Course 3 Unit 1

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Relationships 1
Unit Overview
In this unit, you will extend your knowledge of numbers as you Why is it important to
investigate patterns, study powers and roots, and exponents and understand procedures for
scientific notation. You will apply your knowledge of numbers working with different kinds
to practical situations and real-world problems. of numbers?
How are exponents and
Key Terms scientific notation useful in
As you study this unit, add these and other terms to your math solving problems?
notebook. Include in your notes your prior knowledge of each
word, as well as your experiences in using the word in different
mathematical examples. If needed, ask for help in pronouncing
new words and add information on pronunciation to your math EMBEDDED ASSESSMENTS
notebook. It is important that you learn new terms and use them These assessments, following
correctly in your class discussions and in your problem solutions. activities 2, 5, and 8 will give you an
opportunity to demonstrate your
Academic Vocabulary understanding of numbers and
• refute numerical relationships.
Embedded Assessment 1:
Math Terms
Patterns and Quantitative
• sequence • cubing a number
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Reasoning p. 31
• conjecture • index
• absolute value • cube root Embedded Assessment 2:
• reciprocal • rational number Representing Rational and
• power • terminating decimal Irrational Numbers p. 69
• base • repeating decimal Embedded Assessment 3:
• exponent • irrational number Exponents and Scientific
• exponential form • scientific notation Notation p. 101
• square root • standard form
• perfect square


Getting Ready
Write your answers on notebook paper. 5. Simplify each of the following rational
Show your work. numbers.
1. Find the product and quotient of each pair of a. 9 b. 27 c. 81
243 243 243
numbers. 6. For each number, place a check in the box of
a. 24.6 and 1.2 any set of which the number is a member.
b. 1.95 and .25
Number Natural Whole Rational Integers
2. Arrange the following numbers in increasing
Numbers Numbers Numbers
2.3, 45.1, 18.735, 0.9862, 7
3. Give the next term or figure in the following 5
patterns. 3.4
a. 2, 8, 14 13
b. 12 , 23, 43 −27
7. Copy the number line shown and plot the
following numbers on your line.
0 5 10 15 20 25
a. 2.5 b. 8 c. 21 13
8. Explain 2 ways you could find the
d. product of 4 × 4 × 4 × 4.
4. Create a visual representation of each of the
following fractions.
a. 1 b. 1 c. 1 d. 1
8 4 2

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2 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Investigating Patterns Activity 1
Laws and Orders
Lesson 1-1  Analyzing Sequences
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Analyze simple sequences.
• Describe patterns in simple sequences and give the next terms in a
Pattern, Visualization, Discussion Groups, Role Play
For much of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the fictional character
Sherlock Holmes was known for his great detective work. In this activity, you
will be asked to perform many tasks similar to those Holmes used to solve
his cases.
In order to solve mysteries, Holmes used a deductive process that led him to
a logical conclusion. First, he would observe a situation and gather as many
facts as possible. Next, he would analyze each fact to determine its relevance
to the situation. Then he would search for even more clues by considering
the smallest of details. Finally, he would use his imagination to link all of the
clues together in the most logical manner.

The Case of the Arabic Symbols

At first glance, the following picture would appear to be a representation of
the numbers one through nine. However, the way they are drawn gives a clue
to how the symbols for each number were originally created.
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1. Make sense of problems. Observe, analyze, and search for clues in

the diagram to come up with a guess about why the numbers were first
written this way.

Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns  3

ACTIVITY 1 Lesson 1-1
continued Analyzing Sequences

My Notes
2. Discuss your observations with your group.
MATH TERMS a. Describe the pattern you and your group noticed in the sequence.
As you share your ideas with your group, make sure that you are
A sequence is an ordered list of presenting those ideas clearly and that you can support your ideas
numbers or figures. Each number with evidence. Listen to group members’ ideas and determine if they
or figure of a sequence is called are presenting their ideas clearly and can support their ideas with
a term.

b. As a group, write a conjecture about the pattern of the sequence

MATH TERMS based on your shared observations.
A conjecture is a theory or opinion
formed without proof.

3. Based on your group’s conclusions, explain how this pattern could also
be used to describe zero with the symbol 0.

The Case of the Multiple Viewpoints

The next case involves investigating the sequence shown below. In order to
reconstruct the pattern and solve the mystery, several witnesses have been
asked to describe the sequence.

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Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

4. The description provided by the first witness, Bob, is given in terms of

percents. Bob has determined that Figure 1 represents 25%, Figure 2
represents 50% and Figure 3 represents 75%. Is he right? Explain.

4 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 1-1 ACTIVITY 1
Analyzing Sequences continued

My Notes
5. The second witness uses fractions to describe the sequence. Provide an
example of what this description might be.

6. Construct viable arguments. Witnesses #3, Julie, and #4, Greg,

provide different accounts of the pattern. They have the following
Julie: “Analyzing the sequence I noticed that it was increasing.”
Greg: “I disagree; I believe the sequence is decreasing.”
Explain how both of their descriptions could be considered correct.

7. Analyze the descriptions of all four witnesses and draw Figure 4 if the
sequence continued.

Check Your Understanding

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Analyze the sequence below to answer Items 8–9.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

8. Draw the figure you think is next in the sequence.

9. Write a conjecture for the pattern of the sequence.

Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns 5

ACTIVITY 1 Lesson 1-1
continued Analyzing Sequences

My Notes
Analyze the sequence below to answer Items 10–12.

10. Draw and name the figure you think is next in the sequence.
11. Write a description for the figure that you drew in Item 10.
12. Write a conjecture for the pattern of the sequence.

Analyze the sequence below to answer Items 13–14.

13. Draw the figure you think is next in the sequence.

14. Express regularity in repeated reasoning. Draw the eighth
figure in the sequence.

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6 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 1-2 ACTIVITY 1
Analyzing More Sequences continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Analyze more complex sequences.
• Describe patterns in sequences and develop methods for predicting any
term in a sequence.
Revision, Create Representations, Discussion Groups, Graphic Organizer
Continue to investigate patterns as Sherlock Holmes would with the
following case.

The Case of the Revolving Figure

This next case involves the sequence of figures shown below.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

1. Attend to precision. Observe and analyze the patterns in the

sequence. Describe the sequence in as much detail as possible.

2. Explain your descriptions with your group members. List any details
you may not have considered before. Make sure that you are presenting
your details clearly and that you can support them with evidence. Listen
to group members’ details and determine if they are presenting them
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clearly and can support their details with evidence.

Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns 7

ACTIVITY 1 Lesson 1-2
continued Analyzing More Sequences

My Notes
3. Use the evidence gathered in Items 1 and 2 to draw representations of
the fourth and fifth figures in the sequence.

4. Answer the following based on your observations of the patterns in the

a. Describe the sequence for the number of line segments in each figure.

b. How many line segments would appear in Figure 16?

c. How many line segments would appear in Figure 49?

d. Explain how you could determine the number of line segments in

any figure in the sequence.

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8 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 1-2 ACTIVITY 1
Analyzing More Sequences continued

My Notes
5. Organize the evidence you gathered about line segments and continue
to explore the pattern in the table below.

Figure Number of Number of Sum of Line

Line Squares Segments
Segments and Squares

6. Reason quantitatively. Write a conjecture on how you could

determine the number of squares and the sum of line segments and
squares in any figure in the sequence.

Check Your Understanding

Analyze the sequence below to answer Items 7–9. WRITING MATH

One way to describe a number
pattern in a sequence is to list
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several terms in order, followed by

ellipses ( … ) to indicate that the
pattern continues. For example,
1, 3, 5, 7, …

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 implies that the pattern of adding

two to each digit continues
7. Draw the figure you think is next in the sequence.
8. Write a conjecture for the pattern of the sequence.
9. Otis describes the pattern using the number of dots in each figure: 3,
7, 11, . . . . How many dots would appear in the ninth figure?

Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns 9

ACTIVITY 1 Lesson 1-2
continued Analyzing More Sequences

My Notes
Analyze the sequence below to answer Items 10–11.

10. Draw what you think are the next two figures in the sequence.
11. Write two different descriptions that could describe the pattern of the
Analyze the sequence below to answer Items 12–14.

12. Draw what you think are the next two figures in the sequence.
13. Write a conjecture of the pattern of the sequence.
14. Critique the reasoning of others. Felipe predicts that the 10th
figure in the sequence will look like this:

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Did Felipe draw the 10th figure correctly? Explain your reasoning.

10 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 1-3 Activity 1
Increasing and Decreasing Sequences continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Understand increasing and decreasing sequences.
• Analyze sequences containing mathematical operations and those based
on other patterns.
Share, Sharing and Responding, Look for a Pattern, Group Presentation
An increasing sequence is a sequence of numbers where the value of the
numbers is increasing, and a decreasing sequence is one where the value of
the numbers is decreasing.
1. Express regularity in repeated reasoning. Examine the
following sequences and state whether they are increasing or decreasing.
Support your answer by describing the pattern. One well-known increasing
a. 3, 6, 12, 24, . . . sequence is the Fibonacci numbers.
The sequence is represented as:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . . .
b. 17, 14, 11, 8, . . .
Each number in the sequence is the
sum of the two previous numbers.
Applications of this sequence
2. Provide an example of an increasing and a decreasing sequence. occur in the patterns of certain
plants as well as in nautilus shells,
Describe the pattern in the sequence.
art, and architecture.
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Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns  11

ACTIVITY 1 Lesson 1-3
continued Increasing and Decreasing Sequences

My Notes
3. Complete the table below by investigating each sequence.

Sequence Increasing or Next Term in Description

Decreasing? the Sequence of Pattern
0, 5, 10, 15 …
−8, −4, −2, −1, …

1.5, 2.75, 4, …

1, 1, 1,…
8 4 2

2, 5 , 1 , …
4 2

4. Consider this sequence that uses absolute values of numerical

MATH TERMS expressions.
The absolute value of a number |5−2|, |5−3|, |5−4|, |5−5|, |5−6|, |5−7|
is its distance in units from 0 on a
number line. Absolute value is a. Express the next term in the sequence.
always nonnegative. For instance,
|−3| and |3| are both 3 since −3
and 3 are the same distance from b. Describe the pattern of the sequence.
zero—three units.

5. Arrange the numbers below so they form an increasing sequence.

Describe the pattern of the sequence.
|−16| × |5|

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|38| + |−2|
− 10

12 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 1-3 Activity 1
Increasing and Decreasing Sequences continued

My Notes
6. Reason abstractly. Sequences do not always have to include
mathematical operations. Look at the sequences below. Give verbal
descriptions of what the pattern of the sequence is and give the next
three terms.
a. 3.12, 3.1212, 3.121212, . . .

b. 1 , 1 , 1 , L
2 22 222

c. 1, 12, 123, . . .

d. Z, Y, X, W, . . .

e. J, F, M, A, . . .
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Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns  13

ACTIVITY 1 Lesson 1-3
continued Increasing and Decreasing Sequences

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

Describe the following sequences using a mathematical operation and state

the next three terms.
7. 0, 8, 16, 24, . . .
8. 27, 9, 3, 1, . . .
9. Arrange the numbers below so they form a decreasing sequence.
Describe the pattern of the sequence.
−2 |−4|
40 |2 ÷ 5|


Describe the following sequences using either a mathematical operation or a
verbal description, indicate if the sequence is increasing or decreasing (if it
involves numbers in some way), and state the next three terms.
10. 2, −4, −10, −16, . . .
11. 4.5, 3.25, 2, 0.75, . . .
12. 1 , 1 , 1 , 1, K
64 16 4
13. A, C, E, G, . . .

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14. Make sense of problems. Darlene wrote a sequence and gave it the
following description: “The sequence is increasing by adding 6 to each
previous term, and all of the terms are odd.” Write five terms from a
sequence that could be the one Darlene described.

14 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Investigating Patterns ACTIVITY 1
Laws and Orders continued

ACTIVITY 1 PRACTICE 5. Draw what you think is the 6th figure in the
Write your answers on notebook paper. following sequence:
Show your work.

Lesson 1-1
For Items 1–2, describe the pattern of the sequence
and draw what you think are the next two terms.
Figure 1 Figure 2


Figure 3
3. Which is the next term in this sequence?
6. Write a conjecture for the pattern of the sequence
in Item 5.

Lesson 1-2
For Items 7–9, determine two different ways to
represent the fourth term in each pattern.
A. 7.

8. 1 , 1 , 1 , K
C. 1 4 9
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4. Write a conjecture for the pattern of the sequence

in Item 3.

Activity 1 • Investigating Patterns 15

ACTIVITY 1 Investigating Patterns
continued Laws and Orders

10. Which is the next term in this sequence? Lesson 1-3

12. The numbers below are known as Fibonacci
numbers. What is the pattern? Give the next
three numbers in the sequence.
A. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . .
For Items 13 – 16, describe the pattern, indicate if the
sequence is increasing or decreasing or neither, and
B. list the next three terms for each sequence.
13. 5, 2, −1, . . .
14. 0.25, 0.5, 1, . . .
15. 64, −16, 4, . . .
C. 16. − 1 , 0, 1 , &
2 2
For Items 17–20, describe the following sequences
using either a mathematical operation or a verbal
D. description, indicate if the sequence is increasing or
decreasing or neither, and list the next two terms.
17. 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 9, . . .
18. 0.2, 0.04, 0.008, . . .
11. Copy and complete the table for the following 19. 1 , 3 , 5 , .&. .
sequence: 2 4 6
20. |−3 + (−2)|, |−3 + 0|, |−3 + 2|, |−3 + 4|, . . .

Look For and Make Use of Structure
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 21. Describe the different ways that sequences can be

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represented. Create a sequence that can be
represented in more than one way and describe
Figure Number Number Sum
what the pattern of the sequence is.
of squares of line
1 1 0 1

16 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Operations with Fractions Activity 2
And The Beat Goes On
Lesson 2-1  Adding and Subtracting Fractions
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Represent a real-world context with fractions.
• Simplify expressions involving fractions by adding and subtracting.
Visualization, Graphic Organizer, Think-Pair-Share, Create a Plan
Math can be found in many places in our daily lives. One place you might
not realize where math is used is in music.
1. Take a few moments to think about the following questions and discuss
them with your group. 
What is your favorite song?
Why do you like it?
Why do you prefer one type of music over another?
Believe it or not, the answers you came up with may have more to do with
mathematics than you may realize. Consider the following diagrams:

2. The first circle has no division and is represented by the number 1.

a. Write the fractional equivalents in the sections of the other circles.

b. For each of the circles, justify that the sum of each combination of
fractions is 1.
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c. Which circle was not like the others? Explain what made it different
and the process you used to determine your answer.

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions  17

ACTIVITY 2 Lesson 2-1
continued Adding and Subtracting Fractions

My Notes
3. Model with mathematics. Determine two additional ways to divide
the circle using combinations of the same fractions that you used in
Item 2a. Label each portion with the appropriate fractions, and justify
that the sum of each combination of fractions is 1.

