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Traits of an empath

by EmpathPlanet9 Commentson Traits of an empath

An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the energy and

emotions emanating from people, animals and everything that exists
around them. They have the ability to scan other people’s auras and
souls and can intuitively pick up on past, present and even future
thoughts and feelings and can quite accurately determine another
person’s emotional, mental and physical state.

The saying “never judge a book by its cover” would ring true for an
empath. Never would they trust the outer appearance or deceptive
superficial exteriors; they will always sense what goes on behind the

~Unfortunately all too often an empath is led to believe that these

paranormal type skills do not exist in today’s world and their words
are criticised, disbelieved and are told to be wrong. Downplaying an
empath’s intuition, will benefit someone who may be trying to
manipulate or use trickery, or someone with very little faith that these
abilities exists

To thrive, empaths need to work on learning how to trust their own

judgment and intuition so they can be at one with the inherent
superpowers they have been born with.

If an empath does not have a good understanding of themselves and

how to work with energy rather than pushing against it or absorbing it
all, not only can this be emotionally debilitating, it may also result in
physical illness with depression, stress and anxiety taking a toll on the
body and a very high chance of suffering from the effects of burnout.
Like with all things, there are variations of the empath personality
type. Some people will identify strongly, others will only recognise
themselves in a few of the following traits:

1. Feels calmer when alone, and in relationships requires distance

and regular periods of solitude.

2. When in the company of others an empath struggles to work out

whether they are feeling their own emotions or the emotions of those
around them.

3. Struggles to remain present as the chaos of emotions around them

pushes and pulls on an empath’s own thoughts, feelings and emotions.

4. Often says yes to others without thinking of their own needs.

5. In relationships or friendships, very often puts other people before

themselves, as though everyone else’s pleasure and happiness is more
important than their own.

6. Relationships can often move too fast and can become intense very
quickly as the empath connects on a deep, intimate level very quickly
due to the ability to absorb other people’s energy and emotions.

7. An empath will often take full responsibility for how others treat
them and for anything that goes wrong in relationships. They have a
great amount of compassion and can clearly see other people’s
emotional baggage and so they make many excuses for why people
behave as they do, and this is very often to the detriment of an

8. Tends to connect with people who are suffering and often wants to
heal others or try to make the world a better place for them.
9. Can find themselves taking on and absorbing other people’s
problems and being used as a sounding board or dumping ground
so that others can offload their emotional baggage.

10. Instinctively knows when someone around them is not being


11. Sometimes empaths just know things, without having any idea of
where they gained the information. When trying to work out the truth
from a lie it can seem as though the information has been presented
forward so that it can be used to help make a decision. The empath
should only trust the information if they are highly skilled at reading
themselves and others accurately and if paranoia or other information
is not clouding their judgement.

12. An empath’s mind is an inquisitive one and they are constantly

searching for answers and theorize and philosophise constantly.

13. An empath who is highly in tune with themselves and skilled at

reading others will often be able to pick up on someone else’s thought
processes even if they are thousands of miles away.

14. Connects very strongly to the animal kingdom and identifies very
easily with the emotional and physical pains that animals go through.

15. Is often most at peace and feeling harmonious when spending time
with nature and roaming around the outdoors.

16. Can feel the energy surrounding physical things and will often
choose clothing or material purchases based on the energy that has
attached to them.

17. Very creative and highly imaginative, writing, art, music,

painting, dancing, acting, painting, building and designing are a few
of the traits that empaths very often are passionate about.
18. An empath will likely get distracted easily when they are doing
things they don’t enjoy and will quickly zone out or day dream when
placed in situations where their mind is not stimulated.

19. Can struggle to fully relax in the company of others and really let
their hair down and have fun, unless they are extremely comfortable
and at ease with those surrounding them.

20. Prefers their living space to be clutter free and minimalistic;

chaotic surroundings make for chaotic minds for an empath and they
have enough inner sensations happening without cluttering their
psyche further.

21. Finds it very difficult to be around people who are egotistical or

enjoy putting others down to make themselves look better. Empaths
will often come to the defense of those that have been rejected or
bullied in any way.

22. Crowded places are emotionally overwhelming and downtime is

required after social gatherings.

23. Highly sensitive to sounds, smells, bright lights and the feel of
certain fabrics.

24. Regularly suffers with fatigue and can feel drained following
interactions with others.

25. Can become shy and withdrawn as a method of self-protection.

This can result in empaths becoming introverts as a way of avoiding
the emotional and physical pain that often stems from interactions.

Other people may see empaths as moody or loners due to the amount
of alone or downtime they need. Others may struggle to understand
that these things are just part of the personality type and feel
comfortable and the most natural ways to exist for an empath.
Empaths do like connection, but they need to balance that out by
creating a safe space for themselves to exist in alongside it.

Supermarkets, bars/clubs, family gatherings and any crowded event

can all be energetically overbearing. Frequent downtime or escapism
to a garden, bathroom or kitchen will occur to temporarily break away
from the intensely high energy that occurs when many people are
close together in the same venue..

Empaths may have an addictive personality and can pick up habits

such as drinking alcohol, playing online games or excessively
indulging in a particular interest as a form of escapism to blot out
feeling so much pain.

Listening to or watching local or worldwide news can be traumatic as

the pain or violence the people or creatures involved experience is
often transferred onto the empath as though the pain was theirs.

Empaths are free spirits, adventurers, life-seekers, rule breakers, they

live outside the box. Often it can seem to others as very
unconventional or unorthodox lifestyles. However, these lifestyles
often suit an empath perfectly and feel to them the most natural way to

As empaths learn more about themselves, many of the traits above can
become a thing of the past, or a new way of dealing with them is
discovered so that they do not have negative side effects. While many
people may recognise themselves in the traits above, there will be
some who who see a lot of these things as how they used to be before
finding ways to combat or work towards understanding areas so that
life becomes less painful.

