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Prune Juice Concentrate Technical Data Sheet

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National Raisin to acquire and/or

produce the safest, highest quality
product available in the industry. A
copy of these programs, guidelines, and
policies are generally provided to the
quality assurance personnel upon audit
Prune Juice Concentrate of the facility. The buyer may also
Technical Data Sheet obtain a copy of this material upon
request through the National Raisin
account manager. Please be advised,
Product Description this material is considered highly
Prune juice concentrate is produced by sensitive and should be held in the
hot water leaching dried prunes to Product provided will be subject to the highest confidence.
remove the natural fruit sugars. During micro requirements above. All
this process, the naturally occurring products will conform US microbial, National Raisin is a member of the
pectin is removed by enzymatic pesticide, mycotoxin, branding, and American Council of Food Safety and
addition. The enzymes are denatured labeling requirements set forth by the Quality and has maintained compliance
by high temperature processing to US FDA and Federal Food and Drug in sanitation for all unannounced
produce the finished product. Cosmetic Act. quarterly inspections. This compliance
has found the facility to be in excellent
General Quality Information Nutritional Values (100 grams)* sanitary condition for all inspections.
Every batch of concentrate is analyzed Proximates National Raisin Company also has
to insure that the product meets the high Calories 270 - 290 kcal rated “Excellence” in the American
standards for Champion Prune Juice Proteins 1.5 – 2.5 g Institute of Baking program.
Concentrate. The product is guaranteed Total
to meet the requirements set forth in Carbohydrates 65 - 68 g National Raisin was awarded GFSI-
this specification. Invert Sugars 42 - 53 g SQF 2000 and GFSI-BRC Global
Fiber 0.05 – 0.10 g Standard for Food Safety certification
Attribute Category Tolerance
Color Dark Brown
Ash 0.5 – 2.4 g for achievements in food safety and
Free of Foreign Total Acid quality.
Foreign Material (malic) 1.5 – 2.2 g
Extraneous Material
(Visible / Micro) Minerals
Typical Prune
Calcium 25 - 40 mg
Flavor Inherent Fruity Flavor Iron 3 mg
Brix (Soluble Solids) 70 % minimum Phosphorus 60 – 80 mg
pH 3.3 – 4.0 Potassium 800 - 1000 mg
Total Acidity (malic) 1. 4 – 2.5 % Sodium 20 - 40 mg
Density 11.25 lbs./gallon min.

* Estimated volume based on weight

Microbiological & Chemical to volume ratio of 11.25 lbs per
Tolerances gallon
Analysis Method Specification
<1,000/g Packaging Information
FDA-BAM The product can be packed in 5 gallon
Yeast <500/g
8th Ed. pails, 55 gallon drums, or 280 gallon Providing Second to None Quality
FDA-BAM totes. & Customer Service
Mold <500/g
8th Ed.
AOAC National Raisin Company Est. 1969
E. Coli <3/g Storage / Shelf Life
AOAC Prune Juice concentrate is naturally
Coliform <10/g
966.24 equipped to main stability at
Negative temperatures between 15o and 21o C.
Staph AOAC
This is due to the low pH, low water
<10/g activity, and high Brix properties.
(Coag +) 987.09
Osmophillic FDA-BAM
Recommended shelf life – 12 months.
yeast 8th Ed.
Osmophillic FDA-BAM
<10/g Food Safety Program Commitment
mold 8th Ed.
National Raisin operates under strict
food safety and quality guidelines.
These formalized programs allow
National Raisin Company, PO Box 219, Fowler, California, 93625 TDS- Champion Prune Juice Concentrate 082010 PR
(559)834-5981, Fax (559)834-1055

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