Ashutosh Kumar 13000120129 CSE Software Engineering Lab ESC 591
Ashutosh Kumar 13000120129 CSE Software Engineering Lab ESC 591
Ashutosh Kumar 13000120129 CSE Software Engineering Lab ESC 591
Ashutosh Kumar
1. Assignment 1 13.09.2021
2. Assignment 2 20.09.2021
3. Assignment 3 25.09.2021
4. Assignment 4 25.10.2021
5. Assignment 5
6. Assignment 6 13.11.2021
7. Assignment 7 13.11.2021
8. Assignment 8 20.112021
9. Assignment 9 27.11.2021
List of Experiments Date
1. Analyse the functional requirements for an Online Library Management System and
3. prepare a SPMP (Software Project Management Plan) Document.
2. Estimate size of the LMS using Function Point metric. 3rd Week
3. Design Level 0 DFD for the LMS.
1. Considering your immense expertise in software development, The Absolute Beginners Inc.
4. has recently allotted you a mega project. The goal of the project is to create a database of all
Hindi films released since 2000. The software would allow one to generate a list of top ten hit
4th Week
films, top ten flop films, best comedy films, and so on. Using your prior experience you have
decided the approximate sizes of each module of the software as follows:
Data entry (0.9 KDSI)
Data update (0.7 KDSI)
Query (0.9 KDSI)
Report generation and display (2 KDSI)
Also take into consideration the following cost drivers with their ratings:
Storage constraints (Low)
Experience in developing similar software (High)
Programming capabilities of the developers (High)
Application of software engineering methods (High)
Use of software tools (High)
(All other cost drivers have nominal rating).
1. Now answer the following:
Applying intermediate COCOMO estimate the effort required to develop this system.
Applying intermediate COCOMO estimate the time required to develop this system.
Calculate the phase wise effort percentage for the above application.
Applying intermediate COCOMO estimate the minimum size of the team you would
require to develop this system.
Assuming that your client would pay Rs. 50,000 per month of development, how much
would be the likely billing?
2. Prepare a Level 0 DFD of Movies database Management System.
3. Decompose into Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3 DFDs applicable wrt your SRS.
Draw a use case diagram of library Management system using the staruml.
5th Week
a) Draw a Gantt chart for a “Library Management System” using MS Project.
b) Prepare a SPMP to plan the project. 9th Week
c) Estimate the size, time, cost, effort and staff requirements using Function point metric and
d) Draft a test plan illustrating all test cases.
Multimedia information like text, audio, video, and any combination of those are most pervasive
10. in almost every application field namely Computer, Network, Smartphone, and elsewhere. We 10th Week
also require a high degree of privacy of our own document. There is a problem with how such a
document can be protected from unauthorized access. Of course, there are many methods such as using
passwords, smartcards, biometrics, etc. are known. Nevertheless, the existing methods have their own
limitations as robustness and cost issues. This project would aim to devise a (new) method and develop a
user-friendly and cost-effective solution to the problem.
• A detailed profile of the user, who wishes to protect the document. The profile template will
be finalized after a careful discussion with the team member (i.e., a software engineer here).
• If any other input that might require.
• Document itself to be protected.
• Encryption of document
• Decryption of document
• Opening a document under the protection
• Deleting a document under the protection
• Copying a document under the protection
• Document after encryption
• Document after decryption
• Result on opening a document: success or failure; locking for three unsuccessful attempts
• Results on deleting a document under protection: success or failure; locking for three unsuccessful
• Results on copying a document under protection: success or failure; locking for three unsuccessful
a) Draw a Gantt chart for a “Hospital Management System” using MS Project.
11. b) Prepare a SPMP to plan the project. 11th Week
c) Estimate the size, time, cost, effort and staff requirements using Function point metric and
d) Draft a test plan illustrating all test cases.
Good Average Poor
Excellent (8-10) t
Criteria (5-7) (3-4) (1-2)
Students are able Students are able Students are able Student is not able to
to identify the to identify the to identify the understand/analyze/desig
problem/ analyze problem/ analyze problem/ analyze n the problem or interpret
the the the the problem into specified
problem/Design problem/Design problem/Design language
the solutions and the solutions and the solutions and
solve the problem solve the problem solve the problem
applying various applying various applying various
algorithms with algorithms with algorithms with
appropriate test appropriate test appropriate test
1. Lab cases; students are cases; students are cases.
Participation able to include able to include
boundary boundary
conditions in the conditions in the
test cases; test cases.
students are able
to modify the
program or design
as per requirement
of the outcomes
from boundary
conditions (if
Students are able Students are able Students are not able to
2. Effective Students are able to exploit the to use specified use tool/property/topic
utilization of to exploit the full important features tool/property/topi under consideration for
potential of the of the c as per the the specified language
the modern
tool/property/topi tool/property/topi problem
tools and their
c under c under requirement only
consideration for consideration for under
compilers the specified the specified consideration for
language language the specified
Students are able Students are able Students are able Students are not able to
to work to work ethically to work as an work effectively,
3. Individual or effectively, as an individual or individual or in a sincerely and ethically as
team work sincerely and in a member of a member of a team an individual or in a
ethically as an team member of a team
individual or in a
member of a team
Students will Students will Students will Students will not prepare
prepare effective prepare effective prepare effective effective documentation
4. Documentatio
documentation of documentation of documentation of of lab classes mentioning
lab classes lab classes lab classes objective, input-output,
mentioning mentioning mentioning test cases, boundary
problem problem problem conditions
Good Average Poor
Excellent (8-10) t
Criteria (5-7) (3-4) (1-2)
statement, input- statement, input- statement, input-
output, output, test cases output
appropriate test
cases with
Software Requirements
Table of Contents
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.1. Purpose.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.2. Document Conventions.................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.3. Product Scope................................................................................................................................................................ 13
1.4. References...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
2. History/Background Study (Sources of Domain Knowledge)............................................................................................. 15
2.1. Technical Literature....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2. Existing Applications..................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3. Current/Future requirements.......................................................................................................................................... 15
3. Overall Description............................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1. Product Functions.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1. Hardware Requirements...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2. Software Requirements........................................................................................................................................ 15
3.2. Functional Requirements............................................................................................................................................... 16
R: Online Library Management System.............................................................................................................................. 16
R1: Signing in or Signing up............................................................................................................................................... 16
R1.1: Signing In.................................................................................................................................................................. 16
R1.1.1: Forgot password................................................................................................................................................. 16
R1.2: Signing up. (For users).............................................................................................................................................. 16
R1.3: Signing up. (For Admin)............................................................................................................................................ 16
R2: User Profile................................................................................................................................................................... 16
R2.1: Profile Option............................................................................................................................................................ 16
R2.2: Books Option............................................................................................................................................................. 17
R2.2.1: Saved Books....................................................................................................................................................... 17
R2.3: Settings Option.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
R2.4: User Details. (Exclusively for Admin)....................................................................................................................... 17
R3: Issuing of Books........................................................................................................................................................... 17
R3.1: Search by ISBN Code................................................................................................................................................ 17
R3.2: Search by name and author........................................................................................................................................ 17
