MST Systems Enter Strongman
MST Systems Enter Strongman
MST Systems Enter Strongman
Enter strongman
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1
Enter Strongman ................................................................................................ 4
Week 1............................................................................................................ 4
Week 2.......................................................................................................... 16
Week 3.......................................................................................................... 24
Week 4.......................................................................................................... 32
Week 5.......................................................................................................... 39
Week 6.......................................................................................................... 47
Week 7.......................................................................................................... 54
Week 8.......................................................................................................... 62
A final word ..................................................................................................... 70
Video Glossary ................................................................................................. 71
First of all, thank you for downloading this eBook! The purpose of this eBook is
to transition you from a regular gym goer or a bodybuilder into a
In this 8 week block you will improve your deadlift technique, your form on
push press and squat as well as introduce you to the events that you see on
the TV and get you used to functional strength training; running with farmers
frames and yoke and loading atlas stones and learning how to log press.
This is not a peaking program, so don’t aim or plan to go and hit loads of new
pbs at the end of this block. Although you will get stronger, this plan would be
better used prior to a peaking plan. The main goal of this program is to teach
you how to lift like a Strongman. Being able to execute the lifts properly is the
first and most important stage of increasing your strength and in this 8 week
block this is what we intend to do.
This program is split up into 4 days, with the first 3 days you should be able to
complete in any gym across the country, and the 4th day with be your events
day, where you will have to travel to a gym that has access to strongman
If you need a gym for the events day on day 4, checkout MST Systems
Strongman Gyms page for any nearby Strongman gyms.
Before you get started, I am just going to introduce a few terms that will be
used through the plan that you may not be familiar with, as well as explaining
how to work percentages and what RPE means.
Sets x Reps: On this plan when it will always be shown as sets x reps. So, for
example 3x7 is 3 sets of 7 reps.
Percentage Work: When given a percentage, this is based upon your 1RM.
Base it off a recent max attempt. Don’t base it off a max from years ago that
you’re nowhere near capable of achieving today. If you have never tested a
1RM or have not tested for a long time, it may be worth testing before you
start the program, to be able to get the most accurate numbers. Try and aim
for around 95% max while testing, you don’t want to be failing, injuring
yourself or letting your form/technique go too much while testing
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RPE: Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is a scale we use to measure the
difficulty or intensity of a lift. We will use this as a scale from 1 to 10, with 10
being maximal effort required. Consider this a rating of how hard, difficult, or
exerting you find the exercise to be. If there is more than 1 set, (for example 3)
the rating is based upon the difficulty of all 3 sets, so an exercise with an RPE 7
should be working at 70% difficulty for you, where as an RPE 10 is 100% effort.
Obviously at times it can be quite difficult to estimate and put a number on
how exerting you find an exercise to be, so an easy way to think about it is if it
is RPE 10, you have no more reps left after the final rep, where as an RPE 6,
you should feel there is around 4 reps left comfortably before you feeling like
you’re exerting yourself too much.
Key terms
Eccentric: Controlling the weight back down towards to ground. This is where
the muscle will lengthen/stretch as you lower the weight.
Concentric: This is the actual lifting of the weight; this is where your muscles
will shorten and contract.
Isometric: Stopping and holding the weight during the lift. An isometric hold is
preventing the load from being lowered anymore towards the floor without,
lifting it up any further. Affectively just a pause.
Tempo: The speed or rhythm in which you are lifting the weight. A slow tempo
is taking longer to execute the movement throughout the eccentric and
concentric of the movement, and a fast tempo is moving the bar much faster.
Rest times
The main purpose of this plan is to build skills in a variety of movements, to
transition you from a regular lifter, or gym goer into a strongman. So, the main
priority of this is skill acquisition. Whenever you learn a new skill, from lifting
technique to driving a car, the main thing that is happening is you are building
connections in your brain of what to do in a certain situation, to get the
neurons (the cells in the brain the information to other cells in your body)
firing with one another. So, in the case of learning a deadlift a certain way you
need to get all the appropriate neurons firing together.
When learning lifting skills then it is important to get all the appropriate cells,
firing together, and once this is done to build strong connections with one
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another, to make the skill become more natural rather than a conscious effort,
and the best way to do this is short rep’s short rest. This is so we don’t get
muscle fatigue by doing high reps, and then resort back to former lifting
patters but by keeping the rest short you are getting more repetitions done in
the allotted time building stronger connections. This will result in faster skill
So, by keeping the reps low, you can perform the new technique without
muscle fatigue causing form breakdown, but the short rest allows you to build
the stronger connections to make the skill come more naturally.
