Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet: Student Declaration
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet: Student Declaration
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet: Student Declaration
Student declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded
with any other student(s).
I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
Assessor declaration
I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried
out according to the required assessment procedures.
Assessor signature
Task summary
For this assessment, you are required to implement and monitor a range of WHS activities.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.
Access to textbooks and other learning materials
Computer with Microsoft Office, a printer and internet access
WHS information provided by SafeWork NSW (NSW based students) or WorkSafe Victoria (Victorian
WHS information at:
The WHS Policies and Procedures from the training kitchen’s WHS Management System (WHSMS)
and the kitchen’s hazard inspection checklist
WHS Administration Policy and Procedure
WHS Action Plan
Meeting Room Hazard Inspection Checklist
Hazardous Incidents Register
Risk Management Plan template
WHS Management Report template
WHS Training Report template
RTO emergency evacuation information (posters or signs and procedures)
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.
WHS handouts x 3 (Activity 3)
Hazard Inspection Checklist for meeting room (Activity 4)
WHS Management Report (Activity 6)
Risk Management Report (Activity 6)
Updated WHS Action Plan (Activity 6)
WHS Training Report (Activity 8)
Completed hazard identification checklist for the kitchen (Activity 9)
Hazardous Incidents register (Activity 9)
WHS email report to owner.
Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all
of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete
further assessment to demonstrate competence.
Resubmission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Reassessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with
unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any
part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of
the assessment.
Assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to students
Complete the following activities:
You are to assume that you are the manager of a café or food business called the
Blue Healer Café.
You will make use of the Blue Healer Café documentation included in the student
resources folder along with the WHS Policy and Procedures from the WHSMS of
the training kitchen of your RTO for this assessment.
As the manager, it is your responsibility to implement and monitor the work health
and safety practices of the employees (your classmates).
You now need to review some key documents as preparation for the next steps:
WHS Action Plan
The relevant WHS Policy and Procedures for the kitchen
WHS Administration Policy
The evacuation plan including posters and signs
Make the assumption that items 1,2 and 5 of the action plan have already been
Prepare to undertake action items 3, 4 and 6 of the action plan by preparing a
briefing session for staff that will ensure these items are completed.
Set up folder systems on your local drive on your computer as outlined in the WHS
Administration Policy and add the relevant soft copy documents to this. You will be
using this folder system throughout this assessment.
You are required to develop three health and safety information handouts, which are
to be provided to, and discussed with, your team at a WHS briefing.
Read the requirements for each of the handouts below and then conduct research
using the Internet to identify the information needed for each of the handouts and
include information from the kitchen’s WHS Policy and Procedures, and reference
this as required in your handouts.
The format and style for the handouts are as follows:
Create clear and concise one (1) page handouts using computer software. You
can develop these in any program available to you such as Word, Publisher or
other design program – but Word is fine for this purpose.
Use simple and clear language that takes into account social and cultural
diversity. For, example, use simple English and avoid colloquial language or
Use appropriately sized fonts and present well-formatted, grammatically correct
Ensure that the handouts you create use the same layout, font, colours and style
so they are consistent in their approach.
You will be required to present the handouts that you have developed at an WHS
briefing session soon. Print one copy of each handout for the training session but
save soft copies to your WHS filing system on your device.
Submit a copy of each handout to your assessor prior to the meeting.
Handout 1: Legislation
The purpose of this handout is to clearly and simply explain important information
about legislation. Your handout should:
Explain the purpose of Work Health and Safety legislation, including the function
of a WHS Act, WHS regulation and Code of Practice
Provide an overview of WHS legislation including name of Act, regulations and
examples of code of practice relevant to your state/territory.
Outline key roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation.
Include at least 3 references for further sources of useful information.
Operational Manager
Operational Manager
Branch Manager
Branch Manager
Supervisor/Team Leader
In accordance with this, kindly report to your supervisor in the event of any injury
to you or your colleagues.
However. if you feel you are not being heard, then you may report to the higher-
ups for immediate action.
