The Standard Model of Particle Physics
The Standard Model of Particle Physics
The Standard Model of Particle Physics
of Particle Physics
1 Literature 1
7 Appendix 23
7.1 Addendum: Mathematische Hintergrundinformationen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.1.1 Gruppen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.1.2 Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.1.3 Clifford-Algebren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.1.4 Liealgebren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Kapitel 1
Text Books:
[1 ] Böhm, M., Denner, A. und Joos, H.: Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak
Interaction, Teubner Verlag
[2 ] Quigg, Chris: Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions,
Frontiers in Physics
[3 ] Bailin, David und Love, Alexander: Introduction to gauge field theory, Hilger
[4 ] Peskin, Michael E. und Schroeder, Daniel V.: An introduction to quantum field theory,
[5 ] Halzen, Francis und Martin, Alan D.: Quarks and Leptons, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[10 ] Itzykson, Claude und Zuber, Jean-Bernard: Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-Hill
Web Pages: CERN
2 Literature
Kapitel 2
In our fundamental research of elementary particle physics we are guided by the endeavour
to find answers to the fundamental questions of the Universe:
∗ What is it made of?
∗ How has it developped?
∗ Which are the building blocks of matter and which forces keep them together?
The Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics, developed in the early 1970s, summarizes the
today known fundamental structures of matter and forces (except for gravity). It is the result
of theories and discoveries developed and made since the 1930s. The SM has been able to
explain almost all experimental results and furthermore it precisely predicted a wide variety
of phenomena. With precision experiments performed at previous and current colliders, the
SM has been established as a physics theory tested to highest precision at the quantum level.
With the discovery of the Higgs boson we now have a consistent mathematical framework
to describe physics all the way up to the Planck scale.
4 The Four Pillars of the Standard Model
Kapitel 3
Quantum field theory (QFT) provides the mathematical framework to describe elementary
particles and their interactions. In QFT, we combine the principles of classical field theory
and quantum mechanics. The Lagrangian of the QFT controls the dynamics and kinematics
of the theory. Particles are described in terms of a dynamical field. In order to construct the
Lagrangian of a theory, namely of the Standard Model, we proceed as follows: After first
postulating the set of symmetries of the system, the most general renormalizable Lagrangian
is constructed from the particle/field content of the system, that fulfills these symmetries.
The Lagrangian for all relativistic quantum field theories has to observe the global Poin-
caré symmetry. Poincaré transformations P in Minokowski space consist of a Lorentz trans-
formation Λµν and a translation by aµ ,
P = {xµ → x µ = Λµν xν + aµ : Λµν ∈ L, aµ ∈ R4 } . (3.1)
Local gauge symmetry is an internal symmetry of the Lagrangian. We know such a gauge
theory already, namely Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic interactions. The fact that we
have the freedom to choose many potentials that describe the same electromagnetic fields is
called gauge invariance. The gauge invariance of electromagnetism can be phrased in terms
of a continuous symmetry of the Lagrangian. It leads through Noether’s theorem1 to the con-
servation of the electric charge and other important consequences. Noether’s theorem states
that for each symmetry of the action integral with respect to a continuous transformation
exists a conservation law that can be derived from the Lagrangian. In accordance with the
principle of local action we require the symmetry transformations of the fields rather to be
local than global. We will see that this implies the gauge principle.
The gauge principle is the procedure to obtain an interaction term from a free Lagrangian
that is symmetric with respect to a continous symmetry: When the global symmetry group
is made local this has to be accompanied by the inclusion of additional fields with kinetic
and interaction terms in the action in such a way that the resulting extended Lagrangian is
covariant (i.e. the form of the physical laws does not change) with respect to a new extended
group of local transformations.
Emmi Noether was an German mathematician (1882-1935) who made fundamental contributions to
abstract algebra and theoretical physics.
6 On our Way to the SM - Gauge Symmetries
Let us look at the example of quantum electrodynamics. We start with the Dirac Lagran-
gian of a free fermion field Ψ with mass m. It is given by
∂µ j µ = 0 . (3.6)
with j µ given in Eq. (3.5). The kinetic Lagrangian of the photon field
Lkin = − Fµν F µν with F µν = ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ (3.8)
is invariant under the local gauge transformation of the external photon field Aµ ,
When we apply this gauge transformation to the Lagrangian Eq. (3.7) it becomes
L → L = L0 − qj µ Aµ − qj µ ∂µ Λ . (3.10)
| {z }
q Ψ̄γ µ Ψ∂µ Λ
This means that L is not gauge invariant. The gauge transformations of the fields Ψ and Ψ̄
must be changed in such a way that the Lagrangian becomes gauge invariant. This is done
by localizing the transformation Eq. (3.3), i.e. by introducing an x-dependent parameter α,
hence α = α(x). By this we obtain
so that
The Lagrangian is symmetric under U(N) where U(N) is the group of unitary N × N
matrices. We consider the following transformation
ψj → Ujk ψk ≡ Ujk ψk , (3.30)
where we have used in the last equation the Einstein sum convention, i.e. that we sum over
repeated indices. We hence have
ψ1 ψ1 U1k ψk
ψ2 ψ2 U2k ψk
Ψ → UΨ with Ψ = .. , hence .. → .. (3.31)
. . .
ψN ψN UN k ψk
L = Ψ̄iγ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨ̄Ψ → Ψ̄U −1 iγ µ ∂µ UΨ − mΨ̄U −1 UΨ = L . (3.32)
Examples are:
• Ψ= : SU(2)-transformations in isospin space, proton-neutron doublet.
On our Way to the SM - Gauge Symmetries 9
• Ψ= : SUL (2), weak interaction acting on left-handed fermions.
e L
The λa /2 are the generators of the group SU(N). For the SU(2) the λa are given by the
Pauli matrices σ i (i = 1, 2, 3) and θa is a 3-component vector. For an element of the group
SU(2) we hence have
U = exp i~ω . (3.34)
(λa )† = λa . (3.36)
det(U) = 1 . (3.37)
we have
aλ a λ !
det exp iθ = exp iθ Tr =1. (3.39)
2 2
This implies
Tr(λa ) = 0 . (3.40)
10 On our Way to the SM - Gauge Symmetries
The generators of the SU(N) must be traceless. The group SU(N) has N 2 − 1 generators
λa with Tr(λa ) = 0. For the SU(3) these are the Gell-Mann matrices
0 1 0 0 −i 0 1 0 0
λ1 = 1 0 0 λ2 = i 0 0 λ3 = 0 −1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 −i 0 0 0
λ4 = 0 0 0 λ5 = 0 0 0 λ6 = 0 0 1
1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
λ7 = 0 0 −i λ8 = √ 0 1 0 . (3.41)
0 i 0 3 0 0 −2
Multiplied by 1/2 they are the generators of the SU(2). The generator matrices fulfill the
completeness relation
λaij λakl 1 1
= δil δkj − δij δkl , (3.44)
2 2 2 N
! λaii λakl 1 1 1 1
0= = δil δki − δii δkl = δkl − δkl = 0 . (3.45)
2 2 2 2N 2 2
[T a , T b ] = if abc T c . (3.46)
The f abc are the structure constants of the SU(N) Lie algebra. They are totally antisymme-
tric and define (N 2 − 1)(N 2 − 1) dimensional matrices Tlka ≡ −iflka ≡ −if alk . In case of the
SU(2) we have
Furthermore, we have
a b c e c
λ λ λ abe λ λ 1 i
Tr , = if Tr = if abe δ ec = f abc . (3.48)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
The generators fulfill the Jacobi identity
[T a , [T b , T c ]] + [T b , [T c , T a ]] + [T c , [T a , T b ]] = 0 . (3.49)
Applying Eq. (3.46) we obtain
0 = (−ifclb )(−iflka ) + (−iflca )(−iflkb ) + if abl (−ifck
). (3.50)
And hence
0 = (T b T a )ck − (T a T b )ck + if abl (T l )ck . (3.51)
Thereby we have obtained an N 2 − 1 representation of the SU(N) Lie algebra,
[T a , T b ] = if abc T c . (3.52)
This is the adjoint representation. We have the following SU(N) representaions
• d = 1: trivial representation (singlet).