What I’m saying is the rest time is put in there for a reason, STICK TO IT!
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Enter Strongman
Week 1
Day 1
Notes: We start the session with hamstring curls, this is to get the hamstrings
activated prior to lifts involving this. For this exercise focus on getting good
contractions and controlled eccentrics in and get the blood flowing to the
targeted area: The hamstring.
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 5x5
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 90 seconds
Notes: For deadlifts, strap up with a double overhand grip. I want a narrow
stance with both feet and arms, and to focus on a high hip starting position.
Deadlifts are a hinged pull, not a push movement. To get a better grasp of this,
and how to set up go watch Adam Bishop’s how to deadlift video on YouTube!
To perform the isometric hold once the deadlift is locked out slowly control the
eccentric down until you are between 1 and 2 inches below the knee. You then
hold this position for 3 seconds before then controlling the bar back down to
the floor. Once you have hit the floor try and maintain the position you have
controlled the bar to wait a second and then pull from this position.
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Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 3x10
Weight: RPE 7
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: The main purpose of using bent over rows is to strengthen our deadlift,
so for this plan we are going to use the same cues on the deadlifts over to the
rows, and plan to use the same positions on these as we do on the deadlift.
You want to have the same stance as deadlift, feet position and hand position.
Start at lockout position of deadlift, slowly lower yourself controlling the
eccentric down till you reach below the knee. You should be the same position
you were in on the deadlifts. Then row the bar up your thigh finishing at your
hip crease.
Exercise: Lat Pulldown
Sets x Reps: 3x15
Weight: RPE 7
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Keep an upright position, bring the bar down to around mid-neck level.
Make sure to really squeeze at the bottom and control right back to the top,
holding your arms outstretched at the top of the rep.
Exercise: GHD Back Extension
Sets x Reps: 3x10
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 2 mins
Notes: Start position on this should start with outstretched legs and your
upper body stretched down with your head towards the floor. Primarily
focusing on your lower back, but incorporating your hamstrings too raise your
body so that your chest is parallel to the wall and your hamstrings stabilising
this position.
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Exercise: Weighted Sit Ups
Sets x Reps: 3x10
Weight: Suitable weight with a weight plate that can hold above head and
complete all sets
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Holding a plate above your head perform a sit up, keeping the plate
directly above your head throughout the movement.
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Day 2
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Exercise: Push Press
Sets x Reps: 8x3
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: If you were able to complete a full rack position on front squats follow
on and use this position for your push press! This is the most efficient position
to be in for the push press.
However, if your mobility or previous injuries are restricting this. Hold a rack
position that you would use for a strict or overhead press, and make sure that
you are keeping tight upper body position while completing this exercise. Pull
the bar apart to engage the lats (so while in rack position and to pull the bar in
half pulling it laterally).
From this tight position dip your legs in a controlled slow tempo and then
explode up with your heels coming off the floor and you coming up onto your
toes. This dip isn’t as deep as a squat think of it as a jump, however you need
to make sure that the dipping of this jump is slow and in control. If you rush
down on the dip, you lose positioning and tightness, and this results in losing
your intended bar path and line of the rep.
Focus: Tight rack position, controlled dip and accelerating onto toes to
generate maximal power to the bar
Exercise: Strict Press
Sets x Reps: 5x5
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 3 mins
Notes: For strict press, the bar does not need to start resting on the delts. Hold
it with your elbows facing the floor, start position being around Adam’s apple
area (or where your Adam’s apple would be). Press to overhead, and then
slowly control back down to start position, counting 3 full seconds for each
Exercise: Unilateral Arnold Press (one arm at a time)
Sets x Reps: 3x 10 left arm, 10 right arm
Weight: RPE 7
Rest: 60 seconds
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Notes: Brace your core! Really squeeze your arms to prevent your body from
swaying from side to side, keep your body nice and upright and slow tempo
reps. Don’t have to count yourself in, just control the dumbbell up and then
down in a slow manor, feel the muscles working as opposed to just trying to
take the weight from A to B.
Exercise: Lateral Raise
Sets x Reps: 3x15
Weight: RPE 7
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Hold dumbbells down by your side and raise them laterally. Again, a
slow tempo with these reps too, you should be able to stop and hold the
dumbbell at any point during the repetition to show that it’s in control the full
Exercise: Face Pull
Sets x Reps: 3x30
Weight: RPE 7
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Set the cable up to a height around the top of your head, use a rope
attachment step back and row into your eye level. Your elbows should stay
high during this rep in line with your ears.
