Red Heat: Chapman Stirling See Also References

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11/22/2020 Red heat - Wikipedia

Red heat
The practice of using colours to determine the temperature of a
piece of (usually) ferrous metal comes from blacksmithing. Long
before thermometers were widely available it was necessary to
know what state the metal was in for heat treating it and the only
way to do this was to heat it up to a colour which was known to be
best for the work.

Contents Thermal radiation in visible light can

be seen on this hot metalwork.
See also

According to Chapman's Workshop Technology, the colours which can be
observed in steel are:[1 ]

Temperature [°C] Temperature [°F]

From To From To

Black red[2] 426 593 709 1010

The visible color of
Very dark red 593 704 1010 1210 an object heated
Dark red 704 814 1210 1408 to incandescence
(from 550°C to
Cherry red 815 870 1409 1508 1300°C).
Light cherry red 871 981 1510 1708

Orange 981 1092 1708 1908

Yellow 1093 1258 1910 2207

Yellow white 1259 1314 2209 2308

White 1315+ 2309+

In 1905, Stirling Consolidated Boiler Company published a slightly different set of values:[3] 1/2
11/22/2020 Red heat - Wikipedia

Colour Temperature [°C] Temperature [°F]

Red: Just visible 525 977

Dull red 699 1,290

Dull cherry red 800 1,470

Full cherry red 900 1,650

Clear cherry red 1,000 1,830

Deep orange 1,100 2,010

Clear orange 1,200 2,190

White heat 1,300 2,370

White bright 1,400 2,550

The peak wavelength and total radiated amount
White dazzling 1,500 2,730
vary with temperature according to Wien's
displacement law. Although this shows relatively
See also high temperatures, the same relationships hold
true for any temperature down to absolute zero.
Visible light is between 380 and 750 nm.
Color temperature
Black-body radiation

1. Chapman, W. A. J. (1972). Workshop Technology, Part 1 (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0713132694.
2. When viewed in dull light.
3. A Book of Steam for Engineers. Stirling Consolidated Boiler Company. 1905.
p. 50. ASIN B006RXDG3W 2/2

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