In the next activity step, you will run your WHS briefing session. In line with
procedure, and as outlined in action item 6, you are required to conduct a hazard
inspection using the relevant form from the WHSMS. Your assessor will set up the
room prior to you conducting the inspection.
Complete the checklist in full using a pen and make sure it is accurate and legible.
You will also be required to record recommended corrective actions as well as
future risk control measures.
You will be assessed on whether you have correctly identified the hazards and
suitable corrective actions and risk control measures.
When you have identified a hazard, implement procedures to control the risks
involved. Give a verbal commentary on what you are doing, so your assessor can
follow the thinking behind your actions. In particular, your commentary should
demonstrate how you are using the hierarchy of control to determine the best
procedures to implement.
Submit your completed HIC to the assessor prior to the next step.
Blue Healer
Hazard Inspection Checklist
Are entrances and No, only one Displacing the Transporting the
exits safe and entrance is furniture to furniture to the
uncluttered? functional ensure free storage room or
while the other access to the warehouse to
is blocked with entrance. ensure that such
the help of idle risks are not
furniture. presented again.
Date of inspection:
Risk Assessment
Risk rating
4. Conduct a WHS briefing session and induction to the new WHSMS
Immediately after the meeting, write a management report for the owner outlining what took place at the
meeting along with the training suggestions from staff and what you believe will be best to focus on
immediately and for the future. Include the relevant data gathered from the meeting and identify any non-
compliance with procedure and outline the actions you are going to take immediately to address this.
Use the WHS Management Report template as a guide and complete all sections.
Through the means of the briefing meeting with the staff, the main issue addressed has been that of
familiarising the staff with the WHS measures they are expected to maintain within the kitchen. In addition
to informing them on the most common WHS aspects, the ways in which they can report them to their
supervisors has also been informed to them. For increased convenience, the location of the forms,
templates and copies of the organisational policies within the employees’ lounge has also been informed, to
ensure greater compliance with the same.
Additionally, the content of the handouts has also been discussed in addition to providing them a brief
training on how to fill the kitchen HIC. Furthermore, recommendations have been made by the staff
regarding the training they deem is crucial for them while working within the organisation. As per the
recommendations, it can be stated that the need for training on maintaining posture and medical training
on first aid is crucial. This can make the staff capable of maintaining WHS within the kitchen.
Identification of non-compliance
Through the process of the meeting, no instances of non-compliance can be observed among the staff.
Ergonomics hazards are extremely common while working in food establishments and organisations
(Crawford et al. 2020). In this regard, providing training to the staff regarding managing their ergonomic
health by maintaining good posture while manual handling can be extremely beneficial in maintaining staff
Action 2: Providing first aid and other essential medical care training to the staff.
Providing medical care to the staff can enable them to not only identify signs of injuries but also provide
immediate treatment. According to Astrazhynski & Sayanova (2020), this can help in minimising the
seriousness of injuries and help in maintaining the health of the employees.
Blue Healer Café
The purpose of this WHS Plan is to provide a framework for the introductions of a new WHS Management
System at Blue Healer. It should provide clarity on what activities are to be undertake, and by when.
Managers and leaders are responsible for providing a workplace that is, as far as reasonably practicable,
safe and healthy workplace for workers and visitors, in particular in the areas of their control.
Workers must take reasonable care for their own health and safety while they are at work and take
reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.
They must comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction given by the WHS
Officer, as well as co-operating with any reasonable policy or procedure which relates to workplace health
and safety.
Hazard and risk identification should be performed before each meeting or presentation using the Hazard
Identification Checklist.
Employees and WHS representatives should have access to relevant WHS legal resources.
Australian/New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS) 4801 (2001) is available at:
Outline the means and timeframe by which objectives and targets are to be achieved
That meeting rooms are assessed for hazards before being used.
The participation of employees and their input to the WHS decision-making process is fundamental to the
successful implementation and sustainability of an effective WHS Management System.