R3.3: Search by subject....................................................................................................................................................... 17
R3.4: Save book option....................................................................................................................................................... 17
R3.5: Issuing the book......................................................................................................................................................... 18
R3.5.1: Read E-book (if available).................................................................................................................................. 18
R3.5.2: Borrow book offline (if available)...................................................................................................................... 18
R4: Returning of Books....................................................................................................................................................... 19
R4.1: Selecting the book..................................................................................................................................................... 19
R4.2: Returning the book.................................................................................................................................................... 19
R5: Payment of Penalty fee................................................................................................................................................. 19
R5.1: Pay physically............................................................................................................................................................ 19
R5.2: Pay through UPI........................................................................................................................................................ 19
R5.3: Pay through net banking............................................................................................................................................ 19
R6: Management System (Exclusive to Admin).................................................................................................................. 19
R6.1: Check availability status............................................................................................................................................ 19
R6.2: Borrowing History for a particular book.................................................................................................................... 20
R6.3: Database of users with books overdue....................................................................................................................... 20
R6.4: Add new books to the database.................................................................................................................................. 20
R7: User Support................................................................................................................................................................. 20
R7.1: Choose option : Feedback/ Raise a question/ Problems............................................................................................. 20
R7.2: Feedback.................................................................................................................................................................... 20
R7.3: Raise a query............................................................................................................................................................. 20
R7.3.1: Choose already answered FAQs from given list................................................................................................. 20
R7.3.2: Ask a new question............................................................................................................................................ 20
R7.4: Technical Problems................................................................................................................................................... 20
R7.4.1: Choose already answered technical FAQs from given list.................................................................................. 20
R7.4.2: Ask a new question............................................................................................................................................ 21
R7.5: About Us Section....................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3. Non-Functional Requirements....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1. Correctness Requirement..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2. Usability Requirement......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.3. Portability Requirement....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.4. Availability Requirement..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.5. Efficiency Requirement....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.6. Performance Requirement................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.7. Reliability Requirement....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4. User Characteristics....................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.5. Design and Implementation Constraints......................................................................................................................... 24
3.6. Assumption and Dependencies...................................................................................................................................... 24
4. Interface Requirements........................................................................................................................................................ 24
4.1. User Interfaces............................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.1. Register/Sign In Interface :.................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.2. Search Interface :................................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.3. Admin Control Interface :.................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.4. Payment Interface :.............................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.5. User details Interface :......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.6. Help number and email id will be provided on every page.................................................................................. 24
4.2. Hardware Interfaces....................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.3. Software Interfaces........................................................................................................................................................ 25
4.4. Communication Interfaces............................................................................................................................................. 25
5. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The software whose software requirement is mentioned in the system is the Online Library
Management System. This is the 1.0 version of the software and is approved by the related
authorities. The SRS covers the complete description of the Online Library Management System
and this aims at simplifying the effort of the librarian and book lenders, thus increasing the
productivity by using tools that simplify the book lending process.
2. History/Background Study (Sources of Domain Knowledge)
3. Overall Description
3.1.Product Functions
The Online Library System provides online real-time information about the books available in the
Library and user information. The main purpose of this project is to reduce manual work. This
software is capable of managing book issues, Returns, Managing Fines etc. Here Librarian will be
the administrator to control members and manage books. The members can also log in as users
and they can issue books and they can see the dates of returning the book they have issued. They
will also get a notification alert if they don’t return their book by the due date and he/she will be
fined accordingly.
16GB Hard Disk space in terminal machine
2TB Hard Disk space in server machine
Core i5 or higher processor
Windows 7 or above OS
JRE 1.8
SQL Server
Chrome or Firefox browser
3.2. Functional Requirements
R7.2: Feedback
Input: Enter feedback.
Output: Send the feedback to the designated authorities. When replied, mail is sent to the
• The information of all users and resources must be stored in a database that is easily
accessible by the website.
• Users can access from any computer that has a stable internet connection and proper
browsing capabilities.
• MS SQL Server is used as SQL engine and database.
• RazorPay is used for online payment support.
Assumptions :
Coding is error free.
System has specified hardware and software requirements.
Fast access to database.
User does not provide any incorrect information.
Dependencies :
Depends on third party app MS SQL for database and RazorPay for payment.
Hardware and software specifications of the running environment.
Correct data entered by all users.
4. Interface Requirements
4.1. User Interfaces
4.1.1. Register/Sign In Interface :
If user is not yet registered, sign up is required by providing necessary details, else the
user logs in by entering required details. Error prompt is displayed if there is any wrong
input provided.
4.1.2. Search Interface :
The user can search for books.
4.1.3. Admin Control Interface :
Allows the admin to update and view details of other users. Allows admin to edit details
of books.
4.1.4. Payment Interface :
Shows payment history and due bill (if any) and option to select payment gateway.
4.1.5. User details Interface :
Displays details of user such as UserID, name, email id, books taken and date of joining.
4.1.6. Help number and email id will be provided on every page.
4.2. Hardware Interfaces
The supported devices are the bar code scanner to scan the information of the book. So,
there would be an extra interface for making the work of that hardware component easier.
Then the data read through the bar code is stored in the temporarily in a location and then
used accordingly.
5. Conclusion
With the evolution of technology and it being so blended in our daily lives, it is imperative
that we discard time-consuming laborious methods to implement something which would be
so clean and compact to use through computers. This system provides efficient service to the
various users. Implemented with the best technology available, this software is convenient to
use and virtually fault-free, providing the users with a smooth and unique experience. This
version of the software will be available on the internet (license and payments included).