So what does all this have to do with music? As shown in the chart below,
CONNECT TO MUSIC certain musical notes correspond to different fractional portions of a
In music, common time is also measure. In order to write sheet music, a composer must have a working
referred to as 4 time. This means knowledge of fractions.
that each measure contains four
beats, and a quarter note is equal Note Relative Length in Beats in Fraction of
to one beat. Common time is also Common Time Common Time Measure

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the most frequently used beat
in rock, pop, funk, country, and Whole note 4 beats 1
R & B music. 1
Half note 2 beats

Quarter note 1 beat 1


Eighth note 1 beat 1

2 8

Sixteenth note 1 beat 1

4 16

4. Based on the note chart, how many of each note would it take to fill one
measure in common time? Explain your reasoning.

18 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 2-1 ACTIVITY 2
Adding and Subtracting Fractions continued

My Notes
Measure 1 Measure 2

Measure 3 Measure 4

5. For each measure shown above, express each note as the fraction of its
respective measure.
a. Measure 1:

b. Measure 2:

c. Measure 3:

d. Measure 4:

6. Attend to precision. Show that the sum of the fractions in each

measure is equal to 1.
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7. Based on your observations in Item 4, explain why you think the note in
the fourth measure is called a “whole note.”

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions 19

ACTIVITY 2 Lesson 2-1
continued Adding and Subtracting Fractions

My Notes
Measure 1 Measure 2

Measure 3 Measure 4

8. The measures shown above do not contain the required number of

beats. Fill out the table below to explore various ways to complete
each measure.
Notes to
to Notes
Notes to
Notes to
to Notes
Notes to
Measure Fraction
Fraction of
of Fraction of
Fraction of
of Notes
Complete Notes
Complete to
Fraction of
ofof Fraction
Fraction of
of Complete
Complete Complete
Measure Measure
Measure Complete
Measure Complete
Measure Shown
Measure Shown Remaining
Remaining (Example
(Example 1) (Example
1) (Example2)
(Example 2)
Measure Shown
Shown Remaining
Remaining (Example 1)
(Example 1)
1) (Example
(Example 2)2)




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44 44

9. Explain the processes you used to determine the fraction of the

measures shown and the fraction of the measures remaining.

20 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 2-1 Activity 2
Adding and Subtracting Fractions continued

My Notes
10. What can you conclude about each of the following expressions? Justify
your reasoning.

+ + + + +

+ + + + +

1+1+1+ 1+1+1
2 4 8

11. Write the sum of the expressions in Item 10 as:

a. a mixed number  
b. an improper fraction
c. a decimal 
. a percent 

Check Your Understanding

In Items 12–16, simplify the expression.

12. 1 + 1
3 6
13. 2 + 3
5 8
14. 5 − 5
12 6
15. 4 1 + 2 1
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4 2
16. 6 − 2 2
5 3

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions  21

ACTIVITY 2 Lesson 2-1
continued Adding and Subtracting Fractions

My Notes
17. A trail mix recipe calls for 1 1 cups granola, 3 cup raisins, and 2 cup
2 4 3
peanuts. How many cups of trail mix does the recipe yield?

The table below shows rainfall totals for Houston, Texas, during the first six
months of the year. Use the table to answer Items 18–20.

Month Rainfall (in inches)

January 32
February 2 11
March 31
April 31
May 51
June 51

18. How much rain fell during the two rainiest months?
19. What is the difference in rainfall between the wettest month and the
driest month?
20. During which period did more rain fall: January to February or March
to April? Explain your reasoning.
21. Reason quantitatively. Write a scenario for the following problem:

5 1 + 2 4 = 7 37 .

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8 5 40

22 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 2-2 ACTIVITY 2
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Represent a real-world context with fractions.
• Simplify expressions involving fractions by multiplying and dividing. WRITING MATH

• Write the reciprocal of a number. Sometimes a dot is used as a

symbol for multiplication. 3 × 2 = 6
Representations, Visualization, Vocabulary Organizer, Paraphrasing

and 3 2 = 6 are both ways to
show 3 times 2 equals 6.

When multiplying fractions such as 3 1 , it is helpful to think of the
4 2

multiplication symbol as the word “of.” So you read, “Find 3 of 1 .”
4 2
1. Reason abstractly. Without completing the problem, do you think
the answer will be greater than or less than 1 ? Explain your reasoning. MATH TIP
After writing explanations to
mathematical prompts, share your
writing with a peer or your teacher.
Have them confirm that your
2. Consider the model below. writing demonstrates clear
understanding of mathematical

a. Explain how this model could be used to represent 43 of 12 .

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b. Express the shaded portion of the circle as a single fraction.

When discussing ideas in groups, use precise language to present your ideas.
Speak using complete sentences and transition words such as for example,
because, and therefore. Listen to others as they speak and ask for clarification
of terms and phrases they use.

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions 23

ACTIVITY 2 Lesson 2-2
continued Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

My Notes

The problem 2 3 could be modeled in the same way. This problem
3 4
is asking you to find 2 of 3 .
3 4
3 of a circle
3 of a circle 4 2 of 3
4 divided into thirds 3 4

Depending on how the problem is completed, several different answers

could be given. Using the diagrams above, the answer could be expressed
as 2 or 1 .
4 2
By multiplying the numerators and denominators, the answer could be
⋅ ⋅
shown as 2 3 = 2 3 = 6 .

3 4 3 4 12

3. Reason quantitatively. Explain why 1 , 2 and 6 are the same

2 4 12

Example A
Find the product of 1 2 .
8 3 ⋅
Step 1: Multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators.

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1 2=1 2= 2
8 3 8 3 24
Step 2: Simplify to write the product in lowest terms.
2 ÷2= 1
24 2 12
Solution: The product of 1 2 is 1 .
8 3 12
Try These A
Multiply. Express each product in lowest terms.
a. 9 2⋅
10 5

b. 3 3
7 4

c. 1 1
4 8

24 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 2-2 ACTIVITY 2
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions continued

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

Multiply. Express each product in lowest terms.

4. 4 1⋅
5 3

5. 6 ⋅ 3
7 10

6. 8 ⋅ 13
3 15

7. 1 2 ⋅ 1
3 2

8. 2 1 ⋅ 3 2
2 3

A common strategy used to divide fractions uses the directions “invert and
multiply.” The problem, however, is that the phrase can often raise more MATH TIP
questions than answers. For example: You can gain a greater
What does invert mean? understanding of a concept by
learning about “why” something
What do I invert?
works as opposed to memorizing
Why do I invert? “how” something works.
Why do I multiply?
These are all valid questions that deserve equally valid answers. The first two
questions are easy to answer. To invert something is to turn it upside down.
In mathematics, this is referred to as finding the reciprocal of a number. In MATH TERMS
other words, inverting the fraction 2 would give the reciprocal 3 . When
3 2 The reciprocal of a number is its
dividing fractions such as in the problem 2 ÷ 2 , the second fraction is
5 3 multiplicative inverse. The product
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inverted to produce 2 3 .
5 2
of a number and its multiplicative
inverse is 1.

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions 25

ACTIVITY 2 Lesson 2-2
continued Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

My Notes
9. Make use of structure. Determine the reciprocal of the following:
a. 4
b. 18

c. 15

d. 5 53

As for the last two questions concerning why this works, it’s important to
understand the concept of inverse operations.
10. Consider the expression 10 ÷ 2.
a. Without using the words “divided by,” explain what this problem is
asking you to do.

b. What number could be multiplied by 10 to reach the same solution?

c. What do you notice about the number 2 and your answers to part b?

d. Use your answer to part b to rewrite the expression using


e. Based on your observation, explain what is meant by describing

multiplication and division as inverse operations of one another.

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26 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 2-2 Activity 2
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions continued

My Notes
Example B
Divide 1 ÷ 2 .
2 3
Step 1: Find the reciprocal of 2 by inverting the numerator and
3 2
Step 2: Multiply by the reciprocal of 2 , which is 3 .
2 3 2
1 × 3 = 1× 3 = 3
2 2 2×2 4
Step 3: Simplify so that the quotient is in lowest terms.
3 is already in lowest terms, the numerator and denominator
cannot be further reduced.
Solution: 1 ÷ 2 = 3 .
2 3 4

Try These B
Divide. Simplify so the quotient is in lowest terms.
a. 5 ÷ 1  
6 3
b. 1 ÷ 4  
c. 1 3 ÷ 1  
4 8

Background music in movies and television is not chosen at random. In fact,

the music is often chosen so that it directly relates to the emotions being
portrayed on the screen.
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11. The following table lists the average beats per minute of music meant to
express various emotions.

Emotion Beats per Minute

Joy and Triumph 120
Mystery and Suspense 115
Comfort and Peace 100
Loneliness and Regret 120

a. Describe a scene from a movie or television show that would match

each of the four categories in the table.

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions  27

ACTIVITY 2 Lesson 2-2
continued Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

My Notes
b. Explain how you could use multiplication or division to determine
the number of beats in a three-minute song.

Check Your Understanding

In Items 12–14, divide and simplify to lowest terms.

12. 54 ÷ 73
13. 6 ÷ 2
15 9
14. 4 2 ÷ 4


15. Write a scenario for this problem: 8 2 × 4 = 34 2 .
3 3
16. Miranda made some cupcakes for the school bake sale. Of the cupcakes,
1 are chocolate and 1 are strawberry. Of the strawberry cupcakes, 1 are
2 2 3
frosted with vanilla frosting, and the rest are frosted with chocolate
frosting. What portion of the cupcakes are strawberry with chocolate
17. Ennis has a length of rope that measures 3 3 yards. He cuts all of the
rope into smaller pieces that measure 3 yard each. How many cuts did
Ennis make?

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

18. Draw a picture that proves 3 ÷ 1 = 6.
4 8
19. Critique the reasoning of others. Brody and Lola each found the
product of 4 2 ×1 1 in a different way shown below. Who multiplied
3 2
correctly? Explain your reasoning.

Brody Lola
4 ×1 = 4 14 × 3 = 42 = 7
2×1 = 2 = 1 3 2 6
3 2 6 3
= 41

28 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Operations with Fractions ACTIVITY 2
And The Beat Goes On continued

ACTIVITY 2 PRACTICE 11. Gwen went walking three days one week. The
Write your answers on notebook paper. first day, she walked 3 1 miles. Each day after that,
Show your work. she walked 1 mile more than the day before. How
Lesson 2-1 many miles did Gwen walk this week?
In Items 1–6, simplify the expression. A. 10 1 B. 10 3
2 4
1. 3 + 4
5 6 C. 11 1 D. 11 1
2. 5 − 1 4 2
8 3
12. The following week, Gwen walked a total of
3. 2 3 + 7 3 15 7 miles. How many more miles did she walk
4 5 8
4. 7 − 4 1 the second week than the first week?
6 2
13. Yuri measured the snowfall over a four-day
5. 12 + 6 5 period and calculated a total of 15 1 inches of
8 6 3
6. 8 − 3 1 snowfall. If it snowed 4 3 inches on the first day
10 4 4
and 2 1 inches on the second day, how much
7. Judy has 4 2 yards of fabric and Marie has 2
3 snow fell on the third and fourth days?
5 1 yards. How much fabric do they have
altogether? Lesson 2-2
8. Describe the process you would use to find the In Items 14–19, simplify the expression.
solution to the problem 3 1 − 1 1 . Express your
4 3

14. 2 7
5 12
answer numerically and with a graphical

15. 3 1 4 1
2 4
9. Angelo weighed 5 1 pounds when he was born. 16. 24 ÷ 2
His sister, Carmen, weighed 7 1 pounds when she ⋅
17. 2 2
2 3 9
was born. How much heavier was Carmen than
Angelo at birth? 18. 8 ÷ 1 51
10. Copy and complete: 19. 6 16 ÷ 2 12
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1+1= +2
2 3 6 6

Activity 2 • Operations with Fractions 29

ACTIVITY 2 Operations with Fractions
continued And The Beat Goes On

20. Without performing any calculations, determine 24. Bananas cost 30¢ per pound. How much will
which of the following problems will produce the 2 5 pounds of bananas cost?
greatest result. Explain your reasoning. 25. A recipe for fried rice yields 4 1 cups, or

a. 3 4
5 7
b. 3 ÷ 4
5 7
6 servings. How big is each serving of fried rice?
21. Tony has 36 pages left in the book he is reading. 26. Owen is having a dinner party and plans to serve
the fried rice recipe from Item 25. He needs to
He plans to read 1 of the pages tonight before
4 make 10 servings. How many cups of fried rice
going to bed. Which of the following expressions will Owen need to make?
would not produce the number of pages Tony is
going to read before he goes to bed?

A. 36 14 Look For and Make Use of Structure
B. 36 ÷ 1 27. Copy and complete this table to examine the
similarities and differences between adding,
C. 36 ÷ 4

D. 36 0.25
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.

22. The gas tank in Mr. Yang’s car is 2 full. The tank Operation Steps to Example
holds a total of 15 gallons of gasoline. How many Evaluate
gallons of gas are in Mr. Yang’s car? Add fractions
A. 10 Subtract fractions
B. 10 1 Multiply fractions
C. 10 2 Divide fractions
D. 11 a. How are addition and subtraction of fractions
23. One-third of the students in Mr. Rose’s class have
b. How are multiplication and division of
corrected vision. Of those students, 3 wear
8 fractions similar?
glasses. What fraction of the class wears glasses?
c. How are the operations different?

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30 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Patterns and Quantitative Embedded Assessment 1
Reasoning Use after Activity 2

Piper and Lily are in the school math club and they are going to participate in
an “Are You Smarter Than An Eighth Grader?” competition. Help Piper and
Lily answer the following questions to ensure that they gain the most points
possible in this competition.
The first category is finding patterns in sequences.
1. Write what you think are the next two terms of the pattern.
a. 45, 34, 23, . . .
b. 27, 18, 12, . . .
c. 13, 103, 1003, . . .
d. 1 , 2 , 3 , . . .
2 3 4


2. For parts a and b in Item 1, state if the sequences were increasing or

decreasing sequences. Describe the patterns using a mathematical
The second category is story problems. Show your work on how to solve the
3. Luke needs to tie his dog Duke to the deck while they are working on
the fence. He finds two short leashes with lengths of 6 1 feet and 5 7 feet.
2 8
If Luke connects the two leashes, how far can Duke travel from
the deck?