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Day 3
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Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 6x2
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: SPEED REPS! Use the same stance and positioning as on day 1. After
first rep perform a slow and controlled eccentric, making sure to remember to
keep your upper back locked in and tight. When hit the floor hold this position
maintaining tightness you kept during controlled eccentric. Then fire up as fast
as possible. These reps should move as fast as possible on the concentric on
this day, while keeping the cues we learnt on day 1 in mind and using this
session as a practise for it.
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Exercise: Copenhagen Planks
Sets x Reps: 2x 15s hold left, 15s hold right
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: This movement is like a side plank, but with one foot elevated on a
bench and the other foot off the ground. You are using your adductors/groin
here to stabilise your position. If you have never done this before you might
find this quite challenging, but we will be keeping the times the same here
throughout the plan, so aim to get more comfortable with it as weeks go on. If
unsure how to execute I advise watching ‘Catalyst Athletics’ video on YouTube
called ‘Copenhagen Plank’. A 30 second video that just shows you what it
should look like.
The reason for adding these are not only to strengthen the adductor, a crucial
muscle in the lockout of a deadlift, but also for general hip health and to
prevent future injuries for occurring.
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Day 4
Notes: Find a light load, around RPE 6. This is a completely new movement so
will take it slowly. Start with the log slightly tilted away from you when it is on
the floor. Deadlift it up and stand tall, squat down with the log tight in your
hips, if you’re wearing a lifting belt it should be sat just on top of the belt. Then
you’re going to push your hips forward firing your glutes. This extension should
result in you coming onto your toes. Once in rack position you want to have
the log resting on your delts and in the grove underneath your chin. The
explosive push press to overhead.
This is a lot to remember I know, so I have split it up like this for you
• Set up, log facing away then deadlift up keeping log tight into your hips
when dip down for clean
• In the clean full hip thrust into the log, forcing yourself onto your toes in
the extension
• In rack position log resting on your delts, and in the groove under your
chin from you looking up. Then push press.
I have included links in the video glossary section to a 4 part series by MST
Systems on how to Log Press, which is well worth checking out.
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you will do drop turns halfway on a moving event but with the main focus
today being on the pickup for farmers and being able to get used to doing it
quickly. Especially on a drop turn you want to be getting the farmers dropped
your turn and the pickup in around a second. Obviously, this being your first
session we might not be there yet, but this is the eventual aim, and how we
want you to be doing it long run.
So, you want to get your hands as close to centre of farmers as you can, but if
it’s not perfect this is not the end of the world, strongman is awkward and
sometimes to save time your grip on each farmer way end of a little uneven.
This is fine, not worth wasting 3-4 seconds over. Breath in and brace your core
and upper back, especially on the drop turn you want to think of doing this as
you have just dropped the farmers and turning, then you’re going to pick the
farmers up, make sure you’re steady, then run.
• Hands aimed close to the centre, don’t waste time making sure its
• Brace for pick up while you’re turning so can get into a fast pick up
• Pick up farmers, make sure you’re stable then run, remember this is a
speed event.
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• Find a set up which isn’t going to be too exerting to pick up, but gives
enough clearance to allow you to move the yoke
• Pick up the yoke with upright upper body and hands firmly on the side
up the yoke pulling inward/backwards to engage upper back.
• Hold off movement a split second (not a long time it is a race remember)
feel the tightness in your lats and core and make sure your stable with
the yoke, then set off.
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Week 2
Day 1
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 5x5
Weight: 55% of 1RM
Rest: 90 seconds
Notes: a 5% increase this week. Hopefully feels a bit more comfortable this
week, too! What I want you to focus on this week is while performing the
isometric hold your shoulders should be in front of the bar and your hips in
quite a high position. Often people can allow their hips to drop down while
executing these so focus on these cues to keep yourself in a strong deadlift
Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 3x10
Weight: Same weight used as last week
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: Same cue as on the deadlift when you’re performing the isometric hold
make sure you’re keeping your hips in a high position and shoulders Infront of
the bar and holding this position for 2s before every row.
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Exercise: Lat pulldown
Sets x Reps: 3x15
Weight: Same weight used as last week
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Make sure to hold the bar for a second at the top of every rep and
control the lift throughout all sets.
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Day 2
Notes: Same cues as last week, with the same method, hold for 5s then
release. Every rep you should aim to get a little deeper than the rep before.
Week by week you should be aiming for deep stretches on these to ensure
you’re progressing your lat mobility.
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 8x2
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: Added 2 more sets on from last week with the same goals we set last
week, get used to that position making sure your lats are engaged, and really
locking in that position. If you are using straps for this, make sure that that rack
position is still tight, so your upper back does not round.
