b) fear, (c)
SB 11.23.4 – My dear Uddhava, please listen with anxiety and (d) delusion.
attention, a most pious story. arthasya sädhane siddhe utkarñe rakñaëe vyaye
5-13: Irreligious brahmana - lost everything and näçopabhoga äyäsas träsaç cintä bhramo nåëäm.
neglected by family SB 11.23.18-19 – 15 undesirable qualities arising due
SB 11.23.5 – It is story of sanyasi who remembered to greed: Theft, violence, speaking lies, duplicity,
with determination that his suffering is due to past lust, anger, perplexity, pride, quarreling, enmity,
karma. faithlessness, envy and the dangers caused by
SB 11.23.6 – In Avanti, there lived a rich brahmana women, gambling and intoxication.
engaged in commerce. But he was miserly, lusty, Men falsely ascribe value to them. One desiring to
greedy and angry. real benefit should therefore remain aloof from
SB 11.23.7 – Devoid of religion and lawful sense undesirable material wealth.
gratification, he does not respect family or guests. steyaà hiàsänåtaà dambhaù kämaù krodhaù smayo
Sometimes he does not care his body. madaù
SB 11.23.8 – His sons, in-laws, wife, daughters and bhedo vairam aviçväsaù saàspardhä vyasanäni ca
servants becoming disgusted, they would never treat ete païcadaçänarthä hy artha-mülä matä nåëäm
him with affection. tasmäd anartham arthäkhyaà çreyo-'rthé düratas
SB 11.23.9 – In this way the presiding deities of the tyajet
five family sacrifices became angry at the båähmaëa, SB 11.23.20 – Family – inimical: Even close family
who, being niggardly, guarded his wealth and members become inimical in moment over difference
deprived of religiosity. of one coin.
SB 11.23.10 – By his negligence to demigods, he lost SB 11.23.21 – Relatives – fight: For small money
piety, money and all future endeavours failed. relatives and friends give up sentiments in a
SB 11.23.11 – Some of wealth was taken by relatives, moment’s notice and extend to pint of murdering
thieves, providence, effects of time, ordinary men also.
and govt. authorities. 22-27: Realising importance of human life and
SB 11.23.12 – He was already irreligious and when regretting
he lost property, he was ignored by family, thus he SB 11.23.22 – Human birth desirable by demigods
felt unbearable anxiety. also is rare – being brahmana is rare. If one does not
SB 11.23.13 – He felt great pain, throat choked up use this facility, he is killing self interest.
with tears- he meditated for long time and strong SB 11.23.23 – Human form is like gateway to both
renunciation overcame him. hell and heaven. Having achieved this one should
14-30: Realisations of Avanti Brahmana not be attached to worthless material property.
SB 11.23.14 – O what great misfortune! I tormented svargäpavargayor dväraà präpya lokam imaà
myself for money which was intended for sense pumän
gratification or religious rites. draviëe ko 'nuñajjeta martyo 'narthasya dhämani
15-21: Problems due to greed for money SB 11.23.24 – Result of greedy – fall down: One
SB 11.23.15 – Destination of misers: Misers money who does not distribute wealth to devarñi-pitå-
causes self torment in this life and sends them to hell bhütäni jïätén bandhüàç ca bhäginaù and self is
in next life. simply like a Yakña and will fall down.
SB 11.23.16 – Result of greed: Pure fame and SB 11.23.25 – Regretting: Discriminating persons
praiseworthy qualities are destroyed by small utilize money, youth and strength for perfection. I
amount of greed-ex: Beautiful but spoiled by white have not. Now that I am an old man, what can I
leprocy. achieve?
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.23.26 – Why intelligent should suffer in SB 11.23.38-39 – Some would ridicule him by
search of money? saying, as great sage of Himalayas, practicing silence
SB 11.23.27 – For one who is in grip of death- like duck. Other persons would pass foul air upon
wealth, sense gratification and those who provides him, and sometimes bind and keep him like pet
these cause another birth. animal.
kià dhanair dhana-dair vä kià kämair vä SB 11.23.40 – The brahmana understood all these
käma-dair uta miseries as unavoidable and allotted by providence.
måtyunä grasyamänasya karmabhir vota SB 11.23.41 – Even though insulted, he remained
janma-daiù steady in his spiritual habits. Fixing his resolution in
28-30: Gratitude and determination: the mode of goodness, he began to chant the
SB 11.23.28 – Only Mercy of Lord: Lord is satisfied following song.
with me. hence He brought me to this condition.