4. Fletch is making shelves. He has 14 1 feet of wood. He wants each shelf

to be 2 1 feet long. How many shelves can Fletch make with the wood he
has? How much wood would be left over?
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

5. Greg is planning a new city park. He has a rectangular piece of land that
is 50 1 feet by 25 2 feet. What is the area of Greg’s park?
2 3

Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships 31

Embedded Assessment 1 Patterns and Quantitative
Use after Activity 2 Reasoning

Scoring Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete

Guide The solution demonstrates these characteristics:
Mathematics • Clear and accurate • Operations with fractions • Partially correct operations • Incorrect or incomplete
Knowledge and understanding of operations and mixed numbers that are with fractions and mixed computation in operations
Thinking with fractions and mixed usually correct. numbers. with fractions and mixed
(Items 1a-e, 2, 3, 4, 5) numbers. • Finding the pattern in a • Errors in extending numbers.
• Effective understanding of sequence and extending it. sequences and finding the • Little or no understanding
finding the pattern and pattern. of sequences.
missing terms in a
Problem Solving • An appropriate and efficient • A strategy that may include • A strategy that results in • No clear strategy when
(Items 1a-e, 2, 3, 4, 5) strategy that results in a unnecessary steps but some incorrect answers. solving problems.
correct answer. results in a correct answer.
Mathematical • Writing accurate • Writing an expression for • Errors in writing expressions • Inaccurately written
Modeling / expressions for operations operations with fractions for a given problem expressions.
Representations with fractions and mixed and mixed numbers. situation. • Little or no understanding
numbers. • Writing an expression to of writing an expression to
(Items 1a-e, 2, 3, 4, 5) • Errors in writing an
• Accurately writing an represent a sequence. expression to represent a represent a sequence.
expression to represent a sequence.
Reasoning and • Precise and accurate • An adequate description of • A misleading or confusing • An incomplete or inaccurate
Communication description of a sequence. a sequence. description of a sequence. description of a sequence.
(Item 2)

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32 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra

Powers and Roots ACTIVITY 3
Squares and Cubes
Lesson 3-1 Area, Squares, and Square Roots
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Interpret and simplify the square of a number.
• Determine the square root of a perfect square.
Paraphrasing, Create Representations, Look for a Pattern, Note Taking,
Critique Reasoning
Dominique Wilkins Middle School is holding its annual school carnival.
Each year, classes and clubs build game booths in the school gym. This year,
the student council has asked Jonelle’s math class for help in deciding what
size the booths should be and how they should be arranged on the gym floor.
The class will begin this work by reviewing some ideas about area.

Example A
Find the area of this rectangle. The rectangle has been divided into squares.
Assume that the length of each side of a small square is 1 cm.

Step 1: Find the length and the width of the rectangle.

The rectangle is 5 cm long and 3 cm wide.
Step 2: To find the area, multiply the length times the width.
Area = length × width
Area = 5 cm × 3 cm = 15 cm2
Solution: The area of the rectangle is 15 cm2. Note that the units are
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

centimeters squared and this represents the amount of surface

the rectangle covers.

Try These A
Before deciding on how to arrange the booths, the student council needs
to know the area of the gym floor. Several class members went to the gym
to measure the floor. They found that the length of the floor is 84 feet and
the width of the floor is 50 feet.
a. Find the area of the gym floor. Explain how you found the area and
include units in your answer.

b. Explain what the area of the gym floor means.

Activity 3 • Powers and Roots 33

ACTIVITY 3 Lesson 3-1
continued Area, Squares, and Square Roots

My Notes
The class is now going to focus on the area of squares, because this is the
shape of the base of many of the game booths.

Example B
Find the area of the square below. Do you need to know both the length
and width of a square to be able to determine its area?

4 cm

Step 1: The length of one side is given and as this is a square, we know
that all four sides have equal lengths.
Step 2: To find the area of the square, multiply the length of a side by
itself. In this case, the length is 4 cm.
4 cm × 4 cm = 16 cm2
Solution: The area of the square is 16 cm2. You can find the area of a
square with only one length given, since all four sides are equal

Try These B
This drawing shows the floor space of one of the carnival booths. It is a
square with the length of one side labeled with the letter s. The s can be
given any number value since the booths are going to be different sizes.

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a. Express regularity in repeated reasoning. Complete this table
by finding the areas of some different sized booths. The length of a side
in feet is represented by s, as in the drawing above. Include units for area
in the last column.

Length of Side
Calculation Area of the Square
(in feet)
s=3 3×3 9 ft2
s = 11
s = 4.2
s = 10 1

34 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 3-1 ACTIVITY 3
Area, Squares, and Square Roots continued

My Notes
For each calculation in Try These B, you found the product of a number
times itself. The product of a number times itself can be written as a power
with a base and an exponent.

Example C

Write 5 5 as a power with a base and an exponent.
Step 1: Identify the base, which is the number being multiplied. The
base is 5.
Step 2: Identify the exponent, which is the number of times the base is
multiplied by itself.

In 5 5, the base 5 is multiplied by itself two times, so the
exponent is 2.
Step 3: The base is written normally and the exponent is written as a
superscript: 52 MATH TERMS

Solution: 5 5 = 52. Numbers expressed as powers with a base and an A power is a number multiplied by
exponent are written in exponential form. itself. A number or expression
written with an exponent is in
exponential form.
Try These C
Write the following in exponential form.

a. 12 12 b. 1 1
3 3 ⋅ ⋅
c. 3.25 3.25

Check Your Understanding READING MATH

Read the expression 5² as “5
1. The table below gives some booth sizes in exponential form. Copy and squared” or the “square of 5.” 5²
complete the table. means 5 times 5, or 5 × 5.
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1. Find the value of the expression

Exponential Form Product Using the Base Standard Form 9².
as a Factor Twice
2. The number 49 is the square of
52 5 ⋅5 25 what number?

Activity 3 • Powers and Roots 35

ACTIVITY 3 Lesson 3-1
continued Area, Squares, and Square Roots

My Notes
Example D
The area of the floor of a square booth is 36 ft2. What is the length of the
side s of this booth?

36 ft2 s

The symbol is called a radical

sign. It is used in expressions to
Step 1: The area is the square of the length of a side. Here, 36 ft2 is the
show square roots.
square of s. To find s, find the square root of 36 ft2. The symbol
for square roots is .
36 = s
Step 2: To solve 36 = s, think about which number times itself equals 36.
36 = 6
Solution: The length of a side of the booth is 6 ft.

Try These D
Find each square root.
a. 16 b. 81 c. 100
d. The carnival booth sizes are assigned according to the number of
MATH TERMS members in the club or class. Copy and complete the table.
The square root of a number is
another number that when Club or Class Size Area of Square Side Length of
multiplied by itself gives the Booth’s Floor Booth’s Floor
original number. A square root 1−30 members 36 ft2
does not have to be an integer. 31−60 members 8 ft
When an integer is multiplied by 61−90 members 9 ft
itself, the result is a perfect square. 121 ft2

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91−120 members
In part d of Try These D, the area of
121−150 members 144 ft2
each booth’s floor is a perfect
square, and the side lengths are
their square roots.
You can use equations to model problems involving sides and areas of squares.
The situation in Example D can be modeled with the equation s2 = 36, where s
represents the side of the square and 36 is the area in square feet.

MATH TIP Example E

Solve the equation s2 = 36.
Remember that you solve an Step 1: To find s, you need to find the square root of s2.
equation by isolating the variable.
You isolate the variable by Step 2: If you take the square root of one side of an equation, you must
performing the same operation on take the square root of the other side.
both sides of the equation. s2 = 36
s 2 = 36
s 2 = s and 36 = 6
Solution: The solution of the equation s2 = 36 is s = 6.

36 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 3-1 ACTIVITY 3
Area, Squares, and Square Roots continued

My Notes
Try These E
Solve each equation.
a. x2 = 64
b. x2 = 121
c. x2 = 1.44

Check Your Understanding

For Items 2–6, simplify each expression.

2. 112 3. 5.52 4. ( 23 ) 5. 144 6. 64
7. What would the area of a square booth be if the side length is 9 feet?
8. Solve for x: x2 = 16


9. Find the area of this square:

8 cm

10. Write a rule, in words, for finding the area of a square.

11. Label the diagram using the terms base and exponent.
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12. Why do you think the number 25 is called the square of 5? Draw a
model in the My Notes space as part of your explanation.
13. Reason abstractly. Think about what you have discovered about the
area of a square and finding the side length of a square. Write a sentence
to explain what the square root of a number means.
14. Solve each equation for x.
a. x2 = 49
b. x2 = 0.49
c. x2 = 1

Activity 3 • Powers and Roots 37

ACTIVITY 3 Lesson 3-2
continued Volume, Cubes, and Cube Roots

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Interpret and simplify the cube of a number.
• Determine the cube root of a perfect cube.
Paraphrasing, Create Representations, Look for a Pattern, Note Taking,
Critique Reasoning
The student council is very happy with the work that the
class has done on the carnival so far. The class has found
the areas of the floors and the side lengths of the booths.
One concept remains for the class to review before
completing all the needed work. The booths do not just
take up floor space; they also have height.
The diagram below represents a cubic foot. Its
⋅ ⋅
dimensions are 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft.

Build a solid with the cubes given to you by your teacher with dimensions
of 2 units by 2 units by 2 units. This solid is a cube with equal edge lengths
of 2 units.

Example A
Find the volume of the cube you built with edge lengths of 2 units each.
Find the volume in exponential form and in cubic units.
Step 1: The volume of a cube is found by multiplying length times width

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times height. A cube has equal values for length, width, and
Volume = length × width × height
Step 2: To find the volume of a cube in exponential form, write the
volume with a base number and an exponent.
Volume = 2 × 2 × 2 = 23
Step 3: To find the volume of a cube in cubic units, multiply the edge
lengths and include the cubic units label.
Volume = 2 units × 2 units × 2 units = 8 cubic units
Solution: The volume of the cube is 23 or 8 cubic units.

38 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 3-2 ACTIVITY 3
Volume, Cubes, and Cube Roots continued

My Notes
Try These A
a. Make use of structure. Complete this table to show the volume of
each cube in exponential form and in cubic feet.

Length of an Calculation for Volume of Cube Volume of

Edge of a Finding Volume (in exponential the Cube (in
Cube (in feet) of Cube form) cubic feet)
2 2×2×2 2 8 ft3

The exponent used in each exponential expression of volume in Try These A

is the same. This exponent can be used for the volume of a cube. Using this
exponent is known as cubing a number.

Example B
Find the cube of 10 or 103.
Cubing a number means to multiply it by itself three times.
⋅ ⋅
10 10 10 = 1,000
Solution: The cube of 10 is 1,000 or 103 = 1,000.

Try These B
Simplify each expression.
a. 33 ⋅ ⋅
b. 7 7 7
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c. 113 ⋅ ⋅
d. 1.5 1.5 1.5

If you know the volume of a cube you can determine the length of the edge of
the cube. The operation you use to find the edge length when you know the WRITING MATH
volume is called finding the cube root. The symbol used for cube roots is 3 . 3
The index 3 in the radical sign
shows a cube root. 8 is read “the
Example C cube root of 8.”
The volumes of four cubes are given in this table. Find the length of the
edge of each cube by finding the cube root of the volume.

Volume of the Cube Length of the Edge

(in cubic units) (in units)

Activity 3 • Powers and Roots 39

ACTIVITY 3 Lesson 3-2
continued Volume, Cubes, and Cube Roots

My Notes
Step 1: When the volume of a cube is 1 cubic unit, simplify 3 1 to find
the length of the edge. 3 1 = 1 unit
Step 2: When the volume of a cube is 8 cubic units, simplify 3
8 to find
the length of the edge. 3 8 = 2 units
Step 3: When the volume of a cube is 27 cubic units, simplify 3
27 to
find the length of the edge. 3 27 = 3 units
Step 4: When the volume of a cube is 64 cubic units, simplify 3
64 to
find the length of the edge. 3 64 = 4 units
Solution: Complete the table with the values found in the steps above.

Try These C
Side Length Volume of Complete the table to the left. All numbers are in standard form.
27 Check Your Understanding
125 In Items 1−4, simplify each expression.
9 1. 5.13 2. 3 1,728 3. ( 14 ) 4. 203
1000 5. Copy and complete the table for the booths listed.
Volume of the Cubical Length of each Edge
Booth of the Booth
216 ft3
MATH TIP 343 ft3
You can solve equations such as 729 ft3
x3 = 8 by taking the cube root of

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

1000 ft3
both sides.


6. What is the exponent used in cubing a number? 9. A cube has a volume of 216 cubic feet. What is
7. Find the volume of the cube shown. the length of an edge of this cube?
10. Critique the reasoning of others. Aaron
says that to find the volume of a cube he uses
⋅ ⋅
the formula l w h. Jonelle says that the
formula she uses is l3. Whose formula is
7 cm correct? Justify your answer.

8. Think about what you have discovered about 11. Solve each equation for x.
the volume of a cube and finding the edge a. x3 = 64
length of a cube. Write a sentence to explain b. x3 = 216
what the cube root of a number means. c. x3 = 1

40 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 3-3 ACTIVITY 3
Exponents, Roots, and Order of Operations continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Simplify expressions with powers and roots.
• Follow the order of operations to simplify expressions.
Paraphrasing, Create Representations, Look for a Pattern, Note Taking,
Critique Reasoning
Exponents other than 2 and 3 can be used. The exponent tells you the
number of times the base is used as a factor.

Example A
Simplify 2.45.
Step 1: 2.45 means 2.4 raised to the power of 5, which means 2.4 appears
5 times as a factor.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Step 2: Simplify by multiplying. Use a calculator.
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 = 79.62624
Solution: 2.4 equals 79.62624.

Try These A
a. Copy and complete this table.

Number (in Product Using the Base Number (in

exponential form) as a Factor standard form)

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( 54 )

(1 12 )

( 23 )

Activity 3 • Powers and Roots 41

ACTIVITY 3 Lesson 3-3
continued Exponents, Roots, and Order of Operations

My Notes
When terms with exponents and roots appear in an expression, use the
correct order of operations to simplify: (1) parentheses, (2) exponents and
ORDER OF OPERATIONS roots (in order from left to right), (3) multiplication and division (in order
1. Parentheses from left to right), and (4) addition and subtraction (in order from left to
2. Exponents/Roots (from left to right).
3. Multiplication/Division (from left Example B
to right)
4. Addition/Subtraction (from left ⋅
Use order of operations to evaluate the expression: 250 − (3 5)2.
to right) Step 1: Simplify the expression in parentheses first.

(3 5) = 15
The expression is now: 250 − (15)²
Step 2: Simplify the exponent next.
15² = 225
The expression is now: 250 − 225
Step 3: Subtract.
250 − 225 = 25

Solution: 250 − (3 5)2 = 25

Try These B
Attend to precision. Use the order of operations to evaluate each
a. 4(3 + 2)² − 7 b. 6 − 2 + 4 c. 19 + 36 ÷ 32

Check Your Understanding

Evaluate the following expressions.