The key to thriving as an empath is to recognise each of the traits and

then spend time thinking about each one and looking at how it may be
negatively impacting or hindering a certain part of life. When we have
a good understanding of how a certain characteristic affects us, we can
work out ways to turn any trait that may have negative side effects
into positive ones.

The easiest way to look at the empath type is as though the personality
is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing to have the ability to feel and
experience life at such a highly sensitive level, so the joy and love
around them will feel like constant electric pulses beating through
them. However, the curse is that the lows are felt at an equal intensity.

When empaths learn to protect themselves by becoming consciously

aware of how they are allowing outside energy to penetrate them, they
are then in a position to turn the curses to blessings so that the painful
and toxic energies are not absorbed within the psyche/soul. Empaths
must be sure to surround themselves with others whose energies
vibrate at a similar frequency so that they are not vulnerable and
exposed to energy that can cause them harm. Self-protection is vital. I
will cover all aspects of self-protection in a follow-up article.

Being an empath really is a beautiful way to live and to experience

life. Finely tuning our frequency so that we keep our energy levels
high and refuse to take on or absorb anything that will harm us is the
simplest, harmonious and magically unique way to exist.

Truths & Myths About Empaths

Truth: The first and most important truth is that there is such a

thing as an empath!

When people deny that there is such a thing, it is simply because they
are not an empath, therefore they cannot perceive how it is possible to
experience the world in the way an empath does—it is that simple.

There is no need for empaths to take it personally when people

attempt to discredit or reject the term “empath.” It is just that
sometimes, to other people, an empath’s abilities often seem
incomprehensible and almost magical—that doesn’t mean that
empaths don’t exist!

Empaths have an inherent ability to sense and read the emotions and
energy of everything around them. They are extremely, highly
sensitive to stimuli, they feel energy deeply within, and they clearly
see many things that others cannot.

It is also likely that people who diminish or ridicule the

term empath will not believe in the “magic” that energy is capable of
creating, though that is merely because they have either not fully
studied it or have not experienced it themselves. To experience things
that seem impossible or magical, one must first have an open mind
and also be willing to seek out knowledge, to understand how energy
works, and ultimately to believe in possibility.

People often fear things they do not understand, and this limits the
mind’s ability to accept that there is far more to everything than many
are currently able to see.

Truth: Empaths may easily become drained due to spending time

with other people.

This is one that can take time for many empaths, and those around
them, to fully understand. Empaths are similar to sponges as they
absorb the energy of everything they come into contact with. Even if
they use every protective concept available to try to guard their own
energy, they will still naturally soak up the energy from people,
animals, and even objects around them. This can become extremely
draining, causing empaths to require a little downtime following social
interactions. They aren’t being lazy, despite how it may seem—they
have just been bombarded by far too many stimuli and now need alone
time to balance and recharge their energy.
Truth: Empaths almost always see straight through bullsh*t.

People can lie, deceive, twist, and turn stories upside down to try to
fool empaths, but, generally speaking, empaths will turn it all back the
right way around and intuitively know the truth from the lie. The only
time this can catch an empath off-guard is when there are volatile
emotions involved. Whenever an empath’s emotions are running
rampant, they may struggle to see the reality within situations,
however, as soon as they calm back down—sometimes it takes until
the next day—the raw truth of the situation reveals itself and hits them
from nowhere.

Myth: All empaths are good people.

Just because someone is an empath does not automatically mean they

are a good person, nor does being an empath automatically propel
someone further along a “spiritual path,” or cause them to be pure,
virtuous, or enlightened in their thoughts and intentions. Empaths are
people just like everyone else and depending on what’s going on in
their lives, they can be good, bad, and every shade in between.
Empaths are not angels who only radiate out white, positive, bright
light. Empaths have off days too, and they don’t attempt to live
“perfect” lives. Above all, empaths are real. Generally, what you see is
what you get—they rarely use manipulation or masks to fool people.

Myth: Empaths are always empathetic. 

Often people confuse the term “empath” with “empathetic.” While the
two do correlate, they aren’t interchangeable. There are two parts to
empathy: the first part is the ability to tune in to what someone else is
experiencing, and the second part is to then be empathetic with the
information their senses have offered.

Empaths can read situations, but then can either consciously or

subconsciously choose not to express empathy, depending on the
surrounding circumstances. Empathy is not always the healthiest
option—both for the person giving and for the one receiving the
empathy. Sometimes empaths disconnect themselves from situations if
they feel that empathy is not beneficial. When empaths choose not to
be empathetic, they usually revert to being compassionate instead.

“While empathy refers more generally to our ability to take the

perspective of and feel the emotions of another person, compassion is
when those feelings and thoughts include the desire to help.”

Many people believe the main trait of an empath is being highly

empathetic and that they feel everything around them until it
overwhelms and shuts them down. The truth is, that is not the
definition an empath—that describes a highly sensitive person.

Empaths not only feel all the stimuli, but they also have the ability to
read and understand the incoming energetic data, which then allows
them the opportunity to detach from it if they suspect that it will be
depleting, or if they feel empathy would only further heighten the
emotions of the situation.

Empaths are still able to understand and support someone without also
feeling the intense emotions that the other person is feeling. For
example, if someone is deeply depressed, it serves neither the empath
nor the person who is depressed for the empath to also experience a
depressed state. It better serves both people for the empath to keep
their energy balanced and in a position to be able to clearly understand
the emotional state of the person they are interacting with. This gives
them the chance to not only have a good grasp on how that person is
feeling, but also so that they can transmute any negative energy and
potentially lift the vibration up to a higher frequency.

Myth: Empaths are attracted to narcissists in the hopes that they

can heal them.
Usually, one of the main things that attracts empaths to narcissists is
that, at first, the empath believes they have met another empath—for
an empath, the initial attraction is not based on soothing wounds.
Empaths are natural healers, however, when they first meet a
narcissist, ironically, it is the narcissist who focuses the spotlight on
the empaths unhealed wounds—not the other way around.

