UnityMag - Jul - Aug - Catherine Ponder
UnityMag - Jul - Aug - Catherine Ponder
UnityMag - Jul - Aug - Catherine Ponder
Katy Koontz: Most people think of you are experiencing peace, health, KK: Tithing—giving 10 percent of
money and finances when they think and plenty in your world. In Charles your gross income to the source of
of prosperity, but you advise not Fillmore’s book Prosperity, he your spiritual sustenance—is a key
limiting the definition in this way. Why describes the power of prosperous part of your prosperity teaching. You
is having a broader view important? thinking in this way: “Turn the great make the point that tithing generates
energy of the thinking upon ideas prosperity only when you give
Catherine Ponder: The word prosper of plenty, and you will have plenty— gratefully and without fear instead of
in its root means “wholeness.” You regardless of what people about you out of obligation. What advice do you
are prosperous to the degree that are doing or saying.” have for anxious tithers?
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CP: It is KK: You teach that affirmations
through the law spoken aloud have more power than
of giving and those affirmations we merely think to
receiving that ourselves. Why is that so?
we demonstrate
prosperity, and CP: The spoken word releases the
the first step energy you keep inside when you’re
of receiving is just thinking about it. It releases that
giving. The act energy into the universe, letting it go, so
of giving moves it can return to you fulfilled. The most
on universal powerful technique of all, however,
substance and is when you combine the power of
starts substance the spoken word with the power of
flowing back the written word and the power of
to you in some imagination. Picture what you want
appropriate form. in your mind, write out your desires
We are never on paper, and then speak the word out
impoverished loud daily.
by giving, only
enriched, and there KK: You link forgiveness and prosperity,
is always something which is a connection I think most
we can give. people don’t make. What’s the higher
As I wrote in The truth at work here?
Secret of Unlimited
Prosperity, when you CP: In a pamphlet called A True
think you can’t afford Remedy, Charles Fillmore wrote
to tithe, that’s when that by sitting quietly every day and
you cannot afford not dwelling on forgiveness, all sorts of
to tithe. Tithing releases physical, emotional, financial, and
unlimited supply. You must other problems could be resolved.
share your substance to People sometimes say, “But I cannot
insure continuation of it. Sharing forgive—not yet.” Release is the topside
and expectancy are the beginning of of forgiveness; when unable to forgive,
financial increase because when you begin releasing, loosening, letting go.
share, you can and should expect a new Try this affirmation: Christ in me (the
supply to come to you. Your faith and spirit of Truth) is my forgiving power. So
expectancy open the way. It is the law I fully and freely forgive, loose, and let go
of the universe. Just as you must give to and let God.
make way to receive, you cannot give A schoolteacher, after hearing a
anything without getting something in lecture on forgiveness, told me, “I am
return for it. going home and forgiving everybody
There’s much more to be said about I know!”
tithing, of course. L.E. Meyer’s booklet, I thought, Good luck, dear. Good
As You Tithe, So You Prosper, contained luck. I noticed that she did not appear
the information and inspiration at our weekly lectures again for several
needed to move me to begin tithing. weeks. When she finally showed up, I
I continue to suggest that booklet to asked her, “How are things?”
people who inquire about the subject, “I feel terrible,” the schoolteacher
which is the one I am most asked replied. “I have been practicing that
about by my readers. forgiveness you talked about and I
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just didn’t know that I hated so my prosperity prayers or that I had KK: Of all your numerous books, do
many people.” entered my boss’s name for mayor with you have a favorite?
Silent Unity.)
KK: I want to ask about CP: My first book became my long-
chemicalization—a cleansing process KK: You have so many stories of term best-seller. It was the result of
that takes place when everything people who have used prosperity having taught prosperity classes during
seems to be going counter to what you consciousness with fabulous results. a recession in the late 1950s. People
are affirming for and intending. Why What’s your all-time favorite story? came from all over to attend that class!
does that happen? As they began to quietly relate the
CP: One of my favorite stories is about results they were experiencing, I made
CP: In chemicalization, a situation a gentleman who at the age of 50 went notes, and then I wrote prosperity
worsening is actually a part of its from rags to riches in 10 years. After articles for the Unity publications.
improvement. When people begin he attended my prosperity lecture, he Out of those articles was born The
to practice right thinking, there’s started tithing. Before he’d been going Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, published
a clash between the old and new from job to job, but he soon got a job by Prentice Hall in 1962. As George
ways of thinking that sets up a he liked—for the first time in his life— Carpenter, longtime editor of Unity
chemical reaction in mind, body, as a salesman for a steel company. His Magazine back in the day, declared,
and affairs. The dominant negative wife’s poor health began to improve, so “It’s fine to write about physical and
thought patterns that live in the there were fewer medical bills to pay. emotional healings, but we also
subconscious—such as strong fears, need to know how to heal the sick
willfulness, prejudice, jealousy, and pocketbook.” This book shows us how.
