Transcontinental: Rock Layers
Transcontinental: Rock Layers
Transcontinental: Rock Layers
Rock Layers by Andrew A. Snelling
hat evidence do we have rock layers) that can be traced right remarkable, the same Carboniferous
that the Genesis Flood, as across North America.1 limestone beds also appear thousands
described in Genesis 7 and The lowermost sedimentary layers in of miles east in England, containing
8, really occurred? This article is the Grand Canyon are the Tapeats Sand- the same fossils and other features.
next installment in a series of the six stone, belonging to the Sauk Mega-
main geologic evidences that testify to sequence. It and its equivalents (those Chalk Beds
the Genesis Flood (listed above). layers comprised of the same materials) The Cretaceous chalk beds of south-
Genesis 7 explains that water cov- cover much of the USA (Figure 3). We ern England are well known because
ered all the high hills and the moun- can hardly imagine what forces were they appear as spectacular white cliffs
tains, and that all air-breathing life necessary to deposit such a vast, conti- along the coast (Figure 1). These chalk
on the land was swept away and per- nent-wide series of deposits. Yet at the beds can be traced westward across
ished. As part of the evidence of the base of this sequence are huge boulders England and appear again in North-
Flood, we would expect to find rock (Figure 4) and sand beds deposited by ern Ireland. In the opposite direction,
layers all over the earth filled with bil- storms (Figure 5). Both are evidence these same chalk beds can be traced
lions of dead animals and plants that that massive forces deposited these across France, the Netherlands, Ger-
were rapidly buried and fossilized in sediment layers rapidly and violently many, Poland, southern Scandinavia,
sand, mud, and lime. And that’s ex- right across the entire USA. Slow-and- and other parts of Europe to Turkey,
actly what we find. gradual (present-day uniformitarian) then to Israel and Egypt in the Middle
processes cannot account for this evi- East, and even as far as Kazakhstan.2
Rapidly Deposited dence, but the global catastrophic Gen- Remarkably, the same chalk beds
Sediment Layers Spread esis Flood surely can. with the same fossils and the same dis-
Across Vast Areas Another layer in Grand Canyon is the tinctive strata above and below them
On every continent are found layers Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) are also found in the Midwest USA,
of sedimentary rocks over vast areas. Redwall Limestone. This belongs to from Nebraska in the north to Texas
Many of these sediment layers can be the Kaskaskia Megasequence of North in the south. They also appear in the
traced all the way across continents, America. So the same limestones appear Perth Basin of Western Australia.
and even between continents. Further- in many places across North America,
more, when geologists look closely at as far as Tennessee and Pennsylvania.
these rocks, they find evidence that These limestones also appear in the ex-
the sediments were deposited rapidly. act same position in the strata sequenc-
Consider the sedimentary rock lay- es, and they have the exact same fossils
ers exposed in the walls of the Grand and other features in them.
Canyon in northern Arizona (Fig- Unfortunately, these limestones have
ure 2). This sequence of layers is not been given different names in other lo-
unique to that region of the USA. For cations because the geologists saw only
more than 50 years geologists have what they were working on locally and FIGURE 1
recognized that these strata belong didn’t realize that other geologists were
The chalk beds of southern England (above)
to six megasequences (very thick, studying essentially the same lime- can be traced across France, Germany, and
distinctive sequences of sedimentary stone beds in other places. Even more Poland, all the way to the Middle East.
Coal Beds ing states.4 So the volume of sand in under the surrounding desert sands, is
Consider another feature—coal the Coconino Sandstone layer is at 18,000–20,000 feet (5,500–6,100 m).6
beds. In the northern hemisphere, the least 10,000 cubic miles (41,682 km3). The minerals in the sand grains are dis-
Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) This layer also contains physical tinctive, and the closest source of them
coal beds of the eastern and Midwest features called cross beds. While the is at least 63 miles (101 km) away.
USA are the same coal beds, with the overall layer of sandstone is horizontal, Under the microscope the sand
same plant fossils, as those in Brit- these cross beds are clearly visible as grains appear jagged and are of dif-
ain and Europe. They stretch halfway sloped beds (Figure 6). These beds are ferent sizes (Figure 9). One of the
around the globe, from Texas to the remnants of the sand waves produced minerals is called feldspar, and it ap-
Donetz Basin north of the Caspian Sea by the water currents that deposited pears to be still unusually fresh in the
in the former USSR.3 In the southern the sand (like sand dunes, but under- sandstone. These features imply rapid
hemisphere, the same Permian coal water) (Figure 7). So it can be demon- transport and deposition of all this
beds are found in Australia, Antarcti- strated that water, flowing at 3–5 miles sand, before the feldspar grains could
ca, India, South Africa, and even South per hour (4.8–8 km/h), deposited the disintegrate or the sand grains could
America! These beds share the same Coconino Sandstone as massive sheets be worn down into round pebbles or
kind of plant fossils across the region of sand, with sand waves up to 60 feet sorted by size.7
(but they are different from those in (18 m) high.5 At this rate, the whole So soup-like slurries of sediment,
the Pennsylvanian coal beds). Coconino Sandstone layer (all 10,000 known as turbidity currents, which
cubic miles of sand) would have been travel at speeds of up to 70 miles per
Evidence of Rapid Deposition deposited in just a few days! hour (113 km/h), must have transport-
The buff-colored Coconino Sand- Ayers Rock (or Uluru) in central ed all this sand, 18,000–20,000 feet
stone is very distinctive in the walls of Australia consists of coarse-grained thick, a distance of at least 63 miles
Grand Canyon. It has an average thick- sandstone beds that are almost vertical, and deposited it as the Uluru Sand-
ness of 315 feet (96 m) and covers an tilted at about 80° (Figure 8). The to- stone beds in a matter of hours! This
area of at least 200,000 square miles tal thickness of these sandstone beds, defies evolution ideology but fits with
(518,000 km2) eastward across adjoin- outcropping in Ayers Rock and found the Creation/Flood history of Genesis.
L. L. Sloss, “Sequences in the Cratonic Interior of North Ameri-
ca,” Geological Society of America Bulletin no. 74 (1963): 93–114.
D. V. Ager, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record (London:
Macmillan, 1973), pp. 1–2.
Ibid., pp. 6–7.
D. L. Baars, “Permian System of Colorado Plateau,” American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin no. 46 (1962): 200–