Also ensure that you are fully extending up onto your toes, making this feel like
a jump using the power generated on the squat. DO NOT do a front squat and
then a calf raise, use the momentum from the squat to power up onto your
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While performing the push press pay attention to making sure you’re
generating the power from your legs and extending fully onto your toes.
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Day 3
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 6x2
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: Speed reps again. On the concentric move these as fast as possible,
using the same position you have been using. However, on the eccentric of this
rep control it nice and slow, about 3-5 seconds. When you get to the ground
stop for a second, keeping the same position you finish in after the eccentric
and then fire back up.
The reason for the slow eccentric is that doing this will take you to your best
position for your deadlift, giving you a better idea of where you need your hips
to be. So, on the eccentric make sure you’re locking your upper back keeping
nice and tight and controlling down to the floor and keeping this position.
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Exercise: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Sets x Reps: 10L 10R
Weight: Barbell
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Execute as did in the first week, make sure to engage your core to keep
yourself stable.
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Day 4
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Exercise: Super Yoke
Sets x Reps: 4 x 20m
Weight: Slight increase in load from last week (max 10% increase)
Rest: Rest as needed
Notes: Slight increase in load now, apply everything focused on with last week
and apply it here.
• Find a set up which isn’t going to be too exerting to pick up, but gives
enough clearance to allow you to move the yoke
• Pick up the yoke with upright upper body and hands firmly on the side
up the yoke pulling inward/backwards to engage upper back.
• Hold off movement a split second (not a long time it is a race remember)
feel the tightness in your lats and core and make sure your stable with
the yoke, then set off.
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Week 3
Day 1
Notes: Same cues to focus on as previous weeks. Aim to progress these week
by week by slowing the tempo of the reps down and controlling the movement
slower each week
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 6x4
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 2 minutes
Notes: Another 5% increase this week and change in the rep format. More
sets, less reps this week. Hopefully now the positions you are in while
performing the lift have improved and can focus more on how we are holding
the load. So today I want the focus to be keeping your chin tucked into your
chest. You want to imagine there is a tennis ball underneath your chin and you
are trying to prevent this ball from dropping from your grip. You can even try
doing this if you wish! The reason for this is it is commonly told to people to
‘LOOK UP’ while struggling with a deadlift, with the misconception being if you
look up this will help you finish the rep. This is not the case, in fact the
opposite, by looking up you are blocking signals from your brain from travelling
down your CNS. You’re at your strongest while maintaining a neutral spine.
Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 5x10
Weight: Same weight used as last week
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: In line with the row being to help develop our deadlift, today we intend
on keeping a neutral spine and keeping that chin tucked through the
movement. Prevent the urge to look up, or to the side or at the bar while
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executing these rows. Keep that chin tucked and prevent that imagery ball
from dropping out of the grip between your chin and collarbone.
Notes: Week by week aim to execute these with more control than previous
weeks, decrease the rest times if possible and really feel the lower back and
hamstrings working.
Exercise: Weighted Sit Ups
Sets x Reps: 3x12
Weight: Same as last week
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Same cues as last week with weight plate being held above your head.
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Day 2
Notes: Keep these the same, aiming to progress these by getting the stretches
deeper week by week.
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 10x2
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: Hopefully your position feels more natural now, and you’re fully
extending onto your toes. Now we will change the focus a little bit to the
eccentric of the front squat
While squatting down I want to slow the tempo down, focussing on letting
your knees track over your toes (toes pointed out so your knees are tracking
out), keep the eccentric slow and feel your hips opening. A good way to do this
is to try and twist the ground underneath you, so twisting your foot out as you
go down in the squat.
Notes: Similar to the front squat, what I want you to pay particular focus to
here is a slow controlled dip on the way down of the push press. Allow your
knees to come out, and keep the dip controlled. It is very common for people
to think ‘jump’ and rush down on the dip. Whereas if you focus on keeping it
nice and controlled this prevents you from losing your rack position we
focussed on in previous weeks, and therefore results in a more efficient push
press generating maximal force into the bar.
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Exercise: Strict Press with 3 second eccentric every rep
Sets x Reps: 5x5
Weight: 55% of 1RM
Rest: 3 mins
Notes: Mainly focussing on overhead stability and general shoulder strength,
here so same cues as before.
Exercise: Unilateral Arnold Press
Sets x Reps: 3x 10L, 10R
Weight: Slightly increase weight from last week
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Increase the load now, but make sure that you are not compensating
for the load increase by twisting your body, we need keep the core braced and
keep body upright and stable.