Detachment is boat that carries over ocean of SB 11.23.42-57: Song of Avanti brahmana
material life. SB 11.23.42 – (i) These people, (ii) demigods, (iii) my
nünaà me bhagaväàs tuñöaù sarva-deva- own body, (iv) planets, (v) my past work, (vi) time
mayo hariù are not the causes of my happiness and distress. It is
yena néto daçäm etäà nirvedaç cätmanaù the mind alone that perpetuates the rotation of
plavaù material life.
SB 11.23.29 – Determination: Whatever life if at all I näyaà jano me sukha-duùkha-hetur
have, I will do austerities and pursue self-interest na devatätmä graha-karma-käläù
and be satisfied. manaù paraà käraëam ämananti
SB 11.23.30 – Hope: May demigods bestow their saàsära-cakraà parivartayed yat
mercy. Khatvanga M got spiritual world in a 43-50: Role of mind in ones happiness and distress
moment. SB 11.23.43 – Mind creates statuses of life: Mind
actuates functions of modes and these activities
SB 11.23.31-41: Avanti brahmanas renunciation develop statuses of life.
SB 11.23.31 - Lord Çré Kåñëa continued: Thus he SB 11.23.44 – Role of supersoul and jiva: Supersoul
untied knots in heart and assumed role of peaceful does not endeavour, He is friend, accompanies jiva,
and silent mendicant. witnesses and is transcendental. I, jiva, embrace
SB 11.23.32 – He wandered with self control. He mind which reflects desires and thus entangled in
visited places only to beg. Did not advertise spiritual modes.
advancement. SB 11.23.45 – Processes to control mind: dänaà,
SB 11.23.33 – Rowdy persons dishonored him (old, sva-dharmo, niyamo, yamaç, Çrutaà, karmäëi,
dirty beggar) with insults. sadvratäni, mano-nigraha-lakñaëäntäù. Indeed,
SB 11.23.34 – Some took sannyasi rod, some took concentration of the mind on the Supreme is the
pot, some took dearskin, beads, torn cloths. highest yoga.
Displaying these things before him, they would SB 11.23.46 – Importance of controlling mind: If
pretend to offer them back but would then hide mind is controlled what is use of pious rituals? If
them again. mind is not controlled what is use of those
SB 11.23.35 – When he sits for eating by river side engagements.
sinful rascals would come and pass urine on it, and SB 11.23.47 – Mind is strongest: Mind controls
they would dare to spit on his head. senses. Mind is not controlled by anyone. Mind is
SB 11.23.36 – They would try disrupt his vow of stronger than strongest, fearsome like God.
silence. Some would beat him alleging as thief. Whoever controls it is Goswami.
SB 11.23.37 – They would criticize and insult him SB 11.23.48 – Cause of all quarrels: Many people are
saying he was hypocrite, makes religion as business, bewildered by this intolerable enemy. Thus they
neglected by family etc... conclude that other people are either their friends or
their enemies or parties indifferent to them.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.23.49 – Causes samsara: Identify with body -> unswerved in his duty desoite insults and chanted
Intelligence blinded -> Thinks “I” and “mine” -> this song.
Wander in darkness. SB 11.23.59 – No other force besides his own mental
50-56: Reasons for eliminating other causes confusion makes the soul experience happiness and
SB 11.23.50 – Happiness comes from within - If distress. His perception of friends, neutral parties
others cause happiness and distrees where is soul’s and enemies and the whole material life he builds
role. How can bodies interact? Anl: If someone around this perception are simply created out of
bites his tongue with his own teeth, at whom can he ignorance.
become angry in his suffering? SB 11.23.60 – Essence of Pasttime: fixing your
SB 11.23.51 – Why to blame demigods? If demigods intelligence on Me, you should thus completely
cause suffering to limb - why should soul feel control the mind. This is the essence of the science
affected? Anl: When one limb attacks another, with of yoga.
whom angry? tasmät sarvätmanä täta nigåhäëa mano dhiyä
SB 11.23.52 – Why to blame others? Thinking mayy äveçitayä yukta etävän yoga-saìgrahaù
external causes happiness and distress is illusory. If SB 11.23.61 – Phalastuti: Anyone who listen and
soul is cause why to blame others. Happiness and meditates this song will never be overhelmed by the
distress do not actually exist in this concept. dualities of material happiness and distress.
SB 11.23.53 – Why to blame planets? How can
planets effect unborn soul. If they affect soul, where
is role of soul. Planets only pain each other.