In the beginning, narcissists appear to be highly empathetic and

although empaths are usually highly intuitive and can read people
instantly, when emotions are involved, chemicals flood the brain and
can quickly and easily cause an empath chaos and confusion.
Therefore, instead of empaths seeing the situation with clarity, they
are often manipulated into believing that the narcissist’s intentions are
authentic and that they have met someone caring and considerate—
and unfortunately in this scenario, it isn’t long before empaths are
caught inside a narcissist’s sticky web.

Myth: Empaths can also be narcissists.

Empaths cannot be narcissists, as in, someone who meets the full

criteria of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Empaths and
narcissists are at the opposite end of the spectrum to one another. An
empath’s intentions are generally selfless and narcissist’s intentions
are generally selfish. While there will be times that empaths become
triggered and behave in ways that serve the self and are not mindful of
others—and they can say and do things that could be deeply hurtful––
it does not make them a narcissist.

Everyone can behave in ways that are harmful. It’s what people do to

rectify the harm, and how that person feels about what they have done
that really identifies one from the other. Empaths focus on others; they
take responsibility, they are self-reflective, and they look
inwards, while narcissists focus on themselves (apart from at the start
of a relationship), take no responsibility, are projective, and look

Myth: Empaths are all introverts.

Empaths are all different; some are introverts, some are ambiverts, and
some are extroverts. It appears that the majority of empaths are
introverts, although introversion is not a prerequisite for being an

Myth: You can stop being an empath.

Empaths cannot stop absorbing energy, despite how hard they may
try. Empaths have a highly sensitive nervous system that detects a
high velocity of entities, whether visible or invisible. It is not possible
to stop sensing energy. If empaths deny or try to reject the influx of
energies, it will all just build up in their energy field and cause more
pain and suffering. The healthiest thing an empath can do is learn to
identify the difference between their own emotions and other people’s
emotions so that they do not absorb and internalize emotional energy
that does not belong to them. Empaths can easily process and
transmute negative energies; therefore, it is essential that empaths
awaken to their gifts and embrace them so that their own—and other
people’s energies—can freely flow.

Myth: Empaths are all traumatized victims that hide beneath a

protective shell.

It seems to be a common misconception that empaths are weak,

powerless, or co-dependent on others, and that they are fearful of the
world and therefore live in a state of victimhood. This could not be
farther from the truth. While it is true that many empaths have
suffered greatly, either within their own family dynamics, in
relationships, or in peer groups at work, school, or in general society,
generally empaths bounce back twice as hard from any traumatic
circumstances they find themselves in.

They do not wallow for long in their grief; they take responsibility for
their part in whatever dynamics have played out; they learn lessons
from the experience, and although they may be bruised on the inside,
they muster all the strength they can gather to fearlessly move
forward. Empaths are highly sensitive creatures, yet they do not allow
their sensitivities to get the better of them. They pick themselves up,
dust themselves off, and courageously continue regardless of the fact
that they feel, sense, and experience life intensely and vividly through
every layer of their skin. This, in my eyes, makes empaths the
strongest of all—most certainly not the weakest.

As with all things, there will always be misconceptions and there are
people who will reject or attempt to tarnish something that they don’t
understand—it is an aspect of human nature to automatically fear that
which they do not understand.

Those who live in fear of the unknown or those who do not want their
thought processes to be challenged may downplay that a person such
as an “empath” exists. People are often afraid when someone appears
to be outside the box, as it challenges the status quo and they might
think it weakens their own or mass collection of thoughts and beliefs.

Many empaths have spent their entire lives wary of the judgment of
their inherent abilities, and this can cause them to create a defense
mechanism that protectively ensures they do not express certain
aspects of their being if they are at risk of being condemned, rejected,
or isolated.

There are many aspects to being an empath that are not easy to explain
or reason, though that is mainly because we live in a world that mostly
relies on logic, mathematics, and scientific studies.
However, empaths instantly and strongly relate to and resonate with
the traits and characteristics that are defined by the term. That is
because they are aware that, although it is sometimes complex to
scientifically make sense of their energetic journey and how energy
interacts and connects with all things in the universe,
empaths sense and feel their way through life and do not need
scientists or any other professional to justify or explain their
inherently natural existence.

Authors note: The myths and truths shared here are based on my
research, studies, and connections with empaths. They are my
perceptions, not universal truths.

Why Many Empaths Prefer Being Single

We all transfer and translate energy.

However, some people are far more sensitive to the energy that
vibrates outside their personal space than others, which causes them to
pick up on frequencies from other people and their environment with
greater intensity.

Energy flows between two people. For empaths, this can make all
types of relationships highly challenging—whether platonic, romantic,
familial, or even work-related—because empaths continuously, either
consciously or subconsciously, sense other people’s energy states. 

An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the energy and

emotions emanating from people, animals, and everything that exists
around them. They have the ability to scan other people’s energy
fields and intuitively pick up on past, present, and even future
thoughts and feelings. They can also quite accurately determine
another person’s emotional, mental, and physical state.
When empaths become close to someone and connect with them on a
heart level—either during sex or when they are carrying out a healing
—they open themselves up and leave their energy fields vulnerable so
that the energy of other people can penetrate and blend with their own.

Being so highly attuned to energy can lead to empath-overwhelm,

over-stimulation, and chronic fatigue, particularly if they are soaking
up the energy of someone they are in close contact with.

This can mean that some empaths find it difficult to stay in a

relationship for long periods of time, as they are known to need a great
deal of alone time, freedom, and personal space to recharge and
rebalance their energy levels.

Ironically, empaths also find themselves deeply entangled within the

relationships they do become involved in, as they adore experiencing
those deep connections. 

