Set Paper
Set Paper
Set Paper
1. a) Mention the relation between D, E and F terms? (2M)
b) Calculate energy stored in Capacitor if Capacitance is 5 PF and voltage 5v? (3M)
c) State the Biot-savart’s law? (2M)
d) Define Loretz force equation? (2M)
e) Define mutual Inductance and coupling Coefficient? (3M)
f) Give the significance of 4th Maxwell’s equation? (2M)
2. a) Three equal point charges of 2 µC are in free space at (0,0,0) ,(2,0,0) (7M)
And (0,2,0) ,respectively find the force on Q4 = 5µCat (2,2,0)
b) Derive the Maxwell’s first Equation Using Gauss’s law (7M)
3. a) A pair of negative and positive charges of 10µC each are separated by (7M)
A distance of 0.1m along the x-axis . Find the dipole moment.
b) Derive the boundary conditions between dielectric to dielectric medium? (7M)
4. a) If the magnetic field, H= (r sin Φ ar + 2.5 r sinθ cos Φ aΦ )A/m exists in a (7M)
Medium whose µ r =3.0 , find the magnetic flux density..
b) Define Ampere’s law and explain any 2 applications? (7M)
5. a) Derive the expression for force on a current element in a magnetic field? (7M)
b) A charge of 12 C has velocity of ( 5ax+2ay-3az ) m/s .Determine F on the (7M)
Charge in the field of i) E=18ax+5ay+10az V/m
ii) B=4ax +4ay +3az wb/m2
Code No: R1621024 R16 SET - 2
1. a) Estimate the differential flux(φ) that passes positive differential area (3M)
“dxdz” if displacement flux density is D=(yax+xay )mc/m2
b) Define i) Dipole moment and ii) Polarization (2M)
c) What is the current density which produces a magnetic field of (2M)
H=28sinx ay?
d) Find the force on charge Q=12C when placed in E=(18ax+5ay+10az) V/m (3M)
e) Define energy density and give its expresion (2M)
f) Represent the 1st Maxwell’s equation both in static and time varying (2M)
EM Fields?
2. a) If coulomb’s force , F=(2ax+ay+az)N , is acting on a charge of 10C,find (7M)
the electric field intensity , its magnitude and direction
b) Derive the E-field due to infinite charge sheet? (7M)
4. a) Determine the magnetic field intensity, H at the center of a square current (7M)
Element. The length of each side is 2 m and the current, I=1.0 Amp.
b) Derive the Maxwell’s equation in point form and integral form using Ampere’s (7M)
Circuit law?
7. Derive and prove that the power flow per unit area P=E X H (14M)
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Code No: R1621024 R16 SET - 3
4. a) Determine the magnetic flux between the conductors of a coaxial cable (7M)
length 10m .The radius of the inner conductor is a=1cm and that of the
Outer conductor is 2 cm. The current enclosed is 2A.
b) Derive the H-field equation due to infinitely long current element. (7M)
5. a) Derive the expression for torque on a current loop placed in a magnetic field (7M)
b) An electron has a velocity of 1km/s along ax, in a magnetic field whose (7M)
Magnetic flux density is B=(0.2ax-0.3ay+0.5az ) Wb/m2.
i) Find the force on the electron under the influence of both E and B when
7. The magnetic field, H of a plane wave has a magnitude of 5mA/m in a medium (14M)
Defined by εr =4, µ r=1. Determine a) the average power flow
b) the maximum energy density in the plane wave.
Code No: R1621024 R16 SET - 4
1. a) State the Coulombs law and mention the units for each quantity (3M)
b) Write the equation for conduction current density and continuity (2M)
c) Define Magnetic flux and Magnetic flux density? (2M)
d) Determine the torque on a square coil of 0.2m X 0.2 m carrying a current (2M)
of 3.0 A in a field of 10 Wb/m2
e) Define self inductance and mutual inductance (2M)
f) Write the Maxwell’s equations in integral form (2M)
2. a) Describe the work done in moving a point charge in an electrostatic field (7M)
b) Define potential difference and prove that it is independent on the shape of the (7M)
3. a) The region y<0 contains a dielectric material for which εr1 =2.0 and The (7M)
region y>0 contains a dielectric material for which εr2 =4.0.
If E1=-3.0ax +5.0ay+ 7.0az V/m, find the electric field, E2 and D2 in
Medium 2.
b) Derive the continuity equation? (7M)
4. a) Given magnetic flux density , B=ρ aΦ ,find the total flux crossing the (7M)
Surface Φ = π /2 , 1 ≤ ρ ≤ 2 m and 0 ≤ z ≤ 5 m
b) Derive positive H –field equation due to a circular loop current element (7M)
5. a) Derive the force equation , force on a long current carrying conductor (7M)
in Magnetic field.
b) In a magnetic flux density of B=(1.0ax+ 3.0 ay ) Wb/m2 , a current element, (7M)
10az mA/m is placed. Find the force on the current element.
6. a) A Toroid has air core and has a cross–sectional area of 10 mm2. It has (7M)
1000 turns and its mean radius is 10 mm. Find its Inductance.
b) Define Inductance? Derive the Inductance equations in different forms? (7M)
7. Represent the Maxwell’s equations both in integral form and differential (14M)
form for a) Static EM fields b) Time varying fields.