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1. 26 2. 1.74 3. 12 − 6 + (−2)4


Evaluate the following expressions.
4. 52 24⋅ 5. 95 6. 6 × (5 + 3) ÷ 3 − 23
7. Construct viable arguments. Jose and Juan were given the
expression 3 + 24 ÷ 2 × 3; however, they solved it differently.
Who solved it correctly and why?
Jose: 3 + 24 ÷ 2 × 3 Juan: 3 + 24 ÷ 2 × 3
3 + 24 ÷ 6 3 + 12 × 3
3+4 3 + 36
7 39

42 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Powers and Roots ACTIVITY 3
Squares and Cubes continued

ACTIVITY 3 PRACTICE 6. What patterns do you notice in the table you

Write your answers on notebook paper. made in Item 5?
Show your work. 7. Which of the following numbers is a perfect
Lesson 3-1 square?
A. 32 B. 36
1. Evaluate each expression. C. 40 D. 44
a. 81
8. Solve each equation for x.
b. 3.32
2 a. x2 = 81
c. 1
5 b. x2 = 0.16
2. If the side length of a square is 7.2 inches, what is c. x2 = 1
the area of the square? 9. Daisy cut a square out of a sheet of graph paper.
3. This figure has an area of 196 in.2 and is made up The square had an area of 16 square cm. She then
of four small squares. What is the side length of a trimmed 1 cm from each side of the square. What
small square? is the area of the smaller square?

Lesson 3-2
10. Evaluate each expression.
a. 0.43
b. 27
4. Which is NOT a way to express 8 ? c. 3
A. eight multiplied by two 11. Write “four cubed” in exponential form.
B. eight to the second power
C. eight squared 12. What is the volume of a cube with an edge length
D. eight times eight of 23 foot?
5. Complete the table for a booth with a floor in the 13. What is the edge length of a cube with a volume
shape of a square. of 216 cubic feet?
14. A picture frame cube has a volume of 64 cubic
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

Side Length Perimeter of Area of Booth cm. Each of the six faces holds a picture of the
(in cm) Booth (in cm) (in cm) same size as the face. What size picture does each
2 face hold?
A. 3 × 3
B. 4 × 6
n C. 4 × 4
D. 6 × 6

Activity 3 • Powers and Roots 43

ACTIVITY 3 Powers and Roots
continued Squares and Cubes

15. The dimensions of a cube are 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm. 24. Write 9 raised to the power of 6 in exponential
What is the volume of this cube? form.
16. The edge length for a cube is c. Which of the 25. What is the first step in simplifying the
following does NOT represent how to find the expression ( 8 + 2) ÷ ( 20 − 4 ) − 50 ?
volume of this cube? A. add 8 + 2
A. c³ B. cube 2
⋅ ⋅
B. c c c C. subtract 50
C. 3 × c D. cube 8
D. c cubed
26. Complete the table.
17. Solve each equation for x.
a. x3 = 125 31
b. x3 = 0.008 9
c. x3 = 1 33
Lesson 3-3 3

⋅ ⋅ ⋅
18. Write 3 3 3 3 in exponential form.

19. In science we find that some cells divide to form

two cells every hour. If you start with one cell, 2,187
how many cells will there be after 7 hours?
20. Use =, >, or < to complete the following: MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES
a. 19 14 Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively
b. 34 43
27. Write a letter to the student council that describes
c. 26 144
the relationship between the side of a booth and
21. If you know that 93 = 729 , describe how to find its area and volume. Use examples to illustrate
94 without having to multiply four 9s. your relationship.
22. Which of the following expressions results in the
largest amount?

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A. 29
B. 4.53
C. 92
D. 8.33
23. Evaluate the following expressions.
a. (16 − 10)2 ÷ 4
b. 72 + (5 − 3)3
c. 3 125 × 23
d. 12
e. 1.85
f. (50 + 50)

44 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Rational Numbers ACTIVITY 4
Know When to Fold ’Em
Lesson 4-1 Modeling Fractions
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Model fractions graphically.
• Convert between fractions, decimals, and percents.
Group, Graphic Organizer, Sharing and Responding
A popular urban myth is that it is impossible to fold a piece of paper in half
more than seven times.
1. Remove a sheet of paper from your notebook and try it for yourself. You
may fold the paper in any direction you wish as long as you fold the
paper in half each time. When you’re done experimenting, share your
results with your group members.

2. Complete the following table based on the first six folds you made in
your paper.

Folds Number Each Region’s Sketch of

of Regions Fraction of the Unfolded Paper
on Paper Original Paper Showing Folds

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Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 45

ACTIVITY 4 Lesson 4-1
continued Modeling Fractions

My Notes
3. Consider the dimensions of the paper each time it is folded.
a. What is happening to the size of the regions?

CONNECT TO AP b. What size is the paper approaching?

In AP and higher-level math
classes you will learn about
asymptotes, which are lines on a c. Is it possible for the paper to actually reach this size? Explain your
graph that a function gets closer answer.
and closer to, but never actually
4. Fold your paper into thirds as shown below:

Figure 1 Figure 2

a. Beginning with the paper folded as shown in Figure 2 above, fold the
paper in half repeatedly and complete the table below.

Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7

of Original

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46 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 4-1 ACTIVITY 4
Modeling Fractions continued

My Notes
b. The region’s fractions are different than the previous fractions. Why?

5. Use another piece of paper to show how you could find other fractional
values between 0 and 1. Discuss your results with your group.

The fractions you created in the previous tables can also be represented in
different forms, including decimals, percents and graphical representations.
6. When given a fraction, decimal, or percent, it can be converted into
either of the other two. Use the graphic organizer below to discuss the
process of converting between the different representations. Describe
how to interpret the graphic organizer.


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DECIMAL Move the decimal point two spots to the PERCENT

Ex: 0.3 right. Ex: 30%
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

Move the decimal point two spots to the


Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 47

ACTIVITY 4 Lesson 4-1
continued Modeling Fractions

My Notes
Example A
Convert 0.75 to a fraction.
Step 1: Determine the power of 10 for the fraction’s denominator. Count
the number of digits to the right of the decimal.
For the number 0.75, there are 2 digits to the right of the decimal
so the exponent is 2.
Step 2: Write the whole number 75 for the numerator, and 10 with an
exponent of 2 for the denominator.
75 = 75
102 100
Step 3: Simplify the fraction: 75 = 3
100 4
Solution: 0.75 = 3

Try These A
Convert the following decimals into fractions. Simplify each fraction.
a. 0.59 b. 0.4 c. 0.235

7. Janice says that you can remove any zeros after the decimal point before
converting to a fraction, unless they are between nonzero digits.
a. Give an example of a decimal that supports Janice’s claim. How do
these zeros relate to simplifying the fraction?

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

b. Give an example of a decimal that refutes Janice’s claim. How would
ACADEMIC VOCABULARY you explain to Janice when her statement doesn’t make sense?
To refute a claim is to prove it
wrong. To remember this, think
that you refuse to believe
something that is wrong.

48 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 4-1 ACTIVITY 4
Modeling Fractions continued

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

8. Copy and complete the table. Round decimals to the nearest


Fraction Decimal Form Percent




1 33 1 %
3 3


2 66 2 %
3 3


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9. Write the fraction and decimal equivalents for each percent.
a. 60% b. 80%
10. Show the graphical representation of 2 using a pie chart.
11. Convert 0.14 to a fraction and percent.
12. Model with mathematics. Describe how you could use paper
folding to illustrate the fraction 1 .

Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 49

ACTIVITY 4 Lesson 4-2
continued Rational Number Representations

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Define and recognize rational numbers.
• Represent repeating decimals using bar notation.
• Convert a repeating decimal to a fraction.
Group Presentations, Think-Pair-Share, Debriefing

Rational numbers may be represented as fractions or as decimals.

1. If rational numbers need to be able to be expressed as fractions, how can
A rational number is any number decimals also be rational numbers?
that can be written as the ratio of
two integers, a , where the divisor,
b 2. Convert the following fractions into decimals.
b, is not zero.
a. 7 =
b. 6 =
Some decimals are terminating decimals. Terminating decimals have a
finite or limited number of digits following the decimal point. It is possible
to express these numbers as the ratio of two integers, or as a fraction.
3. Write the decimals below as a ratio of two integers. Express each answer
as a fraction.
a. 0.65
b. 0.004
4. Describe how any terminating decimal can be written as a fraction.

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50 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 4-2 ACTIVITY 4
Rational Number Representations continued

My Notes
Some decimals are repeating decimals. Repeating decimals have one or more
digits following the decimal point that repeat endlessly. For instance, 0.777 . .
. is a repeating decimal as well as 2.5111 . . . . Repeating decimals are also READING MATH
rational numbers. Bar notation can be used to
5. Rewrite each of the following rational numbers as a decimal. represent the repeating digits of a
a. 1 = b. 4 = c. 5 = repeating decimal.
3 9 6 0.777 K = 0.7
2.5111K = 2.5 1
Repeating decimals can also be converted into fractions.

Example A
Convert 0.51111 . . . to a fraction.
Step 1: Let x = the repeating decimal.
x = 0.51111 . . .
Step 2: Determine the repeating digit or digits.
The repeating digit is 1.
Step 3: Multiply both sides of the original equation by the least power of 10
so that the digits that repeat align after the decimal point.
x = 0.5111 . . .
10x = 5.1111 . . .
Step 4: Subtract one equation from the other. The repeating digits will not
be in the difference.
10x = 5.1111 . . .
− x = 0.5111 . . .
9x = 4.6
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

Step 5: Solve the resulting equation.

9 x = 4.6
9 9
x = 46 = 23
90 45
Try These A
Convert the following repeating decimals into fractions.
a. 0.444444 . . . b. 0.121212 . . . c. 2.505050 . . .

Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 51

ACTIVITY 4 Lesson 4-2
continued Rational Number Representations

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

6. Convert the following to decimals.

a. 6
b. 79
c. 23
d. 9

7. Is the decimal 0.12345… a repeating decimal? Explain.


8. How are terminating decimals different than repeating decimals?
9. Write 78 as a decimal. What type of decimal is it?
10. Convert the decimals to fractions.
a. 0.50 b. 0.60 c. 0.25
11. Write 0.2222222 . . . as a fraction.
12. Attend to precision. Write 1.024242424 . . . as a fraction.
13. Hannah knows that the repeating decimal 0.0545454 . . . is equal to 55 3.
a. What decimal can be added to 0.0545454 . . . to get 0.1545454 . . . ?
b. Write your answer from part a as a fraction.
c. Add two fractions to determine the fraction equal to 0.1545454 . . . .

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52 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 4-3 ACTIVITY 4
Comparing Rational Numbers continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Compare rational numbers in different forms.
• Represent repeating decimals using bar notation.
• Utilize various forms of rational numbers.
Group Presentations, Think / Pair / Share, Sharing and Responding

1. What is the difference between the decimals 0.7 and 0.007?

To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, it is often necessary to multiply

by a greater power of 10.

Example A
Convert 1.0525252 . . . to its fractional form.
Step 1: Let x = the repeating decimal.
x = 1.0525252 . . .
Step 2: Determine the repeating digit or digits.
The repeating digits are 52.
Step 3: Multiply both sides of the original equation by the least power of
10 so that the digits that repeat align after the decimal point.
x = 1.052525252 . . .
100x = 105.252525252 . . .
Step 4: Subtract one equation from the other. The repeating digits will not
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

be in the difference.
100x = 105.252525252 . . .
− x = 1.052525252 . . .
99x = 104.2
Step 5: Solve the resulting equation.
99 x = 104.2
99 99
1, 042 521
x= =
990 495
Solution: 1.0525252... = 521

Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 53

ACTIVITY 4 Lesson 4-3
continued Comparing Rational Numbers

My Notes
Try These A
Convert each repeating decimal to a fraction.
a. 0.0555555 . . .

b. 3.00121212 . . .

c. 0.023333 . . .

2. Rational numbers can be written as fractions, decimals, or percents. How

does the ability to convert between these forms help to compare the
values of rational numbers?

3. For each type of rational number, explain how to compare two numbers.
a. fractions

b. decimals

c. percents

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54 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 4-3 ACTIVITY 4
Comparing Rational Numbers continued

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

4. Convert 1.30 to a fraction.

5. Compare the number from Item 4 to the following rational numbers.
Explain your reasoning.
a. 4 b. 1.30

Example B
List the rational numbers 2.4, 49 , and 240% in increasing order.
Step 1: Convert the fraction and percent to a decimal.
49 = 2 9 = 2.45
20 20
240% = 2.4
Step 2: Align the values on the decimal point and compare the digits from
the right.
2.4 = 2.444 . . .
49 = 2.450
240% = 2.400
Step 3: List the rational numbers in increasing order.
240%, 2.4, 49

Try These B
List the rational numbers in increasing order.
a. 25%, 1 , 0.2
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b. 1 , 0.33, 33.5%

Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 55

ACTIVITY 4 Lesson 4-3
continued Comparing Rational Numbers

My Notes
6. Fill the blank in with a >, < or = sign.
a. 40% 4
b. 0.3 0.03
c. 2 29%
7. Critique the reasoning of others. Samuel enters the fraction 17 on
his calculator. The display shows .2941176471, which are the most digits
that can be displayed. He concludes that the fraction is a terminating
decimal. Is Samuel correct?

8. Write the rational numbers from Example B on the previous page as

fractions. Use the fractions to list the numbers in increasing order.


9. Which number is 10 greater than?
a. 4 b. 28% c. 3
10 5
10. What is a rational number? Give three examples in different forms.
11. Convert 1.063636363… to a fraction.
12. Convert 8.63 to a fraction.
13. How can you compare fractions with the same denominators? How can
you compare fractions with the same numerators?

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14. Reason quantitatively. List the rational numbers in increasing
order. 0.555, 5 , 50.9%

56 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Rational Numbers ACTIVITY 4
Know When to Fold ‘Em continued


Write your answers on notebook paper. 8. Which of the following does NOT describe a
Show your work. rational number?
Lesson 4-1 A. a decimal that terminates
B. a decimal that does not terminate and does
1. George ate the portion of pizza represented by not repeat
the letter A in the pizza pie shown below. C. a decimal that repeats
What fraction is this portion equivalent to? D. a fraction
9. Convert each of the following repeating decimals
to a fraction.

a. 0.6
b. 0.12
10. Write three examples of each type of rational
a. fractions that are repeating decimals
b. fractions that are terminating decimals
11. Is 0.232323 a repeating decimal? Why or
why not?
12. Are all whole numbers also rational numbers?
Justify your answer.
A. 1 B. 1 13. Consider the two repeating decimals shown
4 2 below.
C. 3 D. 4
4 0.31313131…
2. How much pizza would be left after George eats 0.02020202…
his portion? Write as a fraction. a. By simply looking at the decimal
3. Convert the fractions to decimals and percents. representations, what is the sum of these
a. 3 two rational numbers? Write as a decimal
5 and as a fraction.
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b. 2 b. Verify your answer by finding fractions that

4. Convert the decimals to fractions and percents. represent each decimal. Add the fractions.
a. 0.8 c. Write the difference of the two numbers as a
b. 0.32 repeating decimal.

