The academic year is divided into four terms. The evaluation of the child’s progress is based on the formal examinations which will be held at the end of
each term.
There will be four formal examinations in a session –
Pre Mid-Term Assessments-1 (PT1) - This will include the entire syllabus of Term-1.
Mid-Term Assessments (MT) – This is cumulative in nature and includes the entire syllabus of Term-1 & Term-2.
Post Mid-Term Assessments - This will include the syllabus of Term-3 only.
Annual Examinations (AE) – This will be cumulative in nature and will include the entire syllabus from Term-1 to Term-4.
Evaluation of Academic Subjects in Class XI
7+7 3 5 3 5 30
July LAWS OF MOTION Discuss the definitions of force 5. To study the relationship 05
and mass and to state Newton’s between force of limiting
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Period & Topics of SCMs
Chapter–5: Laws of laws of motion. friction and normal reaction
Motion Know that forces always occur in and to find the co- efficient of
Intuitive concept of force. action – reaction pairs and act on friction between a block and a
Inertia, Newton’s first law of different bodies, so that they never horizontal surface.
motion; momentum and can act as balancing forces for a
Newton’s second law of body.
motion; impulse; Newton’s 6. To find the downward force,
Discuss the law of conservation of along an inclined plane, acting
third law of motion. Law of momentum and its various
conservation of linear on a roller due to gravitational
applications. pull of the earth and study its
momentum and its
applications. Know the meaning of an inertial relationship with the angle of
reference frame. inclination θ by plotting graph
Discuss how pesudo forces arise in between force and sin θ.
accelerated frames.
Apply Newton’s laws in a
systematic way to the solution of a
variety of mechanics problems.
Know that the maximum static
friction force and the kinetic
friction force are proportional to
the normal.
Equilibrium of concurrent
forces. Static and kinetic
friction, laws of friction,
rolling friction, lubrication.
Dynamics of uniform
circular motion: Centripetal
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Period & Topics of SCMs
force, examples of circular
motion (vehicle on level
circular road, vehicle on
banked road).
Calculate the potential energy for 9. To study variation of time 10 Work, power &
September Gravitational potential
energy; gravitational a system of particles. period of a simple pendulum of energy
potential. Escape velocity, a given length by taking bobs
Derive expression for escape Gravitation
orbital velocity of a satellite. speed. of same size but different
Geo-stationary satellites. masses and interpret the result.
State Kepler’s three empirical laws
of planetary motion and derive the Art Integrated Learning
second and the third laws.
Creative use of colours to show
Calculate the various parameters space, atmosphere. (
associated with motion of
satellites. Section A (ACTIVITIES)
Discuss how weightlessness arises 1. To make a paper scale of
in satellites. given least count, e.g., 0.2cm,
Discuss gravitational and inertial 0.5 cm.
mass. 2. To determine mass of a given
body using a metre scale by
principle of moments.
TERM-III (27.09.2021 TO 24.12.2021) CLASS- XI, PHYSICS
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Period & Topics of SCMs
October MOTION OF SYSTEM Add and subtract vectors using the Section A (ACTIVITIES) 18 Topics of SCMs
OF PARTICLES AND parallelogram law of addition.
4. To measure the force of Motion of System of
Obtain the rectangular components limiting friction for rolling of particles & Rigid
Chapter–7: System of of vectors and use them in addition a roller on a horizontal Bodies
Particles and Rotational and subtraction. plane.
Motion Properties of bulk
Obtain correctly the dot and cross 5. To study the variation in matter
Centre of mass of a two- products of two given vectors. range of a projectile with
particle system, momentum angle of projection. Thermal Properties &
conservation and centre of apply the conservation of angular Thermodynamics
mass motion. Centre of mass momentum of problems in which 6. To study the conservation
the moment of inertia changes of energy of a ball rolling Kinetic theory
of a rigid body; centre of mass
of a uniform rod. Moment of a down on an inclined plane
know the condition for rolling
force, torque, angular (using a double inclined
without slipping and be able to PT 2 (21.12.21)
momentum, law of plane).
apply it in working problems
conservation of angular involving translation and rotation. 7. To study dissipation of Motion of System of
momentum and its energy of a simple particles & Rigid
applications. Discuss interatomic and bodies
pendulum by plotting a
intermolecular forces and how
Equilibrium of rigid bodies, graph between square of Mechanical Properties
various physical properties of
rigid body rotation and amplitude and time. of Solids
matter can be understood in their
equations of rotational
terms. Mechanical Properties
motion, comparison of linear
and rotational motions. Know the broad classification of Art Integrated Learning of Fluids
solids. Forms of movement and
Moment of inertia, radius of
gyration, values of moments Define elasticity, stress and strain. dance
of inertia for simple
Define young’s modulus, shear Formal, exhibitionistic
geometrical objects (no
modulus and bulk modulus. dance with trained dancers
derivation). Statement of
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome Activity
Period & Topics of SCMs
parallel and perpendicular (Classical traditions) –To
axes theorems and their show the centre of mass
applications. (
February OSCILLATIONS AND Show that the beat frequency equals the Art Integrated Learning 10
WAVES (continuation) difference between the two frequencies Objects of day-to-day
Beats. Doppler’s effect producing the beats. use in groups and in
Derive expressions for the Doppler different settings and
frequency shift for a moving source or a arrangements.
moving receiver, and us these expressions (
in working problems.