Notes: Same technique as previous weeks but increased load and drop in
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Day 3
Notes: Hamstring and lower back activation prior to the session, feel the
hamstrings stretch as control eccentric down and fire up. Keep the load low.
Notes: Not going to add too much more to squats this next two weeks as I
really want you to get to grips with keeping tightness and getting comfortable
in the hole. This week we will add in the same cues as front squats.
• Knee tracking over your toes, twisting the ground out with your feet
This motion should help keep your legs braced and tight while pausing the
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 8x2
Weight: 55% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: More speed reps, executing them just as you have been in the previous
weeks, but now I want to incorporate the cue we introduced on day 1, keeping
your chin tucked. Pretend that you are holding a tennis ball in between your
chin and collarbone and trying to keep it from falling while you execute this lift.
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Exercise: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Sets x Reps: 10L 10R
Weight: 25kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Now you have had a couple of weeks doing this exercise we will start
adding load weekly, do not push self too much on adding load as will be
progressing this week by week. Make sure you keep the tempo of the reps
slow, and your core is engaged through the movement.
Notes: No changes this week, just aim to get better at holding these and
feeling more stable week by week.
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Day 4
Notes: EMOM (do a set every minute on the minute) So this week we are
going to be putting particular focus on the clean of the log. Every set you are
going to do 3 cleans and 1 press. Load should still be fairly light, roughly around
10% increase from last week, no more. This next 2 weeks I want you to perfect
your log. Before the session, if you have not already watched, I would like you
to watch Part 1 of the MST Systems log press tutorial linked in the video
glossary and apply this to your lifts. Finish with a nice explosive push press,
coming on to your toes like we are focusing on day 2.
• Set up, log tilted away from you
• Squat down with log on lip of your belt
• Fire the log up with the power from your hips, not upper back, or arms.
You should be coming onto your toes.
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Exercise: Super Yoke
Sets x Reps: 3 x 20m
Weight: Slight increase in load from last week (max 10% increase)
Rest: Rest as needed
Notes: I hope that the previous weeks of yoke have made you feel more stable
under the yoke now. We can start really focusing on the movement pattern
while running. Remember this is a race, so we need to try and keep the
movement fast, but in the right way. We don’t want to attempt a full sprint
with fully stretched out legs, as this will be a very unstable position and will
lose momentum real fast. Today’s focus is going to be the exact same as the
farmers. Need short steps, knees going forward and fast moving feet. Don’t be
stuck in the mud!
• Short Steps
• Knees forward not spreading the load out
• Floor is lava, fast moving feet.
Notes: The weight doesn’t matter too much on this, so don’t worry about
being heavier or lighter than last week. Focus is getting used to the movement
at this point. For stones and weight progression on this plan, think about
progress with the movement, rather than going for the heaviest stone; that
part of training is yet to come. You should have the pickup nailed by now, so
we’re focusing more on the extension. When you lap the stone, bring your legs
in a little bit, and when you squat down making sure that stone is still pulled
into your hips, push hips back loading hamstrings and push your hips through
the stone and feel yourself coming onto your toes. After 1 extension just lower
it back to the lap position and go again. Main cues this week are:
• Keep that stone tight against your hips with no air space between hip
and stone
• Hips back loading hamstrings then fire through the stone
• Hold the stone high up and get used to the stone being there.
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Week 4
Day 1
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 6x4
Weight: 65% of 1RM
Rest: 2 minutes
Notes: Same as last week, we want to keep that chin tucked and prevent that
imaginary ball from dropping. I want you to drill these cues in now, so they
become second nature to you and feel natural to how you are meant to
Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 5x10
Weight: Increase last week’s load by 5-10%
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: Load has increased now, depending on how you have been finding this
increase by 5-10%. If you have been struggling, only take a 5% jump. If you
have been finding them easy as the weeks have gone on, then take a 10% jump
and if you further require increasing the difficulty slow the tempo of the reps
down. Just as on the deadlifts we are going to focus on keeping that chin
tucked in while doing these reps and resist any temptation for your head to
move around.
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Exercise: Lat pulldown
Sets x Reps: 3x12
Weight: Increase load from last week
Rest: 90 seconds
Notes: To progress from last week aim to perform these reps with a slower
tempo than previous reps, making sure that you hold at the top with arms fully
stretched out every rep.
Exercise: GHD Back Extension
Sets x Reps: 3x15 (5 second hold at top of every 5th rep)
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 2 mins
Notes: Added 5 extra reps now, and 1 extra paused rep. Increase rest if
required, and make sure you’re really owning that pause, holding it for a
strong 5s.