Being intimately involved with someone can lead empaths to burn out,
as in relationships they are known to give far more of themselves than
they should give. If there isn’t an equal energy exchange, they often
become emotionally depleted.

There are many reasons for relationships starting or ending. However,

when it involves an empath, the chances of them working out long-
term seem to be far lower, which is part of the reason a lot of empaths
are introverts who choose to stay single.

Empaths have highly attuned antennae that help them figure people
out instantly. It also helps them understand the intentions, motivations,
and characteristics that people attempt to keep hidden. 

Where this can fail for the empath is when they are emotionally
invested in someone. Not only do heightened emotions cloud their
intuitive abilities, they also push aside their inner knowing (which can
happen when they have a strong temptation to energetically dance
with someone they are attracted to).

This is part of the reason many empaths are renowned for becoming
embroiled in unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship with those who
have strong traits associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as
they don’t pay close enough attention to what their intuitive senses are
warning them about.

Although empaths try to trust their instincts, it isn’t always easy if

they are with someone who tries to convince them their suspicions are
wrong. With no proof, they may try to accept that their partner is
telling the truth, but the friction will constantly linger in the back of
the empath’s mind.

If trust is broken, empaths may continue with a relationship and

expose themselves to the possibility of further hurt. However, they
may begin to build a protective wall around themselves and be
tempted to subject their partner to a  million and one questions to settle
the inner friction that alerted them that something is not right. When
trust diminishes, so too will the relationship. The main contributors for
empaths ending a relationship are feelings of being unloved or broken

Empaths are highly compassionate souls and their capacity for

understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness is immense. The only
downfall to this is that it can also put them in great danger as they give
people many chances to change and evolve past harmful behavioural

If this doesn’t happen, they can be subjected to a variety of abuse

forms, as some people perceive their forgiving empathic nature for
weakness and will try to take advantage of it. In many cases this has
led to empaths struggling with anxiety, low self-esteem, and
diminished self-worth, as they wrongly believe that the way people
treat them mirrors what they deserve. 

Empaths often take full responsibility for how others behave toward
them and for anything that goes wrong in relationships. They have a
great amount of compassion and can clearly see other people’s
emotional baggage, so they make many excuses for people’s
behaviour and this is often to their own detriment.

Empaths are natural healers, therefore not only do they feel a pull
toward those who are emotionally wounded and struggling, but those
who desperately need healing of some kind are also drawn toward

This sets a rocky foundation for relationships to be built upon, as

rather than being a mutual “give-and-take” relationship that is equal,
healthy, and balanced, it can result in the empath doing the majority of
the giving and the wounded one energetically taking everything the
empath has to give. When this happens it doesn’t take long for the
empath to become fatigued, emotionally drained, and burnt out.

If empaths take on their partner’s suffering or challenges, they can

easily enter into a relationship that is codependent. If an empath’s
partner becomes dependent on them to validate them or heal their
wounds, while empaths become dependent on the feeling of
worthiness they receive when they feel vital for someone’s survival,
the relationship can be complicated. This can lead to empaths falling
down to the same low frequency at which their partner is vibrating.

It is common for empaths to become so invested in their partner’s

well-being that they neglect taking care of themselves. This is
particularly true if the person they are in a relationship with is
suffering in some way, as empaths empathise to such a degree that
they go to all lengths to provide care, even if it means risking their
own emotional, mental, or physical health.
It is imperative empaths recognise that their compassion and nurturing
abilities can sometimes lead to self-harm, because as the saying
goes, “You can’t drink from an empty cup.” It is vital that empaths
replenish themselves before they pour their energy into anyone else. 

One of the biggest things that impact an empath’s relationships is

absorbing the emotions of the person they are closest to.

If an empath is in a relationship with someone who has high anxiety,

is suffering with depression, or has abruptly shifting mood swings, it
is likely that the empath will become influenced by the low frequency
energy and start to feel similarly low themselves. Even the most
awakened and advanced empath, who has worked hard at keeping
themselves grounded and centred, will find it difficult to deflect all the
intense emotional energy.

Empaths are born to sense and feel everything within their

environment, mostly so they can transmute energy and transform
negative vibrations into positive ones. Therefore, even if they are
adept at recognising when they are in the company of someone who
has volatile or heavy emotions, they will still absorb some of that
energy, even if only subtly and temporarily. 

It can be extremely challenging for an empath to keep lifting their

vibration when someone around them is intentionally or
unintentionally lowering it. The most concerning part of this is that
empaths experience emotions intensely, so when they feel love their
hearts feel fit to burst and when they feel anger or sadness it can pull
their energy so low that they may become demotivated and fuelled
with resentment and rage.

Soaking up the emotional energy around them can also cause empaths
to appear to fall into what may feel like “love” extremely quickly. Just
as empaths absorb low vibrational emotions, they can also be
dramatically affected by the high vibrational ones that resonate from
those close to them. This can cause empaths to form connections that
develop quickly, are extremely intense, and possibly overwhelming.

Feeling the love that exists in someone else’s energy field can also
mean that empaths disconnect from the emotions as soon as they have
left that person’s company. Depending on how strong the connection
is, they may lose the bonding feeling the moment they part ways. This
can mean empaths feel as though they are in love with someone for
just a few hours and then walk away and feel no emotion whatsoever.

This may feel bewildering and may seem heartless, although it is

totally unintentional, and something not all empaths are aware of.
However, it is one of the reasons it is essential to remain grounded and
aware of how influential and contagious energy is and how powerful
and intoxicating it can be.

Another issue for empaths is dealing with people who enjoy playing
mind games. Empaths tend to be straight talkers and can become
confused as to why some people want to engage in psychological
games. They aren’t likely to play along with this, as the rules will be
too complicated for empaths to figure out. Plus, they will likely see
through these types of games and will perceive the person as

Empaths have the capacity to see beyond the masks people wear and
to sense when someone isn’t genuine or acting with integrity, and so it
doesn’t take long for them to become disappointed and frustrated if
they perceive the person they are with to be untrustworthy, unfaithful,
or disloyal.

