STULZ Water-Side Economizer Solutions
STULZ Water-Side Economizer Solutions
STULZ Water-Side Economizer Solutions
Economizer Solutions
with STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling
Optimized Cap-Ex and Minimized Op-Ex
Appendix A
Energy Measurement, Cap-Ex Savings............................................................................ 26 - 27
• Optimized Cap-Ex
• Lowest Op-Ex
Technology Leader
DX Economizer Solutions
STULZ provides industry
leading DX and CW-based
water-side economizer
cooling solutions - detailed
in this design guide. The
CW Economizer Solutions state-of-the-art “STULZ
Dynamic Economizer
Cooling” solution
represents an exciting new
approach - with proven
Industry Standards
These standards are very important to the data center industry In hot aisle containment configurations (Figure 1), the raised
and are having a large impact on how data centers are being floor is pressurized with cold air from the precision cooling
designed and operated. units, which passes through perforated floor tiles, taken into
the servers, heated and exhausted into the contained hot aisle,
directed back to the ceiling plenum, then returned to the CRAH
ASHRAE TC 9.9 Recommendations units.
Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments – Perimeter Cooling w/raised floor and hot-aisle containment
Expanded Data Center Classes and Usage Guidance - provides
thermal guidelines for data processing environments. The 2011
guideline outlines changes for server inlet temperature and
High Relative
Humidity 60%
Low Dry
Bulb 64°F
Altitude (ft) 0 0 0 0
Entering Fluid Temperature (°F) 45 45 45 55
Selection 1
Reduced Unit Power Consumption
Additional Benefits
Shows a baseline standard unit selection for a CRAH, using By simply raising
standard conditions of 75°F entering air, a 52.2°F dew point, the air temperature
entering water of 45°F and leaving water temperature of 55°F. entering the CRAH,
Increased Chiller Efficiency
tremendous benefits
in efficiency can be
Selection 2 +66%
accomplished. The
scenarios shown
Shows that an elevated return of 95°F at the same 52.2°F dew point and the same
can be mixed and
105 GPM as the baseline selection provides an increase in capacity of 66%.
matched to achieve
Selection 4 +22%
Shows that an elevated return of 95°F at the same 52.2°F dew point and increasing the entering water
temperature from 45°F to 55°F provides the same or better net sensible capacity as the baseline selection,
and increases the efficiency of chiller operation by more than 22%, and lowers the pump power required.
STULZ offers direct and indirect air-side economizer cooling The focus of this design guide is the various methods of Water-
solutions with CW or DX mechanical cooling and/or direct or Side Economizer Cooling, with an emphasis on Dynamic
indirect adiabatic cooling. Economizer Cooling.
Benefit of Increasing Return Power Savings for CRAC Power Savings for CRAC
Air Temperature from with DryCooler with Free Cooling
75°F 40% to 80°F 30% -0.5% 2.5%
• Based on 0.10 $/kWh • Full compressor operation includes compressors, fan, and pump
• Based on 0% glycol
When elevating the return air temperature of a CRAH coupled to an air cooled chiller, power consumption is reduced. Further savings can
be obtained by introducing a form of economizer into the system to allow for cooling without compressor operation. This is shown below
with a Dual Coil CRAH with one circuit on an air cooled chiller and the other circuit on a closed loop cooling tower. Both the economizer
system and non-economizer system consume less power at an elevated return temperature.