WHS should be an agenda item for all management and team meetings. WHS issues should be discussed
and evaluated openly. Questions and issues should be communicated directly with the Operations Manager.
Employees should:
(a) be involved in the development, implementation and review of policies and procedures for hazard
identification, hazard/risk assessment and control of hazards/risks;
(b) be consulted where there are any changes that affect workplace WHS;
(c) select those who will represent them on WHS matters; and
(d) be informed as to who is/are their employee WHS representative(s) and specified management
Those representing the employees and employer shall receive appropriate training to undertake effectively
their involvement in the development, implementation and review of WHS arrangements
Open communication between workers and managers is important to ensuring a safe workplace.
Therefore, workers are encouraged to:
It is important that workers help shape decisions about WHS particularly when:
proposing business changes that may affect the health and safety of workers
All workers are encouraged to raise any work health and safety concerns they may have with their manager
and/or Health and Safety Representative.
If the issue identified remains unresolved, it should be raised directly with the Operations Manager.
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain documented procedures to monitor and measure
on a regular basis the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can cause illness and injury. The
effectiveness of these measures shall be evaluated.
That a Hazard Identification Checklist is filled out before every meeting and presentation by the
person convening the meeting or conducting the presentation.
That all Hazards identified are recorded in the Hazardous Incidents Register.
That each workstation is assessed annually to using the Workspace WHS Checklist
There should be one person in the café that is trained to perform basic first aid.
o Whether they consider that WHS is being handled well at Blue Healer Café
o Whether they have had any negative WHS experiences over the year.
Where a failure in the WHS Management System is identified, this should be reported directly to the
Operations Manager.
A WHS folder should be established under the Administration folder in the Blue Healer server.
All Hazards identified and the procedures undertaken to rectify or minimise these should be recorded in the
Hazardous Incidents Register.
WHS audit
A yearly internal audit, carried out by the Operations Manager should include:
A summary of WHS issues encountered by staff, clients and contractors over the year
Any recommendations for changes to be made to the WHS Policy and Procedures.
Management review
The business’s senior management should review the WHSMS annually, to ensure its continuing suitability,
adequacy and effectiveness.
This review will be based on the WHS audit carried out by the Operations Manager.
Staff time for training and hazard inspections can be absorbed into scheduled work time.
Action Plan
1 WHS Policy and To develop a WHS Policy and Operations Within 7 days
Procedures workplace-specific Procedures finalised Manager of staff
developed in WHS Policy and following staff meeting, meeting
collaboration with Procedures that is and approved by
staff and accepted and management.
management. supported by all
4 WHS Policy and Every staff member Questionnaire results Operations Begin within
Procedures is aware of, and indicate that all staff are Manager to 14 days of
included in new complies with, WHS aware of their inform Human meeting.
staff induction and procedures responsibilities under Resources Complete
ongoing staff the WHS Policy and Manager. within 6
training – WHS Procedures. months.
briefing about new
6 All staff instructed Every meeting and A completed HIC is Operations Starting
in how to use a presentation is completed by every Manager in co- immediately
Hazard Inspection preceded by a HIC meeting convener and ordination with
Checklist (HIC) being filled out. presenter. Human
which includes a Resources
risk assessment Manager.
Complete risk management reporting and risk assessment for the proposed training activities – current and
Use Risk Management Plan template as a guide and complete all sections.
The risk management process will be used by the management team to ensure risk control methods are
included in all organisational planning, management of operations and governance.
The following definitions are based on the Australian and New Zealand Risk Management Standard AS/NZS
The chance of something happening which will have an impact upon objectives. It is measured in terms of
consequence and likelihood.
A qualitative description or synonym for probability or frequency.
The outcome of an event or situation, expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, being a loss, injury,
disadvantage or gain. There may be a range of possible outcomes associated with an event.
Risk assessment
The overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation.
1. Gather information about potential risks and risk treatments or controls using a range of risk
management tools and techniques. The preferred method is brainstorming potential risks
with key staff members and conducting a PESTLE analysis to identify external risks.