5. Convert the percents to decimals and fractions. 14. Which number represents a repeating decimal?
1 , 25%, 0.5020202
a. 20% 6
b. 72% 15. Which repeating decimal is equivalent to the
6. Convert the following to decimals. fraction 1 ?
a. 3
b. 123
c. 45
7. Which of the following is NOT equivalent to 60 ?
A. 3 B. 0.6
C. 6 D. 0.75

Activity 4 • Rational Numbers 57

ACTIVITY 4 Rational Numbers
continued Know When to Fold ‘Em

Lesson 4-3 22. Write a convincing argument that the repeating

decimal 0.999… is equal to 1.
16. Arrange the following rational numbers from
least to greatest. 23. Tanya says that 1 out of every 3 students at her
a. 1 , 16%, 0.16 school plays a sport. William says the actual
6 number is 33% of the students. Who thinks a
b. 6 , 0.5, 5.9 greater number of students plays a sport than the
other does?
17. Fill the blank in with a >, < or = sign.
a. 45% 4 24. Write a fraction that is between the rational
numbers 0.3 and 13. Explain what you did.
b. 0.38 0.032
18. Which number is the largest of the group? Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively
70%, 1 , 15% 25. Rational numbers are used every day. Write three
19. Convert 1.0353535 . . . to a fraction. instances in which you use each of the
representations of a rational number—fraction,
20. Convert 0.022222 . . . to a fraction.
decimal, and percent—in your daily activities.
21. List the fractions below in increasing order. Does a certain representation appear to be used
Describe the method you used. 12 , 56 , 10
7 ,2
most often?

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58 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Rational and Irrational Numbers ACTIVITY 5
Where Am I?
Lesson 5-1 Estimating Irrational Numbers
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Differentiate between rational and irrational numbers.
• Approximate an irrational number in terms of a rational number.
Create Representations, Look for a Pattern, Critique Reasoning, Simplify
the Problem
Many early mathematicians believed that all numbers were rational ; that is,
they could be written as a quotient of two integers. However, as early as the TECHNOLOGY TIP
seventh century bce, mathematicians from India became aware of numbers While some decimals continue on
that could not be expressed as the quotient of two integers. Eventually, it forever, calculator screens will
became accepted that the square roots of most real numbers could not be round the decimal when there is
expressed rationally. These numbers were considered irrational. no space left on the screen.

1. Some examples of irrational numbers are 2 or π. Look at the screen

shots in the My Notes sections of 2 and π.
a. Based on what you know about π, is the screen shot the entire value √(2)
of π? 1.414213562

b. Based on your answer to part a, is the screen shot the entire value
Irrational numbers are real
numbers that cannot be written as
a ratio or fraction.
c. What is the difference between the decimal forms of rational numbers
Rational numbers are real
and the decimal forms of irrational numbers?
numbers that can be written as a
ratio or fraction.
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

d. The set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers

together form the set of real numbers. Are there any numbers that
are both rational and irrational? Explain. Use a Venn diagram to
illustrate your explanation.

Even though irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a quotient of two

numbers, it is possible to determine reasonable estimates for these numbers.
To do so, it’s helpful to become familiar with the relative size of some
common irrational numbers.

Activity 5 • Rational and Irrational Numbers 59

ACTIVITY 5 Lesson 5-1
continued Estimating Irrational Numbers

My Notes
2. Use this number line and the method described in parts a–f below to
determine the approximate square root of 18.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

a. Which perfect square is less than 18 but closest to 18? Mark this
integer on the number line.

b. Which perfect square is greater than 18 but closest to 18? Mark this
integer on the number line.

c. What is the square root of the first integer you marked? Write the
square root above the integer on the number line.

d. What is the square root of the second integer you marked? Write the
square root above the integer on the number line.

e. Put an X on 18. The X should be between the two perfect squares.

Is the X closer to the smaller or the larger perfect square?

f. Attend to precision. Above the X you put on 18, write a decimal

number to the nearest tenth that you think is the square root of 18.

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g. Check your estimate by squaring your approximation to see how
close you are.

h. Using the number line below, fill in the two perfect squares that you
determined were below and above 18 on the top of the number line.
Write the whole numbers that represent those perfect squares on the
bottom of the number line. Put your estimation of 18 on the
number line.
√ √

60 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 5-1 Activity 5
Estimating Irrational Numbers continued

My Notes
3. Using the method you used in Item 2, estimate the value of the number.
a. 42 

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

b. 98 

80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

4. Use appropriate tools strategically. Use a calculator to determine

the values of the square roots you estimated using a number line in
Items 2 and 3. Round the answer to the nearest tenth. How close were
your estimates?
a. 18

b. 42

c. 98

5. Using the method you used in Items 2 and 3, estimate the value of the
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cube root.
3 20  

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

6. Explain why 3 64 is rational and 3 12 is not.

Activity 5 • Rational and Irrational Numbers  61

ACTIVITY 5 Lesson 5-1
continued Estimating Irrational Numbers

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

Name the irrational number in each set.

7. 17 , 8, 3 8 }
8. {−0.5789, 63 , 65 }

9. Estimate the following square roots to the tenths place without using
a calculator.
a. 10 b. 28 c. 73
d. Place the above square roots on their approximate location on the
number line.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


10. Name the irrational number in each set:
a. 12.89, 12, 12
144 } b. { 3 16, 16, 2.56}

11. Estimate the following square and cube roots to the tenths place without
using a calculator.
a. 92 b. 139 c. 68
3 3
d. 19 e. 24 f. 56
12. Place the approximate value of 26 on the number line below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13. Place the approximate value of 74 on the number line below.

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

14. In previous math courses, you have studied the sets of whole numbers
and integers.
a. Create a Venn diagram showing the relationship of the set of whole
numbers and the set of integers.
b. How would you add the set of rational numbers to the Venn diagram
you made in part a?
c. Would the set of irrational numbers have any overlapping regions
with the Venn diagram you made in part a?
15. Critique the reasoning of others. Dale says that every number can
be represented as a decimal. Is Dale correct? Explain.

62 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 5-2 ACTIVITY 5
Comparing Rational and Irrational Numbers continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Approximate an irrational number in terms of a rational number.
• Compare and order irrational and rational numbers.
Aloud, Construct an Argument, Simplify the Problem
Approximate an irrational number in terms of a rational number to
understand its value.
1. Using a calculator, 3 is shown to be 1.7320508 . . .
a. Explain where 3 would be in relation to the estimates of 1.7 and 1.8.

b. Explain the connection between these estimates and the actual value
with rational and irrational numbers.

Example A
Find examples of a rational number and an irrational number between 4.8
and 4.9.
Step 1: A rational number can be expressed as a ratio of integers or
a decimal that terminates or repeats.
4.859 is between 4.8 and 4.9 MATH TIP
4.859 terminates and can be expressed as the ratio: 4,859 .
1,000 There are infinitely many examples
Step 2: An irrational number cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers of rational and irrational numbers
and, when expressed as a decimal, does not terminate or repeat. between any two numbers.
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

4.8598979486 . . . is between 4.8 and 4.9

4.8598979486 . . . does not terminate and does not repeat.
Solution: A rational number between 4.8 and 4.9 is 4.859. An irrational
number between 4.8 and 4.9 is 4.8598979486 . . .

Activity 5 • Rational and Irrational Numbers 63

ACTIVITY 5 Lesson 5-2
continued Comparing Rational and Irrational Numbers

My Notes
Try These A
Give an example of a rational and an irrational number that is between
the following numbers.
a. 2 and 2.1
b. 5.3 and 5.4
c. 10.6 and 10.7

2. Explain why it is always possible to find another number (rational or

irrational) between any two numbers.

Example B
Order the following numbers from least to greatest.
71, 9.3, 84 , 8.1
Step 1: Approximate values for the irrational numbers in terms of
rational numbers.
71 is between 64 = 8 and 81 = 9.
71 ≈ 8.4
84 is between 81 = 9 and 100 = 10.
84 ≈ 9.2
Step 2: Using the approximated values for the irrational numbers, order
the numbers from least to greatest.
8.1, 8.4, 9.2, 9.3

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Solution: The numbers in order from least to greatest are
8.1, 71, 84 , 9.3.

Try These B
Order the following numbers from least to greatest.
a. 16, 14 , 4.1, 3.6
b. 150, 12, 11.8, 135
c. π, 6, 3.4, 14

64 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 5-2 Activity 5
Comparing Rational and Irrational Numbers continued

My Notes
3. Complete the comparisons using > or <. Explain your reasoning.
a. 10 2.5
b. 7 50
c. 33 8 33
d. 110 66

4. Reason quantitatively. In Item 3d above, explain how you could

have completed the comparison without using rational number
approximations for 110 and 66 .

Check Your Understanding

5. Give an example of a rational and an irrational number that is between

the following numbers:
a. 12 and 12.1
b. 3.4 and 3.5
6. Complete the comparison with > or <:
11.2 120

7. A right trapezoid has sides that measure 2 units, 6 units, 13 units,

and 3 units. Order the lengths of the sides from least to greatest.
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Activity 5 • Rational and Irrational Numbers  65

ACTIVITY 5 Lesson 5-2
continued Comparing Rational and Irrational Numbers

My Notes
8. Give an example of a rational and an irrational number between the
following numbers:
a. 8 and 8.1
b. 9.6 and 9.7
c. 10.2 and 10.3

Order the numbers from greatest to least.

9. 18 , 2.4, π, 2.7
10. 5.6, 25, 3 140 , 6.2
11. 343, 7.4, 52, 8.2
12. The following numbers were placed in order from greatest to least.
Complete the list with irrational numbers.
6.8, ___ , 6.2, ___ , 5.1
13. Construct viable arguments. Describe the vastness of the sets of
rational and irrational numbers. Why is it always possible to find a
rational or irrational number between any two numbers?

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66 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Rational and Irrational Numbers Activity 5
Where Am I? continued

ACTIVITY 5  PRACTICE 15. Describe the relationship between irrational

Write your answers on notebook paper. numbers and rational numbers.
Show your work. 16. Cody is asked to find a cube root that is found
Lesson 5-1 between 4.2 and 4.3. He provides the number,
Name the irrational numbers in each set. 75 . Is he correct? Explain.

1. {8.4, 12, π , 64 , 65 } 17. Ling marked the approximate value of 32 on the

number line as shown. Did Ling mark the value
2. 5 , 2.1, 45, 78, 2
6 3 } correctly? Explain your reasoning.

{ 1
3. 25, 36, 17 , , 3
8 } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. {1.24562 …, 5.9, 82, 20, 9 } 18. Which is not an irrational number?

A. 15
Determine a reasonable estimate to the tenths place.
B. 16
5. 18
C. 17
6. 130
D. 18
7. 2
8. 86
Lesson 5-2
Determine a rational and an irrational number between
9. 3 117 each of the following pairs of numbers.
10. 3 24 19. 12.1 and 12.2
11. 41 20. 4.5 and 4.6
12. 56 21. 9 and 9.1
13. Which of the following square roots would not be 22. 14.2 and 14.3
between 5 and 6?
23. 15 and 15.1
A. 27
B. 32
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

C. 37
D. 29
14. Which of the following square roots would not be
between 8 and 9?
A. 74
B. 62
C. 80
D. 77

Activity 5 • Rational and Irrational Numbers  67

ACTIVITY 5 Rational and Irrational Numbers
continued Where Am I?

Order the following from least to greatest. 36. Which of the following is an irrational number
24. 27 , 5.5, 24 , 5 between 8.8 and 8.9?
A. 8.089703487 . . .
25. 19 , π, 2.65, 4 B. 8.888888888 . . .
26. 6.8, 49 , 7.1, 6.8556546 . . . C. 8.912984065 . . .
3 D. 8.871985703 . . .
27. 67 , 16 , 4.2, 4.15
28. 12 1 , 144 , 12.99, 32 MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES
29. 88, 3 8, 3 108, 3 18
3 Look for and Make Use of Structure
37. Consider the following numbers:
Compare using >, <, or =. 3
8, 3 9, 3 27 , 3 42, 3 110, 3 125
3 3
30. 729 9 729 9
a. Which of these are rational?
31. 13.225
13.225 170170 b. Which of these are irrational?
3 3
c. Write a conjecture explaining why some of
32. 5 5 5 5
these cube roots are rational and why some are
33. 72 8 8 irrational.
d. Support your conjecture with a different
34. Roxie thinks that the irrational number
example of a rational cube root and an
6.00289467… is less than the rational number 6.
irrational cube root.
Do you agree with Roxie? Explain your reasoning.
35. Which of the following irrational numbers is the
A. π
B. 2π
C. π2
D. 3π

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68 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Representing Rational and Embedded Assessment 2
Irrational Numbers Use after Activity 5
Weather or Not?

Natural disasters can happen anywhere in the world. Examples of natural

disasters include tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Two of
the most well-known natural disasters are Hurricane Katrina (2005), which
hit New Orleans, Louisiana, and Japan’s tsunami (2011).
1. After Hurricane Katrina, 8 of the city of New Orleans was flooded.
Represent this number in the following ways:
a. decimal
b. visual representation
c. percent
2. Only 58% of the people in the coastal areas of Japan took the warning
system seriously that a tsunami was coming and evacuated the area.
Represent this number in the following ways:
a. decimal b. fraction
The area of land that is affected by a natural disaster can vary greatly. While
the destruction areas of these disasters were not perfect squares, thinking
about the areas as squares can give you a good visualization of how much
area was affected.
3. The total square miles affected by the natural disasters are given below.
Find the side length of the area affected if it was a square.
a. Hurricane Katrina: 90,000 square miles
b. Japan tsunami: 216 square miles
4. Given that a storm has a destruction area in the shape of a square, give
the total area affected if the side lengths of the square were:
a. 315.2 miles b. 30 1 kilometers
When natural disasters occur, organizations such as the Red Cross help by
sending in crates of supplies to those who are affected. The crates contain
first aid, food, drinks, and other supplies.
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

5. Explain how, given an edge length of a cubical crate, the volume of the
crate could be determined. Provide an example with your explanation.
6. Given the following volumes of the cubical crates, determine the edge
length. Explain how you found the edges.
a. 8 ft3 b. 27 ft3

Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships  69

Embedded Assessment 2 Representing Rational and
Use after Activity 5 Irrational Numbers
Weather or Not?

Scoring Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete

Guide The solution demonstrates these characteristics:
Mathematics • Clear and accurate • Converting between • Errors in converting • Incorrect or incomplete
Knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals, and between fractions, converting between
Thinking converting between percent. decimals, and percent. fractions, decimals, and
(Items 1a-c, 2a-b, 3a-b, fractions, decimals, and • Understanding of squares • Some errors in working with percent.
4a-b, 5, 6a-b) percent. and square roots; cubes and squares and square roots; • Little or no understanding
• Effective understanding of cube roots. cubes and cube roots. of squares and square roots;
squares and square roots; cubes and cube roots.
cubes and cube roots.
Problem Solving • An appropriate and efficient • A strategy that may include • A strategy that results in • No clear strategy when
(Items 3a-b, 4a-b, 6a-b) strategy that results in a unnecessary steps but some incorrect answers. solving problems.
correct answer. results in a correct answer.
Mathematical • Clear and accurate • Representing a rational • Errors in representing a • Inaccurately representing a
Modeling / understanding of number as a fraction, rational number as a rational number as a
Representations representing a rational decimal, or percent. fraction, decimal, or fraction, decimal, or
(Items 1a-c, 2a-b, 3a-b, number as a fraction, • Relating a volume to a cube, percent. percent.
4a-b, 5, 6a-b) decimal, or percent. an area to a square, and the • Errors in relating volume to • Little or no understanding
• Clearly and accurately root to a side length. a cube, area to a square, and of relating volume to a
relating a volume to a cube, the root to a side length. cube, area to a square, and
an area to a square, and the the root to a side length.
root to a side length.
Reasoning and • Precise explanation of the • Adequate explanation of • A misleading or confusing • An incomplete or inaccurate
Communication difference between rational the difference between explanation of the explanation of the
(Items 5, 6a-b) and irrational numbers. rational and irrational difference between rational difference between rational
• Clear and precise numbers. and irrational numbers. and irrational numbers.
explanation of the • Adequate explanation of • A confusing explanation of • An incomplete or inaccurate
relationship between the relationship between the relationship between explanation of the
volume and edge length of volume and edge length of volume and edge length of relationship between

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

a cube. a cube. a cube. volume and edge length of
a cube.