• d = N 2 − 1: adjoint representation.
The covariant derivative transforms in the same way as Ψ, hence (Dµ Ψ)′ = U(Dµ Ψ). We
(Dµ Ψ)′ = Dµ′ Ψ′ = Dµ′ UΨ ⇒ Dµ′ U = UDµ (3.58)
This is fufilled if
∂µ − igA′µ = Dµ′ = UDµ U −1 = U(∂µ − igAµ )U −1 = UU −1 ∂µ + U(∂µ U −1 ) − igUAµ U −1 ⇒
A′µ = U(∂µ U −1 ) + UAµ U −1 , (3.60)
with the A′a
µ being independent of the representation of U. With infinitesimal
= T b ( ∂µ θb + Abµ + i(−if abc )θa Acµ ) . (3.62)
| {z }
The Fµν are independent of the representation of T a . We find for their transformation beha-
′ i i
Fµν = [D ′µ , D ′ν ] = [UDµ U −1 , UDν U −1 ] = UFµν U −1 homogeneous transformation(3.64)
g g
And with Eq. (3.62)
a ′ a
(Fµν ) = Fµν + i(−if bac )θb Fµν
+ ... (3.65)
This means that Fµν transforms homegeneously under the adjoint representation. Further-
more, it follows that
F aµν Fµν
= 2Tr(Fµν F µν ) = 2Tr(F aµν T a Fµν
T b ) = 2F aµν Fµν
Tr(T a T b ) = F µνa Fµν
| {z }
1 ab
We have seen in the previous discussion how gauge principles can serve as a dynamical
principle to guide the construction of theories. Global gauge invariance implies via Noether’s
theorem the existence of a conserved current. Local gauge invariance requires the introduction
of massless vector gauge bosons, fixes the form of the interactions of gauge bosons with
sources and implies interactions among the gauge bosons in case of non-Abelian symmetries.
We face the problem, however, that the gauge principle leads to theories in which all the
interactions are mediated by massless vector bosons while only the photon and the gluons are
massless and the vector bosons mediating the weak interactions, the W and Z bosons, are
massive. We discuss in the following how this problem is solved by spontaneous symmetry
The symmetry of a Lagrangian is called spontaneously broken if the Lagrangian is sym-
metric but the physical vacuum does not conserve the symmetry. We will see that, if the
Lagrangian of a theory is invariant under an exact continuous symmetry that is not the
symmetry of the physical vacuum one or several massless spin-0 particles emerge. These are
called Goldstone bosons. If the spontaneously broken symmetry is a local gauge symmetry
the interplay (induced by the Higgs mechanism) between the would-be Goldstone bosons and
the massless gauge bosons implies masses for the gauge bosons and removes the Goldstone
bosons from the physical spectrum.
The scalar product of the spin operators is a singlet with respect to rotations, i.e. rotation
invariant. In the ground state of the ferromagnet (at sufficiently low temperature, below the
Curie temperature) all spins are orientated along the same direction. This is the state with
lowest energy. The ground state is no longer rotation invariant. Rotation of the system leads
to a new ground state of same energy, which is different from the previous one, however. The
ground state is degenerate. The distinction of a specific direction breaks the symmetry. We
have spontaneous symmetry breaking here.
16 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
V (φ)
L = (∂µ φ)∗ (∂ µ φ) − µ2 φ∗ φ − λ(φ∗ φ)2 with the potential V = µ2 φ∗ φ + λ(φ∗ φ)2 . (4.2)
φ → exp(iα)φ . (4.3)
The parameter λ has to be positive so that the system does not become unstabel. For µ2 < 0
the potential takes the shape of a Mexican hat, see Fig. 4.1. At φ = 0 we have a local
maximum, at
|φ| = v = − (4.5)
a global minimum. Particles correspond to harmonic oscillations for the expansion about the
minimum of the potential. Fluctuations into the direction of the (infinitely many degenerate)
minima have the gradient zero and correspond to massless particles, the Goldstone bosons.
Fluctuations perpendicular to this direction correspond to particles with mass m > 0. Ex-
pansion around the maximum at φ = 0 would lead to particles with negative mass (tachyons),
as the curvature of the potential is negative here.
Expansion about the minimum at φ = v leads to (we have two fluctuations ϕ1 and ϕ2 for
the complex scalar field)
1 1 ϕ2
φ = v + √ (ϕ1 + iϕ2 ) = v + √ ϕ1 + i √ ⇒ (4.6)
2 2 2
√ 1
φ∗ φ = v 2 + 2vϕ1 + (ϕ21 + ϕ22 ) . (4.7)
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 17
Here we have neglected the constant term λv 4 which simply shifts the zero-point of the
vacuum. The masses of the Higgs particle H and the photon are
m2A = 2e2 v 2 (4.20)
m2H = 4λv 2 . (4.21)
We hence have a massive photon (gauge boson) and a massive scalar field, the Higgs particle.
The Goldstone boson does not appear any more as degree of freedom. The number of degrees
of freedom has been preserved, however. Because in the unbroken U(1) symmetry the photon
is massless and has 2 physical degrees of freedom, the two transversal polarisations. The
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 19
complex scalar field Φ has two degrees of freedom. When U(1) is broken we have a massive
photon with 3 degrees of freedom (including longitudinal polarisation) and a massive real
Higgs particle with one degree of freedom. The Goldstone boson has been eaten to give
mass to the photon, i.e. to provide the longitudinal degree of freedom of the massive gauge
We summarise: In gauge theories Goldstone bosons do not appear. They are would-be)
Goldstone bosons. Through spontaneous symmetry breaking they are directly absorbed into
the longitudinal degrees of freedom of the massive gauge bosons. In gauge theories we have
the following: Be
ϕ → ϕ − iαRϕ (4.24)
=0 for ϕ = v 6= 0 (4.27)
from which follows the Goldstone equation:
=0 for ϕ = v (4.28)
≡ M2 (4.29)
is the mass matrix of the system. Expanding ϕ about the ground state
ϕ = v + ϕ′ (4.30)
we have
1 ∂V ′ 1 ′ ∂ 2 V ′
L = (∂ϕ)2 − [V (v) + ϕ + ϕ ϕ + ...]
2 ∂ϕ 2 ∂ϕ∂ϕ
1 1 ∂2V ′
= (∂ϕ′ )2 − ϕ′ ϕ + ... (4.31)
2 2 ∂ϕ∂ϕ
The Goldstone equation is thus the condition equation for the masses
M 2 Rv = 0 (4.32)
• The equation is fulfilled if the generators Ra , a = 1, 2, ..., M leave the vacuum invariant:
Ra v = 0.
The Standard Model of particle physics describes the today known basic building blocks of
matter and (except for gravity) its interactions. These are the electromagnetic and the weak
(the electroweak) and the strong interaction.
Before going into details we give a short historical overview of the steps towards the deve-
lopment of the electroweak theory by Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg
22 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
“Dear radioactive ladies and gentlemen” (Lise Meitner et al.) the participation of a
neutral, extremely light elementary particle (no greater than 1% the mass of a proton)
in the decay process, which he called “neutron”. Enrico Fermi changed this name 1931
in “neutrino”, as a diminuation form of the nearly at the same time discovered heavy
Lise Meitner (7. 11.1878 - 27.10.1968) was an Austrian physicist who investigated
radioactivity and nuclear physics. Otto Hahn (8.3.1879 - 28.7.1968) was a German
chemist and received in 1944 the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
(25.4.1900 - 15.12.1958) was an Austrian physicist.
In 1956 Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines suceeded in the first experimental proof of
the neutrino in one of the first big nuclear reactors.
