Business Environment v2

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Level 5
BTEC Higher Nationals

Programme: Business

Module: Business Environment


Date for Submission: 29th October 2010

Assignment set by Colin Price
Learning Outcomes

To achieve a pass in this unit the student must:

LO 1 Identify the mission, objectives and responsibilities of an organisation

within its environment
LO 2 Investigate the economic, social and global environment in which
organisations operate
LO 3 Investigate the behaviour of organisations and the market environment
LO 4 Explore the significance of international trade and the European
dimension for UK businesses

Task 1 – The mission, objectives and responsibilities of an organisation

Learning Outcome 1 (1000 words)

Choose an organisation with which you are familiar: either the one where you
currently work, a previous employer or one for which you have access to the
required information. For this organisation:

a) Explain the organisation’s objectives and critically evaluate how these relate
to its mission and values.

b) List the organisation’s principal stakeholders. How are they able to influence
and monitor its mission and objectives?

c) How does the organisation ensure that its social responsibilities are met?

Task 2 – The economic, social and global environment

Learning Outcome 2 (1000 words)

a) Explain the concept of the mixed economy using examples to support your
answer. What do you conclude?

b) Using examples, evaluate how government interventions in macro-economic

policy can impact on levels of employment.

c) Explain how your own country balances its policy requirements for social
welfare with those for industrial and trade development.
Task 3 – The behaviour of organisations and the market environment
Learning Outcome 3 (1000 words)

Choose an industry with which you are familiar: either the one in which you
currently work, or another one for which you have access to the required
information. For this industry:

a) Identify three distinct areas in which new technologies have impacted on

your industry. How have organisations responded to remain competitive?

b) Explain the meaning of perfect competition. Evaluate the extent to which

your chosen industry’s structure fits with your definition?

c) Identify three regulatory mechanisms that are in force across the industry.
How is compliance monitored?

Task 4 – The significance of international trade and the European dimension

for UK businesses
Learning Outcome 4 (1000 words)

a) Explain the implications of the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) for
businesses operating in its member states.

b) Describe and discuss the main cultural factors that would influence an
international organisation starting to do business in your country

c) Critically evaluate the impact of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on UK


Student Guidelines

1. You should write this assignment in report style, although a formal report
structure will not be required.
2. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to
reference their source.

3. You should include a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.

4. All tasks must be completed in the word limit of 4000 words excluding table of
contents, diagrams, references and appendices.


As well as the online courseware, you will find that the companion textbook
includes a lot of useful information. You could also explore the EBSCO Business
Source Elite resource available on iLearn.

You may also wish to locate and use web sites relating to:

• Organisations used as examples. These sites will often include: mission

statements, statutory financial reports and statements relating to corporate
social responsibility.
• Industry regulators.
• Consumer groups.
• Media (e.g. and online newspapers) that cover business and
economic topics.
• The European Union.
Grading Criteria ~ Module 4 – The Business Environment
To achieve a PASS GRADE the evidence must show To achieve a MERIT GRADE the evidence must show To achieve a DISTINCTION GRADE the evidence must
that the student is able to meet all of the learning outcomes: that the student is able to: Show that the student is able to:
LO 1 Identify the mission, objectives and M1 – Present and Communicate Findings D1 - Use critical reflection to evaluate your own
responsibilities of an organisation within its • A clear and well-structured report work & justify valid conclusions
environment • Use of Harvard referencing throughout
• identify the mission, values and key objectives of M2- Identify and apply strategies to find • There is a high level of critical analysis and
an organisation and assess the influence of appropriate solutions argument.
stakeholders • Material is well-focussed • Theory and practice are well-integrated
• evaluate the extent to which an organization • Discussions progress logically to clear • In depth analysis of the example organisation,
achieves the objectives of stakeholders conclusions. using a range of frameworks leads to clear and
• explain the responsibilities of an organisation and • The relationship between an organisation compelling conclusions.
strategies employed to meet them and its operating environment is
LO 2 Investigate the economic, social and global demonstrated through detailed analysis of D2 – take responsibility for managing and
environment in which organisations operate the example. organising activities.
• explain how economic systems attempt to allocate M3 – Select design and apply appropriate
and make effective use of resources methods/techniques • Extensive use of quality information sources
• discuss the impact of social welfare and industrial • Some evidence of reading beyond the • Assignment well-structured and presented
policy initiatives on organisations and the wider basic course materials • Assignment is completed fully to deadline
community • Ability to select and apply appropriate
• evaluate the impact of macro economic policy theories and models to address the D3 – demonstrate convergent, lateral & creative
measures and the influence of the global economy learning outcomes. thinking.
on organisations and stakeholders • Ideas are evaluated for their validity & realism
LO 3 Investigate the behaviour of organisations and in the context of the organisation or industry
the market environment • Understanding of limitations of theories and
• explain how market structures in practice deviate models that are applied.
from the model of perfect competition
• use a range of examples to illustrate the
relationship between market forces and
organisational responses
• explain the behaviour and competitive strategies
employed by an organisation and discuss the role
of the Competition Commission and regulatory
LO 4 Explore the significance of international trade
and the European dimension for UK
• discuss the importance of international trade,
economic integration and global markets to
business organisations
• analyse the impact of policies of the European
Union on business organisations
• explain the economic implications of entry into
The work adequately covers the descriptive elements of
the brief but little attempt has been made to analyse or
evaluate the information presented.
There is little discussion of what has been found through
research with limited application of research to practice.
Performance Criteria

Each unit will be graded as a Pass, Merit or Distinction. A pass is awarded for the achievement of all outcomes against the
specified assessment criteria. Merit and Distinction grades are awarded for higher-level achievement.

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