Software Requirements
Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................30
1.1. Purpose.......................................................................................................................... 30
1.2. Document Conventions................................................................................................. 30
1.3. Product Scope................................................................................................................31
1.4. References......................................................................................................................31
2. History/Background Study (Sources of Domain Knowledge).............................................. 32
2.1. Technical Literature.......................................................................................................32
2.2. Existing Applications.....................................................................................................32
2.3. Current/Future requirements..........................................................................................32
3. Overall Description................................................................................................................33
3.1. Product Functions..........................................................................................................33
3.1.1. Hardware Requirements.......................................................................................... 33
3.1.2. Software Requirements............................................................................................33
3.2. Functional Requirements...............................................................................................34
R: Online Social Networking System....................................................................................34
R1: Sign up/ Sign in...............................................................................................................34
R1.1: Create new account..................................................................................................34
R1.1.1: Terms and Conditions.......................................................................................34
R1.2: Log in.......................................................................................................................34
R1.2.1: Forgot password................................................................................................34
R2: Account...........................................................................................................................35
R2.1: Profile.......................................................................................................................35
R2.1.1: Add or update profile photo..............................................................................35
R2.1.2: Add or update cover photo................................................................................35
R2.1.3: Add or edit bio..................................................................................................35
R2.1.4: Link account......................................................................................................35
R2.1.5: See followers.....................................................................................................35
R2.1.5.1: Remove follower........................................................................................35
R2.1.5.2: Follow follower..........................................................................................35
R2.1.5.3: See profile..................................................................................................35
R2.1.6: See following....................................................................................................35
R2.1.6.1: Unfollow....................................................................................................36
R2.1.6.2: See profile..................................................................................................36
R2.1.7: Posts.................................................................................................................. 36
R2.1.7.1: React to a post............................................................................................36
R2.1.7.2: Comment on post.......................................................................................36
R2.1.7.3: Share a post................................................................................................36
R2.1.7.4: See who reacted to the post........................................................................36
R2.1.7.5: See who commented on the post................................................................36
R2.1.8: Tagged posts..................................................................................................... 36
R2.2: Settings.....................................................................................................................36
R2.2.1: Privacy.............................................................................................................. 36
R2.2.2: Change email or password................................................................................37
R2.2.3: Check log in activity.........................................................................................37
R2.3: Display.....................................................................................................................37
R2.4: Help and Support..................................................................................................... 37
R2.4.1: Report a problem...............................................................................................37
R2.4.2: Send feedback...................................................................................................37
R2.4.3: Search a query...................................................................................................37
R2.5: Log out.....................................................................................................................37
R2.6: Delete/Deactivate account....................................................................................... 37
R3: Feed.................................................................................................................................38
R3.1: React to a post..........................................................................................................38
R3.2: Comment on post.....................................................................................................38
R3.2.1: React to a comment...........................................................................................38
R3.2.2: Reply to a comment.......................................................................................... 38
R3.3: Share a post..............................................................................................................38
R3.4: See who reacted to the post......................................................................................38
R3.5: See who commented on the post..............................................................................38
R3.6: See profile of user who posted.................................................................................38
R3.7: Report someone....................................................................................................... 38
R4: Messaging....................................................................................................................... 39
R3.1: Send message...........................................................................................................39
R3.2: Call/Video call......................................................................................................... 39
R3.3: Group chat................................................................................................................39
R3.3: Group call/ Group video call....................................................................................39
R5: Create post...................................................................................................................... 39
R5.1: Select post to add..................................................................................................... 39
R5.2: Make edits to the post.............................................................................................. 39
R5.3: Final details..............................................................................................................39
R6: Profile of other users.......................................................................................................39
R6.1: View profile photo...................................................................................................40
R6.2: View cover photo.....................................................................................................40
R6.3: Navigate through posts............................................................................................ 40
R6.4: See followers (if user has allowed)..........................................................................40
R6.4.1: Follow follower.................................................................................................40
R6.4.2: See profile.........................................................................................................40
R6.5: See following (if user has allowed)......................................................................... 40
R6.5.1: Follow profile....................................................................................................40
R6.5.2: See profile.........................................................................................................40
R6.6: Follow user...............................................................................................................40
R6.7: Unfollow user...........................................................................................................41
R6.8: Block user................................................................................................................ 41
R7: Search..............................................................................................................................42
R8: Explore page................................................................................................................... 42
R9: Live Stream.....................................................................................................................42
R9.1: Go live option.......................................................................................................... 42
R9.2: Pay rewards (for viewers only)................................................................................42
R9.2.1: Payment Gateway............................................................................................. 42
R9.3: React and comment..................................................................................................42
3.3. Non-Functional Requirements.......................................................................................43
3.3.1. Correctness Requirement.........................................................................................43
3.3.2. Usability Requirement.............................................................................................43
3.3.3. Portability Requirement...........................................................................................43
3.3.4. Availability Requirement.........................................................................................43
3.3.5. Efficiency Requirement...........................................................................................43
3.3.6. Performance Requirement....................................................................................... 43
3.3.7. Reliability Requirement...........................................................................................43
3.4. User Characteristics.......................................................................................................43
3.5. Design and Implementation Constraints........................................................................44
3.6. Assumption and Dependencies......................................................................................44
4. Interface Requirements..........................................................................................................44
4.1. User Interfaces...............................................................................................................44
4.1.1. Register/Sign-In Interface:.......................................................................................44
4.1.2. Search Interface:...................................................................................................... 44
4.1.3. User details Interface:..............................................................................................45
4.1.4. Post Interface:..........................................................................................................45
4.1.5. Report Interface:......................................................................................................45
4.1.6. Support Interface:.................................................................................................... 45
4.2. Hardware Interfaces.......................................................................................................45
4.3. Software Interfaces........................................................................................................45
4.4. Communication Interfaces.............................................................................................45
4. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................45
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The software whose software requirement is mentioned in the system is the Online Social Networking System.
This is the 2.0 version of the software and is approved by the related authorities. The SRS covers the complete
description of the Online Social Networking System and this aims at connecting people virtually and engaging
people in communicating through an online platform and create connections throughout the world.
This Online Social Networking System will help users around the world to communicate with each other and
share interests and hobbies and post their updates of life. The users will be able to make their account on the
system and after proper verification, they would be able to access the content available. The users will be able
to share a post, delete a post, share a recent activity or story, chat with other users, and do video and audio calls
and many other things. The user will be able edit the profile information and select the different measures of
privacy. User can also add new friends and customize their newsfeed based on their interest.
1.4. References
Online social networks are decentralized and distributed computer networks where users communicate with
each other through internet services. Networking social network services used primarily for non-social
interpersonal communication (e.g., LinkedIn, a career- and employment-oriented site)
The bright future prospect of social networking is also proven with the fact that the technology is integrated in
the mobile phones as well. Look at the devices designed with powers of interpersonal communication on a
globalized outlook. These devices are now being created to with the perspective of global interaction and
messaging across geographical boundaries. The concept is one, wherever on the earth; reach the common
platform of the people for everybody’s benefit.