70  SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra

Properties of Exponents ACTIVITY 6
That’s a Lot of Cats
Lesson 6-1 Multiplying and Dividing with Exponents
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Understand and apply properties of integer exponents.
• Simplify multiplication expressions with integer exponents.
• Simplify division expressions with integer exponents.
Paraphrasing, Look for a Pattern, Critique Reasoning, Work Backward
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Every wife had seven sacks,
And every sack had seven cats.
Every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacks, wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
In addition to being an 18th century translation of what the Guinness Book of
World Records claims is the oldest mathematical riddle in history, this riddle CONNECT TO HISTORY
can be used to explain how exponents work. Problem 79 on the Rhind
Use this table to determine the number of kittens in the riddle—in expanded Mathematical Papyrus (c. 1650 BCE)
contains the algorithm that is said
form, exponential form, and standard form. Expanded form is expressing the
to be the basis for the mathematics
number in terms of multiplication, exponential form is expressing the in this riddle.
number with a base and exponent, and standard form is the product.

Number Written in. . .

Expanded Exponential Standard Base
Form Form Form
Wives 7 71 7 7
Sacks ⋅
7 7 72 49 7
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Cats 7⋅7⋅7 73 343 7


1. Describe any patterns you observe in the table.

2. Use the patterns you observe to complete the last row of the table.

Activity 6 • Properties of Exponents 71

ACTIVITY 6 Lesson 6-1
continued Multiplying and Dividing with Exponents

My Notes
3. Make sense of problems. Suppose each kitten had seven stripes.
Write an expression to determine the total number of stripes. Write
your expression in the following forms.
a. Expanded form:
b. Exponential form:
c. Standard form:
When you multiply two exponential expressions with the same base, add the

Example A
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Simplify 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 in various ways. Then compare your results.
Step 1: Use the associative property of multiplication to rewrite the
expanded form 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 as
(7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7)(7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7) or (7 ⋅ 7)(7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7)
Step 2: Rewrite each expression in exponential form.
(7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7)(7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7) = 7 ⋅ 7 3 4

(7 ⋅ 7)(7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7) = 7 ⋅ 7 2 5

Step 3: Simplify each power. Notice that the exponents are being added
as the bases are multiplied.

73 74 = 73+4 = 77 = 823,543
7 ⋅7 =7
2 5 2+5
= 77 = 823,543
Solution: Each of these expanded forms simplifies to the same product,
823,543, and same exponential form, 77.

Try These A

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Consider the product (x x) (x x x). ⋅ ⋅
a. Rewrite the product using exponents.
b. Simplify the expression, and write the answer in exponential form.

Check Your Understanding

Simplify the expressions.

4. 39 ⋅33
5. a7 ⋅a

72 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 6-1 ACTIVITY 6
Multiplying and Dividing with Exponents continued

My Notes
Example B
Simplify 7 3 .
Step 1: Write 7 3 in expanded form.
7 7 7 7
7 7 7
Step 2: Simplify by dividing common factors.
7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7 ⋅7 = 7
Solution: 7 3 = 7
Try These B
Consider the expression 5 .
a. Rewrite the expression with the numerator and denominator in
expanded form.

b. Simplify the expression you wrote in part a.

c. Describe how you could simplify the original expression without

writing it in expanded form.

6. What is the exponent of the solution to Example B?

7. How does the exponent of the solution to Example B relate to the

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exponents of the original expression?

8. Reason quantitatively. What pattern do you notice about the

exponents when dividing two powers with the same base?

Activity 6 • Properties of Exponents 73

ACTIVITY 6 Lesson 6-1
continued Multiplying and Dividing with Exponents

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

Simplify the expressions.

15 9
9. 1210 10. r
12 r


11. Re-read the riddle at the beginning of the lesson. This riddle has been
the subject of great debate over the years as the riddle is said to have
multiple answers. Determine which of the following could be
considered a reasonable answer to the riddle. Justify your reasoning.
A. 1 B. 30 C. 2,403 D. 2,802
12. Simplify each expression:

a. t2 t5 b. 86

13. Write a rule for multiplying terms with exponents that have the same
base in your own words.
14. Write a rule for dividing terms with exponents that have the same base
in your own words.
15. Critique the reasoning of others. Sebastian and Georgia are
examining the expression 4 5 . Sebastian says the answer is 12. Georgia
knows the answer is 42. Help Georgia explain to Sebastian what he did

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74 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 6-2 ACTIVITY 6
Negative Exponents continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Understand and apply properties of integer exponents.
• Simplify expressions with negative exponents.
Paraphrasing, Look for a Pattern, Visualization

Example A 3
Consider the expression 48 . Simplify the expression by dividing and by
writing the numerator and denominator in expanded form. Compare the
Step 1: Divide by subtracting the exponents.
4 3 = 4 3−8 = 4−5
Step 2: Write the numerator and denominator in expanded form and

43 = ⋅ ⋅
4 4 4
= 1
48 4 ⋅4⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
4 4 4 4 4 4 45
Step 3: Compare the two results.

4−5 = 15
Solution: The two strategies used to divide 43 by 48 yielded the same
answer in two different forms, 4−5 and 15 .
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Try These A 3
Consider the expression x 5 .
a. Rewrite the numerator and denominator in expanded form and

b. Simplify the expression by dividing (subtract the exponents).

c. Compare your results for parts a and b.

Activity 6 • Properties of Exponents 75

ACTIVITY 6 Lesson 6-2
continued Negative Exponents

My Notes
When an exponent has a negative value, it actually means to divide 1 by the
MATH TERMS base that number of times. An expression with a negative exponent can be
written as an equivalent expression with a positive exponent by writing
The reciprocal of a number is its the reciprocal.
multiplicative inverse. For example,
the reciprocal of 6 is 1. x4
1. Simplify .
6 x2

2. Simplify x 4 .

3. Reason quantitatively. Compare and contrast your answers to

Items 1 and 2.

Check Your Understanding

Simplify the following expressions. Compare the answers.

9 5 6 3
4. 25 and 29 5. a3 and a6
2 2 a a

Example B
Write 6−2 as an equivalent expression without a negative exponent.
Write the reciprocal of 62 to make an equivalent expression with a positive

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Solution: 6−2 = 12 .
Try These B
Rewrite these expressions without a negative exponent.
a. a−4 b. 8−3 c. −2

76 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 6-2 ACTIVITY 6
Negative Exponents continued

My Notes
Example C
Simplify the expression r15 . Your final answer should not contain a
negative exponent. r

Step 1: Divide r8 by r15 by subtracting the exponents.

r8−15 = r−7
Step 2: Rewrite r−7 without a negative exponent by writing the
r −7 = 17
Solution: r15 equals 17 .
r r

Try These C
Attend to precision. Simplify these expressions. Your final answer
should not contain a negative exponent.
y4 12 −2 7
a. 8 b. 1015 c. 4 3 −52
y 10 45

Check Your Understanding

Simplify the follow expressions.

6 x 5 y −2
6. x−7 7. 59 8.
5 x −4 y 4
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Simplify the expressions in Items 9–12. Write final answers in exponential
form without negative exponents.
9. 9−10
10. k 2

11. 33 3−6
⋅ −6
12. 2 2 10−2

2 10
13. Reason abstractly. Write in your own words how to write an
expression with a negative exponent as an equivalent expression with a
positive exponent.

Activity 6 • Properties of Exponents 77

ACTIVITY 6 Lesson 6-3
continued Power of Zero and Powers of Powers

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Understand and apply properties of integer exponents.
• Simplify expressions with zero as the exponent.
• Simplify expressions with exponents raised to a power.
Pattern, Graphic Organizer, Construct an Argument
Although the riddle As I was going to St. Ives has only one narrator, the
number 1 can also be written as a base of 7. To see how this works, you can
examine several ways to express the number 1.

Example A
Simplify 77 using exponents and explain the result.

Step 1: Rewrite the fraction by expressing the numerator and

denominator in exponential form.
7 = 71
7 71
Step 2: Simplify the expression by dividing (by subtracting the
71 = 71−1 = 7 0
Solution: Since 7 is equal to 1 and also equal to 70, it follows that 7 (or any
number) raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Try These A

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Express regularity in repeated reasoning. Simplify these
a. y0
b. 90
c. 1250

Check Your Understanding

1. 83,5670 2. b 4

78 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 6-3 ACTIVITY 6
Power of Zero and Powers of Powers continued

My Notes
Recall from the riddle that the man had 7 wives, each wife had 7 sacks,
each sack had 7 cats, and each cat had 7 kittens. Suppose that each kitten
had 7 stripes. Now assume each stripe on each kitten contains seven spots.
The situation is becoming more complicated, and the need for using
exponents has grown . . . exponentially. The number of spots can be written
as a power raised to another power.
When an exponential expression is raised to a power, multiply the exponents
to simplify.

Example B
Show that (73)2 = 73×2

Step 1: ⋅
(73)2 = (73) (73)
Step 2: 7 ⋅ 7 = (7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7) ⋅ (7 ⋅ 7 ⋅ 7) = 7 = 7
3 3 6 3×2

Solution: (73)2 = 73×2

Try These B
Simplify these expressions by multiplying the exponents. Write your
answer in exponential form.
a. (63)4
b. (n7)5
c. (126)3
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Activity 6 • Properties of Exponents 79

ACTIVITY 6 Lesson 6-3
continued Power of Zero and Powers of Powers

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

Simplify these expressions. Write your answer in exponential form.

3. (n2)5 4. (74)4


5. In your own words, write the outcome of raising any base to the power
Create an organized summary of of zero.
the properties used to simplify and
evaluate expressions with Simplify each expression in Items 6–8. Write your answer in
exponents. exponential form.
6. 90 ⋅ (6 12 2
9 3
7. (17 )
8. (w4)5
9. Construct viable arguments. Explain how the product

10,3240 8,5760 can be done using mental math.

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80 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Properties of Exponents ACTIVITY 6
That’s a Lot of Cats continued


Write your answers on notebook paper. Simplify. Express your answer in exponential form.
Show your work. 10. 27
Lesson 6-1 7
11. r12
Simplify. Express your answer in exponential form. r
1. 35⋅3 4 12. 3−2
2. 5 ⋅ 5
6 2 13. z−5
3. x ⋅ x
16 1 14. 8−8 86⋅
3 x8 y2
4. 4 2 15. 2 8
4 x y
10 −3
5. 6 16. 5 2
10 5
6. x 4 17. Which of the following is equivalent to 4−10?

7. Which of the following is 126 124 simplified in A. 1
exponential form?
B. 4
A. 122 10
B. 1210 C. −110
C. 1212 4
D. 1224 D. 110
4 −3 5
18. Which of the following is equivalent to c 2 d−1 ?
8. Which of the following is a3 simplified in
a A. c1d4 c d
exponential form?
A. a−5 B. c5d6
B. a5 C. c
C. a11 d6
D. a24 D. d

9. Kwon multiplied 55 54 and found the product to
be 51. Do you agree with Kwon? Explain your
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Activity 6 • Properties of Exponents 81

ACTIVITY 6 Properties of Exponents
continued That’s a Lot of Cats


Simplify. Express your answer in exponential form. Look For and Make Use of Structure

19. 50 28. In the table below, summarize the rules for

exponents you discovered in this activity.
20. 1,7340
21. (b3)9 Situation Verbal Numeric
22. (4 ) 4 5 Description Example
23. (63)4
powers with
24. (999)0 the same
25. Which of the following is (4x)y simplified in base
exponential form? Dividing
A. 4xy powers with
B. 4x−y the same
C. 4x+y base
D. 4 y Raising a
term to an
26. Victor was asked to simplify this expression in
exponent of
exponential form: 80 + 120. He says the answer
is 2. Do you agree with Victor? Explain your
reasoning. Raising a
power to
27. When raising a power to another power, how are another
the exponents simplified? exponent
A. The exponents are multiplied.
B. The exponents are subtracted.
C. The exponents are divided.
D. The exponents are added.

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82 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Scientific Notation ACTIVITY 7
A Traveler’s Tale
Lesson 7-1 Scientific Notation vs. Standard Form
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Express numbers in scientific notation.
• Convert numbers in scientific notation to standard form.
• Use scientific notation to write estimates of quantities.
Suggested Learning Strategies: Interactive Word Wall, Graphic
Organizer, Marking the Text, Look for a Pattern, Work Backward
The story Gulliver’s Travels describes the adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a
ship’s doctor, who becomes stranded in many strange places. In Lilliput, CONNECT TO LITERATURE
Gulliver finds that he is a giant compared to the people and the world around Gulliver’s Travels was a book written
him. During another voyage Gulliver is stranded in another land, in 1726 by Jonathan Swift. The
Brobdingnag, where he is as small to the inhabitants as the Lilliputians were book has been a popular read
to him. since the day it was published and
has never been out of print. The
The story never says how tall Gulliver is, but it does tell how the heights of book is about Lemuel Gulliver and
the Lilliputian people and the people from Brobdingnag compare to his voyages.
Gulliver’s height. The many descriptions of size in this tale provide ways to
explore the magnitude, or size, of numbers. Powers of 10 will be used to
express these very large and very small numbers. For this activity assume
that Gulliver is 5 feet tall.
With a partner or in your group, discuss the story of Gulliver. By asking
questions and making notes, confirm that you understand who Gulliver and
the Lilliputians are, as well as what you know about their heights.

Example A
A person from Brobdingnag is 10 times as tall as Gulliver. Determine the
height of the person.
Step 1: Gulliver is 5 feet tall, and the person from Brobdingnag is
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

10 times as tall, so multiply to find the height of the person

from Brobdingnag:
5 × 10 = 50 feet tall
Step 2: Write an expression using Gulliver’s height and a power of 10
to represent the height of 50 feet:
5 × 101 = 50
Solution: A person from Brobdingnag is 50 feet tall, or in terms
of Gulliver’s height, the person from Brobdingnag is
5 × 101 feet tall.