Exercise: Weighted Sit Ups
Sets x Reps: 3x10
Weight: Same as last week
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Same cues as last week with weight plate being held above your head
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Day 2
Notes: Keep getting these stretches a little bit deeper, aiming to increase your
lat mobility here so we can get into better positions, on front squat and push
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 8x3
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Same load but now added a rep. Main purpose of this is to prime you
for the push presses, so you may notice that the weight is staying light, this is
because this is to effect a warm up.
Same cues as last week
• Controlled eccentric, twisting the ground underneath you with knees
tracking over toes
Notes: This should be feeling more powerful and explosive now! Same primary
focus as last week
• Slow controlled dip, then fire yourself up
Think of yourself as a spring slow controlled tension build on way up then a
fast, explosive movement on the push press. Generate as much power as
possible into the bar to make it move as fast as possible.
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Exercise: Strict Press with 3 second eccentric every rep
Sets x Reps: 6x4
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 3 mins
Notes: Increased the load and now doing 6x4. These slow eccentrics are key to
building a strong ‘base’ going into a peaking phase. Although they may seem
boring now, make sure you’re sticking to them as when we go into a peaking
phase you will be in a great position to boost your overall pressing strength.
Exercise: Unilateral Arnold Press
Sets x Reps: 3x 10L, 10R
Weight: Same load as last week
Rest: 60 seconds
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Day 3
Notes: You know the drill by now, keeping load nice and light, slow eccentric
getting hamstrings and lower back firing before the session.
Notes: Same as last week make sure that you are getting your hip crease below
your knee and keeping braced. Focus on same cue given last week too by
twisting the ground beneath your feet and tracking your knees over your toes,
just as you are doing on your front squats.
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 8x2
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: Same cues and technique you have been doing previous weeks. Make
sure you’re keeping that chin tucked as well with the technique that’s been
mentioned previously!
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Exercise: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Sets x Reps: 10L 10R
Weight: Barbell
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Goblet Squat 1 second pause in hold
Sets x Reps: 4x8
Weight: Same load as last week
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Same cues as last week with constant tension
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Day 4
Notes: 2 more minutes, and 2 more sets. Really wanting to focus on drilling
this clean again so make sure every clean, all 46 of them that you’re going to
do is sticking to the cues provided below. Aim is to make them feel much
better than previous weeks. Finish every set off with an explosive push press,
will focus more on this next week.
Notes: Dropping in load but added sets. Same focuses as last week, but now I
want you to time every single set. Make a note and keep hold of these times,
we want to aim to increase them in the coming weeks. But for now, same
focus as last week
Exercise: Atlas Stones
Sets x Reps: 1 pickup, 3 extensions, 6-8 rounds
Weight: Same as last wek
Rest: Rest as needed
Notes: Again, focusing on the extension. Added more rounds than last week
with the main goal it just feeling more fluid and comfortable than last week.
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Week 5
Day 1
Notes: Increase the load from last week now the reps have dropped. Still aim
to execute with the same quality, tempo and contractions as previous weeks
but with slightly more weight.
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 7x3
Weight: 70% of 1RM
Rest: 3 minutes
Notes: Your deadlift positioning of your hips, stance and tucked chin should be
starting to feel a lot more natural during the lift. The final focus point for your
deadlifts this week is going to be upper back positioning and tightness,
especially while performing the isometric hold, but also while pulling off the
floor. Upper back rounding is very common through losing tightness or relaxing
this area during the lift. For the next 2 weeks the focus will be, along with the
other cues, to locking the upper back by squeezing your shoulder blades
together, particularly during the isometric hold.
Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 4x10
Weight: Same load as previous weeks
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: Like your deadlift cue, lock your upper back! Throughout the movement
really squeeze the upper back, and at the top of each rep hold the rep for a
moment to feel the lats and all the muscles in the surrounding area
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Exercise: Lat pulldown
Sets x Reps: 3x10
Weight: Increase load from last week
Rest: 2 minutes
Notes: Increase the load again from last week. Wanting to get quite heavy on
these now, while still maintaining the cues and form described over the
previous weeks.
Notes: Same as previous weeks, aim to bring your rest time down and hold the
pauses with more confidence than the previous week.
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Day 2
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 10x3
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Final cues to focus on now! While performing each rep, I want you to
focus on keeping your torso perfectly upright. This can feel particularly hard,
but with the previous weeks’ cues, it should be starting to feel easier.
Try to record each set and watch the video to gauge how upright your torso is.
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Exercise: Unilateral Arnold Press
Sets x Reps: 3x 8L, 8R
Weight: Increase load from last week
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Another increase in weight, but still make sure you’re not allowing your
body to move during each set.
