Company Profile

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[ Leading "A" Class Civil Contractor of Nepal]

KMC-10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu

G.P.O. Box# 21171, Phone: 977-1-5244933, Fax: 977-1-4601282

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Shankarmali Nirman Sewa Private Limited is one of the leading construction companies of Nepal
established to undertake and execute construction contracts of public, semi-public, private and
international concern as well the contracts cover all the civil, sanitary and electrical works.

Shankarmali Nirman Sewa Private Limited started its early days as a proprietorship firm that was
founded by Mr. Hem Raj Gubhaju, the present Managing Director of Board of Directors of the
Company. This Company is proud of serving its objectives most effectively from 1985. Ever since its
inception, none of the works undertaken has ever gone to a failure of litigation. This is an esteemed
sign that sustains Company's Goodwill especially in our country's context.

Shankarmali Nirman Sewa Private Limited converted into Private Limited in 1997 with an objective
to meet the time matching demand for expansion. The ever increasing capability enabled it to be
classified in class "A" category by Ministry of Physical Planning & Works in 1992 as per the
established norms of Government of Nepal.

The Company is well supported with all the required resources to perform all kinds of works. It is
organized with experienced managerial, technical and administrative staff and equipped with
necessary plants, and equipment as well as other resources. The successful completions of
challenging construction contracts testify its enormous qualification and dedication to its services.

The Company has employed about fifty five full time employees in difference capacities and
maintained sufficient skilled manpower. Its organizational set up and work force are designed in
such a way as to give efficient and quality yield with coordination in management and operation. The
key personnel guiding the organization have gather sound experience in construction field and are
always capable of discharging their responsibilities of all kinds.

Shankarmali Nirman Sewa Private Limited has always been nourishing it's faith on qualities in
performances that add values to the goodwill of a construction company in true sense. The clients,
consultants, organizations and institutions involved in the projects constructed by the company have
always given due recognition to this dedication of the company.

This company has completed a number of construction projects of different natures in different
parts of the country and served the national cause taking minimum time and giving standard
performances. The works completed by the company comprise of road, bridges, headwork, weir cum
bridge, foot bridge, valley road bridge, siphon, intake structure, irrigation canals, hydropower,
building and godowns, concrete manhole and ducting, transmission line etc. The course of actions is
associated with national and international consultants and clients. The professional competence of
the company is well reflected in the testimonials awarded by prominent clients and consultants in
recognition of the quality services.

The Financial structure of the company is very sound with adequate backing from the local banks.
Realizing the need for diversifying the business, the company has further invested in other areas
through other subsidiaries.
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282, Email
Address : [email protected]


Name of the Organisation : SHANKARMALI NIRMAN SEWA PVT. LTD.

Class of Organisation : "A" Class Civil Construction Company

Type of Organisation : Private Limited

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Website :

Year of Organisation : 1985 A. D.

Registration No.

1 Office of the Company Registration : 7835/054 ( 2042 B.S. and as 2054 B.S.)

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and

2 : 1726

3 PAN/VAT Registration No. : 500046915

Total Work Experience in Construction Field

1 Road Works : 32 Years
2 Irrigation Works : 22 Years
3 Bridge Works : 11 Years
4 Hydropower Works : 7 Years
5 Building Works : 10 Years
6 Electricity Works : 10 Years
7 Other Civil Works : 5 Years

Contact Persons : Name :- Hem Raj Gubhaju

Designation :- Managing Director
Name :- Dipak Sapkota
Designation :- Director
:- 9851061260 (Hemraj Gubhaju)
Mobile No.
:- 9808322240 (Dipak Sapkota)
Phone No. :- +977-1-5244933/4601282
Fax No. :- +977-1-4601282
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]


1 Name of Firm: Shanakarmali Nirman Sewa Pvt. Ltd.

2 Head Office Address: Anamnagar-10, Kathmandu, Nepal.

3 Telephone: +977-1-5244933 Contact:

4 Fax: +977-1-4601282 Email: [email protected]

5 Place of incorporation/registration: Year of incorporation/registration:

Company Registrar's Office, Kathmandu Year of Regd. in 2042 B.S. & regd. in Pvt. 2054