Try These A
a. If Adadahy is 10 times as tall as a person from Brobdingnag, how tall
is she?
b. Write an expression using Gulliver’s height and a power of 10 to
represent the height of the person in part a.

Activity 7 • Scientific Notation 83

ACTIVITY 7 Lesson 7-1
continued Scientific Notation vs. Standard Form

My Notes
Notice the expressions you have written show the product of a factor and a
power of 10 with an exponent that is a positive integer.

Example B
Find the value of the expression 6 × 104. This expression is the product of a
factor and a power of 10 with an exponent that is a positive integer:
Step 1: Simplify 104.
104 = 10 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 10 = 10,000
Step 2: Multiply by 6.
6 × 10,000 = 60,000
Solution: 6 × 104 = 60,000

Try These B
Find the value of these expressions.
a. 15 × 103 b. 2 × 106 c. 43.2 × 103

d. Describe any patterns you noticed in evaluating these expressions.

MATH TERMS After Gulliver’s boat capsizes in a violent storm, he swims ashore to Lilliput
and falls asleep. When he wakes, Gulliver finds he has been tied to the
Scientific notation is a way to ground and can only look up into the bright sun. The sun has a diameter of
write a number as a product of 1.39 × 109 m and a mass of 2.0 × 1020 kg.
the number, a, and 10n, when
The measurements, 1.39 × 109 m and 2.0 × 1020 kg, are written in scientific

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1≤ a < 10 and n is an integer.
notation. A number written in scientific notation is the product of a factor,
7 × 108
a, and a power of 10 with an exponent that is an integer, n. It is expressed in
Standard form is a way to write a the form a × 10n, where 1 ≤ a < 10 and n is an integer. A number is written
number using a digit for each in standard form when it is expressed in digits only. Scientific notation is
place. especially helpful when working with numbers with very large and very small
700,000,000 magnitudes.

MATH TIP Example C

Integers consist of all natural Rewrite the diameter of the sun, 1.39 × 109 m, in standard form.
numbers, their opposites, and 0:
Step 1: Simplify 109.
{. . . , −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . }.
109 = 1,000,000,000
Step 2: Multiply by 1.39.
1.39 × 1,000,000,000 = 1,390,000,000
Solution: The diameter of the sun, 1.39 × 109 m, in standard form is
1,390,000,000 m.

84 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 7-1 ACTIVITY 7
Scientific Notation vs. Standard Form continued

My Notes
Try These C
a. What is the relationship between the exponent of the power of 10 and
the number of places the decimal moves?

b. Rewrite the mass of the sun, 2.0 × 1020 kg, in standard form.

Rewrite these expressions in standard form:

c. 4.3 × 107 d. 7 × 1012

e. 3.2 × 105 f. 9 × 1024

Example D
Convert 25,000,000,000 from standard form to scientific notation.
Step 1: Identify the location of the decimal point in 25,000,000,000.
↑ decimal point
Step 2: Move the decimal point to the left until you have a number that
is greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10. Count the number
of places you moved the decimal point.

2 5, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0.
move the decimal point 10 places to the left
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Step 3: Rewrite the number in scientific notation: 2.5 × 1010

Solution: 25,000,000,000 = 2.5 × 1010

Try These D
Convert each number from standard form to scientific notation. Work
backwards from your answer to check your work.
a. 6,000 b. 436,000,000 c. 16,000

Activity 7 • Scientific Notation 85

ACTIVITY 7 Lesson 7-1
continued Scientific Notation vs. Standard Form

My Notes
Large numbers can also be written using words. For example, you can write
9,000,000,000 or 9 billion or 9 × 109.
This table shows names for some very large numbers.

Standard Form Power Name

of 10
1,000 103 Thousand
1,000,000 10 Million
1,000,000,000 10 Billion
1,000,000,000,000 10 Trillion
1,000,000,000,000,000 10 Quadrillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 10 Quintillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10 Sextillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10 Septillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10 Octillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10 Nonillion
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10 Decillion
There is not enough space to write this number. 10 Googol

Make use of structure. Complete this table showing standard form,

scientific notation, and name of some large numbers.

Standard Form Scientific Notation Name

7,400,000,000,000,000 7.4 × 1015 7.4 quadrillion
1. 3 × 10 3

2. 1,200,000,000

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3. 5 trillion
4. 9,000,000

You can use scientific notation to write estimates of large numbers that
have many non-zero digits. Estimates consist of a single digit times
a power of 10.

Example E
According to the U.S. Census, the population of California in the year
2010 was 37,253,956. Write an estimate of the population using
scientific notation.
Step 1: The greatest place value is ten million, so round the population
to the nearest ten million.
37,253,956 ≈ 40,000,000

86 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 7-1 ACTIVITY 7
Scientific Notation vs. Standard Form continued

My Notes
Step 2: Write the population to the nearest ten million in scientific
40,000,000 = 4 × 107
Solution: An estimate of the population of California in 2010 is 4 × 107.

Try These E
Write an estimate of each number using scientific notation.
a. 284,116 b. 5,218,996

Check Your Understanding

Convert each number from scientific notation to standard form.

5. 5.2 × 104 6. 4.23 × 106
7. 2 × 103 8. 1.03 × 104
Convert each number from standard form to scientific notation.
9. 20,000 10. 1,340,000


11. Gulliver is so much bigger than the Lilliputians that he consumes more
food than 1,000 Lilliputians do. Write this number in scientific notation.
For Items 12–16, identify whether the expression is written in scientific
notation. For those not written in scientific notation, explain why and rewrite
in scientific notation.
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12. 6 × 104
13. 15 × 103
14. 2 × 106
15. 3.2 × 105
16. 43.2 × 103
17. The kingdom of Lilliput is said to have an area of 24 million square
miles. Write this amount using scientific notation.
18. Construct viable arguments. Explain why someone would want
to write 52,000,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation instead of
standard form.
19. According to the U.S. Census of 2010, the population of persons aged
65 years and older was 40,267,984. Write an estimate of this population
using scientific notation.

Activity 7 • Scientific Notation 87

ACTIVITY 7 Lesson 7-2
continued Scientific Notation: Power of Zero, Negative Exponents, and Ordering

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Express numbers in scientific notation.
• Convert numbers in scientific notation to standard form.
• Compare and order numbers in scientific notation.
• Use scientific notation to write estimates of quantities.
Suggested Learning Strategies: Summarizing, Close Reading,
Visualization, Construct an Argument, Work Backward
Suppose that Gulliver is 5 feet tall.
1. Reason quantitatively. Describe how to write Gulliver’s height in
When any base is raised to the scientific notation.
power of 0, the result is always 1. a. Is 5 an appropriate factor to use? Why or why not?

b. What is the exponent for the power of 10? Justify your response.

2. Convert each number from standard form to scientific notation.

a. 2 b. 8.3

3. Convert each number from scientific notation to standard form.

a. 9 × 100 b. 6.12 × 100

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The Lilliputians are 10 times as short as Gulliver. In other words, they are
1 of Gulliver’s height.
4. Express the height of a Lilliputian in scientific notation.
a. Explain what factor is appropriate for the value of a in the form a × 10n.

b. Determine what power of 10 is appropriate for the value of n in the

form a × 10n.

c. Use the values you found in parts a and b to write the height of a
Lilliputian in scientific notation.
d. What do you notice about a fractional number in standard form
when it is written in scientific notation?

88 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 7-2 ACTIVITY 7
Scientific Notation: Power of Zero, Negative Exponents, and Ordering continued

My Notes
5. Convert each number from standard form to scientific notation.
a. 0.125 b. 0.00006

c. 7 d. 0.000000000025

Example A
The heights measured in feet, expressed in scientific notation, of Gulliver, a
person from Brobdingnag, and a Lilliputian are shown:
5 × 100, 5 × 101, 5 × 10−1
Order these numbers from least to greatest.
Step 1: Use the values of the exponents to help determine the order.
5 × 10−1 is the least, then 5 × 100, then 5 × 101
Step 2: Write the numbers in standard form to check the order.
5 × 10−1 = 0.5 least
5 × 100 = 5 ↓
5 × 10 = 50 greatest
Solution: From least to greatest, the heights are 5 × 10−1, 5 × 100, and
5 × 101 feet.

Try These A
Order these numbers from least to greatest.
a. 8 × 100, 9 × 10−2, 2 × 103

b. 4.14 × 102, 1.4 × 10−4, 4.1 × 10−3

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

Order these numbers from greatest to least.

c. 0.007, 5 × 101, 7 × 10−5

d. 1 × 100, 0.87, 7.8 × 101

Activity 7 • Scientific Notation 89

ACTIVITY 7 Lesson 7-2
continued Scientific Notation: Power of Zero, Negative Exponents, and Ordering

My Notes
You can use scientific notation to write estimates of small numbers.
Estimates consist of a single digit times a power of 10.

Example B
A micrometer is a small metric measure for length. Using her computer,
Jenny found that a micrometer equals 0.000039370078740157 inch. Use
scientific notation to estimate the inch equivalent of a micrometer.
Step 1: The greatest place value is hundred thousandths, so round to the
nearest hundred thousandth.
0.000039370078740157 ≈ 0.00004
Step 2: Write the measure to the nearest hundred thousandth in
scientific notation. 0.00004 = 4 × 10−5
Solution: An estimate of the length of a micrometer is 4 × 10−5 inch.

Try These B
Write an estimate for each number using scientific notation.
a. 0.00018 b. 0.00619023

Check Your Understanding

Convert each number from scientific notation to standard form.

6. 5.2 × 10−4 7. 4.23 × 10−6 8. 2.5 × 100
Convert each number from standard form to scientific notation.
9. 0.0002 10. 0.000000513 11. 6.9
12. Order these numbers from least to greatest.
0.0051, 8 × 10−4, 1.89 × 10−3, 0.00079

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

13. In terms of Gulliver’s height, use scientific notation to express the height
of an insect if the insect is 10 times shorter than a person from Lilliput.
14. Write a rule for converting a number from scientific notation to
standard form that will always work when the scientific notation of a
number includes 100.
15. Lena converted 1.2 × 10−7 to the standard form 12,000,000. Do you
agree with Lena? Explain your reasoning.
16. Explain why someone would want to write the number 0.000000000064
in scientific notation instead of standard form.
17. Make sense of problems. The fictional land of Brobdingnag had
an area of 1.8 × 107 square miles. In its army were 32,000 cavalry and
2.07 × 105 soldiers. Order these numbers from greatest to least.
18. Write an estimate for each number using scientific notation.
a. 0.000079013 b. 0.0022978
90 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships
Scientific Notation ACTIVITY 7
A Traveler’s Tale continued

ACTIVITY 7 PRACTICE 13. The sun is 93 million miles away from Earth.
Write your answers on notebook paper. Write this number in scientific notation.
Show your work. 14. A fast food restaurant claims to have served
Lesson 7-1 245 billion hamburgers. Write this number in
Write the following in scientific notation. standard form.

1. 25,000,000,000 15. The Milky Way galaxy is estimated to be

13.2 billion years old. Write this number in
2. 60,000 scientific notation.
3. 713,000,000,000,000,000 16. According to the U.S. Census of 2010, the
4. 99 population of Florida was 18,801,310. Write
an estimate of this population using scientific
Write the following in standard form. notation.
5. 7 × 102 Lesson 7-2
6. 8.92 × 10 17. The following table shows the attendance for a
7. 4 × 10 20 year at four major-league baseball stadiums.
Order the attendance from greatest to least.
8. 6.07 × 106
9. Is 10.2 × 104 written in scientific notation? Yankees Mariners Red Sox Dodgers
3.8 × 106 2,000,000 2.5 million 3.2 × 106
10. Copy and complete.
18. Copy and complete.
Standard Scientific Name
Form Notation
Standard Scientific
2,300,000,000 Form Notation
3.4 × 103 0.00009
9 million 1.7 × 10−3
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

6.99 × 10−7
11. Which of the following shows
9,200,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation? 0.00086
A. 9.2 × 109
B. 9.2 × 1012 19. Wire 1 has a diameter of 9 × 10−2 inches.
C. 9.2 × 1015 Wire 2’s diameter is 2.4 × 10−3 inches and
D. 9.2 × 1018 Wire 3 is 0.0023 inches in diameter. Order the
wire diameters from smallest to largest.
12. Which of the following is in correct scientific
notation form? 20. Describe how scientific notation aids the
A. 0.8 × 102 discussion of very small or very large numbers.
Provide an example.
B. 8 × 102
C. 80 × 102
D. 8 ×10 2

Activity 7 • Scientific Notation 91

ACTIVITY 7 Scientific Notation
continued A Traveler’s Tale

Write the following in standard form. MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES

21. 7.4 × 10 0 Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively

22. 8.6 × 10−5 34. Think about the value of each expression.

23. 2 × 10−4 4.3 × 103 3.8 × 10−5 2.4 × 1012 3.0 × 100

24. 5.5 × 100 2.2 × 10−2 7.8 × 10−4 7.1 × 100 9.8 × 105
6.4 × 10−3 3.8 × 10−14 6.4 × 108 4.8 × 100
Write the following in scientific notation.
25. 2.67 a. Copy the table and place each expression in
the appropriate column.
26. 0.000000000001
27. 0.825 Between From 10 and
28. 0.000022 0 and 1 1 to 10 greater

Use the following table for Items 29–32.

Measurement Power
of Length of 10
Meter (m) 100
Centimeter (cm) 10−2 b. Explain what you notice about the exponents
in the scientific notation form of the numbers
Millimeter (mm) 10−3 you sorted.
Micrometer (µm) 10−6
Nanometer (nm) 10−9 Numbers between 0 and 1

29. One of the smallest viruses measured was Numbers from 1 to 10

17 nanometers. Write this number in scientific
notation. Numbers 10 and greater

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

30. Order these from greatest to least:
c. Which expression has the greatest value?
0.009 m, 12 cm, 8 nm, 5 × 10−1 m
31. Which of the following is 4 micrometers in d. Which expression has the least value?
standard form?
A. 0.04
B. 0.0004
C. 0.000004
D. 0.00000004
32. Cooper’s best high jump was measured as 1.1 m.
Write this number in scientific notation.
33. An insect known as a fairy wasp can be as little as
0.007874 inch long. Write an estimate of this
length using scientific notation.

92 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Operations with Scientific Notation ACTIVITY 8
How Big is That Planet?
Lesson 8-1 Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation
My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Multiply numbers expressed in scientific notation.
• Divide numbers expressed in scientific notation.
and Confirm, Critique Reasoning, Look for a Pattern, Create a Plan
Our solar system includes eight planets. The one that is closest to the sun is
Mercury, followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and CONNECT TO ASTRONOMY
Neptune. In the previous activity, you learned that scientific notation is Astronomers used to consider Pluto
commonly used to represent very large or very small numbers. Scientific a planet, making a total of nine
notation can be used to write the numbers representing the distance of the planets in our solar system. In 2006,
planets from the sun and the mass of the planets. the International Astronomical
Union changed the definition of
1. Earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the sun and has an approximate
a planet. The definition excluded
mass of 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms. Pluto as a planet, in part because it
a. Write Earth’s distance from the sun in scientific notation. was too small.

b. Write Earth’s mass in scientific notation.

