1599668022strategies For Export Promotion of Popped Makhana in India Compressed 1
1599668022strategies For Export Promotion of Popped Makhana in India Compressed 1
1599668022strategies For Export Promotion of Popped Makhana in India Compressed 1
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Makhana is an aquatic cash crop largely cultivated in Bihar, Assam, Manipur, West Bengal, Tripura and Odisha states of
India. In India, nearly 10,000 tonnes of popped makhana is produced, of which, Bihar contributes 85-90 per cent of total
production. Despite being a healthy food with rich amount of nutrients and mineral, makhana export is only 1-2 pe cent of its
total quantity. USA, UK, Australia, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Gulf Nations like U.A.E, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman
are the major export destinations of makhana from India. Area expansion, mechanization, value addition, branding, allocation
of separate HS code and promotion of makhana industries are important strategies for its export.
Keywords: Makhana, export, strategies, APEDA
Makhana, also known as gorgon Nut or foxnut 2.0 ft. A major difference in pond and field system is the
(Euryale ferox salisb.) is an aquatic cash crop mainly application of fertilizers and other chemicals in field.
distributed in South East and East Asian countries viz. Generally, farmers don’t use fertilizers in pond system.
India, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Japan, Russia, Korea The average yield level of makhana in field is 2.25 t/ha
etc. In India, its cultivation is limited to few states like which is significantly higher than pond system (1.5 to 1.7
Bihar, Assam, Manipur, West Bengal, Tripura and t/ha).
Odisha (Kumar et al, 2011). Makhana seeds which are
small and round having black to brownish outer layer is Current Status of Makhana Export
the edible part of the plant which is consumed in the form Owing to its high nutrient value and several
of popped lava after processing. Popped makhana is a health benefits, the demand for makhana has increased
highly nutritious food and a very good source of steadily in recent times. In India, makhana is now
carbohydrate, protein & minerals. It contains 12.8 % consumed across the country. Although, commercial
moisture, 76.9 % carbohydrate, 9.7% protein, 0.1% fat, production of makhana is limited to selected districts of
0.5% total minerals, 0.02% calcium, 0.9% phosphorus North Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and Manipur; it
and 0.004% iron (Shankar et al, 2010). Bihar has a reaches to all major cities of the country through a chain
monopoly in makhana production. As per estimates, the of traders which include producers, processors, local
state alone produces approximately 90% of total wholesalers, commission agents, distant wholesalers,
makhana production in the country. Makhana crop is retailers and consumers.
grown in almost 15,000 ha area in Bihar which produces
nearly 10,000 tonnes of popped Makhana (ICAR, 2019).
Out of 38 districts, makhana is cultivated largely in nine
districts of North Bihar namely Darbhanga, Madhubani,
Purnea, Katihar, Saharsa, Supaul, Araria, Kishanganj and
Sitamarhi. Keeping in mind its importance, Govt. of
Bihar is giving special emphasis on area expansion of
makhana by extending subsidy for its cultivation to the
extent of Rs. 13,400/ha in pond and Rs. 16,000/ha in field
system (Agriculture Road Map of Bihar, 2017-22).
Makhana crop is cultivated in both pond and
field system. In districts of Darbhanga and Madhubani,
large numbers of ponds are available for makhana
cultivation. Transplanting is not required in ponds since
seeds of last season germinate during the cropping
season. In low lying fields of Purnea and Katihar, Fig: Outlet of makhana and other dry fruits in Delhi
makhana is grown in fields with standing water of 1.5 to
It was estimated that farmers in production areas receive Kuwait 354.77 29.86 2.15
about 55% of the final retail price in local market. Sri Lanka 210.50 28.65 2.07
However, their share decrease rapidly, when makhana Singapore 331.35 27.80 2.01
pop is sold in distant markets because of higher price Bhutan 353.06 25.84 1.86
received. The retail margin is the second most important Malaysia 150.41 13.31 0.96
component in the final price, accounting for nearly 19% Bahrain 156.43 11.83 0.85
in the final retail price of popped makhana (Minten et al, Pakistan 49.40 10.81 0.78
2010). As far as export is concerned, its export potential Others 751.80 82.40 5.93
is still untapped. Currently, India is exporting only 1-2 Total 11777.55 1385.88 100
per cent of its total production. Nearly 100 tonnes of Source: APEDA, 2020
popped makhana is exported to other countries. As per APEDA website, During year 2019-20,
Shakti Sudha Industries, Patna is one of the India exported 11,777 tonnes of makhana along with
major players in export of makhana from Bihar through related products worth Rs 1385.9 Million Rupees. USA
its online marketing platform. Global Marketing was major destination with almost one third of total
companies like Amazon, Flipkart etc also play major role export was contributed by this country followed by UAE
in the export of Makhana. Several private firms active in (11.54%), Nepal (9.73%), United Kingdom (5.39%) and
big cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Amritsar, Kolkata, Australia (4.81%). Gulf countries like Qatar, Saudi Arab,
Vadodara, etc. are involved in export of Makhana. United
Oman, Kuwait, etc also listed in top destination for
States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, makhana export.