SB 11.23.54 – Why to blame frutive work? Where is
role of soul if fruitive acts cause pain and pleasure SB 11.24. THE PHILOSOPHY OF
Neither dead matter nor spiritual soul can feel pain
or pleasure.
SB 11.23.55 – Why to blame time? Time and jiva are
Lord’s energies. How can time affect jiva? Anl: (i) Link: Chp 23->Chp24: After establishing mind as
sparks do not affect fire, (ii) cold do not harm hail. the cause of all the misery, Lord explains about the
SB 11.23.56 – Actual cause & solution: The false Material Nature in this chapter & about the modes
ego gives shape to illusory material existence and of nature in the next chapter.
thus experiences material happiness and distress. But
spirit soul is not affected. A person who understands
this has nothing whatsoever to fear from the SB 11.24.1-21: Creation of Universe through
material creation. elements
SB 11.23.57 – Determination of Avanti Brahmana: SB 11.24.1 - Purpose of describing sankya: Lord Çré
I shall cross over the insurmountable ocean of Kåñëa said: Now I shall describe sankhya,
nescience by being firmly fixed in the service of the understanding which one can immediately give up
lotus feet of Kåñëa. This was approved by the illusion of material duality.
previous äcäryas, who were fixed in firm devotion to SB 11.24.2 – During krta yuga and before at
the Lord. annihilation, all are expert in spiritual discrimination
etäà sa ästhäya parätma-niñöhäm (Seer existed alone, non-different from seen).
adhyäsitäà pürvatamair maharñibhiù SB 11.24.3 – Absolute truth free of dualities divided
ahaà tariñyämi duranta-päraà as matter and jiva.
tamo mukundäìghri-niñevayaiva SB 11.24.4 – Matter embodies subtle causes and
manifests products of matter. Jiva is designated as
SB 11.23.58-61: Krsna concludes enjoyer.
SB 11.23.58 – Thus becoming detached left home SB 11.24.5 – By Lord’s glance, modes manifested to
fulfill desires of jiva.
taking sannyas and travelled on earth. He remained
6-8: Creation of elements
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.24.6 – Modes -> (sutra and mahat tattva) -> product as the basis of its reality. Ex: (i) Gold-
False ego. ornaments, (ii) mud-pot.
SB 11.24.7 - False ego-> Physical sensation, the SB 11.24.18 – One created object becomes the cause
senses, and the mind and basis of another created object. A particular
SB 11.24.8 – False ego in Tamas -> Tanmatras -> 5 thing may thus be called real in that it possesses the
elements. basic nature of another object that constitutes its
False ego in rajas -> Senses, origin and final state.
False ego in sattva -> 11 demigods. SB 11.24.19 – The material universe may be
SB 11.24.9 – Impelled by Me, all these formed considered real, having nature as its original
universal egg. ingredient and final state (Lord MahaVishnu who is
SB 11.24.10 – I Myself appeared within that egg, nondifferent from Me)
and from My navel arose the birthplace of self-born SB 11.24.20 – As long as Lord continues to glance,
Brahmä. nature continues to exist.
SB 11.24.11 – By My mercy, Lord Brahmä created SB 11.24.21 – Universal form contain all varieties of
by three planetary divisions, called Bhür, Bhuvar and creation in dormant state. I am the basis of the
Svar, along with their presiding deities. universal form.
12-15: Results awarded to various workers
SB 11.24.12 – Heaven -> Demigods. Bhurloka -> SB 11.24.22-29: Merging of elements at
Ghostly spirits. Earth -> Humans. Those mystics annihilation
who strive for liberation are promoted beyond these SB 11.24.22-27 – Merging at the time of
three divisions annihilation:
SB 11.24.13 – Patala-> demons and snakes. The • Mortal body->food->grains->earth-
destination is based on the reaction to work in 3 >fragrance ->water-> taste-> fire-> form->
modes. touch-> ether-> sound-False ego in the mode
SB 11.24.14 – Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and of ignorance
Satya loka -> Mystic yogis. My Transcendental • The senses -> presiding demigods ->
abode -> Devotee. controlling mind, ->false ego in the mode of
SB 11.24.15 – I, in form of time, arranged results of goodness
furtive work. One sometimes submerges in modes • Total false ego->modes-> Total nature-
and sometimes floats on modes. >unmanifest nature->time->Supreme Lord.