Clyde Lorrain Cowan Jr (6.121919 - 24.5.1974) discoverd together with Frederick Rei-
nes the neutrino. Frederick Reines (6.3.1918 - 26.8.1998) was an American physicist
and won in 1995 the Nobel Prize of phycsics in the name of the two of them
- Proof of Neutrino:
N → P + e− + ν̄e ν̄e + P → N + e+
The neutrino could be verified experimentally 1956 by Clyde L. Cowan and Frederick Reines
in the inverse β decay (ν̄e + p → e+ + n) at a nuclear reactor, which causes a much higher
neutrino flux as radioactive elements in the β decay. (Nobel prize to Reines alone 1995, since
Cowan died 1974.)
The muon neutrino was discovered 1962 by Jack Steinberger, Melvin Schwartz and Leon
Max Lederman with the first produced neutrino beam at an accelerator. All three physicists
received 1988 the Nobel Prize for their basic experiments about neutrinos - weakly interaction
elementary particles with vanishing or very small rest mass.
In 2000, the tau-neutrino was found in the DONUT-experiment.
- The Fermi Theory [E. Fermi, Nobel Prize 1938]
Enrico Fermi developed a theory of weak interactions in analogy to quantum electrodynamics
(QED), where four fermions directly interact with each other:
Leff = G√F2 Jµ J µ
[For small momentum tranfers the reactions can be approximated by a point-like interaction.]
Enrico Fermi (29.9.1901 - 28.11.1954) was an Itaiian physicist He received the Nobel
Prize for physics in 1938 for his work on induced radioactivity’.
The Fermi interaction consists of 4 fermions directly interacting with each other. For
example a neutron (or down quark) can split into an electron, anti-neutrino and proton
(or up quark). Tree-level Feynman diagrams describe this interaction remarkably well.
However, no loop diagrams can be taken into account, since the Fermi interaction is
not renormalizable. The solution consists in replacing the 4-fermion interaction by a
more complete theory - with an exchange of a W or Z boson like in the electroweak
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 23
theory. This is then renormalizable. Before the electroweak theory was constructed
George Sudarshan and Robert Marshak, and independently also Richard Feynman
and Murray Gell-Mann were able to determine the correct tensor structure (vector
minus axialvector V − A) of the 4-Fermi interaction.
- Die Yukawa Hypothesis: [H. Yukawa, Nobel Prize 1949 for ’his prediction of mesons based
on the theory of nuclear forces’]
The pointlike Fermi coupling is the limiting case of the exchange of a “heavy photon” → W
G g2 g2
pointlike coupling ≈ m2W +Q2
≈ m2W
with exchange of a W−boson
Hideki Yukawa (23.1.1907 - 8.9.1981) was a Japanese theoretical physicist and the first
Japanese to win the Nobel Prize.
Hideki Yukawa established the hypothesis, that nuclear forces can be explained through
the exchange of a new hypothetic particle between the nucleons, in the same manner as
the electromagnetic force between two electrons can well be described by the exchange
of photons. However, this particle exchanging the nuclear force should not be massless
(as are the photons), but have a mass of 100 GeV. This value can be estimated from the
range of the nuclear forces: the bigger the mass of the particle, the smaller the range of
the interaction transmitted by the particle. A plausible argument for this connection
is given by the energy-time uncertainty principle.
- Parity violation in the weak interaction [T.D. Lee, C.N. Yang, Nobel Prize 1957,
und C.-S. Wu]
The τ − θ puzzle: Initially there were known two different positively charged mesons with
strangeness (S 6= 0). These were distinguished based on their decay processes:
Θ+ → π + π 0 P2π = +1
τ + → π+π+π− P3π = −1
The final states of these two reactions have different parity. Since at that time it was assumed
that parity is conserved in all reactions, the τ and θ would have had to be two different par-
ticles. However, precision measurements of mass and life time showed no difference between
both particles. They seemed to be identical. The solution of this this θ − τ puzzle was the
parity violation of the weak interaction. Since both mesons decay via weak interaction, this
reaction need not conserve parity contrary to the initial assumption. Hence, both decays
could stem from the same particle, which was then named K + .
Θ+ = τ + = K + ⇒ P violated. (π has negative parity.)
Tsung-Dao Lee (born November 24, 1926) is a Chinese American physicist. In 1957,
Lee with C. N. Yang received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on the violation
of parity law in weak interaction, which Chien-Shiung Wu experimentally verified. Lee
and Yang were the first Chinese Nobel Prize winners. Mrs Chien-Shiung Wu (* 31.
Mai 1912 in Liuho, Province Jiangsu, China ; - 16. Februar 1997 in New York, USA)
was a Chinese-American physicist.
24 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
V − A theory: On says, that parity is maximally violated. This means that the axial coupling
has the same strength as the vectorial coupling: |cV | = |cA |. Since, as was shown in the
Goldhaber experiment, there are only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed antineutrinos,
one has rather: cV = −cA . This is why one calls the theory “V − A theory”.
- CP violation [Cronin, Fitch, Nobel Prize 1980]
KL0 → 3π CP = −
KS0 → 2π CP = +
Details: After the discovery of parity violation it was supposed widely that CP is conserved.
Assuming CP symmetry, the physical Kaon states are given by the CP eigenstates. The
strong eigenstates K 0 , K̄ 0 are, however, no CP eigenstates, since these two particles are
their respective antiparticle. Hence, CP eigenstates are linear combinations of theses states.
|K10 >= √ (|K 0 > −|K̄ 0 >) with CP|K10 >= |K10 > (5.1)
|K20 >= √ (|K 0 > +|K̄ 0 >) with CP|K20 >= −|K20 > (5.2)
Supposing CP symmetry these states can only decay under CP conservation. For the neutral
Kaons this leads to two different decay channels for K1 and K2 , with very different phase
spaces and hence very different lifetimes:
In fact, one has found two different species of neutral Kaons, which are very different in their
lifetimes. These were named KL0 (long-lived, average lifetime (5.16 ± 0.04) · 10−8 s) and KS0
(short-lived, average lifetime (8.953 ± 0.006) · 10−11 s). The average lifetime of the long-lived
Kaon is about a factor 600 larger than the one of the short-lived Kaon.
CP violation: Due to the supposed CP symmetry it was natural to identify the K10 , K20 with
KS0 , KL0 . Hence, the KL0 would always decay in three and never in two pions. But in reality
James Cronin and Val Fitch found out 1964, that the KL0 decays with a small probaility
(about 10−3 ) also in two pions. This leads to the fact, that the physical states are no pure
CP eigenstates, but contain a small amount ǫ of the other CP eigenstate, respectively. One
has without normalization:
This phenomenon has been checked very carefully in experiments and is called CP violation
through mixing, since it is given by the mixing of the CP eigenstates to the physical eigenstate.
Cronin and Fitch received 1980 the Nobel prize for their discovery. Since one can conclude this
CP violation only indirectly through the observation of the decay, it is also called indirect
CP violation. Also direct CP violation, hence a violation directly in the observed decay,
has been observed. The direct CP violation is for Kaons another factor of 1000 smaller than
the indirect one and was shown experimentally only three decades later at the turn to the
21th century.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 25
Val Logsdon Fitch (* 10. March 1923 in Merriman, Nebraska), American physicist.
Fitch received 1980 together with James Cronin the physics Nobel Prize for the disco-
very of violations of fundamental symmetry principles in the decay of James Watson
Cronin (* 29. September 1931 in Chicago), US-American physicist.
G2 s
σ(ν̄e e− → µ− ν̄µ ) = πF
s-wave unitarity σLL < s
[Partial-wave unitarity constrains the modulus of an inelastic partial-wave amplitude to be
|M| < 1. Make a partial-wave expansion of the scattering amplitude. The constraint is
equivalent to σ < π/p2c.m. for inelastic s-wave scattering.]
√ 1
Domain of validity/unitarity constraint: s < (2π/GF ) 2 ∼ 700 GeV
⇒ 4 steps are necessary to construct of the Fermi theory a consistent field theory with
26 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
(i) It carries charge ±1, because the familiar manifestations of the weak interactions (such
as β-decay) are charge-changing.
(ii) It must be rather massive, to reproduce the short range of the weak force.