Bangladesh, Pakistan and Gulf Nations like U.A.E,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Oman are the major
Strategies for Export Promotion of Makhana
export destinations of Makhana from India.
Despite having high potential, the quantity of
Being a minor crop, Government has not
popped makhana exported outside the country is very
allocated a separate HS code (Harmonized System Code)
small as compared to many other dry fruits like almond,
for makhana which is a major hindrance in its export.
cashew etc. Major reason for inadequate export are low
Makhana falls under HS Code: 19041090 (Other
production of makhana, lack of quality produce, lack of
prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of
mechanization in harvesting and processing, near absence
cereals or cereal products) and it is exported with many
of value addition in makhana etc. Following strategies
other products. Therefore, data of makhana export from
can be adopted for promotion of export of makhana in the
India is not available. However, export data from Country:
APEDA for HS Code 19041090 shows trends in its
export (Table 1). 1. Expansion of Area under Makhana: Production of
makhana can be enhanced by increasing area under
Table 1: Quantity, value and major destinations for makhana. There is a large scope for expansion of
export of Makhana (including other products under makhana area in the country. Currently, it is grown in
HS Code 19041090) from India (2019-20) about 15000 ha area of which Bihar is the major
Country Quantity Value (Rs Percentage contributor. Being an aquatic crop, makhana requires
(MT) in million) share in ponds, chaurs and low lying fields with standing water
total export during crop season. Therefore, more such areas can be
USA 3069.21 479.04 34.57 identified for its expansion. Moreover, makhana can also
UAE 2090.62 159.87 11.54 be cultivated in field condition with recommended
Nepal 863.52 134.90 9.73 package of practices. Bihar Govt. is extending subsidy
UK 613.21 74.67 5.39 for makhana cultivation to the extent of Rs. 13400 to
Australia 595.44 66.65 4.81 16000 per ha.
Qatar 597.74 45.40 3.28
Bangladesh 196.81 42.90 3.10 2. Adoption of high yielding varieties: For increasing
Saudi Arab 563.13 42.23 3.05 productivity, adoption of high yielding varieties and new
Maldives 181.24 40.18 2.90 technologies by farmers is required. Research Centre for
Canada 250.52 37.66 2.72 Makhana, Darbhanga has developed Swarna Vaidehi
Oman 398.39 31.92 2.30 variety having higher production potential of 3.0 tons per
September 2020 │Volume: 1, Issue: 9 │Page 31
Food and Scientific Reports
ISSN 2582-5437 foodandscientificreports.com
ha as compared to traditional cultivars (1.4 t/ha). eliminate the middle man and grab the huge profit
Similarly, BAU, Sabour also developed one variety through value addition, effective marketing and export.