3. Overall Description
User can register to social networking site and then login whenever he/she wishes to visit the site.
Users can edit their profile and change various
User can share post containing videos, pictures, paragraphs.
User can share story or recent activity which are visible for 24 hours.
User can react and comment on certain posts as well as remove those.
User can block and report certain user.
User can remove their account with deleting all their data.
R1.2: Log in
Input: Email or phone number and password. Click on log in.
Output: Open home page of user. Send email to user if log in is done from a new device.
R2.1: Profile
Description— User can see their profile page, make edits, add posts.
R2.1.7: Posts
Input: Navigate through list of posts made by user. Click on desired post.
Output: Display post, along with likes, comments, date of posting.
R2.2: Settings
Description— User can edit their privacy settings, change password or email, check login activity.
R2.2.1: Privacy
Input: Choose privacy settings like make profile public or display active status.
Output: Apply the respective settings to the user profile.
R2.3: Display
Description— User can edit their display preferences like theme.
Input: Select theme.
Output: Theme applied.
Any update will have to be recorded and the correct information must be updated and all the changes
must be done as soon as possible. There is no provision for saving incomplete data.
Users can access from any computer that has a stable internet connection and proper browsing
RazorPay is used for online payment support.
Assumptions :
Coding is error free.
User must use their username and correct passwords.
User must have valid email address before making an account.
Dependencies :
• Depends on third party app RazorPay for payment.
• Hardware and software specifications of the running environment.
• Correct data entered by all users.
4. Interface Requirements
4. Conclusion
Social networking sites make people more social and help them communicate with others. Social
networking sites are places where people can maintain and nurse their existing (offline) friendships and
create new (online) friendships. People learn the crucial importance of being able to network which they can
benefit from in their future professional life.
1. Analyse the functional requirements for an Online Library Management System and prepare a
SPMP (Software Project Management Plan) Document.
2. Estimate size of the LMS using Function Point metric.
3. Design Level 0 DFD for the LMS.
In the project, a system has to be designed to support library management system. The software application to be made
consists of at least three main functions, which must interact using the internet. The application may involve the basic e-
commerce activities, such as members’ login, browsing, issuing and reserving books. The entire system has to be
developed (in JAVA) in a way that it is easy to maintain and extend.
I. Project Overview
This project is to create a prototype of library management system. It is an online application like a virtual
library on the Internet where customers can borrow books and as well as read books with interest. The
customer can create their own user id for accessing this system frequently. The customer will be asked to
fill payment information of fine for late returning the books such as credit card number. A notification is
sent to the customer’s email as soon as the transaction will be done and every time notification will be
sent to the users after a successful reserving of a book.
This document will be updated as the project progresses. Updates should be expected in the following sections:
i. References - updated as necessary.
ii. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations - updated as necessary.
iii. Organizational Structure will be updated as the team leaders are assigned for each phase.
iv. Technical Process - this section will be revised appropriately as the requirements and design decisions
become clearer.
v. Schedule – as the project progresses, the schedule will be updated accordingly.
Revision History
Revision Date Updated By Update Comments
0.1 28.09.2021 Ashutosh Kumar First Draft
0.2 02.10.2021 Ashutosh Kumar Second Draft
IV. References
2. Project Organization
I. Process Model
The process used for this project will be a V-model such that each stage of the model allows us to do testing after
completing a phase. Referring to the diagram below, each phase is tested after completion.
II. Organizational Structure
Team Members –
i. Alankriti Mallick
Name Contact Information
[email protected]
Ashish Kashyap ITech Project Manager
Team leaders throughout each development of the phases will be responsible for coordinating team meetings, updates,
communications, and team deliverables.
For the most vital responsibilities per phase of each team members, please refer to segment 2.2. Ultimately the
project team is responsible for the successful delivery of the product. The team member tasks per deliverable
according to expertise and the phases are as given below:
1. Project Plan – Whole Team
2. Requirements Specification – TBD
3. Analysis – TBD
4. Architecture Specification – TBD
5. Component/Object Specification – TBD
6. Source Code – TBD
7. Test Plan – TBD
8. Final Deliverable – Entire Team
Name Role/Responsibilities
Managing and leading the project
Developing and maintaining a detailed
project plan.
Monitoring project progress and
Ashish Kashyap ITech Project Manager performance.
Managing project evaluation and
dissemination activities.
Develop corrective actions when
Prepare reports on project plans,
status, progress, risks, deadlines and
resource requirements.
Develop and perform work flow analysis
to find out the difficulties in reaching
Ashish Kashyap ITech Business Analyst goals.
Provide project cost estimates.
Propose effective design solutions to
meet project goals.
Prepare design layouts and sketches
according to company design standards.
Ashish Kashyap ITech Designer
Keeping of records and files.
Documentation of daily activities.
Making kick-off meeting reports.
In-charge of materials needed for team
Ashish KAshyap ITech Staff building activities.
3. Managerial Process
The management objective is to deliver the product in time and of high quality. The PM and QAM work together to
achieve this by respectively checking that progress is made as planned and monitoring the quality of the product at
various stages.
In this project plan, a number of factors are taken into account. The following list shows the way milestones on
various project phases have been scheduled:
NOTE: Due to the deadline of December 28 th, running out of time will have its reflection on the product, and not on
the duration of the project. By assigning a priority to every user requirement, a selection can be made of user
requirements that may be dropped out if time runs out.
This section mentions any potential risks for the project. Also, schedules or methods are defined to prevent or to
reduce the risks as below:
i. Technology risk
ii. People risk
iii. Financial risk
iv. Market risk
v. Structure/process risk
The following are the possible risks to be encountered during the development of the project and how they can be
1. Miscommunication
Prevention: Team members should not hesitate to ask and re‐ask questions if things are unclear.
Team members should have a written copy of the tasks assigned to them every meeting.
Correction: When it becomes clear that miscommunication is causing problems, the team
members should gather in a meeting to clear things up.
2. Time shortage
Prevention: Care is taken to plan enough spare time. Correction: When tasks fail to be finished
in time or when they are finished earlier than planned the project planning is adjusted
3. Illness or absence of team members
Prevention: Team members should warn their team leader or the PM timely before a planned
period of absence.
Correction: Work can be taken over quickly by someone else or be distributed among the team
members if a person gets ill.
Progress Report
Progress report is done every Friday. This is meant to inform and show the progress in the
development of the project and how things are going.
4. Technical Process
The project will be implemented utilizing V-model methodology, and tools such as Dreamweaver, Microsoft
Project, Star UML, Java, MySQL, QTP, and Load Runner will be utilized. The risks for each category are listed to
complete the project successfully. For each risk, a description, a probability of occurrence, the associated action and
the impact of the risk are given.
