The shipment was successfully delivered to the receiver in Gurgaon. It originated from Bhubaneshwar and contained 1 piece. The booking date was November 10th and it was delivered on November 12th. The shipment went through multiple hubs and facilities in Delhi before final delivery in Gurgaon.
The shipment was successfully delivered to the receiver in Gurgaon. It originated from Bhubaneshwar and contained 1 piece. The booking date was November 10th and it was delivered on November 12th. The shipment went through multiple hubs and facilities in Delhi before final delivery in Gurgaon.
Original Title
Track Shipment Status _ Consignment Status – DTDC India
The shipment was successfully delivered to the receiver in Gurgaon. It originated from Bhubaneshwar and contained 1 piece. The booking date was November 10th and it was delivered on November 12th. The shipment went through multiple hubs and facilities in Delhi before final delivery in Gurgaon.
The shipment was successfully delivered to the receiver in Gurgaon. It originated from Bhubaneshwar and contained 1 piece. The booking date was November 10th and it was delivered on November 12th. The shipment went through multiple hubs and facilities in Delhi before final delivery in Gurgaon.