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Day 3
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 6x3
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: Keep drilling in the cues from your other deadlift session, making sure
you’re keeping your upper back and lats engaged on each rep.
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Exercise: Copenhagen Planks
Sets x Reps: 3x 15s hold left, 15s hold right
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 45 seconds
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Day 4
Notes: This week starts with a 20m sprint to the farmers, where you will then
pick the farmers up and run them back to the finish line and hold for 10
seconds. Cues for this week:
• Full effort sprint in to a fast pickup
• Quick, short steps, keeping full control of your movements
• Hold at the end, with chest up, to show you have solid grip and full
control of the weight
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can aiming to beat your time each set. Keep a note of these, and we will use
them for future sessions
Notes: Complete 12 reps in as few sets as possible. You can split this up
however you want, either 12 singles, 3x4 etc. If you manage it in a single set of
12, then the weight is too light. Keep a modest height on the platform, around
sternum height!
When setting up against a platform, you want to be no more than a metre
away from the platform, as you don’t want to be far away that you have to
walk the stone to the platform to load it. When loading on to the platform, aim
the stone above the platform to avoid hitting the edge to avoid having to then
press the stone on to the platform and avoid failing a rep. Cues:
• Setup close to the platform, far enough away you can pickup the stone
but close enough you don’t have to walk the stone closer
• Aim higher than the platform
• Vertical movement then horizontal when picking up and loading, not
diagonally by hitting the edge of the platform
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Week 6
Day 1
Notes: Same load and sets and reps as last week. Progress these by improving
the execution
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 7x3
Weight: 75% of 1RM
Rest: 3 minutes
Notes: Same cues as last week with the upper back bracing. Make sure to
record each set and assess your back position. Can you see any rounding?
Focus on not allowing the bar to pull you down and out of position.
Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 5x10
Weight: Same load as previous weeks
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: Same cues as previous week, keep your upper back tight, and really feel
it squeeze at the top of every rep.
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Exercise: GHD Back Extension
Sets x Reps: 3x15 (5 second hold at top of every 5th rep)
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 2 minutes
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Day 2
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 10x3
Weight: 50% of 1RM
Rest: 60 seconds
Notes: Keep drilling in last week’s cues keeping your torso as vertical as
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Exercise: Unilateral Arnold Press
Sets x Reps: 3x 8L, 8R
Weight: Same load from last week
Rest: 60 seconds
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Day 3
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 8x3
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 45 seconds
Notes: Keep drilling in the cues from your other deadlift session, making sure
you’re keeping your upper back and lats engaged on each rep.
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Exercise: Copenhagen Planks
Sets x Reps: 3x 15s hold left, 15s hold right
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 45 seconds
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Day 4
Notes: Another week of this setup. We’re trying to become more efficient with
the pickup.
• Full effort sprint in to a fast pickup
• Quick, short steps, keeping full control of your movements
• Hold at the end, with chest up, to show you have solid grip and full
control of the weight
Notes: Same setup and cues as last week, just 3 more reps added!
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Week 7
Day 1
Notes: Increase the load from last week now the reps have dropped.
Remember, the idea of this is to active and warmup the hamstrings prior to
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 8x2
Weight: 80% of 1RM
Rest: 3 minutes
Notes: Last couple of weeks of doing these now. Start putting all the cues
you’ve learnt together, using deadlift straps with a double overhand grip, and:
• You have a high hinging starting position, rather than trying to sink our
hips and squat the bar up
• You are keeping your chin tucked, imagining that there is an invisible
tennis ball you’re holding between your chin and chest
• Your upper back is locked and not rounding, loose, or being pulled down
by the weight
Exercise: Bent Over Row with 2 second isometric hold below the knee
Sets x Reps: 3x8
Weight: Increase weight 5-10%
Rest: 2-3 mins
Notes: Increase weight slightly as you feel is suitable. You should be using the
same deadlift cues for this as well.
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Exercise: Lat pulldown
Sets x Reps: 3x8
Weight: RPE 9
Rest: 2 minutes
Notes: Increase the load again from last week to RPE 9 range. Don’t worry
about keeping a strict form each rep, cheating is okay. Just try and have a slight
squeeze the bottom of each rep.
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Day 2
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 6x3
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 90 seconds
Notes: Last 2 weeks of these. Start bringing all the cues together that you have
been working on
• Tight rack position with full extension onto toes, using power from squat
not a calf raise
• Open your hips and let your knee track over toes with a controlled
• Vertical Torso
Again, film your sets, and watch with these cues in mind.
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Exercise: Strict Press (no timed eccentric this week!)