Documentation such as Project Charter, Business Requirement Document, Functional Specification document, Cost
Benefit Analysis, Technical Specification document, Detail Design Document, Test Plan, Implementation Plan,
Detailed Project Report, and Benefit Realization document.
I. The project is accounted for project resources, technologies and tools required to whole analysis, implementation,
and test of the application.
II. The project lead will be rotated for each phase within 5 team members.
III. The document for all phases will be revised in subsequent phases if applicable.
Salary 80,000.00
Office Operations/Supplies/Equipment/Consumables 40,000.00
Miscellaneous 20,000.00
Total Rs. 140,000.00
1. Considering your immense expertise in software development, The Absolute Beginners Inc. has
recently allotted you a mega project. The goal of the project is to create a database of all Hindi films
released since 2000. The software would allow one to generate a list of top ten hit films, top ten flop
films, best comedy films, and so on. Using your prior experience, you have decided the approximate
sizes of each module of the software as follows:
Data entry (0.9 KDSI)
Data update (0.7 KDSI)
Query (0.9 KDSI)
Report generation and display (2 KDSI)
Also take into consideration the following cost drivers with their ratings:
Storage constraints (Low)
Experience in developing similar software (High)
Programming capabilities of the developers (High)
Application of software engineering methods (High)
Use of software tools (High)
(All other cost drivers have nominal rating).
1. Now answer the following:
Applying intermediate COCOMO estimate the effort required to develop this system.
Applying intermediate COCOMO estimate the time required to develop this system.
Calculate the phase wise effort percentage for the above application.
Applying intermediate COCOMO estimate the minimum size of the team you would require to
develop this system.
Assuming that your client would pay Rs. 50,000 per month of development, how much would be
the likely billing?
2. Prepare a Level 0 DFD of Movies database Management System.
3. Decompose into Level-1, Level-2 and Level-3 DFDs applicable wrt your SRS.
Analyze Online Movie Database Management System and prepare a SRS Document.
Software Requirements
Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................64
1.1. Purpose..........................................................................................................................64
1.2. Document Conventions.................................................................................................64
1.3. Product Scope................................................................................................................65
1.4. References......................................................................................................................65
2. History/Background Study (Sources of Domain Knowledge)..............................................66
2.1. Technical Literature.......................................................................................................66
2.2. Existing Applications.....................................................................................................66
2.3. Current/Future requirements..........................................................................................66
3. Overall Description................................................................................................................67
3.1. Product Functions..........................................................................................................67
3.1.1. Hardware Requirements..........................................................................................67
3.1.2. Software Requirements............................................................................................67
3.2. Functional Requirements...............................................................................................68
R: Online Social Networking System....................................................................................68
R1: Sign up/ Sign in...............................................................................................................68
R1.1: Create new account (for user)..................................................................................68
R1.2: Create new account (for admin)...............................................................................68
R1.3: Terms and Conditions..............................................................................................68
R1.3: Log in.......................................................................................................................68
R1.3.1: Forgot password................................................................................................68
R2: Account...........................................................................................................................69
R2.1: Profile.......................................................................................................................69
R2.1.1: Add or update profile photo..............................................................................69
R2.1.2: Add or edit bio..................................................................................................69
R2.1.3: Reviews and Ratings.........................................................................................69
R2.2: Settings.....................................................................................................................69
R2.2.1: Change email or password................................................................................69
R2.3: Display.....................................................................................................................69
R2.4: Help and Support.....................................................................................................69
R2.4.1: Report a problem...............................................................................................69
R2.4.2: Send feedback...................................................................................................69
R2.4.3: Search a query...................................................................................................70
R2.5: Log out.....................................................................................................................70
R2.6: Delete/Deactivate account.......................................................................................70
R3: Movie List.......................................................................................................................70
R3.1: Select category of top ten movies............................................................................70
R3.2: Search by category...................................................................................................71
R3.2.1: Search by name.................................................................................................71
R3.2.2: Search by genre.................................................................................................71
R3.3: Select movie.............................................................................................................71
R3.4: Read reviews............................................................................................................71
R3.4.1: Sort reviews......................................................................................................71
R4: Rate/Review a movie......................................................................................................71
R4.1: Write reviews...........................................................................................................71
R4.2: Give ratings..............................................................................................................71
R5: Admin functions..............................................................................................................71
R5.1: Add movies to database...........................................................................................71
R5.2: Remove reviews.......................................................................................................71
R5.3: Ban users..................................................................................................................72
R5.4: Users details.............................................................................................................72
3.3. Non-Functional Requirements.......................................................................................73
3.3.1. Correctness Requirement.........................................................................................73
3.3.2. Usability Requirement.............................................................................................73
3.3.3. Portability Requirement...........................................................................................73
3.3.4. Availability Requirement.........................................................................................73
3.3.5. Efficiency Requirement...........................................................................................73
3.3.6. Performance Requirement.......................................................................................73
3.3.7. Reliability Requirement...........................................................................................73
3.4. User Characteristics.......................................................................................................74
3.5. Design and Implementation Constraints........................................................................74
3.6. Assumption and Dependencies......................................................................................74
4. Interface Requirements..........................................................................................................75
4.1. User Interfaces...............................................................................................................75
4.1.1. Register/Sign-In Interface:.......................................................................................75
4.1.2. Movie List Interface:...............................................................................................75
4.1.3. User details Interface:..............................................................................................75
4.1.4. Movie Review Interface:.........................................................................................75
4.1.5. Movie Details Interface:..........................................................................................75
4.1.6. Support Interface:....................................................................................................75
4.1.7. Admin Interface:......................................................................................................75
4.2. Hardware Interfaces.......................................................................................................76
4.3. Software Interfaces........................................................................................................76
4.4. Communication Interfaces.............................................................................................76
4. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................76
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The software whose software requirement is mentioned in the system is the Online Movie Database
Management System. This is the 1.0 version of the software and is approved by the related authorities. The SRS
covers the complete description of the Online Movie Database Management System and this aims at creating a
combined database to search up latest movies at an ease.
This Online Movie Database Management System will be able to present lists to users based on their search
preferences. One can see lists of the top ten hit movies or top ten flop movies. The lists will be categorized
accordingly and the top ten of each genre will be presented.
1.4. References
Online Movie Database Management System is a software which allows users to generate lists of movies
according to genres selected.
Rotten Tomatoes
R1.3: Log in
Input: Email or phone number and password. Click on log in.