Water Cooled
Baltimore MD
CRAC with Constant Speed Pump CRAC with Free Cooling Coupled with
Total kWh
and DryCooler Constant Speed Pump and DryCooler
Savings Per
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh kW Hours % of Year Total kWh Year:
Full Compressor Operation 53.2 8760 100% 466,120 55.9 5272 60% 294,652
Free Cooling Assist - 39.3 1975 23% 77,598 Total Cost
Savings Per
Free Cooling - 22.7 1513 17% 34,330 Year:
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 466,120 - - - 406,580
Salt Lake City, UT (calculated at 4,500 ft altitude)
CRAC with Constant Speed Pump CRAC with Free Cooling Coupled with
Total kWh
and DryCooler Constant Speed Pump and DryCooler Savings Per
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh kW Hours % of Year Total kWh Year:
Full Compressor Operation 54.6 8760 100% 478,603 57.3 4491 51% 257,402
Free Cooling Assist - 40.7 2369 27% 96,454 Total Cost
Savings Per
Free Cooling - 24.1 1900 22% 45,819 Year:
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 478,603 - - - 399,674
Portland, OR
CRAC with Constant Speed Pump CRAC with Free Cooling Coupled with
Total kWh
and DryCooler Constant Speed Pump and DryCooler
Savings Per
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh kW Hours % of Year Total kWh Year:
Full Compressor Operation 53.2 8760 100% 466,120 55.2 4953 57% 273,455
Free Cooling Assist - 39.3 3298 38% 129,578 Total Cost
Savings Per
Free Cooling - 22.7 509 6% 11,549 Year:
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 466,120 - - - 414,583 $5,153
Variable Air Handler, Perimeter,
Speed Pump Row or Ceiling
Cooling Tower
Portland, OR
CRAC with Constant Speed Pump CRAC with free cooling coupled with
Total kWh
and DryCooler fixed-speed closed loop cooling tower
Savings Per
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh kW Hours % of Year Total kWh Year:
Full Compressor Operation 53.2 8760 100% 466,120 47.3 6539 75% 309,229
• Nominal 30 ton Cooling Tower • Full compressor operation includes compressors, fan, and pump
* 10¢ per kWh
• Using Pump Power for CRAC and Water Tower Pressure Drop • Based on 0% glycol
• Pump is 65% efficient
MD System Operational
Cost Per Yr
$46,612 $40,658 $32,348 $31,708
% Energy Savings
kWh Per Yr & Associated Operational Cost Per Yr
Salt Lake City System kWh Per Yr 478,603 399,674 322,258 306,599
UT System Operational
Cost Per Yr
$47,860 $39,967 $32,225 $30,660
% Energy Savings
kWh Per Yr & Associated Operational Cost Per Yr
OR System Operational
Cost Per Yr
$46,612 $41,458 $33,201 $35,639
% Energy Savings
kWh Per Yr & Associated Operational Cost Per Yr
• Power Cost $0.10 per kWh
• Indoor conditions are 80/30%
Summary: Various DX-based economizer solutions display how different economizer systems
compare with one another and how effective each solution is in different Climate Regions.
A further analysis of return on investment (ROI) is provided in Appendix A.
Portland, OR
CRAH with Dual Coils Coupled with Air-Cooled
CRAH Coupled with Air-Cooled Chiller
Chiller and Evaporative Cooling Tower Total kWh
Savings Per
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh kW Hours % of Year Total kWh Year:
Air Cooled Chiller
43.1 8760 100% 377,556 46.3 7357 84% 340,629
Total Cost
Evaporative Cooling Tower Operation - 10.3 1403 16% 14,395 Savings Per
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 377,556 - - - 355,024 $2,253
• Pump is 65% efficient • Nominal 30 ton Cooling Tower * 10¢ per kWh
• Chiller power is assumed as 1.23kW per ton • Based on 0% glycol
• Nominal 30 ton Chiller
with one CW Coil
When ambient conditions are near
or below required cooling fluid
temperature, the Chiller Assisted
Cooling system operates in the Chiller Pump
cooling tower mode, providing
cooling without energizing the
Cooling Tower
Cooling Tower
Baltimore, MD
CRAH Coupled with Air-Cooled Chiller STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling
Average Hours % of Year Total kWh
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh Total kWh
kW Savings Per
Chiller 43.1 8760 100% 377,556 43.8 4107 47% 179,895 111,022
Portland, OR
CRAH Coupled with Air-Cooled Chiller STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling
Average Hours % of Year Total kWh
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh Total kWh
kW Savings Per
Chiller 43.1 8760 100% 377,556 43.7 3362 38% 146,952 110,916
• Pump is 65% efficient • Nominal 30 ton Cooling Tower * 10¢ per kWh
• Chiller power is assumed as 1.23kW per ton • Based on 0% glycol
• Nominal 30 ton Chiller • kW average shown as actual kW varies over ambient range
Summary: The STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling Solution provides improved energy efficiency
at a return temperature of 80°F and an entering water temperature of 50°F; however,
the system efficiency can be optimized further by elevating the return air temperature
and utilizing warm water cooling.