Empaths are human lie detectors and, as the majority of people tell lies
—both white and black—from time to time, it can be immensely
infuriating and challenging for both involved when every day there are
Empaths are generally vulnerable creatures who would be happy to
wear their heart on their sleeve and be open, raw, and brutally honest
when sharing their deepest, darkest feelings. However, not everyone is
comfortable with this level of depth, and not everyone knows how to
communicate in this way. And so, it doesn’t take long for empaths to
withdraw and keep their emotions and thoughts to themselves. 

This leads to many empaths becoming disheartened and disillusioned

with relationships, and many lose the hope of ever sharing a genuine,
soul-deep connection with someone who holds the same values, and
sees, senses, and feels the world in the same unique way.

However, if empaths are fortunate enough to find someone who is

respectful, compassionate, caring, and empathetic, the most loving,
loyal, and rewarding relationships can be formed

When empaths protect themselves by becoming consciously aware of

how outside energy penetrates them, the painful and toxic energies are
far less likely to be absorbed within their energy field. 

It helps if empaths try to surround themselves with others whose

energies vibrate at a similar frequency so they are not vulnerable and
exposed to energy that can cause them harm.

Self-protection is vital, and keeping energy levels high by refusing to

take on, or absorb, anything that lowers our vibration is the simplest,
harmonious, and healthiest way for empaths to exist, whether single or
within mutually flowing and soul-fulfilling relationships.

Traits Of An Introvert
by EmpathPlanet1 Commenton Traits Of An Introvert
Sometimes an introvert can appear as rude, unsociable and unwilling
to engage. However, this could not be further from the truth. Introverts
love connecting with others, as long as the connection is mutually
rewarding and one that is at ease.

Fair-weather friends and forced interactions will never be appreciated.

An introvert has a high desire for authenticity and if this is not in
place, anything else will seem trivial and interest will be quickly lost.

Introverts realise very early on that they are a little different to others,
but often something doesn’t click into place until years later.

There are certain traits that can help to define the traits of an introvert
and can make it easier to recognise one and hopefully, go a little way
to understanding them a little better.

1. Introverts know what they want—As much of an introvert’s

time is spent alone, they often get to know themselves very well and
due to this, they know what they want from life and can usually figure
out ways to get it. From an early age, they discover what they do and
don’t like doing; they aren’t always afraid to try new things, but will
quickly discover what they find great joy in and what they don’t. An
introvert will ensure their time is spent doing the things they love most
and often it is in the simplest of things life has to offer.
2. Alone time is much needed—Whether it is spent reading,
writing, working, exercising or watching movies, an introvert likes
their space and time on their own. A pet is often the best companion
for an introvert.
3. Attracted to extroverts—As with a lot of things an attraction
for the opposite is magnetising. An introvert will find the way
extroverts operate extremely intriguing and the two can compliment
each other perfectly, whether as friends or lovers.
4. Few, but very loyal friendships—Introverts are much happier
in the company of a very small crowd, often, just one other person.
For an introvert to get close to someone, they must be able to feel
completely comfortable with them and to be able to place their trust in
them. Because of this, an introvert will place loyalty and trust above
all else and will be deeply upset if those things are broken. As an
introvert has been hurt in the past when their highly valued trust was
misplaced, they may be wary and cautious before trusting again.
5. Writing—An introvert will usually have a rich creative mind,
huge imagination and a constant desire to figure things out and
philosophise. Much of an introvert’s world happens on the inside, so
they will find it very easy to engage with their inner mind and see
things through others’ perspectives. Writing is one way that an
introvert can put things into perspective and understand the world
through their own unique imaginings.
6. Analytical—Always looking at the bigger picture, observe as
much data as possible rather than basing judgements on one piece of
7. Doesn’t always respond to texts and calls—An introvert likes
to feel completely comfortable before responding, if their frame of
mind isn’t right, they will find it difficult to communicate so will
delay responding until the moment is right for them. Introverts are
highly unlikely to start calls or conversations unless they feel
completely at ease to do so.
8. Energy is depleted after being in the company of large
groups—Introverts aren’t always shy, however, their energy comes
from within, so they take time out for themselves to conserve energy
and when in large groups, this is not so easy. Downtime after social
events is often essential as the energy that has been drained will need
9. Chooses where to sit carefully—Whether in restaurants, on
public transport or in a room with family/friends an introvert will
choose a spot to sit where they are most at ease. Most likely it will be
towards the edge of a room or on a seat where they are not surrounded
by people.
10. Easily distracted—Whether it is small talk or watching a movie,
an introvert’s attention needs to be captured, if not, their attention will
soon fade and this will lead to an introvert feeling bored, irritable or
exhausted very quickly.
11. Small talk can feel intrusive—When a colleague, acquaintance
or stranger asks personal information an introvert can easily take
offense or feel intimidated by the questioning. They do not like to
share personal information with anyone they do not know well or trust
and will avoid answering anything that crosses their boundaries,
however trivial it may seem.
12. Sensitive to negative energy—An introvert will walk into a
room and immediately sense a bad atmosphere or if someone’s mood
levels are low. They will absorb the energy fast so they will avoid
people and places where this is likely to occur. Confrontations are
introvert’s nemesis, as interactions with aggressive people will have a
long lasting effect, which can last for days afterwards. High action
movies and certain types of music can even have a direct impact on an
13. Avoids places with high stimuli—Places such as supermarkets,
activities where there are a lot of children around and nightclubs all
can lead an introvert to experience an overload of stimulation. Bright
lights, loud noises and crowded places can all take their toll as an
introvert’s sensory organs take a battering. Calm, relaxed, quiet,
chilled out places are much preferred to compliment the inner calm of
an introvert.
14. At parties or social events a calm place is always found—
Often that is in the kitchen where it is a little quieter, the rest room
chatting to one or two good friends, or navigating to a garden or
outdoor space for a little breathing space can be a safe option. Social
events can be a fun for an introvert, but only if they are on their terms
only. Stuck in the middle of a room, talking to strangers, with loud
music and a crowded atmosphere would be a complete nightmare for
most. An introvert will far more likely enjoy engaging with one or two
friends on the outer edges.
15. Cancelling plans happens regularly—If it’s someone else that
cancels the plans, it can feel like a huge relief, now, the stress has been
taken away from having to attend something that could potentially be
exhausting, uncomfortable and uninteresting.
Often, an introvert is the one to cancel. At the time, an event can seem
like a great idea, but as it draws closer, the thought of all the stress that
could be involved can become too much to bear. Cancelling is simple,
compared to the thought of how much time, energy and anxiety would
go into attending. As effects from social events can have long lasting
implications, and also be incredibly intimidating for an introvert, the
very thought of doing something they are not comfortable with can
lead to high levels of anxiety, let alone actually attending. If an
introvert is at completely at ease with the plan and is confident about
where it is taking place and who is attending, they will likely look
forward to it and far less likely to cancel.
When we fully understand the traits of an introverted personality, we
will find it easier to find ways to compliment the delicate, but complex
set of requirements, rather than cause regular unease by subjecting
them to circumstances that will feel harsh and damaging to an