Output: Open home page of user. Send email to user if log in is done from a new device.
R2.1: Profile
Description— User can see their profile page, make edits, add posts.
R2.2: Settings
Description— User can change password or email.
R2.3: Display
Description— User can edit their display preferences like theme.
Input: Select theme.
Output: Theme applied.
For user:
Search movies.
Categorize movies into list view.
Read reviews.
Rate movies.
Write reviews.
For admin:
Add movies to the list.
Maintains community guidelines.
Any update will have to be recorded and the correct information must be updated and all the changes
must be done as soon as possible. There is no provision for saving incomplete data.
Users can access from any computer that has a stable internet connection and proper browsing
Coding is error free.
User must use their username and correct passwords.
User must have valid email address before making an account.
Hardware and software specifications of the running environment.
Correct data entered by all users.
4. Interface Requirements
4. Conclusion
Online Movie Database Management System is a software which will provide a simple interface to the user
for selecting movies. In the world of evolving technology, it will be an essential tool for all hindi movie
lovers where they can easily look up any movie and decide on what to watch.
Draw a use case diagram of library Management system using the staruml.
a) Gantt Chart
ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names Sep '21 Oct '21 Nov '21 Dec '21 Jan '22 Feb '22 Mar '22 Apr '22 May '22
30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23
1 Library Management 180 days Tue 07-09-21 Mon 16-05-22
2 System
Planning 44 days Tue 07-09-21 Fri 05-11-21 Alankriti
3 Feasibility Study 20 days Tue 07-09-21 Mon 04-10-21 Mallick,Arkadipta
4 Requirements 14 days Tue 05-10-21 Fri 22-10-21 3
5 Analysis
Requirements 10 days Mon 25-10-21 Fri 05-11-21 4
6 Specification
Visual Modelling 14 days Mon 08-11-21Thu 25-11-21 2 Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul
7 Design DFD 14 days Mon 08-11-21 Thu 25-11-21
8 Design Class Diagram 7 days Mon 08-11-21 Tue 16-11-21
9 Design Use case 7 days Mon 08-11-21 Tue 16-11-21
10 Diagram
Design Activity 7 days Mon 08-11-21 Tue 16-11-21
11 Diagram
Design Statechart 7 days Mon 08-11-21 Tue 16-11-21
12 Diagram
Design Sequence 7 days Mon 08-11-21 Tue 16-11-21
13 Diagram
Design 30 days Fri 26-11-21 Thu 06-01-22 2,6 Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul
14 Design Database 30 days Fri 26-11-21 Thu 06-01-22
15 Design GUI 20 days Fri 26-11-21 Thu 23-12-21
16 Coding 45 days Fri 07-01-22 Thu 10-03-22 13
17 Database Coding 45 days Fri 07-01-22 Thu 10-03-22 13 Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul
18 GUI Coding 40 days Fri 07-01-22 Thu 03-03-22
19 Testing 42 days Fri 11-03-22 Mon 09-05-22 17,16
20 Unit Testing 21 days Fri 11-03-22 Fri 08-04-22
21 Integrated Testing 21 days Mon 11-04-22 Mon 09-05-22 20
22 Deployment 5 days Tue 10-05-22 Mon 16-05-22 19 Arkadipta Paul,Alankriti Mallick Arkadipta Paul,
In the project, a system has to be designed to support library management system. The software application to
be made consists of at least three main functions, which must interact using the internet. The application may
involve the basic e-commerce activities, such as members’ login, browsing, issuing and reserving books. The
entire system has to be developed (in JAVA) in a way that it is easy to maintain and extend.
I. Project Overview
This project is to create a prototype of library management system. It is an online application like a virtual
library on the Internet where customers can borrow books and as well as read books with interest. The
customer can create their own user id for accessing this system frequently. The customer will be asked to
fill payment information of fine for late returning the books such as credit card number. A notification is
sent to the customer’s email as soon as the transaction will be done and every time notification will be
sent to the users after a successful reserving of a book.
This document will be updated as the project progresses. Updates should be expected in the following
i. References - updated as necessary.
ii. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations - updated as necessary.
iii. Organizational Structure will be updated as the team leaders are assigned for each phase.
iv. Technical Process - this section will be revised appropriately as the requirements and design
decisions become clearer.
v. Schedule – as the project progresses, the schedule will be updated accordingly.
Revision History
Revision Date Updated By Update Comments
0.1 03.09.2021 Ashutosh Kumar First Draft
IV. References
2. Project Organization
I. Process Model
The process used for this project will be a V-model such that each stage of the model allows us to do
testing after completing a phase. Referring to the diagram below, each phase is tested after completion.
II. Organizational Structure
Team Members –
i. Alankriti Mallick
ii. Arkadipta Paul
Name Contact Information
ITech Project [email protected]
Ashish Kashyap
Manager 8420234363
Team leaders throughout each development of the phases will be responsible for coordinating team
meetings, updates, communications, and team deliverables.
For the most vital responsibilities per phase of each team members, please refer to segment 2.2.
Ultimately the project team is responsible for the successful delivery of the product. The team member
tasks per deliverable according to expertise and the phases are as given below:
1. Project Plan – Whole Team
2. Requirements Specification – TBD
3. Analysis – TBD
4. Architecture Specification – TBD
5. Component/Object Specification – TBD
6. Source Code – TBD
7. Test Plan – TBD
8. Final Deliverable – Entire Team
Name Role/Responsibilities
Managing and leading the
project team.
Developing and maintaining
a detailed project plan.
Monitoring project progress
ITech Project and performance.
Ashish Kashyap
Manager Managing project evaluation
and dissemination activities.
Develop corrective actions
when necessary.
Prepare reports on project
plans, status, progress, risks,
deadlines and resource
Develop and perform work
flow analysis to find out the
ITech Business difficulties in reaching
Ashish Kashyap goals.
Provide project cost
Propose effective design
solutions to meet project
Ashish Kashyap ITech Designer Prepare design layouts and
sketches according to
company design standards.
Keeping of records and files.
Documentation of daily
Making kick-off meeting
Ashish Kashyap ITech Staff In-charge of materials
needed for team building
3. Managerial Process
The management objective is to deliver the product in time and of high quality. The PM and QAM work
together to achieve this by respectively checking that progress is made as planned and monitoring the
quality of the product at various stages.
In this project plan, a number of factors are taken into account. The following list shows the way
milestones on various project phases have been scheduled:
NOTE: Due to the deadline of May 16th, running out of time will have its reflection on the product, and
not on the duration of the project. By assigning a priority to every user requirement, a selection can be
made of user requirements that may be dropped out if time runs out.
