Ip Cse 205
Ip Cse 205
Ip Cse 205
Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Labs
Text Book: 1 Schaum Outline series by: Seymour Lipschutz, Publishers: Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,Year of Publication:2006
4 Kruse, Data Structures & Program design, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
5 Tenenbaum, Augenstein, & Langsam, Data Structures using C and C++, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Other Reading
Relevant Websites
Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Linked list: representation, traversal ->Reference linked_list.ppt
:1,Chapter5 5.1-5.4
Lecture 15 Searching: search in Sorted, Unsorted link list ->Reference
:1,Chapter5 5.5
Lecture 16 Searching: search in Sorted, Unsorted link list HomeWork 1 Submission
Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 40 Algorithm for shortest distance; Warshall’s algorithm ->Reference HomeWork 3 Submission
:1,Chapter8 8.4
Week 11 Lecture 41 Breadth first search and Depth first search ->Reference HomeWork 4 Allocation
:1,Chapter8 8.7
Lecture 42 Hashing: Hash tables ->Reference Term Paper 1 Submission Hashing.ppt
:1,Chapter9 9.9
Lecture 43 various types of hashing functions Hashing_functions.ppt
Total :- 50 100
* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the
List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)