Name and Nationality of Owners

Name Nationality

1 Hemraj Gubhaju Nepali

2 Dipak Sapkota Nepali

3 Bidur Sharma Nepali

4 Santosh Shrestha Nepali

5 Dibya Laxmi Gibhaju Nepali

6 Lekh Bahadur Basnet Nepali

7 Padam Raj Sharma Nepali

8 Tank Raj Raut Nepali

9 Ramesh Shakya Nepali

Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]

Annual Turnover Data (Construction Only)

Fiscal Year Turnover Best T.O out of last 10 yrs.

1. 2074/075 (2017/018) 93,350,243.93

2. 2073/074 (2016/017) 448,571,080.00 448,571,080.00

3. 2072/073 (2015/016) 449,180,025.00 449,180,025.00

4. 2071/072 (2014/015) 462,822,590.00 462,822,590.00

5. 2070/071 (2013/014) 95,450,563.00

6. 2069/070 (2012/013) 220,394,791.97

7. 2068/069 (2011/012) 90,896,110.11

8. 2067/068 (2010/011) 163,976,201.68

9. 2066/067 (2009/010) 206,275,692.62

10. 2065/066 (2008/009) 31,536,303.13

Total Turnover in last Ten years 2,262,453,601.45

Average Annual Turnover [Best 3 out of 10 Years] 453,524,565.00

Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]


Date of Contract Value

S. No. Name & Address of Employer Description share% Remarks
Agreement Including PS & VAT

Upgrading & Improvement of Basantapur-Kathariya-Kawahigoth-

Road Improvement Project, Babarmahal,
1 Pipardi-Padam Road (0+00 to 25+460Km) and Malangawa Urban 25% 14.06.2015 951,719,633.00 Newly award
Road (15.65Km)

Upgrading & Performance Base Maintenance of Baluwa Naigadpul

2 DoLIDAR, Lalitpur 49% 31.05.2018 898,040,323.16 Newly award
Jamabagr Tribeni & Sital Pokhari Jhulkhet Chunwang Road, Rukum

High Powered Committee for Integrated of Construction of Intercepting Sewer Line, River Training, Road & 08.03.075
3 30% 858,977,422.08 30% complete
Bagmati Civilzation Other related works alonh the bank of Bagmati River (22.6 2018)
Road Improvement Project, Babarmahal,
4 Upgrading & Improvement of Mudhe Charikot Road, Dolkha 25% 14.06.2015 796,766,931.47 60% complete
Taksar Pikhuwa Khola Hydropower Pvt.
5 Civil works of 8000KW Pikhuwakhola Hydroproject 40% June, 2018 494,190,463.00 20% complete
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]


Source of financing Amount [NRs.]

Line of Credit - Nepal Bagladesh Bank Limited, Lalitpur 1,000,000,000.00

Line of Credit - Century Commercial Bank Limited, Kathmandu 1,000,000,000.00

Total 2,000,000,000.00

Name, Address and Contact Person of the Bankers

Contact Person
Name and Address of Bank Phone No. Fax No. Email Address
Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd., +977-1-5008721/
+977-1-5008722 Binod Ranjit
Kumaripati, Lalitpur, Nepal 5554011

Centuary Commercial Bank

Ltd., Putalisadak, Kathmandu, +977-1-4412422 [email protected] Tank Chalise
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]


Fiscal Year
S.No. Description 071/072 070/071
074/075 [017/18] 073/074 [016/17] 072/073 [015/16]
[014/15] [013/14]