This section mentions any potential risks for the project. Also, schedules or methods are defined to
prevent or to reduce the risks as below:
i. Technology risk
ii. People risk
iii. Financial risk
iv. Market risk
v. Structure/process risk
The following are the possible risks to be encountered during the development of the project and how they
can be prevented.
1. Miscommunication
Prevention: Team members should not hesitate to ask and re‐ask questions if things are
unclear. Team members should have a written copy of the tasks assigned to them every
Correction: When it becomes clear that miscommunication is causing problems, the team
members should gather in a meeting to clear things up.
2. Time shortage
Prevention: Care is taken to plan enough spare time. Correction: When tasks fail to be
finished in time or when they are finished earlier than planned the project planning is
3. Illness or absence of team members
Prevention: Team members should warn their team leader or the PM timely before a
planned period of absence.
Correction: Work can be taken over quickly by someone else or be distributed among the
team members if a person gets ill.
Progress Report
Progress report is done every Friday. This is meant to inform and show the progress
in the development of the project and how things are going.
4. Technical Process
The project will be implemented utilizing V-model methodology, and tools such as Dreamweaver,
Microsoft Project, Star UML, Java, MySQL, QTP, and Load Runner will be utilized. The risks for each
category are listed to complete the project successfully. For each risk, a description, a probability of
occurrence, the associated action and the impact of the risk are given.
I. The project is accounted for project resources, technologies and tools required to whole analysis,
implementation, and test of the application.
II. The document for all phases will be revised in subsequent phases if applicable.
Salary 2,40,000.00
Office Operations/Supplies/Equipment/Consumables 50,000.00
Miscellaneous 10,000.00
Total Rs. 300,000.00
Weighting Factor
Measurement parameter Count simple average complex Choice
# of user inputs 4 X 3 4 6 3 = 12
# of user outputs 6 X 4 5 7 4 = 24
# of user inquiries 3 X 3 4 6 3 = 9
# of files 1 X 7 10 15 7 = 7
# of external interfaces 2 X 5 7 10 5 = 10
Count-total (UFP)= 62
KLOC 3.72
a 2.4
b 1.05
c 0.38
Multimedia information like text, audio, video, and any combination of those are most pervasive
in almost every application field namely Computer, Network, Smartphone, and elsewhere. We
also require a high degree of privacy of our own document. There is a problem with how such a
document can be protected from unauthorized access. Of course, there are many methods such as using
passwords, smartcards, biometrics, etc. are known. Nevertheless, the existing methods have their own
limitations as robustness and cost issues. This project would aim to devise a (new) method and develop
a user-friendly and cost-effective solution to the problem.
• A detailed profile of the user, who wishes to protect the document. The profile template will
be finalized after a careful discussion with the team member (i.e., a software engineer here).
• If any other input that might require.
• Document itself to be protected.
• Encryption of document
• Decryption of document
• Opening a document under the protection
• Deleting a document under the protection
• Copying a document under the protection
• Document after encryption
• Document after decryption
• Result on opening a document: success or failure; locking for three unsuccessful attempts
• Results on deleting a document under protection: success or failure; locking for three unsuccessful
• Results on copying a document under protection: success or failure; locking for three unsuccessful
a) Draw a Gantt chart for a “Hospital Management System” using MS Project.
b) Prepare a SPMP to plan the project.
c) Estimate the size, time, cost, effort and staff requirements using Function point metric and
d) Draft a test plan illustrating all test cases.
ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names Dec '21 Jan '22 Feb '22 Mar '22 Apr '22 May '22 Jun '22 Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Oct '22 Nov '22
06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 31 07 14
1 Hospital Management 235 days Thu 09-12-21 Wed
2 System
Planning 32 days 02-11-22
Thu 09-12-21 Fri 21-01-22 Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul,Alan Mallick
3 Feasibility Study 15 days Thu 09-12-21 Wed 29-12-21
4 Requirements 10 days Thu 30-12-21 Wed 12-01-22 3
5 Analysis
Requirements 7 days Thu 13-01-22 Fri 21-01-22 4
6 Specification
Make Visual Diagrams 15 days Mon Fri 11-02-22 2 Alan Mallick,Alankriti
7 Make Data Flow 15 days 24-01-22
Mon 24-01-22 Fri 11-02-22 Mallick,Arkadipta
8 Diagram
Make Class Diagram 7 days Mon 24-01-22 Tue 01-02-22
9 Make Use-case 7 days Mon 24-01-22 Tue 01-02-22
10 diagram
Make State chart 7 days Mon 24-01-22 Tue 01-02-22
11 diagram
Make activity 7 days Mon 24-01-22 Tue 01-02-22
12 diagram
Design 40 days Mon 14-02-22Fri 08-04-22 6 Alan Mallick,Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul
13 Design GUI 40 days Mon 14-02-22 Fri 08-04-22
14 Design Database 30 days Mon 14-02-22 Fri 25-03-22
15 Coding 59 days Mon 11-04-22Thu 30-06-22 6,12 Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul,Alan Mallick
16 Code Different 30 days Mon 11-04-22 Fri 20-05-22
17 modules
Code Database 30 days Mon 11-04-22 Fri 20-05-22
18 Code GUI 30 days Mon 11-04-22 Fri 20-05-22
19 Make prototype 15 days Mon 23-05-22 Fri 10-06-22 16
20 Get client feedback 7 days Mon 13-06-22 Tue 21-06-22 19
21 Incorporate 7 days Wed 22-06-22 Thu 30-06-22 20
22 feedback
Testing 87 days Fri 01-07-22 Mon 31-10-2215 Alan Mallick,Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul
23 Unit Testing 5 days Fri 01-07-22 Thu 07-07-22 20
24 Integrated testing 10 days Fri 08-07-22 Thu 21-07-22 23
25 Alpha Testing 14 days Fri 22-07-22 Wed 10-08-2224
26 Get feedback 7 days Fri 22-07-22 Mon 01-08-22
27 Incorporate 7 days Tue 02-08-22 Wed 10-08-22 26
28 feedback
Beta Testing 21 days Thu 11-08-22 Thu 08-09-22 25
29 Get feedback 14 days Thu 11-08-22 Tue 30-08-22
30 Incorporate 7 days Wed 31-08-22 Thu 08-09-22 29
31 feedback Testing
Acceptance 37 days Fri 09-09-22 Mon 28
32 Get feedback 30 days 31-10-22
Fri 09-09-22 Thu 20-10-22
33 Incorporate 7 days Fri 21-10-22 Mon 31-10-22 32
34 feedback
Deployment 2 days Tue 01-11-22 Wed 02-11-22 22 Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul,Alan Mallick Alankriti Mallick,Arkadipta Paul,Alan Mallick
In the project, a system has to be designed to support hospital management system. The software application to
be made consists of at least three main functions, which must interact using the internet. The application may
involve the basic activities, such as users’ login, browsing, booking appointments, giving attendance. The entire
system has to be developed (in JAVA) in a way that it is easy to maintain and extend.