2. Earth moves at an approximate average speed of 107,000 km/h. It takes

Earth approximately 8,800 hours to orbit the sun.
a. Using the numbers written in standard form, find the total
approximate distance Earth travels when orbiting the sun.

b. Express the average speed of Earth in scientific notation.

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

c. Express the total amount of hours it takes Earth to orbit the sun in
scientific notation.

d. Write your answer to part a in scientific notation.

Activity 8 • Operations with Scientific Notation 93

ACTIVITY 8 Lesson 8-1
continued Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation

My Notes
Example A
MATH TIP Find the approximate distance Earth travels when orbiting the sun without
changing the numbers to standard form.
The associative and commutative
properties of multiplication state (1.07 × 105) km/h × (8.8 × 103) h
that the product of several factors Step 1: Use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication to
will be the same, no matter how
reorder and regroup the multiplication problem.
the factors are grouped or ordered.
Discuss with your peers how these (1.07 × 8.8) × (105 × 103)
properties apply to multiplying
Step 2: Multiply.
and dividing numbers in scientific
notation. (9.416) × (105+3) = 9.416 × 108
Solution: Earth travels 9.416 × 108 km as it orbits the sun.

Try These A
a. How do you know that the solution is reasonable and correct?

Simplify each expression. Write the answer in scientific notation.

b. (9 × 105)(3 × 104)

c. (1.6 108)(3 104)⋅

d. (4 1012)(6 105)⋅

3. Use appropriate tools strategically. Compare the products of

each expression from Try These A using a calculator.
a. Write each output as shown on your calculator.

(9 × 105)(3 × 104)

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(1.6 108)(3 104) ⋅

(4 1012)(6 105) ⋅
b. Explain what the outputs on your calculator mean.

94 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 8-1 ACTIVITY 8
Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation continued

My Notes
4. Jupiter is the largest planet with a mass of about
1,900,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg and Mercury is the smallest
planet with a mass of about 330,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
a. Using the numbers that are written in standard form, determine how
many times as large Jupiter is than Mercury.

b. Write Jupiter’s mass in scientific notation.

c. Write Mercury’s mass in scientific notation.

d. Write your answer to part a in scientific notation.

e. Reason abstractly. Using the numbers written in scientific

notation, how could you determine how many times as large Jupiter MATH TIP
is than Mercury without changing their masses to standard form? The law of exponents for dividing
powers with the same base states
that the exponent of the divisor is
subtracted from the exponent of
the dividend.
5. Simplify each expression using the process you stated in Item 4e.
Write the answer in scientific notation.
a. 16.4 × 10
4.1 × 105
b. 2 × 102
8 × 10
c. 5.5 × 10
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1.1 × 10

Activity 8 • Operations with Scientific Notation 95

ACTIVITY 8 Lesson 8-1
continued Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation

My Notes
Check Your Understanding

Simplify each expression. Write answers in scientific notation.

6. 6 × 104
3 × 10

7. (2 × 10−5)(3 × 104)

8. (4.2 × 108)(3 × 10−5)

9. 3.2 × 108
4 × 10


Simplify each expression and write answers in scientific notation for
Items 10–13.
10. (7.5 × 106)(2.3 × 104)

(1.2 × 104 )
(2.5 × 106 )

12. (4 × 1015)(6 × 10−7)

13. (2.75 × 10−2)(8 × 10−6)

The table below shows the approximate mass of some planets. Use this
table for Items 14–15.

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Planet Approximate Mass (in kg)
Mercury 3.3 × 1023
Earth 6 × 1024
Jupiter 1.9008 × 1027

14. How many times bigger is Jupiter than Earth?

15. How many times bigger is Earth than Mercury?
16. Make sense of problems. The speed of light is 3 × 108 m/s and
the distance from Earth to the sun is 1.5 × 1011 m. How many
seconds does it take for sunlight to reach Earth? Write your answer
in scientific notation.
17. The average distance from Earth to the moon is 3.84 × 1010 cm.
a. Choose a more appropriate unit of length to use.
b. Find the approximate distance from Earth to the moon using the
unit you chose in part a. Write your answer in scientific notation.

96 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Lesson 8-2 ACTIVITY 8
Adding and Subtracting in Scientific Notation continued

My Notes
Learning Targets:
• Add numbers expressed in scientific notation.
• Subtract numbers expressed in scientific notation.
Reasoning, Look for a Pattern, Graphic Organizer, Summarizing

1. Consider the expression 4.2 × 103 + 2.9 × 103.

a. Change the numbers in the expression to standard form and add the
numbers together.

b. Write your answer to part a in scientific notation.

Example A
Add 4.2 × 103 + 2.9 × 103, keeping the numbers in scientific notation.
Step 1: To add or subtract numbers in scientific notation, the exponents
must be the same. If they are not the same, rewrite the terms so
that the exponents are the same.
4.2 × 103 + 2.9 × 103 → the exponents are the same
Step 2: Add the digits. Write the sum in scientific notation.
4.2 + 2.9 = 7.1
7.1 × 103
Solution: 4.2 × 103 + 2.9 × 103 = 7.1 × 103

Try These A
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Add or subtract.
a. 2.3 × 109 + 5.6 × 109
b. 9.1 × 10−2 − 2.5 × 10−2
c. 8.4 × 10−5 + 7.2 × 10−5

Activity 8 • Operations with Scientific Notation 97

ACTIVITY 8 Lesson 8-2
continued Adding and Subtracting in Scientific Notation

My Notes
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and Neptune is the farthest planet
from the sun. Neptune is 2.8 × 109 miles from the sun and Mercury is
2.6 × 107 miles from the sun.
2. Critique the reasoning of others. Colten and Drake wanted to
find the distance between the two planets. They each decided to solve
the problem different ways. Compare and contrast the two methods
they used to find the distance between the two planets.

Colten Drake
2.8 × 109 − 2.6 × 107 2.8 × 109 − 2.6 × 107
2,800,000,000 − 26,000,000 280 × 107 − 2.6 × 107
2,774,000,000 277.4 × 107
2.774 × 109 2.774 × 109

3. Earth, the third closest planet to the sun, is 9.3 × 107 miles from the
sun. Find the distance from Neptune to Earth using either of the
methods shown in Item 2.

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Check Your Understanding

4. (2.5 × 106) + (4 × 106) 5. (3.4 × 10−3) + (8.1 × 10−3)

6. (6.23 × 105) − (2.1 × 105) 7. (7.2 × 10−2) − (2.1 × 10−2)


8. (4.08 × 104) − (1.09 × 104) 9. (6.7 × 1010) + (4.1 × 1010)
10. (5.5 × 109) + (2.6 × 108) 11. (9.9 × 10−4) − (3.26 × 10−5)
12. Earth is 9.3 × 107 miles from the sun. Mars is 1.4 × 108 miles from
the sun. What is the distance from Earth to Mars?
13. Reason abstractly. When adding or subtracting numbers in
scientific notation, why do you think the exponents need to be
the same?

98 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Operations with Scientific Notation ACTIVITY 8
How Big is That Planet? continued

ACTIVITY 8 PRACTICE 10. Brigitte simplified the expression (7.4 × 106) ÷

Write your answers on notebook paper. (5 × 10−2) as 1.48 × 108. Do you agree with her
Show your work. answer? Explain your reasoning.

Lesson 8-1 11. Neptune is 4.9 × 109 km from the sun and light
travels at a speed of 3 × 105 km/s. In seconds,
Simplify each expression. Write the answers in how long does it take for sunlight to reach
scientific notation. Neptune? Write your answer in scientific
1. (2.2 × 105)(4 × 107) notation.

2. 35,000 9,000,000,000 12. There are 3.6 × 103 seconds in an hour. How
3. (8.1 × 1012)(5.3 × 10) many hours does it take for sunlight to reach
4. (6.5 × 10−13)(2 × 10−4)
13. The mass of the moon is approximately
5. 2.7 × 109 7.3 × 1022 kg, and the mass of Earth is
1.2 × 10 approximately 6 × 1024 kg. How many times
10 the mass of the moon is the mass of Earth?
6. 4.2 × 103
3 × 10 14. The mass of the sun is 1.9891 × 1030 kg, and
7. If Saturn has a mass of about the mass of the largest planet, Jupiter, is
569,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg and 1.9008 × 1027 kg. How many times the mass of
Mars has a mass of Jupiter is the mass of the sun? Write your answer
640,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg, how many in scientific notation.
times as big is Saturn than Mars? Write your 15. Over the past three years, Gerry has grown at the
answer in scientific notation. rate of 6 × 10−2 meter per year. Estimate Gerry’s
8. When multiplying two numbers in scientific growth using a more appropriate unit.
notation, which of the following statements
Lesson 8-2
is true?
A. Add the exponents. 16. 3.4 × 105 + 9.1 × 105
B. Subtract the exponents. 17. 7.5 × 10−3 − 2.1 × 10−3
C. The exponents must be the same.
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

D. The exponents must be different.

9. The diameter of the sun is approximately
1.4 × 109 km and the diameter of Earth is
approximately 1.28 × 104 km. About how many
times Earth’s diameter is the sun’s diameter?

Activity 8 • Operations with Scientific Notation 99

ACTIVITY 8 Operations with Scientific Notation
continued How Big is That Planet?

18. Which is the answer to 2.3 × 105 + 5.1 × 104? 23. How many miles total have been traveled by
A. 28.1 × 104 Voyager 1 and Voyager 2? Express your answer
B. 28.1 × 105 in scientific notation.
C. 2.81 × 104 24. (2.5 × 108) + (3.8 × 107)
D. 2.81 × 105
25. (6.7 × 104) − (6.1 × 102)
19. Which is the answer to 9.1 × 10−2 − 5.4 × 10−4?
A. 9.046 × 10−2 26. (3.2 × 103) + (5.4 × 103)
B. 9.046 × 10−3 27. (1.5 × 1027) − (1.4 × 1026)
C. 9.046 × 10−4
28. Rupert added 1.72 × 104 to 8 × 106 and got the
D. 9.046 × 10−5
sum 9.72 × 1010. Do you agree with his answer?
20. Earth is 9.3 × 107 miles from the sun and Explain your reasoning.
Mercury is 2.6 × 107 miles from the sun. Find
29. Venus is the second planet from the sun. Earth is
the distance between Earth and Mercury.
the third planet from the sun. The distance from
21. When subtracting two numbers in scientific Venus to the sun is 6.72 × 107 miles and the
notation, which of the following statements distance from Earth to the sun is 9.3 × 107 miles.
is true? What is the distance between Earth and Venus?
A. Add the exponents.
B. Subtract the exponents. MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES
C. The exponents must be the same. Look For and Make Use of Structure
D. The exponents must be different.
30. Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the
The table below shows the distance from the sun processes of adding and subtracting numbers in
traveled by two space probes. Use this table for scientific notation or multiplying and dividing
Items 22–23. numbers in scientific notation.

Object Distance From the

Sun (in miles)
Voyager 1 11.3 billion
Voyager 2 9.3 billion

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

22. The space probes Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were
launched in 1977. How much farther has Voyager
1 traveled than Voyager 2? Express your answer
in scientific notation.

100 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra, Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships

Exponents and Scientific Notation Embedded Assessment 3

While checking her e-mail, Luisa stumbles across a cryptic message from
someone named 5up3r H4xx0r. In the message, 5up3r H4xx0r claims to have
developed a computer virus and is set to release it on the Internet. Once the
virus has infected two computers, the potential exists for it to spread
exponentially, because each infected computer has a chance to pass it along
to the next computer it connects with.
The only way for the virus to be stopped, says the hacker, is if Luisa correctly
answers each of the following questions.
1. The pattern of the spread of the virus will be 1, 2, 4, 8, . . . . Identify the
next three numbers in this pattern.
2. Express the first seven numbers in the pattern as a power of 2.
3. Describe how the 18th term in the pattern could be determined.
4. Determine which base could be used to write the numbers below in
exponential form. Rewrite each product using exponential forms of the
base you determined.

a. 32 128 b. 4 256 ⋅ c. 16 64 ⋅
5. Simplify each of the products in Item 4. Leave your answer in
exponential form.
6. Describe how to simplify each of the following expressions. Simplify
each expression and leave your answer in exponential form.
a. (213)4 b. 3
7. Replace the variables with numbers in the expressions so that the
expression would result in the answer of 26.
a. a y
b. ax ay⋅ c. (ax)y d. 1x
8. Write each number in scientific notation.
© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

a. 20,000,000 b. 2,400
9. Simplify each expression. Leave your answer in scientific notation.

⋅ ⋅
a. (2 105)(2 103) b. ⋅
8 104

4 102
10. Write a reply to 5up3r H4xx0r about your success in foiling the virus
plan. Include in your reply a description of the problems that were
difficult for you, and the ones that you were able to complete easily.
Also include a final statement that summarizes your overall success.

Unit 1 • Numerical Relationships 101

Embedded Assessment 3 Exponents and Scientific Notation

Scoring Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete

Guide The solution demonstrates these characteristics:
Mathematics • Clear and accurate • Multiplying and dividing • Errors in multiplying and • Incorrect or incomplete
Knowledge and understanding of with exponents and dividing with exponents multiplication and division
Thinking multiplying and dividing scientific notation. and scientific notation. with exponents and
(Items 1, 2, 3, 4a-c, 5, with exponents and • Writing numbers in • Errors in writing numbers in scientific notation.
6a-b, 7a-c, 8a-b, 9) scientific notation. exponential form and in exponential form and in • Little or no understanding
• Clear and accurate scientific notation. scientific notation. of writing numbers in
understanding of writing exponential form and in
numbers in exponential scientific notation.
form and in scientific
Problem Solving • An appropriate and efficient • A strategy that may include • A strategy that results in • No clear strategy when
(Items 2, 3, 4, 7a-b, strategy that results in a unnecessary steps but some incorrect answers. solving problems.
8a-b) correct answer. results in a correct answer.

Mathematical • Clear and accurate • Representing a rational • Errors in representing a • Inaccurately representing a
Modeling / understanding of number in exponential form number in exponential form number in exponential form
Representations representing a number in and in scientific notation. or in scientific notation. and in scientific notation.
(Items 1, 2, 4a-c, 8) exponential form and in
scientific notation.
Reasoning and • Precise and accurate • Adequate explanation of • A misleading or confusing • An incomplete or inaccurate
Communication explanation of how to how to multiply and divide explanation of how to explanation of how to
(Items 3, 6, 10) multiply and divide with with exponents. multiply and divide with multiply and divide with
exponents. • Adequate explanation of exponents. exponents.
• Clear and precise the level of difficulty • A confusing description of • An incomplete description
explanation of the level of experienced with the the level of difficulty of the level of difficulty
difficulty experienced with problems. experienced with the experienced with the

© 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.

the problems. problems. problems.

102 SpringBoard® Mathematics Course 3/PreAlgebra

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