1 Total Assets 249,199,215.00 261,540,959.00 154,917,702.00 69,685,920.00 70,725,521.00

2 Current Assets 118,040,376.00 154,926,737.00 89,575,140.00 63,685,920.00 63,298,604.00

3 Total Liabilities 213,228,735.00 219,744,867.00 119,840,905.00 43,484,041.00 51,047,802.00

4 Current Liabilities 24,745,123.00 64,336,840.00 16,359,181.00 13,618,500.00 11,773,766.00

5 Net Worth [1 - 3] 35,970,480.00 41,796,092.00 35,076,797.00 26,201,879.00 19,677,719.00

6 Working Capital [2 - 4] 93,295,253.00 90,589,897.00 73,215,959.00 50,067,420.00 51,524,838.00

7 Profit Before Taxes 3,090,653.00 18,432,647.00 7,477,551.00 5,892,749.00 -

8 Profit After Taxes 2,317,990.00 13,735,293.00 5,640,138.00 5,340,939.00 -

Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]

Starting Ending Completed Contract Roll of
Yrs. Name and Address of Employer Contract Identification & Brief Description of the works Executed by the Applicant
Month Year Month Year Value in NRs. Applicant

Construction of Black Topped Road at Hatiya Burtibang Road Sector
Department of Roads Pushpalal (Mid
85.65% Contract Identification : MHHP/3371384/070-71/030
09.10.2071 Hill) Highway Project, Western Sector, Tulsipur, 355,748,313.53 JV Partner
completed Roadway excavation -294,227.34m3, Gabion - 14,647m3, Stone Masonry - 17,314m3, Subbase-
26,595.40m3, DBST - 117,000m2, Base-23,792.35m3
Upgrading of Khurkot Ghurmi Road Work (Ch. 6+000 to 13+000 Km)
Department of Roads Mid Hill (Pushpalal) Contract Identification : MHH/CR/2-5/2068/69
29.03.2069 25.04.2072 3 3 3
3.01 Highway Project, Eastern Sector, Buddhanagar, Roadway excavation -86,966.24m , Embankment filling - 6,633.44m , Gabion - 2,526.50m , 211,544,049.79 JV Partner
(13.08.2012) (10.08.2015) 3 2 3
Kathmandu Stone Masonry - 7,067.54m , Subgrade - 60,215.45m , Subbase-11,671.81m , DBST -
49,340.15m2, Base-10,498.35m

Road Improvement Work of Tamakoshi Manthali Road

Contract Identification : RCSP/ICB/TMK-02
Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB),
04.02.2009 15.07.2011 2.05 E/w excavation - 25,000m3, Embankment - 12,500m3, Stone Masonry - 7,850m3, Gabion - 190,676,267.67 Prime
Bishalnagar, Kathmandu 3 2 2 3
7,200m , Surface Dressing - 43,200m , Subgrade - 59,117.47m , Base - 6,500m , Subbase -
7,550m3, 25m span 50m long RCC Bridge 1 no. & 18m long RCC Bridge 1 no.

Upgrading of Kalakate-Gadhwa-Bela-Rajapur Road

Office of District Coordination Committee Contract Identification : SNRTP-DAN-W-NCB 5.01-UG-070/71
District Technical Office Project
15.07.2015 30.11.2017 2.50 Sand Seal-81,789M2, Otta Seal-84,301.18M2, Cruser Run Base-9,294.77M3, Subbase- 96,182,832.36 Prime
for Strengthening the National Rural Transport 3 3 3
10,591.03M , Stone Masonry-2,659.14.M , Concrete works-347.14M , Hume Pipe work-
Program (SNRTP), Dang 3
422.5RM,Embankment filling-43,725.25M
New Roadway excavation and structural works
Department of Roads Pushpalal (Mid Hill) Contract Identification : MIDHLKTM/3371384/072-73/001
23.11.2072 20.11.2074 2.00 Highway Project, Eastern Sector, Buddhanagar, Roadway excavation - 404,244.8m3, Embankment filling - 15,518.10m3, Gabion - 5,894.50m3, 63,204,985.90 Prime
3 3 3
Kathmandu Stone Masonry - 2,982.97m , M15/40- 168.77m , M25/50 - 100.00m , Plume Concrete -
354.93m3 , Reinforcement - 5.08 MT
Road Improvement Work of Mudhe Khandbari (Km 58+750 to 62+950)
Department of Roads Project Directorate (ADB), Contract Identification : RNDP/LCD/MK-12
26.11.2006 15.11.2008 2.00 3 2 3 58,648,155.13 JV Partner
Bishalnagar, Kathmandu E/w 50,936m , Hume pipe 102.5RM, Gabion Boxes: 15,675.00M , Gabion 2,766m , Stone
Masonry 3,937m3
Earthwork for Construction of Runway Strip
14.11.2068 04.11.2069 Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, Pokhara
1.00 Contract Identification : CAAN/ATPPD/PoK(New)/Earthwork-01/068-69 98,152,027.10 Prime
(26.02.2012) (15.02.2013) Regional International Airport Project, Pokhara
E/w excavation - 230,369.82m , Earthwork filling - 220,610.74m3,
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]