Sets x Reps: 5x5
Weight: 70% of 1RM
Rest: 3 minutes
Notes: Increase in load, but no timed eccentrics, so just get them repped out!
Keep focusing on the same cues – tight upper back and braced core
throughout the movement
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Day 3
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 6x2
Weight: 70% of 1RM
Rest: 3 minutes
Notes: Again with deadlifts, start bringing all of the previous cues together!
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Exercise: Copenhagen Planks
Sets x Reps: 3x 15s hold left, 15s hold right
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 45 seconds
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Day 4
Notes: Shorter runs and no drop and turns. Just a speedy 20m run each set,
showing full control of the weight and running with fast, short steps.
Notes: Time to put everything you’ve learnt in to practice! If you only have one
platform, then just do the sets with the same weight loading on to the same
platform. If you have a stone run, then the first stone should be an easy
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weight, with the second stone around RPE 7, and the final stone to be
challenging, yet attainable. Time the runs for next week!
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Week 8
Day 1
Exercise: Deadlifts with 3 second isometrics hold at the knees on the eccentric
Sets x Reps: 8x3
Weight: 85% of 1RM
Rest: Rest as needed
Notes: Final week now, so we want to make sure that you’re deadlifting like a
proper Strongman! Everything should be feeling more natural now, and the
cues should be feeling like second nature. Get some videos and watch your
sets and see the following cues as a checklist:
• High hips, hinging position. Pulling the weight not trying to squat
• Chin is tucked
• Upper back is locked back and tight throughout the lift
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Exercise: GHD Back Extension
Sets x Reps: 3x15 (5 second hold at top of every 5th rep)
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 2 minutes
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Day 2
Exercise: Front Squat, speed rep coming up on to tip toes top of each rep
Sets x Reps: 8x3
Weight: 60% of 1RM
Rest: 90 seconds
Notes: Last session of front squats, so bring everything together!
• Tight rack position with full extension onto toes, using power from squat
not a calf raise
• Open your hips and let your knee track over toes with a controlled
• Vertical Torso
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Day 3
Exercise: Deadlift
Sets x Reps: 5x3
Weight: 70% of 1RM
Rest: 3 minutes max
Notes: Final week of speed reps. We want the bar to be moving off the floor
explosively! Again, stick to those deadlift cues too!
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Exercise: Copenhagen Planks
Sets x Reps: 3x 15s hold left, 15s hold right
Weight: Bodyweight
Rest: 45 seconds
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Day 4
Notes: Final session, so start the weight same as last week and increase every
set, but NO FAILED RUNS! If a run takes you longer than 13 seconds then
you’ve gone too heavy. We want to keep focusing on moving loads as fast as
possible. Try to aim for around 10 seconds (or at least try to beat previous
weeks’ times).
Notes: Increase the weight of at least one of the stones. Aim to beat last
week’s times! List of cues to focus on:
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• Legs in middle of stone when go to pick up, really squeeze your arms
into stone and when you lap the stone keep it close into the hips and
then big hip thrust extending up and hold the stone high
• Keep that stone tight against your hips with no air space between hip
and stone, Hips back loading hamstrings then fire through the stone,
Hold the stone high up and get used to the stone being there.
• Set up close to the platform, Aim higher than the platform, Vertical then
horizontal, not diagonal.
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A final word
Well done on completing our 8 week transition plan! By now you should feel
more functional and efficient in your lifts and ready to get into
strongman/strongwoman! The idea of this plan was to build you the skills
necessary to get started, as well as moulding you from a regular gym goer, into
a strength specific lifter.
By now you should feel like you’re lifting is far more efficient than before and
ready now to push forward in your strongman/strongwoman goals. Like I said
in the introduction this is now a time to find a good program, coach or another
eBook designed to peak you up towards a competition, or new pbs on your
I hope you enjoyed this program with us, and it leads on to progressing you
into a new strongman/strongwoman career.
If you wish to continue training with MST Systems, then this program is setup
perfectly to transition straight into MST Bot - a high quality
strongman/strongwoman subscription for just £25 per month. You can also
sign up with one of our coaches for personalised 1 to 1 update personally
tailored towards your goals (subject to coach availability).
If you don’t stay with MST Systems, then we wish you all the best going
forward with your goals!
Make sure to follow @mstsystems on Instagram for free training tips and
advice as well future articles on
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Video Glossary
The World’s Best Log Tutorial | The Lap and Clean – Part 1
The World’s Best Log Tutorial | Dip and Drive Mechanics – Part 2
The World’s Best Log Tutorial | Drive and Push Press – Part 3
The World’s Best Log Tutorial | Mastering the Strict Press – Part 4
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