It’s all about creating an understanding, learning to accept ourselves

better and appreciating and accepting others too. When we recognise
and embrace our personality types, we can then blend mix them with
others whose characteristics and traits compliment and challenge our

16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of

An Empath

“Yes, we notice a lot of what goes on around us – But

you’ll notice some things about us too.”

Can you remember an instance when someone, a complete stranger,

poured their heart out to you? It probably happened without warning, and
the emotions they were feeling were coursing through your heart as well.

There is something magnetic about an empath; they have a force that

draws other’s towards them. These people who open up to you, they don’t
know why they do it- and it doesn’t matter. We give them comfort and
reassurance, and after riding the roller-coaster with them, we do our best to
help them find peace.


Author of Non-Violent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg, gives us a
concise definition of what empathy really is:

“In empathy, you don’t speak at all. You speak with the eyes. You speak
with the body. If you say any words at all, it’s because you are not sure you
are with the person. So you may say some words. But the words are not
empathy. Empathy is when the other person feels the connection to with
what’s alive in you.”

So, yes, we notice a lot of what goes on around us- but you’ll notice some
things about us too.





Empaths aren’t “too” this or that. What others describe as “over-feeling” is

really just being in-touch with emotions- theirs and yours.


It barely takes a glance in your direction and we know you’re lying. The
majority of people hate being lied to, but it really sucks for an empath. It
literally makes our skin feel gross and we feel that disgust every time we
are around them.


Empaths find it nearly impossible to “unfeel” something. The news? Stories

of violence and heartbreak on social media? We avoid them like the
plague. We are well aware of the pain in the world, and we feel it daily.


Empaths encompass every personality type. We are introverts, extroverts,

and ambiverts. Yet, even the most outgoing of us can become easily
overwhelmed in crowds. We absorb everyone’s feeling and energies…it’s
exhausting, to say the least.


Empaths are there to help; we try to guide you towards healing. Just like
with all of our advice, it only helps if you actually implement it in your life.


Whether it is coffee or tea, soda or an energy drink, anything

containing caffeine tends to make us feel more anxious or agitated than
others. Also, we do our best to avoid prescription medication as much as
possible due to the numerous, and unpleasant, side effects we experience.


If you’re looking for honesty and a true friendship, empaths are who you
should be searching for (but we’ll likely find you first). We have grown into
who we are, and we embrace who we are becoming. Usually, it is others
who have an issue with our sensitivity and honest nature.



If you’re not feeling well, are feeling overwhelming sadness and

depression, or if you’re agitated, we are going through all of those things
with you. We’re connected to those we care about, and we care about


Empaths don’t ‘own’ animals, and we don’t have pets. We have family
members. Looking at animals in the wild, we see a perfect and pure soul…
a love incapable of hate. We have conversations with them as you would
anyone else, and sometimes, we even get a response.


We deal with more than just our personal emotions and mental drains, we
deal with everyone else’s as well. Every day we are around other people,
we absorb, process, and release what those around us are experiencing.
And those are the lucky ones who have figured out how to process so
they can release, instead of holding onto everything until they can no
longer function.


We listen to every word you say, we put ourselves in your shoes, and we
deliver heartfelt advice. Is it too much to ask for you to listen to it? The thing
is, we know what we are talking about- and you do too. In fact, we are
telling you the exact same thing that you know you should do. We know it.
You know it. So, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, either take the
advice or stop asking because it wears on our patience.


Maybe it’s because of our heightened sensitivity to everyone and

everything around us, but empaths tend to lose focus easily and become
distracted. There is a bright side to this: empaths notice and appreciate all
the little things most people never take the time to notice.


Empaths can spot a narcissist a mile away, and that’s about as close as
we like to get to one.


A certain pitch, a slight buzz, and loud noises can really get to us.
However, it isn’t just sounds- we are also sensitive to textures, fabrics, and
bright lights as well. We experience the polar opposite too! Gentle sounds,
soft caresses, and delicate tastes are noticed just as intensely, but in a
pleasing manner.


Go on, tell us everything about your life from the seemingly insignificant, to
the drastically transformative. We will do more than listen- we will embark
on that journey along side you, and experience every high and low
found within. On top of that, you never have to worry about any judgment
on our part; we never want to hurt, only to help.