Starting Ending Completed Contract Roll of
Yrs. Name and Address of Employer Contract Identification & Brief Description of the works Executed by the Applicant
Month Year Month Year Value in NRs. Applicant


Command Area Development Work
Department of Irrigation, Bagmati Irrigation Contract Identification : CBIP/RCAD/WP-03
08.06.2008 05.12.2012 4.06 29,308,324.05 JV Partner
E/w excavation - 62,795m , Concrete - 1,682.77m , Gabion 2,129.40m2, Boulder Filling -
3 3
Project, Karmaiya, Sarlahi
250.65m , Reinforcement - 97.541MT, 300~1200mm Hume Pipe 152.5 RM
River Training works
17.10.2066 15.11.2067 DWIDP, Water Induced Disaster Prevention, Contract Identification : I-N-Kamala/RBEW-25/2009-10
1.02 3 3 2 22,768,054.00 Prime
(31.01.2010) (27.02.2011) Division Office No. 2, Janakpur E/w excavation - 1,401.30m , E/w filling - 25,685.10m , Gabion - 22,976.10.75m , Gabion filling
3 2 2
- 3,730.05m , Geo Textile - 7,758m , Turfing - 6,975m
River Training works
14.01.2068 14.03.2068 DWIDP, Water Induced Disaster Prevention, 3 3 2
0.02 E/w excavation - 1,401.30m , E/w filling - 25,685.10m , Gabion - 22,976.10.75m , Gabion filling 13,130,394.26 JV Partner
(27.04.2011) (28.06.2011) Division Office No. 3, Bara 3 2 2
- 3,730.05m , Geo Textile - 7,758m , Turfing - 6,975m
River Training works
27.01.2066 32.03.2067 DWIDP, Water Induced Disaster Prevention,
1.02 Contract Identification : I-N-Bagmati/L-D/STR/2008-09 10,593,763.00 Prime
(10.05.2009) (16.07.2010) Division Office No. 3, Bara
E/w excavation, Concrete and Gabion works etc.
Construction of Steel Trust Bridge over Marshyangdi River, Lumjung
21.03.2067 15.02.2072 Department of Roads, Western Division Road
4.10 Contract Identification : 37-2066-067 63,772,264.00 JV Partner
(05.07.2010) (29.05.2015) Office, Damauli
74.88m long Motorable Steel Truss Bridge with RCC Deck and Approach Road
Construction of Sirsiya Bridge at Chhatapipra, Bara
31.03.2067 30.09.2070 Department of Roads, Division Road Office,
3.06 Contract Identification : CDRO/650/066-67/108 30,170,432.43 JV Partner
(05.07.2009) (14.01.2014) Hetauda
25m Span 50m long RCC Motorable Bridge with Well foundation
Construction of Rukum District Court Building
25.03.2070 31.03.2073
3.00 Rokum District Court, Musikot, Rukum Stone Masonry :915.17m3 Concrete: 649.62m3, Reinforcement - 88.963MT, Brick 80,929,144.65 JV Partner
(09.07.2013) (15.07.2016)
Masonry : 17.25m3, Hollow Concrete Block : 217.67m3, Form work : 3,430.33m2
Construction of Central Production Laboratory Building
20.12.2065 15.04.2071 Central Production Laboratory,
5.04 E/w excavation, Stone Masonry, Concrete, Reinforcement, Brick Masonry, Form work, 34,064,621.68 Prime
(02.04.2009) (31.07.2014) Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
Sanitation & Electrict work etc.
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]