ǫLλ = ( mkW
, 0, 0, mEW ) ≈ m√W
gW 4 4 s
σ(ν ν̄ → WL WL ) ∼ s mW
∼ m4W
← violates unitarity for s∼> 1 TeV.
Solution: Introduction of a neutral W 3 , coupled to fermions and W ± :
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 27
2 2
Amplitude ∼ gW f 2 ms4 + ... compensated by: −gW
f 2 ms4 :
4-boson vertex: ∼ gW f ×f
√ 4
Amplitude ∼ −(gW mW )2 1s mW
∼ −gW s
2 mf s
Adding up the gauge diagrams we are left with ∼ gW m2W
28 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
u c t
d s b
νe νµ ντ
e µ τ
1. 2. 3. Family
√ m
√ 2 √
scalar diagram ∼ s gW mWf 1s (gW mW ) mWs 2
∼ gW m2 W
A theory of massive gauge bosons and fermions that are weakly coupled up to very high
energies, requires, by unitarity, the existence of a Higgs particle; the Higgs particle is a
scalar 0+ particle that couples to other particles proportionally to the masses of the particles.
U(1)Y × SU(2)L × SU(3)C
QL = ( 31 , 2, 3)
uR ( 23 , 1, 3̄)
dR (− 34 , 1, 3̄)
LL = (−1, 2, 1)
eR (2, 1, 1̄)
Higgs potential V . The SSB breaks down the SU(2)L × U(1)Y (dEW = 4) to the electroma-
gnetic U(1)em (dem = 1). The electromagnetic charge hence remains conserved. Associated
with this SSB are dEW − dem = 4 − 1 = 3 would-be Goldstone bosons that are absorbed to
give masses to the W ± and Z bosons. The photon remains massless. Furthermore, after SSB
there are dD − (dEW − dem ) = 4 − (4 − 1) = 4 − 3 = 1 Higgs particles in the spectrum.
One last remark is at order: We know that the neutrinos have mass. When we formulate
the SM in the following we will neglect the neutrino mass and assume neutrinos to be
massless. For the treatment of massive neutrinos we refer to the literature.
1 − γ5
jµ+ = ν̄e γµ e = ν̄eL γµ eL (left-chiral) (5.10)
jµ− = (jµ+ )∗ (5.11)
30 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
• Resolve the 4-Fermi coupling through the exchange of a heavy vector boson. Apart
from the vector boson mass the structure of the weak interaction is similar to the one
of electrodynamics.
• Construction of the theory as gauge field theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking,
to guarantee renormalizability.
The free Lagrangian for the electrons and left-handed neutrinos2 is given by the following
expression that takes into account that the particles are massless in case of chiral invariance,
fR,L = (1 ± γ5 )f (5.13)
The free Lagrangian L0 is SU(2)L symmetric. The associated conserved charge is the weak isospin:
νe 1 1
: Isodublett mit I(νeL ) = I(eL ) = and I3 (νeL ) = +
e L 2 2
I3 (eL ) = − (5.14)
eR : Isosingulett mit I(eR ) = I3 (eR ) = 0
The Lagrangian
νe νe
L0 = i∂/ + ēR i∂/eR (5.15)
e L e L
• The charged lepton current has per construction the correct structure.
• Wµ3 , the neutral isovector field cannot be identified with the photon field Aµ since the
electromagnetic currect does not contain any ν’s and furthermore has a pure vector
character (and hence does not contain a γ5 ).
This leads to the formulation of the minimal SU(2)L × U(1)Y gauge theory:
The Lagrangian L0 , Eq. (5.18), has an additional U(1) gauge symmetry (after coupling W
and associated with this the weak hypercharge. The quanum numbers are defined in such a
way that we obtain the correct electromagnetic current:
(In order to include electromagnetism we define the “weak hypercharge”.)
This follows from the requirement that the Gell-Mann Nishijima relation3 holds
Q = I3 + Y (5.23)
Local gauge invariance is achieve through the minimal coupling of the gauge vector field,
i∂/ → i ∂/ − Y B/ . (5.24)
Originally this equation was derived from empiric observations. Nowadays it is understood as result of
the quark model.
32 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
Here θW denotes the Weinberg angle. Rewriting the Lagrangian in terms of Aµ and Zµ leads
to the Aµ coupling
g g′ g g′
Aµ {ν̄eL γµ νeL {− sin θW + cos θW } + ēL γµ eL { sin θW + cos θW } + ēR γµ eR g ′ cos θW }
2 2 2 2
The neutrino ν can be eliminated through
tan θW = . (5.28)
(The photon only couples to charge particles!) The correct e-coupling is obtained by
g ′ cos θW = e0 1 1 1
= 2 + ′2 (5.29)
g sin θW = e0 e0 g g
√ 1
• The coupling e0 = 4πα ∼ 3
is fixed within electromagnetism.
• The second parameter is not fixed through the weak interactions as the charged current
only fixes the relation G√F2 = 8mg 2 .
Lint = − √ jµ− W +µ + h.c.
− {j 3 − sin2 θW jµem }Z µ (5.32)
cos θW µ
−e0 jµem Aµ
where g = sin θW
However, the Lagrangian does not conain mass terms for the fermions and gauge bosons yet.
The theory muss be modified in such a way that the particles obtain their mass without
getting into conflict with the gauge symmetry underlying the theory.
The generation of masses for the 3 vector fields, hence the absorption of 3 Goldstone bosons,
is not possible with 3 scalar fields. The minimal solution is the introcduction of one complex
doublet with 4 degrees of freedom,
φ+ φ+ = √12 (φ1 + iφ2 )
φ= with (5.38)
φ0 φ0 = √12 (φ3 + iφ4 )
The Lagrangian of the doublet field φ is given by
Lφ = ∂µ φ∗ ∂ µ φ − µ2 φ∗ φ − λ(φ∗ φ)2 (5.39)
It is SU(2)L × U(1)Y invariant. The field φ transforms as
i i ′
φ → e− 2 g~α~τ e− 2 g β .φ (5.40)
After spontaneous symmetry breaking the vacuum expectation value of the scalar field is
1 0
< φ >= √ v∗ = v (5.41)
2 v
It breaks the SU(2)L × U(1)Y symmetry, but is invariant under the U(1)em symmetry, gene-
rated by the electric charge operator. Since each (would-be) Goldstone boson is associated
with a generator that breaks the vacuum, we have 4 −1 = 3 Goldstone bosons. The quantum
numbers of the field φ are
I3 (φ+ ) = + 21 Y (φ+ ) = +1 Q(φ+ ) = 1
I3 (φ0 ) = − 21 Y (φ0 ) = +1 Q(φ0 ) = 0
(The field φ transforms as an SU(2)L doublet and therefore has to have the hypercharge
Yφ = 1.) The gauge fields are introduced through minimal coupling,
g ~ g′
i∂µ → i∂µ − ~τ Wµ − Bµ . (5.43)
2 2
Expanding about the minimum of the Higgs potential
φ+ (x) → 0
φ0 (x) → √ [v + χ(x)] χ∗ = χ (5.44)
one obtains from the kinetic part of the Lagrangian of the scalar field
g g
~ + i B) 0
Lm = (i ~τ W √v
2 2 2
T 2
W1 g W1
1 v2
g2 W2
= 2
2 4 W3 g −gg W3
B −gg ′ g ′2 B
with the eigenvalues of the mass matrix given by
m21 = m22 =
(g 2 + g ′2 )v 2
m23 = (5.46)
m24 = 0
Thereby the masses of the gauge bosons read
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 35
m2γ = 0 (5.47)
1 2 2
m2W = g v (5.48)
1 2
m2Z = (g + g ′2 )v 2 (5.49)
πα 1
m2W = √ 2 (5.50)
2GF sin θW
with α ≈ α(m2Z ) (effective radiative correction). With sin2 θW ≈ 1/4 the W boson mass is
mW ≈ 80 GeV.
(ii) Z boson mass: With
= cos2 θW (5.51)
we obtain
sin2 θW = 1 − (5.52)
Finally one obtains with Eq. (5.48) for the Higgs vacuum expectation value
1 g2 √
= = 2GF (5.53)
v2 4m2W
and thereby
v = p√ ≈ 246 GeV (5.54)
The vacuum expectation value v is the characteristic scale of electroweak symmetry breaking.