I know this sounds strange to those who have not experienced it, but it
happens. We get shocked by touching the same things you normally do,
and electronic equipment acts strange around us. Computers glitch, cars
stall, phones die- if it has a current or a charge, it is probably going to affect
us or be affected by us.

For those of you who have read this article and telling yourself, “Finally! I
have a word for all of this and it makes sense now!” I am glad you have
gained some insight into your gift. And that is exactly what it is- a gift. It is
something that we can learn from, and share with others. Remember to
make time for yourself, where your only focus is you. Even just 5
minutes a day of silence and relaxed breathing can make a world of
difference when it comes to handling emotional stress- and that’s
good advice for everyone, not just empaths.

Loving An Empath Warrior

by EmpathPlanet5 Commentson Loving An Empath Warrior

Sensitive empath men with a warrior’s soul are

magnetically attractive mainly because when a man is
not afraid to connect to his sensitive side and then
expose it, it shows huge amounts of courage and also
that he has found freedom within.
It signals a remarkable sense of individuality and strength and a
sensitive warrior is one to be sought out. This is because his sensitivity
means that he is aware of every drop of rain falling, each star that is
burning as it falls from the sky and the sound of the enemy’s footsteps
arriving from afar.

For too many years men, generally speaking, have felt that they need
to portray themselves as strong, tough and even emotionally cold. The
old saying, “boys don’t cry” has been popular for the simple reason
that in many places it is not acceptable for men to openly show their
emotions. Boys get teased terribly by their peers when they express
their feelings and they are often made fun of in the playground for
“liking” girls.

It is no wonder many of these boys grow up to be men who are

emotionally unavailable and dramatically out of touch with their
sensitive side. They have been taught to hide and cover up their true
feelings and replace them with a puffed out chest and broad shoulders.

Boys are often told that men are fierce warriors and fighters—what
these boys aren’t always told is that these warriors and fighters aren’t
aggressive or angry comrades, quite the opposite. They are warriors
who have stepped into their own power and their combat is living with
a deeply profound connection to their core selves.

They live fearlessly seeking for the truth and they know that the only
truths they will ever fully reveal are the ones that are found living
within themselves.

Boys and men aren’t just here to rough-and-tumble or to posture with

masculinity. They are here to find a balance, but before they can do
that they have to wander to the edge of both extremes.

Sensitive warriors are prepared to take risks, to live meaningfully and

with integrity knowing they will fall hard and fast at times. They not
only question their emotions, they interrogate them to find whether the
source is one of love or one of fear. They experience life intensely and
they roam each of these roads fuelled with compassion, an open mind
and a sense of purpose as they are in pursuit of finding the meaning
beyond what is shown at the surface.

A true empath’s spirit has fight but it also has flight. Men who are
highly sensitive are aware that they do not always need to stand armed
and ready prepared to win a battle, sometimes walking away from the
battle is the toughest battle they will ever win.
A sensitive empath will know that this gift is a both a blessing and a
curse. He knows that other men won’t always connect with him when
he opens up to talk about the wonder of his inner world. He is often in
the wilderness alienated from others who find it difficult to understand
him. It can take him some time to find out where on the planet his
tribe resides and in the meantime he works out how to turn this
loneliness to solitude. This is something that will be his greatest ally
on his life’s journey.

An empath warrior man knows that it can be extremely painful being

so finely tuned to the harsh surroundings of a world that does not
vibrate at his level. However, the warrior does not judge, he
understands that each journey is significant and that there is no right
or wrong way to exist. He appreciates that everyone has unique paths
to navigate and he only looks at his own compass for guidance.

He also knows that to be sensitive means that he experiences life on a

dimension that not everyone reaches. A sensitive man explores his
creativity, he listens to what is in his soul and he can remain for hours
just observing his imagination dancing its way through his mind.

The masculine empath’s world exists in full colour and although those
colours aren’t always the prettiest he will always feel alive. This
sensitive warrior does not choose to wear tinted glasses to dull his
world because he is afraid of what he might see. He adjusts his eyes
constantly, and he doesn’t turn away, even when it is deeply painful to
accept what it is that he sees.

An empathic warrior embraces his masculine and feminine side

because his curiosity has pushed him to discover that humans are a
mixture of both. He knows that when he tried to deny parts of himself
he was unable to figure out who he truly was.

When he stood with arms wide open and allowed the blend of both
masculine and feminine to work its magic he discovered that the
alchemy had resulted in the creation of the truest version of himself at
that time. He also knows this version is constantly altering with every
moment that passes in each day.

This warrior is not afraid to be who he is and has wrestled at times

with whether he is “too” this or “too” that. He often feels as though he
has “too much love” or even “too much” pain for others to handle, but
ultimately he knows that his “much-too-muchness” is the only way he
wants to exist. He cannot compromise who he is without losing parts
of himself so he knows that however difficult it is at times to live this
way, it is the only way for him. To feel is to feel alive.

He has tried living a life to suit others before his empath soul had fully
developed and he not only caused frustration and pain to himself, but
also to others too. This man has walked through the dark forests alone
many times so that he can be brought face-to-face with the demons
that haunt him.

The sensitive male knows he has flaws and imperfections and he

knows these can rise up like monsters from the undergrowth at any
given moment. He no longer places masks on them or tries to hide
them from others, as judgement is not something that is welcomed at
his table.

He puts his fearless arm around the shoulders of skeletons that hold
powerful guns loaded with his emotions. Although they have one
finger on the trigger, he fights these emotional battles with heart,
compassion and forgiveness rather than from a place of out-dated fear.

The empath soul recognises that to give and receive love to others he
must first give and receive love to himself so that he knows how it
feels to accept all parts of himself. He knows that if he can find
affection for the bits that aren’t so easy to love and still be in a
position to deliver love to himself, only then can he possibly know
that he can do the same things for all others too.
To recognise a sensitive empathic warrior, look for the innocence in
his eyes. The reason the innocence is the first thing you will notice is
because a warrior is wise enough to know that he actually knows very
little. This is because he knows that he is simply a star in a vast
universe and the majority of what is out there is not visible to the eye.