2. Confirm key risks and risk treatments or controls to be documented in the risk management
plan. For each risk, indicate the consequence of the risk e.g. fire, business closure, lack of
qualified staff, etc.
3. Identify key risks and document them in the risk register.
4. Using the risk legend within the risk management plan, assess and document the likelihood
of the risk occurring.
5. Using the risk legend within the risk management plan, assess and document the severity of
the risk occurring.
6. Identify and document the agreed treatment or control method for each risk.
7. Assign a ranking to the risk using the risk assessment legend. The ranking of the risk will
determine its importance in terms of risk management.
Scope of assessment: Potential risks within the kitchen of Blue Healer Café
Critical success factors: Reduced frequency of injuries and threats due to hazards
Order of priority
Misplaced Physical 3 5 Establishing strict High
knives Injuries guidelines
regarding proper
storage of
Spilled water Slips and falls 2 4 Regular cleaning in Medium
case of spillage
Manual Ergonomic 3 3 Provide proper Medium
handling injuries training regarding
ergonomic hazards
Mishandling Burns 3 2 Provide training Low
of hot regarding proper
utensils handling and
monitoring of hot
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
Risk action plan
Each of the risks identified above should be included in the table below and actions shown. The table should be copied
and pasted for each risk.
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
Submit the following to your assessor:
WHS Management Report
Risk Management Plan
Updated Action Plan
Run the training session as you have planned for in your action plan.
While running this training, participate but also observe the following:
Staff adherence and compliance to the procedure
How staff are reacting and if there is any need for additional training or changes
to procedures or training
The effectiveness of the WHS practice – are current practices ensuring the
health, safety and security of all employees and customers?
After the training, your assessor will take each student aside to run through a
scenario with you individually and then you will split back into your group you were in
for activity step 5 and conduct a debrief session asking employees for their feedback
and thoughts on how the drill went and to make suggestions for the future.
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
control for the kitchen engaging in the
The training session conducted has been with regard to the aim of enhancing the
practical as well as theoretical knowledge of staff regarding the various aspects of
WHS within the workplace. These training sessions had been conducted for a week
starting from 09 November, 2020 to 13 November, 2020 from 10 am to 11 pm each
day with each day addressing different aims. For a more thorough familiarity with
the layout of the kitchen in the cafe, the location of the training was the cafe
kitchen itself, with non-technical aspects of the training being conducted in the
office or the training lounge.
Training options
Establishing coaching and mentoring programs within the kitchen where more
experienced staff provide training and coaching to the newer employees can be
extremely beneficial. Not only can this help to ensure that new employees are able
to learn more things from a close perspective but mentors can also hone their skills
while mentoring and coaching.
Regular visits from specialists and experts in the field can help to ensure that the
capabilities of the staff and the way they monitor and check for WHS hazards can
be monitored and maintained. These visits can be one every three months or if
needed, once every month.
Internal monitoring
During the training session, it could be observed that the staff was highly
interested and interactive in certain aspects while being visibly disinterested in
some. While aspects such as training on improving their posture, receiving first-aid
training and contributing to developing safety procedures gained immense interest
and positive reactions from the staff, they seemed to be considerably disinterested
in the case of aspects such as training needs of the new employees. In this regard,
the effectiveness of the WHS practices can be stated to be moderate, with some
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
aspects being met adequately with some not being met adequately.
In the training session, valuable feedback was provided from the staff who were in
attendance of the session. Such feedback included aspects such as the need for a
mentoring and coaching program to ensure that the training needs of the new
employees can be met in a more comprehensive and efficient manner. This was
primarily with regard to the issue of training new staff regarding the WHSMS
implemented within Blue Healer Café. However, issues can also be stated to have
arisen in the form of opposition to coaching and providing mentoring to new
employees from multiple employees, citing reasons such as the lack of adequate
Recommended actions
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
8. Address non-compliance
It has come to your attention that one of the staff members failed to complete hazard
identification and reporting when he was the team leader for the first shift yesterday.