The Higgs mechanism for charged lepton masses: The fermions couple via the gauge-invariant
Yukawa coupling to the Higgs field φ:
It is invarian under SU(2)L × U(1)Y . After expansion of the Higgs field around the VEV one
L(eeΦ) = −fe √ [ēL eR + ēR eL ] + ...
= −fe √ ēe + ...
= −me ēe + ... (5.54)
fe v
me = √ (5.55)
We know from the previous chapters that the lepton currents are built from multiplets.
νe νµ ντ
e− µ− τR− (5.56)
e− L
R µ− L
R τ− L
1) The electromagnetic current, after summation over all possible charges, is given by
X 2 1¯ 1
jµelm = Qq q̄γµ q = ūγµ u − dγ µ d − s̄γµ s (5.57)
3 3 3
2) From low-energy experiments (pion and Kaon decays) it followed that the left-handed
weak current, the Cabibbo current, is given by4
1 1
jµ− = cos θc ūγµ (1 − γ5 )d + sin θc ūγµ (1 − γ5 )s
2 2
= ūγµ (1 − γ5 )[cos θc d + sin θc s] (5.57)
Cabibbo’s conjecture was that the quarks that participate in the weak interactions are a mixture of the
quarks that participate in the strong interaction. The mixing was originally postulated by Cabibbo (1963)
to explain certain decay patterns in the weak interactions and originally had only to do with the d and s
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 37
dc = cos θc d + sin θc s
sc = − sin θc d + cos θc s (5.57)
d, s are different direction in the (u, d, s) space of quarks, characterized by
different masses, i.e. we are in the mass basis.
dc , sc are directions in the quark space, characterized through the
weak interacation, they represent the current basis.
The current jµ± can be expressed through jµ∓ = Q̄L γµ τ ∓ QL with the definitions of the
multiplets given by
u uR
dc L
scL dcR scR
The first line is a diagonal neutral current. The second line is a strangeness chan-
ging neutral current with the strength ∼ sin θc , like the strangeness changing charged
This is in striking contradiction with the experimental non-observation of strangeness chan-
ging neutral current reactions. There are strict experimental limits on the decay rates that
are mediated by strangeness changing neutral currents like
Γ(KL → µ+ µ− )
1) < ∼ 4 · 10−9 (exp)
Γ(K + → µ+ νµ )
Γ(K + → πν ν̄)
2) < 1.4 · 10−7 (exp) (5.56)
Γ(K + → all)
|m(KL ) − m(KS )|
3) < 7 · 10−15 mK 0 (exp) (5.57)
1) The observed rate for the decay KL → µ+ µ− can be understood in terms of QED and
the known KL → γγ transition rate and leaves little room for an elementary s̄d → µ+ µ−
2) The decay K + → πν ν̄ can be understood in terms of the elementary reaction s̄ → dν¯ ν̄.
3) Similarly the smallness of observables linked to |∆S| = 2 transition amplitudes, such as
the KL − KS mass difference leaves little room for strangeness changing neutral currents.
Thus, in the Weinberg-Salam model, or more generally in models that allow for neutral
38 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
current relations that are proportional to the third component of the weak isospin, it is
important to prevent the appearance of strangeness changing neutral currents. An elegant
solution to the problem of flavour-changing neutral currents was proposed by Glashow, Ilio-
poulos and Maiani.
We need a “natural mechanism”, i.e. originating from a symmetry, stable against perturba-
tions, that suppresses 8 orders of magnitude. This can be achieved through the introduction
of a fourth quark, the charm quark c. [Glashow, Iliopoulos, Maiani, PRD2(70)1985]
The new multiplet structure is then given by
u c uR cR
dc L
sc L
dcR scR
The addition of the charm quark c diagonalizes the neutral current (GIM mechanism) and
eliminates ∆S 6= 0, NC reactions.
(b) The electromagnetic current is given by:
2 1 ¯
jµem = [ūγµ u + c̄γµ c] − [dγ µ d + s̄γµ s] (5.60)
3 3
In 1973 (1 year before the discovery of the charm quark!) Kobayashi and Maskawa ex-
tended Cabibbo’s idea to six quarks. We thereby obtain a 3 × 3 matrix that mixes the weak
quarks and the strong quarks. Only in this way the CP violation can be explained. (We
come back to this point later.) We also need the 3rd quark family to obtain an anomaly-free
theory. We call anomalies terms that violate the classical conservation laws. Thus it can
happen that a (classical) local conservation law derived from gauge invariance with the help
of Noether’s theorem holds at tree level but is not respected by loop diagrams. The simplest
example of a Feynman diagram leading to an anomaly is a fermion loop coupled to two vec-
tor currents and one axial current. Because the weak interaction contains both vector and
axial vector currents there is a danger that such diagrams may arise in the Weinberg-Salam
theory and destroy the renormalizability of the theory. The anomaly is canceled if for each
lepton doublet we introduce three quark doublets corresponding to the three quark coulours.
Since we have three lepton doublets we need to introduce a third quark doublet (with three
colours). This was also supported by the observation of a fifth quark (the b quark) in the Υ
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 39
where ′ denotes the fields in the current basis, we obtain for the Yang-Mills Lagrangian
µ τ UL
LY M −F = (ŪL , D̄ ′ L )iγ (∂µ + igWµa
+ ig YL Bµ ) ′
2 DL′
µ aτ ′ NL
+ (N̄L , ĒL )iγ (∂µ + igWµ + ig YL Bµ )
2 EL
+ Ψ̄R iγ µ (∂µ + ig ′ YR Bµ )ΨR
′ ,E
a /2
U(x) = eiωa (x)τ . (5.61)
because with
X (iA)n X (iAT )n τa
U =e = ⇒ UT = , A = ωa (x) . (5.63)
n! n
n! 2
U T ǫU = ǫU −1 U = ǫ , (5.64)
T ψ1L
Φ ǫ = φ+ ψ2L − φ0 ψ1L , (5.68)
The Standard Model of Particle Physics 41
so that for the Yukawa Lagrangian that conserves also the hypercharge we obtain:
† νeL T uL
Φ Φ ǫ d′L
+ (ūR , c̄R , t̄R )CU ΦT ǫ cL′
† νµL
LY uk = −(ēR , µ̄R , τ̄R )CE Φ
µL s
† ντ L tL
Φ ΦT ǫ ′
τL bL
† uL
Φ ′
† cL
−(d̄′ R , s̄′ R , b¯′ R )CD
Φ ′
+ h.c. . (5.68)
† tL
Φ ′
The CE , CU , CD are arbitrary complex matrices. We perform through the following unitary
transformations a transition into an equivalent field basis (Fields are no observables!)
NL (x) → V1 NL (x) UL (x) → V2 UL (x)
EL (x) → V1 EL (x) DL′ (x) → V2 DL′ (x)
ER (x) → U1 ER (x) UR (x) → U2 UR (x)
′ ′
DR (x) → U3 DR (x) , (5.66)
where U1 , U2 , U3 , V1 , V2 are unitary 3 × 3 matrices. Since the lepton and quark doublets
transform in the same way this does not change the Yang-Mills-, the Higgs- and the Yang-
Mills fermion Lagrangian. Only the C matrices are changed:
CE → U1† CE V1 CU → U2† CU V2 CD → U3† CD V2 . (5.67)
By choosing the U1† and V1 matrices appropriately we can diagonalize CE ,
U1† CE V1 = hµ with he , hµ , hτ ≥ 0 . (5.68)
U2† CU V2 = hc with hu , hc , ht ≥ 0 . (5.69)
Eq. (5.69) fixes the matrix V2 . By choosing U3 appropriately we obtain
U3† CD V2 = hs V † with hu , hc , ht ≥ 0 . (5.70)
where V † is a unitary matrix. We transform DR
′ ′
by DR → V † DR
and obtain
CD → V hs V† . (5.71)
42 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
0 ≤ θi ≤ π/2
−π ≤ δ ≤ +π (5.74)
1 0 1 0 0
Rsb (θ2 ) = 0 cos θ2 sin θ2 etc. U = 0 1 0 (5.75)
0 − sin θ2 cos θ2 0 0 eiδ
with the edges (0, 0), (1, 0), (ρ, η) (in the complex plane) and the angles α, β, γ. The deter-
mination is done through
(i) ρ2 + η 2 , circle around 0, from b → u and b → c decays.