16-21: Only basis for considering material nature • All life->Supreme Soul (Who remains alone
as ‘real’ and does CMD)
SB 11.24.16 – Whatever features visibly exist within SB 11.24.28 – Result of sankya: This sankhya
this world - small or great, thin or stout-certainly removes duality like sun removes darkness.
contain both the material nature and its enjoyer, the SB 11.24.29 – Thus I, the perfect seer of everything
spirit soul. material and spiritual, have spoken this knowledge
SB 11.24.17 – The ingredient cause exists before the of Säìkhya, which destroys the illusion of doubt by
creation of a product and after the product's scientific analysis of creation and annihilation.
destruction, the same ingredient cause must be
present during the manifest phase, supporting the
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.25.1 - The Supreme Lord said: Please listen as I describe to you how the living entity attains a particular
nature by association modes.
[SB 11.25.2-4: General qualities of one in different modes. See the table below]
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
Food (11.25.28) Wholesome, pure and Gives immediate Unclean and Offered to Lord
obtained without pleasure to the senses causes distress
Happiness Arising from knowledge Arising from sense Arising from Arising from
(11.25.29) of ätmä objects delusion and activities related
degradation to Lord
SB 11.25.30 – Things under modes: Therefore material substance, place, result of activity, time, knowledge,
work, the performer of work, faith, state of consciousness, species of life and destination after death are all
based on the three modes of material nature.
SB 11.25.31 – Nothing exception for modes: Whether seen, heard of or only conceived within the mind, they
are without exception constituted of the modes of nature.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
flesh, blood, muscle, fat, marrow, bone, stool, urine SB 11.26.30-35: Importance of serving devotees
and pus? SB 11.26.30 – What more remains to be
22-24: Do not associate with opposite sex accomplished for the perfect devotee after achieving
SB 11.26.22 – Sense objects agitate the mind: One devotional service unto Me?
who has understood this theoretically should not SB 11.26.31 – Secondary result: Dullness, fear and
associate with women or womanizer. After all, the ignorance are destroyed by serving devotees-Analogy
contact of the senses with their objects inevitably No cold fear and darkness ear fire.
agitates the mind. SB 11.26.32 – Devotees supreme shelter: Devotees of
athäpi nopasajjeta stréñu straiëeñu cärtha-vit lord are shelter for those fearful of samsara. Such
viñayendriya-saàyogän manaù kñubhyati nänyathä devotees are just like a strong boat that comes to
SB 11.26.23 – Out of sight -> Out of Mind: Because rescue persons who are at the point of drowning.
the mind is not disturbed by that which is neither nimajjyonmajjatäà ghore bhaväbdhau
seen nor heard. One who restricts senses can restrict paramäyaëam
mind. santo brahma-vidaù çäntä naur dåòheväpsu
SB 11.26.24 – Learned also should restrain: One majjatäm
should not associate with women or womanizer SB 11.26.33 – Shelter at all the stages: My devotees
freely. What to speak of foolish even a highly are only refuge for persons falling in material life.
learned cannot trust his senses. Anl: (i) as food is life for all jivas, (ii) I am shelter
tasmät saìgo na kartavyaù stréñu straiëeñu for -distressed, (iii) Religion is wealth for those
cendriyaiù leaving body.
viduñäà cäpy avisrabdhaù ñaò-vargaù kim u SB 11.26.34 – Devotees give vision: My devotees
mädåçäm bestow divine eyes, sun gives only external sight
when it is risen. My devotees are one's (a) real
SB 11.26.25-29: Krsna gives lessons from purarava worshipable deities; (b) real family; (c) one's own
episode self, & (d) non-different from Me.
SB 11.26.25 – Thus chanting this song, pururava santo diçanti cakñüàsi bahir arkaù samutthitaù
cleansed up illusion, understood Me and achieved devatä bändhaväù santaù santa ätmäham eva ca.
peace. SB 11.26.35 – Thus he left urvasi’s planet and began
SB 11.26.26 – Take sadhu’s association: An to wander the earth free of all material association
intelligent person should take up the association of and completely satisfied within the self.
saintly devotees, whose words cut off the excessive
attachment of one's mind.
[Only the devotees can cut this attachment. Pious
acts, visiting holy places, worship of devatäs, and
knowledge of scripture cannot do this to the same
extent. -SVCT]
SB 11.26.27 – Qualities of sadhus: My devotees fix
their minds on Me ,always peaceful, endowed with
equal vision, and free from possessiveness, false ego,
duality and greed.