Years of
S.No. Name Designation Education
A. General Management
1 Hemraj Gubhaju Managing Director 30
2 Bidur Sharma Director 8
B. Administration and Finance
1 Santosh Shrestha Director/Finance Chief 5 Masters in Finance
2 Suraj Kumar Sthapit Administration Chief 28 B. Com
3 Shashank Gubhaju Office In-charge 5 BBS
4 Yagendra lal Karki Taxation/Vat 10 B. Sc.
5 Nagendra Thapa Accountant 5 I. Com
6 Jeevan Kumar Aryal Office Assistant 6 +2
7 Mukunda Chalise Office Assistant 5 +2
8 Umesh K. C. Accountant 5 Master in Accountancy
9 Chandra Balami Computer Operator 5 +2
10 Rabindra Shrestha Vehicle In-charge 5 BBS
E. Technical Management
Masters in Earthquake
1 Jayram Joshi Project Manager 17 Engineering & Engineering
2 Dipak Sapkota Director/Project Manager 20 B. E. in Civil Engineering
3 Sujan Ranjitkar Quality Control Engineer 7 M.Sc. in Civil Engineering
4 Deepankar Maleku Civil Engineer 15 B. E. in Civil Engineering
5 Sunsay Gubhaju Civil Engineer 4 B. E. in Civil Engineering
6 Krishna Prasad Kharel Civil Sun-engineer 8 Diploma in Civil Engineering
7 Bharat Mahat Civil Sun-engineer 11 Diploma in Civil Engineering
8 Sujan Pokharel Civil Sun-engineer 10 Diploma in Civil Engineering
9 Yogendra Prasad Yadav Civil Sun-engineer 14 Diploma in Civil Engineering
10 Ramesh Kumar Thapa Senior Lab Technician 15 Diploma in Civil Engineering
Kathmandu Metropoltan City, Ward No. 10, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-5244933/4601282, Fax : +977-1-4601282,
Email Address : [email protected]


S. Present
Type of Equipment Capacity Model/ Make Nos./Set Remarks
No. Condition
Hydraulic Excavator (with Rock
1 1~ 2 cu.m. BEML/Doosan/JCB Brand New 12
2 Crane 20 ton VERDELLI Very Good 2
Case New Holland
3 Wheel Loader 0.35 cu.m. Brand New 5
Construction Equip.
4 Motor Grader 170 HP BEML Brand New 2
Case New Holland
5 Vibrating Roller 12 Ton Brand New 3
Construction Equip.
6 Steel Roller 10 Ton Sayaji Excellent 3
8 Bitumen Distributor 6000 Litre Keshar Co., India Brand New 2
7 Pneumatic Tyre Roller 16 ton China Brand New 3
9 Chip Spreader 3.5 Metre Local Made Excellent 2
10 Bitumen Decanter 6000 Litre Keshar Co., India Excellent 1
11 Crusher Plant Indian Excellent 2
12 Tipper Truck 10 Ton TATA, India Brand New 20
13 Water Tanker 8000 Litre TATA, India Very Good 2
14 Tractor 3 Ton John Deer Very Good 3
15 Air Compressor 385 Cfm Atlas Copco Very Good 2
16 Jack Hammer Indian Very Good 5
17 Water Pump 7 HP Kirlosker Very Good 10
18 Generator 82.5 KVA Kirlosker Very Good 3
19 Concrete Mixer Machine 1 Bag Ashoka Very Good 5
20 Concrete Vibrator Honda Very Good 8
21 Steel Form Work Local made Very Good 900 sq.m.
22 Steel Scaffolding Local made Very Good 1000 sq.m.
23 Total Station (ETS)/Level Machine Pentax Brand New 5
24 Service Vehicle 5 Seater Bolero/Toyota Very Good 7
Complete Lab Equipment set for
25 Indian Excellent 2

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