On top of that, a hazardous incident did occur and the register was not completed
either. One of the other staff members advised you about the matter later yesterday
Meet with the non-compliant staff member (your assessor) to discuss the issue and
provide the necessary training.
During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills
Speaking clearly and concisely
Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
Asking questions to identify required information
Responding to questions as required
Listen to the employee’s viewpoint
During the meeting you are required to:
Counsel the employee and let them know the severity of the situation
Complete the required documentation with the employee demonstrating the
correct process.
Ensure the employee understands the procedure and the seriousness of the
Completed hazard identification checklist for the kitchen
Hazardous Incidents register
Are equipment stored Yes, all equipment None Keep a manual record
in their designated such as knives and displaying the storage
places? other sharp and heavy places of all
equipment have been equipment.
stored safely.
Is the floor clean and No, the previous Assign the kitchen Keep a record of all
cleared of all items to spillage from one of helper to be on the such hazards, the
prevent any slips or the cooking processes lookout for such personnel individual for
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
trips? has not been cleaned hazards and address the hazard and the
efficiently. them on an urgent time at which the
basis. hazard has been
addressed for future
references and
necessary action.
Are all the electrical No, the stand mixer Call a specialist Monitoring all electrical
equipment working in seems to be electrician to address equipment on a daily
perfect condition? malfunctioning causing the issue on a priority basis and hiring a
sparks to be erupting basis to prevent specialist to check the
at the socket region. electrocution of the safety aspect of all
staff and any other such equipment on a
damage to the monthly basis can help
electrical circuit within to prevent any
Blue Healer Café. incidents and
accidents due to such
Blue Healer
11 Alicia Clark Burn on forearm due to First degree burn The potential and threat
November, mishandling of hot suffered - minimal for burns in the kitchen
2020 utensils arm movement are extremely high, with
advised the staff being provided
with adequate training to
ensure that first aid is
provided to such injuries
on an immediate basis.
13 Lisa Kim Minor electrocution due Staff in slight shock Periodic checks of all
November, to faulty stand mixer and minimal trauma electrical appliances and
2020 equipment is conducted
to prevent such cases.
Additionally, in case of
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
incidents, specialists are
called on the same day
to check the equipment.
Now that you have completed the counselling/training session and have new
information, develop a solution for the deficiency and email this to the owner to
have the changes implemented immediately. Make sure your email is warm and
friendly but also professional.
Submit the email or send it to your assessor. Save a copy in the WHS filing system
on your device.
Dear sir,
I hope this mail finds you in good health. This is with regard to the concerns
previously raised by me regarding the aspect of WHS within the organisation. I
would like to bring to your attention the fact that severe discrepancies have been
found regarding the way employees perceive the seriousness of the aspect of WHS
and the steps they take to ensure safety within the kitchen at the cafe. In the event
that such discrepancies are not addressed and mitigated on a priority basis, the
aspect of ensuring the safety of employees and implementing further strategies for
a more comprehensive WHSMS can be deemed redundant.
In this regard, I believe that there is a need for the management to ensure that not
only is the implementation of the plan done in a proper manner but that evaluation
and monitoring post the implementation process is also done in a proper and
satisfactory manner. This implies the requirement of immense strictness and
vigilance on the part of employees and managers alike to ensure that instances of
the violation of the aspects of WHS are addressed and mitigated in a proper
manner. For this purpose, I recommend the following courses of action to be taken:
In accordance with the potential benefits highlighted through these aspects, I would
recommend that the strategies and solutions be implemented on a priority basis.
This can help to ensure that employees are able to contribute to the process of
implementing the WHS plan and that they can assist in the creation of a safer and
accident-free workplace.
Thanking You
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
Yours sincerely
Ka Leung Wong
Show your assessor your folder formats and all the files within the structure.
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
Assessment Task 2 Checklist
successfully? Comments
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
Minimise use of printed materials and Y
maximise electronic transmission and
filing of all documents to reduce waste?
Assessor signature:
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K