SB 11.26.28 – Activities in association: there is
constant discussion about Me, which purify all sins.
SB 11.26.29 – Phalastuti: Whoever hears, chants
and respectfully takes to heart these topics about Me
becomes faithfully dedicated to Me and thus
achieves My devotional service.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
cut off ahaìkära and live in this world free from all and ahaìkära, external air, water, fire, ether and
material attachment. earth, the tan-mätras and prakåti.
SB 11.28.18 – Factors of cultivation of Jnana:Jïäna 25-26: Position of jivanmukta
gives power of discrimination. It is produced by (i) SB 11.28.25 – For SR soul no relation Dualities: For
knowledge of the Vedas, (ii) following one’s one who has properly realized My form, what credit
dharma, (iii) personal realization, (iv) instructions is there if his senses—mere products of the material
and (v) logical analysis. By this one realizes modes—are perfectly concentrated in meditation?
Brahman, the final cause, which reveals everything And on the other hand, what blame is incurred if his
and which exists in all times. senses happen to become agitated? Ex- Sun &
19-22: The jnana – Lord is the only Reality: clouds: Indeed, what does it mean to the sun if the
SB 11.28.19 – I alone exist before the creation, after clouds come and go?
its destruction and during maintenance of this SB 11.28.26 - Just As Sky, Bramhan not effected by
universe. Anl: Gold alone is present before its FE & Modes: Just as the sky is not affected by the
products, & after the products’ destruction, and also coming and going of the qualities of air, fire, water
essential reality while it is utilized under various and earth, or by the seasons, so Brahman is not
designations. affected by ahaìkära or by contamination of sattva,
SB 11.28.20 – Lord is the Fourth stage of Existence: rajas or tamas, the causes of material existence.
Intelligence has 3 states: waking, dreaming and deep 27-28: Imperfect Jnani should not imitate
sleep, which arises from the conditions of cause, Jivanmukta
effect and doer. Everything arises by knowledge SB 11.28.27 – Be careful with Maya: Nevertheless,
which pervades the other states. That fourth state is until one has completely eliminated from his mind
realized by samädhi. all attraction to sense objects by firmly practicing
SB 11.28.21 – Truth is the one which exists in all devotional service to Me, one must very carefully
phases of time: That which did not exist in the past avoid associating with the material modes, which are
and will not exist in the future also has no existence produced by My illusory energy.
of its own for the period of its duration, but is only SB 11.28.28 – Ex: disease reoccurs Just as an
a superficial designation. In My opinion, whatever is improperly treated disease recurs and gives repeated
created and revealed by something else is ultimately distress to the patient, the mind that is not
only that other thing. completely purified of its perverted tendencies and
SB 11.28.22 – Because of presence of AT all others karma will remain attached to material things and
appear real: Although thus not existing in reality, repeatedly torment the imperfect yogé.
this manifestation of transformations created from SB 11.28.29 – DG’s tests imperfect
the mode of passion appears real because the self- transcendentalists: Sometimes the progress of
manifested, self-luminous AT exhibits Himself in the imperfect transcendentalists is checked by
form of the material variety of the senses, the sense attachment to family members, disciples or others,
objects, the mind and the elements of physical who are sent by envious devatäs for that purpose.
nature. But on the strength of their previous practice, they
23-24: Applying the jnana – withdraw senses from will resume their practice of yoga in the next life.
that which is not self They will never again be trapped in the network of
SB 11.28.23 – Be satisfied in self and withdraw the karma.
senses: Thus, clearly understanding Brahman by SB 11.28.30 – Wise man should not have Material
discriminating logic, by skillfully rejecting one’s Desires: The jéva performs action, inspired by
misidentification with matter, one should cut to Paramätmä, and is made to take a different body by
pieces all doubts about ätmä and, satisfied in the that action. This cycle continues until universal
soul’s natural bliss, withdraw from all the senses. devastation. The jïäné, however, though situated in
SB 11.28.24 – 15 things that are not soul: The his body, having experienced his own constitutional
material body made of earth, the senses, their bliss, gives up all material desires and does not
presiding devatäs, präëa, intelligence, mind, citta, engage in action or its effects.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.29.21: The emotions like crying, fear and SB 11.29.32: There is nothing further to know for an
lamentation, in a dangerous situation are simply useless inquisitive person, for one who has drunk the most
since they do not change the situation, but selfless palatable nectar cannot remain thirsty.