resentment—get stirred up. These old A few of my other favorites have
emotions have been in place for so RIGHT been Prospering Power of Love
long that they don’t want to give up (Unity Books, 1966), Open Your
without a fight. Chemicalization is THINKING Mind to Prosperity (Unity Books,
uncomfortable, but it’s a natural and 1971), Open Your Mind to Receive
positive process. If you don’t panic or COULD (DeVorss, 1983), and Pray and Grow
try to resist the process, you will get Rich (Parker, 1968), since updated
through it and something higher and
better will always result—so be grateful
LEAD TO and retitled as The Dynamic Laws of
Prayer (DeVorss, 1987).
it’s happening. Think of it as a kind of
RIGHT KK: How did you first hear about the
prosperity consciousness, what was CP: When I was young and my mother
the first outcome you experienced that was raising three small children, she
impressed you in a big way? In two years, the local dealership of the became quite ill. My father met an
steel company he worked for became electrical engineer who came to
CP: After I began to study the Unity available. He borrowed the money inspect the Carolina Power and Light
prosperity teachings, I got my first necessary to buy out the dealership Company substation he operated in
raise as a legal secretary. I worked for a and became the owner of his own North Carolina. My father told him
lawyer who was a graduate from Duke company! Soon, he was able to start an about my mother’s daunting health
and Harvard law schools. He was slow investment program for himself and problems. The engineer pulled an
to give raises, so I considered that raise his family. He continued to tithe and to issue of Unity Magazine out of his hip
from $25 a week to $27.50 a triumph. affirm for the best, and even when he pocket, handed it to my father, and
Later when he became mayor, the city had losses, he would soon realize even said, “Call these people in Kansas City,
also started paying me as secretary to greater gains. Twelve years after he and they will pray with you about your
the mayor. So I ended up making $50 a began to tithe, he became financially wife’s health.”
week. (Meanwhile, no one knew that I independent. He truly tithed his way “But we are Presbyterian,” my father
had contacted Silent Unity concerning to a greater good. told the engineer.
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“That doesn’t matter,” the School in the 1950s. He was the most CP: My teaching hasn’t changed one
engineer said. “These people are outstanding to me. He had a bombastic bit since I started teaching about
nondenominational and will be glad personality and taught a noncredit prosperity in the 1950s. I’ve never
to pray for your wife.” He did, and “exercise class” that consisted of deviated from it. And there’s nothing
a few days later, my mother was up doing exercise to affirmations with new about the questions I get. In fact,
and around, functioning properly piano accompaniment. He talked I’m now receiving letters from the
again. (She lived to the age of 80 and about the power of affirmations, children and grandchildren of my
was active until her passing.) After treasure mapping (or vision boards), original readers! Everybody still has the
that, whenever a problem arose in and tithing, and he gave wonderful same needs, and they’re still looking for
the family, my father would say to illustrations of people he knew who answers to the same problems.
my mother, “Contact those people in had proved the power of such use. Dr.
Kansas City and tell them to straighten Dale, an early chiropractor, had been KK: What in your work now brings
out this problem.” My mother a personal student of the legendary you the most joy?
dutifully did so and the problem got Bernard Mayfaden, a well-known
“straightened out.” health guru of that era. He had also CP: I get the most joy hearing from
My mother kept leaving Unity been a close associate of Charles my readers and answering their letters.
publications around our house because Fillmore, working as his business I enjoy writing the Unity Church
she thought my father “needed” them, manager in the early years of Unity. Worldwide monthly newsletter, Keys to
but he never took the hint. I eventually Prosperity, which I’ve been doing since
wondered what kind of “propaganda” KK: For a long time, you didn’t give 1973. I include a monthly message
my mother was leaving for my father, your age. Why was that? and letters from my readers on their
so I finally picked up an issue of Unity success from using my teachings. The
Magazine. I thought, Wow! Why didn’t CP: I have not needed to dwell on my newsletter goes out to thousands
Mother tell me what’s in this literature? age since it has been correctly listed of people globally, and we receive
This is what I have believed all my life. in Who’s Who for the past 50 years. hundreds of letters every week about
After that I became an avid reader On February 14 of this year, I turned the demonstrations readers have
of Unity literature and books. In 1950, 90. I am still working from my home received from my books, along with
I attended a retreat at Unity Village in Palm Springs, California, doing prayer requests for additional help in
with others from around the world and a bit of socializing and so on. My their everyday lives.
had the revelation that made a believer son, Richard Thrower, and his lovely
of me. I returned in the early 1950s wife Karen live nearby. In an era
to attend what was then called Unity when people were “old” in their 40s,
Training School. I became a licensed Charles Fillmore lived to almost 94,
Unity minister in 1957 and was and Myrtle Fillmore lived to 86. Both
ordained by Lowell Fillmore, son had been diagnosed with “incurable”
of Unity founders Charles Fillmore conditions, but they proved that right
and Myrtle Fillmore, in 1958. thinking could lead to right living.
KK: What then-living person most
influenced you while you were studying KK: Has your teaching changed at
to be a Unity minister? all over time? And are the questions
asked of you from those in this new
CP: I had the opportunity to observe generation any different from those
Dr. George LeRoy Dale at Unity of past generations?
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