MD System Operational
Cost Per Yr
$37,757 $31,495 $26,653
UT System Operational
Cost Per Yr
$38,544 $29,914 $25,161
OR System Operational
Cost Per Yr
$37,756 $35,502 $26,664
% Energy Savings 6%
Summary: Various CW-based economizer solutions display how different economizer systems compare
with one another and how effective each solution is in different Climate Regions. A further
analysis of return on investment (ROI) is provided in Appendix A. In the following pages we
focus in on how the STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling Solution can be can be optimized
significantly further by elevating the return air temperature and the supply water temperature.
3-way Valve
The STULZ DEC Philosophy utilizes full containment to ensure that all heat is captured and returned to the CRAH
unit. Capturing all of the server heat increases the return air temperature to the CRAH unit. This increased return air
temperature allows the elevation of the supply water temperature. This warmer water temperature allows for increased
economizer hours as the warmer fluid temperature is above the ambient temperature for more hours per year.
• 9°F (5°C) delta between Supply Water and Supply Air temp
• 26°F (14.5°C) delta between the Supply Air and Return Air temp
• 25°F (14.2°C) delta between the Supply Water and Return Water temp
STULZ perimeter CRAH cooling units are ideal for “warm water”
cooling. STULZ has designed chilled water coils with circuiting that
enables a large water-side temperature difference. This contributes
to significant increases in cooling tower and chiller efficiency, and thus
energy savings. The coil is designed for the highest sensible heat
ratio, while maintaining face velocities below 500 feet per minute.
Lower fan speeds promote additional energy savings.
The fan location in the CRAH has been taken into careful consideration
so that the EC fans provide the same highly efficient pressure and
flow of air that you are used to with a STULZ CRAH with bottom
discharge into a raised floor.
Flow (CFM)
Standard Design Above Standard
Optimized conditions for efficiency
As the water temperature increases, the flow being diverted The reason the chillers must be present is because when the
to the chiller by the chiller three-way valve increases, as ambient WB approaches the fluid temperature, the efficiency and
does the speed of the chiller pump. When the flow increases heat rejection capacity of the water tower decreases, thus making
to the chiller, the compressors continue to increase loading it impossible to maintain the data center white space temperature
to maintain the fluid temperature. This increase continues without some form of direct expansion cooling.
• Two variable speed pumps are used, one to provide flow • A three-way mixing valve is used to mix water from the cooling
to the cooling tower, and one to provide flow to the chiller. tower and chiller, or to bypass one device or the other.
Example of Controls:
Outdoor Sensors
1. Ambient Temperature: measures the ambient Dry Bulb (DB)
temperature to understand the effect on the outdoor equipment’s
mode of operation
2. Ambient Humidity: measures the Wet Bulb (WB) and the potential for
using the wet mode of operation on the cooling tower
3. Barometric Pressure:
- Determines the air density
- Used as an input to both CRAH capacity calculations and
CRAH airflow calculations
1. Return Temperature Sensor: measures the return air temperature from
the room
2. Supply Temperature Sensor: measures temperature supplied from
the CRAC
3. Fluid Flow Meter: used to verify the flow rate, to see the effects on
efficiency, and to increase the flow prior to increasing the fan speed on
the cooling tower.