He does not merely seek to uncover what truths are out there, but he
looks for what truths lie within. He knows that life is a journey that
will never reach its destination. He will never have all of the answers.
He knows he will never be fully aware of the reality of himself, others
or anything that is around him.

Yet, still, he is inquisitive so he will always be compelled to look.

This innocence may at first appear as a sign of weakness or even

naivety so it is imperative that you take a look again. When you look
deeper you will find that it is the most enchanting and magnificent
thing you will ever cast your eyes upon.

An empath warrior’s innocence is simply that he knows he is human,

so he is therefore vulnerable. By knowing he is vulnerable he also
becomes invincible.

Loving An Otherworldly Girl

by EmpathPlanet

An otherworldly girl will mystify you beyond anything

your mind could hope to comprehend.  
You will never fully understand her. It is probably easier not to try.
Instead, if you love her, allow her to exist exactly as she is without
expectation, projection or superficial desire.
To know how to love her entirely, you only need to get to know her
heart. Close your eyes, inhale the warmth of the radiant glow
emanating from her, and you will start to feel how to love with an
intensity that hits the heart as hard as the loudest drumbeat as it
vibrates through the longest, loneliest night.

She doesn’t need your approval and she won’t need you to see what
she sees, love what she loves, or walk by her side to the enchanted
places she roams with reckless abandon. But if you do, be prepared for
mystery, madness and magic.

For this girl lives in the land of the ethereal. Everything there leaves a
trail of stardust, and if you follow the glittering tracks you will notice
signs, serendipitous, synchronicities and suggestions that tease you
and lead you to discover the kind of reality you only ever thought
would be found within a vivid, unfiltered and wild mind.

This otherworldly girl does not treasure handbags, diamonds or gold.

The jewels she collects are seashells, stones, crystals and high
vibrational tokens the planet kindly scatters along beaches,
mountaintops and paths that run alongside restless, flowing lakes.
These precious gems are worn around her wrists, left in pockets or
placed on bedside tables to ground and remind her that this earth is
just a temporary, yet beloved, home to adventure and explore.

She is all about soul resonation. If your heart-centered energy

resonates with hers, your presence in her life will need no justification,
and you will bond with such force and strength that eternity would
never dare to challenge the union.

This girl will rock and distract you. When you meet her you will
stumble down a bottomless rabbit hole, and as you free fall your life
will unravel one layer at a time, and you will instantly begin to see
through kaleidoscope lenses, but only if you are ready to believe.
You see…this world is not quite as you see it now.

Everything is only how it seems because you think of it as appearing

in a certain way. This rare otherworldly mesmerizing creature that you
are growing to love is going to tear down those veils one by one. She
will terrify and soothe you all at once simply by whispering a single,
poetic, softly spoken word. To perceive as she does is not for the faint
or guarded-hearted. And although she is sensitive and vulnerable, she
is also the center of a life-changing storm more powerful than any
desert has witnessed.

Do not underestimate her. For many have tried to pull her surreal
existence apart as they have not understood it. They have feared the
tornadoes that spin through her veins, and they have attempted to calm
the chaos that keeps her wide-eyed, fueled and alluringly alive.
Although they find her uniqueness irresistible, and they wanted a taste
of this world she has created, the barriers in their mind caused such
resistance that they failed to capture the bewitching charm that their
soul longed.

She is a curious, timeless, sentimental, sensitive, infinite being. An

old, wise intuitive soul and a bewildered, mischievous, wounded child
mixed into one, and she finds home in the hearts of all that she loves.
Although she wanders, alone and free, she knows exactly which
compass to follow. She relies on internal navigation and although it
has led her into battle, it has never failed to lead her back out and
toward the beauty of greener land.

If you feel an inexplicable, intimate, profound, spellbinding

connection—almost as though you have known her before—it is likely
because you have. You are eternal and will likely have crossed one
another’s paths while traversing some distant realm.

You may think she is rebellious, unchartered and possibly even

puzzling and peculiar, but if you observe how she moves, you will see
that she is fluidly flowing with nature—and while she defies society
and logic, it is with grace and without intention. Instead, she
courageously steps in time to the pulse of the universe’s heartbeat,
fearlessly breaking down false paradigms and taking down the walls
of separation that generations before her had built.

She is immense joy and the deepest sorrow, with maximum measures
of pleasure and pain. However, neither the darkness nor the light
entices her to dance; she just twirls and spins without demands. She is
a magnificent wonder that cannot be named, defined or pinned down.
With unshakable determination there is nothing and no one that can
hold, bind or harness her.

This girl may seem as though her life is dreamlike and as though it is
an imaginative adventure of fantasy and far-fetched tales. And while
this perception may hold some truth, when you look a little closer you
will see that her magical mind is born from a raw reality. She sees
with eyes that know no limits and feels with a heart that knows
nothing of boundaries that divide one from another.

If you only want to love this extraordinary girl in the way you love the
ocean when it is still, predictable and safe, then I advise you to step
away. Her otherworldliness is more than that, and she will ruin and
destroy that prettily painted image in your mind. She will
unknowingly walk barefoot all over those idealized images of what
you want her to be, and she will fly past the pedestals and unrealistic
desires that attempt to quell her. She won’t glance back, and the girl
who is not lost will be lost to you as she continues into the wilderness
where she will remain unhandled and untamed.

If you want to own her, then please, listen carefully; she doesn’t
belong here, so it is impossible to claim or attempt to chain her.
Romance her, love her intensely and with passion, and adore her
whichever way you know how. Cherish her and let her be free in all
her wondrous glory.

If you can’t—although it might hurt—then you have to let her go, for
she is a wild being and she will never feel loved when trapped.

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