(ii) η > 0 from the CP violation in the K system.
(iii) Bd − B̄d oscillations:
1. Recent physics results are presented at the webpages of the LHC experiments ATLAS
and CMS.
2. A. Djouadi, “The Anatomy of electro-weak symmetry breaking. I: The Higgs boson in
the standard model,” Phys. Rept. 457 (2008) 1, [hep-ph/0503172].
3. M. Spira, “Higgs Boson Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders,” Prog. Part. Nucl.
Phys. 95 (2017) 98, [arXiv:1612.07651 [hep-ph]].
4. S. Dittmaier et al. [LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Collaboration], “Hand-
book of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables,” arXiv:1101.0593 [hep-ph].
5. S. Dittmaier, S. Dittmaier, C. Mariotti, G. Passarino, R. Tanaka, S. Alekhin, J. Alwall
and E. A. Bagnaschi et al., “Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential
Distributions,” arXiv:1201.3084 [hep-ph].
6. S. Heinemeyer et al. [LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Collaboration], “Hand-
book of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties,” arXiv:1307.1347 [hep-ph].
2 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
Abbildung 6.1: The scattering of longitudinal gauge bosons in longitudinal gauge bosons.
Upper: without a Higgs boson. Lower: with a Higgs boson
2. The introduction of mass terms for the gauge bosons violates the SU(2)L × U(1)
symmetry of the SM Lagrangian. The same problem arises for the introduction of
mass terms for the fermions.
† v2 2
V (Φ) = λ[Φ Φ − ] . (6.1)
V (φ)
Mass of the Higgs boson MH = 2λv
Couplings to gauge bosons gV V H = v
Yukawa couplings gf f H = v
T rilinear coupling λHHH = 3 MH2
[units λ0 = 33.8 GeV] Z
Quartic coupling λHHHH = 3 MH4
[units λ2 Z
In the SM the trilinear and quartic Higgs couplings are uniquely determined by the mass of
the Higgs boson.
The Higgs potential with its typical form leads to a non-vanishing vacuum expectation
value (VEV) v in the ground state
v = p√ ≈ 246 GeV. (6.4)
Expansion of Φ around the minimum of the Higgs potential leads to one massive scalar
particle, the Higgs boson, and three massless Goldstone bosons, that are absorbed to give
masses to the charged W bosons and the Z boson. (For a toy example, see Appendix ??.)
The appearance of Goldstone bosons is stated in the Goldstone theorem, which says:
N = dimension of the algebra of the symmetry group of the complete Lagrangian.
M = dimension of the algebra of the group, under which the vacuum
is invariant after spontaneous symmetry breaking.
⇒ There are N-M Goldstone bosons without mass in the theory.
The Goldstone theorem states, that for each spontaneously broken degree of freedom of the
symmetry there is one massless Goldstone boson.
In gauge theories, however, the conditions for the Goldstone theorem are not fulfilled:
Massless scalar degrees of freedom are absorbed by the gauge bosons to give them mass. The
Goldstone phenomenon leads to the Higgs phenomenon.
BR(H → bb̄) = 0.5797
BR(H → τ +τ −) = 0.06245
. (6.4)
BR(H → cc̄) = 0.02879
BR(H → tt̄) = 0
They are obtained from the partial width Γ(H → f f¯) into fermions and the total width Γtot ,
which is given by the sum of all partial decay widths of the Higgs boson,
Γ(H → f f¯)
BR(H → f f¯) = . (6.5)
The tree-level partical decay width into fermions is given by
Ncf GF MH 2 3
Γ(H → f f¯) = √ mf β , (6.6)
4 2π
with the velocity
β = (1 − 4m2f /MH2 )1/2 (6.7)
of the fermions, their mass mf , and the colour factor Ncf = 1(3) for leptons (quarks). These
decays receive large QCD corrections which have been calculated by various groups and
can amount up to -50%. The electroweak corrections in total are small of O(5%), in the
intermediate mass range.
The branching ratios into massive gauge bosons reach for MH = 125.09 GeV
These decays have been calculated with HDECAY, a Fortran code by A. Djouadi, J. Kaliniowski, M. Muhl-
leitner and M. Spira. It can be downloaded at:
The Standard Model Higgs Sector 5
2 +; Z
W ;Z
BR(H → W + W − ) = 0.2167
. (6.8)
BR(H → ZZ) = 0.02656
The tree-level decay width into a pair of on-shell massive gauge bosons V = Z, W is given
Γ(H → V V ) = δV √ β(1 − 4x + 12x2 ) , (6.9)
16 2π
with x = MV2 /MH2 , β = 1 − 4x and δV = 2(1) for V = W (Z). The electroweak corrections
to these decays are of the order 5-20%. For a Higgs boson of mass MH = 125 GeV off-shell
decays H → V ∗ V ∗ → 4l are important. The program PROPHECY4F includes the complete
QCD and EW next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections to H → W W/ZZ → 4f .
The decay into gluon pairs proceeds via a loop with the dominant contributions from top
and bottom quarks and for MH = 125.09 GeV has a branching ratio of:
H t; b
The parameter τQ = 4MQ2 /MH2 is defined by the pole mass MQ of the heavy loop quark
Q. Note that for large quark masses the form factor approaches unity. The strong coupling
constant is denoted by αs . The QCD corrections have been calculated. They are large and
increase the branching ratio by about 70% at next-to-leading order (NLO). They are known
up to next-to-next-to-next-to leading order(N3 LO). The electroweak corrections increase the
partial Higgs decay width into gluons by about 5%.
Further loop-mediated decays are those into 2 photons or a photon and a Z boson. They are
mediated by charged fermion and W boson loops, the latter being dominant.
6 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
H f H W H
The parameters τi = 4Mi2 /MH2 and λi = 4Mi2 /MZ2 (i = f, W ) are defined in terms of the
corresponding masses of the heavy loop particles. The W loop dominates in the intermediate
Higgs mass range, and the heavy fermion loops interfere destructively.
1 _
10 + −
γγ Zγ
50 100 200 500 1000
MH [GeV]
10 2 Γ(H) [GeV]
50 100 200 500 1000
MH [GeV]
Abbildung 6.2: The Higgs boson branching ratios (upper) and the total width (lower) as a
function of the Higgs boson mass. Plote made with HDECAY. Now we know that the Higgs
boson mass is MH = 125.09 GeV.
Figs.6.2 show the Higgs boson branching ratios and total width as a function of the Higgs
boson mass. One can infer from the figures that the total Higgs boson width is rather small,
it is 4.108·10−3 GeV, for MH = 125.09 GeV.
8 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
t; b; t; b 0
pp → gg → H . (6.23)
In the Standard Model it is mediated by top and bottom quark loops. The QCD corrections
(the next-to leading order calculation involves 2-loop diagrams!) have been calculated and
turn out to be large. They are of the order 10-100%; see Fig. 6.3, which shows the NLO
K-factor, i.e. the ratio of the NLO cross section to the leading order (LO) cross section as
a function of the Higgs boson mass for the virtual and real corrections.
K(pp→H+X) µ = M = MH
√s = 14 TeV Mt = 175 GeV
50 100 200 500 1000
MH [GeV]
Abbildung 6.3: The K factor for the gluon fusion process as a function of the Higgs boson
Due to the inclusion of the NLO QCD corrections the scale dependence of the gluon fusion
cross section is decreased, cf. Fig. 6.4.