Cooling Tower
65.1°F 1. Inlet Fluid Temperature: measures fluid temperature returning from
the CRAH
3. Fan Speed: determines fan speed and the fan speed effect on tower
operation at varying ambient conditions
Chiller (Assist)
1. Inlet Fluid Temperature: measures fluid temperature returning from
the Cooling Tower or the CRAH unit, depending on the mode of
65.0 °F
2. Outlet Fluid Temperature: determines the delta-T across the chiller at
varying stages of loading
Economizer Cooling
30 ton CRAH: 100°F 20% RH Return Air, 65°F Entering Water /90°F Leaving Water
Baltimore, MD
CRAH Coupled with Air Cooled Chiller STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling
Total kWh
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh Average Hours % of Year Total kWh
kW Savings Per
Chiller 43.1 8760 100% 377,556 43.8 368 4.2% 16,116 225,578
Chiller Assist - 26.02 4,139 47.2% 107,697
Wet Tower - 8.60 765 8.7% 6,604 Total Cost
Savings Per
Dry Tower - 6.18 3,488 39.8% 21,562 Year:
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 377,556 - - - 151,978
Salt Lake City, UT (calculated at 4,500 ft altitude)
CRAH Coupled with Air Cooled Chiller STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh Average Hours % of Year Total kWh
Total kWh
kW Savings Per
Chiller 44.0 8760 100% 385,440 45.65 555 6.3% 25,336 Year:
Chiller Assist - 24.83 2,890 33.0% 71,773
Wet Tower - 9.95 1,192 13.6% 11,858 Total Cost
Savings Per
Dry Tower - 7.14 4,123 47.1% 29,446 Year:
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 385,440 - - 138,413
Portland, OR
CRAH Coupled with Air Cooled Chiller STULZ Dynamic Economizer Cooling
Mode kW Hrs % of Yr Total kWh Average Hours % of Year Total kWh
Total kWh
kW Savings Per
Chiller 43.1 8760 100% 377,556 44.3 84 1.0% 3,720 Year:
Chiller Assist - 18.0 4,560 52.1% 81,990
Wet Tower - 8.7 599 6.8% 5,196 Total Cost
Savings Per
Dry Tower - 6.5 3,517 40.1% 22,959 Year:
Yearly Total Unit Power Consumption (kWh) 377,556 - - - 113,865
• Pump is 65% efficient • Nominal 30 ton Cooling Tower * 10¢ per kWh
• Chiller power is assumed as 1.23kW per ton • Based on 0% glycol
• Nominal 30 ton Chiller • kW average shown as actual kW varies over ambient range
MD Operational
Cost Per Yr
$40,658 $32,348 $31,708 $31,495 $26,653 $15,197
Salt Lake City kWh Per Yr 399,674 322,258 306,599 299,138 251,607 138,413
UT Operational
Cost Per Yr
$39,967 $32,226 $30,660 $29,914 $25,161 $13,841
$41,458 $33,201 $35,639 $35,502 $26,664 $11,386
Cost Per Yr
Accumulation of Curves:
35 35
Power (kW)
Power (kW)
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Dry Tower
Wet Tower
Chiller Assist Chiller Temperature (°F)
Dry Tower Wet Tower Chiller Assist Chiller Dry Tower Wet Tower Chiller Assist Chiller
9% 13% 31% 47% 40% 9% 47% 4%
Operation percentage per year Operation percentage per year
The chart illustrates the minimization of chiller operation by optimizing the conditions of the STULZ DEC Solution.
When selecting a water side economizer solution the optimal solution is dependent on several
factors and preference including available infrastructure, climate region, redundancy requirements,
ability to support/service different equipment and available capital versus operating budget.
PUE = Total Facility Energy / IT Equipment Energy. Greater than 2.0 is currently common. 1.6 is considered good. 1.2 or under is
considered excellent.
STULZ economizer solutions help our customers achieve the lowest PUE’s, and with the latest state-of-the-art economizer designs,
customers can achieve PUE ‘s less than 1.2.
Return on Investment
Each of the water-side economizers detailed in this paper provide significant energy savings, but it is also necessary to look carefully at
an overall return on investment (ROI) to determine which is right for you. Following is a table to help illustrate the potential ROI with each
system based on weather conditions in Baltimore, MD:
• The raised floor was eliminated by utilizing STULZ CRAH’s with front discharge and racks with integrated hot air
containment. The entire data center white space was used as a cold aisle.
• The generator CapEx requirements and related maintenance was reduced, by specifying/sizing for the much lower
energy required by the system.
Energy Rebates
STULZ water-side economizer solutions often qualify data center owners for significant energy rebates. Many utility companies are
reaching high levels of capacity. They are offering incentives to companies that implement ways to save energy. With this guide,
customers can demonstrate the tremendous energy savings that can be achieved. STULZ customers have received hundreds of
thousands of dollars in rebates each year.
Author Bio:
Jason Derrick is a licensed professional engineer who has worked in multiple engineering disciplines. Jason has
been employed as a senior applications engineer at STULZ Air Technology Systems since February of 2007.
He is an expert in all aspects of precision air conditioning and data center cooling with a specialty concentration
in ultrasonic humidification and water side economization. Prior to joining the STULZ team Jason worked as a
consulting engineer in the petrochemical industry. Jason holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Mechanical
Engineering from West Virginia University.