Devotional Service amount to the actual process of SB 11.29.33: Through jnana, karma, yoga, vanijya and
religion. political rule, people seek to advance in D-A-K-M. But
yo yo mayi pare dharmaù kalpyate niñphaläya cet you can attain all these very easily within Me.
tad-äyäso nirarthaù syäd bhayäder iva sattama SB 11.29.34: One giving up karma, offers himself
SB 11.29.22: Devotees are the most intelligent: This entirely unto Me, eager to render service unto Me, will
process is of the supreme intelligence and the cleverness, achieve sarsti mukti.
for by following it one can in this very life attain the SL.
eñä buddhimatäà buddhir manéñä ca manéñiëäm SB 11.29.35-40: Uddhava’s offers his prayers onto the
yat satyam anåteneha martyenäpnoti mämåtam Lord out of gratitude
SB 11.29.35: Çukadev Goswami - Hearing these words
SB 11.29.23-34: Glory and benefits of preaching this Uddhava folded his hands to offer obeisances and
knowledge overwhelmed with love.
SB 11.29.23: Difficult even for DGs: This is a complete SB 11.29.36: Steadying his mind he felt extremely
survey of the science of the Absolute Truth, which is grateful to Lord Kåñëa and touching Lord's lotus feet he
very difficult to comprehend even for the demigods. spoke.
SB 11.29.37: Çré Uddhava - O unborn, my ignorance
SB 11.29.24: Liberation: Anyone who properly has now been dispelled by Your merciful association,
understands this knowledge, which I spoke with clear just like cold, darkness and fear destroyed under
reasoning, will become free from all doubts and attain brilliant sun?
liberation. SB 11.29.38: You have mercifully bestowed upon me the
SB 11.29.25: Attains Supreme Lord: Anyone who fixes torchlight of transcendental knowledge. Which
his attention on this process will attain to the eternal, ungrateful people take shelter of another master giving
confidential goal of the Vedas, the SL. up Your lotus feet?
SB 11.29.39: The firmly binding rope of my affection
SB 11.29.26: Distributing to devotees: One who for the family is now cut off by the weapon of
liberally disseminates this knowledge among My transcendental knowledge of the self.
devotees is the bestower of the Absolute Truth, and to SB 11.29.40: Please instruct me, how I may have
him I give My very own self. undeviating attachment to Your lotus feet.
SB 11.29.27: Recitation: He who loudly recites this
supreme knowledge becomes purified day by day, for he SB 11.29.41-44: SL’s instructions onto Uddhava to go
enlightens others with the lamp of transcendental to Badarikäsrama
SB 11.29.41: Supreme Lord - Take My order and go to
SB 11.29.28: Hearing: One who regularly hears this
Badarikä-äçrama. Purify yourself by seeing, touching
knowledge with faith and attention engaging in My DS,
and bathing in the holy waters there, like Alakanandä.
will be freed from the reactions of material work.
SB 11.29.42: Dress yourself in tree bark, eat natural
food, remain content, tolerant of dualities, self-
SB 11.29.29: Dear Uddhava, have you understood this
controlled, peaceful and endowed with transcendental
transcendental knowledge, and your confusion and
lamentation has now dispelled?
SB 11.29.43: With fixed attention, meditate on My
SB 11.29.30: Do not share this with hypocrites, atheists,
dishonest, faithless, non-devotee, or proud.
SB 11.29.44: Fix your words and thoughts upon Me,
SB 11.29.31: Share with those who are free from these
always endeavor to increase your realization, thus
bad qualities, and dedicated to brähmaëas, kindly
overcoming the three modes you will come back to Me.
disposed, saintly, pure, devoted common workers and
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.30.10-25: Yadus travel to Prabhasa and their SB 11.30.25: When all the yadus were thus destroyed,
destruction due to fight among themselves Lord Kåñëa thought that at last the earth’s burden had
SB 11.30.10: Consenting to the words of Lord Kåñëa, been removed.
the Yadavas crossing over the ocean in boats, proceeded
on chariots to Prabhäsa. SB 11.30.26-32: Lord Balarama’s departure and the
SB 11.30.11: There, with great devotion, the Yädavas description of Lord’s form under Pippala tree.
performed the religious ceremonies according to Lord’s SB 11.30.26: Sitting on the shore of the ocean Lord
instructions. Balaräma fixed Himself in meditation upon the SPOG
12-26: Opinion of others but not actually true and merging Himself within Himself gave up this
SB 11.30.12: By the will of Providence, they liberally mortal world.
indulged in drinking the sweet intoxicating liquor. SB 11.30.27: Having seen the departure of Lord Räma,
SB 11.30.13: Being intoxicated they became arrogant, Lord Kåñëa then sat down silently on the ground under
and then a terrible quarrel arose among them. a pippala tree.