I. Project Overview
This project is to create a prototype of hospital management system. It system is a computer system that
helps manage the information related to health care and aids in the job completion of health care providers
effectively. They manage the data related to all departments of healthcare such as, Clinical. Financial.
Laboratory. The system automatically generates a highly-efficient process and makes it quick. Thereby,
allowing hospitals to provide quality service in addition to professional medical care. In a nutshell,
Hospital Management System (HMS) creates a frictionless approach towards managing the entire hospital
and solves all complexities in the process.
This document will be updated as the project progresses. Updates should be expected in the following
vi. References - updated as necessary.
vii. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations - updated as necessary.
viii. Organizational Structure will be updated as the team leaders are assigned for each phase.
ix. Technical Process - this section will be revised appropriately as the requirements and design
decisions become clearer.
x. Schedule – as the project progresses, the schedule will be updated accordingly.
Revision History
Revision Date Updated By Update Comments
0.1 09.12.2021 Ashish Kashyap First Draft
IV. References
7. Project Organization
I. Process Model
The process used for this project will be a V-model such that each stage of the model allows us to do
testing after completing a phase. Referring to the diagram below, each phase is tested after completion.
II. Organizational Structure
Team Members –
i. Ashutosh Kumar
ii. Komal Tater
iii. Gopal Murarka
Name Contact Information
ITech Project [email protected]
Ashutosh Kumar
Manager 8420234363
Team leaders throughout each development of the phases will be responsible for coordinating team
meetings, updates, communications, and team deliverables.
For the most vital responsibilities per phase of each team members, please refer to segment 2.2.
Ultimately the project team is responsible for the successful delivery of the product. The team member
tasks per deliverable according to expertise and the phases are as given below:
9. Project Plan – Whole Team
10. Requirements Specification – TBD
11. Analysis – TBD
12. Architecture Specification – TBD
13. Component/Object Specification – TBD
14. Source Code – TBD
15. Test Plan – TBD
16. Final Deliverable – Entire Team
Name Role/Responsibilities
Managing and leading the
project team.
Developing and maintaining
a detailed project plan.
Monitoring project progress
ITech Project and performance.
Manager Managing project evaluation
and dissemination activities.
Develop corrective actions
when necessary.
Prepare reports on project
plans, status, progress, risks,
deadlines and resource
Develop and perform work
flow analysis to find out the
ITech Business difficulties in reaching
Ashu goals.
Provide project cost
Propose effective design
solutions to meet project
Prepare design layouts and
Ashu ITech Designer sketches according to
company design standards.
Keeping of records and files.
Documentation of daily
Making kick-off meeting
Ashu ITech Staff In-charge of materials
needed for team building
8. Managerial Process
The management objective is to deliver the product in time and of high quality. The PM and QAM work
together to achieve this by respectively checking that progress is made as planned and monitoring the
quality of the product at various stages.
In this project plan, a number of factors are taken into account. The following list shows the way
milestones on various project phases have been scheduled:
NOTE: Due to the deadline of November 4 th, running out of time will have its reflection on the product,
and not on the duration of the project. By assigning a priority to every user requirement, a selection can be
made of user requirements that may be dropped out if time runs out.
This section mentions any potential risks for the project. Also, schedules or methods are defined to
prevent or to reduce the risks as below:
i. Technology risk
ii. People risk
iii. Financial risk
iv. Market risk
v. Structure/process risk
The following are the possible risks to be encountered during the development of the project and how they
can be prevented.
4. Miscommunication
Prevention: Team members should not hesitate to ask and re‐ask questions if things are
unclear. Team members should have a written copy of the tasks assigned to them every
Correction: When it becomes clear that miscommunication is causing problems, the team
members should gather in a meeting to clear things up.
5. Time shortage
Prevention: Care is taken to plan enough spare time. Correction: When tasks fail to be
finished in time or when they are finished earlier than planned the project planning is
6. Illness or absence of team members
Prevention: Team members should warn their team leader or the PM timely before a
planned period of absence.
Correction: Work can be taken over quickly by someone else or be distributed among the
team members if a person gets ill.
Progress Report
Progress report is done every Friday. This is meant to inform and show the progress
in the development of the project and how things are going.
9. Technical Process
The project will be implemented utilizing V-model methodology, and tools such as Dreamweaver,
Microsoft Project, Star UML, Java, MySQL, QTP, and Load Runner will be utilized. The risks for each
category are listed to complete the project successfully. For each risk, a description, a probability of
occurrence, the associated action and the impact of the risk are given.
II. Software Documentation
I. The project is accounted for project resources, technologies and tools required to whole analysis,
implementation, and test of the application.
II. The document for all phases will be revised in subsequent phases if applicable.
Salary 4,80,000.00
Office Operations/Supplies/Equipment/Consumables 2,40,000.00
Miscellaneous 80,000.00
Total Rs. 800,000.00
R1.2: Sign In
Input: Email and password.
Output: Redirect to attendance page. Display error message if inputs are incorrect.
R2: Attendance
Description – User can upload attendance and download attendance. User can add a new course to their list.
R3: Courses
Description: A course is uniquely identified by its batch and id. The user can upload a course for which they
wish to track the attendance or delete a course whose session is over.
R3.1: Upload Course
Input: Fill in course id, name and batch. Click on create course.
Output: Display status message. Display error if mistake is made while filling the form.
R3.2: Delete Course
Input: Select course from drop down menu. Click delete.
Output: Display course id and batch. Display confirmatory message after deletion.
R4: Help
Description: This section contains details and instructions about each field and form.
Input: Select section.
Output: Display details about that section.
R5: Logout
Description: User can log out of their account when they have finished their work.
Input: Select Logout.
Output: Display Login page.
R4: Insert
Description – User can insert signature, rubber stamp or stamp into the document. User has to first upload the
necessary picture which would be used for stamping.
R4.1: Signature
Input: User selects signature and draws a box in the document.
Output: Signature made in that box.
R4.2: Rubber stamp
Input: User selects rubber stamp option and draws a box in the document.
Output: Stamp appears on document.
R3.3: Stamp
Input: User selects stamp option and draws a box in the document.
Output: Stamp appears on document.