The next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO) corrections have been calculated in the limit
of heavy top quark masses (MH ≪ mt ). They lead to a further increase of the cross section
by 20-30%. The scale dependence is reduced to ∆ ∼ < 10 − 15%. Resummation of the soft
gluons adds another 10%. More recently, also the N LO corrections have been calculated in
the heavy top quark mass limit. These corrections range at the level of a few percent.
The Standard Model Higgs Sector 9
σ(pp→H+X) [pb] µ = M = ξ MH
√s = 14 TeV Mt = 175 GeV
30 MH = 150 GeV
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
σ(pp→H+X) [pb] µ = M = ξ MH
7 √s = 14 TeV Mt = 175 GeV
MH = 500 GeV
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Abbildung 6.4: The scale dependence of the gluon ξfusion cross section for two different Higgs
- W W/ZZ fusion: Higgs bosons can be produced in the W W/ZZ fusion processes
W; Z
h; H
W; Z
pp → W ∗ W ∗ /Z ∗ Z ∗ → H . (6.24)
10 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
The QCD corrections have been calculated and amount up to ∼ 10%. In the meantime more
higher order QCD and EW corrections have been calculated. (Not treated here.)
W; Z
q h; H
pp → W ∗ /Z ∗ → W/Z + H . (6.25)
The QCD corrections are ∼ 30%. The NNLO QCD corrections add another 5-10%. The
theoretical error is reduced to about 5%. However, in the ZH final state there is also a
sizeable contribution from the process gg → ZH with about ∼ 20% to the total cross
section. Recently the NLO QCD corrections to gg → ZH have been calculated in the heavy-
top-quark limit [185]. They increase this contribution significantly.
- Associated Production: Higgs bosons can also be produced in association with top and
bottom quarks
q t=b g t=b
0 0
q t=b g t=b
pp → tt̄/bb̄ + H . (6.26)
The NLO QCD corrections to associated top production increase the cross section at the
LHC by 20%.
For all the production and background processes a lot of progress has been made in the
last years on the calculation of the higher order (HO) QCD and EW corrections. They are
not subject of this lecture, though. For details, see the corresponding literature.
Fig. 6.5 shows the production cross section in pb as a function of the Higgs boson mass.
Abbildung 6.5: Higgs boson production cross sections as a function of the Higgs mass for 13
and 14 TeV c.m. energy at the LHC including the most up-to-date higher-order corrections as
indicated at the shown cross section bands. The size of the bands reflects the total estimated
theoretical uncertainties. From LHC Higgs XS WG report 2016, arXiv:1610.07922.
channel. For MH = 125.09 GeV it is an off-shell decay. It leads to a clean 4 lepton (4l) final
state from the decay of the Z bosons. Also the W W final state is off-shell. The final state
signature includes missing energy from the neutrinos of the W boson decays. The bb̄ final
state is exploited as well. It has the largest branching ratio, but suffers from a large QCD
background. Finally, the τ τ channel is also used.
The experiments give the best fit values to the reduced µ values in the final state X.
These are the production rate times branching ratio into the final state X = γ, Z, W, b, τ
normalized to the corresponding value for a SM Higgs boson,
σprod × BR(H → XX)
µ= . (6.27)
(σprod × BR(H → XX))SM
In case the discovered Higgs boson is a SM Higgs boson they are all equal to 1. Figure 6.6
shows the µ values reported by the LHC experiments. At present the the various final states
suffer from uncertainties that leave room for beyond the SM (BSM) physics.
The main discovery channels for the 125 GeV Higgs boson at ATLAS and CMS, i.e. the
photon and the Z boson final states, are shown in Fig. 6.7.
µ = 1.00+-0.25
H → ZZ* µ = 1.46+-0.40
µ = 1.00+-0.31
H → WW* µ = 1.18+-0.24
obs 0.21
µ = 1.00+-0.21
H → bb µ = 0.63+-0.39
µ = 1.00+-0.41
H → ττ µ = 1.44+-0.42
µ = 1.00+-0.36
H → µµ µ = -0.7+-3.7
obs 3.7
µ = 1.0+-3.4
H → Zγ µ = 2.7+-4.6
obs 4.5
µ exp = 1.0+-4.2
Combined µ = 1.18+-0.15
µ = 1.00+-0.13
s = 7 TeV, 4.5-4.7 fb
-1 −1 0 1 2 3
s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Signal strength (µ)
-1 -1
19.7 fb (8 TeV) + 5.1 fb (7 TeV)
Combined CMS mH = 125 GeV
µ = 1.00 ± 0.13
H → bb tagged
µ = 0.93 ± 0.49
H → ττ tagged
µ = 0.91 ± 0.27
H → γ γ tagged
µ = 1.13 ± 0.24
H → WW tagged
µ = 0.83 ± 0.21
H → ZZ tagged
µ = 1.00 ± 0.29
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Best fit σ/σSM
Abbildung 6.6: Best fits for the µ values reported by ATLAS and CMS.
The Standard Model Higgs Sector 13
Σ weights / GeV
140 ATLAS Preliminary
D ata S/B W eighted
Sig+Bkg Fit (m =126.8 GeV)
Bkg (4th order polynomial)
40 s=7 TeV, ∫ Ldt=4.8 fb -1
8 [GeV]
100 110 120 130 140 150 160
mγ γ [GeV]
30 Z+X
Z γ ,ZZ
mH=126 GeV
80 100 120 140 160 180
m4l [GeV]
Abbildung 6.7: The main Higgs discovery channels: Upper: The photon final state, here
shown for the ATLAS experiment [ATLAS-CONF-2013-12]. Lower: The ZZ ∗ final state,
here shown for the CMS experiment [CMS-PAS-HIG-13-002].
Fig. 6.8, is proportional to the partial width into W W and the branching ratio into τ τ .
Combination with other production/decay channels and the knowledge of the total width
allow then to extract the Higgs couplings. The problem at the LHC, however, is that the total
width, which is small for a SM 125 GeV Higgs boson, cannot be measured without model-
assumptions, and also not all final states are experimentally accessible. Therefore without
applying model-assumptions only ratios of couplings are measureable.
The theoretical approach is to define an effective Lagrangian with modified Higgs coup-
lings. In a first approach the couplings are modified by overall scale factors κi and the tensor
structure is not changed. With this Lagrangian the signal rates, respectively µ values, are
calculated as function of the scaling factors, µ(κi ). These are then fitted to the experimen-
14 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
W •H •
Abbildung 6.8: Feynman diagram for the production of a Higgs boson in W boson fusion with
subsequent decay into τ τ . It is proportional to the partial width ΓW W and the branching
ratio into τ τ , BR(H → τ τ ).
tally measured µ values. The fits provide then the κi values. Such a theoretical Lagrangian
for the SM field content with a scalar particle h looks like
2 1 h
L = Lh − (MW Wµ+ W µ− + MZ2 Zµ Z µ )[1 + 2 κV + O(h2 )]
2 v
−mψi ψ̄i ψi [1 + κF + O(h2 )] + ... (6.27)
It is valid below the scale Λ where new physics (NP) becomes important. It implements
the electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) via Lh and the custodial symmetry through
κW = κZ = κV . Furthermore, there are no tree-level flavour changing neutral current (FCNC)
couplings as κF is chosen to be the same for all fermion generations and does not allow for
transitions between fermion generations. The best fit values for κf and κV are shown in
Fig. 6.9.
If the discovered particle is the Higgs boson the coupling strengths are proportional to
the masses (squared) of the particles to which the Higgs boson couples. This trend can be
seen in the plot published by CMS, see Fig. 6.10.
The decay is illustrated in Fig. 6.11. The angle ϕ is the azimuthal angle between the decay
planes of the Z bosons in the H rest frame. The θ1 and θ2 are the polar angles, respectively,
of the fermion pairs in, respectively, the rest frame of the decaying Z boson.
The Standard Model Higgs Sector 15
Abbildung 6.9: The best fit values for κf and κV by ATLAS [Phys. Lett. B726 (2013) 88]
(upper) and CMS [CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005] (lower).
