Azodye Degradarion by High Energy Irradiation
Azodye Degradarion by High Energy Irradiation
Azodye Degradarion by High Energy Irradiation
of destruction
Abstract. The kinetics and mechanism of dye destruction is discussed on the example of Apollofix Red (AR-28) and
Reactive Black 5 (RB-5) radiolysis in dilute aqueous solution. The dose dependence of colour disappearance is linear
when the reactive intermediate reacts with the colour bearing part of the molecule causing destruction of the conjugation
here with nearly 100% efficiency. In this case, spectrophotometry can be used to follow-up dye decomposition. Such
a linear dependence was observed when hydrated electrons or hydrogen atoms reacted with the dye. However, in
the case of hydroxyl radical reactions some coloured products form with absorption spectra very similar to those of the
starting dye molecules. For that reason, spectrophotometric measurements give false results about the concentration of
intact dye molecules. Analysis made by the HPLC (high-pressure liquid chromatography) method reveals logarithmic
time dependence in agreement with a theoretical model developed.
Key words: azo dyes • decolouration • reaction mechanism • kinetics • Apollofix Red • Reactive Black 5
Scheme 1. Structures of Reactive Black 5 (RB-5) and Apollofix Red (AR-28) dyes.
The colours of these dyes are determined by the The chromatographic system consisted of a Jasco
conjugated phenylsulphonic acid-azo group-H-acid PU-2089Plus quaternary gradient pump, a Jasco MD-
parts of the molecules [1] (see Scheme 1). Any change 2015Plus diode-array Multiwavelenght Detector and
in these parts leads to change of colour, i.e. change of a Nucleosil 100 C18 column (Teknokroma®) (pore size
the absorption spectrum in the visible range. Destruction 5 µm, length 15 cm, diameter 0.4 cm). Separations were
of the extensive conjugation leads to loss of colour, i.e. made using 50 mmol⋅dm−3 aqueous solution of TBAHS
disappearance of absorption in the visible range. at pH 6.1 and methanol. All mobile phases were filtered
using a Millipore 0.45 µm filter and were degassed by
ultrasonication before use. The separations were made
Experimental at room temperature using injection volume of 10 µl,
and flow-rate of 0.8 ml/min.
AR-28 was obtained from Taiheung Corporation Standard radiation chemical techniques were
(Kyunggido, South Korea), RB-5 was purchased from applied to separate the water radiolysis intermediates
Aldrich, the dyes were purified by recrystallization from and follow their reactions with the dye. The radiolysis
methanol/ethanol mixtures. Perchloric acid was used of water supplies hydrated electron (e−aq), hydroxyl
to set pH of the solutions when the •H atom reactions radical (•OH) and hydrogen atom (•H) reactive inter-
were studied. Methanol (HPLC grade) and tetrabutyl- mediates with G values (species (100 eV)−1) shown in
ammonium-hydrogen sulphate (TBAHS) were obtained Eq. (1). In order to reduce the number of reactive
from Sigma-Aldrich, tert-butanol from Spektrum-3D. intermediates, the reactions of •OH radicals were
The gamma radiolytic experiments were carried out studied in N2O saturated solutions (pH 5−6), in such
using a 60Co irradiation facility with a dose rate of solutions the hydrated electrons are converted to •OH
3.0 kGy⋅h−1 as determined by Fricke dosimetry (G(Fe2+) radicals (Eq. (2)). When the e −aq reactions were
= 15.6 (100 eV)−1). The solutions were bubbled with investigated the solutions were bubbled with N2 for
N2 or N2O for 5 min prior to irradiation in 5 ml Pyrex deoxygenation and contained 0.5 mol⋅dm−3 tert-butanol
glass ampoules. 1 cm Suprasil quartz optical cells were in order to transform the •OH radicals to less reactive
used for taking the UV-VIS absorption spectra before CH2(CH3)2COH radicals (Eq. (3)) (pH 5−6). H• atoms
and after the reaction by using a Jasco 550 UV-VIS react with a low rate coefficient with tert-butanol
spectrophotometer. (Eq. (4)). The H• reactions were studied in t-butanol
Azo dye degradation by high-energy irradiation: kinetics and mechanism of destruction 71
containing N 2 purged pH 1.1 solutions, where e −aq (4) H + (CH3)3COH → H2O + •CH2(CH3)2COH
was converted to H• atom (Eq. (5)) [2]. k4 = 1 × 106 mol−1⋅dm3⋅s−1
(1) H2O − /\/ → e−aq, •OH, •H (5) e−aq + H+ → •H k5 = 2.3 × 1010 mol−1⋅dm3⋅s−1
G(e−aq) = 2.6; G(•OH) = 2.7; G(•H) = 0.6
Fig. 1. Decolouration plots of AR-28 (0.085 mmol⋅dm−3) and RB-5 (0.1 mmol⋅dm−3) obtained when the hydroxyl radicals
reacted with the dye (A, B), or when the hydrated electrons were the reaction partners (C, D).
72 E. Takács, L. Wojnárovits, T. Pálfi
Fig. 3. Dose dependence of decolouration of AR-28 and Fig. 4. Dose dependence of decolouration of AR-28 and
RB-5 caused by hydrated electron. RB-5 caused by •H atom.
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