SB 11.30.14: Taking up different weapons they attacked SB 11.30.28: There Lord was exhibiting His brilliantly
one another on the shore of the ocean. effulgent four-armed form dissipating the darkness in
SB 11.30.15: Riding on different vehicles they violently all directions.
attacked one another with arrows, just as elephants in SB 11.30.29: With the complexion of dark blue cloud,
the forest attack one another with their tusks. effulgent like molten gold, He bore the mark of
SB 11.30.16: As their mutual enmity aroused, they Çrévatsa.
fought in pairs - Pradyumna against Sämba, Akrüra SB 11.30.30: His lotus face appeared very beautiful with
against Kuntibhoja, Aniruddha against Sätyaki, etc... a beautiful smile, locks of dark blue hair, attractive lotus
SB 11.30.17: Others also confronted and killed one eyes and shark-shaped earrings.
another, being blinded by intoxication and thus SB 11.30.31: He wore a pair of silken garments, an
completely bewildered by Lord Mukunda Himself. ornamental belt, the sacred thread, bracelets, helmet,
SB 11.30.18: Completely abandoning their natural the Kaustubha jewel and other royal emblems.
friendship, the members of the various Yadu clans all SB 11.30.32: Encircling His body were flower garlands
slaughtered one another. and His personal weapons in their embodied forms. As
SB 11.30.19: Thus bewildered, sons fought with fathers, He sat He held His left foot, with its lotus-red sole,
brothers with brothers, friends fought with friends, etc., upon His right thigh.
thus intimate friends and relatives all killed one another.
SB 11.30.20: When all their weapons are broken, they SB 11.30.33-40: Prayers by Jara and his journey to
seized the tall stalks of cane with their bare hands. spiritual sky
SB 11.30.21: Fighting with stalks: As they touched the SB 11.30.33: Just then Jarä, mistaking Lord's foot for a
cane stalks, the stalks changed into iron rods as hard as deer's face, pierced the foot with his arrow, which he
thunderbolts. With them as they attacked one another had fashioned from the remaining iron fragment of
Lord Kåñëa tried to stop them, but they attacked the Sämba's club.
Lord as well. SB 11.30.34: Then, seeing the four-armed Lord, Jarä
SB 11.30.22: In their confused state, mistaking Lord became terrified for his offense and fell down at Lord’s
Balaräma as an enemy, they ran toward Him with the lotus feet.
intention of killing Him. 35-38: Jara prayers to Lord
SB 11.30.23: Becoming angry Kåñëa and Balaräma then SB 11.30.35: O Lord, I am a most sinful person. I have
picking up cane stalks began to kill arrogant warriors. committed this act out of ignorance, please forgive this
SB 11.30.24: The violent anger of these warriors, who sinner.
were overcome by brähmaëas' curse and bewildered by SB 11.30.36: According to learned men, constant
Lord’s maya, now led them to their annihilation, just as remembrance of You will destroy the darkness of
a forest-fire. ignorance.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.30.37: Please kill this sinful hunter immediately so SB 11.30.47: You and your relatives should not remain
he may not again commit such offenses against saintly in Dvärakä, because very soon that city will be
persons. inundated by the ocean.
SB 11.30.38: Neither Brahmä nor his sons, headed by SB 11.30.48: Take your own families, together with My
Rudra, nor any of the great sages can understand Your parents, and under Arjuna's protection go to
mystic power, because Your maya coveresd their sight, Indraprastha.
then, what can I, a low-born, possibly say? SB 11.30.49: Be firmly situated in devotion to Me,
[PP: The factricidal war has not taken place as a hunter remaining fixed in spiritual knowledge, unattached to
would not come into the battle field hunting for a deer. material considerations, understand these pastimes to be
Being naturally timid animal a deer could not stay in a display of My illusory potency, and remain peaceful.
battle field…
withdrawal of the Yadu dynasty and Lord SB 11.30.50: Thus ordered, Däruka circumambulated
Kåñëa's own disappearance from this earth were not the Lord, after offereing obeisances and placing Lord’s
material historical events; they were instead a display of lotus feet upon his head, he then with a sad heart went
the Lord's internal potency for the purpose of winding back to the city.
up His manifest pastimes on earth. – SVCT]
39-40: Lord delivers Jara
SB 11.30.39: Supreme Lord: - Dear Jarä, do not fear, all
this is according to My own desire. Now with My
permission, you go to the abode of the pious, the
spiritual world.