-1 -1
19.7 fb (8 TeV) + 5.1 fb (7 TeV)
λf or (g /2v) 1/2
V 68% CL
10-1 95% CL
SM Higgs
-3 (M, ε) fit
68% CL
95% CL
0.1 1 10 100
Particle mass (GeV)
Abbildung 6.10: Coupling strengths as function of the mass of the particles coupled to the
Higgs boson, CMS [CMS-PAS-HIG-14-009]
The calculation of the azimuthal angular distribution delivers a different behaviour for a
scalar and a pseudoscalar boson:
0+ : dΓ/dφ ∼ 1 + 1/(2γ 4 + 4) cos 2φ
0− : dΓ/dφ ∼ 1 − 1/4 cos 2φ
Here γ 2 = (MH2 −M∗2 −MZ2 )/(2M∗ MZ ) and M∗ is the mass of the virtual Z boson. Figure 6.12
shows how the azimuthal angular distribution can be exploited to test the parity of the
particle. A pseudoscalar with spin-parity 0− shows the opposite behaviour in this distribution
than the scalar, which is due to the minus sign in front of cos 2φ in Eq. (6.30). The threshold
behaviour on the other hand can be used to determine the spin of the particle. We have for
spin 0 a linear rise with the velocity β,
dΓ[H → Z ∗ Z] p
∼ β = (MH − MZ )2 − M∗2 /MH . (6.31)
A spin 2 particle, e.g. shows a flatter rise, ∼ β 3 , cf. Fig. 6.13.
The experiments cannot perform an independent spin-parity measurement. Instead they
test various spin-parity hypotheses. Various non-SM spin-parity hypotheses have been ruled
out at more than 95% confidence level (C.L.), see e.g. Figs. 6.14 and 6.15.
f2 f1
2 1
f2 f1
measured. The trilinear coupling λHHH is accessible in double Higgs production. The quartic
coupling λHHHH is to be obtained from triple Higgs production.
gluon fusion: gg → HH
double Higgs-strahlung: q q̄ → W ∗ /Z ∗ → W/Z + HH
W W/ZZ double Higgs fusion: qq → qq + W W/ZZ → HH
associated production: pp → tt̄HH
The dominant gluon fusion production process proceeds via triangle and box diagrams, see
Fig. 6.16.
Due to smallness of the cross sections, cf. Fig. 6.17, and the large QCD background the
extraction of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC is extremely difficult. There is an enormous
* - + - +
(a) H ---> Z Z ---> (l 1l 1) (l2l 2)
MH = 125 GeV
1/Γ dΓ/dφ
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Abbildung 6.12: The azimuthal distribtuion for the H → ZZ ∗ → 4l decay for the SM scalar
Higgs (black) and a pseudoscalar (red). [Choi,Mühlleitner,Zerwas]
18 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
* - + - +
(b) H ---> Z Z ---> (l 1l 1) (l2l 2)
0.06 MH = 125 GeV
15 20 25 30 35
M* [GeV]
Abbildung 6.13: The threshold distribution for the H → ZZ ∗ → 4l decay for the SM spin-0
Higgs (black) and a spin-2 particle (red).[Choi,Mühlleitner,Zerwas]
theoretical activity to determine the production processes with high accuracy including HO
corrections and to develop strategies and observables for the measurement of the di-Higgs
production processes and the trilinear Higgs self-couplings.
6.10 Summary
The measurements of the properties of the discovered particle have identified it as the Higgs
boson. CERN therefore officially announced in a press release of March 2013, that the disco-
vered particle is the Higgs boson, cf. Fig. 6.18. This lead then to the Nobel Prize for Physics
in 2013 to Francois Englert and Peter Higgs.
The SM of particle physics has been very successful so far. At the experiments it has been
tested to highest accuracy, including higher order corrections. And with the discovery of the
Higgs particle we have found the last missing piece of the SM of particle physics. Still there
are many open questions that cannot be answered by the SM. To name a few of them
2. In the presence of high energy scales, the Higgs boson mass receives large quantum
corrections, inducing the hierarchy problem.
8. ...
The Standard Model Higgs Sector 19
H → γγ Data
s = 8 TeV ∫ Ldt = 20.7 fb -1
CL s expected
H → ZZ* → 4l assuming J P = 0 +
s = 7 TeV ∫ Ldt = 4.6 fb -1
± 1σ
s = 8 TeV ∫ Ldt = 20.7 fb -1
= 0- J P
= 1+ J P
= 1- J P
= 2 +m
Abbildung 6.14: Spin-parity hypotheses tests by ATLAS. Details in Phys. Lett. B726 (2013)
We therefore should rather see the SM as an effective low-energy theory which is embedded
in some more fundamental theory that becomes apparent at higher scales. The Higgs data
so far, although pointing towards a SM Higgs boson, still allow for interpretations within
theories beyond the SM. These BSM theories ideally solve (some of) the problems of the
SM. They are subject of further lectures.
20 The Standard Model Higgs Sector
0.1 0
CMS data
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
-2 × ln(L - / L 0+ )
Abbildung 6.15: Spin-parity hypotheses tests by CMS. Left: 0− excluded at 95% C.L. [CMS-
PAS-HIG-13-002]. Right: 2+m (gg) excluded at 60% C.L. [CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005].
g H H
t H
g H H
Abbildung 6.16: The diagrams which contribute to the gluon gluon fusion process gg → HH.
σ(pp → HH + X) [fb]
MH = 125 GeV gg → HH
10 LO Q
qq̄′ → WHH
NNL qq̄ → ZHH
8 25 50 75 100
s [TeV]
Abbildung 6.17: Di-Higgs production processes at the LHC with c.m. energy 14 TeV, inclu-
ding HO corrections. [Baglio,Djouadi,Gröber,Mühlleitner,Quévillon,Spira].
The Standard Model Higgs Sector 21
7.1.2 Algebra
Ein linearer Raum (Vektorraum) wird zu einer Algebra A, wenn eine binäre Operation
(Multiplikation) zweier Elemente m, n existiert, so daß mn ∈ A. Es gelten die Linea-
ritätsbeziehungen (k, m, n ∈ A)
k(c1 m + c2 n) = c1 km + c2 kn
(c1 m + c2 n)k = c1 mk + c2 nk . (7.0)
Dabei sind c1 , c2 reelle (komplexe) Zahlen. Man spricht je nach Fall von reeller (komplexer)
Eine Algebra heißt kommutativ, wenn
mn = nm . (7.1)
24 Appendix
wobei die Koeffizienten ci1 i2 ...ik komplexe Zahlen sind. Die Elemente der Menge B heißen
Generatoren von A. Das Einselement gehört nicht zu den Generatoren.
7.1.3 Clifford-Algebren
Eine Clifford-Algebra CN wird von N Generatoren ξ 1 , ξ 2 , ..., ξ N erzeugt, für die
ξ a ξ b + ξ b ξ a = 2δ ab
mit a, b = 1, ..., N.
Die Dimension der Clifford-Algebra CN ist 2N . Es existiert ein enger Zusammenhang zwi-
schen Clifford-Algebren und den Quantisierungsbedingungen für Fermionen.
Im allgemeinen lassen sich Clifford-Algebren für beliebige symmetrische Metriken g mn
definieren. So gilt insbesondere für die pseudoeuklidische Metrik
gab = diag(1, 1, ..., 1, −1, ..., −1) , (7.5)
| {z } | {z }
7.1.4 Liealgebren
Eine Algebra ist ein Vektorraum, der von den Generatoren A, B, C, ... aufgespannt wird:
beliebige Linearkombinationen von Generatoren ergeben wieder Generatoren. Eine Algebra
verfügt über ein Produkt zwischen den Generatoren. Im Fall der Liealgebra ist das Produkt
der Kommutator
A ◦ B := [A, B] , (7.6)
mit den folgenden Eigenschaften
A ◦ B = −B ◦ A (7.7)
(A ◦ B) ◦ C + (C ◦ A) ◦ B + (B ◦ C) ◦ A = 0 . (7.8)
Liealgebren sind nicht assoziativ. Die Beziehung (7.8) heißt Jacobi-Identität.