called Sabour Makhana 1 having yield potential of 3.5
tons per ha. Availability of quality seeds of these 7. Promoting export through branding: Scope for
varieties needs to be ensured. So that farmers can makhana export can be enhanced by branding of value-
purchase these improved varieties in large quantity for added products. Some makhana companies add value to
wider adoption. Training on scientific package of the raw popped makhana in the form of tomato, pudina,
practices for makhana for farmers needs to be promoted chilli, butter or other flavours. These fried value-added
at massive scale. snacks are packed in small attractive packs of 50 g, 100 g
or 250g and sold to consumers through retail outlets of
3. Mechanization for harvesting and processing: large companies like Reliance, Haldiram, etc. The
Export of any product depends on its quality. Presently, products are also sold online through Amazon, Flipkart,
majority of Makhana is harvested and processed Big Basket, Grofers, etc. to the consumers. Shakti Sudha
manually by skilled labours. There is problem of Industries, Patna first started to sell value added products.
maintaining hygiene during preparation of popped Later on, Makhanawala’s, Maruti Makhana, Manju
Makhana. Therefore, low cost machineries need to be Makhana, Sattviko, Divinutty, etc. joined this business
developed and make available for processing of Makhana due to higher scope for National as well as International
seed. Market availability. Still, there are very few companies
involved in branding and there is ample scope for its
4. Allocation of separate HS code and Specification of support.
product for export: Being a minor crop, Government
has not developed quality specification for its export. There is huge scope for popped makhana and its
Therefore, specification must be developed for its value added products in the International market. The
product. Moreover, makhana still has no separate HS global fox nuts market size was estimated at USD 25.6
code and it falls in HS Code 19041090 which includes million in 2018 (Grand View Research, 2020). The
other products also. To promote its export, separate HS demand for fox nuts is on the rise due to the increasing
code should be allocated. consumer preference for healthy and natural food
products. To enhance profitability from makhana
5. Support to Makhana industries involved in value cultivation, its consumption and export must be
addition: Lack of value-added products of makhana is a promoted. The price of makhana pop in the international
major issue in its export promotion. There is huge scope market is very high as compared to domestic market. The
for marketing of value-added makhana snacks in government must help the willing makhana farmers in
international market. Presently, small scale makhana exporting their produce by formation of Farmer Producer
processing industries are working as a highly Company. The export can be increased by providing
unorganized sector. Recently, the Govt. of India has separate HS code, maintaining correct market
announced 10,000 crores for cluster-based approach for intelligence of this crop and providing quality hygienic
unorganised Micro Food Enterprises related to mango, products. This will not only earn the country handsome
makhana, turmeric, chilli, saffron, bamboo shoot etc. foreign exchange but also improves the socioeconomic
This fund may be utilised for value added healthy snacks condition of resource-poor farmers involved in its
by creating global standard products of makhana and its cultivation.
branding “Vocal for Local” as suggested by Hon’ble PM
of India. References
Agriculture Road Map (2017-22). Govt of Bihar;
6. Supporting Makhana growers using cluster Accessed from http://krishi.bih.nic.in/Road-
approach: Makhana cultivation require areas having Map/Road_Map_2017-22_English.pdf
ample number of water bodies, chaurs and low lying APEDA, (2020). Product profile: Other prepared foods
fields. So, a cluster-based approach is required for obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or
support of makhana growers. Such areas can be identified cereal products (HS Code- 19041090) accessed
and promoted specially for makhana. Farmers should be from website
mobilised to form Farmer Producer Company to
http://agriexchange.apeda.gov.in/ProductSearch/Pr Kumar L., Gupta V. K., Jha B. K., Singh, I. S., Bhatt, B.
oduct_Detail.aspx?hscode=19041090. P., and Singh, A. K. (2011) Status of Makhana
Minten, B., Singh, K. M., and Sutradhar, R. (2010). The (Euryale feroxSalisb.) Cultivation in India,
makhana value chain and the fast emergence of Technical Bulletin No. R-32/PAT-21, ICAR
branding in food retail: Evidence from Bihar Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna.
(India), accessed from website https://mpra.ub.uni- Shankar M., Chaudhary N., and Singh D. (2010) A
muenchen.de/54344/1/MPRA_paper_54344.pdf. review on Gorgon Nut. International Journal of
ICAR, (2019). Mechanizing Makhana Popping - A way Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives. 1(2), 101-
to save Health of Millions and improve Livelihood 107.
of Makhana Growers, Accessed from https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-
https://www.icar.org.in/content/mechanizing- analysis/fox-nuts-market.