SB 11.30.40: The hunter circumambulated the Lord 3
times, offered obeisances and then departed in an
airplane to the spiritual sky.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes
SB 11.31: THE DISAPPEARANCE OF son back from Yamaloka in the boy's selfsame body
(ii) He saved you (PM) also when you were burned
by the brahmästra of Açvatthämä (iii) He conquered
even Lord Çiva, who deals death to the agents of
SB 11.31.1-10: the disappearance of Lord Kåñëa
death.(iv) He sent the hunter Jarä directly to
SB 11.31.1: Çukadev Goswami: - Then Lord
Vaikuëöha in his human body.
Brahmä arrived at Prabhäsa along with all the
demigods and sages headed by Lord Çiva. martyenayo guru-sutaàyama-loka-nétaà
SB 11.31.2-3: All the lesser demigods, eager to tväàcänayaccharaëa-daùparamästra-dagdham
witness the departure of the SPoG, arrived there jigye 'ntakäntakamapéçamasävanéçaù
glorifying the birth and activities of Lord Çauri. kiàsvävanesvaranayanmågayuàsa-deham
SB 11.31.4: Crowding the sky with their many SB 11.31.13: Why the Supreme Lord did not stay
airplanes, they showered down flowers with great longer: Although Lord Kåñëa is the only cause of C-
devotion. M-D of infinite jivas, He did not desire to remain in
SB 11.31.5: Seeing before Him Brahmä, along with this world any longer. Revealing the destination of
other demigods, the Almighty Lord closed His lotus pure souls He demonstrated that this mortal world is
eyes, fixing His mind within Himself. of no intrinsic value.
SB 11.31.6: Without employing the mystic ägneyé tathäpyaçeña-sthiti-sambhaväpyayeñv
meditation to burn up His transcendental body, ananya-heturyadaçeña-çakti-dhåk
Lord Kåñëa entered into His own abode. naicchatpraëetuàvapuratraçeñitaà
SB 11.31.7: As soon as Lord Çré Kåñëa left the earth, martyenakiàsva-stha-gatiàpradarçayan
Truth, Religion, Faithfulness, Glory and Beauty SB 11.31.14: Phalastuti - One who regularly chants
immediately followed Him. Demigods showered the glories of Lord Çré Kåñëa's transcendental
flowers from the sky. disappearance and His return to His own abode
SB 11.31.8: How LK went to His abode: Most of the early in the morning will certainly achieve that same
demigods led by Brahmä could not see Lord Kåñëa supreme destination.
as He was entering His own abode, but some
catching His sight became extremely amazed. SB 11.31.15-20: The disappearance of Devaké,
SB 11.31.9: Analogy: Just as the path of a lightning Vasudeva, Rukmiëé and others.
bolt as it leaves a cloud is unascertainable, the SB 11.31.15: After reaching Dvärakä, falling at the
demigods could not trace the movements of Lord feet of Vasudeva and Ugrasena, Däruka drenched
Kåñëa as He returned to His abode. their feet with his tears, lamenting the loss of Lord
SB 11.31.10: A few of the demigods (Brahmä and Kåñëa.
Çiva), could ascertain how Lord's maya was SB 11.31.16-17: Däruka delivered the account of the
working. Being astonished they praised Lord's total destruction of the Våñëis, and upon hearing
mystic power and then returned to their own this the people became deeply distraught in their
planets. hearts and stunned with sorrow.
SB 11.31.18: When Devaké, Rohiëé and Vasudeva
SB 11.31.11-14: The transcendental position of could not find their sons, Kåñëa and Räma, they lost
Lord Kåñëa and Phala-stuti consciousness out of anguish.
SB 11.31.11: Lord's appearance and disappearance SB 11.31.19: Tormented by separation from the
are actually a show enacted by His illusory energy, Lord, His parents gave up their lives at that very
just like the performance of an actor. After creating spot and the wives of the Yädavas gave up their lives
and winding up this universe, He remains situated in embracing their dead husbands on the funeral pyres.
His own abode. SB 11.31.20: All the revered wives of Lord Kåñëa’s
SB 11.31.12: How could the SL is unable to protect family members, embracing their husband’s bodies
His own Self? Because: (i) He brought His guru’s entered the fire.
CANTO 11 Overview Notes